Free CNA State Exam Practice Test 2024 Part 3 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)

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if a client expresses anger during care which of the following would be an appropriate response for the nurse aid to make a why are you being so mean today B you should not say such mean things to people C I will come back when your bad mood is over D you seem upset would you like to talk about it answer d you seem upset would you like to talk about it a client drinks 240 M of soup 120 ml of coffee and 90 Mill of juice for lunch the client's total liquid intake for lunch is a 360 ml B 450 ml C 480 ml D 5 20 ml answer B 450 ml when a nurse gives the nurse aid confidential information about a client the nurse aid should a share it with other clients B keep the information private C discuss it with other staff members in the breakroom D discuss it with the client's family answer B keep the information private the nurse aid should place the client's soiled bed sheets a on the bedside table B on the floor of the soiled utility room C in a biohazard bag D in the soiled linen container answer D in the soiled linen container what is the most important reason for using a mechanical lift to transfer clients a it takes fewer staff to transfer someone B it is the safest method for clients and staff C it is faster than other methods D it is the method that clients like best answer B it is the safest method for clients and staff when preparing to take a meal tray into the client's room what is the most important action for the nurse to take a check that the client's name is displayed on the tray card B make sure the client's favorite foods are present C determine if enough fluids have been ordered D keep all foods covered until eaten answer a check that the client's name is is displayed on the tray card the nurse aid should use proper body mechanics in order to a keep the nurse Aid's weight down B protect the nurse aid from injury C keep facility equipment in working order D make a good impression answer B protect the nurse aid from injury when making an occupied bed the nurse aid should a leave the bed in the lowest position B make the toe pleat C leave the bottom sheet untucked D Place soiled linens on the floor answer B make the toe pleat frequent turning and repositioning of the client help prevent a cyanosis B indigestion C coronary disease D pressure ulcers answer D pressure ulcers pillows should be used for a client placed in a sideline position too a promote sleep B decrease pain C prevent skin breakdown D decrease edema answer C prevent skin breakdown which of the following is most important for the prevention of skin breakdown in the client a air drying the client's skin B rubbing lotion on the client's skin C ambulating the client once a day D repositioning the client every 2 hours answer D repositioning the client every 2 hours when applying elastic stockings to the client it would be best for the nurse aid to position the client a lying down in bed b dangling the legs from the edge of the bed C standing at the side of the bed D sitting in a wheelchair answer a lying down in bed the nurse aid is assisting a client to the bathroom after the client uses the toilet the nurse aid notices red streaks in the client's stool the nurse aid should a avoid flushing the toilet and Report the finding to the nurse B ask the dietary Department to change the client's diet C tell the client to report the finding to the primary health care provider D understand that this is an expected finding in the older adult client answer a avoid flushing the toilet and Report the finding to the nurse in order to move a client up in bed the nurse aid should a raise the head of the bed b get assistance from a co-worker C place the bed in the lowest position possible d wait until the end of shift report answer B get assistance from a co-worker when ambulating the client the nurse aid should a ask the nurse for help B be sure the client is wearing non-skid Footwear C ask a family member for assistance D walk in front of the client and show the client the way answer B be sure the client is wearing non-skid Footwear the nurse aid must wear gloves when a transferring a client B providing mouth care C dressing a client D weighing a client answer B providing mouth care a client asks the nurse a am I going to die which of the following would be the best response for the nurse aid to make a you should ask your primary health care provider B well we all die someday C why do you ask a question like that D is this something you have been thinking about answer D is this something you have been thinking about the following following diagram represents a lunch served to a client the client ate only the fruit milk and half of the salad what percentage of intake should the nurse aid record a 50% B 55% C 45% D 40% answer D 40% when caring for a vision impaired client the nurse aid should a ambulate the client by holding the client's hand and walk in front of the client B tell the client that the food tray is in front of the client after the food tray has been delivered C provide a dimly lit environment for the client D announce self before touching the client answer D announce self before touching the client to promote Independence when feeding a client the nurse aid should a inform the client to drink all the liquids before the solid food B assist the client in mixing the meat and vegetables together C allow self-feeding as much as possible D ask family and visitors to leave the room when the client is eating answer C allow self-feeding as much as possible the nurse aid has raised the height of the client's bed to provide care to the client but the nurse aid has forgotten to bring the supplies needed what should the nurse aid do next a instruct the client to lie still B quickly go to get the supplies c lower the bed and place the call Light Within Reach D ask the roommate to watch the client while the nurse aid gets the supplies answer c lower the bed and place the call Light Within Reach a client requests that the nurse aid call the client's Minister the nurse aid should a ask the client why the client wants the nurse aid to call the minister B tell the client that this is not part of the nurse aidid's job C tell the client that the nurse aid will inform the nurse of the client's request D call the minister for the client answer C tell the client that the nurse aid will inform the nurse of the client's request the healthcare team member who assists the client's performance of activities of daily living is the a social worker B occupational therapist C speech therapist D case manager answer B occupational therapist what is the first area of a client's body that the nurse aid should wash when providing a bed bath a legs B face C arms D chest answer B face which of the following client observations should the nurse aid report immediately to the nurse a pink nail beds B rectal temperature 99.6 de F 37.5 de c c radial pulse 110 D clear yellow urine answer C radial pulse 110 articles contaminated with blood or body fluids should be disposed of in the a soiled linen basket B biohazard container C soiled utility room D client's room trash container answer B biohazard container the nurse aid should understand that the signaling device must be a answered after the nurse aid has made care rounds B placed on the bedside table at the foot of the bed C placed within the client's reach D deactivated for clients with dementia answer C placed within the client's reach when collecting a 24-hour urine sample for a client the nurse aid should request that the client a take a bath or shower before starting the urine collection B select food items that do not contain red meat C drink two L of water D discard the first voided urine answer D discard the first voided urine when caring for a client who has a hearing loss the nurse should a speak very loudly and use gestures as much as possible B let the client use the roommate's hearing aid C use only written communication with the client D face the client when speaking to the client answer D face the client when speaking to the client a nurse aid is assisting a client with mouth care which of the following actions should the nurse aid take a avoid brushing the tongue with the toothbrush B brush the outer surface of the teeth by using a side to side motion C floss between the teeth moving the floss up and down D floss the teeth before brushing the teeth answer C floss between the teeth moving the floss up and down
Channel: MyTestMyPrep
Views: 3,053
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Keywords: Online, Course Prep, Tutor, test prep, tutoring, online course, preparation, classes, lessons, free tutoring video, review practice tests, CNA, State Exam, Practice Test, 2024, Certified Nursing Assistant, Patient Care, Safety Protocols, Infection Control, Legal Aspects, Ethical Duties, Multiple-Choice Questions, True/False, Situational Judgement Tests, Detailed Explanations, Expert Tips, Time Management, Up-to-Date Content, Interactive Learning, Healthcare Career, Study Materials
Id: 7YAbiZb0vww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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