NO HARD FEELINGS ✌️ | Valorant #20

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[Music] why don't we always attack tens of solo queuing I mean are they just like someone left and they got it I think personally the the the way to play this map is to lean more a than B you know like is like think about how easy it is to take control of these two spots at a once you have control of that like I don't know this seems kind of easily know let's try to try to work something a I'm late to mid what else he's on top of the platform here wait for this to fade yeah I'm pretty sure pretty sure he's red you could be on top of the wall and there's also a gap underneath yeah I mean I can do anything I can slow table you can cross to TP across jusht on top 50 HP mid wait five seconds for you yeah double smoking we could take this Oh am I on that spawns good that's clear back rights good night fighting him see lower really maybe stringy Ram ready just me is there a good you good I've came back to customize any room come with you above you above you Hey Ram this wall waiting yeah two seconds 26 only it makes me kind of like it's like she kills you nice they're in a 554 and she falls off the wall and what does she do reloads gentle stuck up although I'm just gonna just I'm with you hiding they might be sitting in it did he get it yeah I got it what is it like a bro sage was having it be so she was like over here jet played backside Bush could be about a rim she could be lost out here and knock it out my cam I have Cajun to Trapster oh okay he's he's [ __ ] rope sounds like ropes ropes are spunk I don't know it sounded like ropes on me I smell curb just like he was running on a walk probably just holding exits I had Matt hurt him so I'm just assuming you know he's somewhere yeah cuz he said you heard I'm so he had to be yeah flank right like mid rope something yep anyone upgrading you're gonna bullying I'm a bulldog oh we need both those upgrades they need both of them yeah I'm not he might be you this this cipher I don't know cuz I don't have their cute with them damn he might be using the glitch cam I can't tell what it sounds like let me try to figure out this time spamming therefore Q was linked server ifox Irina and someone else in her little bit just working bit slow let him like smoke it again even walled it we just hope word it doesn't break he looked left it he might be he might be a bomb yeah let him down they slowed stages on double soil good well just so now we'll just wait and then re hit smoke heaven in like that call I get smoke spawn yeah left side heaven for you guys left side haven't yeah one cop a thing top bathing's middle updating it's not great nice to be clear so should be clear I'm funny Brooks link radar you could spam default spam Diablo where's it under center Oh miss blow to spam it again I'm glad I dig through to the wall alright good job good job oh I have it all I have all-in-one killer 1.41 orb can give you more we can do an ad we can do an eight hit well we can get the sort of easily the way I'm gonna I'm gonna swing pages here all done remembered and in pretty hard over here he's back pillar no utility no utility they became yeah yeah good bomb as well I could push through when you guys can go bet on it one more on be fYI there's a server push again I'm rotating through spawn yeah there's one more up Eastside sage was feel I'm just gonna run run pass 30 seconds left he's uh wondering what is still up be this oh he was there yeah thinks I'm [ __ ] new my spam did I don't think we kid yeah can't stand it on yeah my Ulta we could win this with a Kevin and we can wall across be and we could take we should we should go slow we should like I just want to use this like I use it somehow this around I'm gonna race come take it first on thank you I'm gonna top ramp yeah good be folks could be I'll just end my guy raises started playing yeah they're playing light meddling this they're playing very light amid on top boys good good job I'm all take back and be site good done watch out Mike watch out yeah yeah I know the show they don't know no idea or maybe they just yeah make a lot of noise out I mean it's like yeah we literally ran away from be yeah all heaven I would I come back to be ever ocular yeah well rehab be yeah he's backspace we can just come be pop heaven left side picking me so bummed over this guy's that don't know shot spawn this that could have been our spawn actually fun okay once you mean Dean 78 okay you wanna I think this guy was probably coming back towards like mid just try to get a exit was can exit so on yeah I was a great pick the second you guys got that pick I was like yeah that's my site how does op if no one wants we played that round we played that round way really well really well on your loan we spread them so thin they're kind of like lost you know I'm gonna pick this relics can you shoot real quick relics to shoot will you mold in raises all today they're deep man right I know sorry she's better what is it ropes I made it deeper you'll post razzle smoke it's now they they probably pushed another extremity Ray's probably I knew ropes okay and deep heaven and we can walk yes she she could be pushed 30 seconds left can I wait for them 120 I can hear that make sure we try to focus a fast 7 7 flat 5 for plating everything [ __ ] having wall [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I'm holding I'm holding this crack holding this crack I just really didn't do it I smell clothes left for rape side then I'm only am i right I'm tp'ing to you - dude before I blew up by that satchel I was right on her head I know I was right on her head I can't believe I didn't kill her I was I thought the facts will knock me back a little bit and I kinda wanted to out of it so hard to coordinate I wanted you to just peek as I do so that they don't I know and I wanted lasered the what is it called tens tens my popping yeah I'm gonna jump across row stretchers maybe no no no I'm driving double playing mid as well go get ready to head out you're the head eh yeah I'm stoked cause she's 11 should I bother yeah I'm gonna go made up Tyler made a [ __ ] play dude wow what a round is what's right by the mid wall okay come come ropes I'm waiting for the wall to break and I'm just gonna try to lurk Kevin if you want to try to slip down this one they read your heavens insight though I hear of dumb dumb it caged me I'm going out in front of the gate thanks bud nice top heaven all going out fifty yeah he got a little scrubby there with those knives yeah would have been sick there if Tyler you kept walking beat and then you just killed the B players they would have never expected that hello back this this time I'm telling ya folks can TP across all this yeah well this long I lost this order can we get you this work I made it totally oh yeah yeah could be close right also sort of link you can come back maybe groupie I have a nice ball I can get us across did you work the traps every down here actually three hopping Meg can get a smoke in a second relics your loan I have a smoke yeah you want to do want to where do you want it 33 yeah just teleported somewhere we're coming back be shown our presence we're in a pod like all the utilities gone I think they might have a cave no I something backside it was close 15 seconds oh man we should like well they don't need really a bummer and we I also think like if we want we can just split from it like they don't all agree it's the omen cycle to smoke Smith we also we also use them a so hard that they're definitely leaning a so like made it mid will work did we just split their ropes you should split the rubes gotta do something I have a stinger CJ thanks I'm it early when I smoke it all my kids like nothing ropes ok let's got awkward whatever you can this is gonna be hard to do huh we just gotta go to Twitter you go now and slight backside more what marking Jen I'm flying out all got hit patent this in the ice in the ice you've landed you're so [ __ ] good flying out appropriate use of that all right no more won't work under you know you know you have an operon yeah yeah okay gibble I can't even like I was gonna say don't even think I can splash the rocket there you know you could plant lower on those stairs so that's what I thought you were I thought you're gonna yeah no no I was going to but then I got to double trap that I was running out of time on the rotate so I just got it down we could you said like a plant blow it up you can see it let's do something faster with my oh yeah or I could just work out what you guys oh man smoke nobody even peeked ropes before your I don't think so I'm gonna go strains just wait wait and then reject and wait and then reject with a heavy-haul they could push through be alright here we go watchin be a matcha B push I'm waiting to all I'm smoking spawn running back I thought we treated they got the film that I realized we didn't kill them it's unlucky before we XQ is should get a guy it worked it just we just needed to wait for this smokes smokes were there but you just backhaul and smoke gonna cover it close though I'm leaving that's a first so we should have this guy's paper I've been there spawn nice freaking round Mike I just for me for being honest I said [ __ ] it up I [ __ ] just said to myself I brought it up maybe these guys don't know what they're doing I left few Tigers here to here Tigers out there getting aggressive a really good - really aggressive when I try to work beaten there's multiple he was here and there was one here and maybe listen I want to do something cheeky okay and I need brim and I need I need everybody here I'm gonna we're gonna do we're gonna do a smoke I wouldn't hide your smokes we're gonna do okay well you'll do in here you'll you'll do one here okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a wall and I'm gonna TP in that third [ __ ] thingy and plant so we got it we got we're gonna have to dry peak this first though which is gonna be a very dry peak this first and shoot peak okay go ahead you do your first throw and then on your second I'll do the right one do it [Music] dude I can't believe he was just there oh my god I've always wanted to try that I feel like you could make a wall I feel like you could use home into like wall TP plant you know saying inferno or like people do like all the crazy just even it's just even easier in this game you don't need crazy lineups you know wanna make them think we're peaking sip the sewer smoking I'm smoking ramen I'm gonna put my I'm gonna dam in the middle so we can we can walk into it and like get that they might swing come on hello boys look at my robot room bucket is that he can't destroy it he's right side upp you guys can leave me mid-to else I die to us anyways they're icing the wall 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 last three of us three plus three coming up coming up heaven maybe I ain't letting min come with your main dude through hey yo come III 1 1 min underneath pops fire pot to smoke hey Bryce yes yeah girl made the turn just to show you know and then we can play pass something you smoke smoke right side just delay just delay peek you hold my right now I'm just gonna go play sewers all right I didn't see anything a steward tell the camera crew yo I just left you saw my mom Lundy she's going back to you though right he's going back Long Beach God is over here Oh God nope oh that was I mean he has a shorty I wouldn't push like the spice room with the what are we called with this fight that was a what I saw the Rumba just the skip along my street well you have to blast pack your I got an upgrade maybe someones a bulldog respect her if you have the dough yeah it's not too bad actually I can swing from no I've been icing out the start goodness me first and I think she would do that he fell back there doing a birdies right you know they could be up mid they can be having taken me have it it's creamy gonna make it though get everyone thinking the back side and back side not a need spot 174 expose 62 hell all right they're getting kind of scruffy dude that ends with solo Pearson I literally could have killed every single one of them surprised you didn't its trade there Tyler I [ __ ] him up I swung as fast as I could really I did yeah next time maybe we can my time walk in a little bit probably next round I'll open up the shortie this round family get ready diddly room becoming garage saw me up it was like where's this good retrievable they're really trying to take me wanna back sir am I already doing their up up Mike well back sir holy my Allah back sir yeah lean lean lean lean - too fast fast - I'm playing closely with shorty they can cross [ __ ] down three three me mean I think like I'm lower weight that's lash them I flashed I mean you can pop top eight two three maybe they're not sent me all the way through and not coming elevated 118 seconds he's got 11 raised you must've been low oh you were right here I was like behind the wall no I was behind the wall right here I think it does blow up the walls I guess I make sure that's crazy I'm hopping ropes don't spread yeah I did - first shot Matt lift a little bit - I did that sheriff dude the thing's [ __ ] ass I told me dude I was hung up on my putt I was hoping that my mate would get you the kill you know yeah [Music] like she's surprised I'm surprised we're playing this bad this is actually kind of crazy yes he's on camera can catch us [Music] he literally like just appeared on my screen from the right pretty much yeah we fire the Opera know cuz it seems like a headshot I think no I know I didn't miss I was just wondering you heard the shot I'm probably gonna turn it down if you want to play this little aggressive last time I stymie legit just like bum-rushed in kind of oh he dinged him you think him I did leave Gruber's down you all should gamble something you should leave be you should like come heaven and get ready to peek with us or something [ __ ] me right now let's go come up ribs Alvar I'm rotating smoke sue Lowden it's much heaven in back ball one slow here is Gary to beat this bit they're getting the orb be garage oh god yes you guys planning I'm mighty treetops going we trap don't say life lasted for a sec he's default default nice job now play moving around he uses all which just means probably won't - through a [ __ ] smoke this really what that boils down because you know you have to pull your [ __ ] gun out when you got the all just little daggers probably nade deep right I'm gonna make it seem like we're playing a grim it even if we want to op amicus tens do one more oh my god Stuart say I'm gonna come to you for a heal Scott Holcomb hold it yeah he's a good-good he's trying to go heaven today though so they might be grouping it I think it was just like I think it was a desperate play I'm not made with you but I'm not peak moremore I'm just calling it for you oh can you find me a Nazi - actually sorry my is it rumba in probably Mike here I'll shoot earlier like early mid or you just do your thing - Robin nothing here nothing long right now nothing long there was some fire smoke pipe everyone was turned admit it style down to here to here fast fast fast fast I'm going back home defeat a faulty being Boekel - the right language good look he's under heaven hold on I'll kill him wait wait don't peek Tyler's not being he's under [ __ ] draft he's under fire I'm holding it was my op he's just not peeking one walked in there walking in still under on done what am i oh let me let me let me hit him with a drug how we're good I know what do you mean oh dude doesn't let me be worried about here am I losing my going to Diamond - I'm actually surprised we haven't ran into any cheaters and ranked yet it's not weird they're all bent I mean they're definitely getting banned quick yeah I'm saying yo if if anyone was talking me by though when he ranked you I was not you all right good man was talking our drive was like a mad trash let me get away with it it's fine Pfeiffer might be a crazy arrow coming in Sage's your garage window on the left there's two on a1a you also work something fast see messy probably I still have them leave it now wash your backside if you wanted to go get bro stay window mat walk up behind and don't peek window don't peek window wow he's there now he's in window don't peek don't peek jumped out Oh garages freaking trapped crow hop daddy just hit the best shot of his holy [ __ ] that was insane I think I think I think he might be a budding say that yeah maybe I don't know if we don't win this game we're all everyone's going back to Simon no wonder yeah yeah what a [ __ ] a plow a plow Wow maybe alright you're getting your I got the Oh yep mm-hmm I didn't believe you I didn't trust you at all okay watch in heaven I have a trap on heaven but they'll break it on one spawn one heaven okay you're lucky open it's going to be open [Music] [Music] dude The Spectre oh I could see how they did that garage but so easily dude I don't know about oh no no it kind of using in this round looking Garen damage [ __ ] is it why don't we go quick see my gun again you know I think I don't know let's just okay default I think deep wouldn't like it to like a mid round a pop like not even that long do you flip I'll just kind of show them like Yaga I'll go longer p2p just to show that we're [ __ ] not just I stopping a Charlie up I smoked everything long get it off shoot the dirt hard do we do now long day open resolving long see no no eh I would like to go I'm gonna do this into the he's glitching see with a camp bro he was using it he was you I heard it right next to me dude right here like right somewhere he does it make a noise what he gets on it or only annoys when the cam goes off no way that changes everything Bravo owned him [ __ ] I didn't know that we should probably save I just bought that cuz my bad I literally didn't know that that is very important information you know I have full armor and especially could do the oh we were saving so I can flash garage I flash away you're going in moral are behind you doesn't know he doesn't know my walls up can't believe that works get your trap trying to flank to to rotate it's like he's like still here like closer sure Oh hit him let's go he's close left close left I think I'm gonna take the fight this I wanna try to go see or find me on mid let's go Hoff daddy come back here if you get this foot okay I haven't read the spike once close long three there okay I'm come from front door and then I swung in and he's like probably - that's right and you were if you kill that guy a specific career yeah I flash what your because I thought they might see your he probably was blind that's why he didn't kill me when I see feed I was wondering why I didn't get punished that makes sense I saw you doesn't know [ __ ] eyes are probably less pretty crotchless to see the would breach like now right away but we should definitely like take her out and just let's see from walking through one down long like a misstep close I'm like we didn't see should be all Tyler David you I tried flashing him he just darted longest together pretty soon they slowed mid window so they could have pushed out a beer definitely yeah could've pushed under window sage is dead that she was garage I'm just gonna run up to B I can do all right with the focus I'll go window I'll look window gonna have it off getting bombed out there Vogue's notify post goes dude what would [ __ ] player standing he's got 30 good yeah I should know me I don't know he's well no I knew he's spawn but I a jiggle peek that I'm I know dude I called like five times could be close right I shouldn't have left you Tyler [ __ ] alone but with two or three you guys this is like quick quick but I could we could take her odd I bet you I can always but you I could all phone this opera I literally bet you I could solo all and kill this guy I think so yeah I can try to make some pressure like I won't P go to shooting stuff okay well just get get close to be quick on garage okay sage in the area I just smoked a smoke yeah window windows rotating garage I'm hiding a bunch of old clothes what is you fake wall like beef window to two for two Shetty really I went back of me and went back Abbi finding in her house is [ __ ] confusing Doug I lost fun let's just get nuts yeah okay um should get ready to cross him it's the answer he's close enough I smoked it in there was a trap that would have been so hard to help for you hugs good trap I figured you're just gonna wall and we would play double lung yeah yeah maybe Mike yeah yeah so they're gonna continue playing what yeah the sage wood walled literally nothing she fake walled like in a line next to the spook and then just ran out the door [Music] Bush made out their window you swing at Phoenix all day he put from be them angry wanted to turn they know I can't uh know we're all here we got this blank right now it could be closed though gonna be closed I'm gonna pressure garage pop a just read the cipher trapping drugs no it's over window with a knob let's keep walking towards it I'm male that's a great hole that was a great actually instead audible yeah yeah we were 20 seconds all right I'll [ __ ] both sides I could also say we Dalton's Alton Alton now oh right did you watching hi right only one of us got watching them final we really got to stop this guy like he's playing like a new well to push long yeah usually and like to push it every time like one garage 1 B 1 C do it three one time broken smokes this any swing sewers you should just do this thing safe for a tree cam yeah I just say bender gonna put across long but didn't see anything we walk a right one k just about in a walled be let's do a see split I can flash garage I'll leave you to lurk project now I think you deserve a good rest it's Mary's you're 35 I can fly top anything you guys go up he's won I'm gonna start studying back left those those 32 pros it's gonna be one of those days dude this the soft daddy guy I literally just classic Tim bro a classic exactly every room he just smokes this and he tested he doesn't know like that's the did you literally go see where you could any any one of us one belonging to camera long game reach the sewer probably or not Barbara Denver town garage he plays the same spot they are rotating already their DCT device down careful breach you know weird little I'm solo al let's say maybe try to leave probably I no more smoke no thank you okay he's gentle spotting on it you guys could take execs be see if this guy rotates and then come in I could probably kill him he still jumps well there's a wall of it we got a bracelet watch David I'm flanking now there's a gun here I spoke to Evan you're good keep running there's a gun short so but Eppley run away saij lower silva was also there he shot it this guy was born I stood up I'm just gonna yeah that guy is just keep killing them same area same spot I'm telling you I killed him on a classic when he had a phantom so he didn't even shoot either oh no I heard it was I think we keep pressuring a and then they're probably gonna cause like what happened last round is they left cypher and all he did was jump spotted and I killed him rotating out who's gonna leave it they had no one on eight he was just gonna rotate out they played just like the last team where the cypher just leaves us like sheets over if you see anything a lot about it that's what he does his cameras the other guys always sewer he just tripwire that doesn't mean I just required a brush that's the see yeah we should take gosh I think you're gonna stage because he saw me long a this is pretty one long see she's going for the res she raised she's close excites the backside hubby my god I'm leaving CT lower if I'm dumb oh I'm sorry I can't believe she did that she went to go press it I liked her oh yeah oh yeah I can't believe it Mike when I was afk I heard you talking about the raids yeah I've been raided I have agreed in like a month I haven't even done ZG one seem I have simple on quick before it came out oh my sewer you're fair I play rope and is like though good pop and along everything's fun one sewer once you were okay I think yeah destroy River I'm hauling it from window I'll be happy only [ __ ] I'm leaving this the sewer well mr. Watson you got it he got past me or something I don't know he was here excited I'm just gonna get the off and leave actually I'm not for you drop bombs I was tight box at it he was you know like you went spawn you said you don't want the off I have enough I shall leave it there good stuff [Music] we're get this guy beat there he is I have Rolling Thunder got all of our old piece make sure to use a [ __ ] else too long sometimes I find ya the second you get an old blog see your big hero yeah I can drop anyway oh you should come up dry peeking this that's fine you peepee and rush I'll come back actually bro that actually confused the [ __ ] out of them I love it yeah post long smoking all right do a nice on see BOSU they broke my we're just like ever done also votes I'm I'm I just cut out all your house the last one and a half I'm going having a the [ __ ] is going on I can all be because they know I'm she don't be our wall left alright alright now flashing hi right back site for sure I'm gonna kick us I might hit you sorry but one down oxide feed it Thank You place to play window person back stuff thinks that must be player God i ulted have in it I don't think they even you ugly thought they did they did not I got two flashes for cease so I'll be playing like I'm probably gonna playing the window store if they're rushing you I can come like CT and flash like the sight bucks you know necking for you to peek like either side yeah I got two flashes in the classic that's round sort of a ghost I can eat through the wall but it'll be later nothing [ __ ] it could be up to Scott but there was further so unlock or possible come I'll flash it as soon as I can but I can't they slowed CT flashing sight box now I'm trying to hold right side a full red bag see look hit all three of these people like a weird man these rounds are weird game is strange yeah this is like other sound kids I didn't realize like when he uses his camera you hear that sound do when brimstone pulls out his little his little smoke iPad you hear that sound cue and Phoenix pulls out his flash you hear the sound cube before it's like you've been thrown you can hear the Phoenix really yeah nothing you girls shopping gross own his ass one more [Music] I'm probably could be on ice waiting for the pop perhaps you see my window sir okay pop any second yeah hop up unto God the God I don't see him hope you enjoyed watching God makes her ninja doesn't count but no no myself me myself and I 30 seconds left very good he literally just come out instantly I gotta impugn just shredded my soul it up good anyone up good in yeah Osage is close left with nothing holding this Matt pop there recon drone tread the recons deep smoke tomorrow's right now to see trying to get word come into a garage door route I got it few spree fired a you would kill them is Lee one dude oh my goodness gracious God what I've taken out that was the [ __ ] dude literally like tight Tyler Tyler died because someone walked through a smoke and I died because someone walk to her smoke if you guys wanted we could do you know I think this is a good round to do it I kind of what she does every round is like they just come from this side and they just run over here like they don't even wait like I could probably all good maybe not like just thinking like you could probably just like one around here about a speck next run oh yeah we'll do it next row I can flash though I have one flash I get first and it wouldn't - no he's Guinea why he's like he looked normal to me and that goes just the client-side bug what's gonna [ __ ] he's on the ice cream another bug yeah we just holds like literally holds [ __ ] steady on these guys and we're chillin we can retake garages that makes me call for it yeah if you let him have grown yeah I don't know this is like some spot garage they take our long yeah too long they have a lot of old grass yeah what's supposed to I just heard him they could be on walking in was only Gordon yeah oh there's an angler I'm trying a weird angle in Europe want to test this I don't think that he can walk to see you could be peep though from like the doorway just don't be executing a pretty sure yes it is going down to him Bom Bom we use what I push this up with my old I could do a lay back right one read left my son got him on site front sight swing life of these would be long one one boy yeah I'm gonna work I'm gonna like peek garage a couple times with this chair I think that uh the next gun room we have we should play more aggro middle day delay Omid like the other thing one guy we should be grinnell should peak head right now with our sheriff's and should be drones what no I smoked it though first everybody's all day okay see there upski okay I'll tell you window one window Thanks I can't I actually can't believe we're losing [Laughter] friends the action we did before I think I'm just gonna leave and just come back you guys up I think pushing mid like I mean right here maybe you just speak gonna window Mike and I could almost no I before I get all their back grass yes I'm just holding you could smoke later windows over there smoking off good Oh grass waleed ribbons ova mid they ma lead and recon cameras over weights me up there it weaves through wall-e not spawn just one just one what Schmitt outside B I'm pretty sure I need hello it's nice I'm having them with though it's kind of we're ready mr. slow I don't think that they're gonna go back again they keep ending here cuz they've had other David walk through when I wasn't there like top daddy I know it is literally it's the first round I done then they just [ __ ] right now you [ __ ] garage or to be winning garage like serious etiquette nevermind I just thought I'd do everyday display people here I'm gonna eat straight to admit they're like we're pushing help me garage wall Papa see waiting for you to pick one - serious is your sister I'm gonna try to play a closing what I did yeah wait that dead drone did he clear him I don't think of it I didn't know then there's no one that could be a poet she no one loan no okay mid window they're going to hamper here to bid with oh I got one yeah the one fell I'm leaving garage is open right outside yeah yeah no more traps fruity try to fostro to the doorway it's the same smokes your smoke soon the x2 and Raj I should have beat that Phoenix off the end to see how these guys are getting so [ __ ] aggressive bad places like the fact that they had this it was all smoke often this guy jumps through this smoke yeah these guys are [ __ ] there they're maniacs is what they are let's get a ladder on a [ __ ] if we get a kill we should try a dip but I'm gonna kind of delay peak garage of a wait there's three sewer there's three star here you're Jenny sir teachers one side already dead you guys could maybe believe it I can't I actually can't you just cannot believe this is how the game is being won you could have altered out of there I didn't think I needed to be honest I thought I could just [ __ ] frenzy out but I didn't I don't care to all tone I didn't give up coming for me okay I'm really thinking like why I'd blown away they don't even like pick for wires they literally yeah that's about it I'm gonna buy judge legit don't check anything I'm gonna swing sue it with my like I just show that the way threes you were there I'm just gonna try to like I'm not gonna really try to cut it off right it's gonna show them that we have another player here and I'm gonna try to walk away I ran away because it sounds like they're clean just do my ears my mom see it would still push that out just being honest dude she said her say no they would puts up oh yeah I'm leaving you for a moment I do have my all we have for alts it's super quiet last time today yeah I'm Betty right now I wanna try to play clothes they do come Scout one one up yeah see what flash they're walled me off I'm trying to all oh he's already closed for once closed right to spawn like she what my god I actually can't believe this crazy dude ageism is that like an attendant this age is able to wall without like there never mind I just looked really weird Wald from sewer to like here and it didn't even look like she peeked the box it looked like she just did it almost without line-of-sight thing they have to they have to be at least half like peeking she did it passed but he met in the cipher cage or something but this town but she was like close right even though old it was trying to get on the site to get straight I get off at mid just by himself once was long yeah have a stinger right now branching off you could definitely play towards a cuz he has an op anyway he's on cam TJ bill they ought to have his uh they have Bremen Sato will I will I just got an orb supplying on her she didn't have I could she just she raised the guy killed silver has all they all did girl make it being draw up to Bishop op-ed three three three insight three front side three point six three more one long to draw walled up one prime one backside oh so close oh that's how they win bro they just stopped caring oh they stop [ __ ] caring man that sucks that's a bummer I just know respect they just note the the further the game got the more the less respect they gave us and they just won because of it yeah sucks not feeling like like I changed my traps every time but they would just literally just run through like they just didn't even check for traps its yes just what you do some of the things they were doing I think are like objectively pretty bad like later on it won't be as easy [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 26,863
Rating: 4.5036497 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone
Id: GblA0q4q-Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 34sec (5254 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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