HIDDEN SECRETS - Namalsk Survivor - Episode 1. DayZ!

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well that's a good jacket there's lots of scare shots in this town so we need to be a little bit wary this is all good news there's a lot of shots in this town i don't know how long we really want to stay here but we're going to need some food i think i might just start a fire and and check the fire stick be careful bad guys everywhere [Music] our best insulation okay i'll take those i don't have a [ __ ] i don't have any matches i can't even control my character this is going to be a long day i'm going to make a fire there it's not it's not the safest of places but let's just make it make a fire warm up then we'll [ __ ] off oh good we're bleeding i like it when we're bleeding from a from a stick someone's i growed a lot of zombies i think i might just jog on a little bit i don't think i want to stick around here he had about eight zombies on him uh i know i'm bleeding by the way guys but i'm not going to bandage i'm just going to run hello hello hello have you got a knife no one brisbane if i give you a kiss will you give me that backpack [Music] yeah oh hey champion [Music] give me your backpack i want it [Music] okay i don't want it that badly i don't want it that badly let's go let's carry on [Music] [Music] [Music] no jam [ __ ] we're finding more food than we know what to do with can i take that as well yeah might as well just break these sticks up we haven't got a gun yet but we got we must be mightily close i am a bit worried though somebody's nearby right somebody's killed these zombies and i'm just like dick duck [ __ ] around like it doesn't even matter but somebody's killed them and normally there's a fight oh there is a fire what can i say normally there's a fire somewhere hello hello hello hello you're right hello yeah yeah for a new man for me just uh having some dinner okay yeah me too you're right dude do you mind if i put my cans down by the fire as well that's right okay i won't interfere with yours i could you've got three tuna and two sardines so i'll make sure i don't interfere with those okay all good that's right you just gave me a bit of a shock yeah it's all good dude actually have bullets for this you look like you've been alive quite a while dude you got some decent gear by the look of you yeah there's um there's some pretty good looting in this area a lot of people don't go to so yeah i'm just going to load my other gun dude but i won't face it your way don't worry i'll put it away again what are you up to well i'm i'm just kind of traveling around you know i only just uh woke up let's say let's give it the rp bollocks i only just woke up and i've just been finding some food nice nice where the hell did you get your mo's in from um actually i can't remember to be honest i am i just spawned back in like five minutes ago and last time i played was a couple days ago so i'm not too sure lucky bastard yeah unfortunately there's no ammo for it but it looks good it does look good yeah that microphone topped here so which way are you heading to next dude i'm gonna head down south if you can yeah i think that that's that's gonna get into some uh yeah object a2 action oh very cool just minor you go down there dude try to get night vision if you can it it's really cool down there but if you use it with just that head torch you'll be uh [ __ ] your pants the whole way all right so nice running into you wish you the best of luck i got my plus symbol and my food i'm good to go all right man i i'm gonna do the same thing catch you later dude love you boy do oh it's a golden ticket as well [ __ ] how we're getting everything i've got a golden ticket i definitely need three knives so it's only chambered but it does have a scope so it's badly damaged i don't know if i want to fix it or not i might not fix that for now because i'm going to be dropping it at my first opportunity and it might jam but it will jam after i fired the bullet in its single shot anyway you know so i think i'll just leave it badly damaged for now oh look at that now we are cooking on some serious shoot shooting we've got the shotgun we've got the the carbine there's a dude over there shooting i think we should go and invest in the gate he's shooting zombies as he's gone running away there's a guy over there i'm pretty sure the dude shooting's gone up this way i heard somebody meleeing that way but there's the shotgun guys this way for sure the [ __ ] hell gun is that he likes to fire quickly this dude [ __ ] out you see that he's probably trying to push to get into shotgun range i can't raise my gun just seeing his legs over there for a second [Music] so i may have hit him it was very very close i feel like my shot may have hit oh he's still in the trees firing his shotgun [Music] hello it's all right i'm not shooting at you dude this guy was shooting at me did you just knock him out all right i just killed i just killed him there yeah i was he limping because i hit him with a carbine i think yeah yeah nice okay see what gun he's got he's got a repeater i'm not gonna take i'm gonna leave you with most of the gear dude you killed him he's got a repeater got a repeater and a shotgun yeah you take it dude i was just up at the tower over there [ __ ] smashed some guy's head in but um yeah i just heard shots so i just came down dude yeah just take it he's got a repeater and a shotgun you killed him you have it dude i'm glad i injured him but just loot him dude i'm gonna go south man but take what you want it's all good dude i don't feel very safe here look there's a gun i sat ablaze now we've got to go up there um i might grab that ak in a minute i've got a box of bullets or two but i don't have uh don't need that there's a few more bullets for it there that's quite a few zombies here in there i think his high cap vest is actually in pretty good condition so we need that if i can avoid damaging it i think it's a better condition than mine [Applause] oh i done goofed i need to get a mag for that gun sharpish or drop it because i cannot be doing with this whole triple gun in bollocks i wonder if we should make space for it now and i could drop the axe i don't really need an x do i i don't think i do let's just drop it so i think what we've dropped is some rope and an axe i could probably live without those the axe is kind of handy for killing zombies i did drop some sticks as well but still more shots coming from that place we want to go to next oh good i agreed the zombie i grew two oh good even better i really want to go to there but i don't really want to go without night vision i think that would be done pu scope we only have one we've already dropped one spare gloves that are combat that's good if i can where the [ __ ] are you this press is working well i can't see him [Music] that'll learn you let's just go this way for a minute he has to be dead that guy he had zombies chasing him and uh if i only knocked him on con the zombies will have killed him so he's got to be dead well i've definitely cleared the entirety of all trees you know there's there's definitely no dudes i've checked for at least 10 seconds he's got a vss on his back maybe he was firing that wow holy [ __ ] hell dude he's got a big ak my god i don't want to touch that grenade that much i do know there was something else i wanted to get i know what it was it was that all of that for that completely pointless really but anyway let's just drop some more of this [ __ ] and then let's put mags in here [Music] we could put the uh the vss mag in there as well sorted it's a shame that guy didn't have night vision he's got an apsi which is kind of cool it is time for a fire really it's actually time for a fire where i could cook the meat that i've got as well because i would like to uh i'd like to get my energy up a touch you know it's not too bad we just eat three steak eight three steak three steaks three steaks are for that dude they're not aggroed on me we may well be able to avoid those how many does that look with three three on the top of the hill there run they're coming straight towards me ugh hmm i guess that's probably the right choice only took 10 bullets it was slightly dicey but it was a lot better to do it while they were further away than wait till they got nearer i think so we've got the vss for close range and i'm going to leave it in semi-auto and then probably forget we've got the vss for close range and then we've got mid-range ak with a pso one scope and really long range we've got a blaze we're kind of a little bit overly geared if anything but it's no bad thing is it can help there must be a helicopter crash up here right otherwise that wouldn't be there let's have a look yeah sure race [Applause] why am i not hitting that [ __ ] sake why carrie bones well i'm planning on going to one of the uh if i live long enough i'm planning on going to the submarine later if i can 40 round mag we don't need that we just dropped a 60. and that's a disappointment isn't it there's [ __ ] all here some wreck jacket high insulation and that's damaged as well can we fix that with that what what insulation does it get to when it's fixed if it's best we're switching to that still high insulation though i'm going to keep the m65 then that is kind of cool because it doesn't get as wet so if it's if you're in like a snow storm it has some benefits but snow seems fairly uncommon so i don't know i think we'll just leave stick with what we've got somebody's been somebody is here it's a weak round thankfully it's only an sks but i've got to get over the hill to bandage that was a good shot he must have a pu scope on his sks but i'll need him to shoot again for me to know where it hit me sorry not not to know where it hit me but to do much about it all right can i get the helmet in there yes because we're going to need to put that on holy [ __ ] this is even worse with the red one okay don't walk and try and shoot paul christ you can't even walk you can't walk any direction you want to shoot with a head torch on you've got to stand still oh i hate this i'm not going to check too thoroughly we're just going to have a look for where the guns normally are there's a few other places to go but we're going to check mostly where the guns could be night vision scope part me wants that that's not a battery vss railgun battery five five six rounds we don't need those oh we need to read that in a sec that's the first intel we've found this is [ __ ] i'm really struggling with this i need to get closer to my [ __ ] monitor i need some binoculars hello hello what do you want [Music] this zooms too much i think he's above me yeah i'm in a little bit of an alcove which is great because i can only see a little bit right but they could like even if he had night vision he's got to see me so he's got to be really close but if he comes really close i'm looking down this [ __ ] off great scope he was using a torch but it doesn't mean he hasn't got a mate the last time we were here there was two and one of them definitely had mvgs so why is that not going on lay on i saw him below so he's on level four look at that light that's not oh god he's there he's right next to me holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hell jesus christ oh my god that was horrendous i still don't know if there's anybody else so what is that there that's that's a railgun scope oh there's an ammo in that one yeah i'm not sure i want to keep this night vision by the way i may have made a mistake but that's our sks fella that way that way that way which is that way up the top of the hill i don't think i want to go there that's [ __ ] bright out in it jesus christ i'm not sure about this night efficient or not i don't know i don't know if you can get the railgun in the submarine maybe now or maybe the outpost but it's going to be in the top tier areas wherever it is i'm guessing where we just were is the favorite place yeah i was gonna say i thought there was a heli it's right there a little bit close to the shooter oh a radio good some crappy gloves vss me and sega mags are not friends so that can get [ __ ] oh my god we just heard sks shots from here as well how nice is that color bob ross would be very pleased it's your world if you if you believe you can do it you can do it [ __ ] fluorescent blue trees two separate groups of wolves oh oh i got four wolves took me a few shots but we got four i don't know if that's enough to de-aggro them because i think we've got two packs two packs for sure we just heard shots up here as well so there was somebody with an s care shooting someone else very recently oh god there's a guy there he did well i did aim at him but i saw him waving so i stopped aiming at him the snowman of the helipad yeah hello hello you're right yeah you have a oh my god how many zombies are can i come in can i come in i don't have my wife yeah sure oh i'm hoping they're all aggroed on you now [Laughter] the old bait and switch you you take over now it's like a relay now it's your turn i'm sure he's fine and all but people that are that trusting i'm aiming him with a blaze and he's standing there waving it feels uh if if it if the milk turns out to be sour ain't the kind of [ __ ] to drink it right it just seems a bit too good to be true not saying it isn't it might be completely legit but i don't know someone that's prepared to think oh he's aiming at me i'll stop and wave it's maybe somebody i don't want as a [Laughter] friend there's a helicopter crash site up here so we might as well go and check that as well all the barracks are in uh shut i should probably lose that but i can't really be fooked oh [ __ ] hell i actually could do with some more food come on white fang over you come helicopter's going to be around where those zombies are i did miss a shot but i'm a little bit disappointed on one vss round didn't kill that uh do we drop the night v i think i'm going to drop the night vision in favor favor of meats [Music] oh [ __ ] you coming [ __ ] now i think the first one was just like the uh he was just like the scout wasn't he right that'll do we'll just go with the 28 for now i'm going to sort that make out in a minute i've got three more mags in the cooking pot oh [ __ ] hell this one's a good one m4 and a and a foul i can't keep all of these i'm going to have to pick one to drop and i'm afraid it's going to be the vss as much as i [ __ ] hate that because the vss is a lot of fun oh it goes on the foul holy [ __ ] we can get rid of the blaze then maybe we get rid of the blaze instead use the phallo as a sniper right so you can go well no you can you can go actually don't have a million bullets for it but oh god this is going to be fun let's just quickly make sure it's loaded fully it's in good condition oh how op is that it has a built-in range finder that is the most op [ __ ] scope ever oh [ __ ] the gauss shoots flat to three and a half thousand meters [ __ ] i don't think it was there then the zombie's just wandering around that sway is mad i think that shot was at me that hit me [ __ ] off the best sks shooter on the planet just just hit me it's somewhere around the ac 130 but i have no clue where oh he's going to have a zombie problem [Applause] [ __ ] [Applause] uh oh my god this how the [ __ ] did that guy hit me with an sks from there the sks is a pretty weak round anyway he only hit me in the leg and he and the vs sorry the sks round is such a slow travelling round it's tr it slows down a lot compared to say an m4 round you know so it's very weak at range and it's very weak in general so even if it hit me in the head it wouldn't have particularly done too much damage there but that was a hell of a shot what a great shot i can't say that enough it was such a good shot to hit me like the first one was near but to hit me at all from that range even if he had 15 goes was insanely good because like all right you can hold your breath and keep it steady but he's got very little magnification oh what a [ __ ] shot it's insane he was about a thousand meters away zombies so i'm just going to try and back off and get get an angle to use my foul this this is the most dangerous part right now i want to run straight as well if i can somewhere on this hill might work out he'll be looking for me on that hill so i just want to use the the best gun i have in the best way i can kind of thing [Music] such an awkward forest to overwatch into i can't [ __ ] see anything maybe he's just like out of this world good at long range but not very good at close you never know that's an event we've got an apsi i want to i want to try and get in there this might be incredibly risky with that dude having just done what he did but i want to get the events only just up the hill here so yeah we've got the the helmet that that keeps us all good i wonder if he maybe went on the opposite hill [Music] take some wood with you if you jump in that's a good shout [ __ ] my meat is starting to go off i think there is a battery in the helmet i'll double check but i'm pretty sure there is yep i'm not going to get any more sticks than that i've got five that'll do there's a wolf up there standing guard i need to get to this thing as well i don't got too much time to dick about because if i get there too late i ain't going to be able to do this am i cough you got time for this [ __ ] i'm ready for the competitive daisy scene that was that i got me i'm a bit stressed okay i'm a bit worried i don't know if i actually need this on or not but i'm gonna put it on so i believe we'll go through this we're gonna time we're gonna warp somewhere do we need to jump oh good it gets bigger when you do it is getting bigger i think oh my god i don't like this holy [ __ ] when do i go do i jump from there [Music] you
Channel: TheRunningManZ
Views: 232,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DayZ, DayZ Standalone, DayZ Standalone Gameplay, Namalsk, Modded, Lone Wolf, EVR, EMP, Helicopter, Hero, Bandit, Action, PVP, Sniper, Expansion, Car, Base Building, Twitch, Base Raiding, running man z, TRMZ, TheRunningManZ, Video game
Id: oLoabpkE2Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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