New Weapon Wednesday! Balisong, Blades and Baton!

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hi guys my name's kyle i'm with we decided that every wednesday we're going to start showcasing some of the new weapons that we have because some of our customers want to see a little bit closer detail of some of the weapons we're carrying so i thought i'd do that today so i just grabbed three weapons from the back i haven't really looked at them yet i have a brief description of them but we'll kind of look at them together to see how they are so all right this is the first weapon i have it's the professional black vented volley song so it comes in a box like this and it looks like this um now i love butterfly knives i always have love butterfly knives um and there's some that are really well made and then there's some that uh you know kind of fall apart a little bit easier this one i can tell already is is really well made it's uh it uses rivets instead of screws here because often the screws will get unscrewed over time when you're playing with them i also really like the weight on this guy this is uh i'm going to guess is probably about six ounces seven ounces so a fairly fairly hefty as far as butterfly knives go but not but not too heavy so you can actually actually do some things with it you know i like how it's vented along the sides uh the blade is actually fairly sharp it's uh it says it's 440 stainless steel on it and it's black i like that so uh you know just looks cool um and uh so yeah overall i really think this is a good butterfly knife um i'm excited that we're selling it um because i want to carry some really good high quality butterfly knives and this is one i really like so again this is the professional black vented bali song you can find it on okay all right and just realize this is our first video so there's going to be a lot of things we want to change over time so if you guys have any suggestions for how we can make this video better in the future just put them in the comments below also if you have any weapons you specifically want us to review put that in the comments below and then we'll read them and then maybe next week we'll do that so the next weapon i have is the damascus steel kunai ninja sword so let's open this sucker up and see how it looks okay it's got a pretty nice little scabbard i guess what's cool about these swords is there's a couple of things these swords come with a couple of little kunai throwing knives it's got that damascus design on it that's not real damascus steel that's definitely probably a stainless steel but it's got that damascus design that everybody likes on it so and then as far as waiting goes that's it's actually balanced pretty nicely so that if you were going to throw it that'd probably stick pretty well it's a little small as far as throwing knives going as far as kunai's go but i honestly think i could stick this pretty well if i wanted to so that's kind of cool and the main thing that i like about these specific style of swords is that they're full tang so it's all one giant piece of metal that goes all the way through so you know a lot of the swords that we carry and other companies carry have a handle where the sword blade only comes about halfway through and it's considered a half-tang sword and the problem with that is if you hit them hard enough the sword will break out of the handle whereas these guys they're pretty difficult to break because it's one solid piece of steel so again it's uh i'm gonna guess this is probably a 440 stainless steel um but it's got that damascus design on it to make it look cool um what i also like about this is it has a tonto blade to it so it's really good for stabbing kind of typical kind of ninja styling sword that you see a lot with that tonto blade it's also got the venting just to make it look cool and it's even got the little kunai ring at the end to kind of match with the kunai knives so that's pretty neat um as far as weight goes it's um i don't know let's see this is uh the sword weight is 12 ounces so fairly light i could definitely wield that pretty well pretty quickly it's a pretty sweet sword actually i like it if you guys have any questions let us know in the comments below but overall i like that sword all right and then the last thing the last thing i have is the urban combat baton and this is a brand new item that we just started carrying it's pretty cool we we carry a lot of batons we've been selling batons for years and i've never actually seen one like this so i was pretty excited when we started carrying it okay so if you look at this it's got kind of like a honeycomb design to it this is a rubberized grip it's actually that design fits right in between your fingers so it's a really nice sturdy design um this feels really hefty um i mean most batons are fairly heavy but this one feels like really good quality when you hold it in your hands so i'm i'm actually really excited about this it's different though most batons have kind of like a cone shape at the end this one's got this glass breaker tip on the end which is different from any baton i've really ever seen before it's got the little tiny like semi point on the end the handle the pommel just feels nice and solid like man you could really you know do some damage with that and then i don't know if you could hear that but that just sounded way more solid and sturdy than other batons that i've used before so yeah you can tell this thing it's uh i mean that's solid that's a good hardened steel baton that's going to last you a while so i i really like this baton and then to close it you just hammer it into the ground and then it's closed again so a lot of people question how to close batons whenever you're closing them you never want to close them at any sort of angle has to be straight down um just to make them close easy but uh yeah i really like this baton it's cool so yeah if you guys have any questions uh definitely put a comment below uh feel free to call us anytime and we'll see you next week
Channel: KarateMart
Views: 11,470
Rating: 4.9050846 out of 5
Keywords: balisong, knives, butterfly knives, butterfly knife, sword, swords, baton, batons, ninja weapons, karate weapons, self-defense weapons, martial arts weapons, martial arts, karate, ninja
Id: jKUd2SRJl8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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