Here's Why the 2020 Porsche Taycan Is the Best Modern Porsche

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Climate control settings on a touch screen is the worst trend in these modern cars.

I would be curious what results from a study about how much time your eyes are off the road with these compared to a good old fashioned button/rotary dial would conclude.

Edit: I guess with automatic temperature settings becoming more prominent this will be less common as you adjust your climate control less often. I still fiddle with mine (non-automatic) in the morning for "please get warm ASAP its fucking cold" then by the time I'm near work I'm turning it down.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 546 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/italia06823834 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I like the 2 speed auto in it. Sounds nice!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 55 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

There it is.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 156 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/imped4now ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Dumb question:

When actually travelling away from home, where do non-Tesla EV owners charge their cars? Do they have to carry a bunch of charge-port adapters all of the time? Can they use Tesla's charging network? Are non-Californians still stuck drawing a radius around their house that they can never leave?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 39 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ShiningDraco ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"Cell phones are dangerous, let's put everything possible in a touchscreen from the volume to adjusting the vents" - Porsche

Car seems great, but tossing everything on a touchscreen is absolutely positively stupid.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 101 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PorkRollAndEggs ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

the infotainment is abysmal. i like everything else a lot though especially the almost whitewalls

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 133 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Frothar ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That infotainment system looks like it's based off of Android 4.X. I'm pretty sure it is.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/roflcopterswtams ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That infotainment is absolutely atrocious. That would be a dealbreaker for me. I didn't realize we were back in 2006 where you have to punch a touchscreen for it to work.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/StaniX ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That car is beautiful.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 55 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this is the 2020 Porsche Taikan and it is the most important car of the year that's because it's the first electric car to generate as much hype and excitement as Tesla which has dominated the electric car market for years today I'm going to review the tie con I'm going to show you all of its quirks and features and I'm going to find out if the hype is justified first a quick overview now Tesla launched the Model S back in 2012 and quickly became an overnight sensation suddenly everybody who got the newest high-tech smartphone in laptop wanted the newest high-tech car over the years other electric cars have come out but Tesla fans have barely even noticed the arrival of the Audi e-tron or the Jaguar ipace they just don't bring as much excitement and hype as Tesla commands and then the ty con Porsche first announced the ty con as a concept car called the mission II back in 2015 there was a lot of interest in the car then but when Porsche announced it was going into production it was a mad rush to Porsche dealers to place orders suddenly there was a new electric car that everyone was interested in the design of the production ty con is remarkably similar to that mission II concept and right now you can get the ty con in four versions it starts with the 4s which has 520 horsepower then there's the 4s with a battery upgrade and 560 horsepower then there's the turbo with 670 horsepower and then there's this the king of the hill the ty con turbo s with 750 horsepower this car also has 775 pound-feet of torque and it'll do 0 to 60 in 2.6 seconds of course all this comes at a price a hefty one the base level hi con 4's starts around a hundred and five thousand dollars with about 250 miles of range the tie con Turbo S starts around a hundred and eighty five thousand dollars with similar range now the other tie con models offer more range but it never really gets up there doesn't cross 300 miles which means it doesn't get close to Tesla the long range Model S currently offers about 370 miles between charges but there's more to this car than numbers so today I'm going to review the tie con and I'm going to show you all of the interesting quirks and features of the most hotly anticipated car of the year then I'm gonna get it out on the road and drive it and then I'm going to give it a dug score and for more of my thoughts on the tie con click the link below to visit slash oversteer alright I'm gonna start the crooks and features of the Tai Khan with simply getting inside now when you walk up to the car you can see the door handles are kind of pushed in flat against the door so you can't really get your hand in there and open them up so how do you do it well it turns out if you have the key in your pocket you walk up stick your hand underneath the door handle they pop right open and then you can open the door right up take a closer look you can see I walk up to the car door handles flat stick my fingers underneath and then it opens up and you can open the door in basically one motion it's pretty cool now when your door handles are up like this that basically serves as an indication that your Tai con is unlocked if you want to lock it just walk up to the door handle tap it and then it pushes back down into the door the car is locked and you can walk away of course you can also use your key fob to lock and unlock the doors as you can see pretty standard looking Porsche key fob you press unlock the doors unlock you press lock they lock the thing I like about the key fob though is there's a little light around the Porsche crest at the base of the key fob and every time you press a button it kind of blinks to confirm that it got whatever button that you pressed which is kind of a neat little look but when it comes to opening stuff in the Tai con the door is nowhere near the coolest item that honor goes to the charge port the charge port is right here anything and I - you open it do you push on it it's slide open no it turns out this little black piece protruding next to the charge port is a sensor you slide your hand underneath the sensor and the charge port pops open and goes into the fender instead of just swinging open and looking ugly like a fuel door or the charge port in most cars you want the charge port to close same process the other direction just slide your fingers back under the little black sensor and the charge port door closes right up this operation is by far the slickest of any charge port door I've seen in any electric car and next up moving on to the interior of the tie con there is a lot here so I'm going to walk you through all of the interesting quirks and features now when you get into this car if you want to start it just like all Porsches you can do that to the left of the steering-wheel Porsche has some racing history around putting the starter to the left of the wheel and that continues in to the futuristic electric car age in this car though it's a button like an on-off computer button that's how you start this thing we're certainly in a brave new world compared to an old school key you turn at the start of the lhamo car race but maybe the more interesting item in terms of getting in the car and driving off is the gear lever which is to the right of the steering wheel you can see it's this very tiny little lever that you can use to move between reverse neutral and drive you go up for reverse down for drive neutral is in the middle and then park is a button off to the side now I recently reviewed the new Porsche 911 it has this very same weird tiny gear lever but it's mounted in the middle in this car it's over to the right of the steering wheel near the windshield wiper stock very unusual but this is a futuristic different kind of Porsche so you might be thinking ok they've moved the gear lever up there what was so important that they wanted to stick in the middle of this interior and the answer is cupholders you have one cup holder in the centre and then you have a second cup holder that's kind of off to the right and that's what you have in the middle you also have a little center console storage area you press this button on the driver's side it pops open and then you can put stuff in there there's also a wireless charging pad in there pretty simple stuff that's the center of the Tyco on now the other item you have in the centre of this car far more important than the cupholders in the storage area is this centre screen this screen has some of your more basic more frequently used vehicle commands you can see at the top you have your climate controls you can adjust the temperature the fan speed the heated and cooled seats unfortunately this screen is not just a simple little touch like Tesla and other automakers you have to tap it pretty hard and kind of get feedback from the screen it moves down as you press it and that's how you know you've tapped something not exactly my favorite type of screen but it's what they went with here now to me the bottom half of this screen is more interesting than the top half even though it might look kind of blank to start you have a little button over to the side that has a battery and a car on it if you press the battery part of that button it tells you what percentage charger and your current range so you can always know by tapping that little button if you press the car side of that button a little card graphic pops up and then you can use it to start opening stuff if you press over here for instance you can open up the AC charger there is an AC DC charger over on the other side you press that and it pops open the same way as the one I just show you you can also use the screen to open the front trunk press this little button and the front trunk will pop open then you can go around in put stuff in it and you can use this screen to open up the rear trunk you press the button and the rear trunk will pop open automatically its power operated the cool thing here is you can also use this screen to close the rear trunk you press this button on the screen and then the rear trunk will automatically close just like it opened so you don't have to get out of the car to do that stuff same deal with the charge doors they will also open and close on this screen this screen can be used to open and close stuff now I will say there is one massive mistake in this screen and that would be the volume situation several other automakers have learned but Porsche apparently hasn't yet the volume control in this car is on the touchscreen you have to tap tap-tap tap-tap tap-tap to increase the volume tap tap-tap tap-tap to decrease instead of a simple knob this is a mistake it should always just be a knob and there is one on the steering wheel but if the passenger wants to change the volume they have to start tapping bad design and I hope they change that now next up with this center screen you might be wondering what is all the rest of this space for there's so much empty space in this thing what do you do with it the answer is you can use it to control the upper screen take a look as I move my finger you can see exactly how I'm moving translating to the upper screen so if you do not want to lift your hand all the way to the upper screen then you can simply control it using the lower screen this is I think a first you have a screen that controls a screen and these two screens are only about eight inches away from each other it seems ridiculously redundant but it's there as a supplementary control to the upper screen and just to be clear I say it's a supplementary control because again the upper screen is a touchscreen you could just go up there and touch stuff or you could control it using your lower screen really unusual but that's what they've done in one other interesting item on that lower screen in the bottom left of the screen you have the camera button if you press that it pulls up the camera system in this car and one of the options is a 360-degree exterior camera so it basically shows your car and then it shows everything happening around it like there's some sort of camera helicopter hovering around your car it's a really really good system you can see it from various different angles and I really like it I will say this system is not quite as good as some rivals you can see there's some duplicating of the image which leads to you not quite being sure exactly if you're about to hit something BMW does it a little better but still this is a great feature and I'm glad Porsche has included it and next up we move on to that center screen which has far more controls than that lower screen if you go to the home menu on the center screen you see the typical stuff navigation media settings basically what you would have in a regular Porsche infotainment system but there are quite a few unusual and new items in here and I'm gonna start with the climate vents now if you look at the climate vents in the middle you can see you can't adjust them and there's no way to stop air flow which is kind of strange but sometimes that happens with middle climate vents but even over on the sides there's nowhere to move them you pull on them you've move around there's nothing there that can move the vent so how do you change the positioning in the air flow in the climate vents well you go into the climate tab in the infotainment screen and you can see there are a few options you have diffused focused and individual diffused will kind of blow air throughout the cabin focused will move the climate vents and focus them on you but my favorite is individual because you get to set the positioning of the climate vents using the center screen you just kind of move around these little bubbles and you can place the climate vents wherever you want and then the vents will actually move to blow air to wherever you set them I can feel the collective iral for people who just want a simple little lever on the vents themselves but I guess this is how Portia will be addressing climate vent adjustments in the future it's also worth noting that you can adjust the airflow to the climate vents with this little bar that pops up over on the left it's like a slider and you can move it up or down for more or less airflow same deal over on the passenger side you can choose between diffused focus and individual and once again you kind of move the bubbles around for individual and you can position the climate vents exactly where you want so no more simply moving the vents on the vent themselves you got to go into the screen now next up we move on to some interesting car settings the first one that caught my eye was something called electric sport sound which you can turn on or off what does that do I'm not really sure I'm gonna try it out when I drive and I'll see if I can tell the difference between sport and normal whatever and next up another interesting item in car settings is recuperation which you can set to use some of the cars momentum when it's slowing down to convert back into energy and give you more miles of charge you can set this to off on or auto they may be wondering why someone would turn this off isn't it better to have more range but it does change the characteristic of the car slowing down apparently so if you want a more natural driving feel you turn that off and then it'll feel more like driving a normal car and that's why Porsche allows it to be configurable and next up moving on to the navigation system in this screen pretty standard Porsche navigation system but there are some unusual new items one is range you can select a menu item called range and then if you zoom out you can see it shows exactly how far you can go on your current charge it shows your current range that is a pretty cool feature and I'd like to see what electric cars include stuff like that in their navigation systems it just makes things a little bit more convenient and easy to figure out how far you can drive the other interesting new item with the navigation system is how you enter a destination you go to search which allows you to type in an address or city whatever and then you can actually handwrite it using that empty spot on the lower screen so you can write in whatever you want the car will pick up our writing most of the time and then it will pull up on the screen you can select it and that's your destination far easier than typing each individual letter out on a touchscreen writing it is always a better solution and next up we move on to the third screen and that would be the gauge cluster screen which is a very unusually shaped screen it's shaped like a gauge cluster not like a rectangle or a square like most other screens the most interesting part of this gauge cluster screen to me though is it's partially a touchscreen you'll notice over to the left you have various different levels of lighting you can tap them and it turns on the parking lights or the automatic lights or whatever you want to do and there's no physical light control over on the left like in most other cars same deal on the right side of this weirdly shaped gauge cluster screen you have various different buttons to control different car functions you can turn off traction control you have the shortcut button which is the diamond that you can program to be anything and you can tap those so your gauge cluster screen is a touchscreen now I should mention that the gauge cluster is not a touchscreen in the middle it is very configurable but if you want to configure it you have to press this little button on the steering wheel to kind of move between the different parts of the gauge cluster and then you can use this little wheel on the steering wheel to scroll through various different options the most important one is in the middle you can see right now it's on map and it's showing a map of where I am you can also set it to an enlarged map and then it basically takes over the entire gauge cluster screen which is a nice look and can be very useful you can also set it to power meter and then it will show how much power you're using as you drive around with your speedometer right in the middle and you can set it to reduced if all that stuff is just too complex for you put on reduced and you have a very simple gauge cluster screen not all sorts of different items coming at you at once but over to the left and right of that center part of the screen you can configure various different items to once again just use that steering wheel button to move to whichever part you want and then you can kind of use the wheel to scroll through various different items and it's all sorts of different car functions you can look at your safety systems your your pressures your trip odometer your phone your media that's currently playing all sorts of different stuff so you have a nice configurable gauge cluster that allows you to choose whatever you want to see which is a good departure from fixed gauges where that's all you're looking at and next up another notable item is the gauge cluster graphic that appears when you turn off the Tyco on check this out you turn it off and it says Tyco on and shows a silhouette of the car pretty standard a lot of cars do that but then the car silhouette turns and you kind of see the light bar from behind and then the light bar slowly fades away and then the car is off a lot of cars now have start up and turn off graphics but that is one of the coolest ones I've seen and next up we move on to the steering wheel which is pretty much the same steering wheel you'll find in most other Porsche models although notably it lacks paddles because this car lacks a traditional transmission the one interesting item worth noting on the steering wheel is this little dial that comes off to the right that's your drive mode adjuster dial you can twist it and then you can see in the gauge cluster your various drive modes appear and you can kind of scroll through all of them in pick which one you want a new one for this car is something called range which I assume will do everything possible to maximize your range and efficiency and allow you to travel as far as possible on one single charge and finally I want to talk about interior quality which is fantastic everything feels absolutely wonderful stitched well put together well top-notch materials all over this interior far eclipsing what you get in Tesla this is a really good luxury car interior with that said I'm a little disappointed about one aspect and that would be this little plastic panel on this pillar next to the door panel you can see the door panel is beautiful different colors stitching carbon fiber and then it runs into this plastic panel and it just doesn't look anywhere near as good for a hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars you would think that panel would be finished in something other than what looks like cheap plastic and next up we move on to the back seat of the tie con and the first thing you notice back here is that it's sporty there's no three person bench seat back here in said you have two individual bucket seats and they are quite heavily bolstered I guess the theory here is you can take your whole family on the track and they won't slosh around in their seats it is worth noting that optional in this car is a three-person rear bench so you can have a five seater car or you get have a four seater like this one if you don't plan to take five people very often now aside from the bucket seats the first thing you notice when you get back here is the roof which is a massive glass panel this piece doesn't open it's fixed in place and there's no cover for it although it's tinted so not much sunlight gets through but still it is a huge piece of glass and it really makes the rear feel very open now this piece covers the front seats too but you don't quite notice it as much in front but back here it feels like you're in some sort of tour bus or glass-bottom boat except it's on the top and speaking of windows another item worth noting back here due to this cars design the rear windows don't open very far you roll down the windows and this is as far as they open contrary to popular myth this is not a safety thing to keep your kids from climbing out it's based on the design of the back door and in this case the window just can't go very far into the door with that said there is some good news for rear-seat passengers there are a few nice features back here for example you have heated seats in back you can press these little buttons turn on the heated seats to three different stages and you also have individual reading lights back here you have a little button on the ceiling you can push it and that turns on the reading lights so you can read while you're being whisked around on the racetrack in your electric Porsche one other thing the rear seat passengers have climate control adjusters on the vents themselves have a little dial to regulate air flow and these little switches to move around the vents so if you don't want to deal with that center screen for your climate vent adjusting just sit in the back and next up we move around to the back of the tie con and on to the trunk I'm gonna start with opening the trunk which you do with this rather obvious button in the center of the rear of the car most automakers put their trunk opener button like right above the license plate but I guess Porsche thought that would be too far for people to bend so instead it's right here and it is pretty in your face as far as trunk buttons go but anyway you press it and then the trunk pops open revealing a rather small trunk this is not a hatchback like the Panamera where the rear cargo area is open to the cabin instead this car has a true trunk or boot if you want to call it that like a traditional sedan and it isn't really all that huge although it's worth noting that you can pull on this little loop and then there's a little bit more storage under here in case you have tiny items you want to keep out of the rest of the trunk and next up another notable item in the trunk is the emergency exit now the government mandates that all cars with a cargo area have to include some sort of emergency exit release so that if you get kidnapped and stuffed in a trunk you can get out most cars have like an ugly little lever that hangs down but this car has a nice little button that says exit in a very calm way Porsche even does the emergency exit trunk release nicer than other automakers am next up moving on to the back of the tie con were there a couple more noteworthy items one of which is right above the license plate you can see you have your rear camera that's not interesting in fact it's mandated but right next to the camera there's this little thing that sticks out so what exactly is that that's a washer and if the camera gets dirty you can go into the infotainment system into the camera press this little washer looking button and then it actually washes the camera so you don't have to get out and wash the camera yourself the car will do that for you which is a pretty nice little quirk now another interesting washing related item with the tie con comes with the rear spoiler in other portion models you can drive around with the rear spoiler up so people stare at you not so in the tie con there's a spoiler right here and it will automatically go up at certain speeds but you can only manually put it up to wash the car there's a little item in the infotainment system that allows you to put the spoiler in cleaning mode it only goes up this are so you can basically get a rag underneath it and clean the area that's it you can't actually drive with the spoiler up so you can't have people steering at you and your cool Porsche with the spoiler and next up another cool item on the back of this car all Porsche models have light bars now that's not particularly noteworthy what's neat is right below that the porsche script is in what looks like a circuit you can see all these little lines kind of going between each letter and it looks sort of futuristic and special and high-tech and I really like that they bothered to do that it gives the car just a slightly more interesting look now the last thing I want to discuss back here is this car is a name because it's caused quite a bit of controversy I'm going to start with Tyco on and yes that is how you say it Tyco on and not take on which is odd because it looks like it would be pronounced take on but Porsche assures me that it isn't it's also strange because they have a car called the makan which isn't related to this so you have makan and Tyco on not take on two separate Porsche models I find that to be weird but I also want to talk about the other name on the back of this car and that would be Turbo S when Porsche announced that they would be using turbo and Turbo S for the highest performance versions of this car people flipped out the internet absolutely lost it how can they call it the turbo it doesn't even have a gas engine or a turbo it's sacrilege people how can you take car names this literally looking around this parking lot do you think the Chevy Trailblazer is out there blazing trails do you think the Toyota Highlander is in the highlands no it's sitting in a parking lot in suburban LA next to a Prius the Chevy Avalanche the closest it's ever going to come to an actual avalanche is when the owner stops at Dairy Queen for a blizzard the simple truth is in today's world of electrification and smaller turbo engines none of these names mean anything anymore the BMW 550i no longer has a 5 liter the Mercedes c43 doesn't have a 4.3 liter engine and this does not have a turbo but in Porsche world now turbo just means fast quit clutching your pearls and get used to it join 2020 this is how it's going to be and finally our last item around the back of this car this is a sporty Porsche and so let's do the same thing I do every time I review a Porsche performance car let's take a listen to that exhaust note here you go anyway next I want to move on to the front trunk and there are two ways to open the front trunk one I showed you earlier you can use the screen or you can just press a little button on the key fob you do that the trunk pops open to here then there's a little latch again under and then you couldn't open it right up pretty simple interestingly it's kind of small for a car that has this much frontal space not much of it is actually usable front trunk storage space but it's there and it's nice to have two different trunks especially since the rear one is also relatively small that makes this car more practical and finally we move on to this cars styling and I have to say I like it as do most people from what I gather it's a nice look very slippery aerodynamic still preserves the look of a Porsche it's a really good looking car and it certainly looks better than basically every other electric car on the market today yes including Tesla one thing I will say is I wish Porsche had started an electric car with a sports car since that would be more true to the Porsche ethos but sports cars don't really get a lot of sales these days that probably would have been a mistake from a business perspective but from a car enthusiasts perspective I think it would have been cool one other item worth noting on the outside of this car is these wheels Porsche calls these the mission II wheels because they're supposed to mimic the ones that were on the original mission concept and frankly I have to say they did a pretty good job here's the mission a concept you can see how it looks and then how this car looks also obviously it's surprising when an automaker gets that close from a concept car to reality but they've done it here and so if you liked the mission II when it came out as a concept car and got a lot of attention then almost undoubtedly you will also like the tie con and so those are the quirks and features of the 2020 Porsche ty con Turbo S now it's time to get it out on the road and see how it drives all right drivin the ty con I'm gonna start by just punching oh wow I have to say flooring it after it gets going it feels about like a really fast gas car but that first burst that's about the craziest flooring and I've ever felt you're hanging on for dear life oh my god it's so fast Wow oh my god that's crazy I can't believe I've just experienced that one of the first things that I noticed when I drive this car is the quality difference between Tesla and and Porsche you know I have to say one thing I was very surprised about was when Porsche came out with the pricing for this car it was another thing they internet lost its mind how is it so expensive you know Tesla Model S is this much cheaper first off Porsche has never been cheaper than anything I mean if you look at 911 if you look at Cayenne x3 versus makaan Porsches always more expensive the theory is it's because Porsche is better it doesn't take much to get better than Tesla's interior quality Tesla provides an excellent vehicle in terms of value they're able to pack an enormous amount of range and tech into a car that's not that expensive compared to its rivals what Tesla doesn't offer is the ability to do track lap after track lap without overheating the ability to have a really really top quality upscale interior and so the result of that is that yeah this car is more expensive the theory though is that it's also better and just in a second of getting in here and looking around you can tell the quality is an obvious improvement I will say steering - is clearly really top-notch um Tesla's steer great they have a really tight ratio they steer real quick but one thing that this car does that like the model 3 performance I recently drove doesn't do all that well incredibly planted and flat and stable and you don't really feel much when you're going around corners this feels like a 911 like a sports car to a degree that basically few other electric vehicles too much it's so fast oh I believe but I will say I've been driving for four minutes and I have gone through twenty miles of range so as exciting as it is to just drop the throttle and go I truly wonder I probably maybe even get an hour of driving like that that's not the intended efficiency mode if that's what you want to do the steering is just fantastic the car because it's so low and so wide said perfectly for cornering it's not just that the steering is good the car also handles tremendously well mid-corner coming out of the corners it feels like a Porsche sports car feels like a 911 to me it feels quicker and sporty er than the Panamera which I think feels I've always felt feels like a bigger kind of boat type car this doesn't feel like that and now I want to try the electric sports sound oh there I hope you'd hear that on the camera there's like a futuristic dive sound at the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life now I'm just sort of cruising around a sort of a standard residential neighborhood you know because most of the time people aren't gonna be flooring it and going hard through corners in this car it really does behave like a nice luxury gas car but with the exception if you don't really hear anything it just is fantastic and it drives well and it looks good and it looks good at here and this is a really really quite an impressive corner to me this is how Porsche makes an electric car it drives like a Porsche it's fast it's fun it's exciting it's very very enjoyable to drive and so that's the 2020 Porsche Taikan Turbo S this is a fantastic car but Porsche is playing catch-up they don't have the charging infrastructure that Tesla does they don't have the range that Tesla does and this car is vastly more expensive than Tesla's vehicles but this car is much higher quality than a Tesla the performance is insane the brand name is fantastic and this is the first car that is really equal Tesla in hype and the hype is worth it anyway now it's time to give the tyke on turbo s a Doug score starting with the weekend categories in styling the Tyco and Turbo S is nice-looking though a bit controversial and not exactly classically beautiful and it gets a 7 out of 10 acceleration is insane as you could see it does 0-60 in two and a half seconds which easily earns it a 10 out of 10 handling it's sharp they're not quite as sharp as my very favourite four-door cars and it gets a 6 out of 10 fun factor is huge given the acceleration of the handling and it gets an 8 out of 10 cool factor is huge right now and it easily earns an 8 out of 10 for a total weekend score of 39 out of 50 next up are the daily categories and features that icon has a lot of great tech but it's not quite the best and it earns an 8 out of 10 Comfort is normal for the class and it gets a 7 out of ten quality is very high and it earns an eight out of ten practicality is average due to the four seats and small trunks and it gets a five out of ten finally value in this car is really impressive but it's also really pricey $185,000 is just insane money and that's before options it's so expensive and it gets a five out of ten for a total daily score of 33 out of 50 add it up and the Doug score is 72 out of 100 which places it here against other high performance sedans and electric vehicles amazingly the tie con Turbo S ties the car I think is its closest competitor the Mercedes AMG GT sedan both get 72 but the AMG GT does better in daily categories thanks to better tech and more reasonable pricing while the tech on does better in weekend scores overall the tie con is really impressive but it's also really expensive you want the charge port to close just slide your fingers back under the sensor and indeed the charge port will eventually
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 5,792,444
Rating: 4.7639256 out of 5
Keywords: porsche taycan, porsche taycan review, taycan, taycan review, porsche taycan turbo s, taycan turbo s, porsche ev, porsche review, taycan turbo s review, taycan turbo, porsche taycan turbo, mission e, porsche mission e, doug demuro, demuro
Id: 0vq6KEOIiMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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