Here We Go AGAIN : Harbor Freight VS Woodland Mills BANDSAW MILL

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good morning guys it's a new day here on the third time around ranch I want to talk about something in one of our last videos I had discussed the problems that we had with our sawmill and the crank to bring it up and bring it down it was broke I had talked to Harbor Freight and they said that they would send us a new part ok well fast forward about a week and we had gotten an email from them they said that I would have to wait indefinitely for the part so I got a hold of them and I told him you know the warranty is only good for 90 days I can't wait indefinitely I need this sawmill I have things I have to do so we returned the sawmill they said that they could send us a new one or we could just get a refund we went with the refund we obviously don't want another one that's gonna break after just 30 days today we had something else delivered today we got a new sawmill we got this on mail from Woodland Mills this is the one that we had wanted to get but it was too late because we had already ordered the one from Harbor Freight I'm really hoping this one is sturdier better condition now I did call them before we ordered and I was very specific and I asked them if any part breaks on it how hard is it to get replacement parts they said it's not difficult at all we have all of the parts here so supposedly they have all the parts and there's no waiting if something breaks there's no waiting to order from China or anywhere else they have all the parts in stock I don't know if they make them or what but so that's a plus they also give you a two-year warranty on it Harbor Freight only gave a 90-day warranty so that right there is two things that already make it better now if I was smart I would have done my homework first and found all this out before I ordered one but you live and learn hopefully somebody watching this video will learn from our experience that you really need to do your homework I know there are sawmills out there that are probably even better than this one but we can't really we cannot afford any more than this we need this because our next step is to start building bedrooms about the bedrooms that we're building are not part of our permanent house they're just to get us out of the RV and into a bedroom for sleeping and the buildings that we build the will then later on down the line be used for barns or storage or whatever and that will happen after we've built a house this is just a way to get us into some bedrooms get us living a little bit more comfortable while we build the place up and then eventually put in a house so anyways you guys have seen us put one sawmill together and I don't think you really want to see us put together another one so we're gonna get it unloaded and put it together and we will bring you back and show it to you when it's all put together we'll show you any major differences that we see between this and the Harbor Freight mill and hopefully we'll get it done soon enough today that we can also run a log through it if not we'll do that tomorrow and we'll just add on to this video before we post a video so let's get this thing together and we'll see you back when it's all done alright guys so it's the next day we spent five hours on assembling this last night and we got it mostly done and then this morning we needed to just tighten up all the bolts make sure everything was riding everything was riding smooth and level oiled it up gas it up but I want to point out some major differences that we have found just by putting it together between this and the Harbor Freight sawmill so the first major difference is that this has four big square tubes holding it together here and the Harbor Freight only had one square one here and around one over on the other side it didn't have this part so this definitely feels sturdier it doesn't wobble and shake as much as the Harbor Freight one did another difference is the ruler here for making your cuts they give you two rulers this one is 1 inch and 2 inch and it allows for blade kerf so if you want a 1-inch board you are actually going to get a 1 inch board then the other ruler is on this side they're magnetic so you can just take them off and use whichever one you want this is a one inch side and this is a quarter side so it's four four fours and this one doesn't allow for blade curved but it does add an eighth of an inch to it so to allow for planing after it dries another major difference is the fluid tank this is aluminum the one from Harbor Freight was plastic and the top didn't like to stay on because it didn't screw on or anything this top fits down in there and it has a chain so you won't lose it I like this tank so let's see another huge difference which we love we haven't actually tried this all out yet is the auto Lube system so when you push on the throttle it's supposed to start the fluid the lubrication which is water and dish soap but it automatically starts that and then when you let go to the handle it stops it so you don't have to remember to go up there and shut off the lubrication like we did the other one love that feature this also has an hour meter see we have not used it yet so that way you know when you need to do maintenance on it mm-hmm this has a nine and a half horsepower motor we we had to perch it we had to pay extra for that option it also comes with a 7 horse but we paid extra for the nine and a half horse which says it's 277 CCS and the one from Harbor Freight said it was 301 CC so Goodin buy that this this motor is not as strong as the one from Harbor Freight but it does seem to be a lot more sturdy a lot a lot better built we didn't have any problem on the joints where the to bed pieces come together on the Harbor Freight when you rolled over the middle right there where they come together you would feel a big pump this one seems to ride quite smoothly over the joints for right now anyway let's see what else do we know of that is different the crank handle the part that we had with Harbor Freight mill where it broke and we couldn't crank it up and down this is just kind of like a boat crank it has the cable here and so you just crank it and it winds up the cable and I really like that feature because if it was to break you just take this off and you can put on a new one so I definitely think that handle is a better idea we also don't have to lock it in when we raise it up to the height that we want see if I can raise it up without it moving on me once we raise it up there is this on the handle you can click that in and it locks it right here so we don't have to reach down here and lock in each side like we did with the Harbor Freight so that's another step that they've eliminated that you don't have to worry about anymore the blade tensioning seems to be super super easy we obviously haven't had to change a blade yet it came with the blade installed but this right here inside when you loosen here I'll show you when you loosened the blade this part this inner part comes out so you can see it here and then to tension correctly tension the blade you just turn it until it is flush can't really do this one-handed but you just turn that there we go now you can see that that inner part is now flush with the outer part so that's when you know it's correctly tensioned that makes it super easy you don't have to feel the blade and figure out how much deflection and whatever and mess with it so super cool I think that's about it I think that's about all the things I can think of right now that we really like oh it definitely it came with the leveling legs so there's 12 leveling legs on it so you can unscrew the bolt up here the knot up here and it raises and lowers it so you can level it out pretty easy oh another major feature sorry I forgot this one on the wheels let me show you on this one these wheels they have this piece of cable and it's just running on the wheel so it cleans the wheels off as you're as you're rolling it cleans it top and bottom which on the Harbor Freight mill we had to get a screwdriver that would fit and just scrape them like constantly because when the water is mixing with the wood shavings the wood shavings wet and they get real sticky so we had to scrape those wheels constantly so I love that feature I hope it works as good as I'm hoping it does sorry it's so hot out here it's like 87 degrees today super muggy I think that's all the all the features to this one all the ones I could think of anyway that are a lot different from the Harbor Freight sawmill so we are going to grab a log from the tree that we had the neighbor cut down we'll grab a 10-foot that's another huge benefit to this one as you can cut a 10-foot log and on the Harbor Freight meal you could only cut a 9-foot so we're gonna grab a 10-footer and we'll throw it up here and we'll show you how it cuts because we don't know we haven't tried again [Music] [Music] all right guys we got we have got a log all loaded up I'm looking forward to this we're gonna let Eddie go ahead and make it into a can't it's all squared up all four sides that is some pretty wood I like that would I think that'll make some really good siding on oceans bedroom okay so Eddie tell us what do you feel is a comparison between this one and a Harbor Freight mill that we had well it's a lot quieter than the Harbor Freight one it's a lot more sturdy and it seems to be able to handle the the load a lot better I was going a lot faster on this one they're not I was with that Harbor Freight just got more power and it just feels like a better saw so you mean you like this one better oh absolutely I think of course there might be a little early to tell but right now I'm liking that a lot better well you know what I noticed I know what a steady didn't forget to shut the water off which he did a lot with the Harbor Freight sawmill since you mentioned that so drop shut the water off so the automatic watering system that shuts off when you let go the handle that is great because like I said we don't forget to shut it off now I can't wait to get my hands on it and start slapping this with those automatic cleaning systems you don't have that bump bump as you go down the rail I like that I don't have to get down there with a screwdriver and clean it out I'm liking it so far alright guys so we're not gonna bore you with us slapping up this this log you've seen us do it once before I'm sure we'll have another video where we do slab up a log and show you the wood and all that but I'm sure this videos been long enough so we're gonna slap it up off-camera and we will see you guys next week now please hit that like button if you liked the video and if you haven't already you can hit the subscribe button down below thanks guys we'll see you next time
Channel: Third Time Around Ranch
Views: 569,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homestead, Debt free, self sufficiency
Id: AyRsJLE6vcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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