He's All I Need | Sunday Service | NBFC 2021

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greetings and salutations we are so glad you joined us today just wanted to let you know that we have social media ambassadors live during our streaming services that are there to answer any questions you may have if they don't know the answer they know someone who does so we've got you covered if this is your first time worshiping with newbie drop a thumbs up down below the oldest guard the new has come family welcome to a new beginning [Music] hey everybody my name is mark vasyaki and welcome to newbie online before services begin we want to take the time to tell you welcome and show you what kind of church we are new beginnings fails to church is a ministry that's been built on principles driven by the word of god our belief is laid out in scripture that therefore if anyone is in christ they are a new creation the old is gone the new has come second corinthians 5 17. we are place where those who are lost troubled and broken can find strength and healing for their soul our environment is one where everyone can feel the love and warmth of god through the pastor membership and his holy spirit we are people who honor god and meet the needs of his people with the highest level of excellence integrity and respect we also believe that god is going to say something unique to you today that may be through worship fellowship or the sermon so we want to take this moment to welcome you to new beginnings fellowship church the place where the lord is worshiped and his people are changed [Music] um he changed is he changed me since the savior came nothing's been the same he changed you he hallelujah he hallelujah me i got a new way of walking through the world changed he changed my life is [Music] it was a thursday he changed me he changed me and he set me free the things i used to do i don't do no because jesus hallelujah is so he changed my life he changed me is [Music] are you a new member get acclimated to newbie by joining our new members class you can choose to attend any second and fourth saturday at 9 30 a.m register online at newbieindy.org parents make sure your children are registered for our little beginnings and newbie kids virtual groups they meet every fourth sunday via zoom register at newbieindy.org [Music] uh [Music] breath in my body if i was just [Music] is [Music] everywhere i fall [Music] shoes if i was just anybody [Music] is it's all gone here you're so good it's all god it's all god it's all god he is all god [Applause] if i was [Music] all just [Music] it's all god you know the bible declares it in romans 8 28 and we know that in all things god works and he works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose hallelujah hallelujah [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] how many people does it take to make a difference just one and that's you hi my name is shalonda johnson the media director for new beginnings fellowship church the multimedia ministry will have an all hands meeting on saturday august 14th from 10 am to 12 noon this meeting will give you the details on the return to service and what that looks like for the media teams so if you are an existing member or would like to become a member of multimedia please join us as we prepare for the return well praise the lord my brothers and my sisters this is the day the lord has made and let us rejoice let's be glad in it i i pray that on this day that somebody already as you think about this amazing independence day that you think about the fact that something got a hold of you something grabbed you something clutched you something had a hold of you so tightly but god came god came through the power of his spirit and his son jesus christ to set you free i can truly say because of what the lord has done happy independence day and i bless and i honor god for each and every one of you i pray you are blessed i do i pray you were blessed during our time of worship and let's prepare our hearts and our minds to get ready to hear what the lord is going to say to us on today come on let's pray father in the name of jesus we thank you we honor you we give you glory for this day for god you are good you're amazing and i give you glory for setting us free father i ask you now in the midst of our praise in the midst of our worship now let us hear your voice so clear because father at the end of the day we just want to leave better than the way we came let the words of my mouth and meditations of our hearts allow them now to be holy and acceptable unto thee for lord you are our rock your strength you're our redeemer and it is in jesus name that we do pray amen amen all right well come on this is what i want to share with you real quick what the lord has placed on my heart for you and for these next few weeks for the next few weeks throughout this month we're going to be looking so you can go ahead and put a pen there put a tab there however you want to do it because for this entire month unless the lord tells me something different that for the entire month we're going to go through the 23rd psalm what a an amazing book amazing book amazing a chapter amazing psalm of david which is probably one of the most popular psalms in the bible so i mean it's interesting i want to share it we're going to spend some time with it because even the more and more i read it the more more i've gone through it it has blessed me and i pray that it is going to bless somebody under the sound of my voice so let's go we're going to go to the 23rd psalm and i really just want to lift up a piece of the 23rd psalm and then we're going to share what the lord has placed in my heart and psalm 23 psalm 23 and and i really want to take a look here at verse one psalm 23 psalm 23 and i want to look at verse one y'all listen listen to what it says y'all ready come on let's let's hear what the lord says to us today it says the lord is my shepherd i have all that i need yeah what one version says the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want or shall not be in want the lord is my shepherd i have all that i need and yeah and just for a moment just for a moment i i want to talk about it this is that's the the subject i want to use today i want to talk about he's all i need he's all i need so interesting this is um this inspiring inspiring portion of scripture poem psalm that has been written by king david as king david with all of the amazing things that david has experienced all of the triumphs that god has allowed him to embark upon and all of the victories that god's allowed him to win and to hear his story is such a remarkable story of of of a young man who who started from the bottom and now he's here and he's at this place where now he is king he's uniting kingdoms he's he's really solidifying himself to be an amazing amazing king and and so it is so interesting and and amazing about this king because he is not just a king that leads but he's a king who follows and i think i i think i may need to pause for just a moment just encourage somebody because you you you may want to be careful if you are following people who are so addicted to leading but do not know how to follow that might be dangerous leadership you're under you want to you want to follow somebody who knows how to follow this is where david is and david is at a place where he's making it very clear that hey look i i know that my position has me is making it clear that i know who i'm over but i don't have to go far i don't have to ask questions i don't have to do research for me to to share with you who i'm under and this is where david is making very clear to us he is he's making it very clear to each and every one of us right an amazing testimony if you will and so for the next few weeks for the next few weeks i want to take this moment and and spend some time sharing with somebody under the sound of my voice uh the the the beauty of this testimony because he shares this testimony he talks about this amazing uh metaphor and of course david who who has spent some time as a shepherd where he was a shepherd where he was leading his father's sheep where he was the one leading his dad's flock where it was at that moment that he got pulled from from out of the pasture and and and been anointed as the future king but it was at the moment where he got anointed while he was serving he was serving and it was in his service that put him in position to be anointed to get ready to lead he was following do you hear what i'm saying and i think i need to pause here because i feel like somebody under the sound of my voice needs to know that that that don't don't become so hungry for leading that you don't show yourself as a good follower because it is at the moment of where you are following and it's not that you follow but it's how you follow if you follow and continue to follow and continue to serve continue to submit all of this and put them in place and so now david pens these the words to this psalm that has been known as one of the most popular poems in scripture that is i've heard it read in weddings and funerals and in all types of ministry opportunities in churches and concerts i heard songs written after it i mean it's just an amazing uh amazing this collection of thought yeah it's an amazing collection of thought that david is now sharing right where he wants the world to know oh i love this that i know who i'm over now let me help you understand who i'm under it it's like i know who i love this i i know how you see me but let me just give you a sneak peek on how i feel which has put me in the place of where i am come on let's let's get a chance to talk about this he he goes into this moment and he opens this up and i love it and he just he says wait before i start talking about uh who i'm leading now this is this one here is not about who i'm leading this is not about i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna talk about me but i'm not gonna talk about the part about me that that that's in the paper i'm not gonna talk about the part of me that that that that society sees i'm not going to talk about the part of me that uh that that people see on sunday mornings and i'm not going to talk about the one that you see when you come to when you come to the castle that's what this is what david is saying he says no i want you to see how i see myself when i'm looking in the mirror oh my god and while he's talking about himself and he doesn't talk about himself very long because it's a shift here that takes place where he's saying i'm going to show you why i see myself the way i see myself because it is the one who is leading me that has caused me to be where i am today i love this because david is making it very clear i'm not getting any credit i'm not taking any credit for what uh uh god what's happening in my life i'm not taking any credit for where i am in life i'm not taking any credit for the the accomplishments and the victories that i've attained i'm going to tell you why i have i'm where i am i'm going to tell you how i got to where i am go ahead write put it down put it put pull your pen out go ahead write this down take notes i'm going to let you know how i got to where i am you don't want to know how i got to where i am is not because of any power nor by any might but i got here because i was following a good leader that's what he's saying he says the reason why i'm here the reason why i am or where i am the reason why i am who i am is because of the one who's following me and he says and i'm gonna go ahead and just show you just how i feel about him and how i see him he goes on and says it is the lord that is my shepherd he says the lord is my shepherd i i think i need to pause here for just a moment because he three things i want to lift up for you because i'm a pause to tell you these three things because i want you to understand that it is the these three things that that david shares in this very in this very uh one singular verse that that that helps us understand all of the 116 words that's being shared in this entire psalm in this entire psalm all 106 words is really just describing the first two words that's in the psalm and he he goes on to say i love this he says the lord is my shepherd first thing i want to lift up to you real quick let's go let's go there i want to talk here real quick because i i want to lift up the first thing the first thing that david talks about is he's sharing with the listeners who he is aware of who god is i'm aware of who god is i am i'm aware of who god is i have not just self-awareness but i have i am aware of my savior i'm aware of my shepherd and he says i'm being i'm being led i have a shepherd and i love this because when you start talking about this whole idea of a shepherd this shepherd is the one that is responsible for the livelihood and direction of sheep and and not just sheep but but a flock of of whatever he's leading and so he it is this moment where he's saying that the lord is his shepherd and the lord is the master the lord is the one who is in charge he is the one that is my leader he is the one that is my god he says the lord is my shepherd he he i love this that when you talk about a shepherd a shepherd who now has sheep often it is the shepherd who who owns the sheep or he he's making sure that the people who are leading is a shepherd over them who's leading the sheep he owns the sheep he purchased y'all hear me the the sheep he he he he owns it he he he paid for it he he paid for the sheep he he paid the price for the sheep and so because he paid the price for the sheep he has now full ownership of the sheep that's what a shepherd does he owns the sheep and so because of the fact that he owns the sheep now he has the responsibility of taking care of the sheep and so it is this moment where he's saying that the lord yes he is my shepherd why because i am aware that i don't belong to myself come on i want to help somebody here under the sound of my voice there may be somebody right now that i understand that you know we have gotten caught up in this world of saying i'm my own man or i'm my own woman i'm grown i do what i want to do it's a it's a moment of empowerment where you're trying to empower yourself to say that you are who you are because of you but at the end of the day the longer you live the longer you deal with life the more stuff you start going through and you start recognizing that man i i think i've discovered that where i am right now who i am right now literally has nothing to do with me but because of the fact that god had his hand on me and i think i need to pause here real quick and tell god thank you for purchasing me i i thank you for for owning me i thank you because it is you oh god this is what david is saying it is you oh god it is the lord who is the one that owns me he is the one that is in charge of me he's the one who purchased me and because he's the one that purchased me then i am submitting my life to the one who purchased me now watch this this is what makes it amazing because now i have to tell you thank you because you purchased me knowing what you know about me you you know me you know my proclivity you know my issues you know my struggles you know my challenges you know that i can be off the chain sometimes you know that sometimes i feel like a nut and sometimes i don't you know i can be iffy sometimes you know i can be a little off the chain at times but in spite of all of that you still purchased me this is what i love about my shepherd my shepherd i love my shepherd because he purchased me watch this in spite of who i am i in spite of my proclivity and now i wonder do i have anybody that's that's listening to me under the sound of my voice come on listen y'all check it out because it may be somebody here that you recognize that that that that that your appreciation to god has gone to another level because of how god has treated you watch this in spite of how you've treated him come on let's be honest that's why i can't help but tell him thank you because i've done enough for him to pass me over i've done enough for he to say that now i don't want to deal with you i he's i've done enough in my own life that would cause the lord to say that i'm not worth the investment but in spite of all my proclivities in spite of all my issues and challenges thank you god i am so glad that you look beyond all of my faults yes you did and you saw every one of my knees you purchased me you in fact when you purchased me you set me free from some stuff that i was once tied in that's why this independence day is an amazing opportunity for us to give god praise why because i can give god praise knowing that i was in something locked down into something and somebody came and paid my ransom now watch this i know i'm not the only one there may be somebody right now you're listening to me right now and and you can sit there and say i'm not here free because i paid it myself i had a debt i could not pay i didn't know how to pay it i didn't it was i was so deep in debt but i thank god that jesus came paid the price through his blood and now i am free and i'm recognizing i didn't get free on my own i'm free because somebody purchased me in fact you ought to put that in the chat real quick somebody ought to type it real quick and say he purchased me yes he did purchased me with his precious blood washed me with his precious blood cleanse me with his precious blood and even right now i'm still living because he covers me in his precious blood somebody ought to say i'm precious in the sight of god cause he covers me covers me purchased me he's my shepherd he's my shepherd now i love it because he goes into a moment where david is saying wait a minute not not not only is is he is he he's not just a shepherd but but i can only speak for myself he said i can only speak for myself now you don't know like i know what he's done for me but but i think this may be a wonderful time for you to put your name in there if you know that the lord is the one that is your shepherd now now watch this he didn't just say the lord is my purchaser no no he didn't say the lord is my savior because he did save me he did purchase me he says the lord is my shepherd because i've come to understand that because of the type of shepherd he is because of who he is he says the lord the lord the capital l capital o capital r capital d that that's jehovah that that is the the ever existing god the one that is that is not just who who who is but he was he is he is to be he's all of that wrapped up in one he is he is the ever existing god when i look back over my life and see all the stuff that i've gone through and how i got out of that stuff i got there because the lord was there the stuff that i'm in right now that god is keeping me strong and keeping me going forward is because god is here with me right now and this is the beauty of it because he's so amazing he was there then he's here right now and he's not just here for me he's here for you and this was so amazing he's not waiting for the future to take place he already even exists in the future we're just walking out what he's already done he's the ever existing god and because of that it is that god that knows where i've been is that god that knows where i'm going is that god that gives me the direction right now where i can stand and declare the lord is my he's my shepherd he's my shepherd guys he's the one that that leads me he's the one that's in charge of me he's the one that in spite of all of my proclivities and this is what i love about it because he bought me knowing that i had issues and it had nothing to do with my proclivity it had everything to do with his ability he knew that that regardless of who james is regardless of what james have done regardless of what kind of start he has he started in at the end of the day when i get a hold of him i'm going to take him places that's going to blow his mind that's where david makes his testimony he's saying look right now the reason why i am where i am is because i've been led here the lord he's my shepherd he led me here now wait a minute he didn't find me here but he led me here and is there anybody that's just glad that god didn't leave you where he found you i think right there is a wonderful opportunity for you to just say god thank you for not leaving me where you found me you you found me in the mess you found me in the but now now don't come on let's just be real god has been good to us and he's been so good to us and you ought to just tell them thank you god for how you found me and you didn't keep walking you where you found me you didn't ignore me where you found me you didn't keep stepping you found me in a mess you found me locked up you found me in a messed up jam but because of who you are and your ability you didn't leave me where you found me he's my shepherd that's what he's saying he's saying he is my shepherd he oh wait a minute he says i'm aware of who he is wait a minute but then david says so so for me to acknowledge him as shepherd then i am making it very clear that uh i know you see king that's what he's saying but i'm just sheep yeah he didn't say he didn't say no the lord is he's the king of of this king no no no he says he's my shepherd so for he to to share that the lord is his shepherd it is david now that's making it clear that uh don't don't get it twisted i'm just sheep he said i'm sheep with a crowd that's what he said i'm sheep with a with a crown i'm sheep with with a skeptic i'm sheep that just so happen to be in a high place and let's just be honest i know you you look good on your job i know you you look good with the with the letters behind your name i know you you look good with the position that you have and the raises and bonuses that now you have and how people value you and they should because you work hard you earned your stuff but let's just get real the only thing you might as well acknowledge is the fact that you know you still just sheep that god just made look good isn't that i think that's enough for somebody to say god thank you because you know how to take sheep and make sheep look good this is what david says he says i'm aware of who i am i'm aware that i'm just sheep and y'all you know there's some there's some some things about sheep that that that uh that makes this such an intriguing and intriguing metaphor because he he knows sheep david worked around sheep david he he shepherd and lead sheep he protected sheep he fought for sheep so he knows these proclivities that that sheep have he knows that sheep can be stubborn he knows that sheep can be very fearful he knows sheep can be very timid he knows that sheep can be very i mean come on let's just be honest they can be very perverse and and and and let's just be honest too that that that sheep at times can be real stupid it is they can they can do some stuff that you're sitting there thinking what in the world were you thinking and now before you begin to start thinking about sheep then let's just think about the fact that he has put himself in the category of sheep so he says i know that who i am i know that you see the warrior i know you see the king but at the end of the day the only reason that i am here right now is because the lord is my shepherd i know i have my fears i know i can be very timid i know that if the wrong thing comes around i'm going to find myself running in a corner and crying i know that i have all the issues i am i know that i can be stubborn that he's telling me to do some things and i'll even say okay and go in a whole nother door i know what i'm capable of doing and let's just be honest i ain't talking about you can i talk about me right now yes sometimes i can do some stupid stuff i can say some stupid stuff i can hang with some stupid people i can have some stupid conversations because i know that i have the proclimity like sheep but thanks be unto god that god makes me look better than who i am and the reason why he makes me look better is because he purchased me and he doesn't want me to make him look bad he's my shepherd he led me he's my shepherd he purchased me this is what david is saying i'm almost done i want to i just want to encourage somebody here today because he makes it very clear he says i know i'm aware of who he is but but then again he says because i'm aware of who he is is being with him that makes me aware of who i am that's why he calls himself sheep and i think i need to pause because there may be some people under the sound of my voice that you have allowed the wrong people to give you a perception of of yourself that's not real yeah you you've allowed too many people to pat you on your back to make you think that you are higher than who you really are he says no and sometimes you can get around some people that yeah maybe a little worse off and you're thinking yeah i must be really smart well no the reality is you are using the wrong people as a measuring stick see if you use people who who who you're smarter than of course you're going to say you're smart if you if you're using people as a measuring stick of of of their attitude and their attitudes are bad then of course your attitude is going to look good but when you measure up to an amazing awesome all-powerful all-knowing god then you're going to recognize that even your righteousness are nothing but filthy rags before your god you gonna recognize you know what when i measure up to my well i measure up to my my god i recognize i ain't all that i i ain't who i thought i was i'm not who i thought i'm not as smart as i thought i was i'm not not as anointed as i thought i was you know what's interesting reminds me of uh about about a year ago right about a year ago james uh oldest boy was out playing basketball no he's playing he was on the baseball diamond so he's playing baseball and johnny was just over there on the sideline just acting like he was playing basketball just just playing around and running around and one of the parents of the of one of james's teammates came up to him and said hey young fella and and johnny said hey he said hey he says he says you i see you jumping in and running he says i think you he said you you look like you could be a little a little athlete and uh johnny says i am he says i am but my son that he doesn't lack confidence he says i am and and and i thought was very interesting because at the time johnny was um uh he's he he was six and and there was another little kid that was there playing around on the side and he says he says can you run he says he says very fast he's a very fast and so he says you think you can outrun him and he looks at uh this little kid johnny looks at him and says uh he says he says probably he says i want to know how fast you are he says won't you go raise him raise him listen to what johnny says johnny says well if you want to know how fast i am just time me he says you don't have to say you don't have to i don't have to race him for you to find out who how fast he says just type me and he said no i want to see you race him and he he named the kid and and i could tell they were a little boastful and i'm i'm sitting here thinking man i i don't know if you really want johnny to race this little kid it's it's going to get bad and johnny was trying to warn you he says man if you really want to know how fast i am don't measure me up to this kid he says because if you measure me up to him he said okay all right well i'll race so they go down there to the to the starting point and he says all right let's go he says ready set and he says go and man within three seconds johnny was probably about five steps steps ahead of this kid to the point that the kid just pretty much slowed down his stride and johnny kept on going and he said did you time me and he says no i didn't tell me he says i told you to time me he says that's how you were going to figure out how fast i am you you figure out how fast i am based on what your clock don't measure me based on somebody else because i know i'm fast i know i'm faster than him and and so this is where johnny is making us understand that if you want to measure up don't try to measure me up to somebody who i know that is struggling to somebody that's not at the same level measure me up to a god that is who is high and sits sits high and looks low measure me to my god and when i measure myself up to my god i recognize wait a minute james you ain't all of that you ain't all that i said johnny go back and race again i'm going to time you he says okay did he tie i time him listen to what johnny says he runs and now he's just as fast as he was with the kid i turned them and i said man look at you it was uh 15 seconds it took you to get that he was like man dad i got more work to do i said now that's what i'm talking about he says if you recognize when you measure me up to something that's greater than me then i'll realize that i still got a lot of work to do and i wonder am i talking to anybody here no don't bring up your cousins don't bring up your your weed-head friends don't bring up all your crazy co-workers measure yourself up to god when you measure yourself up to who your shepherd is then you recognize that you ain't all that in a bag of chips you just sheep he says i'm sheep i'm just sheep i'm aware of who i am i'm aware that i ain't got it all together but but i can still tell god thank you because he picked me i'm glad that with all my issues with all of my my loneliness he still picked me and i love this because off time shepherds oh god i need to say this real quick that oftentimes shepherds when when they choose their their their sheep when they choose who they're going to bring into their their fold one of the first things they do is they take this their this blade and and cut a certain part in their on their ear to to give them a specific mark to let them know that they belong to a certain kind of master now yes it's painful and yeah it hurts and yeah you wish that you didn't have to go through it but but the reality is the shepherd said i didn't do it to kill you i did it to mark you because i don't want you to ever get so far away that i don't i can't come back to you because even when i get to you i can recognize my mark that's on you he says i've gone through some stuff you've gone through some pain you've gone through a few things that shows that yes it was painful but it was purposeful yes it was painful but yes it was at the point where god knew what he was doing and i'm talking to somebody right now under the sound of my voice you've been going through some pain you've gone through some struggles you've been going through some things that you know it hurts and god told me to tell you that i didn't let you go through all of this for you to just stay in pain though it is painful i allowed you to go through it because now i'm marking you because you you have gone through all of that you've gone through the hurt you've gone through the pain and still you are here you've got the mark of knowing that you belong to an amazing shepherd i wonder about talking to anybody here that said i know i belong to god and i got the scars to prove it i've been through the storm i've been through the rain but i made it i i i feel old school right now because my grandmother used to sing a song i've been through the storm it rained but i made it i made it did you make it somebody put it in there put it in the chat i made it i made it let me go ahead and close here he says i love this about what david is saying and how he opens up this song he says jehovah he is my shepherd he says he's my shepherd that means i'm aware of who he is he is shepherd he says and because i recognize he as shepherd i'm aware of who i am i am sheep but then he goes right on in this second line and he says i have everything i need that's all he said he says i'm aware of who you are god i'm aware of who i am god and when i recognize the partnership and relationship that we have and what you have done in my life i can now declare i'm satisfied i'm satisfied i'm fine with who i am in god i'm fine with the fact that god i don't have to be the in the first spot i don't have to be number one i don't have to be the biggest fish i don't have to be the largest i have to be the smartest but god i'm just glad that you got me in the fold i'm just glad because because of you god i can be able to say i am satisfied that's what he's saying when he says i shall not want i have everything i need he's not saying that that all my supplies are met because i'm talking to somebody that may be saying well i'm still struggling in some areas and i'm i'm still struggling with financially and i'm still struggling in this season no that's not what he's saying guys he's not saying that he that i don't have needs that's not what he's saying what he's saying when he says i'm not in one that means whatever it is i'm going through i've learned to get to a place of contentment that wherever i am in god i'm good if god has me there i'm good that's what he's saying and i wonder as we get ready to close this little message on today is there anybody here that could say that i still stand in confidence knowing that i may not have what my neighbor has i may not have what somebody else have i may not have the degree that you have i may not have the money that you have but one thing i do have i have a shepherd and because i got god because i got god on my side i know that wherever i am god's got purpose to it and i know that even if i'm in a dark place even if i'm in a low place regardless of where i am i won't be that long because my shepherd is the one that is leading me can we go ahead take a moment and just say god i give you glory i give you glory for the contentment it took me a while to get here now i may not have what my neighbor had i may not be where my friends are but one thing i can truly say that i'm not where i used to be i'm not as messed up as i used to be i'm not as low as i used to be and every round keeps going higher and higher and so i learn to be content with wherever state i've been if i'm up i'm good if i'm down god i'm good because you promise never to leave me nor forsake me do i have a witness here is there anybody here today that recognize that with god you can still walk in peace chaos all around but i'm good money's still funny i'm good family isn't as distray i'm good children off the chain i'm good somebody put it in the chat i'm good he says i'm good i'm good and i'm talking to somebody here right now you don't allow how you feel to be predicated on where you are you don't allow your context to determine how you feel that's what david is saying david went through seasons where people people tried to kill them people denied them people heard him david said regardless as long as the lord is my shepherd i'm satisfied that's that's that's his word and that's my word to somebody here today if you know watch this now you don't know what your future holds but you do know the one who holds your future and if you know that it is the great amazing awesome ever present existing god is the one leading you regardless of where you are you know that he's got some plans for you so wherever you are you can still say i'm good i know it's not perfect but i'm good stuff around me may not be good oh god i want to help somebody please lift your hands right now where you are right where you are lift your hands lift your hands when you recognize who god is and you recognize who you are in when you measure up to god you ought to still say you know what i'm a mess and because i'm a mess but yet god still has me alive he still has me here he's still taking care of me he's still meeting my needs you know what god i'm good that right there should eliminate the spirit of complaining because yes you may not have everything you want but you got more than you deserve lift your hands father these are the hands of of we father your sheep oh god we know no we know we're not the smartest we know that we could be very timid we know we can be very fearful we know sometimes god we could just be outright stupid we could do some dumb stuff but father with our hands lifted in your presence we surrender our lives to you oh god we give ourselves totally to you and whatever you want to do with us lead us lead us we submit ourselves to you we honor you and we thank you so father we make the declaration right now that you jehovah god the lord you are our shepherd we confess it we declare it and we are your sheep use us however you want to do and we'll give you all the honor glory and the praise if there's somebody that needs to connect with you father speak to their hearts right now speak to their hearts that they can make the best decision they've ever made and make you their shepherd in the name of jesus we declare that it is so amen amen son daughter if you're here on the sound of my voice real quick don't log off yet i really want you to make a decision if you are here today you have never made the lord jesus christ your lord your shepherd this is the perfect time this is the perfect time he he's he's making it very clear david made it very clear no no i'm not i'm not declaring anybody my shepherd it's the lord that's my shepherd jehovah is my shepherd because there are something some people that's been leading others and and they hadn't been leading you right there are other stuff in other things in this world that's been holding you and leading you and has been leading you straight astray but jehovah he's got you he'll he'll never leave you nor forsake you if that's you and you've never accepted him as your lord your savior that information is right there on the screen go ahead and just go ahead go ahead text that number and say i i want to declare the lord my shepherd i want to be his sheep i want to be in the fold if you've never accepted him accept him as your lord your savior he got you if you don't have a church home and and you're not connected to a body of believers you haven't been a part of a fold come on i'd love to be your pastor we all be your your family of faith and we're all sheep being led to where god has taken us text that number if you haven't had the opportunity to sow to give the information is right there go ahead and put that information in text it share it and let god do what he's doing with you i can't wait to see what god is getting to do in your life until we see each other again be blessed be blessed order and let's continue to thank our god for being our shepherd god bless you god keep you all that's my prayer my brothers and my sisters at this moment we want to take this time and participate in what we call holy communion as we remember the sacrifice that our lord made the love that he displayed by giving of himself for you and for me so right where you are it doesn't matter you're at your home go and get you a piece of bread go ahead and get you your piece of bread go get you something of the vine go ahead and get it if it's juice well i don't care whatever it is we're going to remember god says just as long as when you do it you remember me go ahead and get it we're going to remember what the lord has done the word of god says for i received from the lord what i also passed on to you the lord jesus on the night he was betrayed he took bread gave thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me and in the same way after supper he took the cup saying this cup is a new covenant in my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me for whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes father i ask you right now in jesus name please take this bread this cup out of any secular thought sanctify this moment and let it be a holy reminder of just how much you love and how much you care for us in jesus name we pray amen the bread that symbolized the body of our lord and our savior that was broken that was beaten that was mutilated for you and for me he did it because he loved us just that much let us eat together and the cup that symbolized blood that was shed for you and for me the word of god makes very clear that without the shedding of blood there would be no remission of sin he did it because he loved us just that much let us drink together hallelujah jesus [Music] hallelujah jesus came and did it just for me just for me [Music] just for me [Music] jesus came and did it just for me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NewB Indy
Views: 536
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church, New Beginnings, Lord, Jesus, God, Indianapolis, Indiana, James Anthony Jackson, NewB Indy
Id: 1a4-JMNllwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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