Using the Harbor Freight BANDSAW MILL for the FIRST TIME.

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good afternoon we have had rain all week long so we're finally getting to use the sawmill I can't believe how much it rains around here you know we move south to get into the warm weather and now we just get rain all the time yes it's warm but it sure does rain holy cow so anyways we're gonna we just finished leveling up the sawmill so we are going to cut a log on it we need to make beds for the garden because we're doing a bunch of raised beds from my garden instead of planting in the ground so we took this log and we cut it into five foot sections and I think it's about five and a half foot and because this sawmill will only do nine foot four and my beds are ten feet long so we want five foot boards so we can splice two together and make the five foot bed I'm really looking forward to trying out this sawmill now this is this log we actually started to mill on the chainsaw mill so it's got some slices in it already but we'll just work around that this is where we started cutting with the chainsaw male so we want to try to turn it back a little bit right there right there alright she's all locked in okay we gotta get these dogs down lower so we're not cutting into them alright so we got the shorter dogs on here because other ones that it comes with came up way too high so we don't want the blade to hit them now it's all locked in and ready to go okay so lift it up [Music] yeah that's good okay brakes on baby up okay so you have to turn it on here that's on gas right here you need to make sure that's on and choke it and then you're ready to start and we've got the jug full of water okay let's do it yeah the warning I'll step on you alright guys we gotta let it warm up before we can use it that's what the manual says back in five minutes [Music] well that was a quick five minute song alright let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] about that first cut oh my goodness it's like a hot knife through butter can't get better than that time to roll a backhoe and roll it again man loves dirt can't hook I can't dude you can't hook say miss all right perfect now we have what you call a pan which is when you take your log and you cut it into a square like this so now we have a square we can just cut the slabs we'll cut the slabs one inch thick all the way down it and see how many slabs we get out of it and so much better than the chainsaw now you want chainsaw milk go for it but I suggest you sprinkle one of these this is awesome alright I don't know where we left off we had to go rescue tiny from the neighbor's dogs he gets into their yard and they've got four big dogs that like to eat him so we had to go rescue him but we're back to the log here to our Kant and the cat is nine and a quarter inches in height so we're going to cut seven one-inch labs for the garden beds and then the last one will cut at two inches and make it into some two befores so we're going to lower the blade to the top of the can't so it just touches I think it's probably good yeah it's good okay alright so now what we do is we take this pointer here and we set it to zero right there and that way each time we lower it we can lower it by one inch without having to get down there and measure it and so we're going to bring this down to one inch it should be right there and we're gonna have Eddie start this thing up for us gas is on switch is on put the brakes on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we let's take about three of them off now this piece is because of where we were we started it with the chainsaw male movie man look at them planks that is going to look so good for my garden beds you got a sticker the would let the air get around it so they'll dry out man look at that that is so much easier the chainsaw yeah really really smooth look at that wood man that's pretty and it's so nice to know that we're making the garden beds out of our own trees what do you think babe sure beat that change it's not near as hard on my back either what are we gonna do with all this if I spill some oil or something don't go that on that absorbs it so we can put a bunch of it in a five-gallon bucket oh god what but as many trees as we have to cut down we're gonna have a lot more than five gallons of this stuff we need to figure out how to make plywood yeah we'll brush them off when we get over them over here I don't remember where I left the brush brush it on the log we've already got it'll blow away all right so there you have it these are all the one buys we got I have this log one two three four five six seven and the two-inch slab so our opinion of it it's awesome it's so easy it's quick there's nothing to it is it worth the price yeah if you have enough trees to cut down to make lumber out of or if you're gonna do slabs or whatever it's definitely worth the price now if you're just going to cut up tree no it's not worth it because you know you could go to the big-box stores and buy some lumber but for us this is definitely worth it so we're gonna get to be get busy cutting up some more and we will catch you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: Third Time Around Ranch
Views: 115,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homestead, Debt free, self sufficiency
Id: a0XH46jSJRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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