Buying Lumber vs. Sawing Lumber Cost | How Much my Sawmill Shelter Cost

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[Music] all right guys welcome back you know where i'm at i'm at the sawmill shack this is the freshly built structure for my woodland mills hm130 now as you can see the white stuff has settled in and it's pretty much covering everything here and although it sort of hides some of my disaster some of my mess around here it also is showing something that i didn't want to happen it's showing the fact that blowing snow is going inside my sawmill shack you guys see it on the floor there i had originally thought and if we have a look up here nope up there i had originally thought the overhang was going to keep the snow from going in there completely you guys can see that overhang here it's uh oh it probably sticks out a good four feet well the reality is it did not do that you guys can see on the floor here the snow has blown in and as a result it would have gotten me had i been out here as it was snowing so we got to fix something up now i've been reading your comments lately and you guys are awesome you have some great solid ideas that heck i wouldn't even have thought of and i'm going to use some of those ideas i'm going to do something that's going to make this even more weather tight so when i'm not here my stuff is not going to be exposed to this white beautiful blanket of snow and rain and sleet and freezing rain and whatever else falls but that's not going to be this time because this time around i'm going to talk about something different if we look at this structure here there's a lot of beautiful timber here and if we look up there let's have a look up there look at all that lumber that is some beautiful stuff in my opinion that was cut from trees in this forest all around me and milled on my sawmill this stuff this wood wouldn't have been free wouldn't have been cheap if i had to buy it from a lumber yard that's exactly what we're going to talk about today we're going to talk about the cost of buying this lumber as compared with the cost of me milling it you guys probably assume that me milling it means i built this for free and well close to free but no i definitely didn't i'm going to factor in the cost of things like fuel my chainsaw sharpening that chainsaw various other maintenance pieces my sawmill itself and we're going to compare that to the cost of going to the lumberyard and with the materials list and ordering all this stuff up so that you can build it yourself we're going to compare whether it's worth it to buy a sawmill to build stuff like this or whether you should probably stick to the visa or the mastercard or the amex or is it amex i think so or whatever at the lumber yard and buy it yourself anyways that's what we're up against today i appreciate all you guys being here if you're brand new to the channel well welcome aboard we're heading into winter so get used to seeing all this uh white fluffy stuff in the meantime let's talk about the cost all right let's head on up here and as you guys can see we are really really close to cutting wood again but let's not forget about the point of today we're going to talk about cost i made this handy dandy list or table of uh bits and pieces of information i sat down and i thought hard about all the pieces of wood that are in here and i did some research to figure out what it would cost to buy it so i have a very big material list and the material list includes everything from the posts to the collar ties to the rafters to the siding up on the ends to the roofing steel to the nails the lag bolts to the joists and the floor and all the braces and all the adhesive it includes everything so without further ado let's break down some of these costs here for you if you were to go to the home depot your local home depot in canada here and buy this material the material is not very cheap it has gone up substantially this year in 2020 and yeah anyways we're not going to get into that but it's very expensive looking at the cost of some of this material just to paint a picture a six by six all right a six by six there and if we're looking at a 12-footer and we're looking at pressure treated because well unless you're going to go to a someplace other than home depot you you have to get pressure treated but the cost of that one post alone is 61.80 see this post right here this post is 61 and 80 cents assuming you got it pressure treated which obviously this is not you could probably go to a local sawmill and get it cheaper for me though that doesn't tend to be an option all local sawmills are probably going to be more than home depot uh anyways 6180. see these back ones here these posts here i got four of them these posts are forty one dollars and six cents how long did that take me to cut well that's a whole nother story but the physical cutting on my sawmill here did not take me long to make that post all right let's step out here and just have a look at the big beam that's up above us here there's a big beam up there and the beam essentially well it spans the whole distance but it's actually in two pieces that beam if you want to see a show and see how i got that up into place be sure to check out the playlist but that beam is assuming we don't count the two layers they tacked onto the top that beam is a six by ten six inches wide ten inches deep now uh in terms of the length because it's in two pieces this section would be 15 feet that section there what is it five feet or six feet i don't know anyways it's about that distance to get a six by 10 by 15 feet you are not going to get that at home depot you're not going to get it at any big lumber yard uh box store lumber yard you're probably going to have to go get it custom milled somewhere maybe your local lumber yard does it i don't know maybe you'll have to go to a sawmill but that's probably not reasonable for everybody so i priced out the equivalent of a six by ten that long and what it would be is four two by tens 16 feet long assuming you had to cut a foot off if you got four of those two by tens 16 feet long what you're looking at is 31.49 each times four for a total of 125.96 this little section of beam here six by ten eight feet long assuming you have to cut a little bit off that's gonna be eighteen dollars and eighty-nine cents a piece times four for seventy-five dollars and fifty-six cents that beam in itself is expensive as are the posts as are the joists as are the floorboards overall what i'm trying to get at is it's very expensive to go and buy this lumber if we have a look at even those siding boards these siding boards up here each one of those if we assume they're eight foot lengths when we cut them is over six bucks a pop add all that together you're going to be definitely spending the moolah on this project so just to summarize some of the costs here because i'm not going to run through all these numbers with you guys they're going to be different depending on where you live whether you're a canadian american or maybe you live overseas maybe you're a european your prices will be vastly different just to summarize see this deck i'm standing on see the deck boards here if you're to buy these you're looking at over 400 bucks canadian if you're to buy these siding boards and keep in mind i just have two ends i have that end behind me or in front of me and this end behind me to buy both of those the wood equivalent is going to be over 100 bucks to get the rafters and the joists i'm looking at over 600 bucks the bracing we're talking just these little pieces these little these uh little pieces here the two by fours so if you're talking about the two by fours there for braces the two by fours up here for the raptor extensions the two by fours up here for the collar ties stuff like that alone you're looking at 265 bucks 265 bucks in little two by fours right so you start adding that stuff up and it starts to get very expensive now i broke it down further for you and i broke it down to a final cost let's get this open here okay final cost ready total wood material cost from home depot assuming you're buying it today in 2020 you're going to be spending around 2 200 canadian before tax to buy this wood exactly what you see here if you're talking about total material keeping in mind it's not just wood holding this together you've got wood you've got different nails you've got construction adhesive you got some lag bolts you also got some roofing right we got roofing up there that is going to come out to about twenty seven hundred dollars and 42 cents 27.42 canadian all right and that's going to get you this structure that's if you go to home depot and you buy the material keep in mind you still have to have all the other you still have to have all the other equipment to build it you got to have the know-how you got to have a saw you probably have to have a pencil a tape a speed square you know you need all that stuff you need a level so all that stuff gets added on to that material cost of 27.42 additionally is your time that price does not include your time if you value your time and you put some amount of money on that well that price goes up drastically depending of course what you think your time is valued at so when it comes down to you deciding to build one of these you gotta question out a whole bunch of things you gotta question out whether you have the resources to do it the money whether you have to know how to do it and whether you have the time to do it if you got the time and you have the resources well that's great maybe you'll do it maybe you'll hire someone to do it regardless it'll get built if you're contemplating waiting to build something like this maybe you're looking at buying a sawmill let me break it down for you further this sawmill now i bought this several years ago and i can't quite remember exactly what i paid so what i'm gonna base it on is the cost of a new woodland mills hm130 max the cost of the mill itself hm130 max 46.99 canadian i can't exactly remember what i paid this is not an hm 130 max this is just an hm 130. it was close to that it might have been a touch less but regardless you get the point if we if we include all the other things i bought with my sawmill i bought one additional extension so my track is extended one additional length that's six and a half feet extra that extra length was 450 bucks i'm going to throw that in there also let's throw in a pack of blades a 10 pack of blades i think you're at about 225 bucks for a pack of those 10 10 uh lennox blades grand total for the sawmill is i'm looking at about five thousand six hundred and seventy dollars so if i buy the sawmill i get a track extension i get some blades and let's throw in there a few extra things like maybe i have to add some fuel in here maybe i have to get some get some silicone lubricant for some of the guides some of the cables on here all that gets thrown in also keep in mind my chainsaw throw in the cost of some fuel there some bar oil some sharpenings grand total i came out to about 5670 that would get the logs onto my mill and get them made into lumber if i compare grand total of sawing the wood 5670 versus the cost of buying the material this doesn't include all the extra tools you need to build it with the difference is approximately half i can build this sawmill using the wood that i buy at the store for about half the cost of buying that sawmill so that might seem like a no-brainer to you you might say well heck i thought i was gonna save money buying the sawmill well you're not on the first project at least not for this project but you will after the second project if you build something the same size again or the third project or the fourth or the fifth so when it comes down to it factor in the cost of your sawmill factor in the cost of the material and compare the two so guys just a few last things if you're on that fence about buying a sawmill to make your own lumber or maybe you're still considering buying the lumber from your local lumber yard if you're going to go the route of the sawmill make sure you do your due diligence and make yourself up a little financials list that financials list like me might be on paper or maybe it'll be on a napkin or maybe it'll be up in your head secondly make sure you talk to whoever you need to talk to and i'm not going to get into specifics but make sure when the sawmill arrives at home it's still a happy home thirdly make sure you take those project dreams and you start putting them onto paper so you can start getting excited about it that excitement will sort of build into the last point that'll really solidify the purchase or at least help you to make it what that is is the thought of you being able to tell people by looking around either at a forest or a pile of logs that those ultimately became this with these hands that in itself is what drove me to make the purchase that self-satisfaction that pride i take in my workmanship and ultimately that's what i can do with my portable sawmill well guys the sun is just about setting on me here i don't know where that sun might be but it's definitely getting dark out here i'm starting to get an itching for a coffee and so i'm gonna head on inside start brainstorming some ideas including some you guys have shared with me to figure out a way to keep this darn snow on the outside as opposed to the inside of my sawmill shack now this build has been a great build i've had a lot of fun doing it for the most part if you guys have any questions about it be sure to check out that playlist and be sure to ask in the comments below i'm happy to help fellow sawyers out there who are trying to get stuff like this accomplished if you guys are brand new to the channel welcome aboard if you're not brand new welcome back and everyone please be good have fun [Music]
Channel: Sawing with Sandy
Views: 111,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how much does my sawmill cost, how much did I spend building my sawmill shed, How much I spent building my sawmill shed, Buying lumber vs. sawing lumber cost, Cost of building a sawmill shed, Breaking down sawmill shed costs, How much my sawmill shelter cost, The real cost of sawing your own lumber, should I buy a sawmill, Buy lumber or buy a sawmill, Buying lumber vs. buying a sawmill, Sawmill Shelter cost in 2020, Why I chose to buy a sawmill, Buying lumber vs. making lumber
Id: CApEuqthMvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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