HIDDEN Features The DEALER NEVER Told Me About!

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[Music] [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video and welcome back to another gorgeous day in Pennsylvania or we are going to be talking about some hidden features on the 20/20 Denali that I hadn't figured out that the salesman ever told me and that are actually kind of new to the GM lineup of heavy-duty trucks that I think they're actually really nice with these small hidden features that were actually turned off and I didn't realize even existed until I took about 35 minutes to explore the infotainment system and ended up discovering them they're kind of cool before we get to that we're gonna talk about those packages right there this is not a sponsored ad but rather just kind of a little product highlight for the next base dashcams I'd actually wanted to get dashcams for my personal truck which is the 2020 Denali and for my wife's vehicle which is kind of like our and fibia excursion vehicle just so I can kind of keep an eye on things on the road at any given point in time now this is not a paid promotion but I wanted to share with you guys I feel like in today's drivers market it's not a bad idea to have some eyes that will have a memory that you can access and rewatch if you catch my drift but next base did send me these cameras so I'm gonna give you guys an honest look at these things they're pretty slick they're small they pack a lot of features and I feel like they're gonna do exactly what I want them to do if I ever need to go back and revert to watching the footage again I want to put one into 20/20 Denali because that's kind of my personal truck that I'm driving all the time and I want to throw in the wife's Jeep so that way if anything ever happens with her we have a credible source of backup data that we can revert to god forbid we ever have to now I hope that we don't ever have to do that but you can never be too safe it's kind of like a modern-day insurance policy that's not required but it's a really good idea again you want to make sure that you've got pretty much everything in your corner god forbid you ever need to flex on so I'm gonna leave that one right there cuz that one's for the wife's Jeep I already kind of broke into this one cuz I was slightly impatient but I want to show you guys what we got so we've got the memory card for the device we've just got like let's see here a little 32 gigabyte card it's got the adapter as well then this is the next space for two - it's one of the more premium camera options they do have a slew of ones available that come at different price points and budget points just some features of this thing which are pretty important you don't want to get like a cheap dash camera that has crappy quality it's kind of like poor security cameras what's the point if you can't use the footage makeout detail right kind of like all the security cameras that I have around my house and around the shop they record top-notch quality during the day and at night so that way if I ever have to use it I can so this camera shoots 1440p video it's got a touchscreen on it GPS location and speed you can connect it to Wi-Fi it's got emergency response and it has built-in Alexa you can be like hey yo Alexa make sure you get this right here and then what's included in here we've got the camera the click and GoPro mount 12 to 24 volt power adapter which is like 4 meters long it's pretty long USB cable suction mount power cable fitting tool and Quick Start Guide my inner video enthusiast is screaming right now and today you know what boys we might as well just get this thing thrown into the Denali so here's the camera it literally it has about the same weight as a GoPro it's really nice actually this dash cam has a touchscreen so it looks like I have to charge it before using it per the instructions which I can do it gotta follow the rules and we've got all this stuff here we've got the cable fitting tool here's the 12 to 24 volt I don't know where we're gonna run it but we're gonna figure that out charging cable suction thing so I'm gonna go ahead and get this thing installed real quick get it charged up and I'm gonna show you guys the finished product pretty excited about this so we've got this thing charging here it's about done and I downloaded the the next base app which is another thing I actually really like about this is you can have it connected to your phone so you can grab footage on the go if need be sick now that's done we got the last step in the process here boys and that is to throw it into 2020 then we should be ready to rock and roll the total front thing pulled off and the cameras got it 1.3 f-stop - so it should have really good night visibility alright let's do this start the truck [Music] so there's our view from the driver's side that's about all you see a boom boys we got ourselves a dashcam she's ready to rock and Rumble alright boys before we jump into these features I need to run in here because I have a limited product that's about to come out for DDG number five and I can't wait to show you guys terrible quality we would never ever do that around here quality over quantity boys quality over quantity told you guys are going to be working on some really special releases for DDG number five and being that we're going through the change of season except for those that are out in California we're changing up the product portfolio for the limited products a little bit and boys this is what we're looking at here we're not really sure colorways yet we got to kind of drastically different options for flannels yes boys you heard that right we got flannels we got double line quilted flannels that are heavy and they're so comfortable then we've got our traditional style flannel I don't know what color we're doing yet but selfishly I wanted to print a whole bunch of them so that way I could see what they look like and they are super freakin nice check out that embroidery check out that quality boys I don't know what we're gonna be doing yet quite yet but what I can promise you guys is that there will be some limited light flannels coming for the beginning of DDG number five maybe by the end of DDG number five we're gonna have the heavy quilted ones that are like jackets I love wearing them I don't know about you guys and then for DDG number six and our final giveaway for the year we will have some heavier products like jackets and stuff like that coming out but limited quantities only so you got to grab it while you can I can't wait to wear these but [Music] kind of nodded five boys that said let's go find ourselves a nice little cozy area [Music] people can judge us says I'm talking to the scammer although the wind is kind of little that heavy today it's somewhat breezy I'm really hoping that it doesn't come through but if it does huh I just hope it does I haven't really had a lot of time to play around with the infotainment feature is that straight she seems like it's all off today so today's video is going to be about a few hidden features that I didn't know existed on the 20/20 Denali now before I made this video I did kind of somewhat reference Trek myself because I was gonna say on the 20/20 Denali they're exclusive but they're actually for the l5p in general I haven't had the opportunity to play around with all of them so we're gonna go kind of right down the list of some of the hidden options that were disabled and I got this truck so it's not like I was informed of them as I mentioned in my intro rather I kind of just had to figure them out myself but then again the sales guy asked me if I wanted him to give me an overview and I respectfully declined cuz I said I kind of wanted to figure it out myself so I guess I'm kind of stubborn our boys and girls so let's go to home let's go to settings and let's go right down the list here we have kind of system apps in vehicle we're gonna go to vehicle cuz that's really kind of where we are we've got some things in here like there's associated stuff you're so like for instance if you have a kid in your back seat you can turn that on just to well give you the friendly reminder if they're not screaming their faces off that day or if you have a quiet kid or I guess if you have dogs but just just don't forget be responsible be a responsible parent so we're gonna turn that off going down the list here we got I'm at an air quality fan speed a medium blah blah blah so you can turn that on auto rear defogger yes rapid heat elevated idle notice how the dash is actually not centered on elevated idle so that was actually turned off when I got the truck you can see elevated idles turned off we're gonna turn it on so I'm like alright cool I turned it on where's elevated idle because we're like at 600 RPMs right now well it didn't turn on so I did a little bit of research and I found an awesome YouTube video that actually showed that you can turn it on I didn't want to go to the manual I probably should have I did go to the manual for some of the features that I found later so right here I watch the video this is gonna be the first time you're trying it so if it doesn't work I guess I'm gonna be embarrassing if you DoubleTap the cruise control button then you hit set it's gonna go on the high idle so let's try it yes that didn't work one to go nope I kid you not i watch this video right here and it told me that I could do that as soon as you do that say see there it comes out fast idle and you know pull them 1200 rpm what worked perfectly let's see what the comments say uh-huh thanks for the tip I'm glad I read this ha maybe we'll turn on the ebrake with our button okay cool let's do this 1 2 1 2 nope I guess that it is actually an additional option you have to have the built-in high idle switch you f3c boys that's why you got to do your research better focus now it's NASA but I guess I don't have it so that's all one thing that we're not gonna play around with today but another thing if we just ignore the fact I was excited about that I was honestly excited about that kind of bummed out right now comfort and convenience so reverse tilt mirror you can either turn that off which it's programmed off from the factory at least it was for me you can have it on for the driver and passenger side so when you go into reverse it'll actually go down on both sides and then go back up with the cameras you can have it on for the driver side or on for the passenger side or off now I decide to have it off because I actually don't think it's necessary with the lower blind spot mirrors you can already kind of see down that way and then up top it's nice to see what's directly behind you whereas if you have it on and you go into reverse from the same perspective it's kind of like they do the same thing like I don't need to look at the same angle twice rather I'd like to use the top mirror for one thing in the bottom mirror for the other kind of like the way that they're designed so that's gonna stay off we've got the chime volume you can adjust that if you'd like and then we've got the remote folding mirror so if you turn that off it's not going to do it it was off from the factory I decided to turn it on and basically what that is is if you get out of the truck with your key fob you can actually remote fold in the mirrors by holding the lock button and there they go and then if you want to do the opposite when you're going to unlock it you can either unlock it or a double tap and hold and it will fold them out Wow whoa so there you have that option with the key fob now I didn't know that that existed previously but I think that that's kind of a cool feature kind of like very Mercedes s I think you can do it on the Volkswagens as well then if we go down to lighting you can adjust your vehicle locator lights and all that power door locks okay remote unlocks and start so you can kind of change all the haptics here pretty standard GM but the one thing that's new to me is the remote window operation pretty much the one thing that I was familiar with on my old Volkswagen is well TDI you could actually put the key in the door and turn it left to make the windows go down listen left alright you can turn it one way to make the windows go down and then the other way to make the windows go up so when I saw this I was like oh that's pretty cool I wonder how it works I'm gonna turn it ah and it's remote-activated again so if we go back out and we grab my trusty dandy handy little doohickey here and you hold the let's go ahead and lock it and you hold the unlock button you'll see the windows go down that'll might go wow that's really freaking cool I like that especially on hot days like today you can just go boom boom hold it from when you're walking up to the vehicle you can let all that ridiculously hot humid heat escape out of the cabin so you can get in and breathe fresh rather than feel like you're getting suffocated then oh my god cool well you know if I leave the windows now it's a hot day but it looks like it's humid outside and potentially is gonna rain like it is today well I can obviously just DoubleTap and lock the hold button lock the hold button hold the lock button and the windows can go up right [Music] I guess not the mirrors can go in unlock and they can come out on unlock and the windows can go down on unlock but the windows can't go up unlock what I know it makes no sense at all so you have to get in but rather than being cool the cool guy at school and just hitting one button follow the windows up all the windows that I can't even talk roll the windows up you got to get back in the truck and either turn on the accessory run mode or actually start the truck in order to do that kind of interesting now you do have like trailering configurations so bed view camera lighting I do want to turn that on that view camera lighting specifies if the truck bed rail lights are turned on when the bed view camera is active I like that a lot I'm gonna do that because I do like to check in on my gooseneck when it is attached or any cargo that I might have in the back from the bed perspective so you can actually see the little LEDs are on right now and it will actually illuminate at night so that's kind of a cool thing that I just found out about the side trailer camera that was enabled from the factory teen driver suite and then valet mode and you know if you got a nice tuned Ermac you know on anybody going out and frying your trans because you're trying to ride it out in its stock form alright boys we had to pop down here at the PIO box i've been getting messages from you guys like crazy that you're sending me your license plates and i don't get down here all the time but today I could so let's see find well hello hey bad not too bad it's been a minute since I've been down here I'm kind of scared to see what I got I see a bunch of license plates in there awesome boys and girls we got ourselves some more license plates and some other goodies just gonna be perfect for the shop another gone down boys alright guys so I know that this was kind of a shorter video but that's where I'm gonna end this one I did want to highlight those features and I'm glad that we did drop a comment below if you knew that those things existed dougies swirl moment sorry I got a little distracted maybe new they already existed and you're aware of some other things that I didn't highlight that maybe I don't know uh because I think that I got everything off my mind also drop a comment below now speaking of the 20/20 we have another first that's coming out and it has to do with the mud that you guys have always wanted on the LML that I never did you should be arriving here very shortly and we should be able to put them on soon I'm excited about it also we have some really big modifications coming up for Super Duty Sam that are all actually sitting at my shop we speak it's just well we're waiting on getting that truck back which should be coming up very soon and DDG number five is right around the corner I can't wait to launch it for you guys like I said we're gonna have a lot of limited products including that flannel a thermal potentially another snow camo hoodie oh yes and some other really awesome things enthusiast Apparel's instagram has now crossed 40 almost 1,000 followers in just this year we started at 5,000 and it's all because of you know paid any crap like that none of the followers that are on any of my pages or page all organic baby because we're all affecting but seriously my enthusiasts I love you guys and I want to thank you all for helping us get to that on that Instagram all of you are submitting your pictures all the time if you get any enthusiasts products and you want tag enthusiast apparel and we real real real and we will repost it's a mouthful say that 10 times fast we were already first MiraCosta movie poster really push through movie post doesn't work we will repost them on the account it means saying thank you and to show off all your awesome pictures your submissions are awesome so if you haven't already hit that subscribe button well I think it looks guys cuter best and I'll see you on the next [Music] I'm just trying to get your way you with you before we kidding play Susie you don't have to run away I'm not asking you to change
Views: 167,974
Rating: 4.6081476 out of 5
Keywords: duramax, dirtymax, durtymax, powerstroke, cummins, cumins, diesel, 6.7, 7.3, 6.6, 5.9, v8, turbo, turbos, twin, race, truck, drag, cleetus, mcfarland, boost, boosted, sloppy, 1320video, streetspeed717, DMAXRYNO, Greg Alberalla, ItsJusta6, WhistilinDiesel, fivenine, sixseven, ADAM LZ, Custom Offsets, Drag Truck, 4x4 Launch, Boosted Launch, Torque Converter, Allison, Slicks, LLY, LBZ, LML, L5P, Lb7, 12v, 24v, 2020 Silverado, 2020 Duramax, 2020 Denali, 2020 Sierra, Do It With Dan, Stradman, POEBOYS, goonzquad, Westen Champlin
Id: 39wvs0LgbWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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