Here’s How I Lost My Car Repair Business

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your engines the British Patriot says Johnny is your TV and YouTube fame directly about you more customers are any of your customers fans you channel oh sure I started on TV then I went to YouTube a lot more famous on YouTube its worldwide you know people are amazing maybe and I say hey you just like you are in your videos yes go see I can't act I couldn't act my way out of a paper bag the only thing that I could play would be a movie about Scotty and I play myself yeah I like helping people out yeah sure it brings you business cuz people say hey this guy's telling the truth about stuff me I'll tell him the truth now occasionally I do lose the costume really get mad at me because I tell them that their car is a piece of crap somebody brings a Jaguar to me and it's falling apart I'll say you know the car's a piece of crap don't fix it get rid of it doesn't get mad I tell the truth I don't care if it hurts somebody's feelings because they bought the wrong car well they bought the wrong car and maybe they should get closer to reality not living a fantasy world they're thinking that their piece of junk car is any good I like warning people a lot problems they're gonna have now if they don't care somebody say something's gonna buy a Jaguar I get people all the time say well I want to buy so I'd say well you know I would buy one for you I really want one to say bring it over I'll check it out put on my machine I'll tell you exactly what kind of shape that's in now if you want to buy it it's your money but you tell people the truth let them sort it out if they don't believe you well that's their loss my Roger stone says Scotty's interesting to listen to he has a lot of good information he seems to push the Marx Mensa vehicle sometimes the cheaper and poorer made vehicles they're a better deal financially no you're not understanding me here I really don't push anything I talk about different vehicles it's my into people you don't want a cheaper and poorer made vehicle it is not a better deal financially because it's gonna fall apart you are always better spending a little bit more money and getting a better vehicle now let's say you don't want to buy a brand-new Toyota for $30,000 go find a good used one maybe it's 10 15 years old you can find one for 4,000 or something do that but don't go out buy a brand new cheap vehicle cuz it's gonna fall apart and you're gonna waste your money and have to keep buying one after after another I remember years ago Chrysler had a deal going with a French car company one of my customers bought it and I said why did you buy that guy said well you know our toyota cost too much and when it wore out we thought we'd try this well guess what in three years the car fell apart and they sold it to a junkyard so you don't want to buy the cheapest Porsche made vehicle that's a bad decision by a good vehicle just buy an older one a used one instead if you want to do a financial thing do not go buy the cheapest Poor's made fickle it's a mistake unless you just want a lawn ornament to park in your front or back yard 9:8 says I bought a 2013 7 with 200,000 Kyrie miles original brakes with 50% left all the service records for $4,000 that was a smart move and here's why so people are gonna say you were fool you paid $4,000 for a car with 200,000 miles on if they really were all highway miles and most of them had because the brake pads are 50% left highway mileage exclusive is equivalent to 10% that's 10% a city drivers so your 200,000 highway miles is equivalent to 20,000 stop and go city driving not your summer with city chime it wasn't all going you know 60 miles an hour and highway but if most of it was the things probably the equivalent of 30 40 thousand city miles and you only paid for grant those are great cars you got a good set up on it if what about two hundred thousand city miles no wooden oven brake pads wouldn't be original for sure gonna be a lot of stuff we're not but with that know you got a good deal Michael R so Scotty what do you think of the 2011 chevy silverado 5.3 motors and the longevity they're good motors they're not as well made as they used to be but at least that's a nine year old one unfortunately everybody's making their stuff cheaper and GM has done a little bit further than they probably should have and some of them make ticking noises and have certain problems back in a day when you could buy a Chevy v8 and get three four hundred thousand miles out of the engines those days are long gone but there's still decent made motors they're not horrible orders if you're gonna get a shell Silverado get the v8 don't buy that crazy one at they up not as a four-cylinder engine that's a mistake as for I was think I'm said I doubt if that'll be produced all that much longer looks like it's been a massive but the five point three motors are decent motors Sean Bowman says what causes a car to die while you're driving it lose fuel or you lose spark and the more common thing is if you're driving it and it stops is you just ran out of gasoline I've got that but I've had so many customers over the last fifty or two years and I start checking out stopping the first thing I checked now from experience the Steve was gas in the tank a lot of times there's no gas the thing that's why they don't start and of course if the fuel pump goes out the same thing happens I guess the tank the pump doesn't pump it's of the car dies that's the most common thing that knocks out a car now some of the customers it wasn't really their fault because the gas gauge didn't work anymore and they didn't know it and they thought they still had half tank gas but the gas gauge is broken and it went full they half and just stayed at half so then he ran out of gas can't blame him on that and of course other things if you lose spark something happens to your ignition system but the ignition systems are modern-day cars are pretty well built they generally last a really long time but it's more common to run on a gas for the fuel pump itself goes or if somebody's bad enough they don't watch the temperature gauge the engine overheats they don't stop where you're driving is good by engine Chrebet G says Scottie what do you think of a 2014 Acura v6 with the manual is it a decent vehicle oh yeah you know they're decent vehicles to begin with their automatic transmissions a little weak but that bypass this is just a standard it's 2014 so it's only six years old it isn't that old change the oil rag early you know keep up with maintenance those things go really long time I got a customers one of those got 250,000 still runs like a clock so yeah with a manual transmission you get rid of the worst part which was the automatic transmission that car like that can last forever mr. Apple says a Mini Cooper is my first car any recommendation where should look it has 250,000 kilometres ok so this were like 140,000 miles on it I'd say look for something else they only last so long my neighbor she's English and she's on her third mini and it wasn't like she just bought new ones because she liked a new car she bought new ones because the old ones fell apart and none of them reached a hundred thousand miles so I would look somewhere else if I were you now if you're real serious about that vehicle first take it to a mechanic like me have them do what drei compression test of the engine do live data analysis row tested with this fancy computer and see what he says because I've never seen one with that kind of mileage that didn't already have either serious problems or soon was gonna have serious problems with the engine worn out so have that check first at least but I my first thing I'd find one with less mileage if you had to buy one but I wouldn't even buy a used one there they just wear out too fast unless it was used one to head low mileage you got a good price on Edgar J x1 so Scotty I'm thinking about oh seven silverado LT one what do you think this 2007 where they make them a lot better than they do today 13 years later it is a GM product so you have a mechanic check it out you have them pay special attention to how the transmission shifts and how the differential sounds a lot of those that weak differentials and it's gonna need the differential rebuilt now let's say differential is worn I know guys Aaron used to know rebuild those six or eight or nine hundred bucks and they do a really good job so you'd pay eight or nine hundred bucks less for a vehicle it wouldn't be a reason not to buy it you do want to check it out because you never know what kind of shape on vehicle isn't what it's used but at least back in 2007 they were making them better than they make him today at GM so he could be a decent vehicle for mechanical case jason says hey Scotty I got a suspension noise my shocks are okay chuck them then oh he happens alright drive outta drive there's lots of things that can make noises you're gonna have to pinpoint what the noise is but if it only happens you go in out of drivers you're getting that big bump you say you checked your shocks but realize that cars using McPherson struts these days most of them they're like shock absorbers but they're called McPherson struts and if they bounce okay there might not be what's the noises the shock absorbing part of the McPherson strut but on the top Dan would have called strut mounts metal with rubber bushings in them the rubber bushings crack and break and then when you had a big bump yeah I'm Clark I would check the strut mounts first because that's a very common thing for something that's that age as junker Scotty what are your thoughts on engine swap in a 2004 Mustang v6 Stuart nineteen ninety five liter engine nineteen ninety five layer engine sampler you're gonna have to change out a bunch of stop motor mounts and transmission all kinds of stuff you get to change out it's gonna be a lot of work but you have a much faster vehicle be a more interesting vehicle to that v6 2004 it's kind of an under powered vehicle it'd be a fun project you can do something like that and your mechanical fine go out and do it but don't buy it and then tie a mechanic to do it unless you don't care about money cuz they're gonna charge you a small fortune for doing that stuff I know guys to do that stuff they do it for rich people have a lot of money don't care you're gonna do it yourself yep you're gonna pay someone realize it's gonna cost you a fortune probably isn't it worth it that Jesse SS what are your thoughts on the impossible whopper yeah yeah hamburger made on vegetable to her okay you know when I was going to college I was a vegetarian one year just to see I got that like 145 pounds I was a string bean you don't feel good I knew it do admit you know it clears yourself up there's no arguing that but when you get a mass-produced thing like that I don't know if it's any better than eating meat me I like eating meat but I Johnny like eating higher-quality hamburger meat that they use it hamburger mass-produced places like McDonald's and Burger King yeah the quality that meat is nothing crazy you're probably our patter of feet stop made out of plant material I still wanna know how it was made myself so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 967,828
Rating: 4.7664571 out of 5
Keywords: auto repair, auto repair fails, auto repair shop, auto repair shop business, auto repair shop fails, auto shop, car, car advice, car diy, car repair, car repair channel, diy, got shut down, repair, repair shop, scotty, scotty kilmer, scotty kilmer channel, shop, shop closed, shop closing, shop closing down, shut down, shutting down, store closed, store closing, here's how I lost my car repair business, business, lost my business, business man
Id: Kg3Yu_FdxKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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