What's Growing in SEPTEMBER on our Large Family Homestead?

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hey guys it's Janice from Ozark Family Homestead and I am trying to do this video quickly because you see it is the end of September and I need to do a what is growing around the homestead in September video but today has been busy we were in town had an orthodontist appointment for Sarah just lots of running so we got home uh ate supper out of the crock pot and before the sun goes down which is trying to do I'm going to try to take you around the property here real quick and touch base on what's growing not as pretty we're way into fall now so um but I'll just show you what there is to see and then I know children are hoping to do another unboxing of gifts tonight so they want mama to film this and then get back inside so let's go see what there is to see here we go all right in the planter boxes right up here at the house there is some I think Sarah said this was Swiss chard so we are getting some greens from that this is some type of spinach here that Sarah has growing over here are some golden beets that are not really forming good roots but you know good bulbs to be harvested as actual beets but lots of uh leafy greens that we can use in salads so this actually looks really pretty and nothing in those pots this has some green onions in there so we are getting a little bit of green onions still the arugula here is starting to flower so it is trying to go to seed as well and then a little bit of beets in here but again mostly for greens because we're not really getting an actual beet out of this all right coming over this way we've got our mint this is my peppermint here is that your bike yeah yes she says that's my bike yeah Abigail's bike needs a new tire on it it is um it is sick right now it needs to be repaired and then my spearmint is right here it's looking really pretty too does it smell pretty yeah yeah you like the flowers and then the herb garden over here again really that all there really is to see is there is some sage and the sage looks nice I need to go ahead and harvest some of it are you smelling everything [Applause] [Music] yes lady oh lady dog and then the oregano over here so not too much to see does it smell yummy yeah yeah that that that Barbie dolls it's for the puppy dogs okay well I'm gonna go out to the orchard are you gonna come with me yeah okay all right we're out here at the Old Orchard which is the original Orchard that the original owner of the property had established but it did not do well so I'll show you this and then we'll go to the new Orchard really not too much to see here because everything has been harvested I don't think I have ever shown you all my magnolia tree it's small but uh it makes me happy magnolia trees are my favorites so that's my Magnolia and then the pear tree here has been harvested and turned into pear jam The Apple Tree here I do see a couple apples at the tippity top but like 99.9 percent of these are picked and gone and canned oh there's another little one over there so I see about three apples on that tree oh you got a leaf yeah okay let's go look at the other pear tree and see if there's any hairs left over I don't see any I think they've all been picked and they're in jars so okay well let's move on down towards the new Orchard okay the pawpaw trees their leaves are turning yellow and they're still too small to actually get any free off of them you can tell it is a it's definitely fall now the asparagus patch still just looks very very sorry but these ferns that are in the asparagus patch are going to die off and they are going to be chopped down here let me see if I can get in closer if you can see just these little ferns that come up and we let those go and later on through the winter we will cut those down and put a nice thick layer of straw along this patch and wait for new asparagus Spears to come up in the springtime all right scooting on down to the new Orchard and again not much to see everything's been picked no apples on the trees these trees are smaller because this is a younger Orchard but really not much to see even the grapevines over here are losing their leaves just things are wrapping up this is one of the peach trees and its leaves are starting to turn yellow too everything is transitioning Look at Her Go you run so fast and these Yep they're just turning colors so the property is trying to shut down okay now the leaves are starting to fall on this persimmon tree here and since the sun's trying to go down I'm not sure if you're going to be able to see the Persimmons let me come over here they are still up there I'm going to try to zoom in a little bit see if you can see they're just these little spheres and they're not really a good creamy orange just yet a few have fallen to the ground here's some a little bit closer but we've gotten a couple that have fallen down and we'll need to check the seeds still but uh yeah the persimmon tree will be giving up fruit here shortly okay along the wedi fence Rose no don't pull it nope nope it's not ready yet yeah these are maypops but they're not ready when the May pops are ready they'll get all shoveled up and they'll look awful that's when they're tastiest oh you give Mama hugs are you sweet baby you are sweet baby so there's dangling down there just more may Pops in there these were the ones with the pretty the really purple flowers earlier this spring and if you look back in some of our older videos you can see they're very very showy flowers so but they just like growing through overgrown fence rows here and the only reason we still have these is because it's closer to the house thank you baby um if it's further away the deer will come and eat May pops so but we do have those growing as well as a food source here and I did notice too just walking along through the grass here there are May pops there's one right there just coming up through the grass there's some here she's uh right here yes the May pop is right there okay let me move your little feet baby so I can see right there may pops one two three right there in a row another one here I mean they'll just grow like an invasive weed one right there one right there one right there we can just go on down the line so the issue is just keeping the deer away from them okay let's go on out oh you found one didn't you is it hiding in there yeah where's it at right there it's behind there yeah yeah okay let's go out to the second garden and see what it looks like on our way out to the second garden and brisket came up here to see us this is our Jersey cow Daisy this is her calf a little bull calf well not little So Much Anymore he's getting to be a big boy and then there's Rosie down there too hi Rosie girl hi sweetie Rosie is such a good girl she's our livestock Guardian out here with the cows and the sheep and we have chickens back here too yeah she is a Great Pyrenees and she's a lovey girl brisket just likes to stand there and look handsome all right we're gonna head out to the second garden now okay so when I come out here to the second Garden I think about the woven weed fabric that Miss Lisa sent us that we just did in a recent unboxing video and I look at the weeds and I am very very grateful Miss Lisa for more of that woven weed fabric next year's Garden I hope is a lot more neat and tidy but here's what we have the shorter green corn right up here closer to me was our second crop of corn that we planted and we get our first Frost very late October or possibly even the beginning of November sometimes and we're trying to get a second harvest of corn in with this the um well let's let me get a little closer the older corn here all that taller corn that is Brown and dried out that has already been harvested we will go ahead and harvest those stalks and we'll make bundles for some pretty fall decorations to put right up at our front door so those will still be used even though the corn has been picked and processed and put in the freezer at this point let's see there's a whole bunch of pumpkins all down around here this is all pumpkins throughout here let me get in closer and that's Daisy over there let me see can we see Daisy she is a pretty girl there's Daisy that's brisket's Mama the Sheep are way in the back back uh way back there oh my goodness big finger but the Sheep are way way in the back there hard to see okay gotta keep moving or I'm gonna end up with Darkness let me see okay pumpkins I'm still figuring out this new camera guys okay we're ready pumpkins are right here I think Sarah said these are Long Island cheese variety of pumpkins I believe so we have some small ones we have not harvested a single pumpkin yet see I can see another big one over there by the fence oh here's a little baby one little baby something right there and through the corn right there far is another Long Island cheese there it's not a watermelon baby it's a pumpkin is a pumpkin so that is all that's out here is corn and pumpkins and then of course the sunflowers are done we had a big long lineup of sunflowers there on the other side of the Corn and they are done so Daisy came up here to see us hey pretty girl hey sweetness what do you think Rosie hmm okay Rosie just wants you to pay attention to her she says don't look at that cow look at me rub my belly somebody needs to rub my belly all right Daisy girl we're gonna go to the big Garden all right I'm gonna come over here to the pecan trees first these are hard shell pecan trees so let's see they're still in the holes there's more of the holes there so the actual nut the actual pecan is inside these green holes here and what will happen is these holes will open up let me come around I'm going to see if I can find okay this one here is trying to open up and the nut will fall out oh I'm afraid it's getting dark guys okay let me see here these are opening up right here they're gonna open up oh my I need another set of hands and the nut will come out of that green hole so oh Anna you got one too okay oh Daisy says come back so and these I think we have five of these pecan trees right here next to the summer kitchen and then over here we have some more of our apple trees but of course they are all bare now also I have a few Ducks still roaming around outside but they're trying to get themselves put up for the night okay caddy cat here is our 13 and a half year old barn cat yeah yeah she's a sweet girl she's a sweet girl Emma you love Catty Cat yeah okay let's get to the Garden it is getting dark on us oh caddy cat says just love on me she says stop the video and just love on me oh we gotta speed through this girls we're losing daylight okay end of September the strawberries look beautiful green plants we still have some chives down here and some Rosemary two pots of Rosemary there's some more Swiss chard and some lavender and some basil and then Sarah just has some pretty flowers I do not know the varieties of those I do know these are snapdragons okay let's keep on moving okay tomato plants are mostly done she is bringing in a little bit of cherry tomatoes every day but very very few oh yeah I know she has said this uh Sunrise Bumblebee are the perfect cherry tomato for us to grow on our property they do so well here every year and they're so pretty so we are still getting some of those but everything else is just about giving it up all right here in the melon patch we do have watermelon yeah watermelon yeah More Watermelon there's another one there and some little ones there and More Watermelon yes and amongst the uh this area here is a whole bunch of sweet potatoes these are these kind of leaves right here these are all sweet potato vines and these are volunteers from last year we did not plant in this area our actual sweet potato patches on the other side of the garden and we may or may not get to it before we lose the uh lose the sunlight all right another big watermelon right in here so it's a it's a nice large one and I saw a very strange one over here growing in the fencing so I don't know what is going to happen with this oddball but it is trying to grow there amongst the fencing now the basil patch oh you loving on it the basil patch you guys have seen in our pesto videos and it is still thriving doing very very well we intend to harvest lots of seeds off this hopefully and then we move on to the okra and we are still getting okra every day from these plants two different varieties of okra the pretty green ones here and then further down here oh she's letting these go to seed I would think they're huge those would not be edible put these here are more of a red oh she's letting more go to seed up here yeah those would not be for eating these smaller ones here would be for eating so Sarah loves saving seeds so yeah here's a smaller one that would still need to be harvested okay right here this is all sweet potatoes all those green leaves in there now there are weeds as well but lots and lots hopefully since they're under the ground hopefully lots and lots of sweet potatoes baby Sarah's not gonna like you picking her flowers give me put it in my hair yeah yeah she likes me to put it in my hair yeah there we go so and then right here we do have some eggplant there you go I know okay that's it baby uh oh and that one fell down you hold it you hold it for me okay you gonna put it in your hair so eggplant here some kale growing in here where this old swing set is oh it's getting hard to see all the flowers do they smell good [Music] okay in this raised bed here I know she has carrots in here and I believe radishes and kale but I do know a chicken got in here and scratched everything around so things are not in the order that Sarah had originally planned so but everything is looking good this will be for fall harvesting here these were things that were planted late so that they could be used this fall and right here we've got some more in this little we call this the triangle bed because it's right on the corner and over here I think these are brassicas that she had in here probably broccoli or cauliflower I'll have to ask Sarah you think broccoli yeah yeah are you looking okay you look at the camera yeah Daisy says come back and see me right now I go in the garden to get a flower sorry Daisy hey guys next morning I ran out of time last night so got up this morning it's still pretty early and children are inside they're having their cream of barley for breakfast Rebecca is still asleep so I thought I would come out here and try to pick up where we left off last night so let's just go see what there is to see and hopefully I don't run out of time this time here we go good morning Starboy how you doing buddy okay coming back out to the Garden here so last night I showed you the um oh well it's the pecan trees over here near The Summer Kitchen those pecan trees there are a hard shell small pecan we also have three other trees here on the property that are a soft shell pecan and I have two of them right up here let me see where are those I can't tell on the camera there they are I have two of the soft shell trees right here close to the garden and I thought I'd show you those real quick too these are much larger trees but they do take forever to grow but the actual nuts that you get from these trees are so much Superior than the oh the little ones that I showed you last night so I'm hoping that we get a good harvest off of these this year and the crows don't take them out because we do battle them every single year and I don't know if you can see this Dudley the goat is on top of the doghouse out there and if this video had smell-o-vision you would have smelled deadly the goat he's smelling especially goatee this morning so and Robbie is out there with him he's our livestock guard dog he's laying on the ground there oh there he gets up that's Robbie he's a good boy okay on to the garden and catty cat's coming to see me though what do you hear girl come here come here sweetness yes you good girl you gonna come in the garden with me huh you're gonna come in the garden with Mama okay here we go okay when I had to shut it down last night I was coming down through the green bean Arbor and I didn't get to show you the flowers here the marigolds that Sarah has growing down the middle of the arbor there and then I'll go down there to the other end and show you the celery okay here is what the celery is looking like growing in this trench we've looked at it for several months now but this is what it's currently looking like so it's getting bigger and again we have never grown celery before so this is our first shot at it I see can you see what I see in there now neat I'm gonna have to go grab Sarah and show her that how neat and then one last well there's a little one down there but one here on the very end okay we have two big planter pots down here too with some strawberries growing in one and again the greens just look so pretty this time of year and some more of the brassicas in here this would be some I think broccoli and some cabbages in here trying to get a harvest before our first Frost and we can always move these inside the greenhouse too if we do run out of time to actually get a harvest and the greenhouse will extend what we're able to do and the pepper plants see if you can see on this plant there are lots of little peppers and just like previous months these are not jalapeno peppers these are sweet little snacking peppers so there is no spice no heat to these but we're still getting a good harvest of peppers every day oh there's more on this side yeah you see Sarah hasn't been out here yet this morning oh that one let me see where's it at oh I gotta flip this one's getting some orange to it there so and then this is more of a little bell pepper plant and the sweet potatoes are trying to take it over all the way over here so everything is getting just overrun and bushy so lots of green peppers still I think the flowers on the sweet potato plants are pretty curious to see what we actually end up with under the ground from the sweet potatoes and some more of the pretty flowers here on the Sweet Potato Patch guys look what I found can you see all the little caterpillars on there okay this plant is a parsnip plant let's see is it gonna focus in on the caterpillars I don't even know how many there are there's a bunch though down in there this is a parsnip plant and I believe these are swallowtail oh there's more on this side there's another swallowtail or another parsnip plant with the Swallowtail caterpillars on there so I even asked Sarah this is the first year that I recall ever seeing swallowtails take over here in the garden and she did mention that she has some on the carrots also but I didn't notice those I was moving on oh look here another one over here on that plant oh my yeah I'm gonna have to watch where I step over here I don't know where they're all at okay we do have a few fall peas that Sarah put in also so we are getting a small Harvest just maybe six to eight pods a day for the peas so that's a nice little treat before the first Frost comes okay and right in here this is the end of the Sweet Potato Patch these were the tubs that were in the greenhouse over this past winter and now they have things like there's more kale growing in this tub here a different type of uh green and this one with some more green onions and more of the swallow Tails oh at the end where the leaves are gone you can tell what's been eating the leaves that's for sure this is just so cool I'm gonna have to get children out here as soon as they're done eating and they can see them how neat and this would be some more brassicas in here and then well something's been eating on those leaves that would be more Beats there and that was actually did develop some sort of a bulb but we never harvested it and then we've got more sweet potatoes roaming around the sweet potatoes are just taking over and now we'll head over to the loofah gourds which are I don't know I think they're neat okay now when I go back inside I am going to try to show you what a loofah gourd looks like on the inside but for right now I'll show you what it looks like on the outside the best part of the loofah plant are the flowers here all these pretty yellow flowers pop up and they're just beautiful so we have lots of sunflowers that have already gone to seed and they are done but more of those luffa gourd flowers along here here's one that's down low let me see yeah see how pretty that is and the hole the top of this Arbor will I just be full of pretty flowers so now I'm going to go under the arbor and I'll show you what an unripe luffa gourd looks like okay we're now inside or under this Arbor here and if you can see the loofah gourds that's l-u-f-f-a luffa gourds dangling and this one's just flat out laying on top of the arbor there but we don't eat these we use these for sponges or shower a little body scrubber things for the shower so quite a few of them we did not think we were going to get a harvest of loofahs this year because they took forever to actually put on their fruit but um yeah I'm pleased some of these are rather large and these are not ripe they're still green they will need to dry out before they're able to be used but I'll show you that here in just a minute whenever I go back into the house almost missed some of Sarah Sarah's nasturtiums they're down here inside the arbor where the loofah gourds are and they're pretty all right up here in this rock wall raised bed we have several Mullen that have just been planted here this is their first year growing so they did not put up the big tall stalk this year and another asparagus fern I do not know why this asparagus is up here in this Rockwall planter but it's always been here since we've owned the property and you can see the ferns let me see I hope you can see the ferns yeah so it's just getting ready for next year's plants the zinnias oh did Rebecca wake up is that your sleepy face laughs is that your sleepy face huh I was looking in the garden yeah can anime go in the garden and me go in the garden please I'm gonna finish I'm gonna show everybody Sarah's pretty flowers over here and the zinnias now there is still some pretty but the zinnias are going to seed so they are turning turning to Brown but there is some pretty in here I enjoy the zinnias every year they're just all just different colors oh you see the little spider is that a crab spider if you can see the little white spider in there yeah all the zinnias are just I don't know they're similar but very different from one another oh she has more of these coming back I guess now that the weather's cooled down some of those pretty flowers have decided to to Blossom now so she will be collecting Zinnia seed that's for sure and we sprinkle it everywhere we can show you something new here we've had a baby one of those blue plastic baby swings hung up for several years now since Rebecca's been born it has now been taken down and there's a tire swing put up so we are transitioning more out of little bitty baby things and getting up into big kid toys okay last stop outside and then we'll go back in the house um some little transplants out here still on the table some more brassicas here looks like some more cauliflower and Brussels sprouts there that was started from seed these are Egyptian walking onions that need to go back in the ground some basil here sorry the sun is coming up over there guys so gonna be bright there and I think Sarah has said this is bee balm we'll go on inside I'll show you those uh loofah sponges all right back inside I've got some stragglers finishing up their cream of barley there and this is the book we used to look up what in the world were those caterpillars outside butterflies and moths of Missouri is the title of it and it has pictures and everything of the different caterpillars and butterflies so we could get a better idea of what we had out there in the garden okay over here so here's Sarah's already harvested these a couple days ago the loofah oh and this um this is Harvest so okay here's one thing I want you guys to remember all the weeds and everything that you saw out there in the garden it is still producing food so you do not have to have a Pinterest perfect garden in order to produce food I mean we're getting this is a small eggplant there's okra there's a cucumber she must have cucumbers growing out there that I didn't notice so she's bringing in cucumbers these are those Sunrise bumblebee uh tomatoes peppers okra there and of course the green beans okay loofah you saw the green luffa gourds this one she's already brought inside you can see it's all dried out and hard and listen those are all the seeds inside this smaller loofah gourd right here now whenever we peel off this outer shell what's inside is going to be this and this it's like a sponge all the seeds are inside those cavities right there that you see so that's where you'll remove the seeds you'll remove the outer outer shell you'll remove the seeds and you'll be left with this and it is just like a sponge you can use it as a body scrubber in the shower or to do dishes so very versatile and this is our second year growing them I believe and it's a pretty neat thing all right guys we finally did it got it all done so I'm gonna have Samuel go ahead and put this together for you guys and I hope you enjoyed it I know it's not as pretty as it was months ago when everything was thriving and flourishing but you know it's the changing of the seasons this is what happens year after year so if you liked today's video please give it a thumbs up and be sure you are subscribed if you are not already and if you could tell your family and friends to watch Ozark Family Homestead it would help our family's Channel grow oh Sarah's in she made her guest appearance here all right thank you you guys the battery died so so I've collected some children here and we're gonna real quick we're just gonna say thank you and we hope to see you guys on the next video bye-bye thanks for watching Ozark family homes and bye [Music] bye
Channel: Ozark Family Homestead
Views: 9,188
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Id: iz10GqeMzi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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