DayZ Survivor Stories - The No Mic Team Up And FAL Rampage!

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like I said the running man's thanks very much for checking out this video this is another Daisy survivor stories video just like last week's it's another adventure II type one I hope you enjoy it it's a really really nice kind of sweet in a way adventure with the dude with no mic it's hard to explain hopefully I get it across in the video but it was kind of caring in a way that a normal adventure wouldn't be certainly from his point of view towards me if you like you'll see what I mean i hope i really enjoyed this stream we've had some cracking adventures in the last couple of weeks hopefully that means some good videos for you guys just a quick heads up the second half of this video has got some really cool PvP in it as well so if you want to see some PvP there is some of that later on so it's got a little bit of the best of both worlds this video adventure and PvP just quickly last time I made a video last week I mentioned the fact that more people watching aren't subscribed to my channel than are and it did make a big difference to my sub conversion so if you recently subscribe to the channel or you've been a long-term subscriber and you still watching thank you very much I appreciate it if you watch this video and you enjoy it and you're not subscribed maybe think about hitting the sub button if you liked the video and you're going to see another one don't worry if you don't but the options there it's free I hope you enjoy this video guys we're just coming into storhøi I've been alive maybe about 15 minutes or so I have a pistol with a damaged a damaged pistol with 12 bullets in it and not much else and we're going to pick it up just as I'm sort of checking stroy trying to get a few supplies I hope you enjoyed this video guys I think it's a cracker I'll catch you later on in the video love you boy door hello hey hello hey what's up yeah I do hello hello is he with you yeah we yeah all right nice hey you don't eat [ __ ] daughter look I know that I was just trying to get in the shop here and it's locked you should be able to tweet it with your pipe and open the door though yeah I don't know who's been through but somebody with opening it in somebody with a lockpick because yeah good oh I think that was at us was that ass it was just to the right of the road up the hill there I think I'm gonna I'm gonna go and have a look good that guys I'm gonna go and have a go with my damage pistola what could possibly go wrong I thought I heard a bullet snap and then Adhan I feel like that shot was Isaac could be wrong I thought I heard a little they're a little snap I don't know it was in this bush line here somewhere down there I think could have been in that low wall there I'd be absolutely staggered if they're still in the same place though they'll have moved weren't they we kind of wasted our time to be honest I think it was a small chance that we'd ever find a goat dude but why can I not loot him that guy is gonna be so he is [ __ ] can't believe we just oh this is only a small chance we'll bump into him O'Leary is right in front of me holy [ __ ] he did stay exactly where he was when he fired that was the biggest mistake I would say holy [ __ ] this dude is kind of endgame geared as well he's he has the blows with the scope he's got not many bullets but he's got bullets holy [ __ ] can I use the duct tape to fix the helmet I don't know it might only be poxy I'm not sure kind of worked out well that we bumped into those other guys you can fix the helmet with duct tape that's cool can wash my hands at the stream so I never look see if those dudes were still around but I don't know if they are they might have moved on and I was at you guys from before oh yeah it was a to to now hello he was uh names on the yeah it was on the ridge you have probably heard my pistol shots he was on a little low wall on the ridge just up the hill yeah there's a there's a blaze up there with no scope but if you want it it's up there I can show you where it is if you like oh yeah yeah yeah wait he was very good like yeah he had a place he only had four bullets pair but you had a blazing a long-range scope and a shotgun and he was just in the bush looking down at you guys but I guess he probably seen you too yeah he probably seen you too and didn't know that I'd sort of split off so he was probably waiting to shoot I reckon he also had a lockpick I reckon he was the one that was locked in the doors they're gonna shoot me now would be the time yeah that's his loot they're out to cut him up because it kind of died partly in that wall yeah there's some shotgun slugs there as well do you guys need anything else I haven't got all I've got quite a few shotgun shells but that's about it beyond that really I've got an extra roll of duct tape if you need dad I've got I've got all that sword [ __ ] I'm all good I just thought perhaps I might need some stuff but all right which way you guys headed which way where are you going to next and then good question where were we headed with yeah we're like Kafka okay yeah yeah okay I think I'm gonna go to palana so I just I didn't want to end up like bumping into you in not such good circumstances if that makes sense yeah all right I'm gonna take it easy guys stay safe alright love you bye they're almost sony in teamspeak they don't need someone else take it and wanna take it along and confuse them they seem pretty chilled out though didn't they they were nice dudes hey I hate when you finish punching them you've got no stamina you can't run away it's gonna get my stamina back twice he shots from the back I could have played that more patiently but well coulda woulda shoulda see the way he raised his hands there don't think we're gonna talk to that one he did that oh I'm gonna shoot him and then realized his gun wasn't in his hands I think we're just gonna move on [ __ ] that guy and here we see the wild Daisy knew in his natural surroundings fumbling around with a compass in Gorka he wants to go north he's only looked at the compass four times he stops which way up that's East let's go in this house that the compass tells me I should go in this house now Oh No now there's a guy where to are you lost you need some help do you know where you want to go [Music] I don't know I don't suppose you have a microphone that way that way would take you roughly to Kresna stab if you went the way you look in now that way would take you towards a Novy Sobor all right well good luck do you mind if I just watch you for a minute it's really fun watching you use the compass I'm no threat to you don't worry if anyone comes over tries to pick on you I'll kill em don't worry can you carry on to him what you're doing I need to observe for a minute I [Music] want to know where the compass is taking you dude in case you find a gun free you can have this letter you go look take that if you find like a Mosin or an SKS you can use that with it that's quite a good scope that you might come in handy Mosin in this case that goes oh thank you very much I'll take that just what I need better take you just our politeness Maisie going [Music] he's walkin [Music] I reckon if we just let him get a little bit ahead he's just been sick it's been sick dude were you just sick you were now tell you what then I need these back but take one of those and then if you sick again in a minute I'll give you another one well you carry on I'll just be your shadow I'll be a little bit behind ok I'll help I'll help us as needs be alright you carry on do you you go where you need to go no Mike no life unless they're clearly so new to the game they don't even know how to use the mic we can drop that [ __ ] now he won't know Willie Carlo he's up there for but not their age isn't he look at him always changed his jacket I wouldn't have done that make that look how bright he is now he's like he's like fluorescent I could eat Jesus Christ dude Oh what's he got oh he's got a gas gas cap look at him go [ __ ] do you see that throw Jesus Christ you could definitely do the shopper the epochal impacts she's in the PU scope he's having he's having a good look around his surroundings onwards does he use the compass yeh does look which way now no that's north still north yet North is still that way it's like watching your toddler just look like would love for the first time like that they've just started walking and they're just I'm going I'm going down that field to see you later dad and then they're off oh no he's now now this Britain yeah what is the compass doing for him exactly he doesn't know where he's going I don't think there's the map coming out look here we go now where am i oh oh that's a screenshot which I'd like to have got the scope out and zoomed in on him okay back to the if only I could get in the map if if I could just stand in the map [Music] if I could just stand in the map then I'd know where I was yep yeah let's go that back that back to that way but oh no no no the compass says I should go directly that way now I won't know back that way what's the export see dude it's like he's using the compasses like a I don't know like it's got some kind of homing beacon now we see the noob rifling in the bushes perhaps he's looking for some bush porn maybe he's trying to make a sticky stick I don't know he looks like he's really enjoying it he's got a stick oh look how happy he was oh god a stick like a puppy let's drink that water that made me sick before it won't make me sick this time what's he doing now oh no you knows where he's going this guy's got to die a [ __ ] old age he appears to be but megabuck now his compass is like always kind of dissipated his arm in some horrific way [Music] why are you trying to get to is there a way you can tell me like if I wheat if I say some names of places you tell me if you're trying to get there okay are you trying to get I don't know a summer camp are you trying to get to Novus oh boy you want to get to cert Novy Sobor do you you go in a bit north a little bit north if you've got anything to defend yourself like a gun or anything okay do you do have any 45 ACP rounds by any chance are they at their nine mill now keep them I don't need them I've got a gun that you could have used if you had the bullets but I don't have any I don't have any bullets for only a gun with no more like a mag I'll take it anyway dude you can have this but it's only got nine bullets in it but you can have that don't point it at me obviously right just point it at the bad people and maybe we can get you some more bullets right but come this way right you see that over there that tower that's called altar if we just head to the right of that there's a little place you might get some bullets follow me I won't get my gun out unless I see another player okay so we should be all right but yeah so have you I guess you cannot have you played the game a lot Ori are you quite new to the game yes or no is probably about quite new okay microphones are good but I guess yeah not always easy to do if that six symbol comes back like in the bottom the corner if that germ single comes back just to the left at the drink symbol just run past me and like I don't know shake about or something and I'll give you another vitamin before you sick let's come back is it okay hang on you keep him for now that water you drank you probably you probably drank water that was in the bottle where you found it you need when you find a water ball you need to empty it on the ground so if you hold the water bottle in your hands then then look at the ground you can empty it then fill it up at a well and you won't be sick when you drink that water but if you drink the water that's in the bottle as you find it it can make you sick alright so just the other side of these trees here there's a little building we can go and check that hunting stand in a sec if you want to this is the building here this little building here can have military loot not much though sometimes it's empty it's a blue helmet there if you want it I wouldn't recommend it but there's a stun grenade that's it nothing much really unfortunately right you want to join a check that hunting stand over there that you saw you look to be looking at it kind of like longingly right I'll cover you if you want to go and check it I'll cover you dude but Novi is behind us kind of now so you need to come back this way okay I'll just be in this bush here if you want to go and check that hunting stand down there God cute gotta give him a little bit freedom Evan we start to get to know the way of the world you know that how the big boys do it right [Music] the [ __ ] is he going where are you going holy [ __ ] I don't think a map and a compass is enough for this dude so you want to go to Novy Sobor yeah alright name come on there's actually a little castle on the way we could check if you like there might be something in there that's worth look it may be a gun for that scope I gave you it's kind of on the way you're right with that alright man you just you can see the top of the castle it's just straight in front we're running light straight at it so these are a good place to find certain rifles and they're normally on these stairs or in the actual castle there's nothing on here unfortunately nice and blaze rounds dude that's like the best backpack in the game good good find just be careful with it don't fall down the stairs okay it's a bit unlucky actually there's nothing here I'll have this castoffs why not right so Nova's kind of this way this has been quite a quite a PvP hot spot lately so I fear for us here I do fear for us a little bit I want to feel for him more than I fear for me but I need blaze rooms that's the thing I need to check the little shop try and get lucky on some blaze rounds I don't need a lot else I could do with some food I suppose and I'm going to need a drink as well but right I don't know if you want I've not got any food or drink so probably just worth looking around for that there is a well in the town we can get some water to drink but yeah the police station doors closed just be a bit wary of that police station they might you never know there might be somebody inside Dara changed my pants if I change my Jackie I think I ought to tell him first you changed your jacket okay cool I've changed my trousers I was a bit worried you might not recognize me that's cool let's go and check that police station got to get my shotgun out just in case there's somebody there I don't think there is anybody there because they're zombie numbers aren't high enough it's quite a lot of drop blue up here there's actually a shotgun I can give you some shotgun shells as well oh you got some there's an MP there's a scorpion there too alright I'm just going to drop some more shells on the ground just in case you need them dude there's there's some more on the ground there should you not sleep as it was is he doing with that it's trying to fill the alcohol tincture have you got some food yeah me that I'm gonna eat a little bit of this tuner then I'll give you give you the rest because I've not got any food other than this either right there's that half of it on the ground there right the the temperature is going to be a bit of an issue okay like if you get sick those vitamin pills I gave you as the cure so it's not the end of the world but if you get too cold you'll yeah use the heat pack if you've got one I'm gonna use mine as well but one heat pack might not be quite enough right you wanna do some more houses that you want to hit the next town long storage you want to go to the next town or loop some houses here starry alright then keep forgetting I need to ask him a yes or a no question you go dude have half a can of drink as well nearly half that will give you a little bit of energy as well the car nearby it might be worth taking that pair of wellies there they don't get wet so it might just it would it will mean that you get slightly less cold only a tiny tiny difference but it'll make a small difference I wish I've got a screen shot we've seen in the broken car I do stories this way right this is the tensest re that'll be a bit careful kind of PHA vaguely dangerous very hard to see though just keep an eye out for any dead zombies that you didn't kill her I didn't kill because they'll tell us somebody's here but I don't know it looks like most of the zombies are upright it should be okay oh we need that we need that really badly because it gives us more bullets for the blaze when stove having four spare we've now got 12 feels like someone's been here fairly recently you know I don't know that there's like drop paper and there's not much loot I think somebody might be near suit recently just hang tight for a sec dude I just found a mag that's got bullets for your that pistol I gave you right there's 24 there as long as they're in the inventory just press and hold are to reload your Mac as well well stir make the empty mags in your hand yeah we need to if you hear a chicken or anything kind of get my attention cuz we're gonna need to try and cook some meat try keep you warm and me as well you can you can cook them on a fire and then it stops you getting cold just it flies kind of running around with no gun out it's just a little bit dicey but you see how he was aiming those like that was a dude he is not faking if he is faking he's incredibly good at oh I could do with that dude yeah if you don't need it thanks man need to find some food really badly oh you got some food nice too I am I am white on the Apple but with the segment missing so if you're like yellow hungry or something just ate all of it I think see a shot seem to seem kind of north they weren't where you'd expect them to be those shots were somewhere near that castle where we were before I need those how dude if you don't need some of those I could do with the box of those as well I've got a gun for that I don't need them all but if you if you could spare one that'd be amazing thank you yeah they go in the eye thanks man if they go in the blaze which is what I've got on my back we need to keep you what I tell you what dude I don't know if it'll work or not make sure the other heat packs in your jacket or your trousers just put that one in yet in the opposite so have one in your jacket and one of your trousers it might work I've got I killed the dude ages ago and he had a piece of meat on him so I've got that that might be enough for me but let's let's just see if we can't find some other stuff - we need to find some stuff to cook really right what do you think next and along is about a kilometer away it's called cabanne no do you want to hit they're coming I'm a little bit worried made you there are two of as I'm used to be on my own it's probably just zombies for two as it works or a gun barrel appear in my right hand side there I [ __ ] are you kidding me oh dude you just swing away man swing away right I'm gonna kill a few more zombies because it might be a good way to get some food where did you go dude I found a Mosin in there I don't know if you've got bullets for it not but that scope will go on it and that's kind of powerful so that's pretty useful also got a can of food so I'm just going to eat half of it in this greenhouse I'll just eat our for this and then I'll give you the rest alright there's the half a tin of peaches there now it stopped raining you won't be burning through energy as much because when you're cold you you use energy more quickly and there's also some coke there as well that gives you a bit of energy to start [ __ ] raining again Alex he's doing all right though now he's got a Mosin and a shotgun he's pretty solidly kidding how isn't he he's certainly ready for a fire fight although he might not be able to aim because of cold right next is military bases you're right with one of those yeah I worry that I'm gonna see this guy die and feel quite sad about it OPA if I die before he does right anybody you see here that's not wearing what that's not me just shoot them okay don't ask any questions just shoot first or hey I'll try to stay close to you because obviously we can't talk so I'll just stay close uh-huh that life is ruined we have to switch to the other one better result he's got a can of beans that's just quickly eat that in here dude there you go I've missed the grenade some drop loot here there is a blaze and there's a yeah there's a place no food feel like that almost pride belong to the guy you know he gave the guide the players we gave the dude the blaze years ago that was a place with no scope and I'm pretty sure he had a shotgun that could almost be that guy's thing what we could do dude it's not what you can't eat it but as a last resort we could cook some of that meat if we absolutely had to just to keep you warm so it might just pick up a couple of bits of that if you can don't eat it no matter what don't eat it but it might it might be a last resort kind of thing yeah that we could just quit you cook some at the bar if you can take that stick grab it if not don't worry we can get some more right so if you put you put that in your hands and then aim it towards the fireplace and hold left trigger when it when the cymbal comes up it'll start cooking right don't worry I'm looking the other door but I can look at unlock it as well in a minute so that time we just left was viable which is kind of slightly on the northwest corner but it's kind of mid near to the middle but our just a little bit left and up and we're about to go to the northwest airfield which is massive on the airfield just left an up of Center on the map right don't worry that you're getting a bit warm because as soon as you get out in the rain it'll be the opposite so it's good to be a bit hot now all right I'm just gonna unlock the door all right we should be good to go next date all right okay so there's someone about three four hundred me is no 300 meters a little roughly and they know we're here I'm going to try anything through the staircase I see him he sees me essays on a mound yeah the mound directly north about 300 meters it's got a zombie chasing him he's ran he's ran north towards the sewing shop I say we push up dude I think we just wait here we'll get we'll get caught up by some other people so he was on the mound the hang of this straight up north of this dome thing but I think you shot at him so you know that already [ __ ] did he go he's backed off somewhere [ __ ] knows where I never even saw him he's over there he's over there by the book Mound straight straight East I may have hit him it was just the other side of this I'd be careful I don't know if he might be down I don't know I thought hits him he was light on this you don't stand still up here as well do I'm really annoyed about that I don't know how I definitely hit him and it was with a blaze which is powerful I don't he wouldn't have been able to just sprint away and yet I never saw a shot on me possibly on the other mound the one south of the one where I thought I'd killed him can't see him [Music] still can't see [Music] oh he's behind this behind the second mound Jesse he's behind is he just shooting for sake of in in a while he's hit he's not he's not down but he's hit again that's the same dude he can really take a [ __ ] hit [ __ ] you know what followed after this was a long game of cat-and-mouse with this guy this was all on stream and we chased this guy and we never saw him again to get a hit on him we saw him he showers I show at him and then he'd run away again and he'd run away again and that repeated and repeated and repeated we followed him towards crescendo and never saw him again and we're gonna pick it up just as I've I've kind of got to get off it's getting late I've got to pick up my missus from work she was due to finish work so I had to get off so we're just gonna pick it up as we say goodbye to our new friend yeah that's me dude I don't know which way he's gone now [ __ ] knows but that's cracy know there you can find where you are on the map from that town if you want to go that way the other two at some way knocking around minor you go dude stay safe I was streaming today my name is the running man's just in case you ever want to look up the stream from today take it easy man I'll catch you later stay safe love you bye all right I'm gonna look out good luck that's not the end of this adventure there's more to come so that was on Wednesday the 6th of May that that adventure unedited is all on my twitch fraud if you wanted to watch it what happened next was actually on a Friday now I'm playing on my own running man server here my running man first-person vanilla server the European one and when I logged back in again it was a Friday and on Fridays there's always a big clen that tends to play on my servers they tend to be on one of the servers they always tweet out what they're going to do they have something called a memo and then you can use the information they give you to go and try and find them if you can and that's what I did so this is the memo what they were going to be doing on the Friday evening was meeting at Prague and then traveling up the East Coast in a big squad normally it's like 15 of them something like that now I bumped into him the past I've killed them a bit they've killed me mostly right they always they always tend to get me in the end but I try and take a few out some of them are mods and my twitch stream of things I kind of know them a little bit but I never play with them on a Friday I always play against them it's kind of fun so if I'm available and I have a character sometimes I go and try and take them on so I look back in the next day in vibe or as you see and then decided to move back towards the coast I was going to go starry and on two wards berezino and then head down the coast looking for the clan that would be on the server however when I got to starry us or a helicopter and at that helicopter was a foul now I did pick up a foul mag from stary Sobor with the adventure with the the no Mike guy so I decided to go to commence completely brace or troitskiy military base and pick up some stuff for that which I did so we're going to move this along a lot to save you a hell of a lot of time so I've found a heli at stary picked up a foul gone to troitskiy literature-based picked up some stuff for it and an ACOG scope and we're gonna pick it up just as I'm beeline it towards berezino to try and find this big group and try and take him out we're gonna pick things up just as we're about to leave crescents death on the way over Clem Hill to get towards berezino and this is my adventure going off looking for the clan on the same character that you just saw that Mike mute adventure with oh that makes sense guys I'll catch you in the next video thanks a lot for watching nice and long this PvP was a lot of fun taking these guys I'll catch you later love you boy hello holy [ __ ] you scared the piss out me sorry dude I didn't mean to do that I'm gonna put it back on alright you don't need your gun out dude it's all good holy for I came out and I saw you crouched there I knew [ __ ] my pants man Jesus Christ oh he doesn't want to talk it's kinda now what he's gonna okay I know I'm Brock could run off the clip fool I know but I think that's a fire way to move your way where you wear your mania all right hello hello hello they took that quite well what's your names my name is Mike - hey Mike do you have friends do you have friends on the server shops careful I really wanted to shoot you guys just cuz I thought it would scare you I thought it would be too cruel so I decided against that what a bit a bit mean okay it would have been funny though right it would have been funny but maybe not for you there's a couple of bits of chicken there you can cook them too if you like you can have them I don't need them very much good all right I'm gonna go towards the shots because people that shoot I can shoot those ones right say again to cover them in the paper now you're alright you carry on doing what you do and I think you need to go and acquire some more loose I think that's what you two need to do probably good luck guys we'll take it easy love you boys love you bye please kill me okay where's your group what where are they okay fun - here with me have you in a big group if so where are they no no I'm okay okay do me in that service well you can take a punch laughs see look at this are killed s ratios going through the through the [ __ ] roof I can get I can go and read it tomorrow I killed 17 people with a cooking pot [Music] I've got an iron keen eye and kidney pup you want to go down again deer might kill death ratio do is go my offer out of the muck he comes the fisting here it comes now oh that I wonder if we're burning more energy than we we're gaining a key so that could be them he's fully geared with night vision oh [ __ ] more there's more that's definitely them so I just I just killed one of them and I'm not quite entirely sure how the first shot missed but yeah I'm lucky it did [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was behind me and I can't tell where [Music] I'm glad I didn't shooter that one knows at that moment that wasn't wise big problem with this right this is them every time they die they can run back they can where they are they can just carry on doing it until they get a kami spawn they can always get their gear back so this is never going to last long how did that first shot miss it ranges to 100 meters when your aim down sight I must have just missed it left to right or something but how I missed I don't know help done to me she's completely stripped that looks like the same gear [Music] he's hit but he's not down now I'm gonna get swarmed absolutely [ __ ] swamped I don't know what to do now I really don't I don't want to go back [Music] the [ __ ] was that from I've got no I've got no sound recognition from that all oh well this is gonna be bad [Music] [Music] - seen another one [Music] [Music] [Music] leave not an if they're so bad one had a pistol and he hit me enough to make me bleed twice and another one had a Mosin and only got to fire one bullet that doesn't make them bad close-range gunfights I have the massively outgunned that's another one that was lucky last epinephrine just seemed on moving from right left to right over there somewhere very dicey move we're about to do not the best positioning it's a new spawn going for the guns again what gun is that it's just a Saiga shotgun he's got there I can't [ __ ] get it that's sucks I [ __ ] hate that the loot from the first guy we killed was all dropped on the floor in the house where the other two were so I'd say we've killed six different players at the moment who [ __ ] there's at least one left but I suspect a lot of them around back right now there was somebody prone down there that hopefully will kill them I don't know if that's nine for sure but I think it possibly could be Moses indeed was other side somewhere you can probably steal me save me even now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how did that mario [ __ ] are you out here did I forget to unpin it I'm really annoyed that I didn't I'm paying that last grenade it went in fine I have to have killed somebody with the grenade though I'm finding it hard to believe I'm on I'm on a I feel like it might be it might be one more damnit there's the Mosin and the motions over this way how long is that burning for holy [ __ ] there's the mosey holy [ __ ] in [ __ ] [ __ ] that's ten I think Britany some blaze rounds at some point any place rooms No [Music] ah damn it never mind here we go into double figures that was really fun [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheRunningManZ
Views: 231,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DayZ, DayZ Standalone, DayZ Standalone Gameplay, PVP, Action, Interaction, Team Up, Base, Base Building, Base raid, Sniper, Hero, Bandit, Video Game, TRMZ, TheRunningManZ, running man z
Id: evQhhruf1Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 7sec (4207 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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