🚨 Minstrels In The Black Church (For ALL MUSICIANS & SINGERS) * FULL CONVERSATION*

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to have a vision of a panel discussion creating an argument that would help bring answers to the questions of the church today and i think we're going to give opportunity for the table to introduce themselves and then we're going to go forth and start a fight because that's what it almost ended up being yesterday until the first assistant tore the church up good god almighty [Applause] i'm going to preach it this sunday don't lose your brand [Applause] but let's not talk about that because we might get the shout again so starting from josiah on the end grab the microphone introduce yourself tell everybody where you're from and what you do yo how y'all doing my name is josiah i'm a musician here in chicago 22 years old what you play oh i play uh drums okay all right drums keys like i'm a member of evangelistic praise house my mom is a pastor pastor julia porter maddox i'm rico nukus here from chicago illinois um come from prayer and faith outreach ministries i'm 26 years old play drums currently touring all over the world you know living the dream you know being the light to the world so that's what i'm doing who you play for all right um right now i'm currently with kendrick lamar kanye west two chairs a couple other people my name is curtis lindsey i'm 34 years old from chicago illinois i'm a pastor special larry roberts senior from trinity all nations church i play keys oregon got production cl keys music i'm currently playing for marvel set [Applause] praise the lord everybody no my name is michelle prather my pastor is pastor san franklin of the kingdom love worship center out of nashville and i am a 14-year member uh with kirk carr kurt carr singers so those doors open up many other doors to be able to tour and uh bless people and bless the world with this gift and uh i do honor bishop and first lady uh for allowing me this time and i'm ready for the fight i'm jennifer and i'm 44. thank you so much [Laughter] i'm jennifer jones from here chicago illinois bishop brandon jacobs is my pastor i serve as the minister of music at new zion temple i'm an actress and singer god has provided plenty platforms for me to utilize these talents i traveled the world for five years touring the color purple broadway and so god has been amazing i'm 37 years old since we get into ages [Laughter] my name is albert simmons i'm the pastor first paradox baptist church here in the great city of chicago um i've been singing all my life um don't have any great stories but if i feel stuck i must say it's a spirit of deception give me the cross amen are we going to shout amen [Applause] good afternoon i am daniel smith the senior pastor of new saint matthew missionary baptist church here in chicago illinois i've been singing all of my life um 20 plus year member of dr walt whitman and the soldier of chicago so i am very happy to be here on this afternoon let's give all our panelists a great big hand the ones who gave their age and the ones who did not so let's start this as the church has changed and i believe um as i look through the door or through the one through through the audience there is a vast number of old school and new school in the building which is which is a great bridge a great connection to have old and new in the same room all old school wave your hand did my soul love jesus saints wave your hand all right all right all right and and now now the top triplet kirk franklin worshipers wave your hand hey hey hey all right so we got we got a good number of um choir robes nurses uniforms with the white hats and and the um you know the nurses back when we was kids they wore white shoes where they wouldn't fall like gym shoes you know there's new nurses they wear red bottoms now so all all of the all of the white glove usher people in the room it's time for prayer wave your hand that that's what i want to see yeah all right and in addition to that we realize that choir robes uniforms and stuff are gone so we're gonna we're gonna deal with quite a few of those issues i think one coming off the back um there was a question that was given to me and we're gonna ask this to miss jennifer jones who i think is one of the greatest singers that i've heard in a long time um if the worship leader leaves the church should people get off the praise team as you know the praise team is the are the elite singers today you know they don't get in the choir this is this is the crew that don't sing in the choir they got the best voices but the ones so so so let's let's that that's that's an argument two arguments at the same time because in my house you sing in the choir and the praise team you have to do both you cannot do one without the other um if a worship leader leaves the praise team should not leave because they weren't there for the worship leader now we do have instances where leaders go and they take people with them if they're building a team but if these are already members of the church or even joining after that leader they shouldn't leave they're not there for the worship leader they're there for their church their pastor their heart it has nothing to do with the leader leaving now if they choose to leave then their heart wasn't there in the first place it's a hard issue it's a heart issue thank you anybody else want to talk on that any one of these pastors well the pastor also has to make sure that he's not allowing that leader to build a mini church within the church he cannot just allow a worship leader to monopolize that area of ministry and never infuses himself or herself to know what's going on um i often tell people even that that not just joining the ministry the praise and worship ministry but even the church don't come because of me because i might make you mad and if you came because of me and i make you mad you're gonna leave because of me but if you come because god has planted you here then no nobody can pluck you out of here nobody can uproot you so again as jennifer has already said it's about your heart somebody hollers a heart issue josiah should you stay at a church as a musician and you are a member of or leave to be paid for a higher price at another church say it one more time you're a member of the church that you play at but the preacher down the street got a bigger price tag i've got a bigger pocket i'm staying at the church i'm a member at oh you're gonna stay there yeah absolutely that's where i'm being fed at you know so yeah you're not gonna go to the bigger price i mean money is cool i mean i make money anyway i can make money doing a gig during the weekend but where i'm being fed matters most my pastor my covering and you know what if you're not being fed i'm out of there oh you're still a member but you're gonna leave for that other dollar no i will yeah i like how you're doing that you love your pastor it ain't no oil there but you love it right he was raised there you loved the the fellowship you'd grow with the kids the whole bit oh yeah but somebody else got a bigger dollar for you yeah it's kind of tough pass so for me if it was up to me um of course i would love to be fed but if i'm not being fed i'll you know i have a life i have to take care of myself so i have business decisions to make so i need to make the best business decision for me that can help me you know carry along my journey you know to be fed to find you know my place that's fit for me so that's for me that's what i would do pass it to your brother razor can you repeat the question again because it sounded like a curtis curtis uh it was almost two questions but let's ask the one will you leave your church for a higher dollar no i'm currently doing that now you know um i get offers all the time to play at different churches but because i'm dedicated and loyal to my church i love my church that's where i'm going to be all right let me you all keep the microphone so and the young man in the middle what's your name sir rico rico yes sir um you got responsibilities playing is a job yes sir in the ministry and the ministry yes sir i like that so it's not just a job nope it's a ministry as well i like it yeah give these musicians a hand they answered those questions real good is it okay to sing secular music as a profession and lead worship in the church uh-oh i feel like he was talking to me so i am a secular artist what i do and who i am are two totally totally different people i am a secular artist for hire i sing in clubs weddings bar mitzvahs and then i get up on sundays i lead worship who i am and what i do are two totally different people for me i can say that singing in a club has sometimes drawn more people to me with a need than being when singing here in church here in church everybody's hiding what their problem is people in clubs they messed up and they know they messed up so they're willing to come to you and say i got an issue and there's something in you that's not familiar here what is it how can you help me can you talk i have mentored plenty of women from clubs before anyone any woman in the sanctuary has come and said hey can you help me can you do this can you do so for me as long as i know who i am when i walk into that club and i remain that person and i don't conform to what's happening there then i'm okay but the moment that club overtakes who i am now we got an issue and i gotta go but as long as i can go in there and sing my music get my check and go home then i'm alright i'ma get my check [Applause] [Laughter] pastors michelle well i was able to do some touring with different uh secular artists and i became a light in a dark place and so i was able to live a life where they could say hey pray for me you know so you have to know who you are when you go into any type of place you can be in the grocery store and people know that the light is on you you don't have to say a word and so i was singing background for uh um angie stone and we were praying i became the chaplain of the tour i didn't say anything but i lived it and when they went out and did they think i was in my room that's just because i chose to be that you know that instance that example so you we get it twisted um they were tripping about sunday's best and they turned the love song uh secular songs into you know songs to to god he is god he is love he's whatever you want him to be and so we get boxed up so many times well he shouldn't be doing no no no no no if i have a child he's 21 he's in college and a tour say let's go michelle needs to go because i know what it will take for my house to maintain and be what it needs to be to survive some things you can't take and some things you can so you got to know what god called you to do pastors how do you handle singers in your church that have jobs secular music jobs um jennifer worked for me and i had to make sure that she maintained her integrity as um as a worship leader to know that she was not engaging and even myself was invited to the club to sing as a pastor and not to sing a love song to sing an inspirational song the preacher the preacher went and saying i didn't drink i didn't even dance and i like to do a couple slides in there but uh but i know everybody can't handle that everybody can't handle it so i know if that's going to be a stumbling block for you i won't engage in that but i actually went there and as jennifer and michelle has already said it opens up doors for you to minister and so many people were like man you took off your suit and tie came here and sang my soul's been hanging on the lord and we up here doing everything else i said yeah because i'm telling my testimony that that's where my soul is and so they began to open up i began to minister it wasn't anything that i made a habit out of i felt uncomfortable but because i was invited to do that for that purpose that's what i did and it became a ministering opportunity for people who would never step foot in the church we think everybody's going to come to the church that's going to get saved but we're just messing around we're fishing in the aquarium already we need to get outside and go to some places but you got to make sure that you you strong enough to handle it now now you ain't you know you ain't been delivered from drinking you can't handle going to the time that you trying to minister uh but drinking has never been an issue for me that's never been an issue i've always liked to dance i'm a dancer i like to do it the percolator that was my stuff amen uh yeah i percolated west side percolator all that yeah episcopal vicar i'm sorry that was before the elevation but again maintaining that integrity and knowing that it can be another form of of outreach we can't be so uh heavily bound with no early good pastor daniel smith music business should musicians or singers that work at a church be forced to sign a contract business is business and the bible speaks of is in business be its men and i think it's very important that you have contractual agreements with musicians and those who are going to be a part of the music ministry so that we won't have the um backlash or the running away if someone offends you this is a contractual agreement between you and the church for the movement for the momentum of the church for the advancing of the music ministry and when you are contracted you are governed to do that which is um stated within that contract it is a business church is business whether you want to believe it or not it is business church is business and if we govern ourselves in that manner a lot of things that we deal with in church business or in church etiquette we won't have so many problems that people understood that church is a business it's ran like a business govern ourselves as business women and businessmen and i believe we will be more effective in that area when we move in that direction singers and the musicians singers and musicians singers and musicians hired singers and musicians that's the difference now when you're just a member of the church i don't need a contractual agreement i need commitment now if i'm hiring you as a worship leader then you own a contractual agreement with me but if you're a member of my church a member of my music ministry i need your commitment i need your dedication i need your integrity there's a different type of agreement identities with a contractual agreement because that which you do you do is that you do it as unto the lord so make sure we understand the difference between the two how you help and being a member is two different things and as a member you ain't helping you're serving um the moment that somebody tell me that they helping me i don't need your help my help comes from the lord see because when people think that they're helping you it's like they're doing you a favor you're not doing me no favor you're serving the lord because guess what i'll sing all this by myself and still preach and still go up eight octaves because that's what the lord has blessed me to be able to do without you so don't come here um that's another thing we talk about contracts we do need to be contracted because everybody needs to understand what you are expected of and what happens is a lot of times churches will hire musicians and say we're going to pay you this weekly but then that pastor goes out 52 times a year and that that musician is like wait a minute i didn't know we was going to be doing that you know we away from that day and time we used to get the musicians a little money in the little yellow envelope yeah the love offering envelope it's a total different thing now we are keeping we taking taxes out of checks now we're doing things on a different level but if we don't have a contract how can we hold them accountable to what the ministry is requiring of them so once we have a contract and they agree to the terms that are within the contract you are now able to hold them accountable for the things that are written therein and now i can dock you when you're 15 minutes late or i can give you something extra if i added an extra service it works both ways so we got to be able to understand that business has to be taken care of on both ends and it protects the musicians and it protects the church so that there's no issues when you know what's expected if you expect the musicians to play at every funeral then you got to let them know that but every time somebody dies you got people dying every month and they got lives to live and they got other jobs that they're trying to do and you're imposing and monopolizing that time they need to be compensated baddest one hit by hand all right can i jump in jump in all right so i agree with the con well i don't agree with the contract that's just me if you sign a w-9 and you hire that's that's enough right there like you your job is what you asked me to do cool i got that if i'm late in the docking and all of that he said look i get it but it's a little it's a little weird it gets weird on both ends now come on jump in jump jump in now does that happen on the secular end nope ain't no doctor ain't none of that so you all are w9 that's it if i'm up performing and i see you strolling in i'm already in my second win you don't get paid so don't get paid you don't don't get docked you don't get paid no you missed the gig if you're not on time for the gig but i can't go on stage i'm about to talk as an artist now i can't go on stage without you exactly period right so if if i still do the gig and i miss the gig that's up to you to pay me but you can fire me right on the spot you're fired i don't need you it's simple y'all make it hard it's real simple i don't think we make it here it goes we don't make it hard we're just looking for the consistency and the respect level if i'm hiring you to be here at 12 noon out of respect for your gift and the artist you should be here on time knowing two worlds secular and church different world and because the world unfortunately takes care of singers and musicians you have to on the church and say uh this is what is going to happen because we're looking for um what y'all receive but we can't i get that but i feel like that's an issue because when you when you separate me out get me out i get where you're going i agree to a certain stand because if i go over here and i can work and get my money without a problem i'm happy why can't i come to church you know just if you tell me what it is and i show up and do what i do it shouldn't be a problem it's real simple if you just stick to what you say and you do it's real simple like either you can make it or you can't if you can't make it i'll find somebody else that's going to be on time that's going to do what i require which is true which that that part is we understand that part but like if i went to work at a job i did sign an application and then i went to an orientation the orientation told me everything that was getting ready you know my duties blah blah blah blah so it's not a bad thing to cover yourself because there are more entities than secular in church like he said you show up for the gig you play that show you're done you might have a rehearsal but with the church he said you gotta uh the funerals you gotta come to the court it's it's more entities so we want to make sure that we're covered right you know in that show if it's if it's more like funerals this that that whatever i don't know what your agreement may be but i feel like you should be compensated for everything right of course let's talk from this funeral piece and i know i know y'all's got some more stuff to say but let me just let me just jump on that real quick as a pastor members thank you and those that are watching by way of social media if you have any questions you all can send your questions in and they're going to bring them to us so that we can read them i've got one from alicia and uh another one from someone else back to the funerals pays they pay tithes weekly or bi-weekly or monthly when one of the members die and the tithes and offerings pay you what you get do you still charge for funerals after a tithe paying member who have paid you yes the reason why is i know for a fact because i work at a funeral home when you when you pass away god forbid but if you pass away and you have a friend rule at the funeral home or at the church it's in the budget so where does that money go it's it's something that can be added that is something no no no no no no no no no no no ar leak i work there i work at calgary it's in the budget it's not in the budget they ask you if they ask the family that is preparing for the funeral they ask do you want us to pray provide a musician okay and if if if the funeral while you're doing that contract that's something that is added on and in in that case that money goes to the musician but in the case that the family don't know anything about a musician they don't have a relationship with a musician that's not added in the contract and that money is not going anywhere there's no money okay so we go back to your first question then about obligations like pastor smith said it's a difference between an agreement and a contract it's a difference between secular gospel side so on the gospel side of the church scene for me i'm not signing a contract unless i get benefits okay that's just me i might speak for nobody else second thing if i get a 1099 at the end of the year and i pay taxes that's a job i don't care how you look at it spiritually if i gotta pay taxes that is a job all right the agreement all day long i agree with you by being on time stuff like that and musicians does lack on that stuff like that but it should be in the budget how can you pay a musician let's throw a number out there 500 a week and expect them to play a service a rehearsal anytime somebody pass away a church engagement every time you go out that's nothing you could go and play five funerals a week and make the same thing in an hour so like the church needs to step up well you talking to the church people that's good all right bishop wants the audience to open up and have a few questions too but why they on the way whoever has a question there's a microphone here there's a microphone on the other side churches sometimes hold church longer than contractual agreements should the churches pay overtime y'all want me to answer that y'all want me to answer that y'all won't be the ass [Applause] okay now it depends it depends because if there's a move of god we respect that but sometimes there are there i have been in services where the pastor just kept going there was not a move of god he just didn't have nothing to do that day let us go let us go so in that case the musicians should be compensated but if there's a move of god so to think of it is this singers and musicians get bad reps because you want us to perform and be business-minded but you don't want to treat us business-minded so you want us to be on time you want us to show up you want us to conduct a rehearsal you want us to sing and then you want to pull me in the trusty office and say the offering was low well that ain't my fault because i was here i sang i taught i sweated i lost an eyelash a lot of stuff happened where's my check so you expect us to be on time you expect us to be here you want us to sing at ain't you lame funeral whatever we understand a taipan member there are some members where we we're not gonna because we're not bad people so we're not gonna ask you to pay us for everything but when you begin to abuse what we do now i need to be compensated because when you go out and you preach they gave you a check so when they gave you a check pass through where was my cut because i had to go too and so it's a business where's my cut and then you got to discuss all this stuff in the beginning before you begin if i go to a church and you tell me the server started 12. i'm going to ask you what time is your service over you know i travel so if i got to make a flight i mean i've done it i hate to say it but i've left in the middle of the service you know agreement not contract agreement you know because you for me like i said if you ain't giving me benefits i'm not signing the contract let's uh oh get in the owl saints don't be so quiet say something we need y'all get in these houses ask some questions talk give us your opinions give us your suggestions we want to hear from you the reason why we did this is because i realized what the musicians taught me there is a different mindset musicians have a total different mindset than the pastor the singers have a total different mindset than the past everybody is thinking according to their mindset so i used to doctor musicians we start at eight o'clock you gotta be there at 7 15 for sound check if you not there 7 15 we dock you you getting paid the rest of these singers are volunteers they're not getting nothing and you sitting up there getting paid and you can't be on time we docking now does that work on the back hold on hold on hold on it's over time my music leader talked to me and said now wait bishop you docking all this stuff when you dock musicians you change their mindset and then now they're gonna get you back they're gonna start treating you a certain way and then when you go over now sometime at the powerhouse we have what we call the remnant service that last sunday church was over at ten o'clock we started at seven o'clock we dismissed the ten a lady carried to me told me she was needed a miracle the church was over i told josiah get back on the organ it's at 10 15. get back on i don't think i paid you if it happened but i paid you for some more other ones but uh i forgot [Applause] thank you jesus it just came to me in the temple i didn't i didn't give you nothing for that last ring i forget remember me but um when we get extremely long in revival you know i do try to give them a little something extra because the music helps the preacher it helps the singer is very very very important so i what i wanted to do today is give us the um what is the musician's mindset what is the singer's mindset what is the pastor's mindset let's put those three mindsets out and and try to get some unity some understanding you know one of the mindsets that bothers me is when musicians spend the church money from their seats you're sitting up there okay we have first fruit sunday you know and y'all see all the money came in so now everybody want to raise after first route sunday because they feel the church got all that money i'm gonna tell you something you're looking at these offerings and stuff you don't know how much this stuff costs it every time the building open the lights come on ain't they problem it's not a problem you shouldn't have to pay for that but it costs money to have church and anytime you make over 600 in a year you have to pay taxes so therefore you have to have a contract and it is a business that's not volunteering the church do need to come up but help me like raise this when you get raised so the pastor got a new god oh you got a new car and i've been sacrificing and going through for you all this time you out there with that new car but i can't get no raise and i'm going through my family and i'm dealing you've been elevated the bishop when you're gonna elevate me you getting money this bishop stuff ain't got no money at least not for me i better take this money hey bishop wait wait wait bishop bishop wait let's ask you a question come on what should a musician get paid it depends on what they do i don't mind venues this music is very important to me it's too important sometimes the lord rebukes me because i put too much on it i love music but i'm i'm i'm a worshiper i love the worship but the music shifts the house the sound shifts the house so and then then it's so how much of the music it depends and then then they told me different times if it's the eight o'clock service the rate may be lower cause a lot of people ain't having church or eight but if you want me for ten that's main time that stream how much i believe it's based on the musicality i got your musicality let's make that word up come on is that what it is it is musicality i don't know and i like it musicality principalities so it depends on their skill because if they're still transposing while i'm preaching with my choir singing that's another level of rape i'm just speaking in general i will never hire a transposer [Laughter] tell them what yeah you all are musically on that end tell them what i know when they're trying to find it transposing is when you got a keyword player or organist and it's digital you know it's keyboard so you can't play in a certain key so you can go in the system and move the dial up either two or three and they can play in the key they're comfortable in uh but it's another key right you can like you can tell cause the register sounds so muddy or so high cheesy and be you just be like you good you're not let me ask one more question this this when my all my troubles started y'all help me we're in the season of the prophetic so i don't even count myself as no singer even though i sing all the time my wife tell me i sing too much too long i just like it i love the lord okay you don't love him what's wrong with you [Applause] but so this this one this one i really understood so in prophetic worship on sundays and i need y'all to help explain this to the world now we're creating songs during sunday morning service i think it's called a work of ohio maybe y'all can explain that so this when my trouble started i started creating phrase and worship songs then when we got ready to record a cd and everybody was like well who's the song writer is he bishop well bishop i started playing music about i was playing the music you just made up a song to the music i was playing or did you just start singing and i accompanied you so who's the accompaniment who's the composer who's the songwriter who gonna get you checked when the cd come out help me with that [Applause] oh it's a split but i mean of course you once you get into percentages you know that's when it can get it it can get tricky just being really honest because you don't know who did how much work or if everybody want to just be fair and be like let's just split it evenly and then you know to me that's the best way to just split it even unless you know you did majority of the work okay it really depends on how the situation starts one if bishop gets up and starts singing first with his own melody you owe me nothing now that's worked for hire i could put music anybody could put music to a melody right all right but if i'm playing first and you're writing to my music we're splitting that 50 50. i mean that that's that's it's in in writings and publishing that's a whole nother conversation too that's a whole nother panel yeah that's a whole nother thing where you dealing with music and you know composers and all that stuff like that i mean we could take all day to talk about that but at the end of the day if you have your melody already and you're singing and you start it off is work for hire is it's my decision if i want to play being honest with you if you in the church and you're flowing and then you decide to take my music that you did and take it to a whole nother producer then i can sue you because nine out of ten like i can go back to your live stream i can mail in that to library of congress and say that's my music and then you already know what happened after that knowledge is powerful that's a whole that's a whole different whole different issue there was a there was a situation and then we go to the questions there was a situation when george jordan wrote jesus can work it out dr hayes put how you gonna pay your rent all your money spent jesus work it out was already recorded twice before father hayes got it diane sang that song from 80 on up to 2019. the royalties went to christian tabernacle publishing they did not go to father hayes and they didn't go to diane but pastor woods thought because she put the hook on the end gave her a blessing because of what she made the song to become but the song was already jesus can work it out so to be better not to put no hook on the end of nobody's song thinking you're going to be paid for it because whoever owns a song you can make it you can make millions of dollars for somebody else from your hook that's a whole different situation i wrote the song you made it famous for me thank you appreciate it all right there you go and and and the secular world is totally different too you know we could get together right now and miriko could do a track and we say we produce it and we wrote the song you know but you wrote the lyrics i mean that's that's a whole nother situation i think the second world wins more than the gospel side all the time i could um deandre pastor the entrepreneurs could do a record right now he got a record deal and he asked us to write a song why you taking percentage of my publisher but like i said that's a whole nother that's a different question absolutely question yeah amen um we talk about music we talk about once we know who was in charge of music we can understand where music came from lucifer was in charge of music when you go to the bible lucifer is the only one that can go into the holes of holes and see god the father and the son standing in there michael couldn't go gabriel couldn't go but lucifer went he was in charge of music he controlled the music he controlled the choir but he did something wrong he saw the glory of god and he wanted it and god told him that michael the argent kicked him out out of heaven and he took three quarters of heaven with him but he was in charge of music y'all now there's no music in him but worship and praise music has been kicked down here and what lucifer did because he's smart because he know the scriptures lucifer said if i can get into the house of god if i can change the concept of music i can still make them do what i want them to do and to prove that point you going to a grocery store any of us let a key sweat get on there or jay-z you'll see the christian start oh loose because that was music so an astonishing music you must understand where was the root music came from music came from lucifer because moses was in the mountain with joshua and moses heard a different sound he said joshua i hear a different sound down there it's not the sound of gospel not the sound of christ studying the scriptures moses came down and he saw the ten commandments he saw them worshiping something differently explained different music and what did moses tell them choose this day who you going to serve and who you going to worship and praise moses and aaron and all them stood on one side another one stood on the other side and the bible said the earth opened up and swallowed the rest of them because they did not have the sound i'm not knocking on y'all they're making money with music but i need to know where is your allegiance to god because god said i give it and i take it away you can't back in the day you couldn't compromise god either you're going to be with me or you're going to be out me thank you so much amen thank you thank you so what was the question this was the question the question was before he cut me off the question was this the cat who was you serving and the question is the catholic don't have a problem playing the musician the pentecostal apostolic don't have a problem playing their musicians you don't hear a catholic priest playing music somewhere else you do not hear pentecost or apostolic preacher ordinance plans somewhere else they have allegiance to the ministry i'm not knocking what y'all do because god use whom he choose music brings people in but my thing is why is that the churches have a problem with your musicians that's good okay so let me ask him a question do you work a job oh yes i do and you get a check yes but this is it a job at a church no let me check then why would you take it if it's not a job i can ask you you want me to answer it absolutely this is the answer the bible says first natural then spiritually my natural job is that i'm a heat plant that's make almost 150 000 again but my job in the ministry is elder i don't mix my job with my ministry because god said this is your job all the 12 disciples had a job come back to the mic all the 12 disciples had a job peter matthew mark luke john all had a job in businesses it did not interfere with what they did for christ but this this this is the thing this is the music and you you're a preacher he's preaching and the rest of his mic don't be up here preaching he was excellent it was a great message but this is what i want to say the whole no that man preached in a minute he did and gave a solid word but this i think this is the issue what we're saying is their full-time job is music is something wrong with that can we blame them for that that's what they do they spend their time they spend their energy studying perfecting their craft this is what they decided to do so what's what's wrong with that the priest and the levites lived off of the temple the the offerings that came in the temple the priests and the levites the minstrels they lived off of what was brought into the temple so we believe that people can work full-time in ministry no no no no i'm not the question was should they should people be paid no no well i'm saying people with the question was should you be paid yes they should be paid question who questioned the contract he said he wouldn't take a contract without benefits and he also questioned having a w-9 there are legal ramifications that we must adhere to because if not you're going to face the consequence as well as the church and the pastor and so the reason why we do that is to protect the integrity of both parties because if we allow you to work and you make twenty thousand thirty thousand dollars a year on the church book on the church budget and is coming say hey how do you account for this thirty thousand dollars somebody has to answer for that and you're going to ask her for it and whoever a minister administrated to have to answer for so we have to protect the integrity of the church and the person that we're paying now what i do is when i interview a musician he comes in and i tell them you know if we're going to hire you i agree with you if i'm gonna hire you if i'm gonna hire you as a w-2 then i have to i have to provide you a vacation week or whatever i have to give offer you something but if you come in as a w-9 you are an independent contractor at that point you can decide whether you want to take the job or not that's a that's solely up to you that's solely up to you and i don't have a problem with you saying no i don't want to take a 1099. but i i refuse i refuse to pay somebody under the table cash money and then somebody come in and investigate me and i face going to jail based upon somebody else benefiting from the money that i'm giving them you should never right nobody nobody said that sir i think you missing turkey what i said the statement i said was i'm not going to sign a contract unless i get benefits and i also said that if i get a 10.99 because i forgot what discussion was earlier it i think we talked about jobs in particular if i pay taxes it's a job okay i'm not in no disagreements with you on that i believe that everybody needs to pay their taxes um far as i mean that's just me i can't speak for these guys but yeah we got to pay taxes now help me out when you said when you say it's 1099 it's a job so so what does the job entail the job and tell you you've been responsible being on time i heard all that we never denied that we never denied that well the whole the whole topic was agreements and contracts and i'm saying i'm not signing a ca i we could agree all day let's say for instance if we do this agreement for a year and you lose your memory six in six months are you gonna still pay me my other six months we got a contract right i'm accountable for it i'm responsible and so what happens when you can't do it so hopefully the church manages no no no reality realities no hopefully in contrast okay well let me talk from my let me talk from my perspective number one number one if i hire you within a year and i lose my membership within a year whatever the case i'm a steward over i'm a steward of what god entrusts me with trust me i got enough set aside to cover you for that year that's you i'm saying in general in churches if if a church paid me if the church if i signed an agreement the church paid me a hundred thousand dollars a year they're there and they decide in six months they can't do it it's a contract they're still responsible they still understand long as we're on the same page they're still on the hook for it as long as we still on the same page let's do it preferably they won't file chapter seven but they're on the hook for it as long as we on the same page brother uh thank you all for being transparent first of all um the brother touched on in the book of leviticus when he gave the splits of who worked in the temple the whole point of the levites was he needed those dedicated to solely work in the temple there was land divided amongst israel but by the time nehemiah gets on the scene of course it falls off before that nehemiah inquires where are the tides he inquires because he noticed the temple was it was right it wasn't together people were not doing their duties and when the question was asked because the levites were working in their fields they were never supposed to work in their own fields but there was no ties being divided so when so when people have an issue with musicians uh being uh full-time workers and working in secular because the church will tell you but we don't have that much we can't you can't give you that much where my question is for the panel how do you now um how do you work with or how do you is that is that a justification that you can't give me what i need to survive then i need to be able to get it in other sources is that is that is that the justification i'm trying to ask to uh understand the justification for other other areas i'm i'm a firm believer especially for musicians i love musicians like bishop hudson i i love good musicians and if i know that i'm not able to compensate them in an area or what they need to have done i do not mind them going somewhere else at a twelve o'clock service or three o'clock service whatever they need to do to make sure that their home is taken care of what they need to have done is completed i have no problem with that but we as pastors and visionaries including myself i am a stickler for excellence so i pay for what i want to have done good even if it comes out of my own account because i know the musicality and the anointing the gift that that they have i'm going to give them what i feel that they deserve in their area part b for you particularly uh if you won't hire a musician um i guess a general question musicians are told to play the record all the time play the record that's not what's on the record and then sometimes i get to rehearsal and singers or whatever would change the key i'm saying if why you want me to play the record if you're going to change the key you're playing the record to get familiar with the music but once you come into my rehearsal you have to go into what i want to have done okay but you're getting the basics from the original so you'll transpose the song but i can't i don't transpose no no i'm just saying the u is general not you oh so a person if you don't transpose songs i applaud you you won in a million did i answer your question that was it not yet that was just a good question come on y'all we gotta come through this ain't no good night hey glory i don't feel nothing thank you jesus that's better let me tell you something i'm sorry i'm just taking over please forgive me social media and and our questions got to be quick can't be as long as man social media has changed everything everything for the church i'm gonna say something right now y'all have a little mercy on me for those you're watching online i'm about jesus all the way that's it that's all but we gotta discuss platforms branding marketing all this stuff on social media because depending upon your church if your church is big and popular and has great marketing whoever you put on that pulpit platform whatever you want to call it to sing they are using your brand to make themselves and here's a problem in the church and i don't mean to preach like the reverend over there but people are coming to churches singing and and when they sing you're gonna get engagements you're gonna get doors sometimes people come to a church with a big brand and they're nobody but if you play on if you go and play for bishop tdjs you gonna be somebody who are you i am nobody who played for bishop td checks do you think everybody gonna want to hire cause you were on that platform if oprah winfrey say something good about she said something about red bottom shoes and everybody got red on his shoes paying 800 cause oprah said that okay she made the platform so how do we deal with this when people don't have platforms and they use our churches to make a platform and then they start leading people out of the church to go follow their platform and build their thing so now you're the praise and worship leader but you're taking the praise team to go sing at your engagements you know i gotta preach so do we go with the worship leader who got an engagement who might be paying or do we go sing with bishop who got an engagement it's all type of stuff that is really going on in the church and these singers worship leaders that's a whole new thing we got to talk about it because people now just don't come to church for the pastor they come for the worship leader so when the worship leaders lead they feel the church go down because i ain't leading worship but it's a mess but you hired them so did you you knew what they were going to draw then you knew that you knew whoever you were hiring per musician singer uh notable pastors just got hired in atlanta because they knew what he would do my lord so it's a twofold thing you know i i yes that's why pastors are hiring these famous musicians because it's it's a combustion of brands what do i call it it is a it is a mixture of brands so when keisha mcfarland who is my daughter where she had kitchen left out to church come on mother glory to god come on up here see before she came that church she was wearing all of this stuff we was wearing black and white and she came in there with all this stuff and the sleeves out and that's why we look like we're looking at his cell phone but thank you jesus no she's creative she said bishop you got to let us we can't wear robes i want the band to wear robes you know bishop became well broken so we got to we got to change a little bit you gotta help us it's 2019. okay so here's the thing before she came before i hired her at our church she was already somebody she had a brand okay then i'm bishop hudson so we came together our brands collided which was good that's good for the church it's good for the ministry but i taught my people don't get locked up in no kitchen i don't know how much you're gonna be out in the past you better lock into me then lock into your church now she still she don't work at our church but she's still a daughter she's still a member she's still the tither and i commend her because this is an awesome thing she does not work at our church she didn't get fired she just said bishop guys leave me another way i'd have a problem with it she was honest with me she's come to church she still pay her ties she still give and she's here and i'm proud of you cause that don't happen in a lot of churches when people stop working at the church they leave the church take with them and and all they got to do is post one thing about you on social media and it don't have to be true but everybody will believe it all right i'm talking too much come around and take your pen come on what you gonna say since you're up here with this suit on um one of the things i wanted to say uh somebody's i well and this is just this is um i i think that musicians will they are more important when it comes to compensation it's quiet um because singers we don't if we get paid um and i'm not and i'm speaking as a worship leader as an artist in every capacity and so i i feel like a lot of times and i love musicians y'all know that josiah you know y'all great but um they tend to um run right say how i feel they can their decisions and their responses have have the tendency to try to control things by them showing up or not showing up or what i'm gonna do what i'm not gonna but singers don't get that they right they don't get that right right right so um i think that's something that needs to be huh i think y'all do the same thing i'm sorry huh i think singers do the same thing but we but we don't get compensated here's the thing but you do the same thing though right what do you mean you walk in when you feel like it sometimes like the musician if you say a musician walk in late see i'm not talking about ladies okay but i'm saying we do the same stuff like we may have the same problem [Music] i've seen them both happen that's your job that's that's right that's your job but if you that's that's but see my point is go ahead so let me let me get my points you can make sure my point is that i think that the it's i don't want to say manipulative but that's the only word that fits sometimes uh the the the disposition of musicians i'm not gonna do this i'm not gonna do this whereas singers are we don't we don't we we do we do but we don't get compensated you all always get paid y'all don't come out the house most of the time unless you getting paid am i right you know what i'm saying but we come out you know what i'm saying uh you know michelle general y'all know what i'm talking about so that's something that i feel like we need to address this is the thing i remember when i was young i was in the wwp and all the little choirs and the angel choir those were years that i saw i've sown into the church i i was there i was faithful i was a member of kevin davidson and the voices for 20 years i didn't get a check i did not get a check i did get platform i did get a blessing to be on records and an opportunity to be up front where there were artists that saw me so there was a time i had to sow and so now there's a reaping and i don't make any apologies for it now i'm not able to be at my church all of the time my tithes are paid up my activity on bible study is there when i'm not out of town i am a faithful member visibly i might not be there on sundays but i'm a faithful member because this is what i do to eat this is how i make a living so my 9 to 5 is on a plane and i my my pastor understands that but at the end of the day i understand musicians you guys do abuse it because you know you we need you you know we need you even singers we all abuse the the rights and privileges i worship leader well you know what i ain't they they cut my you know my check blah blah blah i ain't coming and then you do have people that are there for you and you manipulate those people to follow you and not show up too so it's a it's it's bad all across it's bad across but we have to remember that christ is the only way he is it if if and pastors have said all the time i do it by myself if i gotta have flesh rule before him so let's all that stuff that's good but if he's not lifted the bible says if i be lifted up i'll draw not the singer cause you can show up with no voice but god can still get the glory because of who he is so i want the audience and then the social media to understand these are just real life issues that we deal with but these young men didn't start off getting paid they was a little drama that they was telling to get off and they were watching and so now they've come to an established place in life to get compensated just like this one i know we started sounds good yeah thank you michelle you cut me off please i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm playing i'm just saying we can't be here too much longer cause we got church and we got church too so let's keep on going now understanding the business aspect you know that's all good everybody get paid um and really what i believe what the discussion is about is you're hired for your sound understanding that the sound is ever evolving what do you do and we're preaching as a church on deliverance or your musician is not fasting and what if we do your musicians don't have a prayer life and you want to get to a certain glory a sound but your musician can't get there pastors i had a musician that um we were going through a tough time and we weren't connecting spiritually and he's a gifted musician um perfect pitch all of that i could come in and say i heard some on the radio and started singing it and he could pick it up and play and i told him i said we're going to go through another six month period and if we don't connect spiritually i'm going to have to let you go because you assist me in what i do your sound almost dictates the what's gonna happen in my service before i get to get to my people your sound has already greeted them and so i gotta make sure that i'm not walking into a foreign atmosphere or something that's not a conducive in the area in which i'm trying to take the church so i got to make sure that we're on the same page no longer is your skill good enough to keep you here your anointing is going to have to keep you here all right thank you all right so uh i actually had only one question when i came but now i have a question in the comments so the first question is uh now that i've moved to music city uh is it a cultural thing in our uh in our experience of pentecostal persuasion that the musicians and singers get paid because i've talked to pastors of other races and ethnicities where they have great musicianships who are professional musicians recording artists and they actually serve at their church on sundays and there's no compensation whatsoever now as far as their job their job is recording and they do everything at the church with no compensation whether it's rehearsal additional services and i know they don't have the same persuasion so that's my first question is the only cultural that we do that now my uh comment is for the i don't know who said it do you get paid on your job but we have to be careful we make comments like that because we have people who serve in the church every day all day and then they go to nine to five for example i'm gonna use a brian fenderson a police officer from deakin buchanan police officer and they'll provide security all day all night at the church no compensation but they're trained in police enforcement so we have to make sure we don't make those comments because you can you know discredit the people of god we got people who can fry some good chicken and eat fried chicken every sunday tuesday wednesday don't get paid go nine to five but you come in because you have a talent that is seen so we have to be careful with those comments okay well let me say this first let me see what curtis it was me i said it go ahead i ain't worried about you we we're on the same page it was neat here's the thing for me you know and i'm going two ways with it one when you go to high school college they don't teach you how to play gospel music that's number one i'm going somewhere with this the point is it's like we playing both sides of the fence now you're saying okay we should not be compensated at the church you know i'm not saying he's directly saying it but in so many words that's what it's coming to that we should sow into the church for free but then we have a problem if we go play secular so i mean pick a side like you saying the musician in nashville they're recording musicians i know they play a lot of country music a lot of jazz a lot of rock and pop and they get union pay they in the union a scale pay i mean i know if if i hire somebody to play strings on the song they don't charge by the song they charge about an hour so they're reading music you know and they're getting paid 150 an hour and probably play one song so i'm i'm really trying to understand um that i'm responding to your comment as far as seoul right well and and then i want to say this i was actually was it a cultural thing but i do understand there was a church that i grew up in that had me uh professors who played the piano who were that rehearsals uh drummers myself included i played the drums as a little boy my brother played the drums on albums rehearsals got nothing but a chicken dinner and a god bless you and we appreciate it i'm talking about some the church i came to was a big sized church the drums at the church were the drums that my mother bought for us and we had the practice at the church so i'm not saying that there shouldn't be no compensation but where do we make the shift from like 1980 to like now 2019 where now everybody gets paid for coming into the door when do we i know we've saw i'm not saying you shouldn't but when do we say you know what not when you're at a visiting church not when you're at higher church if you come play for me you're not a member i'm hiring you but when do we say this this is my pastor i'm doing this as my service to the lord and my pastor where do i sow my time and not just who gave me the talent who allowed me to do this i'm a preacher you ain't got to pay me nothing i'm going to say god bless you and pray for you ain't got to pay for that i could go to school all day long so i'm not saying conversation is not needed what i'm saying is two things is it a cultural and if so what do we need to do to change the culture should it be that way and number two we have to be conf careful of our mindset of how we speak about our gifts and talents because this brother may be talented and friend chicken that'll make him no less than you because you can play some keys that's all i'm saying the key word you said though pastor is member that's the key word and i hate to use pilgrim today but 75 percent of musicians that play today is not a part of prayer though absolutely all right why where are the pilgrim musicians at why they're not playing it has nothing to do with money come on curtis they scared the bishop let me let me just bust this one let me answer his cultural question okay me too um just real quick it is absolutely not cultural as a matter of fact just to let you know uh 65 of my 65 of my income comes from the white church i go once a month 1200 a month once a month i make sure that the musicians have what they need if i step in and say get rid of that motif get annoyed it's there the next day get a six piece dw it's there the next day i have no problems at all as a matter of fact when i got ready to leave the church archbishop said you better not lead they paid you too good and i didn't go you know i said you need to reduce my hours and they paid me the same amount reduced hours completely white church you know i was like complete and you know i know we're watching it's you get paid based off what you do you feel what i'm saying now when i do step in and play the service is about 75 minutes long if that the music piece is 25 minutes long you read charts you have a pre-rehearsal you read the charts you play the charts you can leave they're going to preach and dismiss the service to some backing tracks and you don't get reduced pay amen so i believe that it is a cultural thing um because and i'm gonna play a couple of fields here when i have served in a caucasian church whatever the case may be i was treated differently um i was paid differently and there are people i know i have plenty of friends who serve at a multicultural church and don't get paid but these are also friends who are in service for 90 minutes they didn't have an extra rehearsal they didn't have an extra engagement they didn't have a btu they didn't have this they didn't have that and they were treated well the pro a lot of times in the black churches is y'all pay us but y'all don't treat us good you give us a check but you don't speak to us you give me a check maybe but you don't ask me if i'm okay and then i go to this church and susan then brought me coffee she brought me a donut she gave me a hauls she gave me this she gave me a towel she prayed with me she wanted to know if my shoe needed to be tied she took good care of me so now anytime susan calls me i'll go even if susan don't have the money because of how she treated me but a lot of times i have turned down plenty of engagements and they had the money because they were nasty i don't want your money you keep your money god will provide for me it's a cultural thing they treat people well they do us right when they say we're in at 9 30 and we're out at 10 30 i'm in my car at 10 32 i'm not waiting for the next song at 10 45 and i got my check at 9 31. they treat us well so i believe it's based off how we're treated it is a cultural thing they appreciate the gifts and talents that people have the problem in the black churches is everybody feel like they're more talented so i don't need you so i'm not going to appreciate the fact that you came and you did this and you did that because i can get somebody better to do it but in another church they appreciate the fact that you have taken time to take out student loans go to school learn your craft do this do that and you study at home to be able to provide what's needed on a sunday morning a lot of people don't appreciate that these musicians have gone to school they are reading charts they're reading music i'm a part of a union house so when i go into a studio session and they say this is what needs to happen i'm not paid well it's three songs okay well if them three songs take six hours my fee per my union is 150 an hour whether you ever get a song done or not but i went to school i took out loans i did what i had to do to study my crabs to be able to provide what's needed in the church today and the black church doesn't honor that they want the person that learned up under the table because they want to pay us a certain kind of way and it's not fair just like you got a family we got a family just like you're a hairdresser i'm a singer you want to be paid for that extra braid i want to be paid for my extra run what's the problem i think i think i think some i think some of this you you all hit some amazing points all the questions and we want to try to get these last few just these last few no more bishops we we got to go we gotta raise the offering because we do have to pay the musician not for today i'm getting paid today we didn't plan you today we got to pay you for tonight so we gotta raise our offering so we can pay him okay um can y'all give me 30 seconds is it a question or a statement just give it to me real quick question give it to us uh because some people did already my question is you get paid at the church i'm talking to the musicians and the singers what do you give to the church in your craft i i tied to my church all of us had an offer i'm outside of that as far as service if i'm a member of my church i'm dedicated to my church if i just work at the church once again i'm doing what i'm obligated to do when i'm out the door but honestly most members that work at a church they only come to do their work you i never see no musician that he ain't playing and he come in the bible class now curtis will come that don't happen they come into play come on real quick 30 seconds i'm a musician as well musicians love y'all uh why is it that we have musicians that will try and charge a 100 member church the same thing they want to charge a four or 500 member church and also at times they'll go and sit and y'all know what i'm talking about they'll sit second fiddle waiting to get in line to play for free so why do we have musicians that do that it's a job it doesn't matter how many members you have if you play the organ you got to pay won't care if it's two people 10 people five people they playing they're using their skill if you're using your skill to play you got to pay they don't care you ain't got no members but they're good to do it and if you if you want them if you want them you'll pay their rate you know if if that's who you want and they ask you for a certain price that's that's what you pay and you have different musicians that play on certain rate levels certain rate level it don't matter if you want them and they say hey i need this is what i need to make through the week come every week be committed you pay that rate what about the second field now the second fiddle piece you got musicians that just that just chase opportunity and chase like hype you know that's that's the day we live in i go platform you said platforms you got you got musicians chasing the hype 24 7. so i can't deny that at all thank god for my best i mean if the if the air is out at the church they don't care you got 50 members if they built their resume yeah that's good got to be trying to build their resume yeah okay a different question secular and spiritual are we prostituting our gifts those that are going into the secular world and giving you a gift to that entity and those that are in the spiritual so if the church is not paying you what you want and you go to the secular side to get what you want are you against being prostituted can i answer that yes let me ask you this are you married yes what songs did you do at your wedding there you go i don't remember exactly so do you want a church musician to play your wedding or do you want a specific band and singers that do wedding music well i got married only one time but those are being singers and musicians whatever you're doing for a lifestyle for a living but i only married you know saying the point i'm bringing it up is wedding music is not gospel music that's secular music same do you do it for the more money it's it's a job okay last one bishop it's our last one we're gonna pray please don't leave without sowing a seed i forgot the offering yesterday put them buckets at that door and put them to their face but i did learn something from you be nice to the people i'm gonna be nice sweetly beside it in front of you no i think you really helped the pastors and the churches that we have to treat people better we have to be nice to people people will do more for you if you are kind and build relationships and don't take them for granted appreciate them celebrate them amen last one bishop well um i only had church music at my wedding but uh so um just to throw that out you got church music in your bedroom at night i'm telling you and at the reception i hired a dj so but anyway i think what has happened i think we've lost integrity in the church and i think it's come from both sides i think there are pastors that are lacking in integrity and i believe there are musicians that are lacking in integrity and when i talk about integrity i'm talking about doing exactly what you say you're going to do i've heard horror stories on both sides i've been a minister of music i'm a pastor now i've worked on both sides of this if you're going to agree to pay someone something you have to do what you say you're going to do honor your agreement on the flip side if you say you're going to perform a certain level of service perform that service if you agree to come to a service at 10 o'clock or 11 o'clock in the morning be on time we start on time you show up on time and at the end of the day just because it's not a written agreement does not mean it's still not a contract when you speak something out of your mouth it's a verbal contract and it can hold up in a court of law so what i say out of my mouth even if it's not on paper it's still my bond and i think we have this we're in this place in this space now where we don't our words don't mean nothing our years is not yay and our name is not name we say one thing and we do another and my final my final thing is this we asked the question about someone asked the question about why in the world is the church you know what happened from 1980 to 2019 i blame the pastors the passes are allowing the musicians to run their churches the passes are allowing the musicians to dictate what happens in their churches the pastors are allowing the price of the of what a musician charges to go up we're adjusting to what the market says it ought to be rather than accommodating what our house is able to do if your house is only able to afford 300 a week then don't try to pay 500 stick to what you have and it's their obligation to say i'm gonna i'm gonna play for that or i'm not going to play for that and my thing is i don't have no problem with that if you can't play for me for 300 fine go ahead because the other thing is this if another opportunity comes up i already know you're gonna leave for that other opportunity and listen i ain't mad at you for leaving go get your money because this ministry is not just ministry it also is vocation i'm i'm an educated pastor if another church calls me to another church oh look i hope my church ain't watching [Music] play the organ son jesus i'm done i'm done oh jesus okay but i really really really wanna say this and i'm gonna let everybody in but y'all give us one minute and i want everybody to get a seat in your hands get a seat in your hands get a seat in your hands if everybody can get a 30 seat a 30 seat you've had free classes all both days amen how many were blessed in your classes and i want to thank all of these these are my friends some my sons and daughters they did not charge us anything they came volunteering today to help us can you celebrate every last one of them and especially pastor deandre patterson amen it is very important pastors that you have a relationship with your musicians and with your singers that's very difficult and sometimes when you play for four or five different churches it's hard to build a relationship because what you do at one church is not right in another church you got to spend time with people put your spirit in them let them know the oil of the house put the anointing that's on you upon them or they will play a strange sound what you can do at one church you can't do it another church you got to know the past and know the leader that god's glory and power can come forth amen so as we're getting our seeds in our hands thank you all for coming clap your ass you've been amazing everybody to get a 20 seed a 30 seed you can give by credit card i want them uh just staying with your offering and we're going to close with each one of them giving us one minute one minute and that's the andre is going to pray and then we're going to take our seeds give us one minute what do you got to say to god be the glory for all the great things he has done i love musicians i love singers as we continue to go forth let's continue to do the work of the ministry again i just would like the camaraderie to return between pastor musicians i believe it's been competitive uh it's been argumentative uh it's been confrontational but it needs to be a camaraderie because when the pastor and musician come together what a time what an experience our people will have and they will benefit from our gifts because again the people are supposed to be edified by what we bring to the table amen i think it's an honor and a privilege to have an amazing relationship with your pastor i've been privileged to be blessed to have an amazing relationship with the bishop that i serve under so my prayer is that each musician singer even lay member get that relationship even with even if you're a lay member get a relationship with a musician because like i said earlier a smile a hello changes how we view the sanctuary it changes how we decide to come in and leave worship today i may have been sick i may have been hurt but your hello has now changed the sound that i'm going to release to the house tonight wow i was thinking about unity and strength so um no matter what gift you have or if you're musician or singer make sure you are in the house hearing the word of god so that your gift can be sharpened wherever you use it wherever you are that light can be not dim but very bright and it's because of the knowledge that you have of jesus christ we want to say thanks this was good i feel like we broke some good ground earlier i didn't get a chance to mention anybody i play for i play for james fortune and i'm glad i play at two churches where i whenever i need to go you know both pastors are real understanding like they want to see me grow and you know they give me opportunity to go out and you know expand myself and grow you know do things i want to do anything you play at the powerhouse oh i play it's 12 o'clock i play at the powerhouse at 12 o'clock and i play at a church called west point missionary baptist church at 10. i also play at my home church evangelistic praise house at 5. now this is rico strong this is rico what's the loan what's your name my son nichols yes lord jesus he started at the powerhouse yes i did we changed our names yes i did there was no um honestly i just i want to thank bishop honestly without bishop i wouldn't be who i am today like honestly i wouldn't be playing for who i'm playing for i wouldn't know how to follow you know um flowing and you know following leadership so i really do appreciate you you know for teaching me we love you and we're still praying for him he's in l.a now amen curtis closes out well thank you for the opportunity bishop and everybody on the panel you know it was great today um mine's not really a spiritual statement but i just want to leave this with the pastors you get what you pay for don't get no better than that pastor come pray for us we gonna get you all out let's stand on our feet as the man of god prays
Views: 49,350
Rating: 4.8330307 out of 5
Keywords: kim burrell, church musicians, the gospel, shout, holy ghost falls, the blood, the cross, praise break, crazy praise break, cogic shout, cogic praise break, td jakes, potters house dallas, serita jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, steven furtick, michael todd, todd hall, holy convocation shout, crazy shout, dance praise break, todd hall dancing, holy ghost praise break, apostolic shout, pentecostalism, jamal bryant, shouting, gino jennings, holiness is right
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 10sec (5170 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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