Hermitcraft 7: Episode 64 - SECRET BASE FOUND

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today we will continue to tackle the beast that is the inside of the base i need to check that my two villagers are still okay we're okay and what we're gonna do is fill out both sides of the mansion this has been an absolute nightmare because mobs continuously spawn which has caused me to frustratingly place as many torches as possible but i have worked out what i'm going to do just for this little space here but we're gonna come back to that as i'm not mentally prepared for it and i've got something a little more important to take care of right now and that is retaliation so i've been obviously trading with these villagers non-stop it's kind of how my main source of income is these villages and every now and again i keep hearing a ding bell from impulse and i can't find the stupid thing anywhere so to retaliate we're gonna go and create our own noise machine in impulse's base and it's gonna be 10 million times worse it's not even meant to be annoying to find it's just gonna be pure annoying wait i'm not even in the portal we're gonna need some of these impulse is always online it seems especially when i'm on like i can't see anything so i'm kind of forced to work on my secret base while he's here so here it is impulse's base and we better just check that he's uh he's not home right now because he could be now obviously i i can't let you guys know where this secret base is okay i can confirm that he is not here so i have an issue right let's just pretend that my secret base is in here for a second now i've been trying to figure out how i can gain access to this room secretly without a button or a pressure plate or anything so i thought maybe chorus fruit would work the problem is if i use chorus fruit i always except this time i'm on the inside most of the time when i eat a fruit i end up on the floor at the diamonds he didn't take the diamonds so there's free game right there's one one way to distract me wow that was an eight vayne he shall never know so yeah the issue is that chorus fruit is diamonds i'm never gonna get to the end of this sentence if i keep getting diamonds every time i try and say this sentence then i'm happy is impulse so rich that he just doesn't care no more shiny distractions okay so basically chorus fruit is a no-go even i don't even know how you get out of here look i try and chorus fruit out and i always end up that back at the bottom so chorus fruit i have decided is not a good way to enter the base in fact you could say it gets pretty annoying there we go we're in so retaliation time the most annoying and the cheapest and simplest way to make a noise machine is a single bell and two observers so you place one here and you place one here we're about to add eight of these oh what happens if you do what if you double it up oh my goodness hold on we're about we're about to make impulses base the worst this is horrible wait you could just put two on each side i should have got more bells we need more cowbell oh no he's not even here and i want to make it stop now do i risk the chorus fruit and try and get out nope we're down the bottom again right so let's let's use the chorus fruit and actually go to the secret base you know chorus fruit wasn't working for me so i just went in the old-fashioned way and um it's the worst sunday morning in this secret base too bad sound proofing doesn't work in minecraft we're gonna have to need a we need a button or something to turn this off i'm losing my mind in here you know what why don't i think of this oh bliss bliss okay so while we're here why don't we see um how many diamonds we got from impulses uh excavating i mean i this is my base too so i see this as fair game 29 diamonds not bad does this still work you know what this is how we do it this is how we pass the time in here they will hear the bells we will hear the jukebox oh we need our parrots in here it turns out there's not a lot to do in your secret base oh no oh no no no no oh my i was just i was afk i was afk and i've been i've been spotted hold on they didn't they did they didn't turn this off um well we know that there's an easy way out of this later nerds no i think that it's over isn't it it's over oh my god why wasn't i paying attention i was just afk why did i do that okay okay dang it i just i left my computer for two seconds it's cause the bells weren't going i forgot that i was even here i just heard some block noises like oh the delivery boys here uh i guess that was really dumb of me all right let's let's get let's get them in a call shall we i that was i've lost it okay well i better explain what i've done all right all right hear me out hit me out okay i don't know if i can hear anything green no yeah okay listen um it was driving me mad right the bells were driving me mad and i was thinking about my next steps and so i turned off the music of minecraft and i kind of forgot that you guys were there and i was just afk and then i just hear a couple of blocks being picked up i started panic and i think i've been i've been rumbled you've been wrong yeah i actually brought b-dubs to help me find i knew you had a secret baby because nobody can keep their mouth shut in the comments but you had a secret base in here i brought b dubs to help me find it but you let us right yeah that was i can't believe how stupid i am here let me show you what i did because like i don't think you noticed how many how much lengths i went to to hide this thing so well no i've been looking all over for because i you they said that you had another base in here my secret base is right here and this i i extended i extended this corner over here and you didn't notice so to be fair i like i added it and i can't notice and just to make sure that you wouldn't notice there was anything up i added an empty room on the other side so the symmetry was there so there's an empty room here a bit of a backup just so you wouldn't notice that something was up with your highly symmetrical base no no i didn't notice at all i noticed this kind of stuff where you had like pokey outfits and parrots hidden and stuff because he was making noise but i added i didn't i added the bells of retaliation but this did not this did not go to plan at all dang it oh no so now i just got to find your base oh yeah yeah i found it you found it i found it what were you doing in my base uh yeah impulse would you like to explain it's not in your base exactly i actually i replicated a little bit of your base inside of me like this [Music] okay that uh this is why we made him uh head of diversionary tactics in the mycelium he's a big brain he's got a big brain he's got a big so that's it that's it game over now we've all been rumbled unless unless you want to you want to keep going well it has been fun there's plenty of people on the server that haven't had a secret base in their base and i'm i'm not done i mean i just made a really foolish error and i got rumbled um but there are plenty of people with big bases that i feel like i feel like we could target are you in on you want to get in on this b-dubs i mean it was just me i mean i yeah i just have only seen this from the outside i definitely i haven't even made a secret base yet i want in okay okay okay okay we need we need to choose our target very um carefully yes because i hate to say it like i don't know where i would have gone in your base from here impulse like look down how many options do you see down there i think i would have noticed anything you put down there for sure despite your your base being the way it is like there's actually not a lot of places to hide a base uh so i mean how do you feel about corrales's base he has the most most base i guess you'd call it and plus so many places to hide oh my gosh yes yes i think that's a fantastic idea i was actually just over there so i've got i got a little bit of a scout of the place oh oh oh there he is now i have motive okay so oh it's perfect so i'm thinking we all need to make an individual secret base and see how long we can how long we can keep it a secret from corrales okay i mean this is like a competition i guess so because the hermits like kind of know that we've been doing a whole little secret base thing but i don't i don't think anyone would ever expect like three people to make a secret base in your base do you know what i mean like no that would be insane it is just so it's just nuts okay should we go and scout it out maybe he's there at the moment but let's we can just we can walk around it's not suspicious yeah yeah just enjoying the city oh this is perfect look at it look at the complexity of this that i can see 10 secret bases right there he's not in his office can we each have our own skyrise where's beethoven don't go to the office that's all i gotta say are we calling dibs right now no no no no no well i don't want to know where your secret base is i don't know where your secret base is we're kind of making mistake number one right here because if we broadcast this to the world uh definitely we're not gonna i mean guys we're just pranking he's right there let's let's let's go slightly further away let's go over to jevin's base because otherwise chris is gonna i just get suspicious fly by i hope he didn't see us oh boy okay right so huddle up i have a solution to this problem right so obviously we can't upload anything without our audience telling the world it's yeah it doesn't matter how much you ask hey guys don't don't tell anyone because it doesn't work they don't listen so i have a solution and it's pretty elegant right so what we're going to do is we're going to tell everyone in the hermit uh hermitcraft team don't watch each other's videos don't watch our videos we're up to some shenanigans right okay step one they're in the they're in the dark but we can't stop the audience because they're watching our video they're watching us right now this very conversation they're listening to and they're also they're also wondering how do i get around this plan that green's about to explain well they can't because what i'm gonna do is ask all the other bits of the audience the ones that can keep a secret hey why don't you leave a comment on not people's not the bass not corrales yes yes if you can't beat them join them spread it like just tell tango that there's there's secret bases in his base we can't let corrales know and the only way is that the the information is so jumbled in amongst all of the the secrecy that he can't he doesn't know what the truth is just to be clear do not go and infinitely spam the hermit's comment section if there's already a few comments just leave a thumbs up on your favorite ones and leave it at that they only need a few bits of diversionary tactics let's be respectful everyone's gonna be paranoid i love it all right well secret base time happy birthday yeah wait he's right there no no no no okay no no no no he's not online good call well speaking of corrales that's a bit scary he has asked me yet again for another personal delivery this time i don't have to do a pesky bird delivery but he asked me for three full shulker boxes of quartz block and some bricks which we're now going to take to the barge so that he can pick up man this this man has a need for blocks that i cannot keep up with but while we're here let's go and feed the stray cat shall we gotta keep this thing nice and fed there we go eat well sweet stone prince i don't know how many golden apples it needs cool so we fed the cat we need to do a quick stop at the barge to deliver corrales goods okay today's price is 75 diamonds that's a really good deal if you know how much of a pain it is to get your hand on blocks of quartz like this it's a serious amount and of course there's smooth as well which means smelting corrales you're the best customer that the barge has to be honest and it seems like the timer is steadily going down on whatever this is the uh hcbbs the hermitcraft big brain society i i don't know now we go back to the base oh actually before we go back to the base i need to show you something i don't know if anyone's talking about it this is the biggest scandal look people been giving me some slack about the back of my mansion look at the back of the diamond throne there is no back to the diamond throne there's been some serious mismanagement of funds and there's still a there's still a lull up there oh man i think i think someone missed a law okay now we're going back to the base admittedly most of the diamonds are on the tree so i spent quite a substantial amount of time gathering up my next set of blocks that i need including mostly wherever they've gone warped stem which is an absolute pain to collect but this is um kind of my accent color to the inside now what we're going to do is we're going to try and enclose this main area and detail some of these bits because it's looking quite plain and i also want to try and light it up a little bit better so i can get rid of some of these torches so that's the plan and of course we're gonna hop into a time lapse to do it so that you don't have to watch six to ten hours of me placing blocks okay right you ready let's [Music] go [Music] it may not look like a lot but essentially i've built an entire shell with all of these walls going in and all the detailing i've actually run out of blocks annoyingly i've run out of blocks for the detailing and for those of you that complain about my torch spam this guy is why i cannot stop all of the mobs spawning fast enough obviously i'm halfway through building this thing and i've got to stop the mobs attacking me this isn't creative mode this is so this is pure survival and if you have even one dark spot you've got creepers you've got damage hence i would rather have torch spam than a million holes in my base either way oh goodness you hear that it doesn't matter how many torches you spam you end up with this get out of here more torches oh for goodness you can't you can't win well anyway i'm pretty happy with how the interior has come along we now have some walls and we basically have the shell to this inner room the great hall the great green hall of mansion i i'm really enjoying this i think this looks brilliant i'm having some issues with lighting it all up as you can probably tell i'm kind of fond of this like little chain thing i did with the warped planks and i'm pretty happy with the detailing that i've done however i think i probably overused the uh the soul lanterns they kind of stick out a little bit but i'm working on it i'm gonna figure all the rest of it out now i want to draw your attention over here because i am actually making proper farms again it's basically just copying oh come on more torches it's basically just a simple replica of your standard melon and pumpkin farm one of the ones that i have down there but i'm going to replicate this one to maybe another one on top but what i didn't anticipate is how expensive it would be i mean look at all these hoppers look at all these pistons and observers they are not cheap blocks at all even the note blocks aren't cheap either so i'm midway through doing that but i'm realizing quite quickly i might have a bottleneck problem uh when all of these are in but we'll we'll see how that goes all of this of course fuels my trading hall downstairs and it seems that the melons have already had quite an impact so this is going what i would call pretty well now obviously i have an issue where i've got basically two separate bases i've got the lovely looking mansion upstairs and then i have the more technical storage downstairs and i don't have a good way to get between the two and also my portal is there so what i really need to figure out is how i can link the two without having to fly in and out of these and i was looking at this the the fireplace and i was wondering this should in theory line directly up yep with this room here so you fall straight through there there's the possibility that i could create well not not just an empty hole but maybe an a lift or an elevator or something could go here maybe a fireman pole i don't know something so i have quick access from room to room man these where are these extra zombies now oh okay well looking for the zombie i found the culprit of the dinging machine oh my goodness there's so many this is the this is now the third one well i think i know what impulses yeah there's one in every single one of these no wonder i'm constantly hearing dinging everywhere has he done the other side as well oh he went all out he really went all out oh man really everywhere you would have thought with this many i would have heard it like non-stop there we go that might be the last of them i i think impulse built about 12 in total so that's where i'm kind of at with the interior of my the two sides of my base i'm gonna figure out how to link them up in a really nice way and then over on this side hopefully this will be like the super smelter maybe some sheep in here not entirely sure over this side is going to be the villager breeder so i can expand my trading hall basically this is all stuff i should have done at the beginning of the season well i did you know like i've got a super smelter over in the hobbit hole and this is now defunct but i should have upgraded a long time ago so this has been a long time coming however i know what you all really want to know where am i going to make a secret base in corrales base so with impulse and b-dubs involved we all decided that we didn't want to know where each other's secret bases are and we're all going to try and build in corrales city and there it is the question of course is where where where where do we make our secret base i think for me it's got to be close enough to corrales central hub that i can keep an eye on him but i also need it to be i needed to be central i think that's the that's the key there's no point making a secret base over there because you're just not part of the action however i have noticed that there is my mansion for half of my mansion from season six man i i you know this is i did a tutorial on this build a really long time ago never did interior mind so this is pretty cool but look i mean there's interior everywhere there's so many opportunities for secret bases but there's no way i can tell you guys straight away where it is i just i just can't trust you i'm sorry so i think that is where we're gonna have to leave today's episode i'm gonna figure out where i can hide the secret base in this enormous city and then hopefully i can link up with bdubs impulse and we can begin the shenanigans and we shall see how that goes okay so all there is left to say is thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed the video uh please do consider subscribing if you haven't already and by the way please hear my warning about not spamming the hermit's comment it's not a nice thing to have happen so if there's we only need a few bits of diversionary tactics so we've got to be super respectful in in our shenanigans i know it's all good fun but you know if you see a funny comment just leave a thumbs up on it and that's all we need to do there's a creeper down there goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,412,049
Rating: 4.9723158 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 64, secret base
Id: dPWZY-ukkG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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