CNA Practice Test for Restorative Skills 2023 (20 Questions with Explained Answers)

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welcome to the 2024 CNA restorative skills practice test this test will have 20 questions with explained answers that will help you prepare for the test be sure to resuscitate the like button by turning it white question one the CNA can promote autonomy in self-image of the client through which of the following interventions a asking the client how they would like their hair styled B select the style you feel look best on the client C styling the client's hair in a manner that is quickest D inform the client they may only have their hair brushed when the beauty salon is open the correct answer is a asking the client how they would like their hair styled client autonomy and self-image is promoted when clients are allowed to select their preferences of hairstyle styling which is quickest may not be in the manner preferred by the client question two the care plan for a client indicates they should be repositioned every 2 hours when in bed which of the following is the rationale for this nursing intervention a increase client Comfort B provide the opportunity to check in with the client C decrease fall risk D prevent skin breakdown the correct answer is D prevent skin breakdown frequent turning and repositioning when when in bed for prolonged periods will decrease risk for skin breakdown due to pressure question three an immobile client requires transfer from a chair to their bed which of the following should the CNA utilize to transfer this client a gate belt B physical assist of one c contact guard assist D mechanical lift the correct answer is D mechanical lift clients who are immobile require the assistance of a mechanical lift to promote safety question four you are assisting a new client to reposition from bed to chair you have not previously assisted this client and are uncertain regarding their need for assistance to complete the transfer process which of the following should be done to ensure safety of the client and staff a ask an additional staff member to assist B ask the family to assist C C use an assist of one and a standard Walker D use a mechanical lift the correct answer is a ask an additional staff member to assist safety can be enhanced through the presence of an additional staff member families should not be asked to transfer clients use of a mechanical lift may not be necessary question five while assisting a client with bathing the CNA notices an area of redness on the elbow of the client Cent the area does not turn pink when light pressure is applied which of the following should the CNA do next a apply lotion to the area B raise the area on a pillow c lower the area to a dependent position D notify the nurse the correct answer is D notify the nurse this area requires further assessment which is the role of the licensed nurse nurse therapeutic skin lotions or preparations may be ordered for application but the area should first be assessed by the nurse question six which of the following interventions should the CNA use to promote autonomy for a client regarding sleep and rest a follow the unit's sleep and wake cycle B encourage the client to take frequent naps during the day C ask the client what their preferences are for bedtimes and wake D put the client to bed at the time requested by their family the correct answer is C ask the client what their preferences are for bed times and waking asking the client what their preferences are for bedtime and waking promotes autonomy in decision-making for the client question seven prior to application of an orthotic brace on a client the CNA should do which of the following a visual visualiz the skin under the area covered by the brace to ensure there are no breakes or soes B Dawn gloves C apply powder to the area covered by the brace D apply the brace before the client is removed from bed the correct answer is a visualize the skin under the area covered by the brace to ensure there are no brakes or Soares application of an orthotic brace to skin which is not intact May fur further damage the skin or cause additional injury skin checks should take place prior to application of all orthotic braces question eight the CNA is assisting a client with left-sided weakness to ambulate utilizing a gate belt where should the CNA be positioned a behind the client while holding the gate belt in both hands B on the left side of the client with your right hand holding the gate belt behind the client C on the right side of the client with your left hand holding the gate belt behind the client D on the left side of the client with your hands on their left arm the correct answer is B on the left side of the client with your right hand holding the gate belt behind the client staff should be positioned on the weaker side of the patient to provide assistance when ambulating while using a gate belt question nine passive range of motion exercises are used for which of the following a increase muscle mass B increase strength C prevent contracture D treat pressure ulcers the correct answer is C prevent contracture passive range of motion exercises are completed with staff mobilizing the joint through the range of motion they assist to prevent muscle contracture question 10 which of the following should be included Ed when beginning to reposition a patient higher in the bed a lower the height of the bed so it is at the lowest position B raise the head of the bed c lower the head of the bed D grasp the client under the arms and pull them the correct answer is c lower the head of the bed bed Heights should be raised to a comfortable working level for nursing staff to decrease injury the head of the bed should be lowered to prevent work against gravity clients should not be pulled for repositioning question 11 the CNA is assisting to transfer a client with a right knee injury from a stationary chair to a wheelchair which of the following describes correct placement of the wheelchair in relation to the client a position the wheelchair on the left side of the client B position the wheelchair on the right side of the client C position the wheelchair directly in front of the client D position of the wheelchair does not impact transfer of the client the correct answer is a position the wheelchair on the left side of the client transfers should take place toward the client's stronger side if possible question 12 which of the following interventions should the CNA use to promote Skin Integrity a pad bony prominences when when in bed b leave Ted stockings on during the night C provide client with additional blankets so they are warm D Slide the client up to reposition them higher in the bed the correct answer is a pad bony prominences when in bed protecting bony prominences with padding when in bed prevents pressure areas and skin breakdown Ted stockings should be removed at at night a client who is too warm and sweating may be at increased risk for skin breakdown due to moisture on the skin clients should be lifted for repositioning sliding can increase sheer injury to skin question 13 a client has a diet order for thickened liquids which of the following should not be offered to the client a pudding B applesauce C tapioca D Apple juice the correct answer is D apple juice thickened liquids include the consistencies of nectar honey and puddings apple juice would be considered a thin liquid question 14 the CNA is caring for a client who is receiving an ental tube feeding which of the following describes appropriate client positioning during the feeding a head of bed elevated 25° B head of bed elevated 45° C flat on left lateral side d flat supine the correct answer is B head of bed elevated 45° clients receiving entral tube feedings should be positioned with the head of the bed elevated at least 30° question 15 which of the following is the rationale for elevating the head of the bed to 30° while the client is receiving an ental tube feeding a a to decrease aspiration risk B to increase client Comfort C to speed up the delivery speed of the feeding D to slow down the delivery speed of the feeding the correct answer is a to decrease aspiration risk raising the head of the bed to at least 30° will assist to decrease aspiration risk question 16 the CNA is assisting a client who is recovering from a hip replacement which of the following would the CNA anticipate the client to need a raise toilet seat B crutches C knee braces D specialized Footwear the correct answer is a raise toilet seat clients who are recovering from a hip replacement have precautions for movement of the hip raised toilet seats should be utilized to increase comfort and promote a seated hip angle of no greater than 90° question 17 the CNA is assisting to turn a client who has a Foley catheter where should the Foley catheter be anchored to prevent pulling on the catheter a bed rail B upper thigh c lower thigh D lateral aspect of knee the correct answer is B upper thigh securing the Foley catheter to the upper thigh can decrease pulling on the catheter the bed rail should not be used the lower thigh and knee are too low on the body to provide the needed support question 18 the CNA is assisting a female with toileting which of the following describes correct technique a wipe the paranal area front to back B wipe the paranal area only after bowel movements C do not wear gloves to promote patient dignity D leave the curtain or door open to the bathroom area the correct answer is a wipe the paranal area front to back cleansing of the female paranal area should be done by wiping from front to back this prevents bacteria from the rectum being transferred to the vagina question 19 the care plan for a client indicates to encourage fluids which of the following interventions supports this plan A ensure fluids are available at the bedside B provide fluids only at supervised meal times C provide fluids when the client indicates they are thirsty D provide only warm beverages the correct answer is a ensure fluids are available at the bedside having fluids available to the client provides opportunity for hydration clients may have a decreased sensation of thirst and should be offered fluids even if they aren't indicating they would like a beverage fluids should be provided at the safe temperature of patient preference question 20 which of the following represents correct application of a gate belt a apply the belt with the tag on the outside B apply the belt with the tag on the inside C apply the belt under the client's armpits D threading of the Bel belt should begin in front of the Buckle the correct answer is B apply the belt with the tag on the inside gate belts should be applied with the tag on the inside facing the client they should be applied around the waist not the axillary area threading of the Buckle begins behind the buckle thank you for watching this video and we hope it was helpful click the link right here to start your free 3-day trial to CNA premium which has over 1,000 practice questions that will help you pass your CNA exam on your first try
Channel: All Healthcare Careers
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Keywords: cna restorative skills, cna restorative skills practice test, cna restorative skills practice exam, cna restorative skills practice questions, cna restorative care, cna rehabilitation and restorative care, Basic Restorative Services
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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