HE'S ON ANOTHER LEVEL 😎 | Valorant #34

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[Music] [Music] hahaha hey guys let's have a good game out there how y'all feel about going a like 15 seconds into the round wait up there isn't it did you put a good delay on today no i'm gonna just do default mode oh you're one lane 124 damage to raise she's got one hp getting healed oh there's the best bro i can't believe i do 124 there's gonna be damage i i hate how i take my time on pistol but i know i shouldn't like i should just spam or just see someone and all they push down garden i think oh oh no why didn't you relax for a second god damn i mean i mean he was in the use of the moment i guess if he relaxed and just chilled in tube and let the guy hunt yeah he would maybe what maybe actually probably not he's still though he maybe made some noise and like ran away get him off the bomb like yeah he had the gamble because he was so low like he had to like gamble i think i was gonna try to kill him i can't believe i do 124 i'm so mad that's a close round i'm gonna dash view it's not good do you want bad smoke you guys do you i'm doing me you're dead he one way i'm not buying anything i usually buy a deagle this round but these half yeah i mean i for me i i literally dashed in because even if i die like they need to get off bottom coming good job we played that really really well i bring out the operator i let them up before i bring it up i think you let them i don't think you got the strength yeah yeah i don't i don't up until they bring it out yeah that's not a rule does he hop on there though yep that [ __ ] bring that [ __ ] up nice ad timing bro wait can do did my replay catch it nah not really my replay didn't catch it yeah i need to change my ads um maybe i'll do it next maybe i'll do it next stream i need to change them from ad i need to change them from an ad every 15 minutes to um a bunch of ads every hour or something they might push together might be easier it might be better to get a cluster of ads every hour rather than a small ad [Music] careful oh my god just chill trying to out aim them one's gonna be elbow i'm pretty sure see if i can bait wow 30 seconds left okay we gotta raise the whole time 10 seconds left i have retrieved the spike into a freaking truck if only there was a way to get no ads hmm weird that's funny wow why do ads at all because you have to pipes brimstone's hurt could have been healed 55. let's go baby got all fault no no oh let me shoot dude that's weird really didn't let you play yeah stranger is weird i don't know why that happened he's free he's free we can take a yeah raises all to be careful i'm just gonna tap it that's new never seen that one before [Music] they've got a rose holy [ __ ] that guy's insane i've never seen that either what a god i couldn't just say that where what's up they're all respawn feelings smoking heaven yeah i don't know oh no he doesn't know okay [Music] reminds me of some of my work in kindergarten your voice lines are so funny i don't know if he's going to play like that again but the brimstone kind of gave his life up for free at uh triple buck he's been there three times dj special i oh sorry thought he was going to swing more aggressively aggressively there he know what i meant though yeah i wasn't lucky i i i didn't know we were gonna swing like that or i would have just [ __ ] ran at them as well yeah our team [ __ ] up they're getting in there way too quickly relax a little bit hey you gotta relax a little bit they have pistols around just but you know well i don't want to trade the brimstone if i'm in u-haul right there like you guys have no pressure to push their sight cause like there's no way they're gonna behind us quick as [ __ ] there's a sage ball somewhere i actually don't know what's happening inside of him that's what he did to me i'm sure i could try to all right stay up remote i don't know if you want to go for this try to do something oh maybe okay i just hit it with my forehead oh nobody yeah i mean vermont doesn't and we traded it yeah it's kind of like a bait of it i didn't really mind doing that 30 seconds left i think people forget that ability abilities abilities don't hurt miles you have to shoot it around could have been completely different hunter's fury kills it why would why wouldn't bremel kill it then it's not weird that's kind of but i've seen a hunter fury kill it wonder why it works that way how like and i've seen raises kill it too yeah that one would make more sense alton like her utility because they're more like physical damage i guess i guess so is hunter's fury right but brim is more of like uh i don't know like i doubt about it like i doubt a molotov would kill it you know yeah so i guess they act the same way apparently brimsol is a bug it's supposed to kill it oh really i hate when the game just gets hard all of a sudden everyone just turns up oh he was there no way oh my god just a random kill i have rez and i have neighbors let me keep pressuring i'm gonna chill here just to check out the rez there's something for me that killed jp now 30 seconds left [Music] ready man we're getting [ __ ] owned bro they're playing so well i mean i mean we're just like we're like we're just taking our time [ __ ] up the thanksgiving no i don't have so much info i don't think it's that i think you just ran in and died that round you're gonna run in like i better follow you you know i mean you can't just can't just go alone in the corner he was in but i was saying i would have ran in with you but i didn't have a chance to say i didn't know so you're just going to dash in like that i make sure i follow screw the rest of the paper i'm just trying to make a play because they're almost entry other than me right now i can't get up like hey man well entry is pointless if we're not behind you right so first review short yeah we didn't know was my point well oh they just begin sage there's literally only like one thing and she just boosts herself and hookah and tries to get like a a kill yeah don't overthink it that's my job i'm going to hit her off for a while i should probably try to all heaven for us sure smoking all thing heaven now well back tripple nice stuck inside i really hope this guy's trapped good actually i might hold those 178 don't bench uh yeah it's tough just sort of grind out rounds i mean these guys are good yeah i mean it's played a couple more rounds fun for the last run i guess it's way harder in this game to um to just like run around and out aim people because everybody's in cs when you pug you just get a deagle every round and you just load you know yeah you can literally change around you can change around in this game it's really hard to change your round off aim because everybody's so good nice do it again joke's over you're dead is gonna play like that in hookah and waste her wall like we just win like they have nothing to like really i mean it just becomes the man they're like diffused even it literally is just becoming a map in a that's what it feels like every time they have to play close they have to play too close in order to stop it really i don't want to die from the u-haul oh that they used her wall this time at a is u-haul yeah the option hours but we have you we burned both grenades yeah we might actually want to take this one this might be the round we take it because they have an op here too yeah let's sneak out of here you can work out fast work that faster waiting for spacing octopus i think are you gonna play eft this way i've already played eft a [ __ ] ton bro i'm like level 50 something she's hit 129. on flank it's the wrong decision but i'm peeking them anyway hey they pulled out the odd that means i'm pulling out the op now it's crazy though um and lash out i'll spawn as well okay should i jiggle yeah just about october we don't see anybody we just both rotate i want to tell you mike you could put that thing in tube and you'll still get that same plant spot so it's harder to kill that goes through everything true but i like that it goes out wider but i guess you're right yeah can't even be spotted too long too long i [ __ ] them up this is rough smoke there's two gardens two gardens not to try not to die home and just chill there yeah i'm leaving there's the turret that's part of me they're out of there we could should we kill the guy we should it's just everyone's running and shooting in this game man i think you say everyone's just running and shooting on pistol around man i hate it what you have to do man sucks i don't even know you died honestly mike until i i got it i gotta own man swift one tap [Music] actually if you try to play close and i'll hold this and you might be able to go here i think they're off though oh they got they got orb i think they're feeding this phoenix or they're coming out guarding all of them i'm pretty sure literally all of them much damage to her raises low left side octa you could one satchel actually all right take your time you could probably still once again left corner i'm pretty sure yeah you can get up there just blow her ass up she's right how many how much did her fourth 18 18 okay if she was left it would have killed her that was a good eco we didn't buy anything look around do i hit the shot or not here comes the phoenix one tap i guess all right i don't get one top too time for a field test they uh three they're actually committed phoenix uh pocket did you i got owned 10 seconds left bike planted i got out there's no [ __ ] way i just left all those shots oh wait there's no there's no [ __ ] way like oh the smg just owned me like that holy [ __ ] i got destroyed around was absolutely tragic yeah that definitely was a tragic one that's like one you should never lose but i mean it happened i i think i whipped like five shots i just got smg i didn't even feel like i was i don't know i still kind of i don't know i can tp in flat i don't know i'm gonna alt this round [Applause] [Applause] down alongside uh this game makes a dose that's weirdo dude that guy wall they walled and three of them posted the market do they just know that that's my favorite play with yeah or some [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] was that doing it again i'm right i'm doing anything thanks now yeah all last time i did my all last time okay oh nevermind i just didn't jump you from correctly what's wrong now we win we got the ops roll let's go oh my god i missed yeah they bought if he goes through you all he could rap city let's go you guys are point-and-click i think i'm just a crutch offer in this game i think i just last time one of them had 4k and the rest were good they were as of course all right so i may or may not there i'm peeking call me a tp no that's stupid i'm not doing it [ __ ] you okay that's a good round to do it i think right i'm gonna hold i'm gonna go hi all right let's go baby little comeback do you want to do something different this round i'm gonna set up i haven't got the pick yet so i don't know have they seen you do it no all right like one of them saw me peek but they didn't see me do like the wide jump you know yeah nevermind whenever they see you when they see me we can start doing an octagon walk you down maybe yeah yeah that's what i wanted i want to use this no never mind oh my god they actually just pre-fired me they were on a wall man all right you guys are [ __ ] crack heads so there's a three a-side for sure or b-side i'm sorry should probably off oh you're a maniac i'm smoking shortage i'll try to hold it right now i'm gonna walk into hookah soon okay they could be backsight through you haul gamble just gamble just gamble yeah the smokes are fake i'll play it myself i don't think they are i haven't heard anything but they're gonna go they're gonna go away or they're gonna go late hookah i'm gonna hold this myself a flash might come in like a second here you should never mind he's not gonna be on the right or left oh mike sorry i feel like i just got cuffed for the game i don't know what just happened there i just chopped my off my [ __ ] blow into the ceiling and i wasn't moving at all like i was literally holding an angle i didn't touch my single key on my mouse on my keyboard it was like a visual bug and i just missed all right walk me down we're doing something uh somewhat aggressive here so we could fail if you want to lean one over maybe or just get or just get ready to lean you know because we're walking down uh wait what excuse me you walled there all right guys do you have to layer now no no here's the normal door that's such [ __ ] bro [ __ ] that must be that obvious dude it's bad in valerie everyone literally every single person in this [ __ ] game stream snipes everyone is coming as [ __ ] bro have some dignity though i have some [ __ ] dignity boys it's changed in general though like every fps like how they were just so confident that you're really walking up underneath you're there what the [ __ ] i hate it i hate it here [Music] standing match point all right so i just run i was playing r6 the other night and i had my real name on r6 and i was playing unranked and i was getting screenshots there's nothing to win i think it's so funny how so many people do it it's weird and i'm and the thing is i'm nobody like imagine what it's like for example you have 77 000 viewers and everyone wants a piece of that clout which is [ __ ] so good stuff don't die if you need help figuring out how just that everywhere [Music] peak yeah he's he's oxford octo a spike it should be both they should be both a [ __ ] knife [Music] harder down your side not timing oh my god yeah actually detained i honestly don't think they go away this or be this around on their eco i'm gonna walk you down off the tapa oh oh oh you're serious they smoked our u-haul three to one are you all just low nuts random pictures smoke oh make sure you just pop that oh you guys got it so pretty early all right not earlier not like early but you're like three and twenty now you're 21 and 17. they go silent maybe like after 20 minutes don't shut up they have their brim so they're probably gonna use it's it be weird but i might gamble there again yeah what's up now yeah i smoked hookah the peak anyway go how's the big player too they won't come though we'll know times two yeah they come hookah you might want to rap all the way around i'm actually gonna okay you could do that like uh yeah i turned to this your bot will kill them right you didn't see any one market right now you put a bottle no they broke it wow that timing oh my god oh dude wait that was like two seconds away from winning the whole [ __ ] round they ran through it all 30 seconds all of it they ran through everything we had that was so close holy [ __ ] oh well spike planted this poor guy doesn't know that they know where he is right now when he altered right there i dashed up in the air and dodged his rocket and i right clicked wow like like they would show up like somebody donated five dollars but it wouldn't say their message on screen i was trying to get rid of that and then i decided to try it and i don't know i think i might just get rid of it i'm here i appreciate the donations but i'm trying to i'm almost trying to void it out without like it like i just want it to be i want a donation to be a donation and it's forgotten like that person gave it and that's it he doesn't worry about it i don't like it being a way to message somebody and have a priority of a message you know what i mean that's kind of how donations are treated so i was trying to avoid doing that but i just tried it today with the actual message i don't know what i'm going to do i'll play it by ear i guess and text to speech is annoying i hate it but what are you doing am i playing reina reyna oh for flash is [ __ ] true yeah but you make some [ __ ] sick ass players nine or just n that's nine n it's just just it it's disgusting i mean people call me j92 but i don't know whatever you wanna call me i'm cool with what uh yeah it is warm up the old hands i can't jump into games raw anymore i don't think i actually feel like old to the point where i have to warm up the old tendons come on [Laughter] i don't think i don't you guys nasty one more genius nice no no no man he's attracted [ __ ] um i think you just saw his ass in garden a little shoulder no he did it i swear to god he didn't he's gonna be stupid i'll be playing close right he's dumb 30 seconds left bro what the i got this bike what's going on here i'm telling you you saw his shoulder garden 15. your genetics are superior i waited just long enough that i rotated it out so he was trying to catch up to me as [ __ ] that was good for him i guess yeah that same thing could have happened i could have gotten knifed like you knifed that guy it's just like really nice oh dude he's camping where he buys guns left side now helicopter yo i mean you want to tear that off you guys actually don't feel like you have to warm up jump into games and you're exactly here no no no no not exactly but i get different it's is there's probably three now rotating nice guy picked my off up or not i don't think he knows i had an option whatever the [ __ ] that's called i broke it with a knife why do they have the judge in this game why i don't know it's so broken it's so good that it's like so good that you have to stay away from it when you know it's in play but you don't know what to play until it's too [ __ ] late it's kind of [ __ ] up man they have shitty they have shitty things like that same with like the op they're too scared to play close mid they're just giving us this control this guy's in a [ __ ] smoke yeah yeah yeah they could tp behind us we're all here even [Music] he's saving at least i think he is it sounded like he was running yeah he's yeah he's running i hear him he's right here i could go back to you mike could be holding you i don't know i couldn't see him i couldn't he swung wide after i shot and i was like getting my eyes kicked i don't know just like i don't know i shouldn't have swung hit anyways though [ __ ] it you see ninjas clip on espn esports twitter no what is it is it is it something cool i [ __ ] hand tremors or something right now [ __ ] development parkinson's i'm so [ __ ] mad hey vandal spray oh oh my god i dropped you i'm not even that knives i might make a play here you're yep i can't believe you gave that to him like that yeah he's gonna just sat there and won the round literally went afk i wanted to hit the one god i don't know my bad and flashes the [ __ ] affirmations dude you're open you're right for a title that's crazy man my everything is [ __ ] l if that's cs right there i completely outplayed him there's nothing you can do about it [ __ ] one shot [ __ ] i thought you peeked it for some reason i could get res you can arrest me dog or not [Applause] why play sage why play stage if you don't even think there's left come on man my god man i'll uh now that they have all these ops i don't even think we go i think we go away and we rush it yeah i just hit a hit yeah we think we do something fast i'll go for i'll go for the quick pick today or at uh mid they're hopping inside jump sounds a day whatever dude the bike is almost [Music] i messed up my pre-fire hey rest me we're okay now i'm gonna haul don't don't peek don't peek early they're gonna hold till the last possible second there's a pocket to the right open smoke here if you can [Applause] heaven that's i don't think so yeah oh he just got good they're kind of through to be honest bear bear oh bareback he had a matter with yeah i mean the round was in our favor usually usually it's because of a whiff when that happens right or just a bad play or something now that they have ops this is tough that guy's used two weapons this game and often a judge [Applause] he's on top rattling off everywhere okay i don't know how he didn't die honestly i really don't [Applause] [ __ ] ops everywhere bro it's so [ __ ] lame like it's actually yeah the game's meta is scuffed as [ __ ] [Music] uh like dash and a get in the middle of my smokes upper i can just flash [Laughter] this game actually [ __ ] blows i can't wait to talk about [ __ ] abuse these [ __ ] people that's so funny dude holy [ __ ] i want all three of us with [ __ ] off in hand this round no no not this round on defense i can't i can't do that to him yeah what they're doing to us mike yeah but that's they need a crutch true you know let them let them have it there's a lot of alt i should try to use them just around maybe i could maybe build one if i killed bobo i'll save her next round these knives this round if you jump over you might be able to kill this guy he opted right for now nevermind that's usually him the brim hey they have to be off as well i think they know we're all here hit this wall honestly i think they somehow know we're all here so i'm gonna go fall back i just got that feeling in my my gut i don't know what i'm doing then it smells even there's a wall kind of weird maybe not they didn't push through yeah they don't know we're good is there anything good either all right we're going to put them in they have no idea we're good [Music] [Applause] right check your closet i think he'd be there last round geez man i understand now why people [ __ ] have been complaining about this rank [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i think ace even like took a break and he doesn't know the stream anymore and it's just it's just overwhelming i don't i don't know if the game is it is easy but look at this look at let's go oh no that's fine one enemy remaining that's all good all right nevermind great half oh great i love it okay valerie we were up 5-0 we were up five to zero and then they got ops one of round we lost that one round and then they um that's like if we didn't like if we had six though they could have been a little more broke maybe you know they won that round what i'm saying is when they got an op on the board the score complete the game and then we would lose a round with ops as well and then you got more opts and more odds more yeah it became like three ops and then it was like okay we don't we actually can't deal with this yeah it was definitely a snowball for sure it's gonna be an interesting halfway life going to love kobe i guess once a man went through one glass did not expect that at all not like at all it feels great when they work but like if they don't work and most of the time they don't work it just feels so bad because you just kind of like mouse one i should have just spammed i just want to hit some headies yeah i you i still play like a cs with a pistol yeah me too i literally [ __ ] the only pistol that works that way i think is the classic i think spamming the classics hard but first of all accuracy with the classic kinda is okay i got a medium oh they're all there come on bucky [ __ ] there's one hp you just tickle him at omen on the left the bucky might be the worst gun in the game i heard like [ __ ] three times yeah yeah that might be the worst gun yeah give me give me it yeah this [ __ ] [ __ ] gun crazy dude the judge is broken and then the bucky is trash it's crazy because the bucky used to be pretty good yeah i don't know why they destroyed it but it is really cheap so i guess it kind of makes a very cheap gun but the shorty's better than it you know i shut the door and give them tree i'm gonna play like close getting spammed for you guys this morning i'll spawn oh man through it coming you did right-click the mouse right yeah i right-clicked it three [ __ ] times did you you could you could tell when i don't know if you know but you can visually see when you right-click a bucky or left-click when you right click there's that puff it is such a little when you left click bro there's no punch this man is making me mad i already have it man you can literally visibly tell when you right click or left click he's down though in garden still oh he won he's in his head good job dude this guy ran out for you with a bucky and he jumped bucking me over the boss and not bothered to judge god yeah bro i can't see my damage report anymore and i'm kind of sad about it no it just i can't it's gone i can't bring it back i love it justin thank you oh yeah what the [ __ ] they have better smoke characters than we do but it might work so funny there's like i leaned into that like it was cs that was my mistake holy [ __ ] we can't hit our off shots as well as they can apparently [Applause] god how do we lose that i can't believe i did that like uh i can't believe i shot like it was cs man you can't [ __ ] hold left click that far no way oh you're gonna say that that's another one take it off press end while you press tab yes i knew i know i know it doesn't work it's bugged i think i have to restart my game or get into the next game yeah that was um [Music] full save let's go [Applause] sounds important to win here i smoked mid i would just go back hey one of you he's gonna he's gonna res hopefully oh yeah you can rest one he when he comes back i can all if you want to secure this no i'm going to jump down just i'm done and um yeah yeah just also i knew you were going to do it anyways tj i just wanted to tell you that that was yeah did i think him while jumping out i want to see i can't see because i don't see damage that is the play right there just waiting for it and fashion there's no way he altered like anywhere no that way like look around the media he peaked that was a pretty important round i made it you might be mad i the potential was there so perfect though because he threw the cam saw you and you killed the cam and i walked behind you to the corner oh i heard like three sets of steps yeah i'm gonna oh yeah they're going to play back when i come to you uh i have 20 seconds on here all right all right we'll leave jet there this will work actually is he still holding that put it for so long they could walk out longer i'm not peeking along i'm too afraid i'm holding william without right now i'm probably going to eat he's close last player standing oh i didn't know there's a box there what the hell yeah there's a little wooden barrel learn something new i had no idea i was there what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude crazy i feel like we're losing right now i'll be real i feel like i feel like we're losing we really don't feel like we're losing that's true like weird man mid is open right now respond man i think they end a i feel like they end a and they try to get that res cat my robot will see maine so well maybe not man i'm in sight across the side right now page me i've crossed though one's kinda in i'm pretty sure yeah you walked in hold today what do i need to do if i feel like you asked i just had drink a ton of water like to do like basically physically killing a game or like you actually don't physically feel like [ __ ] i don't know what's wrong it's probably all that three thousand calories of junk food you're eating yeah it's not junk food i mean some of it probably i heard you getting back in the box like a week ago yeah yeah i mean i'm getting like pass through that knife sure what are they doing okay well probably gonna go away i killed the old they ran away i literally just heard them all run the scary part is cats open here but smoke i think why do you need to try to get into sight nah i don't think i think this is fine i can swing off his contact jump spotting mid but they can walk i would go cat i'll i'll go go help him i'll jump spot man oh [Music] when people are above you it sounds like they're different places sounds deep i don't even know how i have 17 kills replay they're broke honestly we should fight mid to strength i'm coming i'm gonna jump tiles placing swamp grenades [Applause] that was so weird reported many many he must have been smokes on this game are so whack when you're in them it's trippy i'm in some head somewhere i reported in the market side i'm not sure i'm not even talking a game [ __ ] me should look into playing slayer in doom's eternal battle mode nah it's not really for me that's too much like quake i'm not a huge quake kind of guy not a quake fan quake's like all right but like i'm just not it's not for me that's what doom reminds me of like the multiplayer anyway you're like weapon swapping and utilizing i'm gonna grab some like spawns and [ __ ] sugar or something maybe i don't know [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 10,566
Rating: 4.7623763 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant
Id: fxyojlX5A4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 52sec (4852 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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