What's New and Coming for Content Creators in 2024? Your questions answered Live!

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perfect okay thank you all thanks everybody for being here um I love doing YouTube lives because it's so nice to just get to actually engage with you more directly and and more quickly so we're going to take questions again feel free to type them in the chat uh and I'm going to take some questions here that came from um that came from YouTube videos uh the comments that people left so the first question that I got here this came from it's on an older video like a year old video but uh it's a fairly it's actually a brand new comment they said a website's copying my whole content putting it on his site what can I do so um the if they're actually copying and pasting this is kind of easy okay what we need to do is prove it that you created the content first one of the easiest ways to do that is to put hidden things in the content itself we did that once there's actually a video on our Channel where we did this where we just included like in the middle of a paragraph a sentence that said this article was was originally published on and then our website if it's published anywhere else it was taken without permission and they literally copied and pasted and we did that in multiple articles and so then what we were able to do is we were able to um file a dmca takedown with Google and with their host so what Google can do is de-index that person's site or at least the offending content what their host can do is their host can actually take them off the internet and that's what happened in our case their site was just shut down because of what they would do you can also um go file one with the registar so whoever their domain is registered through and you can find some of that information um you can do like a who is lookup and that'll often tell you who the host is but if they're using a CDN like cloudflare it's just going to tell you it's Cloud flare so um so just do it through uh through cloudflare if that's the case um I noticed my camera's frozen here all right and the technology doesn't always work as it should all right um so that's the easy way now if they're not actually copying word for word see this happens sorry my screen is Frozen I promise that I don't normally have these problems or so many of these problems all right we're back okay um the harder part is if they're not actually directly copying like word for word the content they're not copying and pasting but they're spinning it or they're using AI to rewrite it then it's really hard to do anything about because it's hard to prove that they stole that content from you okay all right um so there those are your options I'll take one more here from the comments and then we'll take we'll jump to the chat because I know you guys have tons here already um this one is this is a person who's talking about links um how do you build enough links and Authority so if you have a brand new website domain rating of zero less than 25 articles you're just learning and you're doing this part-time how do you build enough links if you only have 25 articles links is like not the thing that you should be worried about at this point um what we need to be doing is building enough content and it's not just about writing as many articles as possible but it's about writing um enough articles on any topic that you're covering on your website to be able to build strong clusters of content and give depth of information if we just cover the content superficially which if you've only written 25 articles unless they're all on a very closely related subject um it's not it's not going to give you any topical Authority start with topical Authority links will come on their own but once you've got a couple of good clusters of content written or rather two or three kind of specific aspects of your Niche that you've covered with a lot of depth 10 15 20 articles in each one at that point now you could probably start doing some Outreach but I like to do Outreach in a way that's not just about the link for me it's never about the link it's about building authority and so I'd rather go get interviewed on a podcast and do a really good job of that interview and build credibility with that person's audience and in the process I'm going to get a handful of links for it um so that's a great way to go about this rather than focusing on hey my Dr is zero how do I get enough links to get it bigger um the follow-up to that question they had was how much money does it take to go from zero to full-time we've built blogs to full-time without spending anything um if you want to use AI to help you're probably going to use some credits if you want somebody else to help edit your articles you're going to have to pay them but really other than paying for hosting and domain registration and maybe a WordPress theme you don't have to pay for anything so um wanted to cover that again all right I'm going to come here to the chat because I want to spend some time with you who came here and made the time all right um thought I saw one really early on here and then there's some more later let's see uh the eoic epmv is getting very low sometimes touching $2 with us traffic any tips to fix it um epmv is tied to a handful of things one is the where your traffic is from the demographic so if it's the US that's great um but another one is your content itself is your content um if it has commercial intent right so if somebody sorry I know my camera's about to freeze in just a second um for some reason some of the little likes and stuff that people do uh cause the camera to freeze up so I have to switch to a different camera and back all right here we go um but if the content that you've written is closely is like the type of search somebody's going to do where um they're probably going to end up buying something as a result of that search or it's tied to a topic where the people who research that topic have a tendency to spend money and have free time those are good things and so advertisers are really trying to Target audiences that are going to be most beneficial for them so that stuff helps and then other things that it's tied to are literally just the economy and how much money advertisers are spending so this time of year q1 is always low they they save a lot of their budget for the fourth quarter because in the US that's when people are are spending money like crazy um you know Black Friday all the way through basically the end of the year through Christmas that's when a ton of money gets spent so companies are saving up they're holding on to their marketing budgets and they're going to spend it all in Q4 at the end of the year uh so this time of the year ad rates tend to get lower okay so all of those are factors now what you can do all you can do is make sure that you're creating content that's going to attract an audience that's valuable for advertisers if you're in a niche that attracts teenagers to your content you know uh video games cool you know you can get tons and tons and tons of views but the majority of people watching video game content or reading video game content most of them are young either like teenagers or like through their 20s and then obviously it trickles on beyond that but the main demographic is doesn't tend to have a ton of extra money um maybe their parents do right right and so when we did camper report that one was one of the best epms I've ever seen and it makes sense because the people who are doing research on campers especially because a lot of our like a lot of our posts weren't commercial intent in the sense that someone's going to go buy something through my affiliate link because of the article but their commercial intent because they're doing research that you would do before buying a camper and people that are going to spend money on RVs and campers have free time and they have extra money and so they're a great demographic to Target so just focus on that focus on creating really good really clean content that advertisers will like and targeting an audience that probably has money that's how you get your ad rates up as high as possible uh Marcus says as a Blog owner how would you prepare for the roll out of sge I try to diversify my marketing efforts any ideas um yes so I am absolutely focusing on diversifying a little bit more Beyond just showing up as high as I can on Google um sge is basically taking what we've been getting with Snippets for the last several years and making them even better because now it's tailor made for that specific search query so with Snippets Google had to just pick pieces and and find the best fitting thing it could find on the internet for that search query now it can literally take information from multiple blog posts and write a nice little summary for you I've been using sge basically since it was announced um I got in Google labs and was able to get access to it right away so it's been part of my search experience and frankly there are several searches where I don't need to go into an article but that's certainly not true for a lot of searches I do um and with sge they are highlighting which content they're telling you what articles they took their information from um and so that's kind of like winning the SN snipp it because you're featured at the top and that's a signal to you that Google viewed your content as trustworthy um and so I think those are all good signals but what this means is that direct searches on Google are probably going to lead to less traffic than they have in the past they already are but they're going to continue to lead to less and less as this sge gets better and better so we're diversifying our traffic sources we've been advocates for YouTube for a few years um if you can create video content video content is amazing I know people say well you can make AI videos now too but they're not like you can make AI videos that do well but people are starving for people um another thing that I'm doing is I'm trying to include a little bit more humanness in my blog content so that as people do come across it and read it it feels um it feels more unique something that can't be be provided by an AI um I'm also focusing a lot on creating really good resource blog posts or resource pages on my website where there's a really good reason why I people would want to go to that resource after seeing other content I've made so whether it's other blog posts or YouTube videos or anything else on social media if I can create a really good resource that would be valuable for a huge part of that audience then that one post or page on my website can get tons of traffic and really level up my authority um and I can be constantly pushing them there as referral traffic from lots of different sources whether that's YouTube whether that's you know Instagram and Facebook reals and stuff um or posts as well as Pinterest Pinterest is interesting it's changed a lot in the last few years it used to be that if your pins had words on them and if they encouraged people to leave Pinterest Pinterest like hid those unless you were paying um to get those pins sponsored right well now Pinterest realizes that people hated that and that the point of Pinterest is to help you find and Mark like bookmark the stuff that you like from across the web and the point is to be able to go to those sources and so now Pinterest is actually flipped entirely and if people are clicking on your pin and staying on your website for more than like 30 seconds that is actually a good signal to Pinterest and so your pin's going to get promoted um so good stuff there now um right now for me on the YouTube live an ad is showing up uh this is a new thing I have no idea what it's going to look like for you because YouTube says that they will play ads at different times for different people so uh I don't know if you miss part of the live or if it just pauses for you and picks up I have no idea how that's going to work so anyway this is this is going to be interesting all right um web stories by the way somebody here mentioned um web stories that uh yeah Ali Hassan I haven't done much with web stories since they came out um I made a video right when they came out video did really well but we haven't really played with them since I think I'm going to start doing them a little bit more I just think for the most part most creators aren't using them as much and so they're not as prolific we don't see them as often as we would if more people created them so I'm going to try some more with those too um Omar says uh and I did see your comment also Omar on um our YouTube video asking basically the same thing you've had a Blog for 80 days have written 40 articles and have 3,200 page views um I think that's actually a really good start if that's where you're at you're off to a good start I would keep creating content um and do as I was talking about earlier make sure that you're organizing that content in a way that you're covering any topic of that you cover on your website you completely like exhaust that topic to the best of your ability um that means you know if somebody reads your article and they're going to have a couple of follow-up questions make sure there's another blog post that answers those questions and link to it from that one and go deeper and deeper the problem with a lot of blog content over the years has been in order to write in order to answer low competition search queries we've been staying very superficial in answering really basic High L questions and everybody's answering the same questions and most people aren't covering the topic deeper and giving you just more richness of of information and if you can do that it shows more experience and expertise and authoritativeness and makes you more trustworthy that's eat so do that as you continue to create content that's where I would go first until you have at least 50 60 articles at that point then then um you know if you are comfortable with it I would find podcasters in your industry start with little podcasts and go get yourself interviewed getting a backlink from a very small podcast but that's relevant is going to be more beneficial to you from an SEO standpoint than um writing a guest post on somebody else's blog or whatever um I mean a lot of people are of the opinion now that you basically have to go get cited in Forbes or um you know CNBC or some you know major reputable news source but now those companies are basically just like selling space in their like it's not going to be long before they're no longer authoritative because they're basically letting people put whatever they want there and a lot of it's really garbage content so anyway um Winston says is everybody's views dropping hard since December I haven't noticed that but it's not uncommon depending on the niche um there's always seasonality and there's some Industries where January does really well especially if you're in any sort of space where people are looking to improve their lives they they hit off the beginning of the year really really well um and then they'll level off again after that but there are a lot where people just aren't searching those queries this time of year um at least not nearly as many so I would consider that and think about seasonality um let's see asking for an honest answer this is from Rod studio um or blogging plus affiliate marketing still makes sense it still makes sense um I okay I got to share this with you um I wish I could remember his name right off the top of my head um I think it was Casey something anyway um even the name of his blog is left me but um he did this case study this last year he started a website he actually started it a few years ago um bought the domain created the site and put on just like The Superficial important Pages like a homepage a privacy policy terms of use and that was it and then at the beginning of last year he had um he had Freelancers work with him and they wrote 29 articles okay 29 human written articles now this was in an industry that was in the tech space he didn't say exactly what it was but it was in tech but it was underserved and it happens to be something that he knows a lot about because it was what he studied in college so it was kind of a perfect storm for him but after the he he took the the topic and he built out a topical map so to build out real topical Authority he wanted to make sure he covered every aspect in detail like we've been talking about and he built out a map of all the different search queries he wanted to cover and boiled it down to 750 articles and over the rest of the year so the first month 29 human written articles out of those 750 over the rest of the year he got the website up to 740 articles on that site the rest of the Articles were written by AI as a first draft but he said he spent between two and four hours on every single article personally reviewing it changing it adding the Personal Touch adding the experience that he actually has and making those articles really good okay uh as a result of this by December he earned $22,000 in just December from mediavine does it work yeah it works now that wasn't even affiliate marketing that was just blogging he did no link building no other industry Outreach he just created the content and put it there if that's not um indicative of this still being uh something that we could do something that works I don't know what is right I get it it's a single case study but we have project 24 members and our own sites that didn't do as well as we wanted last year but that was mostly because I didn't get the content created that I needed to we're showing like we're seeing that it's working okay um for some reason these are just there we go all right okay so I keep having that little freeze up thing that keeps happening every now and then okay um take some more questions here just right blogs on zero search volume get views or not Sun this is a question from Sun all the time so this is one of my big problems with the keyword research tools is they give you a number that tells you here's the search volume for this query and oftentimes even if you like take other wordings for the same query and try to add them all up it'll give you a search volume of zero or very close to zero we have literally written articles on those search queries and gotten 5,000 page views a month on a single article uh was one example but we've done it so many times and you get hundreds to thousands of page views per month on a lot of those search queries not all of them some of them really do get like 50 but certainly not zero and the reason for this is when you have search queries that are not searched a ton especially compared to the search queries that are searched every day by millions and millions and millions of people because there are some right there are some search queries that are just very common um you know it's like a bell curve and so the further you are out on the long tails that's where that comes from the long Tales of that bell curve meaning the queries that just don't get searched as much the further you are out there well the less likely that a statistical sampling of searches is going to pick up on how often those searches are made in a very accurate way in any sort of sample size they're always either going to be over represented or underrepresented and so when you extrapolate from there you end up with these search queries that either say very little or zero search volume or a lot of search volume and most of the time I think the tools air on the side of not over promising search volume for these search queries and so you end up with a ton that just say zero Z zero and they're not zero they're oftentimes tens or even hundreds sometimes thousands of searches every single month and so um my problem with the tools is there are so many search queries you should be writing about that it tells you not to um basically because of that reason um all right so write those articles uh ACC and Tool could too much region specific content impact how Google shows a site globally yeah absolutely if um if a site is very clearly geared toward a certain region then the region specific content probably won't show very much globally now I don't think it necessarily prevents the rest of the content on your website from showing globally because I think that even the um the region specific content helps to build your Authority on the topic so like if I were a local plumber and I wrote a lot of articles that were geared toward my region because that's the people I'm targeting because I want to show up for local specific searches for plumbing so that I can get work well I still am a plumber and I'm still answering a lot of questions about Plumbing so if I answer more generic questions in some of my content those articles rank all the time for people who live outside my region so it it helps to build Authority but it also helps that region specific content can help to build a lot of um strengthen your SEO for those uh Regional searches if somebody just in your region searches those questions they're going to be more likely to find you especially if it's a query that Google thinks um they might be looking for a plumber they're going to try to find a plumber in that area that actually seems to know what they're talking about um and that seems to work quite quite a bit um I got a comment here from mean Dar blogging is dead for sure Ricky existed at the right time I mean that's fine if that's what you think I think the case study we just talked about proves that it's not dead um I it is harder and it's different but it's been different every single year since I started I my question is like if you think blogging is dead like why why are we why are you here um I don't it's not that I want you gone I just I I wonder that I get so many people who come to my YouTube videos literally just to tell me that blogging is dead and I'm like why did you click so anyway just anyway just just yeah I just don't get it um I have way better things to do with my day than go uh watch other people's YouTube videos and join their YouTube lives just to tell them that I think that what they do is dead um Steph says Steph Morgan says I'm working on a narrow topic of around 80 to 90 articles but I'm at 40 can I start working on another Topic in parallel or should I just stick to this one till I'm done I think you can start another top Topic in parallel if you're a 40 on a narrow topic you're probably doing really well and the fact that you've identified 80 to 90 um is great it means you're going to cover that topic really exhaustively but I think it's okay to start a second one in parallel especially because we don't want to get too pigeon hold if you know you find that that one little narrow topic is working pretty well oftentimes you end up getting kind of stuck there um and you may prevent yourself from ever really expanding the other thing is if that first little topic you chose turns out to not do very well just because there's not a lot of people searching it uh it'd be nice to have a second one rather than to have spent all that time and all that effort building up Authority on a topic uh that nobody's looking for so I always like to kind of have a couple uh the biggest mistake I've made is assuming I'm going to get to the content quickly so I start with like five and I did that on my project double time um and I didn't get the content put out quickly so um there you go the let's see says most of the ones I'm working on this is a follow-up from Steph um are zero volume keywords or don't even show up in search so I'm just being very diligent do it I think that's fantastic realistically speaking like I I don't even worry about search volume or competition anymore basically um which is crazy because that was like the Crux of our search analysis process not long ago and it's still what we teach and it's it's due for an update um the reason for that is topical Authority is more important and so I don't just want to have the articles that have lots of search volume and that are low competition so I can win because chances are I won't win or that position will be easily stolen from me if I don't have a foundation of other content that covers the topic more thoroughly we just you just need to be more exhaustive in covering the topics that doesn't mean necessarily writing an article about everything but it does mean taking those search queries that we've identified that may seem like they have zero search volume and at least including that as a subheading within one of our other related articles um just cover that topic even if it doesn't Merit a whole article if that makes sense Jordy I'm glad to see you here um glad you made it I know I'm a little behind here in the in the comments but glad you made it I saw it on Faceook Facebook you said uh you weren't going to make it oh and it looks like you had to go back to work that's okay um all right me here we go um uh rishia this is a great question rishia suran says what if I have a Blog that has posts that ranks in the top five in Google and later if I stop writing new content will my previous post lose their rank uh for many cases no and really the answer is really not necessarily we've had blogs that we wrote and then left them for a long period of time years where the traffic stayed level for a long long long time in fact I still have some right now that are like that we just haven't touched them um and over time they might start to slip a little because mostly because one the algorithm is changing in in some ways impr proving because it's getting better at understanding the Searcher intent like what they mean by their question and being able to find oh I'm gonna freeze here again and being able to find um sorry can't do two things at once very well um being able to find content that fits the exact question they're asking if that makes sense so sometimes we ranked for something and then um later Google sees that oh somebody somebody else actually answered that question better than they did I just didn't realize it until this algorithm update the other thing that happens is other people keep creating content so the Internet isn't a isn't a stagnant place right it's Dynamic it's constantly changing and so um as new content's being added your content will often get replaced by theirs in the serps so what do we do about that we're just we can reach a point with blogging where we can just sort of kind of go through a a version of you know we have our method we call the battleship method we can go through a version of that where you sort of revitalize some of your old content um you evaluate where it's at where it's in the rankings and what's driving the most traffic and we use that to help steer our new content going forward and focus on the things that are going to work the best but once you've established Authority it it becomes pretty easy to write articles and rank really quickly um and you tend to hold your position pretty well for a long time okay so yeah you're not necessarily going to going to drop but over time you probably will start to slip uh it's just you don't have to work crazy hard after you've got that initial Authority building content on your website after that you can really slow down the content production um Google does also like when your site is updated and there's new fresh content every so often um it is a sign that you're a legitimate organization um even if it's just you uh it makes it you look more legitimate and not like somebody who just filled the internet with a bunch of Articles and then left it so I think it it does seem to help with the algorithm um let's see yeahum we talked about sge life skills with Cheryl says we use rapti for our ad company and they offer a keyword tool free of charge called topic Has anyone used this and if so have they found it effective and or helpful I haven't used that I have um income school has been on rapv although I ended up having to remove the ads at one point for a while just because um I could never get them like they tried they kept trying and I could never get them to remove the ads from all of our project 24 paid content but leave it on the blog posts that's what I wanted and um it kept over time like their little video ad players and stuff kept like finding their way back no matter what we did so I finally got sick of it and just turned it off um but I still have a membership through them so maybe I should try it out um and with we just did a huge upgrade to our websites and now the project 24 content none of it sits on incom school.com anymore so now I think I could actually put those ads back on and that would be great um all right Muhammad says what is sge um sge is Google's search generative experience um for those of you who haven't seen it I actually do have um I can share my screen here and let me just do a search here um okay uh and transition over to it so you see what's going on at the very top of the page um this is the sge the Google search generative experience and I can open this up to show the whole thing so I searched here what is the difference between a mountain bike and a regular bike this is the perfect kind of question for Google sge it's it's basically just a fact-based answer right there's some specific things that make something a mountain bike um and certain like off-road bicycle um and then there's yeah yeah there's those certain things that make it an off-road bike okay um and so what are they going to do they're going to write up this little paragraph and they're going to give us these are kind of the specific things um and then they give us a little more detail here and then here they show us these are the four different places where they got this information so they site their sources um it's basically like a giant snippet now this snippet I have a feeling that probably not long after this sge goes live for everyone I have a feeling Snippets are going to disappear um the people also ask might also disappear so here they put the ask a followup it used to be up here oh it still is up here so if I have a follow-up question about this search I can type it in here also and Google will keep my first question that context and it will answer my follow-up question but also see this this is basically the people also ask they've got these other questions that are closely related that are included and like um the follow-up question here it's going to keep the context of my first question when it answers these ones so this is all just intended to be an upgrade essentially of the snippet which is literally a clip from someone's exact website it's word for word um plus I think the people also ask I think both of those will probably disappear um as this rolls out so that's sge um okay here we go yes so Adrian um de coaster just asked can a site be created with just a bio writer info but no content for more than a year and then have the new content still rank so that's kind of what um I think it was Casey is his name that's kind of what Casey did in the um case study that I talked about earlier he creates the site lets it sit calls it like a seed site or something like that and just lets it sit and what that does is it gets it indexed by Google so Google knows it exists and that way when he's ready to start writing content it actually seems to kind of skip the quote sandbox because it's already been indexed by Google um I don't totally know that I'm sure about that because if your site is not getting updated at all um for like a year Google's not going to check up on it very often um so I don't know that it really helps you very much over just like publishing your new website and getting started right away um with the content and just submitting a Sit map and letting Google know it exists and asking them to um index the homepage I mean when I create a new website I go uh add it to Google search console the same day upload a sitemap the same day and then usually request indexing on the homepage as soon as the homepage exists and then um and then you're pretty well good to go so um letting it sit for a year or more isn't going to hurt it it's not going to prevent new content from ranking Casey just proved that but also I don't know if it really makes it that much better so there you go um good questions everyone um Holly says my site tanked last year with Google's helpful content update how do I find out what happened is it my AI articles link building what happened this is really tricky because you know the why things happened is really hard to find all we can do is find evidence that might help us figure it out so what I like to do is you can use Google analytics to figure out which which pages on the site lost the most traffic so um you know they have the pages and Screen report and you can just look at your you know Page by Page over time and just see which ones dropped the most you can even do a comparison so you can take it before like compare um you know whenever you dropped the most so let's say it was um in October right so you could take the time period from October till now and compare it against the same amount of time before um it dropped and you can see Page by page it'll actually pull up two tables and show you the traffic change um and you know in doing that you can easily identify where the traffic drop was was it across certain pieces of content or was it sitewide um I then often like to take at least a handful of those articles especially the ones that had the biggest swing and I go to search console and I kind of look at the same time period And I try to figure out like what queries did I lose is it that for like the main search query I lost a bunch of traffic or is it that I kept that or or um yeah maybe you kept that traffic there but there were a bunch of other tangential search queries it was ranking for that it doesn't any anymore well that's not because your article's bad it's because Google found that the search those other search queries had a different piece of content that seemed according to their algorithm at least to be a better fit so there's a lot of different nuances you can dive into it even deeper and determine did I lose traffic and Impressions or did I keep my Impressions if you kept your impressions and lost traffic well that could be because there's an updated snippet or there's an sge that a lot of people are seeing not everyone yet um and it could be that it's a search query that frankly can be answered with a paragraph and if that's the case it's not that uncommon that fewer people now are going to click through to the article when they're getting the full answer they need straight from Google um one of the ways to combat that is to make sure that you know we're having a lot of the search queries we answer be things that require a little more depth of information than what you can get from a Google search generative experience so I'm not going to avoid writing um answers to those really simple questions because once again I want to build topical Authority if Google identifies that you know within this topic there's a bunch of questions everybody asks but this website doesn't answer any of those how can they possibly be an authority on this subject and obviously this is happening all algorithmically um it's not like a person thinking this way but you can see how that would make logical sense so I'm still going to write those articles I'm not going to delete them or anything like that um or I'm going to have some articles that answer all of those individual questions but multiple within one article um and then I'm going to start focusing more on content that relies more heavily on my experience my my knowledge that I have because of the life experience that I have um because that's where we're going to be able to stand out um especially in a world where people can generate AI only written content super fast um but notice in that case study I talked about that's not what Casey did he used AI to help generate a first draft and then he spent two to four hours per article making it really good awesome um I think that's a great question and really uh there were a lot of questions I got in um on on comments in my YouTube videos that were along the same lines like how do we recover from helpful content update how do we recover how do we recover uh one more thing on the topic of recovering from helpful content update and that is I'm not very worried about recovering what I lost I'm worried about building forward from the future so it's really easy to look at it and say well this article was doing really well and it lost a bunch of traffic I want to get that traffic back so I'm going to fix that article but the Paradigm is changing right and so you may not ever win back exactly that traffic because like I said if the search generative experience is now answering that question good enough for 25% of people you're never going to get that 25% back no matter how good your article is and no matter how high you rank so rather than focusing on how do I recover what I lost I'm going to look at my site as a whole and look at this the industry as a whole and figure out how do I build from here to maximize my site it's output for me whether that's getting you know getting back a bunch of my traffic or rather regrowing my traffic in New Directions um to meet or exceed what I had before or maybe that may also mean optimizing it to make me more money per person if you're answering different search queries it may be that you're becoming more authoritative but with fewer people but now you can put out an offering that's way more valuable to those people and you don't need as much traffic as you once had before so just look at where you're at and make whatever shift you need to make for your website to do for you what you want it to do but don't get too hung up on recovering exactly what you lost if that makes sense um life skills with Cheryl says with battles shipping do you still believe that if you have to rewrite a post you still need to do a redirect also do you feel that eight months is needed for a post to rank great questions um if I'm going to do like a full rewrite I may still do a redirect um and essentially we're getting rid of the old post I don't really know that it matters you could just edit the old one the only reason I think to do a complete rewrite is to not get anchored um to the content that you already had so if we realize that an an article just really failed and so we go and we try to just edit the article chances are we're going to keep the original structure of the article we're going to keep all of the original outline and maybe tweak that a little bit and then we're just going to work to improve what we had and that might not be enough and so a lot of times um we'll recommend a re rewrite but it's mostly so that people will just lay aside what they did before they have the knowledge that they acquired when they wrote that other article but now they're just going to start with a clean slate and write a better piece of content um I don't think everyone needs to do that I don't know that there's a big SEO benefit to doing it on a new article and then creating a redirect from the old one um today if it's me I'm probably just rewriting it at the same URL like on the same page and I'm probably still going to look at the old article and decide what are the elements I want to keep and then delete everything else but keep those elements if that makes sense and that way I'm not starting totally from a clean slate the problem is that when you're teaching people a lot of people um aren't going to understand that or they're you know they're going to want to keep more of what they had but the more you do this the more you start to realize that you don't need to um it's it's it's one of those things where you know I'm going to recommend that people do something mostly because they need to to do it that way in the beginning but eventually over time they can adjust because they've built in themselves the discipline and that their behaviors can match what is going to be best for them okay all right um and do you feel that you need eight months for a post to rank no not at all um actually I think if you as you build topical Authority I think um I'm noticing stuff getting indexed way faster even on brand new sites uh I don't think that eight months is really the number anymore it may be on a lot of new sites if you're starting off riding traffic kind of slowly um but I don't think that that's the case case uh if you're especially if you're um really like getting after it and writing good content quite a bit um pink says what did he do um to get that much traffic so fast yeah so he made I think he said he made Casey bodello thank you Neil Baxter I'm sure you commented that a while ago um but yeah what did he do to get traffic so fast he um he wrote a lot of content which is exactly what we've been telling you to do um he wrote a lot of content but he wrote really good content he did acknowledge that this was an outlier that his other blogs don't do that well typically compared to this but um you know a lot of things came right it was a really good industry but it was low competition and he had a lot of personal knowledge about it so all those things coming together helped but literally he only has ads from mediavine on the website he didn't want ads before Medi Vine so he didn't place any ads until he had the traffic to hit mediavine and that happened I want to say around may like month five he got the traffic and so by June he had ads on his site by sometime in June and then in July he was already past our full-time income number of $4,000 a month like by July um and it just grew throughout the year but he was this was the thing like like I said two to four hours of post for 740 posts if you do the math there you know he he acknowledged that was more than 6 months of basically a full-time jobs worth of work so if you work 40 hours a week for six months straight that's what he spent just editing the content he got back from the AI so that that tells you something this isn't something that is going to work for most of us if we're doing our individual blog kind of on the side and we have an hour maybe two hours a day um if we're lucky that's not what's going to happen for most of us okay but having that much content being created that quickly but having it be really high quality and having it very structured like his topic map was planned from the beginning so all of his internal links and everything he created them correctly from the start he's also an experienced blogger so all of that put together and he checked all the right boxes for Google and no it did not get hit by any of the helpful content update he said like it it all good his traffic just kept going up and up and up throughout the year as he kept adding this good content um and Adam says he's confirming that he's doing the same thing um written content written by AI but reviewed by himself that was one of the things that slowed me down by the way on my project double time site I thought I was going to get a lot more content a lot more quickly but and I wasn't using AI I was using um writers that worked for me but I found every single article I got back I was spending a couple of hours on because I wanted it really good and I was taking photos for them um I didn't like the stock photos very much I wanted something that felt real um and so I was spending a lot of time on them myself and I just don't have very much time and so that was really the biggest thing that held it back was I hadn't planned on having to spend so much time on every single article and those were articles written by hum but based because I am the one that has the most experience with my topic you know the writers weren't creating the content I it wasn't what I wanted um and I couldn't put my name on it okay um let's see uh rishia says I'm from parat I want to get us traffic to my blog what should I do really it's it's all about writing content that answers the questions that are being asked by whoever you want your audience to be so if you want us traffic you have to pick a topic um and write your content in a way that it will answer questions that Americans are asking it's it's that simple it doesn't matter where you are in the world what matters is the content you create needs to be in English obviously but it also needs it needs to be written in a way that um it'll be attractive and answer the types of questions being asked by Americans now some people who are overseas do that well especially for like travel content so if you live in a place people travel to then you can write content about your region but that's geared toward people that would travel to that region um that's one of the easiest ones because you do have Insider knowledge there what's tricky is if you pick a topic that you don't have any insid or knowledge of because culturally it's different here and we have we have things we do here that I know people in many parts of the world just don't have access to we you know we talked about creating our um project charity website about uh off-roading and several people are like we can't even do that here in our country it's like sorry like that's the thing though so you're gonna have to pick a topic that fit something in the US and create content that will be really helpful to people in the US answering the questions they're asking um all right I'm kind of jump here because I only have time for one or two more questions um blogging guide that's Casey's website so here I am pitching Casey honestly Google um look it up on YouTube Casey bodell it's about a 45 minute video where he walks through what he did in his case study shows his numbers he doesn't show what the website is and that's fine I don't mind um I understand why certainly but um it's really like heartening to be able to see that level of success happening with literally just content like I have high confidence that it should work we've seen it work so many times but I know the landscape is changing which is why I'm still doing it and I'm still testing things and so seeing that case study from him in 2023 when AI was just blowing up content on the internet uh anyway it's it's really exciting to me to see that still work okay um all right um sure why not says currently being targeted by a bot I've put the site in ga4 to ignore traffic from this site is there anything else I should do um probably the only other thing that you could probably do is you could contact your hosting company and let them know about this bot or the bot traffic um sometimes they'll have a problem with it and they won't like it but they can also block it um or if you're using Cloud flare CDN they should be able to block the bot traffic as well so that's probably one of the best things you could do um either your host or your CDN okay um SRI pagadala says the new Circle upgrade is terrific thank you so much um I'm a project 24 The Quiet One for years always grateful for everything you do consistently thank you I'm super excited about the upgrades we're making to project 24 we're also working hard to create new content for project 24 as well as I'm working on a couple of courses that aren't part of project 24 they're different enough but still tied to what we're doing so couple of updates about what we're working on right now and then I'm GNA have to go um uh taking my son on School field trip so I do have a hard stop today I normally go a little bit long but um working on a course for people that own businesses whether it's a small whatever size business it could be a physical brick and mortar store or an online based business but I'm finding over and over and over and over again I keep running into people who ask me what I do I talk to them about it and they say oh man I should talk to you I need a website for my business um it's expensive when you pay someone to build your website for you there are a lot of people charging 10 or $20,000 to set up a website and really you're not getting anything more than what I could set up for you in half a day and to me that feels like extortion so I want to give them a resource that will just teach them how to do it themselves or they could put a part-time employee on it and they could do it themselves um covering local SEO as well as content creation um not in the level of project 24 so this is kind of just a standalone thing and we're doing something similar for podcasting um because podcasting is a really cool um really cool medium and it's really popular but um a lot of people feel overwhelmed by it and a lot of people do a not great job of kicking off their podcast and so once again um trying to create a resource that people could use but on top of that for project 24 there's some huge updates that are needed I mentioned search analysis needs I know exactly what it needs to be so I'm working on some content for that battles shipping needs to be updated eat needs an update um so lots of things plus I've got some um AI specific sort of tools and and instruction that I'd like to provide so tons of stuff we're working on for project 24 I just wish I could do it all at once um so man there's so many other questions here I'd like to get to so I'm going to try to maybe I'll like just take some of these questions and make another YouTube video um answering those uh because I think there's some really good questions here okay all right thank you all for joining me oh one last thing um because of all the stuff that we're working on and this update I've been super swamped and so in order to um get caught up on things I'm probably not going to be publishing for a couple of weeks um on YouTube YouTube we'll still post Community posts and maybe I'll put out something really like low edit kind of like um I just mentioned maybe I'll just take a bunch of these questions and just answer them in a Youtube video um that would be pretty easy to do so uh I want to stay in touch and I want to keep doing what I'm doing but um you may not hear from me as much for the next couple weeks while I try to get caught up again on some things so thank you everyone it is uh been a pleasure it's always a pleasure so we'll see
Channel: Income School
Views: 7,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators
Id: gfPuNxf-KBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 26sec (3266 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.