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[Music] hi guys this is the running man thanks very much for checking out this video this one is an adventure that i had on the mouse where i managed to get what i think is probably the most op combo in the game now these are vanilla guns obviously if you're playing on uh really heavily modded servers there's all sorts of other guns but these are the vanilla guns and they've just added the new as val or the s val as it's called in daisy to the game and it is very good as is the vss now with the 20 round mag they are very very good uh and i also with the foul which i think is the best gun there is i think the foul's the best gun there is i think the best secondary is either a vss or an s-val now i really do anyway this is the adventure i had to get there just one thing quickly if you enjoy this video please do hit the sub button it just means you get to see the next video i'm doing a video every week on a sunday if you like this video just hit the subscribe button it just means you get to see next week's if you're already subbed thank you very much i really appreciate it thank you as i say i collected some basic equipment on the west end of the map we picked up some tools and lots of sticks you need lots of sticks if you're going out on the ice but i've got some basic supplies i managed to get some bone hooks which you can see me cutting now i got those from uh a dead body that was on the docks where i got most of this loot quickly nick to the well at the town lubgensk and we're gonna pick it up just while i'm warming up at the fire prepping to go across the ice sheet to get to the bearing outpost we're gonna pick it up for in here thanks very much for watching guys i'll catch you in the next video love you bye how are we doing okay that's ruined there we go right come on then so we've got to quickly check the hunting cement stand quick as we can it would be cool to get a knife out of it actually [Applause] hmm [Applause] this is where we had that weird fight yesterday where i i shot people with the m4 and the bullets went through them so i had to get my it out and kill two people with guns with a hatchet [Applause] the [ __ ] are my bullets going there is a little knack to get to the outpost which i'm just going to show you now on the map kind of crudely but i'll show you you can just see me lining it up there but what i do is follow that red line to get to the outpost now the back of the boat sort of angles and points towards the outpost that boat that's sort of broken there on the side like the riffy boat type uh i all i do is i go about 50 meters into the ice following the line of the boat across the stream that's right in front of you and then keep a body of water to your right if you look at that red line as it goes around to the outpost as long as you keep a body of water to your right once you've crossed that first little piece of water it takes you all the way to the outpost and you can't go wrong in theory the only caveat to that is if it's very foggy or if it gets very dark on a hardcore server you can get lost no matter what how many however many times you think you've done it and how much you know it you think you've lost it things look wrong things start to start not to look right and this actually happened on this trip we're going to pick it up much later on i've made a fire twice on the way there to warm up whenever you go to the outpost take about 15 to 20 sticks make sure you can make fires if you've not got much food you might want a fishing rod on some hooks so you can catch mackerel in the water along the way as well but that's what i've done and we're going to pick it up after about 15 minutes or so of trekking along the ice and i can't start to feel like i'm lost we'll pick it up from there i'm starting to worry this doesn't look right that hill doesn't feel right the visibility is just really low i actually think i've gone wrong it's not looking correct things are not looking like they should oh come on we should be seeing it like any second if we've not gone the wrong way we should be seeing it any second but it's not looking correct [ __ ] sake this is definitely not right this is not this is not the right way i don't think i don't understand how we've gone wrong though i can't understand how i've gone wrong i was definitely following the right the right water we were just following the correct water and it takes you to the outpost and normally no matter what two fires and you that you're at the outpost we should be there any second or we're on the wrong way water sorry the wind is definitely i think we might be lost so i just it shouldn't be possible for me to get lost not anymore you know i know that's easier said than done i don't think i am lost i think i'm just convincing myself it everything looks so different when you're in the dark when the visibility's this low even even bits you know look different than what you think they look it just all looks wrong and we're probably not lost but it certainly [ __ ] feels like we are right now i should be drying my clothes but given the uh the storm we've been in in fact let's uh let's try them i should drive them the storm feels like it's stopping the winds calm down it's going to get light soon all is going to be amazing we'll be at the outpost in seconds probably not oh that this will be a fish as well but don't be wellies [ __ ] wellies it's madness madness welly madness it is the outpost is there we just got past it holy [ __ ] oh god i am relieved hey psi i've not seen one of them in ages i can't believe that look at that we've got we've got mags of plenty if there's a foul or an ak we're laughing i can't believe we i was like we're lost we're lost i can't get it i can't get it we were like somebody said you'll probably be just away from it and i was i couldn't have been much closer could i that is mad holy [ __ ] the self-doubt that was wrecking me because it didn't look right and we were just the reason it didn't look right is that i've normally just cut off the ice because i'm already there yeah who was the cynic that said just a load of guns with no mags where is the cynic now eh with with my foul with the scope and a mag where's your cynicism now young man oh there's a val bye bye fishing rod hello as val let's just put three sticks on there when did this have to get so precise a little help jesus christ okay well i think that apsi looks cool aside from the fact that his nose is sticking his [ __ ] conk is sticking through the psi conkey in effect look at that i should think that smart a little bit we have uh we have stopped to piss around showing the gun quite a bit and i don't have too much fire like availability if you like there's there's only maybe a minute or two left before i lose the plus symbol so i want to just get across here and we can hip fire with this quite well that scope's kind of blocking us a little bit we can hit fire and then we've got that for longer when we get inside the base i might take that scope up and just use it with the irons because once we're on the island there i think we're only going to be shooting at people with the iron sights i i tend to use the lara on semi-auto dude it's fine you get much more control it's quite a high recoil gun and if you're in full auto you're often firing at the sky rather than at the people oh [ __ ] that's the kind of control i mean that was quite controlled for me but you get my point he's geared as well he's got an asl on the ground he had a vowel with a 20 round mag oh dude this guy's been alive for a while i don't really need that okay i think we should drop it yeah i'm going to drop the ak i'm going to force myself to use the valve why wouldn't i you know we've got to use that valve i'm just going to take the mag out of this so it's not quite so op just for a little while okay i think we've got everything we need i don't need the mosin i'm surprised he didn't have a red dot surprised he didn't have a red dot for the for the gun that timing was so lucky i don't want his plate carrier right now i don't even know how good condition it was in to be honest but i've got two lock picks now yeah the fact that he's carrying two lock picks means he's probably been alive quite a while how old is this character not very old uh how long ago and what do we swear about an hour and 45 minutes i'd say that feels weird doesn't it holy [ __ ] oh god so good so i i've got i've got a massively well an amazing loadout now we don't really need anything better than we have it's amazing the scope the scope for the foul is the only thing that if you were being picky you'd want to try and change i'm really surprised i haven't uh haven't got the plus symbol yet oh there we go oh yeah i locked it i think the dude that we just killed has picked it clean anyway which makes sense why wouldn't he you know i think he was possibly going to the outpost i would imagine based on what he's got he probably came here from over that way he's looted down south he's killed a bear a land bear he hasn't killed a polar bear it's killed one of those land bears right but he's uh he's come from down south and he's come up here specifically to go to the outpost to try and get a gauss rifle you can see for he's got loads of gauss stuff he's got gauss batteries he's got gauss bullets uh enough that he's been to several helicopter crash sites or whatever you know he's got a couch mag as well he's put in the time he's putting the effort right uh i suspect he was going to the outpost and that's what he was literally about to swim over why another fire because i need to reset it passion i know i've got the plus symbol but it's only going to last a few seconds and i need to swim across the sea and it's quite a long swim yeah you have to swim to get off this island so we're not on the mainland just yet uh oh [ __ ] i thought i saw two dudes there i know i'm bleeding but that's kind of irrelevant right now oh [ __ ] hell ugh what do i do visibility's gone to [ __ ] there was two there as well there was two this is gonna be incredibly dumb or incredibly smart one or the other i'm not quite sure which hello hello there's two fully geared dudes on the island there's two fully gear dudes on the island man be careful all right well um i'm tempted to swim back where i came from good luck i'm swimming this way to try and flank him he's just cost me a little bit of my plus symbol there but i'm gonna have no cover this way but i might get at least one before they realize what i've done this visibility sucks i wonder if i can get away with a quick fire i don't know i don't really want to do a fire i have two heat packs but i think all that's going to do is stop me going dark blue i think that's the best i can hope for right like when we swim i'm going to get frostbite and i don't think i can see these dudes without swimming i don't think i can i think we're gonna have to make a fire this flank felt like the right thing did they only hit me in the leg but this flank feels like the right thing to do but i don't know how long they're gonna wait where they were i don't know they didn't seem to push me they didn't push me at all fight for that i thought for a minute i'd put ruined pants on the ground oh [ __ ] say hurry up i don't even know if i can easily find the right part of the island to do the flank correctly to be honest but we'll see amazing this is going to be a big regret or a big [ __ ] hero move one or the other if it was the guy we killed he could have gone back to his body and got the mosing [Applause] so i think we've swam around and they've they've gone off looking for me oh seen one go in there he was the gilly one one on the far side as well they're coming back [Music] that's our new spawn dude oh come on hit me up [Music] do [Music] [Music] so there's another one hmm last time i saw the gilly was around there no no i'm pinned but did i pin that back up or something oh well that was good use of a grenade oh god i'm gonna die [ __ ] swimming [Music] [Applause] i think i saw him flinch but i don't think i killed him so i think i'm gonna have frostbite now but i don't think there's much i can do about it twice i've got frostbite i think he's already dead i think i got him with the vowel it was worth the frostbite for the flank i had to do it i don't regret it at all that was an epic [ __ ] moment i did get him with the uh the val he's got an akm and we've got a drum mag i don't really want the akm but we might as well take something for the for the kill might we i am at risk of more frostbite say oh he's got he's got a val as well right [ __ ] the akm where's the other guy he was running this way but i don't know where i killed him possibly a bit nearer i think we need to go make a fire i'm gonna get more frostbite yeah i said he was on the grass i was right he's just there look m4 holy [ __ ] hell we've hit the jackpot with this one i don't really need two of those [ __ ] hell this guy's geared guys call me cruel but they're gonna run back for their loot they just are i don't mind leaving bullets but i'm not leaving them guns the as val does shred armor if somebody's 100 percent health like with no frostbite it takes two shots into a into a vest to kill somebody with a foul and it will take two shots with the as valve to kill them into a vest as well because it does 95 damage which isn't enough to kill a fully healthy player but if they're at all injured then a one shot will work from the val whereas it probably still be two shots from the foul so i the the everyone's getting all wrapped up in just how powerful the val is with the armor-facing bullets and it really is but the reality is that in the real world most of the time if if you're shooting against fully geared players ready for a fight it's still going to be two shots to kill someone uh but if they've been hit twice by a zombie or something maybe it might be one shot to kill them i suppose you know but it's not worth sweating over you know you just just use what you've got if you've got a valve it's your best secondary [ __ ] it's the best secondary you're gonna get i can't shoot here it's far too close to the how does that not hit it i was trying to use the axe i can't i can't do it it's not going to work is it but i swung right next to him and it didn't [ __ ] connect that's unfortunate though because now we've got to piss around i i can't go up to that area it's ruined my vest [ __ ] sake yeah that that wouldn't melee at all well i hit it once actually so that's not quite true it mellied the first time i was trying to hit it the second time in the third time it was a bit like trying to melee a chicken it just wasn't having it oh i'm gonna have to go back down this really sucks because we were leaving a shed where i'd just done some cooking i'm going to end up going back to that shed now and making another fire just to cook this but we have to do the right thing i think i think we'd be mad not too don't really know how far up the forest i am so we'll have to wait and see because yesterday i made a fire just in the edge of the forest i didn't go to oh there is there i was past it [ __ ] that's up near the helicopter it's a proper fire fight as well this if i just make a fire i can reset them i didn't even think i was showing that i can make a fire here cook the meat reset my plus symbol and hopefully get my health back to white and then we can go up and invest in the gate you know that'd be kind of fun it's either near the helicopter or the base up there it's one or the other any paper i don't see any i keep getting that wrong we literally just lost the plus symbol all right let's get you and you on there and you there okay we should be good we've got the plus symbol we've got everything loaded we just need to wait for the fat and then we can go all right look come on let's go and have an investigate so i'd really like to take the morphine but i don't think it's wise to take the morphine now i think we best wait the biggest problem here is that to get high ground you've got to go on the top of the hill and be right in the open oh [ __ ] i think my second shot killed him possibly amazing from up the top of this hill i don't think he's the shooter better safe than sorry though eh i don't know he could have had it it was hard to tell what he had but the gunshot just came from up there so it didn't really seem worth taking any risks i think there's another big gun up there up the hill there but i don't really know for sure [Music] you
Channel: TheRunningManZ
Views: 168,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dayz, dayz standalone, dayz standalone gameplay, trmz, therunningmanz, hero, bandit, action, interaction, SVAL, AS VAL, FAL, LAR, Expansion, Modded, Namalsk, Base building, base raiding, running man z, twitch, gaming, video game, sniper, friendly
Id: k6-w9hKrvfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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