Hiding In Preston's TESLA For 24 Hours!

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haki challenge what is that 24 hours in Preston's desktop impresses tesla's you gotta let me know he's not gonna let you well how am I gonna get in sneak in he seriously yeah and so now I've got to find a way to sneak into Preston's Tesla so I could do one of the most dangerous and sweaty challenges to date Keith what are you doing bro hey Bernie um well I need a wait wait Preston's going to his car right now we got to go sneak in Barney once Preston goes I'm gonna sneak in right after him come on we gotta beat him out there okay okay okay Barney Bonnie Preston's going to his car right now this is our chance okay but he leaves a door open for Mia look there he is he looks angry is he angry oh he forgot his new it's my chance I gotta get in right now squeeze all right now okay so Preston drop some stuff off in the car and then he went back into the office so now we've started it is 9:00 a.m. right now I've got 24 hours ahead of me what is this person has some sort of hotdog hat cowboy hat cowgirl hat that's actually the Hat that I wore in the cowboy shoot recently on Preston's channel we've got my iPad in case I get bored a pillow and a poop emoji absolutely wonderful so this is my plan I'm gonna wait for a few minutes just to make sure that everything is all good I just realized in the rambunctious nosov getting into Preston's Tesla I forgot to bring supplies and after we know Preston's back in the office and I can confirm with Barney that Preston is in fact not coming back to the Tesla I'm gonna get some supplies from Barney I've got to convince him to bring him out but we're gonna get to that in just a moment he shot me at Texas said hey let me know when Preston's recording in the coast clear and then give me a call so I'm gonna give keep the call and see what's up okay so let's call Keith hey whoo ruff buddy ruff what do you mean you need supplies what are you talking about blanket for you Keith you're never prepared for these things okay fine fine fine I'll get you your things Keith next time you better be more prepared okay so apparently Keith needs more help so let's go find him some stuff ooh guys look it's a Preston Styles blanket this will work perfect for Keith we could grab him on the lovey-dovey eyes okay oh you know what I should get um Teddy because teddy is the best friend you could ever have for entertainment what else should I grab him look at this guy's cards on Nicholas's desk cards deck of cards check let's go help Keith all right Barney's bringing out supplies it's getting so hot in this Tesla I need to get the a/c on somehow nothing works without the keys it's got nothing to drink oh my gosh Preston's wallet he left it in the car we're gonna have to get his keys at some point and do something with his wallet all right what are you why did it take you what Barney what took you so long what you brought me Teddy yeah you said you want to entertain me did you bring me a blanket a pillow Barney here's the blanket fire press this house back home blanket baby thank you burn and warm and then I don't want to be hot and warm Barney it's so on this car already and then I got you this pillow with the loving W eyes perfect ten cards for entertainment okay Teddy perfect played card games all day all right give me the cards party wait wait wait Barney I got a singer with the cards Keith twenty-four hours dude it's I mean gotta power through bro you already how to break it in here well Barney I needed you playing it's cuz at night even though it's hot now it's probably gonna get cold at night see you soon Barney okay well even though these supplies aren't perfect I got to get situated because if I'm gonna be here for 24 hours I got to make sure that I'm all set up so this is my plan set the cards up in the cup holder up there and then I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get the bed set up in the trunk I really got to get this car organized because there is not a lot of space in here right now and for right now let's sit Teddy up here cuz I'll probably hang out with Teddy over here oh yeah Teddy you're a big boy Teddy alright let's go get the bed set up okay let's move he's got his nerf guns back here move those TNT hmm we might be able to use that TNT to keep that back there for now okay so pillows here and we got the blanket set up really good right there so we've got the pillows blankets that's gonna be the bed that I'll sleep in so I've got all situated in the back figured out my sleeping arrangements cuz that's gonna be super super super important back here in the trunk it's a little bit tight if I have my pillows here just like that with the seat down then if I extend this direction it's actually quite comfortable this should be just fine for tonight guess we're gonna just play uh choose the next card King bummer King bummer if I guess King every time I should get it eventually nine King I get it I get it I got it I got the King that was way less exciting then I thought it was gonna be [Music] oh my gosh I don't know if you can tell but I am busting a sweat right now I've gotten so bored I don't know if I can do this I've only been in here like two hours since I snuck in I got a call it i'ma give Barney a call I don't think I can do this challenge please pick up Barney don't be distracted like you usually are guys its keeps calling me again yeah Keith what no keep don't call it don't give up bro come on because dude you did the whole area 51 challenge you didn't quit on that one so don't quit on this one's way easier than that last one okay I'll be brainstorming some ideas for you okay okay well I guess Barney's on my side for this challenge out of all challenges Teddy you hang out up here and keep watch I'm all situated I'm not gonna wear the blankets it's way too warm right now for now just try and take a nap [Music] okay guys I got a whole list of things that keep can do to stay busy and not get bored inside the Tesla the list starts out with hot wiring the tests look so that you could drive it around then I have throw a party that would be a fun one definitely won't be bored during that you could also do a slip and slide from the back to the front but this is pretty long that might work then you can give Teddy driving lessons I know Teddy would love that and I'm on Teddy side - I'm not just on Keith's side hashtag Teddy gets driving lessons let's do it let's make it happen in the comments guys then you could have a rodeo you could play for a night and if none of that works I brought you all the supplies a blanket a pillow to go to bed so just go to bed and sleep the whole 24 hours for all I care most importantly Keith don't give up Keith's no matter what don't give up come on buddy you can do this oh my gosh how long was I out for where's my phone it's only been an hour I need food and I need AC they call Barney again Barney I was only able to see for an hour man and I need food Barney convinced Breaston to give you his keys and then come in the car get the AC on we'll go over the list of items that you have we'll get some food okay tell them that your car's in the shop and so you need to have his car to run a few errands but Barney please go fast it's literally so hot in here Barney bring me something to use the bathroom in I've used it out from really bad thank you Barney thank you please hurry first then Preston Preston Preston [Applause] playing Minecraft right now dude I'm sorry to interrupt you but Preston I need a big favor bro my car's in the shop I had to go get some work done with the engine or something like that and I got to run some errands for a video like the most bestest car in the world this will never break it I love my car Preston don't get me wrong I love it but sometimes it needs to get taken care of just like you and me sometimes we need to get it taken care of we've gotta go doctor so my car's at the doctor's office right now gotta borrow your car to run some errands I just got it cleaned John okay and I got the brakes for plays do you a beach REME wait careful with it okay if I even see as much as I never misplace inside my car you I'll go and get shot with himself I promise I won't move the hairs on your car there's Barney thank goodness I got the key oh my gosh they goodness Bernie it's so warm all right dude I got the keys I got your poop bag what about when I have to pee Barney just open up the door pee outside the car and I got your list oh my knee yes okay let me see the list hotwire Tesla III didn't realize I was getting the keys throw a party yeah party time that'll make time fast real quick do a slip inside Bernie we can't do a slip and slide in a Tesla let Teddy Drive I cross that out cuz I've realized Teddy doesn't know how to drive it party that's the only realistic thing on the list go to the next thing give Teddy driving lessons Teddy is already a better driver than both of us besides the Tesla has auto pilot Barney oh here's a good one Barney played for tonight yeah okay we can do that we could play for tonight don't give up big ladders don't give up hey Barney I won't give up I won't give up but let's go get some lunch you got the keys right yeah I got the keys I get in the driver's seat I'm going drivers yeah but let me get in the let me get in the passenger seat too Barney hold on one sec okay get in the driver's seat Barney let's go get some food first things first Barney we need to get they see on quickly quickly blasted thank you plus dude it's all the local boys okay what were you gonna say I was gonna say Keith you spent all our money on that bike so you don't get to spend any money I'm not that hungry for lunch yet we don't have to spend any money because I found Preston's wallet he left it in the Tesla Barney wait so you saying lunch on Preston lunch on Preston if it's lunch on Preston let's just order like five pounds of chick-fil-a I'm so game for that Barney let's go get chick-fil-a oh yes Barney Barney Barney Barney hello I would like to get a spicy sandwich grilled Nuggets grilled Nuggets let me get the eight count please and I also want a spicy sandwich and then a spicy sandwich let's get two large waters as well please you're gonna get all the way over in here give it to me give it to me wait you need your straw Barney get it out of your mouth spit it into there I thought those gonna be cool who you really wanted that water huh oh brain freeze Barney brain freeze drink that fast Keith we got nuggets Barney whoo grilled nuggets Cruz no get out child child child child my goodness they're so hot I'm cool down Barney this is the best part Barney the best thing about the spicy chicken sandwich Barney is you take the chicken off the bread because the bread flavors on the chicken and you eat the pickles separate check the Leon's the best pickles and then you take the sandwich away from the chicken here I want a bite can I have that bite okay okay the Nuggets are cooling out to Johnson Barney I want grilled nugget please there's your girl's nugget Barney thank you napkin napkin napkin blaze napkin thank you Oh teeth this is so good but look we burned through a bunch of miles on this bar and press is gonna be so mad if we give him a scar back and he can't get home because there's not enough electricity for tea let's take the car to the supercharger and charge it up for him oh yes Barney if we found the Tesla soup I finally found it but is there gonna be any charge Robin laconic Tesla's are here in there what there's one right there Barney all right I climbed all the way to the back already I want to hang out while you charge it up keep what the heck are you doin bro what do you mean you're yy-you can how'd you get the back of the truck so quick right yeah but climbing in and around this car so fast you're like a monkey on monkey bar we hurried charge it let's show them how it works so you take the hose it looks like a snake I didn't bow close enough Keith are you serious I didn't put close enough let's see if I got it this time got it is it reaching it's reaching is charging its charges just like that for charge charge you how the Keith pestles are super it may you all musk okay Keith so it's only like 15 minutes and then this puppy will have a whole charge then what you want to hang out for a little bit I know Barney after we get the car charged up let's go for a small Joyride before you head out we've been sitting here for 15 to 20 minutes waiting for the car to charge up Barney just looked has it been charging the whole time hey Keith I don't know how to work a Tesla okay it's my first time Arnie and we can't figure out how to get it charging now so now presses is gonna kill me but can we still do the joyride the joyride was too good Oh Keith Preston just sent me it takes he's pissed says that his phone has GPS for his Teslin he saw that we went over 80 miles per hour he's pissed we got to go back to the office okay let's go back let's go back past dad first John I'm gonna pass my key I'm so sorry Preston I had a notification on my phone that you drove over 80 miles per hour in right Tessa ruff it was an accident that power is so much power rod I know ideas it's a powerful card with great power comes great responsibility yeah yes I'm so sorry you owe me chick-fil-a for a length of week on the worst key you supposed to film a video with me and he's nowhere and I'm literally sitting here waiting for him uh Preston I got no clue I think he's home sick today or something go find him John oh gosh we're in trouble okay well since Barney got in trouble with Preston probably I'm gonna play some fortnight to pass the time I guess I'm really bad at mobile battle royale what better to do when you're stuck in a Tesla then play some mobile battle royale so here goes nothing oh my gosh that's three games I've died off the drop one kill no no no no no no no no no no no no no just want food me Barney to get dinner let me call Barney he's calling me again what do you need what do you need dinner Keith but we bought so much chick-fil-a I'll try and see if pressing let me borrow a stencil again I'm not sure how that's gonna go okay brass man what Donna hey pass it kay can I borrow your Tesla again no absolutely lutely knocks you broke all the tetsuro rules John every single one of well I guess that I'm just gonna have to drive my own car then fine I don't care I just wanted to work anyways all right I got it I gotta go I'm gonna go play video game guys Preston won't let me take his Tesla for the second time and I guess he forgot that I told first time my car was supposed to be in the shop that just went right past his head he must be pretty stressed out today so I guess I should start being a little bit more nicer to him okay Barney should be here any moment now Oh what Barney says that Preston isn't letting him borrow the keys so I've gotta wait for Barney to get here cuz he's got to take his own car and it's so warm in here still we're making sure Keith makes it through this challenge and he's always grabbing these sunflower seeds thinking that he's gonna make a banana tree I know he loves these seeds so we're gonna get him these and I got a few other things that I know are gonna hit the spot for dinner for him I'm gonna get them the biggest beans you can get oh I just found spinach tortillas I'm a prank Keith by getting these cuz these things go really good with my next ingredient I got you your tortillas oh and I'm getting you the biggest thing of peanut butter that I could find Keith I'm bringing dinner to you baby let's go well I'm waiting for Barney to bring me food and I just decided to use my iPad to draw some pictures Oh party's here wait Barney moved Teddy out of the way sunflower seeds sunflower seeds to grow up in a notorious Turkey yeah Barney these are spinach tortillas right whoops what do you mean whoop sorry bake me oh I love baked beans can I have the can opener oh I knew I was forgetting so you didn't get a can up or party who brought me baked beans that have no way to eat them anything else peanut butter okay I'm ready okay can I get the spoon I didn't bring a spoon you didn't bring a spoon Barney I got an idea Barney sometimes if you're in the wild and then you just take the top Barney like this fold it over and then you can use the top like a spoon to eat the peanut butter Keith I'm heading out all right you're heading out already see you later all right Barney notices he keeps wants me to keep an eye on Preston and make sure that I can give them a heads up when Preston starts heading home Preston I can't I have to go home Preston I got a call Keith I got a call Keith oh my gosh Keith Preston's on his way hide hide hide hide hide I was not expecting him to leave the suit there's a mess in the car I got to get everything into the back of the car Teddy you got to get back there too quickly quickly quickly quickly come on come on come on come on come on come on go okay I've just got to hide here oh my gosh Canada tick me off when you touch my that's brief camera we're bowling into Preston's neighborhood now we are almost at Preston's house he's out of the car he's going inside he's inside for the night so yes it's time for me to go to sleep and in the morning we'll see
Channel: Bahri Mobile
Views: 792,445
Rating: 4.8433642 out of 5
Keywords: tesla, preston, 24 hour, challenge, tesla challenge, 24 hour challenge, tesla 24 hour challenge, fortnite, car, hiding, prestons tesla, driving tesla, charging tesla, 24, hour, hiding in prestons tesla for 24 hours, bahri, bahri mobile
Id: nBOjmd2hVTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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