11 Full-Time Bloggers Share How They Did It

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i get asked pretty frequently what's it like to make it as a content creator as a blogger as a youtuber you know what is that like to achieve an income that either you do quit your job or you can quit your regular job if that's what you wanted to do and while i'd be more than happy to share more about my experience and my story if that's something that would be of interest to you um feel free to comment below and you know i'll put something like that together but i thought it would be more beneficial if you were able to hear from other people who have done this like numerous other people who have blogs about any and every topic who are um living in any and every part of the world to be able to hear more about their stories and the remarkable things they've been able to accomplish so several members of project 24 have been gracious enough to take the time to talk about their experience and we're going to share some clips with you so that you can get a feel for what it's going to be like when you make it as a content creator the income from the websites really were two times my you know nine to five job salary both sites combined uh it's my peak month was december which was just over seven thousand so i used to have one site that was really large and it made me about eight thousand dollars a month so that's a lot more than that i'm currently earning it's i'm currently earning two thousand dollars a month but it's uh steadily climbing and i think in total probably about two or three thousand dollars a month comes in from just from ad revenue actually i'm at month 22 and in the income school journey the site the domain's a little bit older because it took me a couple months but month 22 and i'm making uh this month about 4k so right now i'm averaging between 15 to 20 000 a month depending on the season together i earn depending on the month because there's a little bit of seasonality somewhere between eight and eleven thousand dollars a month because my uh my main niche is uh seasonal um so it can vary between about eight thousand and twelve and a half thousand dollars a month last month i earned more than uh seven thousand dollars right now we're bringing in a bit over ten grand a month last month i surpassed 150 000 page views and 15 000 in monthly revenue and i am just through the moon i still can't believe it to this day that this is actually working it feels like a dream my first website i started around 2005 doing it all wrong for years and years and it really wasn't until i started to watch the p24 videos and join p24 did i start to realize what i was doing wrong and start to make changes so then once from that point forward i'd say it was about a year and a half before i earned my full-time income so i was i was definitely behind on the timeline on my first site uh so i didn't actually hit full time until beginning of november this past year but by that point i'd only had maybe about 120 articles on my older site and about 60 on my my newer site so definitely behind it's about three years on month 12 i believe i already made three and a half thousand a month uh so that's just in one year and i don't think that's a typical result but then the second year it kind of dropped off at least the false growth so um from the for most of uh the year after so for most of my second year um and then when q3 and q4 came around it was more like four to eight thousands a month after two years of doing this full-time but i really didn't start to see traffic tick up until month six or seven is when i really started to get more impressions and clicks and um quite honestly i almost gave up you know it wasn't until month seven or eight that i made my first dollar i guess three years although last year we were um we were sort of cash positive we'd managed to so you know we were surviving on on the the money that we were making but actually this year it's kind of taken off um or in the last 12 12 months it's taken off so i started with income school in june of 2019 by june of 2020 i was what uh income school considers a full-time finisher i was making 4k a month and then the following year so at two years i was 17 000 in june and i'm on track to be 17 to 20. i joined income school in 2019 and i started my first blog then um that's currently earning around about four thousand dollars a month at the moment um and it's doing a hundred thousand page views so that's good and then i started a second blog which was um in november of last year and that's already doing around about 80 000 page views so it took me 15 months to reach that full-time status of 4 000 a month and then it kind of just increased slowly after that i'm at probably month number 27 or 28 at this point so i started project 24 in september of 2018. uh the first penny that came in was in july of 2019 um which is cool because i was on vacation at the time so it was like purely passive income and i was like wow i can actually do this by 2021 um we did over six figures so eventually i was able to quit my full-time job it was last september 2021. now i left my day job beginning in november as well last year it was weird i just got the full time and then i was let go by my company about two weeks later so it was perfect timing so i never really had a an actual day job and i started this size when i was 18 or 19. um at the time i was earning full-time income i was only 20 or 21. still not where we not exactly where we want to be but definitely you know the we've got the lifestyle that we that we kind of imagined three or four years ago which is basically working from home um keeping our owner our own hours deciding what we will work on what we won't work on i do still work a day job yes um i'm a digital product manager for um a corporate company um so i'm very fortunate that i make a high conversation with my day job and this officially has surpassed that which is just incredible so i think i i quit my job at it was about 50 a month uh which is kind of you know scary obviously but um yeah i saw it growing and so i put everything into it and kind of you know put all my chips on the table yeah no uh still working a full-time day job 40 to 50 hours a week and i rely on my team to handle the day-to-day of the blogging business the only thing stopping me now is i just need a little bit of collateral behind me so once i got about six months worth of money in a bank account because i've been reinvesting it a lot so um once i've got about six months money now in in the bank account um that'll be it that'll be the end of the job uh yes yes i'm working uh i'm working at ministry of finance of slack republic right now i'm thinking about quitting the job because i'm starting to be exhausted about doing actually two jobs so i worked as at a print house for four or five years and i quit because my husband's job was having him travel a lot no i quit the day job in december of 2019. well my wife keeps saying that she's definitely noticed a change in my attitude since i since i was able to leave that job um much more positive much more i'm having a lot more fun it just having this to fall back on put me at peace it's it feels like i'm in control of my future now not waiting on some other company and to be at their whim so it's it's just a huge weight lift off my shoulders that's probably the biggest change i think probably the biggest change is the the the mindset that i've got the mindset at the beginning i mean that you were asking about you know does it feel risky or um yeah you know is this a risk involved i think at the beginning not knowing what the path forward was it felt very risky and very you know am i doing the right thing am i you know twisting my wife's arm to to also do the same thing is this really the right thing to do and and you know for whatever reason we decided to um to do it so the work itself has gotten easier um i have three writers that work that write for me other than that though uh i still i still publish every day um whether it's one of my writers writing an article or you know myself um the routine is is still the same as it was on day one i think the biggest thing is not having to worry as a single mom when i first started my my day job income was enough to cover the bills but not really enough to grow any kind of savings um you know one of the big things i want to do is as soon as my daughter's out of high school in a couple years i want to buy a house and move out of state and my day job income can support day-to-day stuff but it wasn't going to provide enough of a difference to be able to do that and just things like if my daughter wants to go to college i know that i can fund that now right she's not going to have to worry about state loans and scholarships and that or student loans i'll be able to cash flow that just for my business and that is huge um and then you know just other things as expenses come up or even being able to take a vacation with your kid you know being able to cash flow that so even though um i'm putting a lot back into the business i'm able to pull out when i need to to have some fun i guess the biggest one was uh to be able to afford a house so i'm still working my 40 to 60 hours a week but i'd walk from the master bedroom upstairs down to my office and i can just you know not commute through the city and we live out in the country now so that's a big change as well so i'm i'm in the woods which is nice what i've learned is that there's always things right in front of you that you can do to help make more money with your websites spending time to find other ways to monetize your website you need to set time aside specific hours of the day or the week to do those things because you can get tunnel visioned on you know just writing or whatever it is and not focus on um on the other the other things that could help just turn that traffic that you're already getting into more dollars when my first actual um struggle came along it kind of hit me harder than i thought it would um i'm really trying to learn to deal with stress and uh just the uncertainty of it all i'm trying to deal with it a lot better my main way of doing that is by diversifying i would much rather have a portfolio of a lot of medium-sized websites than one really large website so uh yes just struggling it's not easy to run your own business especially when you're depending on this i know i'm in a pretty easy spot right now but if you've got a family you've got kids to defeat it's uh it can be pretty difficult to just always have to rely on yourself there's no one you can ask and yeah just there's no one that's there to tell you what to do next something that surprised me about this whole blogging world was how excited you could get from making like your first quarter uh i remember when my my first affiliate sale went through and i made like a quarter and i told everyone you know even though i had a successful business before i was like i didn't have to sell anything i didn't have to import anything i didn't have to market it per se uh and so that was super exciting for me and kind of surprising and then once it kept growing it was just really really fun to watch you know when i was i can remember writing those those the 10 plus the 10 plus the 10 posts and really really struggling with quite a few of them just thinking okay i need to get through this process i need to get through and it wasn't until i got to the end of the process that and then i found which posts were doing well and the feedback that i was getting like that it kind of clicked oh okay that's um that's what i needed to be doing and it was much more um fulfilling after the fact to write new posts knowing that i was writing something that really really really would be useful rather than just following a kind of a a recipe to be able to to put everything into into practice i really enjoy this style of work i like how constant it is and i enjoy that aspect of it that it's not like every day some fire is happening that i'm having to put out i always hated that so it's really consistent work if i don't do anything for a couple weeks nothing bad happened um you know and i i do but i do like that there's still room for me to be creative and places for me to go just that it is going to be better than you've dreamed it will be it's a lot of work takes a lot of time to get here but it is so worth it in the end yeah well honestly uh it may seem like a daunting task at first i believe the official income school number for full time is 4 000 a month um and it will take a lot of work but it's definitely something that's doable i think i firmly believe that anyone can do this as long as you actually put in the time and effort and just give it your best shot i would say the number one thing that i've learned just you know in the past three years of doing this and two years with income school um is that business is not an idea it's a habit uh so you know it starts with an idea but you need to you know turn that into habit however way however you know you can so um just focusing on that and building around that habit is really what what worked and i see is working for other people uh as well so that's the the one thing that i would leave there any advice i have for somebody who's on the journey now would be continue the process it takes a while to get started and then it ramps up slowly but once you hit that point where you're starting to make some real money it's it's a good feeling you know that you can be proud of what you've built you know that it was hard at one point and you continued on so i would encourage anybody that's in the middle of this working towards full time keep going the process works do your best job do your product do your product research or your search analysis and and just keep your head down it's gonna work out that is so awesome um i'm super thankful for all of these people who were willing to share some of their experience um hopefully that was motivating for you but also hopefully you're able to glean some really cool insights from these experiences that have been shared with us today this is what project 24 is all about it's why we created it the goal is to help you to have the resources the support the training the motivation that you need to be able to continue forward step by step by step and work through this whole process to be able to build an awesome long-term sustainable business that you can be happy to get to work in every single day now we have something big coming up in project 24 and that's a complete overhaul of our whole blogging process now the process itself isn't having like a huge change the principles are going to be the same but some of the methodologies as well as the way that we teach it will help you to have a path to follow not just in the very beginning but all the way until you achieve your goal no matter what that goal is no matter how big it is you'll know exactly what to do in the next step that's our goal here at income school is to help you to know what to do and to help you again to have the training the resources but also the support system and the motivation to move forward i hope to see you inside project 24 soon and if not i hope at least to see you in our other videos a comment below participate here in the discussion i'd love to hear what you have to say thanks for coming thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Income School
Views: 32,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators
Id: b-FlcTlJ0Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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