Take Your Blog From $0 to $1K per Month in a Year or Less!

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frederik feels good to be making a video together again yes you and me in a while so tomorrow is a big day for income school and I just want to give a quick shout out before today's video I've spent years working on a book it's called work energy it's about accomplishing your goals and getting to where you want to be in life but with the framework of crave creating in his internet business so check it out it's available on audible and on Amazon you can pre-order it right now today and it will be available for you tomorrow first thing you'll be getting it it's hardback paper book Kindle or whatever you want it's there and it will explain why we look filthy we've been in my shop for the last two weeks working on a special welding projects we made the Tesla cyber truck so we have a video tomorrow there's your video tomorrow you're gonna love it it's gonna be fun let's check that out today we want to talk to you about how within one year's time to build a blog that earns a thousand dollars a month what does it take to make a thousand dollars a month from a blog well within a year's time like realistically about 45,000 page views a month you're gonna be able to earn from that about six hundred seventy-five dollars a month just from ads it's pretty awesome at that level you can get ads on media vine and earn an RPM twelve to twelve to seventeen dollars pretty much pretty awesome and then what makes up the difference there is going to be affiliate about three hundred twenty-five dollars a month and those are pretty conservative numbers yeah I think so I think if you were if you're trying just a blog centric approach to make a thousand dollars a month forty five thousand page views would be a pretty solid way to get there people have earned a lot more than a thousand dollars a month with a lot less traffic and we've also seen some worse than that so I think forty five thousand dollars or forty five thousand page views would be a good thing to shoot for and that would be a good break down how to do it you could do it much sooner with an info product or something but if you're going for a thousand dollars a month my guess is you want this to be really passive right you don't want to be doing customer service and stuff and so adds an affiliate or probably a good good bet for doing that so in this video let's walk through the process of how to get there starting today to where like December 2020 you can be earning $1,000 a month again no business is guaranteed to succeed our lawyers make us say that but this is about the most guaranteed approach I think that you could take to make sure that that could happen for you so a couple ways not to do this first of all I think going all adds as your plan is not going to work and that's important to understand right up front because if we're getting a 12 dollar RPM that means revenue per milliliter per thousand page views if we're getting a 12 dollar rpm which is pretty normal at you it would take eighty three thousand page views a month in order to get that one thousand dollars so that's hard can you get to 1,000 page views in a month or in a month in a year within a year yeah definitely but if it's your very first attempt at a-- and you want to have some margin in there for making mistakes I wouldn't go in with that plan so knowing that that probably isn't going to work I think you have to realize right up front I can't just rely on ads to get where I want to be I probably need to have something else and it's probably gonna be affiliate so as you're choosing topics as you're doing your monetization you need to realize that I have to make something else work to get to my goal but that said there are many many affiliate opportunities out there well beyond Amazon yeah and that's the other thing is to hit this target I wouldn't rely solely on Amazon for affiliate marketing so hit this video here we just did and now Ricky has taught me where to point where we talked about the company affiliate programs but that can be really helpful to just figure that out and how to do it so here's the roadmap we start today it is the beginning of a new year or the I guess the end of one but about to begin a new year first day right now go set up your website get it up in one day I mean we have a tutorial on income school that we can link to that walks you through exactly how to go set up your hosting get WordPress install pick a theme and just get your site set up do not be intimidated this is really simple to get hosting WordPress get a basic theme and get to the point that you can start creating content now I like what you said about doing that in one day yeah because this is something a lot of people spend four or five weeks messing with colors trying to make it all look fancy that's my well they're not making content that could be growing on Google the first time I made a blog I spent hours researching themes I picked one that was super popular but it turned out to not be what I wanted and then I spent hours upon hours upon hours trying to customize it and make it look like other websites that use totally different themes that I liked better it was a big mistake but I didn't know any better so this is key there is one thing you can do as a blogger as a YouTube as an internet marketer in general that will drive 90% of the success or failure of your business it's creating content and putting it out into the world you have to check yourself there's so much you can do and become busy with and checking your analytics and getting a new logo and changing colors and fancying up this post and whatever if you ever have a work day or a work hour where you didn't at the end of it press publish you really need to sit back and say okay something went wrong yeah you should be pressing publish every day that's the 90 percent action that's what gets you there and every time I look up and I say who my business isn't doing so well what happened I say oh shoot I've kind of been busy with stuff and I haven't been publishing for the last couple months so that's the 90 percent action you do it so you need to set a day like design a day where that can happen in an hour before right when you wake up before that while the house is still quiet and you know an hour right after work where you just sit in your car with a laptop or during a lunch hour and go wherever that is like build that into your day and then just ground Hoggett you remember the movie the movie Groundhog Day where you just wake up in the same thing over just groundhog that day until you get there this is really simple these metrics we talked about like the numbers I would want to see get to $1,000 a month if you're doing that regularly you produce 50 blog posts in the first three months you really crank that out and then you slow down to about two a week yeah you should get there by the end of the year if you're making two YouTube videos a week yeah you should get there by the end of the year it's not a guarantee some people are gonna fail some people are gonna say 1,000 push I poop on a golden toilet now um they could or just going to do much better than that right but I think it's totally doable figure out what the 90% action is and then just do it over and over again and I think like the fact that you said that fairly quickly might just make it not seem important but those first three months 50 blog posts in the first three months is I mean we we've thrown out different numbers in the past 30 blog posts in two months and 50 yard you know 100 articles in the first forum if you keep up that quick pace at the very beginning in those first few months of your website that is going to there are a lot of aspects of the ranking algorithm for Google and other search engines that really feed off of that quick new content if you go really really really slow there's a chance that you just never get any sort of velocity any momentum going on your website so that's why it's important is groundhog that day until you have 50 blog posts on your website and then after that create a week in which two pieces of content get published and groundhog that week but that's a blog focused approach right what if you go the other direction and you want to go a YouTube approach so you and I have made a secret YouTube channel that we've told nobody about except for our project 24 members so that we don't get an unfair advantage of all you guys swarming that channel and making it look like it succeeded faster than it really did so we made it totally incognito we just started putting content out there and in 13 weeks we were all ready to $850 a month it's a little less than a year has a lot less yeah so it can be really exciting now YouTube versus blog there are great reasons to choose both and a hybrid is an excellent choice to make especially in 2020 going with both both kind of sites on there so if I were to start a YouTube channel and my goal were to get to 1,000 a month I think I would rely about 70 to 80 percent of that income to come from YouTube ads we're doing really well on YouTube actually in terms of like rpm it's at least as good as Boggs it's it's doing pretty well easier to get the traffic if you and the reason we hear that YouTube ads stink is because we hear from these people like how much I learned from this 1 million view video and it's like a 12 year old girl who did a makeup video or whatever right the audience is 12 year old girls it's just a very expensive and that's the thing is going to an adult audience right you're gonna get more a lot of these like really entertaining videos that go viral earn a very small amount per view and it's just because there is no commercial intent the target audience is super broad and so advertisers are less intrigued by that but if you have a focused industry for your topic and you know a fairly targeted audience then you're going to be gathering a group of people that advertisers will want to reach out to you actually aren't substantially more so I would have a goal to or have about 10,000 subscribers on YouTube to earn a thousand a month that's a totally crazy you know you can move that you can earn a lot more with fewer and some people 10,000 subscribers earn enough and you can do it a lot of different ways but generally about 10,000 subscribers I think would be a reasonable number to be earning a thousand dollars we have a full process for how to get to those levels of subscribers and much higher and how to monetize that many other ways in project 24 it's something that we've been doing and something that we've been teaching so if you're in project 24 make sure you go check out that YouTube course and that really it really is key because we hear we see so many youtubers who have a hundred thousand subscribers and the only way they can think of to earn money is they're selling like t-shirts with their logo on it they're selling merch right like there is a lot to building a business around YouTube and getting a valuable audience and growing that quickly and that's in our course in project 24 so if you remember definitely check that out thanks everybody for checking out our video and for checking out working energy available on audible and Amazon right now
Channel: Income School
Views: 96,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators
Id: 2Idf6eBjzM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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