2019 BMW M850i Review // A True Flagship BMW?

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These guys the next straightpipes lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ItsTheFatYoungJesus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Call me crazy, but that car is not as aesthetically pleasing in person as it could be. The body shape and lines are alright - it needs bigger rims and... I don't know what else. It's missing something IMO.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I guess I just don't understand this car. Why would someone choose this over the M5? The M5 is faster, more practical, and costs less?

So this for people who just want the Coupe aesthetic and life style? Whatever that is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Corvasse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have to say that I misread the title first time, I thought it said ''Living in a BMW M850i for a week'' and got excited

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xolov πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

OK I guess I do see the Mustang likeness after all...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oldcarfreddy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think it's ugly as hell. Looks like the m6.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

the headlights and grille look cheap and generic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eggn00dles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay so this is how it works watch this hey BMW I'm bored I can't imagine that maybe you didn't get a chance to tryouts dork mode okay alright hey BMW why is Arkansas spelt differently than it's pronounced technology okay show me again okay hey BMW I'm cold turn on the climate control beforehand hey BMW at what age is it no longer appropriate to pull your pants down at the urinal look you drive me mad that's not how it's done okay let me show you again hey BMW what's the weather today today it will be rainy in Toronto with a low of 25 and a high of 37 degrees okay okay no I got this I can do it alright I got this hey BMW can you make me a corned beef sandwich on rye I like this car you're walking Prada house I'm Thomas and I'm James and we're living with an M 850 I for a week yeah ultimate driving machine three words that had been uttered for the better part of five decades and they came about so the owners could feel true pride in the automobile they had just bought and while the slogan covered all of BMWs lineup it's one that can't help but be inextricably linked with its flagship models one of which is the 8 Series and now after a 20-year hiatus it has returned in the m855 dressed today in sunset orange this 4,500 pound monster has a 4.4 liter v8 putting out 523 horsepower and this v8 is quite new it's a hot V engine meaning it's enlarged turbos are situated inside the V in that coupled with powerful injectors in a carefully tweaked intake manifold means that it makes 553 pound-feet of torque at 1,800 rpm so we can assume that it's fast but how is it to drive and how is it to live with well this week we put it through its paces to see what living with a 130 thousand dollar Canadian flagship BMW is actually like but before we get started make sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and hit the notification bell so that you see our videos as soon as they come out also if you want to see what we're filming before it goes live on YouTube follow us on Instagram at the throttle house okay we've been living with this car for a week now and we've had our adventures with it we've tried to get it clean at the car wash in vain these are 275 in the back that's not gonna work it won't fit and there was even some confusion at gas station so where it tells you how many kilometers you have left there's an arrow pointing on the left side so I pulled up thinking it was on the left side it turns out there's another one with an arrow pointing on the right next to your actual fuel amount and that's on the other side of the car so I look like the biggest idiot at the gas station for a brief moment and considering how much this car with its 4.4 liter v8 wants you to be a foot down all the time we haven't done too badly for gas we've done thirteen point three liters per 100 kilometers which in miles per gallon is this alright so Thomas is gonna take this thing on the back road I'm gonna take it on the highway and talk to you about what it's like to cruise him alright we're on some back roads the brand new BMW M 850 I this has a new 4.4 liter twin turbo two twin scroll turbo v8 engine that makes an absolute whale of a sound and it just it feels so bassy when you hit the throttle listen to this sport mode foot down and it just sound it sounds like James are all Jones everything that like touches is your kingdom [Music] if UW claims that this can hit 60 miles an hour 100 kilometers an hour in 3.6 seconds and I'll be honest for more I'm sitting I have absolutely no reason to doubt them so as I enter the highway right now I realize I'm just like every other car except I have 523 horsepower and 553 pound-feet of torque which means when I put the foot to the floor it does that king of the road is how you feel with these GT cars get out of the way and that's the best thing about this car is it makes you feel like you're better than everyone else and if you don't know that by looking at the crystal shifter you'll know it by the looks on people's faces as you drive past them this thing gets a weird amount of attention but this is a grand touring car this is not just a straight sports car so yes while I can accelerate at blinding speed it means I can also cruise on the highway and be super comfortable and one of the things that makes it such a comfortable Grand Tour is stuff like the highway comforts my BMWs assisted driving mode so I'm going to put it in that now and so now it's taking the will and the adaptive cruise control what can I help you with there's also a feature in this car as you saw in our intro that talks to you and sometimes you just want to say the word BMW without being interrupted by a vehicle you know vehicular interruptions have got to be up there with one my biggest pet peeve could you repeat that please okay back whoa what's it like to drive now the power is immediate obviously but the response from the actual car on the back road is quite good four-wheel steering which means that I toss it into a corner like this and the nose just kind of tucks in it feels smaller than it is it's actually a very impressive car for how insanely long and heavy it is is 4,500 pounds of this car and it doesn't feel like that out here honestly the torque split in this as his X Drive is mostly rear-wheel bias there's a lot of BMW xDrive cars are but it does have a proper kind of Grand Touring rear-wheel drive feel when you put the power down alright the MW is assisted driving mode and I am now not touching anything and the car doesn't like it when you do this so it will start and is doing it now it'll start flashing orange on the steering wheel and it doesn't make a sound it's kind of like yo come on put stuff on but then it gets very upset and it will start to flash red and beep and if you let it go all the way it will actually break which can be scary if you're trying to show a friend how cool it is but I honestly have to complement it there are other cars we've driven that don't notify you strongly enough that they're about to leave the Assist behind this does a very very good job every single screen and monitor including the heads-up display tells you to put your hands back on the wheel and sometimes I find that once I've done that and once I've gone through the red flashing bit it won't let me put it on for another few minutes I mean I'm in the penalty box I'm getting told off by an eight series I've never had a car get mad at me before I don't like it alright the steering is probably my least favorite part in terms of the performance driving section of this car in comfort mode it's numb in sport mode it's heavy numb it feels nice that to drive with like it's easy and relaxing but if when you're pushing it through a corner I want to feel the weight building I want to feel a little bit of feedback and I'm just not quite getting that with this like after getting out of the m240 I that you might have seen that video already that we did that feels like night and day in terms of like precision and engagement in the front end to this this feels bigger in number which I suppose it it's probably supposed to around town this thing's been an absolute breeze I personally love the steering in this it does in comfort mode it doesn't have the artificial weight that we felt in recent cars that we've driven I don't want to name any names over 60 master three I don't know a huge fan of the start star I know star stop is not liked by a lot of the enthusiast community hot at one sec I just need to do that ah sorry I just needed to maintain road superiority so the start stops a bit annoying like nothing has ever been as smooth as the start stop that we felt in that CNS 53 you can turn it off but it doesn't remember that you've turned it off so every time you get in the car you have to turn off that function again which is it's time to irritate me but I guess you can get over it because every time you put your foot down it does that this is the ZF 8-speed and BMW dominates this transmission they know what they're doing third gear down to second lightning fast as any of these shift this car makes a sound on the up shift it's like a true chunk sound it's almost like like cocking a shotgun that's what it sounds like when you up shift and it is super cool and honestly doing some like aggressive driving I don't even need to use the paddles it reads my foot input like a book hate me for that to rhyme and it just is so intuitive it just does exactly what I want foot down downshift to gears like that and we're off this is a very responsive vehicle all in all and I'll say this to Thomas when I see him to talk about their exterior designs as a grand tourer this delivers in spades it's blindingly fast we've got X Drive so it's all year round and like as the week has progressed I've got more and more comfortable with the seats at first they fell a bit hard I think I either my body has molded to them or they've molded to my body either way that's some pretty high-tech technology but yes while it's easy to jump on pet peeves and get annoyed of the assistance in which I'm pretty sure you could do a serial XR in Google Chrome if you wanted to the key takeaway here is that this is an excellent highway car an excellent around town cruiser it's been soaking up potholes in Toronto perfectly and from the driver's seat it makes you feel like you are driving a special car worthy of the price tag and I can't overstate enough how much attention this thing gets on the road whatever you think of the look of it it's obviously unique enough that people can all take their eyes off it okay so honestly though even though this car is really fun to drive and it makes a fantastic noise in terms of if you take away the image of the car completely I would just take an m2 or m240 because it is more fun to drive it as just as practical in fact there's more space in the back seats of an m2 than there is in this so it begs the question why do you need this car and the answer is very simple this is fricking cool this thing rides like a dream it does limbs that Grand Tour name so well in because it's like they're the four-wheel steering it actually feels smaller than it is yeah not as small as the m240 we were just in no it doesn't it is it is a still a fun car to drive in the engine or love it it's a new engine right that 4.4 liter v8 it's a new it's an evolution of that yes no it's a fantastic powerplant and it makes such a good noise now styling never have I said from certain angles when I describe this to people more than I have with this car because from certain angles I think up to here it looks great yeah you don't like the back and it gets weird and long yeah from certain angles in the back it looks cool I'm like this this spoiler this lip roll deck lid or whatever they call it it's kind of like it's taken from a smaller car and they've just gone around will put it more in yeah otherwise I think it looks great front nd the laser headlights are fantastic I think this zone right here yes it's so well styled it's BMW it's just looks like a the connected kidney grille is really starting to look good and actually I started to really like that and it's like it's dated all the cars that don't have it yes I think unfortunately there's a quarter angle right here Crouch where I'm crouching and this just looks lovely like this section that looks awesome it's a mean-looking it's a really mean looking car the engine to back that up yes it does and it has carbon fiber wing mirrors and a call before you have carbon fiber wing mirrors I have Kody I yeah yeah the car bedroom is awesome honestly yeah it does feel dark in the cabin as a result but that's okay roof yeah interior yes all right done it says m8 50 I in the gauge cluster yes which is the only way that you can tell that that is a different gauge cluster than the one that comes in the new 3 Series or the X 7 or the X 5 seem to be a problem with this having an issue with this one okay so it is very nice it's right but this is the same steering wheel the 3 Series this is the same infotainment as a 3 Series this is the same climate control and volume and stuff control and the same gauge cluster we'll say it's bad you want to feel like you're in a special place but then it's different and more upgraded that said though this feels really special it's like a really special place to say the coven's really awesome it's really really neat like this like leather trim on the door goes up here on the dash and I think it looks absolutely fantastic this is all leather trimmed it's really really nice this is solid the only like cheap feeling part is the piano block hmm so this is a weird bit here because some of its nice i really like this shifter yes it's like it's a bit it's crystal it's a bit crystal yeah well these three together I don't like the volume knob the start/stop and and the drives are in bit bedazzled it's a feel like I'm in a Swarovski store yeah yeah in a bad way this is a mirror yeah when the Sun hits it looking at Medusa the piano blacks a bit cheap and we don't like complaining about it but everyone keeps doing it the performed plastic is you know it reacts that's pretty bad which is a thing okay okay no this that's up aside that's the bad stuff that's the bad stuff the good stuff is a steering wheel is fantastic same one of the three series but it feels really really cool yeah it's nice and warm its stitch yeah like I just like the vibe of sitting in here is just really really neat the seats look so cool so it looks like an Ironman outfit yeah like with this approach no it's it's really really neat and this is an adjustable headrest right yeah with the M stuff you got like the end the Tricolore stuff yeah no it's good makes it more special yeah those are the back seat a little um truck what about the back seats yeah I thought that was just like I could talk like Anna medieval torture chamber they're not very usable my honest good storage yeah I don't really sit there but I wouldn't become full for any length of time this is a two-seat car pretty much now I think that the rest of this is fine this is a learning curve the infotainment does yes I have not gone with apple carplay as well as I well I didn't in the 3-series either honestly like it didn't you had so many issues with it trying yeah maybe I mean these are early versions of these calls so we'll see maybe the MW working out some bugs they start to sell these on doing lots of stuff but like right now honestly I can say that apple carplay is not working properly in these and there's a few other like quirks it's it's fine this is not as simple as the old I Drive I will say that but for me the driving experience is enough that this interior is fun yeah like the engine and like just how like grand it feels on the road right it feels really special it feels really neat yeah so perhaps there are a few things we would change on the M 850 this is a very cool car and and it's one that we can tell you honestly gives you a special feeling when you are thumping down the highway amidst other more normal cars it does have some very serious competition in the likes of the Lexus LC 500 and the Mercedes s 560 but it holds its own in either way we are just happy to see the return of the 8 Series badge
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 301,078
Rating: 4.9245505 out of 5
Keywords: 2019 bmw m850i, bmw m850i, m850i, 2019 bmw 8-series, 2019 bmw 8 series, bmw 8 series, 2019 m850i, m850i exhaust, bmw 850, bmw 850i exhaust, bmw m850i autobahn, m850i top speed, m850i 0-60, 2019 bmw 8 series review, 2019 bmw m850i review, all new m850i review, 850i review, bmw m5, bmw m5 competition, throttle house, lexus lc500
Id: br_nQQPpy0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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