Minecraft - HermitCraft S8#4: The Control Room

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Etho was talking about what to use - lanterns or candles and how different building is now with all the new blocks, and after the next cut there are just torches there. Never change, Etho.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 109 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maybepants πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Etho and bdubs horsing around like mindcrack 4 all over again. Miss you beyonc?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 82 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rooby__booby πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hopper, slab; hopper, slab; hopper, slab; hopper… Ethoslab! A classic! One of the many reasons Etho stands out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-TheEmraldMiner- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Today is a good day

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TornadoWIzard123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This season has been reminding me a lot of season 4 of Mindcrack. Really love the vibes of it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TaylorLeprechaun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

110k views in 4 hours btw lmfao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CrimTheCamel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wonder if this track will be in the fourmen style, that was a really cool design. Also, does anyone know what that medal is? New item, or something retextured?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SuperGoose12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone know what he said at 14:40?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/birdinthird πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I didn't watch much MC content back in the day, but Etho and especially his base with all the "machinery" really made him stand out. Very nostalgic episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnybodyZ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey welcome back everybody to another episode of hermitcraft so as many of you guys know i love starting new projects oh it's just the best uh finishing projects as another story but last episode you might remember we started a project the trident farm and i got the trident before we even finished the thing and yeah i gotta admit i was a little tempted you know we got our trident do we really need to finish the farm i would rather start a new project uh but no i put the i put the time in guys i got it done there wasn't really a whole lot left to do i just added this little bit on the front and the water channels sticking out the side there to funnel all the drowned guys into a single point so i needed some way of getting up to the top there because i again i'm in the no wings club right so we installed this water elevator take us all the way up to the top here to this platform and uh got enclosed so that i don't get phantomed and then the drown guys end up in front here if nobody else is online uh i haven't had much opportunity to use this farm yet i had one time when when it was just me and scaron and i was getting the drown guy like every five seconds it was amazing and i got a second trident during that that time so we got a backup but uh since then there's always been like three or four people online at least but yeah it's not really a big deal either because iskill has a trident i've got a trident and we got a backup trident now so the only reason we'd really need more is if we were trying to sell to other people just in case you're curious what happened on the inside here um so the we got the big aquarium in front of us that's the river biome with the bubble columns bringing the drown guys up to the top here then they fall into a water stream which goes and merges together in the middle here from both sides and then there's the elevator here for the drowned zombies we got a fence to bring them up to a soul sandblock which then pulls them in and they go up the elevator and end up in our chamber here where we slice and dice them with our sword oh snappers wait a second we got a chance here everybody we're the only ones online because the server just reset and kicked everybody off so we probably got a couple minutes where we can uh get an idea of how how fast this actually works and it's looking good it's looking pretty good i'm happy with this you might remember we got that beacon last time i've been doing some grinding some off-camera mining although now i'm showing it to you but yeah just collecting some stuff for building you know we got to get some ice headed out to a mesa and got some clay for building and then we went to the desert mined up some bushes just to have them and uh gathered up some sand and also i did some speed mining with the new terrain changes in 1.17 so here's what i found this is my first time speed mining in 117. the deep slate does slow you down quite a bit because you can't really speed mine through that you got to go around it but i felt like there was more resources underground it might just be my imagination might have just been like the spot it was lucky or something i don't know but i got quite a bit of stuff uh pretty quickly there so i'm pretty sure i got more redstone and lapis and all that stuff but typically i think when i would mine out 100 by 100 area i would get about so 40 to 60 diamonds on average this time i got over 90. so if it's not different i definitely set a new record because my goodness we got money now let's go spend it but first wait check this out uh so i've been like i said doing some grinding right if we check the tab list here i'm at 150 the first medal we get at 100 days we have got the wood wings metal guys etho congratulations on reaching wood wings so our next rank is at 250 then i think it was 500 then 750 then a thousand if i remember right so we got a ways to go still but that is very nice i feel like uh i'm making it i've suffered a bit without the wings so i think we should take some time to goof around a little bit this episode uh corrales mentioned to me that his shop is now open let's check this place out the big guys have some cats oh man that is such a good name because you're passing by it right it's like one of those shops you pass by all the time oh i like that okay yeah so it's officially open oh i wanted to check this out too i think this is like the quickie xp blast one diamond let's just see what happens here oh wow it gives a lot hey that's that's pretty worth it honestly there's a lot there free horse speed okay this is what i wanted to check out so he's got uh oh it's arrows interesting full platinum service xp two diamonds we gotta see what this is about oh man if you really need a good wash you know you go for the two diamonds there we go sorry giddy i didn't mean to do it to you oh this is great so you got a good minute of uh speed that's that's handy limited stock shulker boxes four diamonds each oh okay calm down calm down we'll take one we'll take one no we gotta get at least two ah but we gotta we gotta save some for the other people on the server though you know probably every everybody wants shulker boxes oh but now that one's floating i could get one as well uh i don't wanna hug them all though you know other people need shocker boxes for sure i'm not gonna be greedy i'm not a hoarder you know desperate times i mean i'm not going end raiding without wings so these shocker boxes are pretty valuable to me we go to we gotta get them but i'm gonna be a good good guy i'm gonna leave the rest for the other hermits all books one diamond each oh that's that's good man he's he's got stuff for days here he's got saddles he's got food two stacks for a diamond glass three for a diamond man these are good prices too corrales i'm impressed wow okay looting the rest of the books over there and the big guys whoopsie box whoa okay so this might make me look a little bit bad but hear me out wait a second don't judge me just yet corrales actually has three of these stores around the server this is our local one by me and iskall and pretty much we're the only ones that live near this store so he's pretty much built this store for just me and iskall right it's not bad if i poured the entire stock here right i i think we're doing everybody a favor honestly by doing that i don't feel bad about that right the other people can just go to the other stores if they need shulker boxes oh man okay okay we can afford oh people are buying them that's not good okay we can get 10 more one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh i gotta go speed mining i gotta get more diamonds more diamonds giddy you know they can get their toilet paper online or their shocker boxes online all right everybody so you might remember last episode we set up this moss farm this boatmail farm and i've been running it for a while now it's working out pretty good i'm very happy with it now there's a couple new things i want to show you in this room starting off with this the giant control panel this is an idea that's really stuck with me throughout minecraft like even my very first base in my youtube series i had this idea of making a control panel to control a bunch of different redstone devices i just like that idea of hey i'm in control of my base i flip levers and things happen around me i just i think that's neat even though it's not the most practical of things you're better off just building a farm and having a switch right at the farm but still i want to do it so we're trying to hook up all the different bow meal farms to this control panel and the great thing is bone meal farms are very small they're very simple they all kind of operate under the same basic principle you need a clock if you put two observers together like this they create a clock and then you can turn that on and off just by extending a piston you make them uh pulse into a dispenser with bonemeal in and then that grows something that's pretty much how they all work yeah so our ultimate goal here is to build all these farms cram them into this tiny little room which hopefully should be easy because most of them are very small you can see i got started on four of them here been in this tiny little space and then once we got everything hooked up to the control panel hopefully we can make this room look nice and as well and and kind of bring some life into it would be awesome now so far the only one i got hooked up is the actual moss from the bonemeal part of it so when we flip the lever that turns the farm on and off we've got a little light here to indicate when it's when stuff is on so that's pretty cool uh now if we want to hook up the the berries right over here all we got to do is run from the back a wire all the way to that piston that controls the farm which should be right over here so that extends turns the clock on and then we got two dispensers with bonemeal up there they get triggered let's give it a try here so we flip the lever down and now that turns on our dispensers and all we got to do is right click oh with an empty hand we get berries for days look at that so it's pretty simple right when we're done when we're sick of the noise we shut that off so berries are a little bit special because they require two bone meal to reach full maturity that's why we have two dispensers facing it while most this other stuff only is going to need one bone meal but they might have other special requirements so for this one the roots we actually have to face the dispenser into the rooted dirt over here we can't just punch it to get it we actually have to shear it so we're going to need some shears around here too we got the glow berries hooked up as well now so let's give those a try did a little bit of decorating here trying to figure out what i'm doing with this room so just hold right click on these and then they fall down to the slab below should i get rid of the stair here and just have like another hopper and a slab so that it gets them all because some of them are landing on the stair actually upper slab hopper slab upper slab hopper ethoslab and now we got the lichen hooked up as well so let's give that a quick little test here this stuff we got a shear we got a we got it growing up at the top here then it grows down to this block oh and it's uh it actually takes a little bit of time to share we might need efficiency on the shears to get it quickly all right everybody so check it out we kind of got something going on here worked out a bit of an entrance to the room here or an exit i guess the blue copper i think is good i like the sandstone as well kind of draws your attention and if you're figuring if you're trying to figure out how to get out of here you want to be able to see the exit right so that's why we're using stuff that stands out a bit more for it also at each of these control panels i've added sandstone to grab your attention as well not quite sure what we should do with the floor i've been really struggling with that i even went and tried granite guys i hate it it's the worst no nope nope nope but i know uh ishkel doesn't like this drip stone stuff too much i think anyways so i'm like trying to avoid that maybe we go for birch could be a thing it's like mixing all kinds of things together here anyways so also mirrored on the other side here another four farms and we got them hooked up so we got the two tall flowers all ready to go let's just flip them all on why don't we they don't have much meal in them though so i got hoppers under the slab here in case it accidentally lands there so we should collect them all oh i think some of them are out already and what we did is we got tilled farmland under these with a hopper below that so it will pick up any of the flowers that land on it what we haven't worked out yet is where we're gonna send all this stuff i'm kind of thinking we have like a big giant uh storage unit at the end here maybe at the top floor or something even and uh we'll send all the stuff to there we need an input stream like a bone meal to all the farms and then we need an output stream for all the stuff they create yeah you know what i think i'm digging the birch planks here this might be what we go with now i do know birch is one of those blocks that gets a lot of it gets a bad rap from people are you guys a birch supporter or do you hate perch i feel like a lot of people hate birch and i don't think it's justified i think birch is a wonderful block look out how bright and cheery it makes the room right i don't know i've always liked birch i know some people really hate it though uh do we go for lanterns do we go for candles these are the questions we have to ask ourselves you know building used to be so simple in the past it's like you've got five blocks to choose from which three are you gonna use now it's like hey you got a million options what 100 are you going to use and the more blocks you can use in a build usually the better it looks oh snappers all right everybody check it out check it out i've been busy here now unfortunately we probably well i know we won't be able to we we definitely don't have enough time to finish this whole project today but uh we got a good chunk of it done here i've been designing the room working on some of the wiring as well we got this full bottom row hooked up now as well as this moss one which we'll check out in just a second but yeah i think i'm liking the look of this now we do have to plan our base around the trident as well even indoors we want our base to be trident friendly so i'm thinking maybe in the middle there we'll have a dolphins grace tunnel that we can and maybe like a water pool here where we can stand in trident to the the tunnel there and then shoot out of this room when we want to leave it i decided to mirror the room entirely so we got another door over this way this kind of just leads off to nothing though so we probably got to set up some balconies or something out here but we'll make it work it's it's fine i replaced the tinted glass here with brown glass i think that looks better now there's something in this room we haven't talked about yet what is the deal with the airline peanuts now what what's the deal with these tubes in the corners what are we going to be using those for well the plan is to hook those up to the moss farm and uh i can't go into full detail on this probably but i'll just show you real quick what's going on since last episode i have added a composting system down here so we're going to be getting bone mill from the moss farm that will go up one of the tubes to the other farms and the other tube then is going to be for moss and azalea bushes because we might want to use those for building or we might want to grow the azalea bushes and we've had to add a switch down here to switch between the two so by default it's all the moss in that is going straight into these composters we got four of them set up because the farm kind of runs at like four times hopper speed and that's the only way it can keep up and then as it creates the bone meal it goes down to these droppers so if there's an item in the dropper comparator detects that and then automatically shoots it out using the circuits and that's all good those go to a water stream and then make their way up to feed the the farm as well so you can see here we got some bone meal going by it goes up the stream yeah that water stream it goes up here and feeds back into the farm itself so it never runs out of bone meal but then we also want to connect it up to our other farms in this area so we're going to send it past there and go up the tube and then we'll put all our water streams up in the ceiling just so it's away from our redstone as well because we're kind of running out of space down below here with all the redstone stuff it's getting in the way even here uh just to extend this i'm gonna have to move some redstone because it's in the way now uh but yeah this will feed over to a bubble belt elevator and go up here okay i think we got those set up and this is pretty cool as well we can see the bone meal whizzing by here and it just adds a bit more life into the build when you see stuff moving around you got the the bubbles moving and you got the bone meal moving through there and for now since we don't really know where all our farms are gonna be i'm not gonna try hook this up to them until the very end then i'll figure out the optimal route to send boatmeal to all the farms so just for now i got the bonemeal being stored in the chest up there this one doesn't go to waste now i got the other one hooked up here as well so the idea is uh we can have the bonemeal farm on but then if we want to collect moss or the azalea bushes for building flip this lever down and that's like the override those should be going up here yeah here they come and then we'll send those to our big chest storage system in the back yeah so there's actually two separate streams down here one for the moss stuff and one for the bow meal stuff the moss one it goes over here and it goes up the column on the left over there and that runs at four times hopper speed and basically this gets unlocked so that uh the items can flow down into the moss droppers right instead of going into the composter some of them are still going to the composters but not nearly as much uh i heard you have fast horse i got like three fast horses three fast horses so like day one i scouted the whole island for the horses oh you did yeah oh that's smart what are you doing [Laughter] you weren't even thinking you weren't even thinking about it i got the timing perfect there oh come on oh i'm a master i have a fast horse as well you know let's get in the dubs okay i'm in oh now this is how we get around huh it's a little dangerous around here yes it is yes it is let's back off for a second okay oh i'm in the wrong screen okay okay okay okay okay how's that whole uh no armor thing going for you by the way i mean i usually do this don't i yeah you gotta sleep you're okay you made up that lore for me uh that i oh dude this is very dead i can't so what has happened here is i've lit up both the caves and now we're yeah it's death around here this is the worst bad this is probably my best horse okay huh i do have one that's faster though you do yeah this is good this is my all-arounder yeah okay let's see the jump oh my goodness for real oh my goodness oh man i'm so bad at jumping with these guys can it go four blocks that's four can it can it do that oh yeah you can do four no no not even trying b dubs man you are styling green horse and everything oh it's pretty good are we going on the path or are we going straight ahead path and we'll just see you know there's no race to a certain point would just be who's fascist yeah this is for science it's not for i'm better than you right right right of course we know the obvious answer there yeah yep i am and and three two one go giddy up you turn left wait what oh i'm faster no i stopped for a second because you did some wacky turn there look i can turn all the way around look at you see how far behind you oh yeah might be a little faster yeah you're catching up oh all you see is your big giant eyes no yeah here i come but oh yeah but if we have something we gotta jump over yeah then then you win that uh-huh uh-huh hey you're about to get lacked [Music] yeah okay you got a cd guy there then yeah this so this is lulu was a 13 sticker or something yeah no what low stick is what you want it's like glow stick okay is it over there no i think let's go on the pads this way okay uh might have to make some new like intersection roads sorry i'm going so fast i'm probably yeah oh slow down i have a heart here vdubs i can't hear you you're jupiter yeah i know you're too far away um i have a doppler effect going on you're going so quick here oh no okay this way because it is actually it's a little bit of a journey to go from one end of the island to the other i've noticed it yeah it is but with speed two and with an actual good horse uh it's it's not bad oh you're throwing shade like crazy you know what the big problem is every time i hit an intersection on this road it's like man i wish b dubs put some signs down so i knew which way to go i waste like a minute every time figuring out which way i need to go right yes yes yes and trust me etho whenever i do something i think okay how's ether going to criticize it and as you should i thought about that i did yeah and i thought ah ether people are going to get lost ethos going to get lost which way we go over here okay that's jevin's right to his base this is an easy one exactly that's easy yes there are some tough ones i think so here's my thought on that so like this intersection right here this is a bad one i have no idea where this goes on the left right this is a bad one uh that goes to like gem in the swamp and like all the way to spawn okay yes and then this goes towards uh me and the bottom people so show you another let me show you another bad intersection okay um oh so you know they're bad you know they're bad they're yes i know they're bad i knew i knew but i have a solution i also noticed the path got a lit a lot thinner around our place it's like the city ran out of money or something here what was up with that beat ups i was running out of shovels getting a little late or something yeah yes it was look okay sign up there go look at that sign oh okay the fancy part of town here it deserves signs this is a nice wide open plains oh yeah and i i was thinking that if you and i set up first of all horse breeding horses for sale yes okay yes people need horses we can't be the only ones but people probably want speed more than anything especially if you got a nice flat trail like that so i mean hello business you sell two horses oh you thinking of money yeah i'm thinking of money oh i thought it was like a community effort you know no no no no we're going for the wall it's okay okay i like that yeah you want you want a horse to get around you get a fast horse you want a horse for jumping you get a jump up by a jump horse you and i use this space here to make like a a horse course horse course oh you've been saving that no no i just thought of it on the fly are you thinking like a race course like where people race a race but with obstacles all i wanted to do was just get the idea out there and see if you're interested very interested i mean i was picturing like not a circle but like a couple branches like at this spot you could go down at this spot you could go up or left or right so it's more of a decision game if you hit a target it would open a thing if you go around this corner if you're fast enough these arrows won't hit you if you're too slow they will hit you or you might get hit with a slowness potion or something yeah because you know there's like forza racing and then there's mario kart racing right yeah mario kart racing mario kart racing okay okay yes i think you got something there btos okay i don't say that often you know you usually don't know [Laughter] but but it's one of those rare moments in life where you actually might have a good idea here i might be on to something here finally after 10 years yeah so b dubs and i we're going to be making a horse course everybody i'm actually pretty excited about this i know we have a long history of whenever we do a project together the server seems to reset just before we get the project done but this time it's gonna be different yes for reasons things are are just gonna be different this time now i think we have gotten better at the game and quicker at doing things so hopefully this time it'll be okay and we're starting at the start of the season instead of the end like we usually do so i'm going to be working on this a bunch next episode for now we gotta think of some plans how we're actually gonna do it bdubs i think is gonna be doing most of the aesthetic stuff he's kind of laid out the course for us here as well general plan for how to go my job is gonna be to do the gamey part of the course add obstacles add redstone contraptions make it interesting make it fun to play we got to figure out how to do that because we don't want it to just be a whole w and you win the race if you have a faster horse thing that's not fun that's not engaging that's not interesting so one way we can make it more interesting add layers of complexity such as jumping if we have parkour sections in the the course that'll make things more interesting okay let's try a little test here another idea is maybe we have targets in the course to activate certain mechanisms barriers that sort of thing uh could be cool and it would add a huge skill factor to the game it kind of turns this into an fps horse race then right because you gotta aim you gotta hit targets and they're actually oh it's pretty tricky i kind of learned this while doing hurting hermits last season that it's hard to hit a target when you're moving like in a mine cart or on a horse so that could be a cool thing right obviously it gets easier if you get closer to it but maybe we've designed it so you can't get close to it like maybe it's somewhere you can't reach or something i don't know we'll think about that that could be a good thing uh also player interaction would be great if we could have some sort of that so maybe just maybe we designed the course for pvp uh have like stations where you get crossbows every so often kind of like a mario kart when you hit the question blocks maybe we get crossbows loaded with an arrow and then as we're driving around the course here we can shoot other players very rarely though we don't want it to be like a an actual pvp combat we just want do a little bit of damage here and there to someone and then maybe we have a pit stop they have to take um heal their horse up hop off for a second get some hate feed their horse heal them back up and then they can continue on otherwise they risk their horse dying and they lose a race if their horse dies that could be cool anyways just thinking of stuff you guys have any ideas let me know in the comments but i think we'll have to end things for today and uh we'll get to that next time so thank you for watching hope you enjoyed it take care have a good day bye bye
Channel: EthosLab
Views: 866,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft LP, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Game, Etho, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Building, HermitCraft, Game, Minecraft Multiplayer, Survival Minecraft, Hermit, Server, Season 8, HermitCraft Season 8, Minecraft 1.17
Id: 7ItziYeoWDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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