Hermitcraft S7 Episode 7: 64 DIAMOND BLOCK Purchase!
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Channel: GoodTimesWithScar
Views: 1,598,709
Rating: 4.9723754 out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft, minecraft, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, season 7, hermitcraft s7, hermitcraft shopping district, hermitcraft new season, hermitcraft season 7 shopping district, shopping district, hermitcraft 7 shopping district, hermitcraft 7 shop, hermitcraft 7 mushroom island, hermitcraft 7 creeper farm, hermitcraft 7 villager breeder, hermitcraft 7 villager, hermitcraft season 7 scar, hermitcraft 7 goodtimeswithscar, goodtimeswithscar, scar
Id: D7WG1eHESc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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It was horrifying to see scar being suddenly able to afford something so expensive even though he has only been hosting an multilevel-marketing scheme selling crystals and some shulkerboxes.
Hellooo miners and crafters....