Here's What A Damaged Rotary Engine Looks Like Inside

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These guys really know their rotaries, that was a great watch.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EntroperZero 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to another episode of living with a rotary featuring the rx-8 that I bought a few weeks ago for 650 pounds now you may remember last week we dynoed this thing it produced 160 2.9 horsepower at the flywheel it's excellent so we're missing a few horses which is why I am now up north booth I'm at rotary revs and I'm going to introduce you to a couple of guys Josh and Teddy hey or Powell's how's it going what we're gonna be doing today stripping the engine having a look at everything seeing what damage has been done and next week we're gonna rebuild it make it all good but before that let's get the car in the air and inspect underneath bricks in size anyways well while we're here we can check the springs as well which that's not it's not all my stuff is when we get to buckle giorgetto underneath the EVC rest of putzie they're better when they're hot more of the truck pub they still do work on road there's corrosion on but enormous to worry about this spring cool we have a lip on the desks right but I'm very alive but nothing to worry about looks like that the new calipers that rest of them appear a bit of corrosion yeah on a minor and what about problem areas for rusts it can come out to here in serious cases of wise it's you sill which duel to have been repaired at some point you don't see any roughs right not as of yet yes amazing I've done well another thing to look out for on these is these calipers yeah very very common which is why that one's a little request they all seem fun my first carry pot way out Omega my host yes yes though some spin replaced right as per the paperwork for some swing reverse but you have got a slight oily drop links very very common these ones look to be have been replaced fairly recently another thing you want to look out from these as well as collapse and engine mounts um not as closed oh yeah it doesn't like this means option to see it mark so move up one start was fairly recently the starter motors they were recalled weren't they and then upgraded for fourteen to start motor is that right master knew about the problem between 53 and o4 they'll have a really weak low power start amytal at one point three kilowatts then they upgraded it to kilowatt if it was mentioned whilst the car was in warranty period we've got rust on the exhaust that's pretty normal it gets really hot and if cold water touches it and they cause some rust and corrosion most people just take the shielding off when they take the cap off and got it because it's collapse internally from poor ignition system or things like that so in terms of rust underneath so far we're only halfway through phase it looks originally fair and it's probably been kept inside a garage or something along those lines for most of it's life wicked we have a snap spring but no evidence of crash now mate or anything like that and this exhaust as well it's the right thing beat exhaust well it looks like someone has modified tips adjustments it doesn't count then so overall give me a score out of 10 with a solid eight out of ten let's now find out what's going on in the engine right now is the moment of truth it's compression time how does that work we take out the leading spark plugs they get replaced with these little probes from that point we insert another probe next onto it the cable end goes to a little module and then the laptop that's the rest essentially and you just crank over and then you see how much compression there isn't that's right the perfect what's it good and what's a bad reading what we classes are fail really is anything under a six yeah if you've seen fives you gotta start thinking about having a rebuild at some point and now for the moment of truth what's this face it's a number I'll get you some probably that perhaps so that we're back in the office all the guys when they saw the compression test results were like Oh which which can only be a good sign talk me through the results so each one of these is a compression so obviously the free site store and every time I turns you clear one of them so as you can see the pattern sir so that's quite a tall man you've got to it as soon as you got you know at all a very free service a rotation of your eccentric shaft and then obviously us you wrote a warrant itachi from and you've got rot too which is yuri yuri road looks quite lot as you can see the spikes normally the a decent one is off about midway line there that one's pretty even so we're not really suspecting anything like side seal failure our epic seal theory that one could just be warned whereas this top one it's quite uneven we could be suspecting some big crap side sealed so what we're gonna do now is just work out a compression there good figure as anything six a number so you remember i said they're yellow very even yeah is spot on the six the second brother seems pretty helpful here where your problems light is your first row so that's the first spike yes five point two which is law but it's not make a lot then you've got four point five and it just gets worse at four Wow in these are evil that's on the shoulder so the reason that this engine is actually running is probably because the second rotor is a celery in it is carrying right now it's crunch time the engine is about to come out and to play us in is Josh yeah that's funny that I know yeah [Music] with the engine out in just under an hour it's put on a stand and wheeled over to the operating table cue the time-lapse [Music] right so now's the moment of truth the engines been stripped of all its ancillary xand now it's time to to open it up and have a look so we've removed the rear iron from the engine and we've actually found that the the engine I've been bridge part it's got a slight street part on the auxilary part the exhaust port should have been parted because the interior part has been done but it's actually still stuck which is surprising a street part is in advance on the intake part and a slight tweak on the exhaust part is to get the exhaust gasses out a little bit quicker and what you're doing by adjusting the intake timing is you getting more air and fuel into the engine and more exhaust gases out quickly therefore creating a little bit more power the bridge part is actually cutting away a little eyebrow the apex oil runs around the edge of the the rue arousing from cutting this eyebrow actually giving it a little bridge for their pet seal to go across so if you cut this whole section out the epics he'll just drop into the part I'd in this section there wouldn't be any point unless you made a - um for in the arousing as well the face itself doesn't look too bad it looks like it's been quite hot around the exhaust bar but nothing too major it's become clear that the rotor bearing slipped but left so we can actually say we've spun a bearing yeah it's spun about it so there's like a little locket and pin on the bearing itself and that should be located here so the housings that are pretty tired and there's actually the chrome is actually start to come away on this outer edge this is usually caused by poor lubrication him on the seals because the the kurma start to come away you can't even resurface them yeah that's it you can see the bearing supposed to sit flush up the edge so because the Baron has been spinning inside but journal inside there you can see the copper coming through and the bearings actually moved backwards inside the the bearings shouldn't ever move as it's got a worker look at and pin inside the row so it should be sat flush into the actual journal of the rotor and the locket and pin should be sat in there and it should never be able to wrote it yeah so we can agree that I've bought a very good car yeah very poor engine so these are the air Peck seals everyone talks about these set down the side of the row and this is what makes a calm combustion bicycle this is where your compression comes from along with b-side sales and car sales have you ever taken a rotary apart and they've been completely shot or they've been missing or completely degraded yes sir we see that a lot normal due to detonation that is caused by an engine getting too hot our use in poor quality fuel [Music] it's a half bridge part so if you were to do a full bridge part you'd do the ones on the front iron the ones on the rear iron and you'd also bridge the primaries on the Senate right but that said with any Street part the primaries should be parted so the primer of the primaries and secondaries and the exhaust parts on all the items should be touched with a street pot every swap so the iron was well something from this engine it's going to be awful come straight out that's how it should be we probably will end up replacing it for a good second and one that we've got right so now we're gonna have a look in the front and the first thing we can see is the Bridgeport there yeah tell me about that the size of the actual cut on the iron is okay it's reasonable but the Sham fur on the housing yeah it's too small okay it looks like there's been a little bit of blur by around the side still and the corn sails if you look down side at corner so you can see like a little black mark where the exhaust gases being passing past so that's actually caused by the sighs oil clearance between the side seal and the corner seal the clearance been too large so if you cut the side seal to shot this ISIL moves side to side and leaks exhaust gases around the sides of the seal the side seal and the corn seal making a loose compression and therefore losing power so if you cut them too tight once the engines heated up see if you do a track day and you've got hot EG teas what actually happens these societies will expand to then bind up against the corner seals and the connector is snap so we've got a real baronet's up three in one piece you can see they'll work it and pin is still in you know place all the grooves look intact the front a lower compression in compression to the rear and it shows by the height of the air pick seal the apex seals about four point eight millimeters at the top four point seven on the other side so yeah that's pretty one in comparison to the other one that could be down to poor lubrication on the housings I've actually got two parts and the using oil metering system and which is a pompous it's on the front cover and basically injects engine oil into the rouses and that's what lubricates the air pack seals but if you can see by angle of these and they're actually spraying outwards so that means when your air Peck Co it's sat in the owls in its lubricate in the top side and the bottom side but nothing in the middle really so on immersed cases you'll see like a line a few lines that runs around the sent over the hours it and that's because that gets less lubrication in the middle and on the are three the actually I did a third injector in the middle to lubricate the full one for the seal that's why our thirties usually lasts longer compression wise rotor is of a scary love lower oil pressure so when you start idle at 800 rpm it's no good for bearings so all these town driven cars these are the cars like start to get bearing failure we're gonna do remaps on the stock ECU will actually raise the idle speed from eight hundred rpm up to like a thousand rpm it's not mega noticeable but the oil pressure is raised substantial and for all the people that are still using five thirty engine oil bearing failure if you go nor x8 than ten forty Miller's yep here is their where to go yeah in our opinion anywhere another thing you can do mice rather the third oil injected to lubricate the seals a little bit more and what you can actually do a two-stroke oil to the fuel tank what that does is just adds a little bit of lubrication within the fuel and rule of thumb is 150 mil of two strokes or every tank of fuel yeah it's actually front stationary gear bearing you can see that nice little copper color again so yeah that that very shot no the stratum bin so remind me from the engine that I've given you guys what are we going to be reusing the center Ryan and the I've literally giving you guys a third of the engine to yes well you're welcome for anyone else who owns an ORAC say there are some nice tips and tricks to to keep your engine healthy and not having looking like this after a few years of use and and we were discussing flames won't we yeah like some proper flame so if you guys think that we should maybe have a chat about trying to get more flames out of this thing then maybe write some comments below and actually we're gonna do it so screw you right guys I hope you enjoyed that episode I've certainly learned a lot especially if it the rotary in this car is pretty buggered but fear not cause it's gonna be rebuilt by the guys at rotary revs speaking of the guys at rotary roasts they've given me a present to give away to you this rotor and rotor housing we're going to be giving away completely at random to a subscriber worldwide and thank you very much to the guys at rotary Rose subscribe to the channel leave a comment let us know in the comments as well what you'd like to see in this series join us next time on living with a rotary where we'll show you exactly how to rebuild one of these awesome engines a magical moment everyone seems to love apex seals so with the springs in place we'll just slide it down and it's as simple as that maybe I should have to go as ever if you've enjoyed the series can watch more episodes here you can subscribe to carthoris all right here and don't forget to check out the car throttle shop down there Josh play me out
Channel: Car Throttle
Views: 1,380,301
Rating: 4.9460869 out of 5
Keywords: Car Throttle, CarThrottle, Alex Kersten, RX8, Engine tear down, Rotary, Rotary rebuild, engine swap, mazda, mazda rx-8, rx-8, rx-7, mazda rx-7, wankel, wankel engine
Id: J80JjWoiU9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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