Gun Safety Certificate California Practice Test 2024 NEW RULES 🎯Firearms Safety Certificate

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which of the following individuals is prohibited from possessing firearms for life under California law a a person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor not involving violence B any person convicted of a felony or any violent offense such as robbery c a person who has been issued a speeding ticket D an individual who has been fined for littering answer B any person convicted of a felony or any violent offense such as robbery which of the following qualifies as a locked container for transporting a handgun in a motor vehicle a a glove compartment locked with the vehicle's key B the trunk of the motor vehicle C an open container with a locking mechanism on the firearm itself d a utility compartment with a simple latch answer B the trunk of the motor vehicle what is a straw purchase of a firearm a buying a firearm at a discount B selling a firearm without a license C buying a firearm for someone legally prohibited from owning one D returning a firearm to a store answer C buying a firearm for someone legally prohibited from owning one how must rifles and shotguns be transported in California a loaded but with the safety on B unloaded without the need for a locked container C in a locked container regardless of being loaded or unloaded D without any specific requirements as long as they are concealed answer B unloaded without the need for a locked container what is the limit for purchasing handguns or semi-automatic centri fire rifles in California a one handgun or one rifle per person per year B one handgun or one rifle per person per 30-day period C unlimited purchases as long as the buyer has a valid FSC D two handguns and one rifle per person per 30-day period answer B one handgun or one rifle per person per 30-day period what must new California residents do with their firearms within 60 days of moving to the state a register their firearms with the California Department of Justice doj B sell their firearms C return their firearms to the manufacturer D lock their firearms in a safe and not use them answer a register their firearms with the California Department of Justice doj when does the right of self-defense cease according to the law a when the defender leaves the scene B when the attacker is incapable of inflicting further injuries C C after a predetermined amount of time has passed D when law enforcement arrives answer B when the attacker is incapable of inflicting further injuries for which type of firearm transfer is a firearm safety certificate not required in California a retail sales B private party transfers C in familial transfers D pawns answer D pawns under California law which misdemeanor conviction can lead to a lifetime prohibition on firearm possession a shoplifting B driving Under the Influence C assault upon a person with a firearm D JW walking answer C assault upon a person with a firearm within how many days must the transferee submit a report of the intrafamilial firearm transaction to the doj a 10 days B 30 days C 60 days D 90 days answer B 30 days how must a handgun be stored during transportation in a motor vehicle according to California law a loaded in the driver's reach B unloaded in a locked container C unloaded on the passenger seat D loaded in the glove compartment answer B unloaded in a locked container can handguns be mailed through the US Postal Service a yes without any restrictions B yes but only within the same state C no they must be sent through a common or contract carrier D no unless they are disassembled answer C no they must be sent through a common or contract carrier who must perform the safe handling demonstration prior to taking possession of a firearm a the seller only B the buyer only C both the buyer and the seller d a doj certified instructor answer B the buyer only until what age are juveniles a judge WS of the juvenile court prohibited from possessing firearms if they committed an defense listed in welfare and institutions code section 707 subdivision b a 18 years old B 21 years old c 25 years old D 30 years old answer D 30 years old who is authorized to engage in retail sales of firearms in California a and any Resident with a firearm B licensed California firearm dealers with a valid Certificate of Eligibility Coe C online retailers outside of California D private individuals without a license answer B licensed California firearm dealers with a valid Certificate of Eligibility Coe which of the following is exempt from the one handgun per 30 days limit in California a retail sales B Pawn returns C purchases from outof State dealers D online purchases answer B Pawn Returns what could be the consequence of using excessive force and self-defense a a medal of valor B mandatory self-defense classes C civil or criminal penalties D public recognition answer C civil or criminal penalties is a firearm safety certificate required for intrafamilial transfers of handguns in California a yes B no C only for sales to minor D only if the handgun is not listed on the roster of handguns certified for sale answer a yes what must accompany all firearms purchased in California a a warranty card b a firearm safety device FSD listed on the doj's official roster C instruction manuals in both English and Spanish Spanish d a complimentary box of ammunition answer b a firearm safety device FSD listed on the doj's official roster what is required from the purchaser for the dealer record of sale Dr when buying a firearm a only cash payment b a valid email address C personal identifier information d a recommendation letter answer C personal identifier information what is the mandatory waiting period before a firearm can be delivered to the purchaser in California a 5 days B 10 days C 15 days D 20 days answer B 10 days who is exempt from the prohibition of carrying a concealed handgun according to California penal code section 25640 A off-duty Law Enforcement Officers B members of the military on active duty C all California residents over the age of 21 d licensed hunters or fishermen while engaged in their activities answer D licensed Hunters were fishermen while engaged in their activities as of January 1st 2020 what is the minimum age to purchase a semi-automatic Center fire rifle in California unless Exempted a 18 years of age B 19 years of age C 21 years of age D 25 years of age answer C 21 years of age which family members are exempt from the law requiring private party transfers PPT to be conducted through a licensed firearm dealer a cousins B brothers and sisters C aunts and uncles D parents and children and grandparents and grandchildren answer D parents and children and grandparents and grandchildren through what means does the doj approved the sale or transfer of ammunition a in-person verification at a doj office B electronically through a licensed ammunition vendor C A mailed application to the doj D verification through a public notary and answer B electronically through a licensed ammunition vendor
Channel: MyTestMyPrep
Views: 16,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: test prep, tutoring, online course, preparation, classes, lessons, free tutoring video, review practice tests, Firearms Safety Certificate, California FSC 2024, firearm safety, FSC practice test, new rules, gun ownership California, legal requirements, peace officer exemptions, concealed weapon, gun laws, safety protocols, GSC preparation, test-taking tips, responsible gun ownership, firearm legislation, GSC eligibility, California gun regulations, study guide, FSC answer key
Id: N6L11_xU93Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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