RICH FAMILY TRAVELS TO AN ISLAND ON A YACHT?! *Vacation* WITH VOICE | Roblox Bloxburg/Berry Avenue

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[Music] I'm so excited for the boat hold on is Gigi awake no I haven't slept a wink get up what today's the cruise boat the sun is barely shining get up the Sun very get up I'm tired no five more minutes no 2 minutes no a minute and 30 seconds no aren't you excited to be going on our great grandpa's yacht I mean I guess how could you not be water moving boat in the middle of nowhere it'll be so fun and it'll be sunny it's so cold here I guess yeah [Music] oh my God I can't believe I left packing for last minute as always okay so we're going away for two weeks so I need a different bikini for each day so okay hold on okay they're here okay I really like this one I'm just going to take all of them because I can't count so I'm just going to put them there P cute I need like sandals and like sandals and like flip-flops okay so okay here okay again I'm just going to grab all of them okay there I think I'm done oh yeah my makeup I need to bag all of my makeup and sunscreen too okay okay so I have this drawer full of sunglasses so I'm just going to take my Chanel and Dior oh actually I'll also take my Versace sunglasses oh and I can't forget my shell and pearl necklace so let me just put that in to okay I'm all done [Music] so today me and the girls are going to be going on a little trip we're going to be going on a huge yacht we're going to be staying on my grandfather's or the girls Great Grandpa's massive yacht and they've never ever been on it before so I know they're very very excited and I can't wait to spend the next two weeks on it I know it'll be an incredible experience definitely very Unforgettable and I know the girls will have a great great time and I think it'll be like a really nice way for the family to like Bond and you know just spend some alone time together cuz I feel we haven't had much of that recently because very very busy running a business and obviously the girls are at school but they're on break right now hence why we're going on this trip so tonight we're going to be staying in this really nice luxurious Hotel um by Miami Beach and then tomorrow we're actually going to be boarding the YT and that will be the first official day of the vacation trip I'm very very excited about it so I've already started laying out all like these fruits so I've got some apples and bananas and watermelon and pineapple got some like cheese and crackers as well and some string cheese for the girls so I'm going to be packing this into the picnic basket I just need to quickly grab that and pack all of the food inside and then I'm pretty much ready to go I've already packed um my suitcase in everything and I hope that the girls have too because they're usually not the most organized but hopefully they have packs because we need to leave within the hour so I'm going to go and check on the girls after I've packed all the food away and hopefully they're awake and getting dressed and ready and yeah we can leave soon hey guys it's GG and Blair Welcome to our get ready with me so today we're going well we're getting ready to go on a yacht on our great grandfather's yacht so I'm so excited but gig's not as excited not really sure why but let's get ready so first I'm going to brush my hair and then I'm going to start with my skin care so I'm going to put all this elephant hey we're doing a Tik Tok get out wait can I like whack you with a brush wait wait wait oh have you packed yet I mean we put a few shirts a few socks oh I put my favorite bracelet what are you guys doing did you pack your swimsuits we're doing it get ready with me did you pack a towel I mean they have towels there exactly no they don't we just pack this stuff that we need well did you pack sunscreen no we'll just use yours exactly no you're not going to use mine why because you have your own mom's not going to like that yeah so you should pack it look it's like right here oh I got it hold on okay let me just put that in we need to finish this finish this video you're not even dressed you know that we're leaving soon right we're getting there okay we have our outfits laid out too exactly okay back to what we were saying I'm going to put on this moisturizer and I'm going to wash my face okay let me put this right here and then I'm going to start my makeup I got this blush I ordered it on Sephora it finally came I just got the whole set of glow recipe so I'm gonna use the glow recipe toner she's so lucky because I ordered a retinol and it didn't even come and now I'm going to do my bronzing drops from drunk elephant I have to put some of this highlighter from Maria beauty of course Maria are you already unpacked oh my gosh I love your outfit look really really cute thank you yours too I like your bag thank you you packed and ready for the trip we going to be leaving very very soon I'm going to be calling everyone down in the next 30 minutes okay I don't think I'm the one that you have to worry about the other two aren't even dressed you should probably check their suitcase to see what they pack to what they're not even dressed yet oh my gosh GG BL please tell me you girls what are you doing get off Tik Tok you don't have time to be filming Tik toks you need to get ready cuz we're leaving in like the next 30 minutes but we need to post this video today no you don't that's not important right now girls you girls need to get dressed have you chosen the outfits that you're wearing yeah my bed okay well get into them quickly have you packed girl what have you packed this is not right okay you've packed three pairs of socks between the two of you for two weeks great great packing girls um you've got a couple who wears socks on vacation will be wearing flipflops why why have you packed two hoodies it's going to be so warm you do not need those right let we only going to be wearing tank tops yes why have you back toties okay you got a couple Randy Melville tank tops cute adorable some linen shorts perfect W okay yeah you guys definitely need to pack more bathing suits cuz you've literally packed two and you're definitely going to be needing more than two so um pack some more bathing suits you guys haven't packed any sun cream any sunglasses toothbrushes all that stuff girls come on we have a little bag of all our stuff exactly well pop that little plastic bag into the suitcase um okay well to be honest you did better than I thought you were at packing but still there's a few more bit you needs to pack so do that let me let me help you okay right let me just go into your chest of drawers okay perfect oh linen trousers they might be quite nice let me pack that um a bikini cover up you'll definitely be needing that so I'll pack the matching one that you guys both have um some flip flops and some sandals cuz you guys packed no shoes no shoes so let me just pack those to be fair I don't think you'll really be needing them but still pack them anyway you need to calm down you're freaky out about the trip yeah exactly because you guys always end up not packing something or leaving something behind and we cannot have that happening this time we need to be more organized it's supposed to be vacation okay I'm sorry girls right you're doing a great job you're doing a great job just please get dressed I'll finish sorting out your packing you're pretty much done to be honest but please just get dressed and um yeah you're you're you're good girls well done well done thank you Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy okay let me just put on my cardigan and let me just fix my headband so cute girls calm down we're leaving now we can't be late oh my gosh my sunscreen my no no no no where's my bracelet no no no no no my blush my this I need my camera my little camera hurry up we're coming I'm not ready I need my little where did it go where it go where it go let me grab my bronzing drop here it is over here um oh my gosh we need think I need to take Maria's perfume and I have to bring my slippers I need this mirror I need this brush I need go come down we're coming why did I said it like that Mom we're coming so let me just get my suit past Maria downstairs now Maria I'm coming I'm coming oh my God my charger hold on hey I'm coming oh my gosh I haven't got my iPad like where is it go now we're going to be late hold on okay well done guys GG BL Maria get off your phone and come down I'm coming okay oh my gosh be careful you almost B down the stairs with that suitcase okay right so Maria and your suitcase Gigi and bl you've got your suitcases there perfect got my suitcase over here okay I think we're ready to go let's head out to the limo outside and we can load these in okay let me just oh my gosh make sure I have the house keys let me just grab them off okay perfect thank you Maria okay girls out out out okay let me just look up the house real quick and make sure all the electricity and everything is turned off okay guys come on come on come on let's go oh my gosh these suitcases Maria can you help me with the suitcases please I canot take all three of them no four of them by myself oh my gosh okay fine so you take you take the girls and I'll take mine and yours oh my gosh okay let me just load it in okay the suitcase is all loaded in girls get inside the limo okay have you girls got oh he brings out candle okay have you girls got your seat belts on and everything mhm yeah yeah okay well let's get going then [Music] who is wearing my perfume I smell it I mean I just borrowed it kind of you borrowed it you didn't ask for it we're sisters we have to share you don't share anything with me it's different you're older I'm younger no give it back now go stop arguing stop arguing in the bat come on this is our vacation you guys shouldn't be argu she stole my perfume she won't me use her per I'll buy you a new perfume pleas I will buy you I will buy you a new perfume please didn't ask for it though oh my gosh so we have arrived at the hotel that we are going to be staying up for the night because obviously the vacation doesn't properly start till tomorrow so we're just going to be spending the night here at this hotel which we always always stay in but we haven't stayed in here for a really really long time so come on in girls of course we got the luxury Suite wait I fell oh oh my God oh my gosh I can see great grandpa's yacht whoa you stop screaming I'm trying to T on here stop yelling oh my God you're literally in the shade you're not going to get tanned exactly no but it has to be like a really light natural tan okay Maria you don't you know nothing about tan look how pale you are like please stop talking um Maria say hi to the Vlog Mom they're filming me go away delete that right now you look so cute stand stand stand do a little pose little 360 of your outfit cute oh my go no girls come on come on no arguing please hi the camera for their stupid blog stop okay it's going to blow up on YouTu okay guys I'm going to start on the dinner so you guys can do whatever you please do not attack each other please do not get into any more arguments I beg I did not make this vacation happen just for you girl to be arguing the entire time it's not even us it's Maria okay well why don't you guys just go upstairs or go outside on the balcony please be careful and be safe I'm going to start on dinner and yeah and okay I just got a very exciting call from my grandfather or the girls great Grandpa and we can actually go on the yacht this evening rather than tomorrow which is great um so I'm going to go ahead and tell the girls that now which means we get like an extra um I guess half a day on the yacht we've already had dinner and everything so I think we're going to head down to the yacht in a minute I need to let the girls no super duper exciting girls girls not in the house not the water guns in the house we need to finish this round I got you okay well I have some girls girl girls I have some very exciting news we're actually going to be going onto the yacht this evening instead of tomorrow really really why well your great-grandfather just called up and said that we can go on tonight instead which is great great news is it come on Gigi you'll be fine you'll have a great time I guess okay come on girls grab your suitcases and everything and let's head down to the dock and we can get on the yach I'm so excited yes more enthusiasm please okay guys let's head down to the yacht are you guys ready Maria can you help with the suitcases please okay okay fine come on girls we're almost almost there okay we have finally made it to the yacht let me just grab out the keys and we are here this grandfather's yacht or the girl's great-grandfather's yacht it's been in the family for Generations but it's recently been it's recently been completely redone got all new furniture and everything um yeah this is what we'll be spending in the next 2 weeks we'll be going um to a bunch of different Islands um as well which is really really exciting oh my gosh this yacht is massive I can't wait to spend the next few weeks here I already know I'm going to get [Music] seasick oh my gosh it's raining so hard no cuz like how am I going to tan in this weather like this is so unfair going be this would be the perfect time for another round of the water gun wait no no no no look look look it's raining it's storming and like the the rain could like it could it could make the water even and then look at the sea like the waves are getting too harsh and like there's going to be a storm there could be a storm you're such a scaredy cat I'm just being safe oh my god do you guys know this Tik Tok audio that's like oh my gosh I hate that it's always the night oh my gosh Come On Let's play with the water guns I mean fine let me just hey we didn't start yet I'm just early go go go oh my goodness the kids have just water the water the water nothing like a midnight swim I made it I swim [Music] guys got you no no no that's not fair girls be careful in near the edge of the ship we are the chef has made some patries for you girls so I've got this lovely little cinnamon SWR thing here I'm going to have that um so yeah you guys obviously tuck in eat what you want Little midnight snack and then head up to bed I think CU we've got a very very busy day ahead of us tomorrow so many things planned and we'll be going to our first island which is really really exciting yay I can't wait well as long as there's sun and I can catch his hand I do not care where we are I just can't wait to get more footage for my Vlog yes that all does sound very exciting oh my I can't wait to go on the quad trip I can't wait to swim I can't wait to take pictures yes and we can go scuba diving and everything can see all like the underwater animals and I think there's a few trails that we can do as well and we'll be trying a bunch of different foods on this trip as well from a bunch of different cultures which is very exciting as long as they do chicken nuggets and chips I'll be fine oh BL
Channel: axabella
Views: 22,900
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Id: HzJy2hVACJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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