New Sawmill Owners Should Watch! Frontier Sawmills, Woodland Mills, Woodmizer,

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got a little poison ivy on here grab my glove no sense in testing that theory right [Music] [Applause] hey welcome back to the channel it's a great day out here in the woods got the Gizmo dog he's checking everything out making sure we're safe ahead of viewer ask if we could like take them on a journey uh from a log to the end product so this is going to be probably a fairly long video maybe 30 minutes what we're going to do is take in this log and show you what we have to go through to get a six by six out of this log so this is actually probably an easier an easier log but I'm glad that we'll be able to do this let's be like a little teaching moment and it won't take very long because I don't know that much listen let's get this thing on a sawmill so we laid these logs down I guess a couple days away three days ago and I've already de-lined this log the this log is right here is basically 12. 12 inches by 12 inches and this is the the thicker of the two ends so we're not going to get any much more than a six by six out of this but I think it'd be a good demonstration so we need we need 12 foot post six by six through six by six what I do is I'll just take a something to mark I always go a little bit further so there's a little bit extra all of my 12 foot posts are really 12 foot 6 12 foot 8 inches hey so today we're going to be using this new neotech saw we're testing this thing out this is the NH 872 it's a 72 CC chainsaw and we've used it on some previous videos we're going to run it through its paces and then we'll give you our real feelings about it later on but I like it because it's got a lot of power and we're burning it with a 20 inch bar versus a uh it'll carry up to 24 inch bar but we're running with a 20 inch bar because I think right now for what we're doing this is the best size chainsaw all around it's heavy enough and strong enough to do some real sawing but it's light enough that you can you know that I can handle it all day long [Music] all right [Music] all right now we're gonna go get big red I had my wife hearing protection on uh I'm gonna get big red and get this log out of here I think I might be able to scooch in here that one little popper over here yeah it's got a pretty good mess hung onto this I'm gonna grab the little chainsaw and knock all these little limbs off back here [Applause] thank you gotta look cool doing it gotta have a hat on [Applause] oh wow [Music] [Music] that's plain enough all right we'll see if the sawmill so the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and put two back stops up this is just something that I do some people will use more I find it's very hard to keep these backstops aligned and as long as you just run with two backstops it never comes into play so we'll run one here and always put your back stops up before you start putting the log on I've rolled a lot off the back before so that's something to think about foreign got a little poison ivy on here grab my gloves I'm not allergic to it but no sensing no sense in testing that theory right it's probably I'm telling how many poison ivy bushes are over there okay what I just did is I run through with the hatchet and knocked off all the little extra limbs and basically what I'm wanting to do is look at the log uh and get all the limbs out of the way look at the log and make sure there's not Nails spikes you know I don't think there's anything in this tree but all you need to do is hit one nail or one Spike that's in the tree and you just lost a 30 blade I mean that's that's no other way of putting it so every time you hit a nail unless you just get extremely lucky you are going to lose a 30 blade so for your new Sawyer things I'm looking for again like the metal in the blade also if you're you know this tree was standing up so it's it fell down it's in the woods it hasn't rained so the bark is pretty clean I don't I don't really worry so much about uh dirt you don't if you if this falls in the mud and gets a cake caking the mud on the bark that really dulls your blades very very fast where we're at we don't really have a water a true water supply so it's we're just something we have to deal with sometimes you just have to beat it off the best you can to go with it and deal with the with the dull you know dulling of your blades foreign so we're going to do a little quick check check our belt make sure her belt's tight the blade's on we're gonna go ahead and tighten our blade up this this front here has a is a Big Spring and you just screw this in until it touches the spring and then turn it five full turns so it's half one half two half three half four half five and that makes sure that your blade is tight now what I also do is I just rotate this over you'll see that the blade is tracking correctly just want the basically the the teeth to come off just a little bit [Music] so when a man or Sawmill you don't have as many bells and whistles to level the log like you can on a hydraulic Mill you can literally lift one end of the log up or down it has lifts on both ends of the of the Sawmill so this one what you have to do if it's really really out so a lot of times with a manual Sawmill there's compromise so right now this log is roughly 13 inches to the top all the way across let's see what it is about right here 13 pretty much 12 and a half so we got pretty lucky with this one this is going to have a The First Cut is going to be pretty pretty level all the way across sometimes you'll end up where the taper of the log is so much that it's noticeable and you may have to take your tractor pick up one end and put like a shim up under it to kind of to level it out so you're not wasting so much Timber the on a six by six the best we can hope for is to keep the pith of the log Center all the way down we're making this video as if you are the new and this is questions you've always wanted to ask but was afraid to ask this is the pith and that's where the basically the center of the logs it runs all the way from one in the other and it normal board you want to cut the pith out because that's a weak area and in our case we want to keep the pith in the very center of this six by six that's going to be our strongest post so when I log this side what I'm going to do is I'm going to look down the blade and cut as much of it off as I think I need to to get at least a probably around a six to eight inch wide flat spot in this case it's not going to be very much used the wood left over this is a bigger log you could get a lot more Boards out of it but right now we're just working for Speed on a smaller log go up there and we're going to take our blade guy so remember what we're going to do is we're going to move the blade guy over and this is the blade guy so I'm going to put it over how you how you operate it is you just lift this handle up it's got little teeth you push it in you get it to where you want it you set it down you'll feel it lock into place once you get the blade guide locked in place very very important that you look down the log and make sure that it's not going to interfere with the log as it goes down but you want the blade guide to be as close to the log as possible and what will happen if you have your blade guides too wide you will see in certain certain Cuts certain types of logs that the the blade will wander up and down like this it'll be it'll be my new very very small stuff used hard to see with the eye but you're literally going up and down the whole time the closer you can keep your blade guide the better it's going to be foreign a lot of water I I just run a small dribble just enough to cool the blade all right here we go a log dog come loose that's not ideal it didn't happen I cranked it down pretty tight put another one on well I definitely misjudged that I'm gonna have to go down a little bit more what I'll do my measurements back right I will come down barely touch the blade to the top of the lock that way I know exactly where my measurements are I think I need to take another inch off so I'm going to come down for 10 inches and this that inch Mark really has no record to anything because there is no can't whip yet my water back on so these little slabs you could actually probably cut a small two by out of this or one by two but in my experience we we have so much of this that it ends up being better just to give it away or burn it because you when you do need it you'll always have it we got our first cut done and we got a good six to eight inch run down through here so this is probably going to be the bottom of our of our cant right here and then now we're going to rotate it over on the other side we may get a few extra Boards out of this I don't know we'll see but through experience if you have a hydraulic Mill you can you know you can flip these things over really easy but when you're doing a manual meal you learn you learn to compromise and so what I do now is I take this flat surface rotate it up until my it hits the back stops and use the back stops to make it perfectly a 90 degree and this sometimes can get Difficult by yourself and but you know if you're out there by yourself that's all you got is yourself so you learn to adapt so what I'm going to do here is just rotate this over these smaller logs are not too awful terrible and that wasn't absolutely that bad that's probably the best one best one that I've ever had honestly listen that that fell over touched the backs perfectly I'll get tiny to come around take a picture of what happened so you can see here there's just a very small Gap what we're going to do is just put enough pressure on this that this surface is sitting perfectly against this this surface but the first thing we want to do before we go that far is now we know I raised the back stops up for the height so that there's no danger of the log rolling over backwards but now we're going to cut we'll go ahead and lower these down and then we'll use the cant hook to pull a little upwards pressure and then we'll take the log dogs tighten them down we'll be good to go all we want is just to be perfectly at a 90 degree angle to the to the bunk all right we got the first log dog locked in now that will give us some room to maybe grab another one get a better bite foreign ERS I want to get grab it from the bottom I grabbed this one kind of high and it's going to push it over pretty good I may give the can hook a little tug pull it back I felt it seemed like it just fell right into place then yep all right there that's the goal we want the back that back cut to be perfectly setting on the flat surface of this you're going to tighten those log dogs down good unlike my first cut where that one came loose on me it's never good you know throw a blade that way pretty quick all right now we're going to figure out our next cut the same goes as the first cut what we're going to do is take the top off so that we end up having a six inch at least six inches across the top that's flat and then we'll rotate over and keep doing that until we get a six inch cant now what's going to happen is we may end up with a square cant that maybe eight and a half inches wide well that's where you'll end up being able to grab a few boards off of it all right foreign up back I don't want any Wayne on the back of this foreign [Music] so what we just did here if you'll notice there's a bit of tension in this in this board and there's always going to be tension in the log or in the can so if you cut all the tension off of one side so if we just kept cutting down down this side the bottom side would have all the tension and it would bolt it would bow up in the middle from the bottom so what we're going to do now is remove this and we're going to start cutting as we go around we're going to keep trying to cut even even spaces off of each side so that we keep even tension on both sides of the log so if you get too far from the pith this way it'll it'll want to Bow one way if you get too far from the pit this way it'll want to Bow the other way so that's that's the trick that you got to learn is to read the log and you just seen that one how it how it cupped up on the ends wasn't a lot of tension but there was tension here's a good project board so I've got a nice clean Edge down this side what I'm going to do now is put my back steps all the way up again this is a deal with a you know with a hydraulic Mill you can push the button and these things move up and down so they that's the reason they they're production meals and I'm not complaining don't be wrong because I love this meal and I think it does good for what it is but it's just something you have to take into account I'm gonna rotate this one over now we got our flat surface on the bottom and a flat surface on that side now I'm going to take my back stops again drop it drop them all the way down low and you can see here we've got a big knot we're gonna have to contend with this and when I say that you can only cut I can only cut about five and a five and seven eighths inches so I will have to come down through here and cut this off before I really make my first real cut on this on this can foreign [Music] take this knot out of the way and then we'll come back and possibly make our first cut I think it may have changed backstops before we get yeah we're gonna change back stops let's go to the short backstops foreign so what you see me do there was I went ahead and even though I was only taking off these little pieces I went ahead and went all the way through the log this is a lesson hard learned one time because I thought only needed to take one end of it off and there was actually some higher pieces down there that I didn't I didn't follow through with the Sawmill all the way through so there's some down there was only like an inch higher but when I tried to make my big cut that inch got in the way and I ended up having to cut that cut it out with a chainsaw so once you make a pass go all the way through every time wow that's pretty I'm sure there's a cartoon character in that somewhere now you'll see there's another a good example where the tensions on the outside and basically it's like rubber bands pulling together towards the center on each side of the log so when we cut that side we cut there was pressure pulling in but then when we cut that off there wasn't as much pressure on this side so now what we've done you see how these bolt up on this end we've basically equalized the pressure from one side of the log to the other and that makes for a much more stable uh board a finished product would be a lot more stable without tension in it and the more tension you have on the opposite sides that when you start to get your warping most of your like big lumber yards they don't do this they just do what's called a plane cut just go through through really fast cuts and then they put the lumber in a kiln with heavy weights on them and dry them and that helps to a degree but you know you'll see that there's a lot of lumber you'll buy and when you get it out and it hits the Sun that it curls up and that's because it wasn't cut like this it was cut a very very fast production rate foreign perfectly Square edges or not really perfectly but as Square as they can be we don't need back stops at all because they're this Frontier has a little small backstop that you can cut down to one inch foreign oh it's not gonna do it that wood is wet and heavy but when it's heavy and wet it's also slick so we'll go ahead and put it back a little bit I pulled back one the other day and almost pulled it over on my ankles that could be a bad day we'll let leverage do the work foreign so right now we've got this side is cut off and this side is still intact and again what it is is like rubber bands pulling from each end pulling together and if we left this alone and just let it dry this piece of wood would eventually curl up like this so as we take this next piece off it's going to equalize the pressure on both sides so we can see we move the blade guide over to closer to the log and that's going to make the blade cut a lot smoother now right now I the blade is six and a half inches from the bunk the top of this bunk right here but we want a six inch true cant so the reason I'm doing that is is because I'm taking so much from this side already and if you look at the pith where the piss at them I'm getting closer to the pith on this side than I am on the other side so what I'm going to do is take down this six and a half inches on this side I'm going to rotate it all the way around one more time and take a half inch cut off the other side so that my the the tension is closer to the same on all sides of the post thank you there's another good example as soon as I cut that loose you can see the tension that's that come loose so now the tension again is much more equal on both sides of the of the of the cant I guess the long and short of it is is we're trying to have the same number of rubber bands on all sides which is impossible but you want to get as close as you can all right let's take a look at our cant and see where we're at right now so again we've got this one set at six and a half that means we're going to take another half inch off of the other side and that'll it's almost perfect right now it's gonna be hard to beat that but if you look here we've got eight and a quarter so I'm gonna go ahead and my pith is here so I'm going to take that next eighth uh I'm gonna get it down to a six inch cant here so that'll give me a nice two uh two and a quarter or two and a eighth inch board on top here so that'll keep my rubber my rubber bands about right I think I can just do that right where it's at I'm going to take it from the top so what we're going to do now is go right down until the blue line of the blue line is from your bunk that you're always going to be your from your bunk at the top of your bunk your red line you can adjust Up and Down based upon if you're cutting from the tops if you're cutting from the top you're not interested in what the distance is from your bunk you just need a a reference line so in this case we're going to go blue line all the way down to six inches I said this should give us a nice two and a eighth inch board so I think it's going to give us a nice two inch a two and eight inch board it may still have some tension in it and that's okay you know you can still be still be a usable board for some applications well that one had a lot of tension in it probably not going to be too usable you just never know this had that big knot that big growth on the side of it so that makes it a little different there's actually quite a bit of good usable border here so now we need to take that last half inch off of the other side here and that'll give us our six by six count oh we've started collecting our our sawdust for putting it in the garden and making the garden have a lot more Organics in it where our garden is at it was actually pushed off with a dozer to level so there wasn't a lot of topsoil a lot of organic so you can kind of look at this as years and years of leaf decay that we're gonna till into the soil and then we're also going to put some nitrogen on it all right we're taking it all the way down to a six inch tent it's gonna give us a half inch basically for your half inch big board so here's a good example of cutting the the board or the whatever you're cutting to get the tension off of it so our bed is is close to perfectly level as we're going to get out here in the woods and there's no rocking on this on this post it's perfectly it's laying on the deck perfectly flat and that's it's taken me three years to learn how to do this and I probably still mess it up more than I get it right listen I really appreciate you watching our channels I'd really appreciate if you leave some comments and for all of my new Sawyers out there if you got questions please ask them and for all my old Sawyers out there help me answer those questions and also if you see something I can do better guys please let me know God bless have a great day [Music]
Channel: Tony's Tractor Adventure Homestead
Views: 174,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portable sawmill, portable saw mill, mobile sawmill, tony's tractor adventure, frontier sawmills, woodland mills, woodland mills hm122, saw mill, frontier sawmill, tym tractor, tym tractors, tractor attachments, homesteading lifestyle, fast2k, harbor freight, portable sawmills in action, how to, norwood sawmills, band sawmill, norwood sawmill, lucas mill, bandsaw mill, portable sawmill chainsaw, portable sawmill reviews, portable band sawmill, Woodland mills sawmill
Id: vdjXijAU6Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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