How A 12,000 HOUR SOLO Adapts To A BRAND NEW DayZ Map!

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this is pnw which is a map based on America land I don't know anything about it I don't know anything about it whatsoever I do know that I need to not swear for the next two minutes just in case this goes to YouTube if it does hello YouTube Mr map in the garage you know what I was just thinking I'd seen him at I thought I'd seen one but I'm so used to not taking it he's going to take the map isn't he hello hello you're right dude did you see the map no I haven't found one yet I just saw a map in here and I forgot to pick it up and now I can't find the bloody thing oh crap he's got my map it was in the first garage he's picked up the map yeah I don't see it at all you got my mat say again have you got my map I do not do you have your back tell the truth you've got my map give me my map no I don't I know you've got my map give it to me give me my map give me my map give it never no don't be better that's not fair that's more like it you'll never get me boy keep me my map [Music] well I must hand you there what [ __ ] off [ __ ] that was that was kind of a [ __ ] shot what's your health at what is it at uh it's about three quarters full oh me too I thought I was winning I gotta be winning now gotta be you've had four more heavy hits you must be yellowing yeah yeah yellow right well I started swinging before you that's [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah buddy how about that one I did the side sweep as well I deserved that I deserve to hit I'm red now you're cheating oh yeah me too you're cheating come on one more hit buddy no yeah come on you're a dirty cheater I'm like Rocky man I'm like Rocky oh come on you should be dead we were both about dude goodbye it was cease it was seeds it wasn't a map it was seeds I bet it was seeds in there in the first place oh why didn't he say [Music] hello how you doing man you're right dude you've got a gun holy [ __ ] yeah I just uh Fanning at The Hunting Shack down at the shores oh nice I haven't even got that far yet dude what you up to man you're like you're familiar with this place or what uh no I've never played on this map before in my life so I'm just trying to learn what's what you want me both bro can we actually take this boat and uh go to a nice place uh I think we might be struggling to get that one in the water that one based on the Windows being completely not see-through I'm guessing you can't drive it dude there's a dead guy here oh Lord holy [ __ ] there's a Mossberg Patriot what's that what is it Shield seven six it's 308 it looks like a tundra [ __ ] me I know that's crazy I like the layout though it looks amazing it looks good didn't it I ought to go back to the dead guy though and get his gizzard because we can use it for rope there was a guy that was trying to kill me saying I had a map of his the other side of town I might need to go back I've got a knife I want to chop him up and use his stomach for rope yeah I was thinking about the same like yeah we can use his bones to actually fish yeah all right let's do that have you found him yet oh yeah I got him nice yeah I'll drop you half of it nice okay cool I need to get his stomach for a rope as well I just quickly grab that I got a rope I got a rope but if you want to get one yourself yeah I need one to make a bag if you if you can get a long stick for a fishing rod I've got a hook actually so we could fish pretty easily all right I'm gonna get a stick all right dude you said you had a knife as well right because I think we need worms yeah I've got a well I've got a uh Scythe thing yeah sickle I think actually the house behind you I think you can cook in there right does it have a stove or something yeah that one does yeah let's see if I can get a worm there we go yeah right I'm gonna I'll get another worm there's a worm on the ground and there's the proper hook as well so if you want to do that all right I'm gonna quickly uh holy [ __ ] I just caught one oh my God that's quick there's another one just behind you to the right all right you know what I do I'll cut this one up for you because I have dirty I already have dirty hands so you can actually cook if you want to yeah right missed a map in the garage poor guy dying because of seeds oh I already have matches so you don't you don't have to make the whatever the hell it is all right no worries that's cool dude thank you yeah I'll do that all right so I dropped two pieces of fish and uh and the matches I'll try to catch some some more all right dude thanks oh yeah seems pretty trustworthy I think he's had chances to kill me by now and he hasn't [ __ ] Christ man I'm the I'm the I'm the Fisher Legend bro one swing and I caught another one what is this is that my hook no the hook is still alive all right I'll be right back see if I can catch another one he's hungry as well so you're gonna need some food too oh no way I heard the step I thought it was our dude that's so frustrating oh well home of the world's smallest [ __ ] I hit him with the second shot it might have been bold but I knew we had to reload it if it was a double barrel I knew I had to reload I only had two shots so I thought I'd try and hit him foreign to work out how this map is at the moment because I keep dying before I can even see the name of the town I'm in [Music] I'm geared dude dropped his loot [Music] that sounds like an SSG to me yeah I think that is an SSG oh that's a military bit there all right forget the SSG for a minute let's just have a look here I'm never going to keep him out [Applause] [ __ ] [Applause] okay all right we're done we're safe just for whoa say we're safe just for a minute he was in it me thinks I spoke too soon [Applause] [Applause] Sergeant sardines the uh SSG dude is probably long since [ __ ] off but I think I had to loot this this building and it's the only bit that's military around here as far as I know and the way the Loop's been distributed I thought there might be decent [ __ ] here that's how great on someone else wow I really thought that was echoed on some [ __ ] else not me it was [Applause] well that went well hopefully he's dead because he's had both barrels hopefully I've only had one and I'm wearing a vest and he wasn't that [ __ ] sucks he had both [ __ ] barrels and he tanked it that absolutely sucks oh my God this is frustrating this is an all-action map isn't it it's not exactly a uh take your time getting to get get some loot together it's just a find a gun and [ __ ] them all kind of man oh wow look at that that's good I feel like we might be somewhere near where we just died but I don't have a clue I don't know really where anything is that a little bit of Pate okay should we have the bag as well hello hi dude you're right I saw you again play again Chase yeah dude or anything I'm good I have because this first time I've ever played on this on this on this map right here um so you where is it at here it is you might need that better than me oh dude let me have a quick look do you know where we even are I have no idea where we're at so yeah that's probably not going to help as much is it well you you find it so you best keep it but uh I feel I found it like as soon as I spawned in like way over there so yeah dude grab it back it's on the ground that's cool okay thank you I've died like three times in about 10 minutes oh no that's unlucky man I can leave you alone if you want I don't I don't want to be a bother I don't really mind you can you can tag along if you want dude I don't really know where I'm going I'm desperately trying to kill a guy that killed me but I don't know where he is we're trying to get you're trying to get that Revenge huh yeah I need to revenge on a guy that might not he could be like 20 miles away for all I know oh unlucky what's your name dude my name's Dave I'm Nick nice to meet you you too I think I was here a little bit before I got killed along here by a dude not long ago I think I died here this this is me from a previous life not the last life this is me from the life before that you you were a handsome man Dave you were a handsome man yeah hey wait it has a cowboy hat it fits me perfectly oh dude have it I just put it on my Noggin but you can have it I don't care oh it looks better than you it looks better on you I know it's on the ground dude no you must have it but uh what ammo does your gun take Dave I might have something uh pockets for you I've got a shotgun and a crossbow yeah yeah I've got some bullets okay all right cool the dude that killed me had a shotgun uh I hit him with a derringer but unfortunately it turns out shotgun shells are more powerful so if we see another dude with a shotgun we have to kill him okay all right no mercy on him right yeah we'll kill him Dave we'll kill him from Dave I'm from uh England what are you asking what about yourself nice nice man I'm from Virginia oh I want to go towards that that that's that's the way for us let's go towards that yes sir let's go and [ __ ] them up this way all right let's go I'm right behind you the dynamic duo dude yep dynamic it don't sound soon unkind you know uncertain about that yeah all right well I'm not certain of anything except I've got an impending death coming my way I think the shot was still a bit more to the left in here oh there's a guy in front he's injured dude this house in front there's someone hey yo brother put your hands up good [ __ ] one more day one more day he's not dead he's not dead finish him eyes holy [ __ ] Dave good [ __ ] [ __ ] yes kill the dead kill the dick that's good I'm pleased about that this this guy's got two shotguns my my bk-12 [ __ ] it ruined as soon as I shot this guy in the [ __ ] chat did it yeah like as soon as I shot him there's a BK on the ground there if you want that yes thank you appreciate you let me you know group up with you thank you no it's all good it's the first time I've not died so something's going right bag of rice but it's that's a player I think dude I think that Zombie's acroed on someone other than us I'm gonna go out the back door [Music] yeah the Zombie egg Road I think there was a player yeah you probably ran and he ran back yeah yeah there is there is holy [ __ ] what's up bro nice shot come get him ah too late [ __ ] dick they [ __ ] you up good that'd be a good son I maybe shouldn't have tried to finish him off with the MK2 maybe that was a mistake I don't know right let's uh let's move away a bit shall we what I'd like to do at some point is uh find a road sign and work out where the [ __ ] we are as well that would be pretty useful you got that other map from that other guy right yeah I've got a map yeah if we can find a road sign that tells us where we are we could do that dude there's a press vest in this bottom right corner room that's in good condition you might as well take oh okay thank you oh there's a guy in the gas station Dave right over there oh he looks like he's got nothing yeah if only I had a scope I could make him have even less than nothing oh yeah that was a cross yeah I'm going straight at it all right Dave coming Drake and he was in the right hand one maybe oh no he's in the window to the left I don't see him oh I see him I think I hit him he went running back he's in here you're gonna die now boy Hey Brother come on open the door time to die oh foreign [Music] I saw him running in it I saw him run in here with a bright blue bag on I think he jumped out the back yeah he could have done yeah I was pretty high he could have jumped out the back and it might be that if you vote out the back you land on the wall as well and we're in the middle of a battle Dave but you won't have uh extra piece of food would you uh yeah that that's that's kind of the better kind of food that I've got yeah thank you no worries dude I like the way he says thank you it actually sounds like meaningful they're polite in Virginia aren't they you can tell they must be if he jumped I mean it was pretty like you said it's pretty high you might you think he broke his leg well if you hit him he might have done yeah we could go and check behind oh yeah very cool didn't see anything he must have jumped out and got away must have done no idea where we're going this is a proper hospital we could check but and we're just doing lap so there's quite a big city isn't it it looks it's a lot bigger than you really realize and we ended up all the way over there now we're right here I didn't realize that that's the house where everybody died before it I know it's not it's a different one I think I lied everything it looks all the same oh right here ggs what's he doing on the ground crouching around with his uh tactical rolls [Laughter] Army Dave I think he might be dude there's a there's some jam on him you might as well take that jam you kind of probably need it more than I do oh cool thank you I don't know maybe he'd broken his leg or something you think that was the guy that we stopped no unless he's changed bags the guy we saw had a bright blue dry bag let's see what else he had oh we got some duct tape we can hostage a [ __ ] you wouldn't happen to know if there's like a um a whale or anything around here I've been I've not seen one there must be one but [ __ ] knows where it is if we can find where that what the name of the town is we can probably find it on the map oh yeah probably yeah the next one we see let's let's ask him what the name of the town is before before we fill in Fuller lead then we might know the bottom floor play around to the I don't know which side if you come out the front he's to the left there's a summer camp there there's a player outside if you get to the front of the hospital and turn left as you as you're leaving it he's that way he's up to no good if you ask me this guy man we saw you running in here all right hey what's up hey you [ __ ] where is he oh that's what you get they [ __ ] you up [ __ ] what's up Dave oh canal started blasting me with a pistol he wasn't friendly come on man I'll try to ask him about the town name and it just start popping he's fallen where he can't be looted as well which is annoying I'm going to cut him up I want his boots his boots look good you had a gun a month exactly I like them they're my favorite boots okay makes sense yeah right let's let's keep going this way all right sounds good I am on yellow Health though so I might got to be careful yeah good shot Dave and I believe our friendship and our meeting is over yeah we'll just be careful if we stick to the middle of the road here oh play behind by the red car he's crouched dropped him he's only unconscious he's up he's up [Music] I've hit him again foreign how the [ __ ] is he tanking these shots this is the guy this is the guy like with the blue bag this is him oh okay if I take the shotgun shots no take him yeah [Music] probably don't want it but just in case you do there's a pistol with a suppressor on the ground there oh okay nice thank you oh that thank you it's beautiful isn't it thank you I can't even do it but I think we should strut down this road like we own the place I think that's what we should do for now well sounds good let's go I feel like we do kind of out the place now everyone's been cleared of all their gear I think yes sir we we're the Mayors pretty pretty much how it is right we see a dude we see a dude we look at the dude and then his heart stops and it's all over for him that seems to be the way it is Zoo so those are the apartments we were in before so it might it might be that we've been there already but this road just looked like a good one to go down you know I don't know where the [ __ ] we're going this looks like the end of the road oh my God look at that moose that's just living it's just crawling in the backyard oh yeah the edge of the map I had no idea I thought we'd just have a quick squeeze through and then see what let's go that way yes sir I think there's maybe a little bit of a military up ahead perhaps maybe that that's a military Tower [Music] dude would you like us a goalkeeper there you go yeah sure is the goalkeepers are on me [Laughter] [Applause] there's a submarine there dude look there's definitely people here anyway we've heard the shots served anything up the fair enough nah nothing at all got any pants I just notice I'm still wearing [ __ ] shorts well there's some very bright red ones but they match your backpack I suppose you're gonna have style you know dude yeah I could do with a new bag but I can only find like bright ones uh yeah I was gonna say there's one right here I don't really like the orange Tulum the orange bag like this it's kind of [ __ ] but the collar of it or uh I've got a mate that really really likes the orange stripe bag he thinks it's the most camouflaged one and I think he's absolutely [ __ ] idiot for thinking a bright orange bag is the most camouflaged I just I can't get the logic you know but anyway oh dude dear that's that's the way that kind of looks a bit like the building where I or near the building where I got killed before oh there's military Barracks here maybe we could have a quick look I get the feeling it's all just been looted though yeah maybe we're better off just going towards the shots dude oh I've got a new backpack though I'll quickly change that cool oh look at that stylish oh that sounds a bit of a juicier gun that one that one not so much they'll never see us coming with our bright red pants okay you take them off Dave will that make you happy no you keep them on I would yeah one right here right here oh he was on Top of the Rock [ __ ] I thought I was looking at the tree it was on the top of the rock behind the bush that's a scorpion he just knocked me with [Music] you okay yeah I'm good I'm good he knocked me on con is he still up I ain't I haven't I don't even see him he was on Top of the Rock knock me on Con yeah he's carried on down the rocks he went behind the wall somewhere let's go to the left I don't see him [Music] [Music] drop 10 drop 10. yeah this isn't the same guy I think the guy backed off he knocked me uncle but he knew you were close he just carried on running down the rocks getting this building straight in front this is where I died it is dead guy on the road I don't know where the shooter is but he's around I think he's in the building right beside us I think unless he's a little bit further out there's no there's there's zombies all around that yellow house to the left he's in there like the house that's not in any other map but this one there was an SKS shot from around there that must be that must be where he is there could be another in the building you think yeah yeah you know on the left on the in the window he has a on top of the stairs he's on the stairs window coaster test we're talking yellow building or not yeah yeah yellow can't even see the stairs I think I dropped him nope I can't even see it top window close to us yep second window upstairs he had a green like army helmet on and a vest I think I dropped him whenever he peaked the last the second time all right should we just go and push we can have a look dude come on let's do it be right we've got shotguns zombies just come through let's get out the back door and shut him in shut the door behind you [Applause] oh damn quick [ __ ] me wow what up [ __ ] zombie zombie GG dude yeah good stuff oh man I'm close I'm gonna close the door he's got an SKS I've no I'm bugged I'm bugged I can't put my gun away what do I do now I'm gonna have to try and log out and log in but if there's a queue I'm [ __ ] but I'm what can I do I'm I'm bugged when I got pushed through the wall briefly it just bugged me out I can't put my gun away I was kicked for a server restart I can what the SKS is going to be gone if that's the case that can't be right I got kicked for a server restart two seconds before the [Music] thank you [ __ ] trade I traded with him he was trying to push me in the [ __ ] restart while I was in the queue he was trying to push the restart one absolute dick I think this might be the same time where we just were I might be able to go back I don't recognize this really I'm hoping we are near where we were before this is going to be the hospital maybe next to the summer camp it is yeah this is the town where I was with Nick I've got to go run all the way along this road and then we've got to do that little swim across to the military base I probably I won't get my loot back it's been really fun though pnw's been a lot of fun right we just got to get across go past the submarine I think by the time we get there it'll have been looted by someone else but you never know it's highly unlikely that my loot will still be there hello all right dude I died in here a second ago and I traded with the dude I'm just trying to get my gear back go still about them oh no it didn't look like a killer he must have only gone unconscious but I've got some on my gear back anyway there's a dude with the tundra knocking around he's not you I don't think that's good yeah he had he had a tundra and all sorts yeah I thought I'd killed him but I think I only knocked him unconsciously no no I didn't I've just come I've just come along the coast from the opposite way you ran so he hasn't come that way he's probably still knocking around this area somewhere he was fully fully geared though he killed my buddy with a tundra and then the server restarted and he pushed me with the restart to kill me when he like just as the server came back on a bit dirty that's what I thought to be honest unfortunately he's took all my foods which is going to be a problem oh he's took my boots as well the bastard he's wearing blue Rock boots that's unlucky they're my favorite boots so there we are I didn't kill him I only knocked him icon he's probably fairly nearby because he'll be hurting could do he was in the uh he was in the red building down there he was he came from that way he was he shot my friend in this window from down there so he may have gone back doesn't do nothing for you tomorrow but it'll stop you from being starving tomato oh thanks dude what's your name by the way my name's Dave Mike nice to meet you dude I'm gonna need to try and find some food I'd love to know where he went the [ __ ] all right that was so annoying I add him as well I I add him but he pushed so quick like immediately after the restart he just rushed my building would you get a Fargo open and cook this chicken up dude if you don't mind we could do it in this house yeah that'd be amazing yeah that's probably the best one right I'll go get some sticks all right there's kindling in the fire already hey hey hey yeah I'm not looking to shoot don't worry it's okay you don't have any food to trade for something by any chance do you yeah okay okay I have one is there anything you need oh maybe I'm up for the Caribbean I got I might have ammo for that hang on let me have a look uh yeah I have don't worry I'm not going to shoot you you can take the bullets out of that if you want for the that's for a repeater yeah there's bullets in there that's cool cheers dude thank you that's my friend with the fire there I'm just gonna go and meet up with him okay thank you cheers dude probably wasn't worth that really giving him the repeater sorry that all of the deagle bullets for a tiny Slither of food this is me just coming in dude just made the worst trade of my life that could be the guy that killed me I'd quite like I just traded a 10 10 bullets for a for a repeater for a tub of Pate that was not a good trade number two is chicken on the floor butterfly oh thanks dude do you need any of this dude or am I allowed to eat all of it they have all of it I've got three you've got three nice thank you right let's go and find that shot if you if you're ready if you're down I think the guy to the left there is the one I traded with this vest but traded um Goods rather than live yeah although I I do kind of want his best I'm gonna lie it wasn't him but he was gonna shoot this guy I just saved your life I saved that dude's life yeah but do you still want his boots no I wanted this dude's vest I just saved you alive young man you don't know how lucky you are there was a guy trying to kill you I shot him dead look he's here see are you serious oh nice you need more food or something like that uh I'm okay I managed to get a tin just now so I'm okay thank you okay good luck bye-bye cheers cheers to G2 all right let's go let's go and track down that shooter yeah it was there was about five people here it before the restart like okay I was playing with a random and we killed quite a few players and then uh the server restarted and the very last one killed me unfortunately yeah there's some Barracks this way that we never checked but maybe the shot was here but let me have a look well there's a there's a zombie in the wood store all right which is an unusual place for it yeah player in front yeah dude oh that's him yeah that's the dude yeah we don't need to shoot him just gonna go and check this container I don't think the shot we heard was any further I think it was around here somewhere just need a box of SKS rounds I should have took the other dudes Charles briefcase shouldn't I I don't even have a bag that's the bag situation I was in the tree to the right I think that was at me saw him running back then that may have been a hit possibly he's behind you he's behind you in the trees okay that's him that's the that's the tundra [Music] got him I got him dude are you there I exploded his gas Grenade on his vest I've never done that before I've never done that before ever I feel like Mike might be dead but that's the [ __ ] that killed me I'm sure it is Mike hello hi dude hello oh my buddy's dead [Music] where's the enemy I I got the dude that did it oh okay oh I gotta wait five minutes for that to go I've shot people in their gas stove has exploded in the inventory I've never shot somebody's like to hip fire and then somehow luckily hit the grenade on their vest that is insane I'm gutted for Mike Mike was a good dude I I I'm kind of frustrated he died but I'm not gonna lie I'm absolutely over the moon I got the other [ __ ] thing is with this gas knocking around I can't loot the guy he could maybe run back you know maybe he'll find a shotgun or something his mate might come back and I might end up not getting the stuff which would be really Criminal this is the dude this is him he's got the deagle he's got my blue boots he's got my he's got my armband the [ __ ] fancy taking my armband he's got a pox grenade there oh there's a punch card I don't even know where you use that Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] my god look how many Nine Mile rounds that dude's got oh my God forget the clock let's just take some more kniving rounds and I'm around to go go [ __ ] me I don't care about the other 30 rounder let's go that's enough I've got way more loot than I could have possibly hoped for oh [Music] he's probably the dude running back isn't he lucky bastard I guess I didn't load it [Music] ah double Lucky Bastard that one was my follow Beverly did drop down a dip [Music] he probably doesn't deserve a shot but I felt like he was possibly the guy running back hello sorry I thought you were someone running back to their body I don't think you are by the look of it it is it's me oh is it mine oh thank God I missed I killed the guy that got you I've got his loot it took me ages to loot him okay he's my stuff's still there some of it is some of his stuff's there I can probably get you the SKS so we'll be okay he shot you and I managed to get him but in killing me I exploded one of his uh he had pox grenades on his vest and it exploded I had to wait five minutes to loot the [ __ ] but I thought you were him running back the first shot would have killed you but whatever gun wasn't loaded that was lucky yeah the SKS is just in this tree here and there's a shotgun in the tree also just a bit to the right if you want to grab those it's a big mountain over there yeah do you want one of these I've kind of got to go which sucks but do you want one of these uh that I had he had two so I don't know if you find anywhere to use it how about it you know the punch card thing I don't know what you use it for okay thanks for being friendly it was fun that you helped me get a revenge on the on the dude that killed me and my buddy before stay safe man my day you go no worries love you bye [Music]
Channel: TheRunningManZ
Views: 513,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DayZ, DayZ Standalone, DayZ Standalone Gameplay, TRMZ, TheRunningManZ, running man z, hero, bandit, action, interaction, adventure, base building, Namalsk, Banov, Iztek, Melkart, Deerisle, Livonia, Chernarus, base raiding, sniper, expansion, modded, helicopter, survival, video game, twitch, gaming, lets play, PVP, Dayz PC, Dayz Console, Dayz Steam, Dayz Highlights, Dayz PVP, Dayz Streamer, Dayz Twitch, Dayz Movie, Dayz Trolling, Dayz Tutorial, Dayz Base, Dayz Tips And Tricks, Best Of Dayz
Id: DWfPw8QRah4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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