HESI A2 Vocabulary Practice Test 2024 (20 Questions with Explained Answers)

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welcome to the 2024 hesi vocabulary practice test this test will have 20 questions with explained answers that will help you prepare for the test be sure to resuscitate the like button by turning it white question one the patient is having a colos sycom what does the suffix ectomy refer to a to cut out B to replace C to heal D to fix the correct answer is a to cut out ectomy refers ref to the cutting out of the word colicy ectomy has the suffix ectomy You can conclude that the patient is having something cut out during his procedure question two the patient is seeing a pulmonologist what does the prefix pulmo refer to a stomach B heart C bones D lungs the correct answer is D lungs the prefix pulmo refers to the lungs further olist refers to the one who studies placing these two words together one can conclude that a pulmonologist is one who studies the lungs question three the nurse explained to the patient that his doctor made him strict NPO Nothing by mouth what does the term strict refer to a nonchalant b unconcerned c absolute D apathetic the correct answer is C absolute strict means absolute this patient's doctor placed him on a strict diet of Nothing by mouth this means the patient has to have absolutely nothing by mouth question four the nurse ensured that the IV line was patent before she started the patient infusion what is the meaning of the word patent a available B clogged C clamped D inconspicuous the correct answer is a available patent means available or rights granted the nurse here is ensuring that the IV line Works before starting an infusion that will Infuse into the IV question five the doctor tells the patient that his test results came back as benign what does this term refer to a having cancer b cancer-free c spreading to other parts of the body D local loiz to one specific organ in the body the correct answer is B cancer-free the term benign refers to non-cancerous cells in the body one may State she has a benign tumor in her head this means that the patient has a tumor in her head but it is not cancerous cancer causing question six the patient tests results came back malignant what is the meaning of the underlined word a cancerous B benign C healthy D unconcerning the correct answer is a cancerous malignant refers to cancer malignant cells are unhealthy concerning cells that have been invaded by cancer and may spread to other parts of the body question seven the nurse giving CPR was depressing the patient's chest what does the word depressing refer to a press upward B to expand C press downward D to correlate the correct answer is C press downward depress means to press downward in CPR the healthc care provider will push down on the patient's chest question eight the patient had an adverse reaction to the medication given to her what does the term adverse mean a desired B unwanted C lasting D quick the correct answer is B unwanted adverse means unwanted or undesired the patient was given medication and suffered an unwanted reaction this could have included an allergic reaction to the medication because an allergic reaction is an unwanted reaction of a medication question nine what does the term pharmacologic refer to a medications B the Circ ulatory system C weight management D the musculosceletal system the correct answer is a medications pharmacologic refers to medications furthermore pharmacologics looks more into how the body responds to medications question 10 the term paliative means what a relieving B causing C Terminal D expecting the correct answer is a relieving pallative means to help relieve for instance a patient that has cancer may be placed on the pallative care unit this patient may be given pain relievers to alleviate the pain that cancer causes question 11 the patient came into the ER with a lethal amount of medication in his system what does the term lethal mean a small B inconsistent C deadly D incompetent the correct answer is C deadly lethal refers to the word deadly this patient came into the ER with a deadly amount of medication in his system question 12 the viscosity of the patient fleem was inconsistent with what the patient chart stated what does the term viscosity refer to a amount B consistency C color D size the correct answer is B consistency viscosity refers to the consistency of for example was the patient FL spit thick or thin thick or thin can be the viscosity of the flim question 13 the patient reports being inebriated last night what does the term inebriated mean a sleepy B drunk C excited D depressed the correct answer is B drunk inebriated means intoxicated or drunk the other options here do not refer to an inebriated State question 14 the patient is experiencing unilateral pain in his knees what does the term unilateral refer to a on one side B on all sides C on both sides D in front of the correct answer is a on one side the prefix uni means one this patient is experiencing icing one-sided pain in his knees this means that only one of the patient knees is causing him pain question 15 the medication must be given by parental root a in the vein B by mouth C on the tongue D under the tongue the correct answer is a in the vein the term parental refers to outside of the gastrointestinal tract giving a medication by mouth or on under the tongue will cause the medication to be absorbed via the GI tract therefore for this answer in the vein is accurate question 16 the patient came into the ER with exacerbated symptoms what is the meaning of the underlined word a to make better b worsened c to alleviate D no longer present the correct answer is B worsened exacerbate means to make it worse the patient came into the ER with worsened symptoms question 17 the patient is having a biopsy done today what is the meaning of the underlined word a to take an image B to take a sample C to make bigger D to make spasm the correct answer is B to take a sample a biopsy occurs when a healthcare provide that is MD takes a sample and sends the sample to thology therefore a biopsy means to take a sample question 18 the hormone estrogen is an endogenous hormone what does the term endogenous refer to a made inside of the body B made outside of the body C made on the surface D excess the correct answer is a made inside of the body endogenous means made inside of the body therefore this sentence states that estrogen is made inside of the body question 19 the nurse studied genealogy the suffix ology refers to what a the cutting out B the repairing of C the study of D the disease process of the correct answer is C the study of the suffix ology refers to the study of here genealogy means the study of genes question 20 the patient was in a Supine position what is the meaning of the underlined word a sitting B standing C lying D sideways the correct answer is C lying supine means on the back therefore if the patient is in a Supine position he she is in a lying position thank you for watching this video and we hope was helpful click right here for more hessy practice test videos or take your free hessy practice test right here
Channel: All Healthcare Careers
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Keywords: hesi a2 vocabulary, hesi a2 vocabulary 2024, hesi vocabulary, hesi vocabulary 2024, hesi vocabulary practice test questions, hesi vocabulary exam, hesi vocabulary practice test
Id: iDOl3xC69x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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