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hey guys it's karen and here back inside some more hide and seek extreme and today we are back inside this game well yeah please be a good map okay good map a good map a good map the kitchen [Applause] it's really hard to hide in this in the kitchen because like not very many hiding spots [Music] all right who's gonna be at i don't think it's gonna be me nope it's not me all right my chance becoming it is oh 5.26 chance all right okay let's go go go go uh the exits this way this jumping pad gets me up to there what do i want to go on top of the shelf sky be teleporter i think it's in water actually yeah i think this is a teleporter i'm pretty sure i remember this is a teleporter yeah it's a teleporter okay perfect i don't know how i just remember that but i did so yep all right 30 more seconds to hide i think the cabin is a pretty this cabinet's not cabin cabinet it's a pretty safe place side oh these people did not make it i'm so sorry oh well i'm up here okay i don't think they're ever gonna find us okay why does this guy look really weird i'm sorry but you don't look like a normal roblox character and i'm kind of scared i'm gonna expect it because well i'm in a cabinet and it's not very interesting in there all right this girl didn't even try died she was just chilling there okay where's he going i think he saw someone over there he's like boom boom boom go go go go go boom boom boom boom boom all right come on let's go come on come on come on up this girl she's just she i don't think she was even trying i'm like come on you just ran right in front of it all right whatever he's gonna jump up i think he knows the teleporter and the thing i don't know i think i think i have a feeling he does yup he definitely has a teleporter in there um and just no one in there not very surprising it's kind of an overused one nevermind there's someone up there i sign up right there and there's people right there trying to get in um into my cabinet i think all right there we go it got the bacon hair guy is there anyone down here nope don't think so no one's up here where are you running dude where are you running okay come on all right come on bowling okay where is he trying what are you trying to do now like the plot like there's no one up there there's no one up there you checked it like two seconds ago there's no one up there okay [Music] he sees i think he's these people over there at the kitchen so he's gonna try to get there all right room broom in the boing boing boing okay stop spectating all right okay there's three people here now this guy looks a little tall i don't like how he's so tall i'm gonna go over here so everyone else follows me into this corner so no no one can see us [Music] all right oh that was a tall big bounce okay oh he got that purple hair girl awesome i think got her in the air which is pretty neat get the coffee the coffee money what all right come on i don't think the teleporter on any of the stoves like i don't think so all right oh sorry buddy sorry buddy all right one minute 30 seconds left oh there's someone in there that's a pretty smart hiding spot but sorry you got caught this time all right i saw someone going over there still the same amount of people over here don't know why it's having such a hard time getting out of the cabinet okay what's that little thing it kind of looks like the thing that like in movies waiters use like the show like in the restaurant and they're like boom that's your food boing i don't know that's what it looks like or a little bell like ding ding ding oh oh my gosh abort abort mission oh gosh oh gosh there's more people here and i don't like it okay i think he saw them i think he saw them oh gosh he saw them he definitely saw him 100 solemn okay okay okay oh he didn't see us he didn't see us he went down to the other he went down down here oh wow okay i don't know how so lucky okay okay okay all right awesome there's like i think six people are here one two wait it's hard to count one two three four five five people are here so that's like like pretty much all the people are with me in the cabin and you almost went there almost so close so close but you didn't sorry okay where's the where's the other person because i only got five people with me so there's six people lives oh well including me as well of course but where is the six oh yay we won 10 credits to us all right let's see what kind of map is it gonna be napping bro no okay good not the kitchen again it's the backyard i used to love this one so much but now like i've like there's not very many hiding spots in this game it's not gonna be me not me not me okay it was almost me almost me but it was not me all right gotta go go go go go [Music] all right [Music] uh where am i gonna hide i'm gonna hide up here and i'm gonna hide in here okay i'm gonna okay i need to behind here would be a good hiding spot you guys all felt oh no i fell as well oh no oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i gotta run i wish i could do shifts because my running is so slow [Music] i think this is bouncy this thing right here is bouncy yep bouncy bouncy [Music] all right no one's gonna find me in here don't think so all right let's package it it ain't moving it's a panda okay open shop i want a panda oh i have the panda equip wait how did i not know that only while we're doing the wee bears event all right this is already equipped uh how do i go back uh back back back maybe uh pets i want a pet do i want a pet no pets will just give away my hair taunts make it rain freestyle i have this one though i equipped yeah r okay i didn't know that oh no go back i also have this one i cut i have a ton i didn't know that panda is not doing anything so this will be my time to just everyone is over here just oh gosh i fell oh no okay panda isn't moving at all so i think i'm just gonna chill i'm gonna go in here uh there we go i'm gonna [Music] why didn't it work make it rain equipped are why i don't get it i don't get it i don't get it let's see if i can get everyone to touch it i know it sounds evil but like it'll be funny okay you know also what i just realized all the plants are like dead for autumn but summer so it doesn't really make much sense so yeah okay boing hello it's hi what's up i'm here i'm just chill no one followed me they're like not so frisky okay under all she's trying to get up i think okay hey what's up i'm here but you ain't gonna tie me because i think you're afk is not no does no one know where i am i don't get it there's like hundreds of people in my same height towards me and there's not here really want those coins let me get those coins they're my coins my coins i want them coins you got almost all the coins oh my gosh that's so unfair coins okay it's fine i want to go bounce on the couch because the couch looks bouncy and i don't bounce on it bouncy bouncy i've never been inside that plant pot and i i don't think i've ever been on the couch well maybe i have been on the couch before but like it's not very often i do all right let's go come on boing boing oopsies boing boing boing this is fun [Music] boing yummy yummy and yummy what did i make it [Music] all right not much else in here all right seven seconds left yay we survived oh those people are still trying to get to me but i'm not there anymore stopping the game 10 credits to me oh yeah perfect uh no whoa what okay the kitchen again what all right let's go let's go let's go let's go all right it's not gonna be me okay good it's not me all right my chest is slowly ever so slow going up it's not at the moment it's 9.52 so yeah all right i'm gonna try to do go to like the easiest hiding spot ever and see if the egg can find me and there's also while probably gonna be like loads of people following me so that's like a bonus oh no i want this coins no i wanted those coins all right i'm gonna just hide right here oh they're not really high i'm just gonna sit right here wait for it to come and then i'm gonna dash for it dash for the sink all right hey guys you're gonna yolo it with me sorry all right we got 20 seconds left to hide oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah all right let's do this okay there's only one two people died already what why did two people die already i don't know how the game didn't even start okay whatever oh this girl can make her make her anything go but i don't know how to do it pressing r but it won't work all right let's go all right i'm running you gotta run gotta run it fell all the way down there it we're up here hello oh gosh gotta run run run run run bring run is it coming is it coming oh it's right behind us oh gosh is he gonna get us all is she gonna get us all is she gonna get us oh okay why is it like going for me only me i don't get it sorry i'm sorry but like why why me why me [Music] why me why me it's faster than people so like that's not very fun why does that bouncy thing doesn't don't work why the bouncy thing don't work oh no it got me no i just took a wrong turn we just turned away but it's still been alive why is this girl alive oh no okay whatever it's fine everything's fine i'm fine okay open the shop all right i want to i can maybe i want to get paid yeah golden touch do i have enough do i have enough credits for golden doge i do honey badger penguin i want a penguin it's no gentleman oh it's a snow gentleman a rubber duck i have a rubber duck it's awesome i kind of want the golden dough jet uh yeah i'm gonna get it all right yay equip can i hook up two pets at the same time if i could that'd be awesome nope i can't there's anyone else here i can get okay i have the yeti stunt smashing smasher club on the ground sunny anything right for four seconds cool down 12 seconds that's really cool the camera thing isn't that useful so this is really cool i want to equip the yeti so if i'm it i'll get that 20 seconds left okay close the shop and now we are spectating it who else is live bacon hair girl well not exactly bacon hair girl just like girl skin but okay um she's live this guy is alive with money necklace okay and this girl is alive she's just kind of chilling i don't know what she's doing she's just stolen oh and the game has finished all right let's do this let's do this okay i kind of want to be in now i kind of want to be i haven't been here for a while so i kind of want to be yet uh okay let's do it let's do it kitchen the kitchen again third time today oh i don't i i'm getting i'm starting to get really annoyed at this map i don't like it okay please be i want to be in please be me me me i have 12 12 point 12 chance please be me me me and it's not me i my chance went down oh i wish i could pick who like it's a thing who's it because that would be so useful or i or i get a higher percent chance though people probably don't want to be it right now i really want to be it i'm going to do the classic hiding spot in the one of the bookshelves with the from the flowerpot thing you know basic for basic girl mm-hmm basic kind of spot for a basic girl all right let's do this boing boing gotta run fast run fast run fast no no notice oh gosh why why is it stopping oh gosh why why why no everyone noticed oh gosh oh gosh oh my gosh but i gotta get the money though gotta get the money money all right i did it everyone fell oh this is awesome okay [Music] okay okay oh someone made it let's see i told you this thing is just gonna give me away unequip i still have it for the rest of the round okay i need to get a better it's already on the run okay it's over here okay it's can't see me okay i need yeah this is the better spot for me oh this girl's already here uh sorry but i'm just gonna budge in i'm sorry oh everyone else is here i just need to hide my doji guy and sparkles are still coming out of it so that's not very helpful uh there we go sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry i'm so picky about these things okay this is a better hanging spot for me i need a there perfect okay oh it's coming it's coming it is coming it is coming aboard aboard aboard aboard i hope it doesn't know the teleportation thing inside the part but it looks like he does so yay okay all right which floor does it want to go to oh nevermind it left okay nevermind okay which floor i'm at which like shelf which no no which shelf which which layer of the bookshelf i don't know i have no idea why is it just standing there you literally see someone why is just standing there he just he doesn't have a lot of time he just has like maybe four minutes three minutes i don't know so i wouldn't stand around are you so okay he's going to the first oh he's not even getting a good look gosh okay but i'm covered on both sides there's a person on each side and these people are probably going to get away because this guy's just kind of standing there so where's it it already left yeah we did it we survived it's not gonna get us why am i doing this i don't know but i'm doing it it got her haha there's 10 people alive still you only got a minute 30 seconds what have you been doing all this time well i wasn't really paying attention i was trying to find a good spot all right well i want to go on a different part of the bookshelf because i'm bored of this part so i'ma just jump out and go to the next letter it's a book of roblox oh wow [Music] chard in the code interesting so interesting what's this book oh wow it's not a roblox book the joke so funny where's it it's up here oh wow it can get up there but he doesn't know how to get down on the rest of the shelves okay captain underpants oh wow full color ronald has that book galaxy zach i think i read that before like ages ago in a in a bookstore i just read it there i don't i think i read it before or i read it from ronald's room i don't know okay next layer oh it's the last layer you can let me jump up here um it's not a very good idea but you only have 20 seconds left so it doesn't really matter and this book doesn't have a title so that's really disappointing now what is this one that's so boring i'ma just jump out here because like it's only like 10 seconds left i don't think it's gonna get me 10 seconds so hey i'm here you can get me but you won't all right we made it officially i made it yay please be a good good uh what's it called a good map i want a good map and not the kitchen i really don't want the kitchen cause the kitchen's just really boring i know i could just choose my own map choose what map i want but like backyard oh not that one again okay fine it's better okay please be it please don't really want to be at please be and i really want to be in this girl again this girl didn't move a muscle before oh my god in the same map and we're exactly the same as once before like i don't know two two rounds ago she was picked and we're in this map and she didn't move a single muscle it's real annoying i'm going to the couch peace fellas i'm going to the couch i don't usually go to the couch but when i do i'm at the couch what that makes no sense all right we're going i think everyone's following me yep i was right i'm gonna get those coins those coins are my coins okay you better not mess with my coins because they're my coins all right clean them so they're just my coins because i already claimed them okay we don't have very much time because it takes so long to get over here because there's no sprinting like what uh oh gosh get the coins get the coins why i was getting the coins [Music] okay come on get the coins get coins why is it so hard to get coins no girls stole my coin oh it's moving oh wow it's moving it's moving it is definitely moving oh it's my coin don't you mess with my coin no no no no no you don't want to mess with my coin because bad things happens happen when you mess with my coins all right um since it's going that way i'ma go this way back to the birdhouse see look at my strategies and he won't be able she won't be able to see me very well because well i'm underneath the plants but then eventually i could do this i'm gonna have to be real stealthy about it he's over here i don't know if he sees me he probably does so that's not very good okay oh my gosh why can't i make the stupid job there we go it's me where is it [Music] it's behind the couch okay yeah we're good i don't think it's sauce okay yeah back to the birdhouse yeah all right easy-peasy easiest hiding spot ever because no one goes back no it never ever almost never goes back to the place but they started because like no i didn't know at this room it just found a secret room i didn't even know about what i didn't know about that room i thought i knew like every single heist one every single map but turns out i didn't what what what that's crazy oh wow okay i didn't know that oh maybe i suppose you could also hide in the trees oh just teleport over there where is that where does that lead to where does that lead to where's the link to elise on top of the tree you could hide underneath these branches and no one would find you no one oh wow okay it has opened my mind to new things but i suppose if i did that this round i would be found because like it obviously knows these spots so yeah oh it just lights the camera it's not a very useful camera it's out and open you can just turn around and look out and open i'll place in places where not island open but like okay oh no these guys are blowing my cover they're like oh i see people on the bench i get to go on the bench and then i'm like oh i'm gonna go on the tree and then doing she's gonna go on tree and he's like oh i'm gonna go in the birdhouse and then he's gonna go rubber house and then he's gonna find me not the best okay i don't think i even made sense i don't even understand what i said okay it's not it's having a little trouble doing the jump okay it got it it got it this girl got a run oh gosh i got i better stop spectating goodbye kinda wanna look i'm so conflicted and it's getter you're not even moving yeah you got her she fell to the ground oh gosh oh gosh please don't be going to birdhouse please don't be going to her house if you're going to the birdhouse i'm awful oh after showing people at the birdhouse it just jumped off congratulations you just missed like three people oh wow okay wait three people it's accurate one two yeah one two three yeah okay and okay game over you lost just admit it you lost you got one person at the very end all right congratulations you found seven people that's the majority no no that's most people not a majority what am i saying all right please be a good map the last round we're doing today better be good it better be good not the kitchen not the bedroom ethan's bedroom okay all right did i say not to my channel and not outside the backyard not being back here all right i haven't played this map in a really long time oh wow okay i really hope i'm it i haven't played this map so i don't know what high spots i'm not yet well i haven't played this map before but i don't i haven't played it in a while so i kind of forgot how this was but i think it'll come back to me oh i forgot about this bright blue drawer oh gosh i actually don't remember any of this this computer here [Music] neat okay i kind of want to go to the bookshelf i kind of want to go up there or up the ladder it's probably like the most basic kind of ever because everyone who joins would be like oh a ladder i want to go up it so it's probably not the best hiding spot but you know i'm gonna do it because i can okay oh my god cute little little plushy looking thing what happened oh my gosh i just got teleported to here oh wow oh wow oh it's coin where is it oh it's not oh it's not even allowed to move yet that makes sense all right i want to go to this plushie thing mostly because i want these credits now i want to go to the couch because like there's credits over there i think i can make it capture before it can oh gosh it's going over there he's not even looking at me so this is good oh gosh it sees me it's nope he sees me oh he wasn't going for me for a second but now he is so i'm doomed but i just really wants credits i just really want the credits it's not going for me anymore it's going for the school oh wow okay i'm getting all the credits in the world and i barely did anything is there anyone down here this is bouncy bouncy bouncy i kind of want to go to the bookshelf the bookshelf looks interesting it's going in there it's credit okay i want to see if there's a how do you get up there how do you feel i want to bounce there we are oh gosh it's there it's there oh gosh run run run run go to go back to the ladder back to the ladder back to the ladder run run run run run is it coming for me hopefully not oh yeah it is definitely coming for me yay okay um i just need to walk past someone walk past someone easy peasy easier said than done actually but so i just need to make it to the teleporter make it to the teleporter [Music] yes i made it on it didn't even see me oh wow i'm a pro what how am i gonna make it to the bookshelf it's over there he's still trying to get me i think he fell off but he he's going to see but i'm not there and it's going to be funny it's coming it's coming oh he's not coming anymore oh he's still coming come on come on come on yeah run run down and okay i see something over there it's a little mouse trap so i'm gonna go in there i hope it doesn't see me it sees me hide behind here [Music] it's gone this is a massive little mouse hole what's that sound in there cute little bat how sweet oh gosh i shouldn't have left them please say he doesn't see me yep he definitely sees me 100 sees me um gotta go back to the mass hall he you'll see me going inside the mouse hole but maybe i can make it out alive imagine that oh gosh okay hi sorry i just ruined your hiding spot sorry buddy oh he's not going oh he's going come right he's going he's going now just he stopped stop for a second and that second is like life okay no it got us no it got us oh no oh no okay guys i think i'm gonna end this video right here i hope you liked it if you did smash a little bit and i'll see you guys next time good bye
Channel: GamerGirl
Views: 18,534,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, hiding in roblox
Id: dVZcvc3NI2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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