HIDDEN LOOT - Namalsk Survivor - Episode 2. DayZ!

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hello hello hello hello you're right yeah yeah friendly man for me just having some dinner the [ __ ] hell gun is that he likes to fire quickly this dude it's all right i'm not shooting at you dude this guy was shooting at me did you just knock him out all right i just killed i just killed him there just take it he's got a repeater and a shotgun you killed him you have it dude i'm glad i injured him but just loot him dude i'm gonna go south man but take what you want it's all good dude so oh [ __ ] are you hello hello [ __ ] do i jump from there i've got my bullets back holy [ __ ] how do i know where i am well a map won't help me and a compass would tell me which direction i want to go in but i don't think unless i see a landmark a map and a compass is not going to help tremor direction so that's taking me towards the tremor right that way there is land there so that helps me a lot i'm on the east side we're on the east side so the submarine would be the one we could try and get to that there is the two houses okay i know where we are so if we uh i need to cook this meat before it goes off so that we're just looking at that we are here somewhere so we need to go holy [ __ ] we've got to go a long way and we ain't got enough fires i think we should go back to the land briefly i think it's boring to do so but oh i'm going to do that i'm going to go back to the land briefly and then we're going to go for the sub i'm gonna just cook my food that we have left on this in this house here do i really want to go yeah i think we do we just want to follow that round and then we can it's mostly open and it really isn't much more than east if we just follow that big ocean round on that one there so just up past the hunting stands and away we go i'm not convinced this is going to work what i'm trying to do here but let's just get over there oh [ __ ] you know this is gonna be tricky so this is kind of the way we just need to go north east and pray oh my god this looks so different it's gonna be really tricky to work out where we are there's just no height either see i do need to make a fire to dry out but i just want to put some distance between the coast and me oh god so we're basically heading straight north east from here which actually takes us a bit we need to know not quite straight north east a little bit less than right now i think we're on the big openy bit i don't know what's that there there's something there that can't be it though can it there's something big there gonna need to make a fire oh how cool is this right so we can properly dry our clothes now i don't i don't know if we could we're going to get there or not here i hope we do it looks like some kind of like uh like humpback whalefin oh there it is oh i'm glad i saw that we we would definitely got lost how cool does that look i mean how [ __ ] cool does that look it's [ __ ] badass that we have a few zombies oh [ __ ] fnx pistol okay right let's get this fire mate double quick we found red october one of those must be sean connery then oh rip okay let's just try these out i know we're dark blue for a second but we'll be we'll be fine any sec which is good news for us all right let's have a look then so we've got working gloves ushank out the loop does feel pretty low tiered kind of pap so far but nothing in there oh if i aggro the zombies oh [ __ ] i need to crouch if i had this aggro the zombies i could cause myself a lot of trouble couldn't i getting out it's kind of cool actually i have to say a pistol flashlight apsi so there is good loot here then that's quite we've only found apsis at like helicopter crash sites and such like you know high tier areas so that's actually not a bad thing to find spark plug we don't need that shite that's a scope for the rail gun so that yeah there could be a rail gun in here as well i guess if you're finding scopes i think that's it i think that's all there is but it is it's clearly tier three loot or whatever tier you know but having the apsi and that got that noise having the apsi and the other thing there the the scope clearly indicates that it's quite valuable loot here i think we're going to go back this way and then try and get to this bearing outpost this time which is buildings you can see them on the map i'm going to try and get to that i think it's easier to go from well we need to get to there basically so we need to get back back west um wow [Music] wow so oh that was dodgy hello dude you're right are you on your own here is it just you or yeah um you've got a helmet on man i'm struggling to hear you or a gas mask or something okay oh yeah i had the gas mask on my bed no no i'm after a vest you don't know if there's any over there do you no i've been up here for a little bit all right if i go and loot a vest you ain't going to shoot me are you no i saw you swimming i didn't want to be kidding oh good that's cool man all right i'm going to go and see if i can find myself a vest dude yeah i just swam to the island thought i'd have a little overwatch stand on the stand on the lighthouse and then wave at geared people as they approached me each day people have some lovely ways of playing daisy don't they [ __ ] hell baby ak the loot here can be stunningly good hey man are you still around here i'm in this barrack dude there's a lot of zombies be careful uh okay uh do you want to trade a little bit because i i have this svd i found uh well i don't really need it i've i've got a foul with a mag so i'm okay what are you looking for though i might have something you want um i have a railgun battery account up there was that was that a house that i'm alone by the way so i think that's a little bit above the other barracks past the uh yeah the zombies are regular in his way that that might be us so yeah careful [Music] did you get him no i don't know he was around here he's on the other island uh then you just looked he's passed it past the rock oh yeah he's aiming at me he's aiming at me [Music] ah holy [ __ ] i hope you did i think i did too but [ __ ] me i missed a lot of shots there i was convinced i think we both at the same time oh dude i just [ __ ] fluff i'm using this scope and it i don't know the recall seems insane i think it's just me being a pleb well that was me just being terrible but fair play dude i think we both got him here but i'm i'm glad we did [ __ ] me yeah yeah there's so many [ __ ] zombies okay it's not like maybe a foul or an spdm i sounded like an svd it did yeah yeah he's got an svd that's your spare mag there dude he has an svd with a mag do yourself a favor dude do not take his grenade that's in his inventory because it might kill you he also has an akm with a truck he's got an akm with a drum mag there as well is that is there a bug for that yeah there's a grenade bug so if you lose his grenade it could kill you for sure oh it's not working there's another svd mag here as well i'm just gonna drop it on the ground thank you he also has a map if you want one of those i think i'm good i know i know right uh you can take that akm if you want if you want to rock it i'm good i've got an ak-74 and some bullets and i've got way more stuff and i haven't been able to use the drum knight does he actually have a drum mode he does have a drum mag yeah you grab it dude oh dang i haven't had one of these in a while oh god that was tricky dude i've actually got a gotta go afk for a little while so i'm gonna quickly swim back to the military base i'm going to have to log out dude but thanks for for the little team up man it was it was cool i'll catch you later on okay my name is jack by the way nice to meet you my name is paul dude take it easy i'm not lying either i need to go afk for a second i'm about to poop my pen to lose i missed some baby ak rounds today then i did get one box if i didn't get them all i didn't get them all but i need i really do need to go afk uh i'm gonna struggle to carry this meat oh no way all right no food for me so where we are trying to go we are here the boats here somewhere and we need to go kind of a little bit west and then mostly north ah where the [ __ ] is the compass yeah i think this kind of way like northwest will be okay what i need to do is follow the ridgeline it like it it looks like it's on the edge of water so if i follow the ridgeline we can just get there i do need to make a fire in a second but i just want to get a bit further away from that boat i think if we follow the line that the boat is we'll pretty much get there um uh so we've left there i think we're somewhere along here i don't think we've gone very far i don't know i hope we're going right that looks a lot very big doesn't it but if we are where i think we are we should be good i think we're coming along here trying to get to this so we just need to keep going this way and hopefully we'll see it we might be just getting lost and i'll never find land again i've no [ __ ] clue where we are i've got no food i just need to keep going this way and pray it looks like it looked like quite a long run i am really worried check my scope with the surroundings i don't think there's much point i think with the fog as it is i think we're better off just going the way we're going for now i'll get to this mound and then i'll have a look see what i see oh i think it's there i think we are on the right track i think that's it look oh so i've never been here it looks like three quanzit huts but it's cool to get here right i think it looks really badass i'm guessing it's quite high tier loot as well i sincerely doubt there's going to be any food might take his vest in a sec it's a vss so you come all this way for a vss you've already got oh we got some more bullets i'm going to take the mag i think i'm going to bother with the scope but it is high tier loot otherwise you wouldn't be finding a vss in right but so we can make a fire in one of these barracks replaced our high cap vest the high cap vest is warmer than the one we're wearing so we're going to take it how sick would you be like to find a mine here and plant it and then come all this way and get killed to a mine imagine that night vision goggles 308 is pretty cool as well although that dude did give us a load but it's 308 i wouldn't have had otherwise jaeger pants i've already got the uh some rack pants we'll just keep those quite like to get uh the night vision head strap and where the night vision goggles that would be pretty badass look at that there's a foul so this outpost is very much worth coming to without a shadow of a doubt pso-1 scope we could take that just for now very very cool [Applause] so i've got to be a little bit careful here there is often people around we're quite close to the uh town there's the the port there i actually really could do with the either the night vision cage or preferably the assault helmet or whatever helmet is that takes the night vision there's a few military bases around here we could go and try and find one i've got the gauss scope for the foul yes should we make a fire in one of those houses it doesn't feel entirely safe dark blue temperature i'm going to lock the door i don't think there's anyone in here with me i'll quickly make a fire i have to say it's really kind of it feels really free to it creates like a degree of freedom just being able to light a fire wherever you want like just having sticks on you the whole time it's so cool like not having to [ __ ] around it seems to save so much time oh where have my matches gone now they're not in my cruiser i can't even see i've got i've got match blindness again oh they're in the same spot they went before [ __ ] me dead let's put that there that that'll make it less likely that can go there yeah blinking temperature is not good we need this fire fairly sharpish we could actually be getting frostbite if we're not oh careful me miss that thing head towards where those shots are shall we that's quite loud what is that gun [Music] oh the shot's actually here i think they could be at that if they were that why the [ __ ] wouldn't they uh why wouldn't those zombies be at great day [ __ ] you know [Music] someone's swimming over they may not have started yet [Music] so that was so hard to try and hit him on the merry-go-round i'm kind of pleased that i got the second shot and that kind of made him limp he had a random armband on which does make you worry right do not stand up until the mag is done okay we're good i do feel like he was shooting or somebody was shooting a sport there could be another i certainly can't loot that guy i don't think i do worry that that dead body's going to be there for quite some time and he has got some decent loot oh [Music] [Applause] oh this gun is so cool so i'm not that no i don't want to attract anymore i don't want to retract anymore he says they're already [ __ ] here [ __ ] there's a guy there's a guy there looting a dead body oh no no no something just landed i could do with that food but it's not worth the risk someone just took a shot at me and i've no [ __ ] clue where from this is really [ __ ] risky i shouldn't be doing this i think i was shot from over there by a suppressed guy would be my guess whereabouts was the prone guy i don't need the gear but i want to see what this guy had i want to know if it was an svd or not oh he's got an ak drum mag that could be him although he had an svd not a mosin but he did get an akm with the drum mag so he was so geared that [ __ ] holy [ __ ] where we are here is where new spawns can spawn so literally the two people we just killed there can spawn back here you know that guy that was just looting him was probably the guy that i killed so trying to get rid of the guns makes complete sense to me because otherwise i'm just going to be pvp again the same dude that was not the gun i meant to use but okay we'll take it when i aim down sight and it was the [ __ ] aka my hand i was not best pleased [Laughter] holy [ __ ] so uh [Music] i've got three sticks we'll be fine so many of you guys have not seen this we've done this once already today oh i know where we are oh [ __ ] yeah the place you go to changes every time so you never know where you go it's going to spawn you i think it's not random like per jump so like if you jump in and someone jumps in after you you'll go to the same place but it's random per ball so earlier today i i threw some bullets into it and then just a bit later i ran into it and when i got through i found my bullets on the other side [Music] so so you now it is quite scary five five six don't need those ah hmm yeah i'm not gonna [ __ ] around for one more bullet either oh i've just lost the deagle oh well never mind i shouldn't have dragged and dropped that it's probably on the roof hi chrome how are you doing [ __ ] sake so many zombles the chance of a helmet hey cam hang guard i ain't seeing a helmet i'm gonna go and investigate this way see if i can see where those shots were coming from i fit through that all i can this is the industrial area over this way the visibility is going down some but we're going to go this way we know there's a dude we can go and have a look we're gonna get a blizzard shortly [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TheRunningManZ
Views: 184,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DayZ, DayZ Standalone, DayZ Standalone Gameplay, TRMZ, TheRunningManZ, Hero, Bandit, Action, Interaction, PVP, Sniper, Gauss rifle, Gauss Scope, Namalsk, Modding, Modded, Helicopter, Submarine, Car, Base Building, Base raiding, running man z, twitch, video game, rust
Id: 0Zu99DsksRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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