4 Sawmill Hacks everyone is copying

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watching all these sawmill videos i've been picking up on a lot of little tips and tricks and hacks on how to make things easier so i thought i'd make a video today and show about four of my favorite tricks that i'm using right now and i'll probably make a video later with some more including one that i actually came up with all by myself i'm actually a very good cop here but i'm not good at coming up with new ideas so if you stick around to the end you'll see a real simple little hack that i come up with but probably a lot of you guys have been doing already and just don't have a youtube channel to show it okay this hack that i saw on youtube the guy was using steel pipe but my buddy nate bissell from a bissell maple farm um suggested or said that someone told him about using pvc pipe so then you gotta reach behind it pull your log stops up and then turn your log and then let them back down but instead of doing that you can just have a couple pieces of pipe drop it over top and there you go and pvc should work fine unless you're using monster logs but if you're doing that you can get some pieces of steel pipe it's just two inch pipe that fits over there perfectly like a little bit of wobble but now this next one i got off of sawing with sandy's channel and i'm sure there's other people doing this but if you're tired of hitting log stops or mowing down log stops as sandy would say i've made these marks so that whichever mark i'm on that's how far uh up i'm sitting except for the one inch mark actually three quarter inches up and then the two inch mark is inch and three quarter and so on it's two and three quarter three and three quarter instead of actually four inches at three and three quarter then i've got corresponding marks up here so i've got marks here like this is five inches and i line it up right with the bottom there just like that so that's five inches well i got the one down there set on four inches so let's move this on down to four inches the one down here is actually lower than four inches but you'll see i got both of them on four inches and i got plenty of room i'll skim right over that it's like a half of an inch there so that says four and this says four i know i'm good because honestly the last eight blades that i have that need to be sharpened probably three of them are from hitting log stops so i'm trying to put an end to that and in case you're wondering if you have a woodland mills why i'm not using a little bracket that sticks out and goes in front of your blade that'll hit the log stops it's because that little bracket often gets in the way and it wants to hit little knobs and bark and all that stuff so then you flip it up and then you can still forget to put it back down but without it flipping i guess it loosened something and it fell out and and then i lost the set screw and i set that little bracket somewhere and i lost that bracket i'm just going to try to get better at paying attention and not signing into my log stops this next hack i've seen quite a few uh youtube channels so i'm going to name a specific one but most of them have some kind of a hook or something to hang your bucket on so what i discovered is at least on hm 126 i'm not sure how it'll work on the sawmill brand or model that you have but in my sawmill it works great just to slide your plastic handle off put a little bend put a little bend in it and it hangs right on your on my uh hinge bolt and then you can get i cut and then i cut the bottom out of a bucket and cut a good chunk of it out just so it tightens my bucket slide it right in there because my saw mill that blows a sawdust like straight out right against this wall here so it needs a backstop to hit against now your sawmill may go straight down depends how it's built but that's how this one works i've not tried this yet this is one i just made this today but i'm right here by my barn and i got pigs over in here in the winter there's cows in there that i feed and i've got and i put bedding in there and so it wouldn't hurt just to be dumping all my sawdust in there good way to get rid of my sawdust and turn it into good compost which is what i use all this for anyway so let's just see how it works i don't want to saw a log up right now but i got this little uh um six by six here i'm just gonna skim off like a quarter inch layer off the top of it just to make them sawdust and see how this setup works i'll throw this hack in for free if you've got something that won't fit between your uh that won't hit both of your log stops you can just get another piece of wood that will clamp it against that now i can only i can use a little piece like this because i'm really close to my log stops on both ends so well there's a little bit of blow over but all in all i think it works pretty good the majority of it's going in the bucket i don't care there's a light dusting coming out it'll keep the weeds down anyway till i'll get a lean to build you can see the a lot of sawdust just piling up here when the rain comes down it just kind of washes it out and makes me a nice level spot so it's not hurting anything at the moment now this next hack is what i come up with by myself he's had trouble with uh tripping over my can't hook the stuff because i'd use it and just you know just throw them down anywhere and and then i'd carry it back with me sometimes to the head and drop it back there that i needed it back over here and walk over there and get it and so the simple solution was just screwed onto the piece of the piece of pipe three of them put one here right across there because sometimes you need a can't hook on the back side and then you got one there already and if i'm doing a long log i'll put a pipe up here in the end so my uh can't hook stays out of the way so that's my simple little pack that i come up with but another hack i'll throw in is this cant hook it's actually it wasn't a cant hook it's a log turner i think yeah it went in just like that you go and uh you pick up your uh like smallish logs you can't do like really big logs and you hook them just like you can't hook and roll them over and then it's picked it up off the ground and you can cut it in the firewood well it was only 45 i got it for a secondary one my log right here was 145 but i find i end up using this one as my primary it's just a really good uh cant hook and i don't find that this little bracket gets in the way but if it does you could cut it off no problem and this handle is super solid like i've been hanging on it already turning big logs and uh it just it hooks better than the log right now this won't be a family heirloom like the log right well but for 45 dollars versus a 145 dollars you can't beat this thing i doubt this one's 45 dollars anymore since prices of everything are going up but i'll leave a link down in the description where you can find it and go look at it for yourself if you found any of these hacks useful let me know down in the comments and if you've got any cool hacks and tricks yourself i'd love to hear about those too and leave those in the comments and i might even put them in a video in the future thanks for watching
Channel: Jared Brubaker
Views: 69,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C_EEo40EADg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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