CNA Practice Test for Activities of Daily Living 2024 (20 Questions with Explained Answers)

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welcome to the 2024 CNA activities of daily living practice test this test will have 20 questions with explained answers that will help you prepare for the test be sure to resuscitate the like button by turning it white question one you have a patient that does not drink adequate fluids the patient is at risk for all of the following except a mouth sores B bad breath C skin ulcers D swollen gums the correct answer is D swollen gums a patient who does not drink adequate fluids is at high risk for dehydration patients with dehydration are at risk for mouth sores bad breath skin breakdown and tooth decay question two you have a patient that only likes to shower once weekly it is important for you to realize what a your facility has a shower schedule and the patient needs to be educated on her allotted shower time B cultural differences in bath taking is often overlooked by Health Care Professionals C the patient's family needs to be aware of the patient's refusal to bathe D the patient is at high risk for depression if she does not shower more often than once weekly the correct answer is B cultural differences in bath taking is often overlooked by healthc Care Professionals as healthcare workers we often forget that their are cultural differences in things such as bathing healthc Care Professionals see lots of dirty things so our minds Can Think Dirty a lot however it is important to remember that there are cultural differences in such things as bathing and the patient may not feel as though she is dirty her culture may not allow her to bathe but once weekly it is important to speak to the patient and build a rapport with her to figure out her reasoning behind her bathing beliefs this way she does not feel as though you are trying to force her into anything question three you are assisting a resident in shaving his face which of the following is a correct step in shaving the face a shaving upward on the neck B when shaving the chin an upward motion should be used C use long strokes when shaving D rinse the blade every two to three Strokes the correct answer is a shaving upward on the neck when shaving the face the aid should first wash the face with warm water to soften the hair after applying shave cream the aid should use short Strokes to shave the face while shaving in the direction of hair growth the blade should be rinsed between every stroke question four you have a patient experiencing dysphasia and must be on a dysphasia diet you are assist assisting the patient with feeding what type of diet would you expect this patient to be on a pureed B clear liquid C mechanical soft D regular the correct answer is C mechanical soft dysphasia means trouble swallowing a dysphasia diet should consist of soft Andor moist food to help the patient swallow it better sometimes patients on a dysphasia diet will also require thickened liquids so that the patient does not chokey on thin liquids question five a patient's care plan states that he is a two-person assist and must use a Hoyer lift which transfer are you most likely making with the Hoyer lift a from the bedside commode to the chair B from the bed to the bathtub C from the wheelchair to the shower D from the bed to the stationary chair chair the correct answer is D from the bed to the stationary chair a Hoyer lift is generally used to transfer a patient from the bed to a chair and vice versa the patient in need of the Hoyer lift is usually immobile the patient is a two-person assist meaning two persons should assist him while using the Hoyer lift this ensures the safety of the patient question six you are assisting a patient with ambulating with a gate belt the patient is starting to fall what should you as the aid do a grab the gate belt and slowly lower the patient to the ground putting most of the weight on your legs B use the gate belt to catch the patient by leaning forward C yell for assistance so someone can help you catch the patient D let the patient fall and assist them up the correct answer is a grab the gate belt and slowly lower the patient to the ground putting most of the weight on your legs using proper body mechanics you should grab the gate belt and gently lower the patient to the ground you should use your legs to Bear most of the weight so that you do not harm your back you should never lean forward to try to catch the patient this can cause you to harm yourself question seven you have a patient who usually takes longer than other patients to eat lunch her phys physical therapy sessions are after lunch the physical therapist has stated that the patient is unable to complete her full 60 Minutes of PT daily what should you do a explain to the physical therapist that the patient has a right to eat as long as she wants B take the patient to lunch earlier so that she gets her full 60 Minutes of PT C report the physical therapist to the administrator D tell the patient that you must assist her to eat quicker the correct answer is B take the patient to lunch earlier so that she gets her full 60 Minutes of PT it is important for patients to receive their full time for physical therapy if the patient is missing most of her PT sessions it is necessary for the aid to take her to lunch earlier to allow her adquate time to eat and perform PT question eight you are assisting a resident with ambulation this patient uses a cane for ambulation how should you assist this patient a stand on the same side as the cane b stand on the patient's weaker side C stand behind the patient in case they fall D walk backward in front of the patient so that you can see if they fall the correct answer is b stand on the patient weak ER side a patient should hold the cane on their stronger side therefore as the aid ambulating the patient you should stand on the patient's weaker side this helps the aid assist the patient if the patient were to fall toward their weaker side question nine the focus of providing ADLs in your patients include the following except a the comfort of the CNA B Comfort C safety d dignity respect the correct answer is a the comfort of the CNA Comfort safety and dignity respect should be your top priority when caring for patients as a CNA it can be a challenge for a patient when they can no longer provide care to themselves especially when it comes to the more sensitive care like bathing ensuring dignity is a priority as a CNA Comfort can range from a lot of things like ensuring the water water is warm and not too hot cold to combing a patient's hair the way she likes it question 10 you are applying lotion to a patient's skin upon request which part of the body should you avoid applying lotion a back B knees C chest D toes the correct answer is D toes applying lotion to the toes creates a medium for back Arial growth further if the feet stay wet and moist because of the lotion skin breakdown may occur and cause foot ulcers and infections keeping the toes dry is the best way to decrease risk for infection question 11 which of the following patients would you most likely use a soft tooth Edon a a patient with Dentures to clean the gums B for a patient that has sore gums C for an unconscious patient d for a patient with dry mouth the correct answer is c for an unconscious patient soft tooth ETS are typically used for unconscious patients the aid should have the patient lying in a lateral position to provide Oral Care the lateral position significantly reduces the risk of aspiration while providing Oral Care question 12 you have an 85-year-old patient that you suspect is in pain you know that indications of pain pain can include which of the following except a insomnia B seclusion C participating in social events D agitation the correct answer is C participating in social events it is not uncommon to see geriatric patients suffering from insomnia seclusion and agitation when in pain they may stop participating in social events and activities that they once loved poor psychological health is a strong indication of pain in the elderly question 13 you have a patient that has had a stroke that has residual left-sided weakness he asks you to assist him with dressing him how should you assist him a help him dress by standing on his left side B have the patient sit while you help him put his shirt on C help him dress by standing on his right side D have the patient lie down so you can assist him with his pants the correct answer is a help him dress by standing on his left side when helping a patient that has suffered a stroke and has unilateral weakness the aid should assist the patient by standing on the patient's weaker side to assist them with dressing this helps ensure that if the patient were to become weak you are on their weaker side to assist them this patient is needing light assistance so having the patient sit or lie down is not necessary question 14 you have a patient that is mostly independent with her care and needs you as a standby assist she is very slow at dressing and providing oral hygiene how do you approach this a ask her to let you help her get dressed more quickly because you have other patients to assist B continue to be a standby assist in case she needs your assistance C ask her if she is able to get dressed a little more quickly so that you can go assist your other patients D ask her to start taking her showers on the opposite shift the correct answer is B continue to be a standby assist in case she needs your assistance it is important that you are patient and kind to the patient not making them feel as though they are a burden to you as we age our reaction time is slowed significantly and those neuros cells are never replaced it is normal for even an independent elderly patient to perform tasks slowly question 15 you are assisting a diabetic patient with eating and he only finished 25% of his meal what should you do a report this to the nurse in charge B nothing the patient may not be hungry C tell the patient that you will try again at dinner d B chart the patient meal the nurse can see it in his chart the correct answer is a report this to the nurse in charge this should be reported promptly to the nurse in charge a diabetic patient may receive insulin before each meal if the nurse gave a patient insulin and the patient did not finish his her meal the patient may suffer a hypoglycemic episode offering a patient his her favorite snack may be beneficial question 16 which of the following should be considered when providing hair care to Residents a age B race and culture C hygiene D transfer status the correct answer is B race and culture it is important to be cognizant of one's race and culture when providing hair care to Residents the aid should ask questions and inquire about the resident preference and needs when when it comes to their hair hair care varies tremendously between races and cultures question 17 you are assisting a patient with eating and know that the patient has orders for a clear liquid diet for a colonoscopy tomorrow what would you expect to be on the Patient Tray a milk tea and soda B water coffee and milk C Jell-O Sprite and broth D soup soup coffee and tea the correct answer is C Jell-O Sprite and broth clear liquids are liquids that can be seen through at room temperature 72 to 78° F liquids such as soup or milk are not clear and should be avoided on a clear liquid diet although Jell-O is hardened at lower temperatures at room temperature it is a liquid question 18 you have a resident with Alzheimer's disease who is refusing to eat any of her dinner what is your response to her a your family wants you to eat you should at least eat for them B the doctor will be upset if you don't eat C tell the patient that it is unhealthy for her not to eat D I respect that you do not wish to eat and report it to the nurse in charge the correct answer is D I respect that you do not wish to eat and report it to the nurse in charge forcing a patient into eating is unhealthy Alzheimer's patients sometimes refuse to eat or even forget that eating is a necessary part of living the aid should ascertain why the patient does not want to eat does she like the food is it too hot or too cold the CNA can then report this to the nurse in charge question 19 you are providing education to a female resident about proper paranal care to promote self-care you explain to your patient that it is important to wipe from the front to the back to prevent bacteria from spreading from the rectum to the what a uula b urinary Miatas C cervix D uterus the correct answer is B urinary meus the meus houses the urethal opening wiping from the back to the front can cause bacteria from the rectum to spread to the urethal opening causing a urinary tract infection education on proper hygiene is essential to patients especially older adults who are more prone to UTI question 20 you have a patient that is on a bowel regimen but he has not had a bowel movement in 4 days what is your next step a report this to the nurse in charge B give the patient orange juice with mirax C encourage the patient to drink more water D nothing this is normal the correct answer is a report this to the nurse in charge report this to the nurse in charge your patient most likely has a history of constipation a bowel regimen means that a patient is on medications on a schedule to keep their bowels moving if the patient is not having bowel movements they could potentially have a bowel blockage it is not with within the aid scope of practice to provide medications to the patient thank you for watching this video and we hope it was helpful click the link right here to start your free three-day trial to CNA premium which has over 1,000 practice questions that will help you pass your CNA exam on your first try
Channel: All Healthcare Careers
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Keywords: activities of daily living practice test, activities of daily living practice exam, activities of daily living practice test 2024, cna activities of daily living, activities of daily living cna practice test, activities of daily living training videos, adl activities of daily living
Id: 7-AdPU2blAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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