Hera vs MbL | Fair Civs Cup Semifinal

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okay do a professional class central mr. 100 all right so funny here in the blue as the byzantines we're doing blue for hair and friend BL right exactly okay so the the west of Serengeti will be Hera and to the east of the map in the red also as the Byzantines in this mirror matchup will be MDL both am players and pause pause okay I have a pause 25 oh I'm at 132 okay of course we're really typing so we start off with map egg mirror civilizations as you guys know this will be the only mirror match of the whole series after that you have the system that the loser decides on two civilizations the other guy picks which of the two he plays and on and I already discussed not really knowing how well those two will prepare I'm actually expecting MBL to go for more like a and sto civilizations yeah definitely I think that some players will want to mix in the the bad sibs quote-unquote but I think that both of these players would actually prefer having the good ones if that makes sense like just in every situation just picking two of the best subs for the map and just trying to go in a big straight-up fight yeah yeah yeah yeah I think so as well we did see slaps and Hans was one game that I spectated from MBL so yeah he likes to play the strong civilizations also always an advocate of like picking the strong civilizations simply because they're more fun as well they right they generate faster games if we compare it like Byzantines war has to be more passive than let's say Mongols war the smell well yeah I mean if you consider fast games to be fun and not just sitting around and spending trashy nuts for two hours I know I find that fun maybe I'm a masochist yeah and you like to get all your upgrades in the university and need time for that as well of course I mean gotta flex that Byzantine tech tree man they have one of the widest ones right they have the widest one okay thought like Spanish could be up there as well Spanish are actually three Saracens are two okay today we learned i got you fam okay foreign would now in the back here for mister NBL we also have four on would for Hera kind of spelled melody I'm opening to me yep we also have both players luring as some ostrich this map has one elephant or rhino and that I believe eight ostrich so definitely kind of need to use your scout in the early game to get that extra food income so you're probably not gonna be able to know where your opponent's space is too early in a lot of situations yeah I've seen that several times now that people even try to defend the minute I'm opening and only then started scouting yeah very greedy place the over over again but Terra he is a guy that also feels like K pushing to dear maximum at that four minute thirty mark you need to start scouting and try to find out way upon it as MBL on the grittier side yeah and usually I think MBL is playing as safe as possible but he is he is one all that juicy ostrich meat which is actually really tasty steak but that was a long time ago that was that was in the previous yeah the dark ages or no militia opening you by MDL he builds the barracks before the mill that's something we don't see too often um will it be for the militia opening yes it will so yeah it's gonna be a very fast opening well I mean as far as dresses go but you'd assume that there would also be some aggression to follow up behind it know Lithuanian you know three men at three minutes rush or whatever but it's still going pretty fast see if you can harass some of the Lumberjacks or foresters of Hera we will see about that and I got miss enough in my channel in old school Walker 3 legend great that you found your way here and yeah indeed no Lithuanians there will be a bit of a snow world rush let's take a look how Hera wants to defend this one is now building the barracks as well the just feels like oh no he placed the militia defense and now farms up as well that's interesting um yeah this is a very passive opening here from era now he's even just going out to the ostrich yeah it should be pretty comfortable for him I think so long as he can you know send his militia you know where they need to be but I think he shouldn't have too much of a problem with that and I think this could actually go pretty well in terms of deflecting his opponent exactly what's up here and Al he only started the berries now goes around though that's interesting normally you're trying to go to the direct angle Hera I'm not really knowing where to defensive Scout is in the other direction as well maybe and we all can catch the villagers off-guard there but now we have loomed there as well and four villages together yeah we even have the second mill coming down here from Hera on the ostrich so he really wants all that nice juicy ostrich wheat and also oh wow I got rated by debby of all people shoot oh there we go welcome 400 more people but yes so militia now coming in gonna see if they can get something done the militia of hair aren't quite in position but with using the high ground actually no Melissa can go for the use of deer snipe for ostrich Snipes yeah and since two days now we will lose all the food there if the militia is killing those ostriches change with the last balance patch them or hotfix how they call it nowadays yeah I'm really glad they implemented that now you can I think you need to be more careful with how you manage fear those early huntable resources and it's just a little bit more area of skill or not skill in my case where you just steal the board with your town center actually I'm actually an advocate of keeping it like how it kind of was featured slash backed at the moment because he had just pushed people a bit closer together but I also see that we played it for so many years by the way MBL behind this is playing 23 villagers so that's going to be a fuel edge follow-up while Hara is playing prop 30 and now takes the militia fight here yep both we're going to disengage at least for the time being Hara has the high ground but MBL has more HP MBL probably gonna want to just stall until the men arm upgrade comes in and of course I'm wrong looks like he just wants to take the fight instantly isn't really on gold here so nice now sent to villagers there didn't really connect that but it still still taking a massive fight there how did that happen well MBL took the better fight initially so he had around 30 more HP ton total on his units I would guess and that thing can snowball and can BL just taking a better fight right there now it's gonna be sending any villagers forward not yet just gonna be building an archery range but he was going over to Stone Hara he's not playing fast cos behind this either it's just double archer inch by him or maybe does he go for stable we're very rarely seed rush into stable but it could be the hairstyle oh yeah well Hara does love his Scouts and any in all situations and now it will be the double archery range and not being on gold is just going to be for skirmishers because Byzantines and spearmen is probably is gonna be about as safe as it gets look at that pulling the boys and some of them are the mood walkers they're only five boys that their two skirmishes one spirit now going forward but Hara should instantly see what's happening here gets the kill against the Scout and goes back that is pretty nice move for Hara he is of course known for sniping units with his Scouts but income these villagers and towering the fort of berry bushes and stone gonna be a really good idea and right now it's 9 military to 2 in favor of MDL this is gonna be a little bit tricky to hold but is it really worth it our like 240 food only on those berry bushes you're not really towering too far I think Herrick could have maybe just stayed calm and counter tower the next hour I think you still want to tower the forward pushes just because you are running out of those ostrich like any moment so any amount of disruption on your opponent's food economy isn't gonna be really good but of course both towers are going to be completing it for the time being and of course the Tower of MBL is shooting a house the most vital of targets well it's shorter they're in distance and therefore it's targeting that one but yeah I'm not really pretty now running around military Hera is slowly catching up for skirmishers might be better because there are some weak militia and spearmen in there that shouldn't do too much in the fight yeah I mean her should just eventually climb ahead as he is on one more archery range than his opponent second tower coming in for both players skirmishers just going to be whittling away at the villagers but I do imagine both of these towers are gonna come up maybe I'm buddy else and getting one or two volleys off yeah I don't think we should see any villager losses they're too low edge people it just meanwhile Hera's rushing out the front row in front of the berries nice a little bit of villager control right there from Hera and even using the villagers to try and take down the initial tower of MBL that might not be the best idea one HP villager does make it to the tower yet yep for the solid Katie as we can see three two one that was the one scout killed and the 3 militia on the other side now moves on to some gold there was not the prettiest mining camp I've ever seen from era that is that is a 100% doubt approved mining camp right there it is always weird ax mining camp hills and whatnot but yeah that's that's not the greatest he does need any amounts of gold though you got the blacksmith but then I think he realized oh wait I don't have any gold for fletching so unless you want to rush up plus one Archer defense in a skirmish earlier which doesn't sound like the most useful thing in the world probably gonna need to get some gold for watching yeah he is getting that has a solid foreign food behind this as well some farmers working for him I think he might be up to castle H eventually but MBL yes solid resources as well I might have misjudged that fortitude 3 on : looks like Hera is actually running his initial Scout can a snipe a villager of MBL's cute little move there on the other side but yeah his his resources really aren't looking all that bad and that's just the power of cheap Byzantine trash I mean you can go for this more aggressive play and then still have decent resources behind it and I would say it's done an okay amount of damage if a mule can just retarget that tower onto the other tower I guess they're out of range no no they're not they should be arranged right yeah indeed maybe fletching was missing harab only now clicking fletching who has the better position at the moment well Harrah's Army has gotten a little bit larger but MBL might be able to dance around with fletching for the next down now 5 seconds but I think it's actually pretty even villager count is the same and I think this actually should just get to castle 8 without too much issue of his food only has 6 farmers at the moment so that's not the biggest who didn't come now adding some more on the other side hoping at 7 ah so it is actually pretty pretty low food egos at the moment for people that are going double archer inch scurbs that's a bit surprising to me yeah that is kind of surprising I mean you don't need much food for Byzantines terms but you do need an amount of food and whoa Hera he is sick and tired of being sick and tired he's trying to rush this one down has way mommies come count is very very small so that's going to be no problem here for him low HP on the skirmishes but still he is smashing this one yep the tower does be destroyed before the other tower comes in and now all of the skirmishers are dead and the villagers are gonna have to book it back to the base of MBL or try and punch their way out of this I'm surprised that he didn't try to simply run well now yes I see that but one village is still in the tower two villages still in the tower and Terra he will get some juice he kills for himself he might even get all five yeah I mean the one of the villagers are very large fee and two are just kind of enjoying the view of the little pond right there just taken javelins in the back without a care in the world now MBL is rushing up some defensive towers in panic mode couldn't be building stable behind this as well but if he goes for Scouts that's just him delayed his castle each time even more and he is just getting pretty far behind at this point 130 food 500 gold and more we don't want to really go for any access doesn't make too much sense and Terra while he is floating 400 gold as well I did get the four villager kills now two ahead and he has two sneaky villagers at the right hand side what are those up to oh yeah that is so that's quite sneaky I'm not too sure I mean I guess he could Tower but doesn't seem like it's all about worth it there actually has 670 stone in the bank he could really easily pushed by his way up to Castle age with the market and as indeed what he is making so if he should be clicking up pretty shortly MBL though as well if he just could get a market the castle age soon he wants to go for the tower defence dad you advised him basically before the game and now builds the market at the right hand side as well yep so we should be seeing Hera a little bit faster to the castle age compared to MBL which you know reflects him just being a little ways ahead in this game even causing some idle time here at these furnitures if not quite able to get any kills because skirmishers slinging their wet noodles not going to be doing much damage to villagers but you know what could do a lot of damage Knights and Terra is preparing the sneaky stables at the side I think that shouldn't be for scouts I would hope it's not for scouts but actually MBL's can be faster and clicking up to castle aged just an inch ahead of Hera because we use freedom units here but yeah with castle is coming it should definitely be for the four it doesn't be all realize he's building an outpost this is the outpost now it will appear in minutes to sell to stable you get free town boards right oh is it yes he does oh that's so bad the tower coming is instantly going to be denied as well oh is it but just punch punch the tower or not he's gonna save the Vil's yeah there's a lot of skirmishes coming from behind there might lose a villager that means tables going to go up and MBL he will play this well very defensively now yeah another tower coming up on the gold you're saying Harris actually mined out of stone he could he could feasibly drop a forward castle if he wanted to behind some nights oh boy 825 stone in the bank obviously cataphracts not really the unit that is so much better than knights in this spot so I think it's more about map control maybe even build it defensively it definitely could be maybe on the hill to the south of his base would be a good spot if he wanted to put it you know a bit more passively so I can stable now coming in for MBL as well even if you go for the the Knights they keep Byzantine camels are gonna be pretty good option in answering that and be out just with another tower that's going to be nice from him and massive tower defense now some scouts on the other sides already having forging for themselves yeah that's gonna be quite nice a little bit of weird maneuvering from this as skirmishers of Hera but mdl should be able to get this defensive tower up Knights actually for both players no-one opting for the camels but honestly Harris not taken the best fight here with these skirmishers concering how many more he had yeah he kicked the lumber camp there right it felt really really weird double stable my products make sense my opinion against the skirmish the numbers and then soon we will see switches into camels that you wanted to see yeah makes plenty of sense and BL did get another villager snipe over on the other side the map so everything is actually pretty even as far as that goes Hera is getting the +2 defense though so he'll have some pretty good upgrades fighting under the town center is never a great idea though and NDL is doing a pretty good job stabilizing I'd say literally staples and yeah just playing camel tower defense and skirmishes like this is like this can't be hidden cup right because we always knew if you look at that it s it is MV alia with his typical defense he's now trying to boom at the side bit here as well and yeah absolutely even game I'm only missing extra to cease from Hara or a castle or something like yeah I think he sold some of his stone seems like it so maybe he's just trying to continue production okay no he is building in town center so he is gonna begin his economy but it will be slower than MBL's maybe some villager Snipes could make up for that but even then not even having forging on those nights means they're gonna take a just that much longer to kill any villagers and MBL is honestly looking pretty cozy right now but finding you aggression will be tricky for now he votes the monastry at home I think I heard monastry already yes indeed and someone production from Hera so yeah in absolute mirror here who would have thought with a mere match but Hera has a slight villager lead but MBL had the faster Town Center so honestly that should all be pretty even it needs to be some differentiating factor either another town center or some sort of aggressive play one of these guys is to get ahead in the near future I think just stop the night production go from west camels and well you can't sit on a lot of defensive CeCe's mom getting sniped there quite nicely by MBL he's not the guy with the aggression has eight more military on the field yep that definitely makes sense and these Lumberjacks are definitely a little bit exposed gonna have to pull back for the time being and yeah hair is gonna have to book it back with these camels upgrades are way better on the cavalry for Hera definitely worth mentioning only the forging for MBL versus the +1 +2 for Hera but still MBL not wanting to commit right now oh that's indeed a massive well upgrade advantage there let's take a look 10 cavalry against 19 cavalry the moment MBL he could take some fights but well we're in Sioux we have a lot of towers from Hera we have defensive tc's now building another one at the very top cam among defense I think it's just sitting back booming and transitioning into him no yeah that's that's what I would do that's also what I would do in every scenario yeah both players on the three TCS at this point Hera has been able to maintain this village early despite NBL getting the earlier second TC so that's definitely gonna be quite good for him but MBL is just getting more well-rounded in his cavalry Tex do you expect these guys to go for cavalry in the transition to Imperial or switch over into halberd university the MBL style should be going harbour deer skirmish a push and the Hera style would be Cavaliers into reigning at the site and skirmish the defense in the center yeah that definitely would check out as far as these players Styles go just a random Scout dying in the north but yeah both players really not wanting to go too aggressive Byzantines not really the best at raiding with their camels as they do lack bloodlines and yes it's surprisingly chill right now although MBL is kind of posturing in the middle of the map yeah it just keeps the hill there also remember Byzantines they get up to in so much cheaper that we could maybe see something squeezed in maybe even before the 90 village' mark let's take compare let's compare resources and be out banking up a bit but now investing everything class to defense and the second farm upgrades yeah that will be more action and college yeah I mean heard again he has the resources for a castle right now but he's not building one and if he's not gonna go for the castle he should just sell some stone and get his way up to em faster you mean do something with those resources I like actually like there is no good stone spot right I think the only mistake he's doing that he keeps five villagers on stone I think those could have been on gold or tried to collect some wood but where do you think he could have builded Goods castle at the moment on the south side it was based on his Hill I mean this hill kind of stretches across the entire middle of the map from both players faces and it would be really really important to control so dropping a castle there seems like a great way to secure that location okay I can see that yes what you see number four now but some farmers in the back and very passive game at the moment obviously best-of-seven series whoever wins four games will advance into the finals for tomorrow and he's pulling during the University where he wanted to see the castle well you know learning is really the best yeah well I mean University it's probably just going to be for Imperial age he has the resources for em actually a little bit late with the university terms of when he could flick up with the chief byzantine him as you were saying MBL building his own university and these guys should be having very similar Imperial lifetimes but with Herot having a notable 10 villager lead yeah and maybe reading sums on sooth and the University the art of war and I have it on my bookshelf okay maybe you can quote some before we see thanks for starting I'll get my proper citations ready in between games okay sweet stuff so now we have the face we actually both players could have gone for a lot of relics being picked off or like collected and bl has won hera did expand some but didn't get too many so I think MBL should be in the better spot there might even get to well hair just got a relic as you were talking so each player will have one for the time being MDL patrolling some nights near a relic in the south and yeah it's just gonna be Hara with a little bit of an advantage in this game all around military counts are more or less the same pair of 12 for villagers and a slightly faster Imperial each time I'm not sure if it's gonna be enough to really leverage it like a big attack against Byzantines though I don't think so either councilors are so good you're lacking of the armor with the camera as you mentioned earlier no bloodlines there you cannot really fight under those disease and yeah just two camels girl army composition is going to be really strong as a defense here indeed that is the case Herod trying to make something happen perhaps but then realizes that that is not going to happen and does back off for the time being perhaps gonna be trying to wait for his Imperial age and of course as you were saying nearly pikemen upgrade on the way for MDL he will be our first player to switch over into the halberdiers interesting and that something Hara is completed neglecting for now is adding some archery ranges so wants to go for trooper Archer and skirmishes still lacking a lot of updates though just finish the +2 and going to divots upgrades now yeah pretty much what we expected this could be a long one on low it definitely could be and you know these are few players who will not shy away from taking a game super long but I kind of like the the Hal Berger play transitioned a bit more as you can just save the gold and you can just use it for something else that is a bit more worthwhile as the camels really are just counter units they're not you know inherently strong units in and of themselves is here but surprised the Terra's not taking that fight in the center you could completely kill this one and be a little bit of position they even have a conversion against the skirmish is something we don't see too often I gotta get that valuable Byzantine skirmisher on your side and a big fight could be underway here MDL like numbers advantage but Herrick coming in actually doesn't have any Imperial edge upgrades for his units so MBL should just be able to hold this off no problem I think so as well waiting for the heavy camel and I think brace is really crucial that's the spot where I would love to see well maybe two if you want to go crazy even three CJ next myth just to get all your upgrades out triple blacksmith oh boy but no that's not gonna be the case just yet I think that they're really there really wasn't an opportunity for hair to make something huge happen so there's no point in trying to rush some furtive attack happen just kind of keep chillin sitting back my one concern for him is he's not really making any sort of transition into a better are me because theoretically MBL's army should just clap Hera's army oh there aren't too many camels so I think Kara can just run away now builds more seats workshops to the center to get the cars to where you want it and well next attack em angle Hera not with the greatest production I think and we all should be able to push him away as you said yeah yeah I think and we all shouldn't have too much of an issue here hair is gonna be making big play with these camels just kidding he's now running away with them but yeah Emile he has the better production he has a slight numbers advantage closer reinforcements obviously and shouldn't have any problem repairing the TC and income the halberdiers are only what ten skirmishers to deal with all those halberdiers that's not really gonna be enough yeah those as well only now getting ballistics he cannot take this fight I think even running and just let the trip to I might be a best call yeah yeah definitely Hera banking up around a thousand food and gold right now not seeming too sure how to spend it but it looks like Harrah's kind of wishy-washy in terms of taking this fight MDL coming in with these camels definitely being a lot more decisive and taking a very nice little fight right there absolutely he behind there's even checked for the bomb but cannon so he's getting some mobile siege out is now taking reasonable engagement here twenty more military on the field for him slightly behind in villagers and yeah he really gets the resource on the map as we can see at least compared to Hera whose banking them up massively I think there's always a question in a mirror match for the sieve is very strong with trash like Byzantines like what do you actually spend your gold on because you need to make it count and it's not super clear in this case honestly cataracts wouldn't be the worst option in the world don't laugh if you're not spending gold with anything else you can actually go for cataracts in the 1v1 I've seen it happen I've made it happen beehives yeah like honestly I think like see trims is the best unit complimenting your trash if you want to go for massive amounts we can go for counter texts which are really nice you can have some buffer ha bodies are not like so good against them skirmishes obviously won't do too much and then you can take better fights but for now we even have more gold and look at that MPL he is checking into further malls that is interesting considering that there really isn't a I guess that for the bombard cannons right does that make sense okay action that's does he ever done from yet or no look you're surprised I didn't see it doctoring is the first update that I can see now I'll bite the bowl I'm going to check the tech tree no he does not okay so really comes to want one now both having facets on that hilly area monastries by Hera as well both going for monks you're trying to convert the bombard cannons of the opponent apparently well should be a pretty good option Hera has now mostly liquidated all of his gold at this point spending it on siege weapons and monks and we are just now getting conscription and I'm surprised that we're not seeing any more of any raiding attempts although I do like how hair is expanding on the map taking a lot of the neutral resources right now yeah but still just bow to stables at the table to stables at the bottom and that's so so much better for you and yeah I'm missing that as well very one-dimensional fight through the center in an area where you can't be broken anyways yeah I mean it's just gonna be so hard for either of these players to push through here Byzantine siege is not very good and Byzantine defenses are very good so it's gonna be yeah it's gonna take you a while to get through that but still in the vacuum I like how Hera is going to be positioned going up here as the game goes on with the read extra resources in the north and south he's a bit more active and also on the east right he's sneaking that one extra gold spot there only was two villagers but that sneaky enough for me and that is of adequate sneakiness but yeah trebuchet is gonna be going you can't convert those from range and and me also gonna need to put up some sort of defense right here but his army is still a little bit better I think without the heavy camera upgrades everything else pretty similar he's going for my hobbies now this looks like a real engagement in herre he kind of lost everything except two skirmishes I think now will go by and BL could do a lot yeah just kill him kill him Obama cannons great connections they're shooting from behind and I think Kara he is not getting rich Theresa's on the map look at that 2k food which okay would 5k food make unit Sara MPL is just pushing you know apply pressure directly to the forehead and now this could be almost a double the military count in just a second and Age of Empires it's a game with momentum if MPL starts getting here start sniping these production buildings this could snowball out of control really fast for Hera well mckennon's not so pretty while retreating there as well very clumped up there with all the skirmishes think of em be all had now five for EM so something he would just completely kill this still lacking some ratings at the side give me an over/under of this game on them um think it still should be going another at least 15-20 minutes okay I don't think I'm meal is gonna be able to break hair just yet especially with the castle here but MVR we can't deny that is pushing quite nicely bomber Kenneth connection there in the back as well Hara not the best micro there with this bomber cannons and be I'll get some good connections and he's the one pushing but military count now evened out again yep of course that is just Hara taking these slightly better engagements as he gets closer to his own production monk did get a conversion on to the bombard cannon of MBL so that's gonna be a nice little bit of a pickup right there but what I did see like you're asking for an le is the seed tram transition coming in for MDL and that should be really really powerful as there are so few millionths left for either player yeah maybe monks even need to start converting them but you cannot convert them from distance and then how many discovers us we'll always do something I don't like that we see so few houses here from either side only now the tech from Hara yeah Hara is now getting the hustler attacks of course he does love his hustler raids but yeah on this map like sir it's so open it so spread out you'd imagine that huh stars could get a ton done also there are two unclaimed relics kind of surprise at this point especially since both have invested quite heavily into monks so that's kind of a little bit strange to me but we're gonna have to see if the see play can make the difference as MBL he's he's getting that RAM train going vomit canons can deal with that pretty well but they're at the bottom at the moment the RAM train is happening at the top and indeed the sheets Ram tech there as well who very stable Gaiman comes to village accounts not a lot of rates now the first ones kind of at the top by the car so they're by Hera two defective yep MBL will snatch control of that goal for the time being castle mountain really there to defend but I imagine Hera can be making good use of those stables on the right side pretty soon and now the seat ram upgrade is complete for MBL and i still think he's in a better position to push forward as the game goes on see about that skirmish against chemists obviously tricky to advance they're so easy for your phone and to fall back reduce and attack again like reinforcements lines are so so important in those snowballing well tricky if your opponent has enough production yeah but i think the idea that points just kill your opponent's production and that's kind of what I'm Beals doing right here a lot of these are tree ranges are in the front yeah O'Hara has several in the back foot I mean when you're meeting to produce as many units as it has in a Byzantine mere trap for I honestly think just killing the production that's all see what NBL is doing right now I think that's a really good idea yeah I don't mind that it all still has some light care for taking the sights as well would love the house attack something we all mentioned Hera went for both players keeping their population quite nice and high KD very even everything looks super even oh it's so nice to have the KD back with the latest hotfix that is quite nice to see some like have mixing themselves in right here in a Trevor Herrick doesn't have halberdiers so MBL has a near-complete trapped tech tree for as Hera does not he always kind of fallen a little bit behind in this push in the center though mckennon's converted against him there was only one back against five now could now return the favor and the pendulum swings back hara knows the one with the attack yep hera definitely getting ready to make something happen those five bombard cannons like calves here for MDL though and harris actually prepping his own seed ram so now handle him swinging in the other direction but MDL really wants to get some rating done yeah and he's very active now red dots everywhere and blue space as you can see gets a lot of political sarah he lost two solid fifteen but yeah i think the most important thing is the center hara trying to reinforce that position with another castle yep that sounds pretty good to me just slowly creeping across the map and he'll trying to build a bunch of stables in the north of those butchers actually do look walled off so i think they will be able to complete something and might be able to distract hair for the time being MBL doing more rating in every direction with a castle in the south to control that goal as well does have to be careful of the middle look at the resources tool of hera 3 K for K 2 K just ridiculous for this late stage of the game and it's not like they have not been trading off armies against each other and they are absolutely at the limit with everything not even 1k in total yeah that is definitely not good for MBL but if it's a matter of math control and rating MBL definitely is still in a pretty good position as far as that goes but crossbowmen tech now coming in for Hera he's gonna try and make something happen with all of this goal and that's gonna be our ballasts what do you think of that I wanted to ask you the same thing I don't think it's too great your opponent has like a lot of skirmishers it's not really the army that you can go for only as well it's not really the greatest additional unit I think I wanted to see more seats or maybe just save it up and go for a massive paladin switch or something but for amaz cataphracts which how many constants does Hera have yes poor castles yeah okay I would be fine with Quetta freights as well no look like I was saying like cataracts they kill everything and if you're not spending gold on literally anything else other than like a few random seed units then yeah by all means Byzantines don't really counter cataphracts too well unless they have a bunch of árboles but that's not really gonna happen at this stage but see dreams are starting get sniped off for Hera went to KH people that cos I think it might go up and instantly fall behind this lot of villagers being sent through the center bomb but Kenneth can they go in for the defense you have 8.1 K HP on those castles though maybe cannot even hold it let's take a look Paul McKenna's trying to go for this type against the trap there but oh wow but is there 2 o'clock exactly that only one bombard Hannon kits hit so far they're so low in HP but they do manage to get the trebuchet but that's still a lot of dead bombard cannons for saving that castle military lead right now Oh 92 40 parade at the top continuous still no house attack from NB a-- i think he may be sort of focused something a bit different here differently here hera with the nice rates in the back MBL struggling to stay at pop 217 yeah and of course as you were saying hera just has all the resources in the world to spend on you know whatever units he wants MBL not so much he it's good for Hera that he has been rated so much because he just has a huge Bank and even just changed that population into military MBL's Castle now going down at a rather alarming rate he already lost some trebuchet and yeah it seems like I'm VL kind of getting picked apart right now the whole ratings everywhere cos that the left-hand side is falling I also go beautifully there the rate at the top is stopped as well so rates in the back or go tara is so active MBL his keyboard has to be burning at the moment yeah it's definitely not looking at super great for him even with his way more villagers Harris has been taking so much more of efficient trades and gonna be raiding in with these hussars now trying to get some revenge for all the rating that MBL was doing earlier but just look at this big ol massive range units at the center like 43 somewhere around their brains units that's not gonna be too easy to deal with I don't want to attack against it as well we have a lot of Hobbit is something that MBR well country sent to the front either now traps are doing some work Robert Kenan can maybe defend this in the center it's still gonna be pretty tricky though cuz now that they're árboles here they are way better at sniping bombard cannons than our skirmishers but i'll say the artists are kind of caught out of position for Hera and be able taking a decent fight there but there just isn't massive unity needs our populations closing a little bit but it's still not looking great for em y'all in the middle comes to moving forward trying to get the snap against the bomb but Kenan 80hp on it tries to run away tries to go for the repair as well I'd kept are dealing pretty well with this it feels like MBL is saving that bomb but Kenan while slaughtering lots of the skirmishes nice defense here by MBL yeah they're really incredible defense and now he's the one with the population advantage that is mostly in the villagers inherit honestly look at Harris Bank it is not looking anywhere near as good as it was a few minutes ago why did all this gold go some moms yeah some Rams yeah and some can affect at the top for the defense but still its price yeah that is definitely a little bit odd and something I noticed as MBL actually isn't mining all that much gold like he's just not really spending it all that much he has 65 farmers only 28 Lumberjacks and we all like almost double the farmers of his opponent [Music] indeed ok but there might be some idols really lose quite some time ah you went for those obelisks okay that makes sense that's how he burned all his gold oh yeah the survived reps now behind this though I think he can make it another run for this castle down to 5k HP indeed it is and there really isn't a whole lot left here for MBL but he has just proclaimed score lead for the first time in a little while and gonna be forcing Hara off of the gold to the South still has these several production buildings here in the north has just been a real annoyance for Hara for quite a while much more so than hair has been able to make work from these stables on the right side finally arose putting a trap there at the top now it has eight reps on the field that's quite a bit meanwhile pushed through the center kind of stable there it is really tricky to attack into byzantines at the moment through center especially as byzantines just don't really have the best pushing power in the world finally we see that hustler upgrade coming in for MBL so he will have full upgrades on his trash and as I keep on coming back to Peres just doesn't even have the capacity to make health gear is I just love to see a ton of hustlers from MBL I mean he has the farmers he has 72 farmers for a second that's say can accuse of more than a Heric use of more villages on the other side we have a full check there as well we have hussars at the moment he only has ten or something queued up only 10 hours but yeah I agree it could be a little bit more MBL now starting to repair his own push and yeah Harrah's really really now at the limit in terms of resources I don't think that árboles switch got enough done for how much cold got invested into it yeah yeah we questioned it heavily and Hera wasn't able to prove us wrong at least in this case how about the accounts so pretty heavy for MBL those won't do too much bomb but cannon micro in the center really important lots of traps out by Hera but what can they do at the moment uh not a whole lot in all honesty now the helps actually focusing the distance onto the skirmishers that's not what this curvature is like seeing but I just love to see a ton of hot stars here from MBL I mean get know-how bird ears just a lot of skirmishers and a few random seed units and are blessed like list of you know 40 hustlers coming into would be great against that okay but 40 Haase says well he can offer you to 12 will you take 12 I will take no less than 40 okay well then to mckennon's that's okay my opinion that is okay the hustlers were all standing still for a second I don't know if they were on Stanground or if it was just de things but yeah that was that was definitely not that greatest for MBL she's now falling a little bit behind in population in the back here both bears rating each other heavily Oh some defensive tower helping out a bit with the defense what I will say is that Harris been having to spend a lot of food replacing villagers whereas MBL hasn't has much so I think that's definitely quite good for him and he's still over north of 70 farmers which I really like to see at this late stage in the game good we need to care about good control on this map or is this always enough good and you just need to expand a bit um you do care about what control but I don't think quite yet okay because those acacia and baobab forests do you have that extra 50 to 100 wood on them per tree so that can definitely keep you going for quite a while looks like MBL is trying already another push here in the center with some trebuchet Zehra getting some nice raids in with these hustlers for the first time in quite a while actually they're both getting massive rates in at the moment so many villagers going down cagey just heavily jumped although we didn't have the massive fight through the center so both players well waiting like Mad Men yeah and I mean how many ways can you exactly get that huge advantage in this situation honestly having even just a couple months to heal your random units I mean even if they're Byzantine trash units this game is obviously going quite long and every resource you can make counts I think it's good idea yeah I love mumps in the bag and I think they're underutilized in situations like those words very steady army doesn't have to fight over and over again one can be very protected behind the costs as well someone I want to mention look at kind of how could I describe it like two o'clock in the center of the map MBL has 27 hustles to their parking and just waiting for another attack yeah that's that's getting closer to that 40 that that that arbitrary number that I am sticking with of a no hello hello horsey trams coming out of nowhere there aren't any bombard canons on standby there's also two more seed rims in the south this could be a really good push here from MBL in tears and typically rub the bottom rate with the Saba Dias push through the center nothing really happening and that's indeed what we wanted to see mass curbs maybe some houses if you only MBL knew about those that think you completely forgot about that but that castle might just fall 8k HP but no I think Harrah's setting enough well the thing for Hera is that for a long time he only had our ballasts queued up and that is not the answer to a ton of seed Rams so once those house cars go down the hustler reinforcements are gonna be really limited like look now that all the initial hustlers went down the reinforcements numbers are not that high but that has so many villagers repairing that 1008 thousand 131 HP Castle highest HP of Univ any building in the game and yeah that is that is one tanky castle yeah I think it's still going down one ran some chaps shooting behind this and it wasn't 40 hard assets but it's a dirty house our raid that is now coming in in the Eco of Farah I would be surprised if he keeps his pub limited life yeah that is going and he's also had to sacrifice a ton of villagers when it comes to preparing this castle but three trebuchet is trying to save it it's at 600 HP 100 I think another volley will finish it off trees aren't destroyed where's the next connection it flies down and the castle will fall big lobster for Hara while still having massive amount of fossils in his own base yeah I mean his population count overall is still fairly good but he's in such an uncomfortable position he's having to fight on a ton of fronts at once and it's as I tell people all the time it's way easier to raid them to deal with a raid so MBL he's able to focus a lot more on this fight in the center and make sure he's getting more two more out of it yeah yeah that's a tool and yeah that's why you want to be the aggressor in the late game and NBL is doing a beautiful job of that harris trying to get counter techs in it feels like MBL is dealing with it a bit better now pushing quite nicely through the center Hera drops below 160 MBL really flexing his late-game prowess in these really grindy sorts of situations Hera having so many idle villagers all the time and bl with round double the army and they'll it's actually fall into a pretty local inter council himself but he's replacing with the huge military count and honestly like if he just keeps this push through the centre alive it should be pretty good even town centering this forest here to the the north center of the map [Music] okay okay yeah well that's the massive amount of water so makes a lot of sense right and well seach now lost heavily year for mb l3 to two relics in favor of hera by the way and well more more villages going down but on both sides and be out now with 100 military on the field that's a lot of military and well he doesn't have a ton of seed it is mostly just the trash units of course even try to get some forward siege workshops in it but harris he pretty much has one castle defending each section of his base and so if any one of those castles Falls that's gonna you know essentially open up a third of Harrah's base to being an absolutely annihilated by raids every single every single bit of Defense Hera has is critical at this point and at the moment is defense is some skirmishes of the left-hand side now some villagers being sent into repair still has 600 but now pulling the boys and girls back to fighting against the Rams those Avila just not working both now with 87 village that echoes are so so low the armies they have at the moment have to be saved as long as possible yeah definitely but MBL should have an easier time of doing that SES larger a receive dream coming in onto all of those low HP trebuchet there's one trebuchet going down now attacking a monastery but I think the Splash Damage might kill it nah 11 HP we have some twitch issues at the moment I'm not dropping frames people are massively complaining might beat on the twitch end and apparently f5 helps and yet we just continuing normally here the problem now fan beyond the center he ran out of harmonies to protect its comes as enhancers of Herod now doing a reasonable job of clearing the after Center yeah Herod now starting to swing the fight back to Sabre but look how low that villager count is for Hara he's down to 63 villagers that's not good about his high level the thing is I'm not sure of MBL knows that his opponent is so low right she is taking fights he's getting pushback he's just fighting at the left hand side so MBL if you ask him like what do you think the population of Harrow might be he might probably say yeah my opponent is in pop limit but he probably doesn't know that it's dead that long yeah but that's fair pop can be kind of difficult to gauge in the late game especially when there's just stuff happening everywhere but I think mble should still be able to take this opportunity pon rating your opponent to death eventually it's good it's gonna run out of resources and now you can see that map control is actually starting to swing in favor of MBO like Herod did a really good job taking it in like the you know like castle Age early Imperial age but now there's a little bit more red on the map in blue not a little bit honesty field spec he's controlling seventy percent another push through the center lacking some siege and BL pop limit arrow at 130 has a lot of idle villagers or not actually that many most of them died actually here at the right hand side rate not even making it into the castle yeah that was a massive hustler raid there from MBL super nice for him even sniping another trebuchet it just seems like he's doing a bit of a better job taking these engagements in the late game and Hera he's had this actually huge clump of are blessed 20 are ballasts for the longest time and they haven't actually been fighting much so it's kind of kind of weird because that's obviously a very valuable portion of your population and bl still around 50 more pop in his opponent but we want to have them fighting on a stay like you don't want to have them at the front they need to be in the very back line because yeah there aren't grades like you're just trading off your gold unit so they kind of have to be there for the defense against the hustle rates skirmishers just totally spazzed out for a second in the south they don't know if you saw that but MBO gonna be pushing here with some more seed rims honestly I think the árboles could be used for raiding at this point just because your opponent has to rally skirmishers to try and deal with it and they're really not gonna be doing a ton of damage and in a straight-up fight the cabinets are fine to defend all the hustle rates at the moment and I think that's what Harris largely been using them for but I still don't think it's amazing as the how stars can just run away and now we have three Rams getting garrisoned with halberdiers for that little bit of extra damage and protection and well the hobbit is also safe from getting sniped by the skirmishes but it's just now dying as well from the repair their 2.7 K HP I think now it would be a good time to anchor it in The Hobbit is against because the houses are coming but that Carson might fall have Rams to a lot of HP and the castle now below 1k yep that is getting pretty low the seed rooms are quite tanky and that castles going down and like I said that's essentially opening opening up a third of Harrah's economy to reigning just non-stop for the foreseeable future so I think that's actually a massive win for MDL I love that so many farms doing down there as well as you can see like that was the spot of 15 farmers earlier rates continuing at the top still stuff happening to the center MBL he's getting pushed back there with his super forward CC but not the worst thing he is ready to launch another tech to the center as well yeah and he's just doing such a nice job of maintaining around a 50 pop advantage and honestly I think it's been the raids that have done it like NBL has really just been kind of pulling apart his opponent usually hair is the one who's known for all of the The Hustler raids Hitler and or Eon but MBO definitely getting into Harrah's eco way more often possibly sniper Trev they need to run scams just chasing them away now yeah Hara he's just trying to stabilize let's get an update on how much wood he has not getting the best control some at the top and most of the other stuff is found out uh yeah definitely running low on wood soon there's actually another bit of stone Hera can take pretty safely in the corner of the map so I would recommend that I think it just scouted it yeah I I think so as well but more huh stars coming in here for MBL Hera is sending in the árboles to deal with that but that could open them up again at the front this is just a problem when you have less army than your opponent gonna be really hard to deal with everything on every front at the same time and bl doing a beautiful job splitting up the house ours yeah but honestly attack through the center isn't that scary because MBI was simply lacking the siege he is now sending two trips forward Hera did build the defensive bombard cannon there might get some defense in I think MBL he's now launching for a big attack every single way point is through into the center now yeah this is definitely something that I would say MBL is known for just going for these huge fights in the middle of the map is trying to smash your opponents in the face and that's what these two trucks are trying to do bombard cannon is able to snipe one trebuchet that is obviously super huge your income the hustlers there are Hobbes there to defend but there still aren't that many Oh what's another MBL trademark the bug parts power okay well Bubba tell us what o is tanking them six months stone in the bank that's actually pretty sick I didn't expect that we would see those in this game in 1500 gold like MDL has barely been spending gold so yeah that's another excellent way you can liquidate your gold out to the bumper towers are a safer bet for doing damage than our ballasts yeah I think so as well yeah Obama cannon now going down at the front nothing there to release nipe the trap in the back and indeed bomber cannons now being built at the very crucial area oh god I think of MBL just produce everything in the center there he might finish the game I think so as well population is getting pretty close how about your numbers are looking a little bit low Hustler's running in to try snipe the trebuchet x' but if they snipe the Trib which they almost certainly will he doesn't swipe the bombard towers and oh this this is some late-game MBL stuff right here but yeah but our he has to be happy with how this game is turning out for him yeah I think he even built a bomber tower at the right inside at the edge of the map that was denied there I'm not really sure what he wanted to achieve with that one oh yeah that's interesting there's actually a lot more stone for MBL dominated to just notice over on the the right-hand side yeah there's like six tiles of stone to mine that's insane and whatever should be good enough to do the defense there if he's actually oh god seeing the rate and putting the villagers back but era he's making difference happen with the trap and the bomber cannon and this has to be a pretty brutal game number one for them just remember that we could see seven of those games oh man well I've got all Saturday okay less than three hours we should start the second semi-final let's take a look at that going to have no time at the moment those two players just refusing to die well hard to blame them in this has been an hour and a half now game time you really really don't want to you know throw in the towel right now unless it's completely over and I would say yeah MBL has a bit of an advantage but it's not a game winning advantage Herot and certainly still make stuff happen in this game but MBL now encroaching in the south with the bombard hours that castles claim earlier like i said it literally is just opening up a third of Harrah's base hair has to be happy how the last I would say like five minutes went for right he was born pop 130 against a guy with 75% map control and prompted pop limit and now Hara he is basically uneven footage in terms of poplin air pop space yes but in terms of map control MBL's actually I would say extended his map control lead in the last you know a few minutes so it's kind of kind of weird couple of seed Rams coming into the south to deal with some bombard towers but that's gonna be some marvelous dying to the big ol cannonballs split around the bumper cannons they're seven eight Ovilus that's not the end of the world for em bill yeah I mean it's you'll take it if you're MBO the best you can more filters coming forward for more bombard tower looks like most of them are starting to fall in the center at least lacking somehow videos now MBL he's coming for another rage at the very top are blessed there's two patrolling houses not getting the killing this is brutal both bears now with mass amount of adults impossible to control the rates everywhere now nearly I think we're at the point where would matters and look at this on the top right side of the map bombard towers coming in on like two of the only remaining wood lines of Hera he has a few more baobab trees near his Castleman north but like I think that's it he's building bomber tell us everywhere now that's just crazy left-hand side no wood as you mentioned through the sentence of the blocking TC by MBL yet all is happening at the right hand side and now we have pretty reasonable has our numbers clashing against each other at the right hand side yeah but 21 hustlers are gonna take down to bombard towers oh no that is that to smacks of desperation it's so much food going down there as well yeah he needs to run away from that too too much happening and well how much does Hera have on wood now at the moment eight wood shoppers only 81 farmers but only eight lumber tricks until has twenty-eight Lumberjacks by comparison that's definitely pretty sick for him having to run away with those villagers right there but again even if Harrah's winning all these little individual battles I mean he does have around a plus 300 KD I feels like he is losing the war as MBO just is slowly but steadily taking more and more map control more villagers dying here and indeed it was just basically the same resource for both players Hera even begged him up a bit earlier so that was nice to him but then you decided to go for the Ovilus and MBL he just waited for his favorite unit the bomba tell us to go for the full control and get small raids and now at the left hand side which is obvious into the woodland yo para yeah and of course every lumberjack that dies even if it has some wood on it is uh that's gonna be pretty hang painful for Hara he is starting to get rid of some bombard towers though and it's gonna try and make a big fuss our raid happen of his own 25 hussars running through a bombard tower but honestly not much of em feels economy is on the the right side it's mostly kind of in the center and south if you're trying to get in there you're always fighting in Bombo towers now this is crazy MBL he's just so well protected against rates no yeah I'm like bombard towers are just so good at just securing territory and that is what this game is about at this point like that is the I think the decisive factor and it's just so freakin hard to get rid of all these bombard towers and it makes raiding a lot harder and yeah now him he'll even bombard towering the right-hand side near his starting T C's probably so so we can take the wood yeah just make it super protected in the long run pretty sweet moves and yeah yes somehow it is for tolling where Hera wants rate Harris go still with a nice advantage but I think that simply because he killed so many houses over and over again when MBL was getting map control with his rates yep and it's one of those instances where even though the KD is now working and the score does lie because again it is all about that map control Harris raids just haven't gotten as much done and NBL still mining plenty of stone by the way like that's insane he still has 10 stone miners across three different stone locations still getting gold as well and with pretty healthy gold mines there 1.8 K gold still to now we extending our hustle rates into ha but the Irate shift of the bed back eco well you know any unit unit that can make the rate happen definitely ought to go for it more bomber towers coming from MBL more forward siege workshops but Harrah's take me beautiful fight through the center now and be a little bit of position with all these skirmishes they will all just vanish you both with reasonable military numbers Mohammed is coming over I think Hera will lose all his habits but the hussars oh no he will lose all the houses the obelisk in the back still doin okay I also don't think that fight mattered a ton either way because like just the Army's killed each other a bunch none of the gold units really died at least not in a major way and L is still bombard carrying all the with mines and so active there and that's where I really want to have kept rage and know how many villagers died in this game this has to be crazy like I would be surprised if Herron lost over 500 villagers this game ya know that that I think is actually a pretty reasonable but like let's say over 300 uh yeah I guess I would call Iggy I'd say upwards of 400 okay okay just because he's lost so freakin many and there goes the one trebuchet of Hara going down hair is ahead by 20 pop but it's still like he still looks to be in a horrible spot it's so weird how that happens all those resources on the map at the moment when there's 99 villagers they are pretty protected behind the bomber cannons I wouldn't mind if he gets to three cycles in there and gets his eco a bit better yeah I'd say that'd be that'd be totally fine a few more farmers I think especially for more huh stars but yeah a little bit of a stalemate in the century but again eventually hair is just not gonna have what he is one would in the bank he has a wood okay well now now some more villagers came in but yeah hair doesn't have much wood now he sent some more choppers to the right hand side but that's still the spot where we have the bombard cannon they're all going to die Hara yes we happy okay he's to pop limit at 160 but we still have to both say it looks better for MBL what a crazy game well tower is military man as a wise man once said yeah and even some balance patches said that right yeah was it the Carlos patch that had our guitars cost population yeah yeah I think that takes you pretty good especially for team games for team games probably better than for 1v1 because I think this like I really like how MBL's been using these bombard towers here but yeah the armed members are only at 7 that's sort of gold aspect of Hera it's it's an ending like eventually the the you know the utility of that gold is is no more than the herbalist i bombard towers meanwhile they're able to retain that value a lot long they're also way more costly rights stone by the way Hera built another defensive casa dead left-hand side after you've completely mined to stone next push through the center not really happening for now two traps both players back to popular but all knew who you were you what is it with us and casting incredibly long Serengeti games it's supposed to be a fast approaching hmm fires and obviously Byzantines not the SIVs that provides very short games either indeed not but yeah the big push getting prepared here by MBO as you're saying honestly monastery could be sniped it mean it only has one relic in it but still yeah it's a much easier target to take down than a castle but it's like what NBL is going for now for the castle perspective is hard yeah I think Qasim makes a lot of sense forcing them into a lot of investment that's two massive armies though what is that like 180 military at the moment on a screen in the center that's going to be a tough fight to control near enough but the house could be should be huge difference makers I love how hair is splitting up the hussars though there's trying to get the the best concave as possible and will likely snipe one trebuchet actually plugging to get both but that is a lot out of that house ours yeah he lost the left-hand side completely did get all three traps behind us so that was a nice move but yeah there was a lot of Army lost by him as well he is at 400 foot still mass production of parts us behind this but MBL he should just be able to patrol in with his hobby just now yeah but you know Hera never even got pikemen in this game and I think that's just a big problem it's you know one large part of your trash army that you're missing and yeah hair it just doesn't really have the wood to spend on even a lot of skirmishers at this point skirmishers are an expensive unit byzantine skirmishers became somewhat our and we're looking at Harrah's woodchopper County er we up to 11 then another bombard cannon flies in and we're down to 10 and well production continues but not so pretty for her out there hi yeah he only can go for us so I think and if any I was just going harbored ya rabb there's no way of stopping us i 100% agree and looks like MBL has finally exhausted his stone so i don't think there will be any more bombard cars but even just the ones that exist right now i think that should be enough it controls almost all of the remaining wood on the map yeah it's just so so good indeed like we have some idols but well all the defense that the right-hand side is just massive still has gold at the right hand side as well another raid here and he just stays so active now pushing through the center but only one trap but now look at three harris resources absolutely at the limit with everything what harry resources yeah like the MBL terracing another ram with skirmishers of all things that one isn't deer useful ok tell you I'm here since that but castle it's getting low and Hera has no stone Harris now going for the counter take them Tech takes a solid 14 houses yet the front someone the back tries to make something happen but I think they're enough our body is patrolling at home to even stop those rates yeah I think that MBL should be fine and like that only house ours is it's the only thing that hair can make a lot of he's making villagers and house are isn't actually to árboles for some reason but castle down in the center of Harris base I've sort of been anchoring him this entire game and this is just gonna open up a massive amount of farmers to being raided to death or just killed by skirmishers massive military counts for both players 110 against 90 how it is in the center the monastery could fall behind this one as well at the moment it's only housed us here for Hara for villagers on wood he cannot take reasonable fights he simply doesn't have army come with us anymore only houses from here on yeah an MBO Lee he'd realizes this he's just making halberdiers and what's Emile doing with these villagers oh it's another bombard tower who woulda thunk oh why did you get that those sweet sauces from did she buy stone I wouldn't be surprised he still has plenty of gold left that's that's just insane continues now it's two against two relics yeah at MBL can grab that pretty much whenever he wants it's gonna be under a bombard tower yeah I actually don't see her as wind condition in this game has to be massive hostile raids but honestly how mal he maybe if he loses the key for production of Harvard years maybe the the keyboard brakes MBL rage right there yeah the thing is Harris not gonna be able to receive form soon he already has some farmers who are idle just cuz he hasn't had the the wood to replenish the farms join king the relic so he will have the three relics that's beautiful by him how it is to the center right at the left hand side Hara those are too many fires to put out over and six year of 175 now right-hand side fighting on the bombard cannons he still likes his house account I can understand that how many houses does he have he has 50 houses on the field but still he can't win anywhere like yeah like what the hussars do like I mean the rating hasn't really been enough MBO is patrolling what they're 40-some hounds at home like he's fine right where Harris first castle used to be the outpost see if I mdl he says get out of my game boy this is not yours to win anymore and yeah MVL he gets very impatient in those games he still plays them down but he sees okay I've all the map control where are you getting wood you are not really taking any good fights for at least one hour this is my game number one and I did I think it is I talk of get out of my game castles I've never never seen a get out of a game outpost at least not now not in de I think those eights get out of my game outpost he's invested all his remaining 40 stowed into the dog post and like every Harris still has 160 pop but he's not even at 200 pop max right now he lost his starting TC and that makes the farmers so inefficient round they look at that I have to walk miles to get to those mills Harold is tricky to judge situations in those games you're still getting some rates in see some other farms but yeah there's not a lot of going forward at the moment and NBL still has another like 1,000 gold to mines which is crazy at the almost two-hour mark in a game yeah like mu I don't see how he loses this what is your mindset after this game how exhausted are you two hours pure action and B all just smashes that you know find match button like I think you find fine as well but they're definitely good probably want a short break after this game yeah luckily it's the first game for both of them they didn't play beforehand just think about if he already streamed like 2-3 hours and tried to get like warm to fought before the series and then you get into this one your opponent has such an advantage but in this one both players would their first game oh look at this huge hussar attack here from Hera this might be his a blaze of glory right here but there are seven bombard towers to work through with those what are those hustlers doing well chilling that was weird hadiya's and BL takes half of them sends them over to the side pop on 34 higher now and well not really producing any villagers with 69 well now he queues up somewhere yeah but that's the only thing he's making right now okay now he gives up some hustlers but yeah hera just has very little income left at this point [Music] like he's trying to kill the Lumberjacks and I mean yeah sure but 80 food us are is more expensive than 50 food a villager Nelly math shakes out and inclement of houses you were saying with some huh stars to back them up against the skirmishers MBL with double the military count all the math control and yeah it's just gonna be killing apartments with halberdiers at this point it seems like Hera had a bet that he wins 4-0 or something that's like surprisingly long him staying in this game honestly pop 110 he lost the relics at the front you don't have any wouldn't come he didn't take any like super sick fights in the last half hour he has some party for it there was a ladder game in the past week I'm not sure if you count it between the Viper and Hera that was like two and a half hours I heard even 300 it I don't even remember I was brain dead at that point um but the game is over says D and Wow just under two hours yeah that was crazy it was over for quite some time but obviously you want to fight this one out this is at least the most prestigious tournament over the last three weeks semi finals right you want to continue you want to play and from here on we won't have any more mirror games MBL takes the first one and he has to be on cloud nine no and be all actual players on a.m. oh man but yeah that definitely has to be a great confidence boost there for MBL negative KD by you know a little over 200 less gold collected that's like that look at the wood collected that that's the difference maker right there oh yeah oh yeah 1717 came or their era really struggling that's why he was wasn't so many hours and never really checked to harbor Diaz that was really surprising to us really excited Vantage there for Hara wow what a sick too I gave to start of our a day of potential 14 games oh man yeah this is gonna be this is gonna be pretty sick so yeah now we're actually going to jump into the whole fair sibs bit of the gasps the tournament where what it's Hara picking the map and the sibs and MBL deciding who plays what indeed and well we expecting some kind of stronger civilizations from those two but yeah also the question what's map do you want to go for honestly wouldn't be surprised if Hara now it's confidence on islands he had great performances against tedo in NAC and he ran FCC yeah it's simply something that hair has been practicing now that he knows that long folks are good now the the world is his oyster shell he can do what he wants but yeah honestly like MBL it's no secret that he does not like water maps yeah yeah that was that was nothing brutal I think Islands and then Italians Japanese like you're fine with either of those they do the same thing but then you have given your opponents in advantage right I think something like Japanese Vikings might be better you really think Italians are that much better than Japanese people say it but with zero balance changes like people prefer Japanese like you know a few months ago I think the more that the meta favors galleys the comparatively worst Japanese become because then they're they're super tanky fishing ships aren't nearly as valuable well tricky stuff and yeah we will wait till they jump into the game I will answer some questions of my jet right back yay okay guys I hope you enjoyed this show we're with mr. Louie brew the game number one nearly why I never saw the relics I showed them several times and also you can ask the chair if I friendly restart later are you gonna cast the rest if it takes so long they will start later if we like if we are in Game five for something in the four hour mark we will need to talk to them yeah sappy B's hey y'all thanks for your probe over 6 K viewers combined isn't that lovely guys and that is after game number one of this crazy day so that we might break 10k viewers tomorrow yeah actually not actually likely right what do you think about the parking improvement seems like Scout blacked out a lot I think it looked really good every time I played so far change stream charge of 24 hour stream we'll see about that I like on do as Coco says so do i okay so it will be cross as our next map and we have Hera offering two civilizations he offered Japanese and he offered Persians guys what do you think what did MB I'll go for it did he go for Persians or did he go for Japanese here on cross what do you think I see Japanese person stabs persons persons of nice person person person persons Japanese persons yeah more you'll think it's persons and we were jumping into it together with me knowing indeed persons against Japanese what do you think why did MV I'll go for persons here well I mean I think both of these cells are incredibly strong some people even saying that Persians are now overpowered I think they are on nomads but on cross I think it should be pretty even the faster working docks doesn't seem like MBL's doing the the max thing where you go for the dock initially but still faster working docks you know just a good land Civ in general and same with Japanese like these are just too great hybrid map subs and I think the next thing he only works if you spawn a bit closer to the the water right you don't want to just randomly go into that corner but also MBR not really the guy who comes up with building or openings like those Hara would neither we talked about that and yeah persons as you said consider to be your P by some people think Japanese well they have an incredible control over the border as well army compositions are going to be tricky though may be scams are blessed in the long run against what Persians has to offer and if he goes for a lot of paladins mixing some hobbies uh yeah I mean this is honestly like a classic matchup I feel like I feel like I've seen this so many times and you know it comes down to the power of Persian cavalry versus Japanese halberdiers I kind of like Japanese a little bit as the game goes on uh just because you have good monks potentially you have halvard ears against cavalry which is pretty good and it helps mitigate the fact that the Persian boom is stronger in that you have the very good fishing ships help get you through mid game you can get on to really early in but mass árboles as well and then it's not that easy for a person player to defend this so I think that something we could really go for we didn't discuss how to map its shape though its shaped like a cross oh no I mean like how are the resource disability I like good NBL has defense of gold really open berries though yeah berries definitely a fair bit of Sampson just the whole front of his base is so open in general not the biggest fan of it in the world Oh era finding the villager of MBL before it could even get the doc down so now the villagers gonna be a little bit trapped maybe you want to bust a little bits up sorry yeah so Hera getting his own doc down just fine and be we'll get his up eventually here taking some nice high ground fights and everything seems more or less hunky-dory what do you think of Harris map though Oh looks a bit more clammed up which is pretty nice if you're Japanese right you want to be like Ward and want is one screen you're fine with going for one to see action and not killing the poor there so I think a compact Matt feels reasonable some production at the right hand side but or like 300 gold but it's not too great either yeah both stones are forward notably and right next to each other so MBL wanted to go for some silly power rush crazy nonsense wouldn't be theoretically that bad a stick pretty close to a wood line as well but I don't think that is too likely one concern I have for Hara is that his golds are just in such a bad spot a secondary gold yeah super open I hate by Mb all that T is not scouting at the moment that is so bad in my opinion he's pushing more dear still didn't scout at the seven and a half minute mark does he know what Hera is doing or what he could be surprised by so much copy man I'm opening and copy archers could just be wards FC and MBL you need to kind of react to that but like the the reaction of NBL to literally exactly the same it's mvl he doesn't he doesn't scout he just doesn't the same thing that's like sort of okay against everything that's how MDL works and he actually is going for the forward what that he does even though his books map is bad he eats rushes no scout there's no idea and Terra he is scouting in the back didn't see the villagers on stone either so Hera actually has the scout at the front but doesn't get the Intel feels bad man O'Hara that's we had moved by him is building the barracks now but we'll get some towers in this face next to his main gold spot and the berries this is like the perfect outcome MBL couldn't be stopped oh man that's that's pretty hilarious honestly feet allege times should be pretty similar and the old just a couple more villagers do you see faster working version TCS as Harry goes north to build another dock right there and but MBL is gonna find a really nice position to tower he sees at least that one of his opponents hold those forward that is also very unlucky for Hara that you didn't have a single unit there to scout this you will have some towers in this face will never expect it from a person player no it's it's not the sort of thing that you would expect what the sieve at all but it's what MBL's are doing the first tower isn't actually going to deny like anything and berries for the long run the long run but doesn't do anything in the short run which I'm not the biggest fan of but that tower will definitely push his opponent off the wood line well some walls Hara will have to better echo in the long run having two points for himself at one point and be all he bought everything off there he will create a small arena for himself not the greatest code control this is so weird as hell does he ever even know that's really common now he does the first tower was already shooting at his house as well and now he sends five villagers on to stone what even needed switches into a stable Hera goes into scout counter check into Ward MBL there's like I can't believe it but this worked out perfectly for IBL here I I don't know how he just made that all work but he's well on his way to making it all work he scouts out both of his opponents stones at this point is he even going to be bypassing the tower on the lumber camp I don't think so but yeah this is obviously a really tricky situation for Hera to defend his MB also to be pretty much fully walled is you're saying a perfect scouting behind us as well right he sees the stable he knows okay I need to warm my berries and my stone at the front as well he should be fine with the perfect reaction still no barracks from him though right yeah so it needs to be wallet yeah that's uh I mean it's it's definitely something he needs to do but Scout numbers for Hara are only at 200 MV l not going to be successfully docking his opponent's pawn to the north so that's gonna be a much-needed win for Hara right there indeed hair achieve work behind there at the bottom we have MV out with the village at there so it might be two against two dogs but I think Kara could maybe contest the point at the bottom at some point yeah definitely it's not very well defended for MBL tower coming up for both players here I just haven't actually have plenty of stone in the bank for another one should MBL want to go to the south but no MBL is actually rotating back towards his initial two towers I'm not too sure what he's gonna do with these guys what's the play right now for em Bo hey it's like how's it called and put American football a fine mmm when the crowd gets together together and they're discussing the strategy okay hot oh yeah yeah yeah there we go okay just another tower coming in here from BL we'll be doing the same he is building it with five villagers to four but MBL's tower is so much faster that i think he will be fine at least both towers should get up oh and Herod trying to dock the south but it mister or Lu says no important you didn't build a palace it there just click to the bottom didn't Scout it and therefore the villager isn't fighting back sloppy move by Hera honestly just right-click in there at the bottom yeah that's a definitely a mistake that you don't want to be making oh now he's trying to go for the quick walls horn Lou don't care or maybe he does one hitch fees saved their fire that was a lot of clicking though now you've probably sensed those two Scouts over to kill the wolf and then he's right about the dog so much more work than you wanted to do there yeah meanwhile MBL is just chillin at home he has a three villager or worker advantage what's the resources Hera is close to Castle age MBL isn't too far away with the faster working version T C's I think it should be pretty close yeah I think so as well oh look at this galley from an MBO it is right in the perfect position he sees the he sees the Palisades look at how little vision he has on this pond but yeah that's perfect and now for scouts are coming over trying to free this one actually the four Scouts could even win against the galley I mean if the galley was just tacking on the shoreline but yeah yeah Catholic town coming in here for Hera and he's going old way o Narnia yeah he had to right we mentioned second and third coats but we're really bad and first one or main goats what was towered away there as well so has to expand and likely found that spot yeah definitely uh I guess he could have gone with the the gold right in front of his bloodline but he definitely doesn't want to push in this direction in general he's just gonna really need to defend it against any units from MBO he was just clicked up to castle age himself if you go for that what at the front then MBL will always have another spot where it can be knowing right it opens up for another pushing spot there will be towers like you need to have like three four towers to have a proper spot there oh yeah I just built three four towers but that's just me okay [Music] in MBL does he know about the gold miners right there no he does not actually okay so that's definitely something that's really good for Hera and in this position do you just add extra t C's or do you try and make another aggressive play well at the moment neither player here even has in 100 stone so I think MBL can kind of decide what he got wants to go for Hera at the moment he doesn't know if he can do damage against MBL another kisi so I think you bought 100 stone or something yeah my bid also has 5 footages on stone so that's mining something and if nothing else what's that that what you're doing it is it is really taking the long way around to get the woodland right I'm not sure how if she walked in there yeah that's interesting and MBL's continue with these towers I feel like these additional towers have like very diminishing returns like what does the tower to the right of Harrah's main gold do that the tower on the gold didn't do how about in the tower fights but he's not really sending any villagers in so he's not actually taking the Tala fight yeah now not to sold on that I do like how Hera is he's even using the from the the wolf incident to health wall in the the villagers on the gold yeah it's out there and economy is pretty similar behind the spearmen for the defense MBL now text into crossbow man that's interesting you need a castle for your castle for your cross was not Costco but with all of the towers around for both players you'd think that Knights would be the better option as they can shrug off the arrow fire much more easily maybe see a for the mobility I don't think that cross woman necessarily is the best unity yeah um I think both of those options would be better to be honest but yeah that's what that's what a mule so important honestly Hera near histones like in between them is a very exposed part of this base if MBL can get there oh yeah can get through there can get a good line which is super inefficient by the way they would love to see another lumber camp and Terra hiss boom isn't rolling completely but obviously a lot of the ego still on board yep but that's gonna be pretty nice for Japanese as we will have 15% faster working fishing ships at this stage and MPL is going with the forward town center it is a forward Persian town center but it is not a douche but I know it's a strange world we live in yeah I think that's just for production to continue repairing or something or it simply doesn't know what to do it is but it's just there is trying to go for the quick words fail the first one but the second round looks solid there and yeah shouldn't really be broken Manganiello is coming moving out there trying to make something happen moving around clicking on the TC now to the TC as well the manga knows didn't get to kill a nice split by MDL then right-click he behind twist the scouts were round but didn't get the block shake move by a BL that was I was so sick he needed to split those villagers like perfectly there but he got her done crossbowmen with bodkin here herd is up on his own third town center and is actually well ahead in terms of the would recount also with guard tower now in what does MBO really do here to hurt his opponent just go like if you go for 4/5 manga notes you can take out our guitars down quite easily as well and at the multi has to tomb on the cue thank if it just goes for some more houses at some pcs in the back you can just continue with this aggression and like he's controlling so much of the gourds right Hara needs to make something happen the long run yeah that's true but uh why hair just you just should just get masonry helps a ton just just saying X 150 HP and it actually can save your guard towers in a lot of situations let's see let's see also 3d finish manga notes is nice for Hera cross women out for MBL not really sure what angle they will find phonetic not too sure either Harris Knight upgrades aren't the greatest but relative to the crossbow numbers it seems like it's fine and actually we'll be able to get a couple cross boat Hills right there is Hera manga Nels I'm not gonna find anything yeah across them in the running away now we have goes for the manga notes in the back way all the manga lots of mble oh ok - in the back - still in the seats workshop Crossman running away through the center we now have stable being added by MDL manga not in the center shooting away going for the fake split um ok there's one dead manga now so that's something any no is not gonna be attacking from the high ground onto the key C of MBO which is nice also Hara is not far away at all from the castle considering he can make one at any time so you can council drop at that point and it might be ok where do you want to see the castle maybe in front of his towers there next to his mangled spot but then double mangle could be really ugly for him uh it could he could also delete the house and then build it next to the TC kind of accomplishes the same thing but yeah we'll see he should spend the don't know he should build the castle find a good spot first my opinion manga needs to run gets killed there with the attack bonus Crossman trying to get some vision here they are I this is a really tricky engagement for both these players um nice hit therefore Hara should be able to save that Megan all no problem 15 workers ahead and be out with more military what are those banknotes doing against each other not too much spearmen are coming over monk probably wants to go for a conversion tricky spot that you see luckily still standing here for MBL since he has so much more HP with the Persians indeed that is very helpful for him right there uh and that is that another manga Nell in that monastery yes or a No the siege workshop and now you've been coming with another siege for toughest MDL c1g seeing the snow he is on at least the three wait for he has swore she sees he's putting one at the bottom there next to the gold as well uh miss cap trade showing me where all the TCS are yeah I only have it because I have the group for all my titties when I'm playing so I can press the same okay now the aggression through the center no manga notes we need to block that castle from going up here Hera I think with all those car towers around it I think you should get the castle up mangled size and that means he can get gossamer oh that's your that's going to be because he already had some defensive towers it had to invest into a castle and no extra stones around for him at the moment and we are far away from mph here while Hera he just needs some gold or could use the market I think that's exactly what he just did and does he know he has the buildings go it just didn't show because it was queued up behind one villager and now we can see it in the overlay as well population small need therefore MBL but what can you really do against Ovilus need skirmisher i think you should just get rekt in car now blood Tsukasa at the hill that won't really help him in the trap war either uh not remotely and yeah this is kind of a huge problem for him yell one bit of silver lining though Arizona Gold he just ran under build in the south idly let's take a look at the prices here we have what to sell 41 food to sell 68 so heavenly market used already here by mr. Hara and yeah doesn't make the prices better he needs to win the trap war to free is mangled and bill has no production right now interested he oh he's just banking up for him so with 15% faster working TCS his endpoint be too much slower than that of his opponents also he can go grab him and Dharan right now for those trash bows and then he can really start to pump those guys out oh and Terra wanted to go through the center and get some tea seized up next to the gold but but MBL that's what I said he can be super annoying and pushed the center that did build a second seat workshop and yeah is blocking that goes but quite beautifully even a third seat workshop here two in the center one at the top that point out if at first you don't succeed Manganiello again and that should be pretty nice frame because like Hera has a lot of stone but you don't really want to be selling all of that and it's not even like Japanese have guilds to help you out it's an intact as well he already used the market heavily in Castle age and well all the control the center will be interesting now we see some difference updates for the infantry and forging as well meaning Hera is also ready to transition into some hobbies I guess he's predicting his opponent to go for cavalry and that's not really what MBL's doing though so I'm not too sure around the hell play up nope never mind just as I say that eek use up the scale barding and some scouts interesting [Music] maybe not too clumped up to really get the side rates in on the game before we saw that because well Hera was so open this time everything very clumped up and we already had the defensive towers makes rating trickier as well trap war and what is this ordinates attack to start this one off interesting choice oh it's gonna be pretty good though against skirmisher plus árboles potentially pretty well trebs now keyed up here for MBL but the problem is he has no stone and harris still has plenty of stone and it's even getting another castle up on this hill to the south I was gonna be an excellent position from which to push his opponent om BL down to his eco slightly in the house he has his other stone spot but never scouted that one and that's what I said like he had some scouting issues pushed way too many deer there and well now has to pay the price for it no stone transition for him well he should assume as stone is there because he scouted everything else it stone can only be so far away it's actually true well maybe the University will see it but regardless Hera is going to take this much-needed main gold of his as the castle of mpls will eventually fall trebuchet actually does finish actually okay another helpful yeah okay skirmishes would help out they're finishing off the trap that Cernan gold gone and BL still with one eye that's trapped there at the top and army compositions now on it sir and cross man from our person player something we don't see too often Japanese player goes for big makes skirmish our help light calf and soon most likely Ovilus would mix in this wall yep and BL did men to get the TC up at the north which is fine there's also a neutral gold well a technically neutral gold that's very very close to MBL's day so he's gonna be able to get that in the long run as well but hair is just gonna be glad to have some gold income in the near future that was painful yeah I was probably thinking about the last 27 28 minutes just like Oh God early towel rush there how'd I ever get this back all my other goats look pretty bad as well he luckily found the extra gold spot at the bottom and now finally can breathe and can go for the unit's you want to go for but for now still on its rations a beautiful hunter head right there for MBL killed a bunch of his opponents army but MBL's army count in general is looking pretty low it doesn't really seem to have a good like core to his army there's no like there's just no mass of a you know cheaper powerful unit surprising right here's one or 22 work us there now takes in two more different upgrades goes into some skirmishers forging just really late and not a lot of production facilities in general look at that one hour range five skirmishes queued up and well one stable with for scouts as well not too pretty he needs more Archer interesting stables yeah certainly for auditors will be able to take down this guard tower pretty quickly so that shouldn't really be an issue but yeah I feel like at this point Hera can just grind down his opponent my shots are really good against all the harbor yes and then it's skirmish this alone they won't do too much against all those auditors that are now moving forward skirmishes you could die but not really getting the shots off oh we're on it's a split but all lose half of his army yeah that's definitely not ideal by the way yeah Seema and arrow slits both of the arrow slits techs have been researched for Japanese okay sweet stop there so those towers are going to be really sick no keep upgrade yet like ever moving in getting the kills against the bomb but cannons there and yeah so no rates in the back would love to see her getting some more control he did put some light calf and yeah that again will be a very methodical push through the center with important areas last time be a tilt there's some we have the goats pose yeah and hair does not have comfortable control over either of his goals he's trying to creep forward with some guard towers which I like because he it's really important to just slowly secure the bat map control just cuz there isn't as much you know passable area due to the all the ponds like we saw a toe who is at land make really good use of that by just going for a you know big slow push through the metal that even grade behind mmm-hmm you mean the land was release game where he won one against three points yeah cool is if you want to lose poor my cannons just put them in the front and don't protect them and scams can go in and snipe them and that's exactly what MBL wanted to at least it's Eve even if you didn't want to do it and bonuses are now getting sniped behind this as well nice moving but big orange our connection against it as well yeah I mean when you have that many Islanders chances are something will get done and indeed that happen right there for MBL who is catching up militarily compared to his opponent yeah losing like ten skirmishes there isn't too bad if you kill two bomber cannons and four on it just behind this as well oh but both players can just heavily produce and Persians they should get the better trash in the long run having hussars mud lines both now they've had bloodlines for a few years now it's all new to me yeah The Hustler is definitely to be a big difference maker but we have to consider Japanese halberdiers versus to trash bows which is better in these sorts of scenarios because both are super good trash bows might be a bit better against the light curve and talmadeus especially if you have some on adjust with it's your typical account of this curves isn't that efficient yeah and then I think on top of it because Japanese missed the last armor upgrade this makes the crossbows I think that much more effective you know and in clearing them up we could be going into another long one no Natalie yeah we could be right the series already's lasting two hours after starting time and well again number two is not done yet it's not even specially close to being done right now populations very stable approaches everywhere as well light skipper moving in trying to snipe some traps Hera he's trying to stabilize some more towers in the center is no terrace core is insanely higher than MBL's that is that is surprising I feel like it's you know Hera has a lead but it's still pretty close right now 1k from economy 1k from the techs military is actually 1.5 K more seems like he killed the more important army because KD is pretty similar but yeah it's traded off or is just against scums that's all make sense and there's keep coming in here for mister Hera will be done in just a second and there is fifteen times three attack keeps those are mini bombard towers yeah those are pretty crazy and while they're hitting so much better as well right and what the game is over huh was there a drop or gg I'm asking them wait a minute firearm is saying in my chat that Emil never got come in Dhahran yeah I don't think so either he never had a castle so like he had to cos at the top yeah but he no yeah I never got it yeah so MBL's name is a race - yeah with pop 183 yeah he was facing the key push now mm it's kind of disrespectful to ask them if it was a drop or I I still think it needs to be done though and I get to say I'm glad I'm not the one who has to do that but I mean I'm deals at 183 pop well it is rating with light keV at the top like yes Hara has has the advantage but I don't think I'm I think it's like a game winning it might just be a spectator drop because like they are not answering me either so they might still be in the game well we can't do much more here that maybe analyze stats as if the game is over I already exited out the game because I want to see if you could join back and do it and you can't okay so I see they're asking slamming allowed not with Scouts okay and be asked to leave in two hours and didn't want to waste time so it's not with Scouts were the spores I know that the hotfix made some changes but we will keep it [Music] consistent throughout the tournament okay so it's 1:1 yeah that like I feel flustered just because that game ended so suddenly yeah like honestly I admitted to go you said yeah and this could be a long game and yeah we were far away from having the winner here and I agree saying if maybe he saw the score difference because like that was a pretty extreme score difference but I mean yeah but he was pop limit yeah like I don't care about score if I'm pop limit I have gold stole I've sent a control I've wanted to check I have has I was writing you I mean in a world where MDL didn't apparently have to leave in two hours I think he would for sure keep playing because you you still have at least I would say you know thirty five percent chance to win that game not more yeah I think so as well Oh trucks much said on the back in two minutes mm-hmm so that was weird guys how I should mute him as well hmm I'm a bit confused there hmm the best-of-five its best-of-seven as you can see at the top I'll first rush the first game now makes a lot of sense hmm that's really it and we could just ask for a reschedule if he's really has to go yeah there's no chance of rescheduling yeah no chance yeah taking four hours for best-of-seven is reasonable yeah let's like that's how I scheduled right four hours for best-of-seven so I can't fault him for taking that shame so we are jumping into game number three it will be MBL picking Arabia and he offered Celts and Malians what did Hara go for guys did he go for Celts where did he go for Malians give me your answer in the chat Celts home aliens I seem aliens I said Celts Malians kilts Malians Kel's Kel's Mayans Mayans Celts love that this is so even and alright nearly man Hera is picking Malians over the Celt option here on Arabia what do you think on them um now I'm a big big fan of Malians but I actually think helps are favored uh what in in this matchup this particular matchup but Mulligan's to me they do literally everything and they do it pretty well and you can go for pretty much any opening you can go for anything in the castle age early amp and you still have at least four inba cavaliers which are a lot more viable and a 1 B 1 then our paladin's yeah I mean like they're the only sieve in the game with a complete castle each tech tree - the you know the pseudo unique units of eagles and stuff the full chapter in cartilage really yep they have every single unit in tech other than these pseudo unique units of eagles battle elephants and steppe lancers really okay well yeah that's why they feel so diverse hmm questions have that as well says Viper what if I press a person's have that as well no persons are missing a ton of monk tacks oh you're counting those as well okay well then we're splitting a lot of fast okay okay okay what IIIi I just fires were just uh yeah I thought relevant texts and now you're like oh no they're miserable medicine and all those guys like crazy [Applause] you're saying that Persians missing heresy is inter factor they said Oh heresy is a costly it's take us well yeah what's so yeah one K gold and Castle H right I mean if you're going for the elephant play yeah I could have seen so often well in my games maybe and that's why I'm not 1600 yeah look at the goats but last time there were the same direction but he was at the right hand side in the corner not in the top and he has to be pretty happy with that at the front well reasonably wall options here massive cliffs throughout the set of the map though this is a Mongolia light here absence of cliffs but I'm 100% with you Harris Mathis is real pretty I mean like it's not the easiest thing in the world to wall but it's certainly not that bad well if he goes from Hogwarts they're super easy uses the cliff but it's not really his style right no this this isn't Doge ow also something I just noticed is Harrah's got those ostrich nicely tucked away in the back that's pretty feels good man okay Tara already Wally his berries he just scouted the barracks what does he think MBL can teleport those militia over what media walls I he's not Lithuanians and that's the only sense they can attack that passcode the one game where he scouts now he thinks better of it for the future resurrect into the DC although he saw the wood line earlier so a bit of a misstep but get out of there only losing a third of his HP yeah that's not the end of the world and to be fair and BL is coming in with a pretty early rush helps definitely one of the most likely Sims of any to go for address I mean you already have the the wood chopping bonus they're the only sieve with a relevant militia bonus in the Dark Age and yeah usually make something done pick off some stray villagers yeah obviously speed helps out a bit MBL going for the big waltz is this rush into flash or is it rush into FC yes good enough berries and gold here in the back as well yeah I mean Celts definitely can go for the drush FC play did there were only one ostrich I think it's all in up to MBL whether what he wants to do he has four more bills queued up so I'm going to go away ok knives right there and Terra woodland at the front he will play Scouts behind this and well that's pretty ugly if you're trying to go for scouts you would clear up the rush but then not it sieved anything because they scale pretty poorly into Castle age and if you're born in this ward you won't be able to break it they also scale quite poorly into walls yeah but I mean with Malians I would say that your most common opening isn't to be men-at-arms but you can easily go for anything and uh yeah it's not gonna be super great I think if you're Harry you say okay time to tap time to tell a rush you mean okay yeah yeah I mean look at look at them real stones they're right next to each other and the power on the wood line right here could be devastating knows about that he did see both stone spots yeah he knows everything about the map so great scouting there by Hera total awareness but breaking him will be a tricky it definitely will be tricky I mean why does MBL always build the gates to the side hope you mentioned that several times already right yeah also hidden cut preparation guys if you see this one it is MBL oh yeah 100% O'Leary and I for now in the chat and they will try to troll oh man yeah well let's see four villagers on gold for MBL his food count isn't astronomically high um this is gonna be fast castle yeah absolutely absolutely yes so many farms foreign gold is the amount you want to have and that has to be fast castle right completely uninterrupted the Tavor the front what is she trying to build a panic get there did you think he was open or does he want his militia what's happening here Oh another weird gate that I don't understand it's the contingency gate in case you know that palisade in particular is destroyed or you still have the gate behind it so you can escape no problem okay Herod did see the walls now just trying to find the dress the dress her hiding pretty well there and she's doing an enormous job for MBL not losing his Russian to scout keeping her a kind of scared yeah it's always nice when you can keep the drush alive I mean you always have to worry right almost until you're fully walled it's the guy who is against the dress so you know if MBL were to be elbows like sneaked in on the top side before hera could get that wall he could possibly pick off a villager or something hera obviously is gonna be totally fine I think but I still like it and and we are actually adding two spearmen behind this so Josh FC will still be hissing OH his Celts play he will play militia into siege here not a malicious demon into siege let's play really loves yeah hell's gonna be very good with that too if your opponent is going for cavalry especially that's gonna be pretty hard to stop if you can just kind of run your opponent down pretty quickly and just tear through buildings but income the militia I was wrong he was able to sneak in and that's gonna be at least that villager probably went I love how he kept all of those alive and let's take a look the speech really helps out the last spearmen was a bit behind and okay I'm live now it's about one down yeah it's it's to a point where I'm just like hitting tab which is my like speed hotkey on like a 3 second cooldown but yeah I mean I love how just annoying MBL is being with these units just waiting for the two spearmen even so units are like guaranteed to get something done and yeah MPL is gonna be able to use this to comfortably get up to his own castle age and you know go for that Infantry's each play like you were saying and honestly like MBL keeping his rush and scouted life there it's just so incredibly good I would have wasted those militia 100% and well now Harris Eco interrupted so many houses being billed one villager picked off that is like that's rush did way more damage than I would have ever dreamed of oh yeah I mean like my wish it would have run into the town center at like the 7 following your scout scout naturally see Millie knew Lily knows what's up that you see but I had to lay off those quick balls but honestly like it's still being annoying right you're still causing a little bit of idle time you're still forcing the initial wood investment with these houses you get to see exactly what your opponent's doing it's so nice yeah and scouts can't engage that's either just so ugly and MBL I think he will just drop to TCS behind this as well yeah he has no interest he doesn't even want to push right yes doesn't have a village out in the Metro I know I would boom here as in every situation but yes to TCS coming in here for MBL and mean celts have a very good boom with the faster working Lumberjacks and the defensive Manganiello potential you can definitely hang on in early castle aged late castle age I think is gonna be a really really important stage in this matchup because it's where mullions are arguably at their strongest and work helps her out their weakest so I think it would behoove Hera to do something at that point late costly is the weakest for kills but it kind of makes sense I mean it's your crossbowmen a night start becoming bad you don't have your tech switches to em just yet so we now have the monastery MBL for not having a lot of time he tries to play this very long again well I mean when he we said he resigned early but I mean he still has to our you can still chill hang out well it's a full best of five and two hours basically yeah that's actually pretty pretty risky but look at this monastery along with the only second TC so far here for Hera could be adding in another one he's only on one stable that's a very fast monastery but surprised he had so much wood that you didn't go for it maybe wanted to clear up the spearmen first and then go for the stone and the back looks like it now pulling some villagers over just tries to go for the clear up maybe pulled some villages against this could could be something you can do the Knights are completely underrated Hera not wanting to waste anything in that he is a lot of gold banked up to aliens have the free gold mining upgrade and he's had to consistent you know seven or so bills on gold for a while I'm not too sure what are you gonna do with that is one step no market for him to go for some trade offs now that you see being built there wants to go for one conversion if he gets one Spearman alone here I think you should be fine and he gets one yeah then he's fine yeah I think just try to commit and somehow try to snag one villager would be the massive wind for a beer with that leftover army yeah definitely even already like as we keep on harping on about the the dress has gotten a lot to actually nilly they're going in my crowing back as well no quick boats there she's going down to seven HP for the save for the safe but that's so much interruption again oh I mean look at the villager discrepancy nearly and feels eleven bills ahead right now it's so sick yeah what a beautiful play by and be honestly yeah like and then the the counter monk play to heal the villager at the last second both players do have monks they are collecting relics it looks like the gate is actually open the monks gonna yeah I'm can just go right through yeah that's also where all the spearmen went out to reinforce at the top so that's why we saw the gate earlier there in the end what's confusing for us but actually really nice we just used some time to understand us mere mortals aren't prepared for the other big brain plays yet feels MB oh man where do you think these guys go from here because as I said in the very beginning I think Celts are favored and against Malians as the game goes on because a torrent of road Raiders and siege sounds like that something mullions can't really deal with or hounds if they volume players going for cavalry ha some people want to go for a champion tech then you don't even have champions only we have champions but like you don't have blast furnace down to sexy there might be an option to battles obviously if you micro them all game long which Hera likes I mean some with hair a micro Mabry but microing a bunch of good betters against Celts siege sounds scary okay Noel sending video just for what 794 stone you know what that means 824 stone you know what that means it's a castle sorry I know and I was looking at Hera that's a bit surprising to me how defensively is building that castle that's not really controlling anything it's kind of in the center of the map maybe to get traps out later on but yeah doesn't have an army must have been the only thought process that makes sense right yeah effectively like this if Hera is army you're always getting smashed there either way maybe it's the most aggressive one that he felt could never be denied I think on top of not being it I don't think I'd ever be scouted cuz like what would Harry be doing right there at this point so really count will be three for Hera I believe maybe four for her one for MBL I'm bit confused a monk has to be somewhere with a relic and descent on the far left there's a monk with a relic that makes it three for Hera and B yeah the other yeah don't see it okay I'm sure it's around somewhere ten villager lead now for mr. MBL he got some good shots up against the villagers there monk dies behind this as well can click up to Imperial age and on the other side Hera he's lacking some gold but we'll take a pretty soon as well yep should be pretty consistent and we already see the pajama men ready for their slumber party and there they're gonna be queued up here should be I think a really good option against Malians we found the relic next to MBL's main gold spot that's something you will never realize that's a sport wait don't micro so that's going to be like three plus it's three against one relics for quite some time yeah that's that's unfortunate Idol millage because I know military hotkey work with a monk's holding relics I think it does yeah really something you spam too often what is I think MBL doesn't aye aye spam it all the time yeah because you're clever like guy now I see the same I'm a pleb like I don't know if that's something that's newbie to do or not I think it's it's underused honesty item military and also night nowadays you can do select all idol military right now with me and then just send everything to the front that's just so good in so many spots that's something I know I under use like crazy like yeah definitely anyway university sniped there but castle is on the way for era doesn't have a lot of vision but oh no and they all never saw the COS either that's why I'm punishment that builds the cast there will have the hill advantage and the impede Vantage I think MBL he just gets force reps out and hair has no way to punish it Pera just started him I think he had a couple villagers queued ahead of when he could have researched him that's like it yeah because I think just like you know queued up Imperial aged behind like you know maybe two villagers that were feet up in the town centre or something but now I'm Beals gonna have a massive advantage here you can also start adding in some rams if you want yeah the good Meadows can help out against the RAM push but not against trebuchet is and it's still not something I feel super great about going against Celts the light keffiyeh triple stable in the back even amount of villagers it's getting all the traps in your face Ram go now behind this as well and be out with the full control yeah this is gonna be a really tricky hold for Hara another barracks on the way for MBL gonna be adding in some pikemen so even if he hasn't scouted to switch into light calves he's at least guessing it it's because I think in a vacuum volumes are gonna go for cavalry like that nothing like no other knowledge I think you still go for cavalry yeah what Raiders it's like not too bad to face Lightcap either right and he's killing the castles and then like if you go for Harbor to your boat Raider and your opponent somehow got into no bracer herbalist hand cannon the experiments or something of that you know you don't mind that too much no not at all like I said the gap arrows are gonna perform very well against the Rams but the trebuchet with a big problem MBL has the high ground MBL has the faster fire rate and that castle is going to be not too long for this world I think and the second one isn't even in a great position either yeah easy to get trapped I'm not too happy with that one we now have the light keV raid through the center castle at the perfect spot here to defend the rate through the center but no ballistics so not even a single hit against the right there Oh ballistics plus strong holds nearly that's that's the true anti rating power so it's a really weird castle spot but the the castle spot of Hera that's gonna be a pile of rubble in just a second with one more TREB bali and right now hera sorry MBL had a nice quick ball with that house and he's still safe absolutely and those rates at the side won't happen left-hand side Harrah's in there now in MBL's building the defensive castle now tries to be safe and I think he will be while he's continuing reach Rebs on the hill yeah three Celtic tribes going to be so difficult to deal with and once those castles are down you just send in the Rams and RAM helped with some load Raiders mixed in should be pretty much impossible to deal with losing the university means we had the delayed chemistry there as well to go for the bombard cannons obviously just flying through there and getting chemistry quite quickly but when I can count on this is still at zero yep it is nice to there for the Malian University to be working faster does especially help with chemistry but without castles yeah you're just gonna slowly lose all your all your base because MBL has these halberdiers you can't run it inside the trebuchet this is looking at absolutely horrible right now for hera also no control over one of his skulls what means he won't have too much there now text into some archery ranges what is he going for is it scary that's behind cannons right he got chemistry for reason Oh Matt cannon is started I don't think you will have enough goal to go for hand cannon ears look at that two boats what's taking away we had all of them to the left hand side but that's not MBL's controlled area think this has to be scrubs beyond this you might be right but I am actually right haha thank heavens yeah but you can't afford money though yeah good luck doing like 15 and then you need to go for scams after all but yeah maybe 15 can make the defense happen a bit better the 15 10 cans definitely sounds better than 15 skirmishers reads but losing a town center and just getting that goal denied is such a big problem there is no neutral gold that is readily available as both are very very far away from Hera at this point really really just fantastic initial castle spot on this hill for NBL yeah absolutely okay now mangle is going down we have the Hobbit is actually going in and trying to take some fights 1 2 2 elegans to Gepetto's 10 10 years now around but light careful to run the MBL he's certainly fine with just randomly wasting 25th or 2025 father's there just to gain some more ground another defense of cos here by her quite defensible it's quite defensive which in this case means he's losing a ton of farm lands and that's gonna release tiny his production of pretty much everything because his entire army costs food and that's gonna be really rough Hera has 22 food workers right now now entera he is out of it incredible play by MBL honestly like keeping those militia and the spearmen alive i that's like another level of sneakiness it'sit's another level of sneakiness and it further exacerbated the fact that MBL went for the 3d play to begin with he went for the drush FC and he was just like a good like 10 plus villagers ahead in the mid game neither player went for her a ton of castle age aggression so that it when it came time to get to Imperial Age MBL just had a huge advantage and what what can you do against this like Josh you just wall your resources and go aggressively kind of right that's what he wanted to see yeah remember late castle ages is the time when when Celts are struggling remember when MDL is getting that initial castle down in the middle of the map and didn't have anything to protect it yeah if Hera had like plus one plus two nights and just started smashing MBL in the face yeah but if MBL builds the casa defensively as two manga nodes at home we will just say like sir why are you trying to break your Celt play and castle eight at least I will you're gonna defend with two manga nails against a bunch of notes the car so defensively what I would oh yeah I mean at that point yeah it's gonna be pretty rough but I still think it's your best bet I think it's just a really rough matchup for Malians like I said but he picked audience that's true that's interesting right okay so now it will be Hera coming up with a map and two civilizations MBL will pick I will talk to you soon talk to you soon ah I think before what might have been a good option they're tricky to say though obviously easy after the game give me some music okay here we go well I hope you're enjoying the show here on this lovely Saturday this is only the first series after the series where we have Neary against the Viper you will be around for this one NBL he has to be happy with how it went so far to one lead after resigning it kind of even game number two they're pretty crazy to think about it one needs to learn how to admit he isn't right or the tribe loyal loyal when BR wins this will people stop insisting that Harris number two now know there will always be fanboys this is so much longer than the Nico of series yesterday you were there did you have a favorite for this series before and probably Harris slightly I was slightly in detail couldn't possibly save time by playing more in Game two yeah maybe yeah stop arguing with onlu about units or saves it's pointless even claimed that sarah pikemen greater mayan pikemen while they are in him 1v1 they are Saracens pikemen are better [Music] sorry number two some train boys will say it [Music] we'll try to find out what the next map is going to be [Music] there's number one player if you don't show you say the Viper if you want to throw you set out congrats on the large numbers we love you thanks what's nan we made yeah that's why you don't do laundry in the Saturday that's a seven no best of three so Harris just making our way in time as tall as possible for the other semi-finals maybe maybe that's how he planned this whole serious to be nice to the viewers so what we land madness and we will have Franks and Slavs as an option Hera was offering what did MB I'll go for did she go for Frank's or did he go for slaves yesterday nick of effort offered to show same and Leary picked slaves we have Frank's four times laughs Frank Frank Frank laughs Frank Frank so overwhelming amount of people says Frank's I disagree with you I think sloth is the better one he doesn't want to hear my my nonsense now I want to okay there we go I thought you'd finally come to your senses but not quite it seems not quite but anyway MBO up in the series two-to-one with some very strong play overall I'm really impressed with MBL's form I haven't seen him a ton since te came out but this is definitely some good stuff well if you can't play for the first months it's tricky to show yourself a lot right then he wasn't at NAC so a bit of wind out of his sails it feels like only in the last month he could really go for it and develop his skill on the E and well he did pick Frank's / / - yesterday we had to say matchup Nick off against theory and Larry went force laughs what a toss um so even way back in in the days when land madness was like super Frank favored with all the forge forces around your town center like remember way back at NAC - when slobs were picked as a Frank counter on the map I think that slobs are actually gonna be pretty good here I think so as well I would pick slabs pretty good map here for Hera for land madness he can actually wall between the two wood lines something we don't see too often it could be completely safe from the left and yeah that's pretty sexy for everyone new obviously on this icy area we can not wall now taking some of the poorest we will probably see a lot of scouts here a few late oh yes this is very much a scout dominated map that's why we saw Mongol mirrors on it all the time at an AC 3 and you have the extra deer hanging around they are there less deer then on the NAC 3 version of the map I think no no it's the same it's just three names okay maybe they pushed um deer yeah I mean they they did push some gear already which makes sense yeah okay so the reason that Nili and I I think are saying that Slavs are a bit better is that if it comes down to like your echoes in the mid Games files are gonna be a bit better their cavalry is still good their bunks are a bit better if need be and then going into late-game Slav infantry in siege is better than Frank infantry and siege we have seen often land madness since you don't have the easy option to wall we often see extended feudal wars and then actually having bloodlines is really valuable on land madness yeah that's actually a very good point that this is a map that will go too late feudal age a lot and also at that point is when the Slav farming is really gonna kick in as a as a powerful bonus I mean yeah it's not the 15% anymore back when it was bonkers but it's still a it's still one of the most powerful eco bonuses as the the game drags on starting early in late feudal age now pushing somewhat here again NBL plays it very greedy as you can see no vision at all at the other side Hera he's coming for some more scouting but still not into the direction of Emil not quite yet and just taking a quick look at MBL's map income Harrison to that of his opponents it's kind of weird because you really aren't gonna be able to defend yourself all that much but because it's land madness you still have plenty of resources in the back so if you can kind of place for it out I think he will still be okay we will see obviously we need to Wally second woodland in the back for Hera has a nice defense of gold he will play pop 20 on the other side also pop 20 so very even start from the - yep that does make noodles of sense on land nomads as you can very easily lure those spirits noodles of sense how does that forward it is actually a immunity it's a nonsense word but it is it's not one I invented I think I think it actually might be a Shakespeare word okay it sounds like something that would be a Shakespeare word I died all I know is I didn't make it up so for this one but yeah as you're saying pretty much dead even so far and it should just be you scouts for days could mix in some spearmen as well and a king should but other than that I don't think we're gonna be seeing a ton of divergence so even going for two berries here quite nice for MBL using his Frank's bonus to the maximum Scout affair right you lose some HP again or third there while MBL this is well using his Scout quite nicely in the back gets audience on the wall too as well Oh taking a little bit of damage as mr. Harrow thank you to my words I guess I do I thought I caught up but apparently not have priority nods both players dropping the stables BMN trying to scare away the scout didn't really happen [Music] yeah so mass the amount of Scouts coming out you kind of want to always place farms now keep the food income rolling spearmint defense and how do you get ahead both players are doing the same thing well um there's a couple ways you can do that I think that once both players recognize that they're doing the same thing I think the first person to take a decisive action in terms of doing something different is gonna have the edge whether that be like okay I'm gonna add like another stable and you're like stable Scouts or okay I'm just gonna go super greedy and try and clique up the castle age and just try and defend with spearmen at least that's always how I've seen it do you think anyone is going for archers who would who would be the player Frank's oh snap there's lots of better Archer technically not that they're great but I'd say Hara also as a player I feel would be a bit more likely to go for archers now we have the first to take you from MBL in the woodland Hera only one spearmen way too late there and that would be a nice start for MBL here's the opening at the Mon eight to four military now some quick get behind this that is beautiful though yeah that is really nice but MBL will at least escape with one scout so that could have been way worse all things considered even sniping one of the spearmen of his opponent okay now he is just moving around each other for some reason who that was that was kind of weird but that's a lot of spearmen here friend yo and he got very aggressively with them Hera he is three village just behind this as well what happened how you only lost one place that I saw yo kV agrees with me so some I don't you see there a wheelbarrow completely out of the question right yeah no matter Slavs especially like that wouldn't make any sense okay maybe you got housed Oh another villager is perhaps in jeopardy but spearmen will run away for the time being yeah now has three spearmen with full HP kind of for the defense no make it four still going for some Scout and be out with more aggression MBL having a day of age of bias here and that's just great to see I mean the more players that are in top form the merrier definitely makes especially like the semifinals and finals of this tournament can be I think really really exciting since I think all four of these players that are playing - they're in good shape right now yeah MBL only had seat number seven in the quarter-finals he did win against seed number two mister taro in pretty solid fashion there so he is sitting wise kind of the underdog going into the series era seed number three at the start of this tournament and MBL he continues some aggression now goes on to gold yep now going on to the gold something that is noteworthy is I think hair has more farms than his opponent least it looks like but of course MBL is gathering from the forage bushes Spearman just may pokin away at each other mr. pokey pokey living up to his name I don't think it's gonna matter a whole lot even safe there and what are the next steps and bl more spearmen now goes for we a barrel on the other side Tara full Scouts and that it says no must be meant from him nope no additional buildings whatsoever okay just as I say that the blacksmith is now being placed for Hara could have gone for bloodlines and maybe he still will go for bloodlines as at that point then the tables turn and Frank Scouts then become inferior to these Slavic Scouts but I think it still is a bit better just to go up to castle age I don't think these guys have large enough numbers of Scouts to really justify that as weird as it says because you know there's five and six Scouts respectively but I still don't think it's enough think who received bloodlines honestly I just need to drop some more gold doesn't think about castle age Oh Wilbur now cancel to be a Barrow and goes for bad lines now could do we remember that was really important to him apparently yeah I'm not sure how big a fan I am of this I think that with slobs especially you can try and squeeze out the faster Castle age but spending all the resources but if you are able to dive in and your phone does have any units on standby the bloodlines are no that's gonna be a really nice pickoff yeah watching would have been even better there's some spearmen patrolling in the back how many spear mented MB I'll get he has eight infantry that eights p.m. in here that's pretty sick yeah just MBO things right definitely somebody who will just go for crazy amounts of spearmen all the time yeah but Tommy wants to dive in there that could be suicidal oh yeah I support this as well in 11 HPE and yeah and that's fine but you know going for bloodlines has a cost and even plus one defense as well and yet cos mates indeed yeah costly can be way faster for MBL but does it matter if you get Castle age and don't have anything he will have something right he's gone for second Archer in so that's actually Frank's crossbow man here that's pretty crazy I actually just now remembered MBL at least back on role look Higgins had this style of with Frank's where he would go for night crossbowmen like simultaneously like very aggressively okay just try to run them down with Knights and crossbowmen upgrade so it's not the worst thing and this one upgrade and one spearmen only there's night all of the spearmen but now the scouts outs women can just water over there from the other side some Hut's now from Hara as well he will click up any second double archer range from him that would be a crossbow war in flat slabs against Franks I did not foresee this I was thinking more along the lines of Knights like men monks and siege but well this is what these guys are going for especially on this map like you think the cross woman would be comparatively worse okay Skaal Krush distance isn't too long ago which definitely is a point in favor of crossbowmen at the farm then out three ahead but still seventy percent behind in castle age all the recent med fletching being up now as well but MBL he moves out with his army not too scary for the upgrades though not too scary for the upgrades bodkin and crossbow are on the way now hera even has the defensive watchtower forced out of him so that is going to stymie any booming attempts okay but I mean the watchtower is it this map is very spread out and open right so the watchtower can only be so good and there's still a huge portion of Harrah's economy which is very exposed and it's gonna be at least one villager and they are looking for some revenge that's going to be idly I'm not sure if I like to start to much but yeah maybe if you just went straight to engage okay trying to buy some time Scouts are now coming over but they lost a lot of HP oh god NBL doing so much with those cross women oh yeah definitely returning the earlier rating from Hera any kinds and honestly a meal should rotate to the south further away from the towers and whatnot and the Knights are coming in from the others Oh a night Oh surprise we get a villa to kill at least Crossman still active Harrah's so idle this is looking good for oh no vision he's so active microsuede so many villages low HP though yeah really pretty control there from Hera but now Harrah's the one who's behind by for villagers crossbowmen is on the way but he does not have bodkin just yet as obviously he's had so much idle economy not really something he could afford and of course behind this MBL being the the certified boomer that he is adding an additional town center trying to fight that one yeah okay next to the berries cross meant they still do find the extra villagers at the bottom now keep getting cleared after Hara with one less upgrade but the better micro yes Hara had some really nice control right there as we would expect from him and yes and beetles gotten cleared up but he has the military advantage he has another town center on the way and Hera just needs to sort of collect himself before trying to make something happen I think a lot of collecting to do that's nice yes reasonable upgrades on those so both actually with exactly the same military upgrades at the moment yes indeed but Knight production is still only from one stable for MBL crossbowmen looking to get some villager kills nice pull back there from MBL and we'll get the town centre up with a very very little problem and this is good for MBO every minute that goes by I think is just gonna be better and better for him really don't you think like Frank's eco is better in the long run no I think saws because but in the longer but I think MBL's eco is way better than Harrah's Iike yeah obviously and I think he's gonna quote only five footages ahead let's take a look but he's not adding that you see only now goes for stone yeah yeah right yeah because remember Hera made the the tower earlier and then we already on three pcs so this is gonna be pretty rough for Hera I feel mostly can get something big done right now but even so because MBL is going for the crossbow he even has bodkin on these town centres and they're gonna be a lot more effective at killing any night so he tried to start villagers scared away three to cease at the moment Hera desperately waiting threat to see number two do you think he needs to play a castle it's all in here Hera yes might not be the worst idea ever you do have the good siege and you can certainly overwhelm your opponent but scouts know okay I know Hera like Scouts but I'm gonna I'm gonna have to press X to doubt on this one that doesn't sound too noise right okay now some more sniping and B are chillin on the hill there and yeah it will be the siege workshop Hera is adding one extra to see there at the side there will still be some aggression I think that was a no he queues at more Scouts after the night again it's so weird I feel like this play is kind of indecisive like he wants to get extra economy but like one extra TC isn't really gonna catch you up an economy all that much and like if that was just like another production building or something I feel like that would be better served inheres overall chances of winning this game okay now we understand why he wanted to snipe the monks but I only got one snipe there lost the two Scouts okay okay I can see the reasoning now just taking us some time I still feel like Knights were better those Crossman are still doing a fine job of sniping the monks regardless well yeah it's kind of strange that I'm be able to be making so many monks against crossbowmen but I guess he and completely realized what his opponent was up to at the time Knight upgrades are still completely even hair does have one more archer armor upgrade with NBL with his own siege workshop coming in right here I still think he's gonna be fine and we have to remember that as soon as MBL goes over to stone it won't be too long before you can get a castle up ranks [Music] 1215 village to leave now and we have a mule is just going over to stone now with eight villagers okay just make something happen you can't repair 30 see at the moment either right not having a single own in the bank well you can just gather one stone and drop it off now let's see if he does that and yes he did no what yes no you did yeah that was weird and you can afford as I'm be able to spend a lot of villager time and resources repairing the town center because you just have 17 more of them mm-hmm two manga notes let's take a look now the first manga no dents here of the game the mango tango as someone once said it wasn't hey let's kill a bee oh okay thought you were quoting yourself no no no no I mean I have a pretty big ego but not that big oh yeah I'm even with the third mango coming in things still gonna be a little bit tricky or whatever like that huh just just scouting villages inside the TC anyways right so it's not that bad gets a good shot off against the cross man runs away at the other side and that was a good one oh no no killed there that's surprising to me and behind this MBL keeps the 15 bracelet yes he does uh Hara does have +2 defense now on his knights and BL does not ii mango out for nibbles here and he'll has some of the best megan l control in the biz in my opinion but that was a nice crossbow engagement there for harris still has a five military leave town center is definitely on fire but still no mangoes dead yeah sick and actually i thought it was the same as well for heroin the crossbow fight but actually lost for only killed to cross women they're pretty weird now lost the manga knoll and Terra he cannot break the CC that's so weird yeah I mean Emile's defense has been just good enough also enabled a nice hit there onto the high ground and we'll be getting a one for Oh even that is not at all what Hera wanted to see you right there and that was up as well and MBL's so so good with the manga no micro at the moment gets ground-attack off there has to be happy with trading this one off he's just buying time for himself now 20 village and eat for him and he needs four more stone for a castle that's a castle up here at the front if you know you can make sure the manga Nell doesn't snipe it instantly it's gonna be almost game-winning in and of itself in my opinion yeah another one trait and mega node was running into the town center right there someone fortunate and indeed once the manga Nell is destroyed realizing okay nothing stopped me from going to castle up and that's gonna be so huge for MDL okay then that's kind of and the dreams of Hera trying to make the castle age was happening oh god they're getting slaughtered that was rather painful to say the least a couple months here for MDL as well this is not great and be--i'll holding this 120 village lead gets the defense of Casa de x-men bombard can could be a very deadly army composition here by Miss MBR was just casually dropping another to see at the front there tries to secure the gold and stone for himself Hera going through the other side and builds a castle on that cell at the complete other angle but the thing with land madness is that you can always run away like because the resources are also spread out you know you drop a castle here if you're Hara like yeah control some golden stone but MBL can just go to some other golden stone because the you know it's spread out everywhere and MBL is in a much better position to just you know annihilate Harrah's base yeah true and he's just pushing forwards and being cornered isn't the worst thing ever because there are always so many resources in the back there as well at least you still have like the 30 40 percent of map control that mpls oh nice Megan I'll hit though for Hera definitely be a fan of that there are some tax men out here well I think no conversions actually for Emil that's a little bit unfortunate but with that fourth TC he is just gonna be looking so good again I kind of have to question Harriette like trying to go for a big aggression even though he's really behind economically he's behind what sometime I'm not sure if he knows that he's so far behind in the economy maybe not that's actually really weird yeah he was actually before the councilman up Hera was six hundred points ahead was really weird for Kate to four point 6 K I committees even but MBL's been with a much stronger economy and he's been fending off hair his attack so maybe maybe something we were just going on with the score has seemed a little little weird but still monk getting a conversion is gonna be nice for MDL and we have to imagine that his m time is likely going to be faster still need 600 food but with 39 farmers can get that pretty quick yeah absolutely rates now through the center and Terra is sitting at 500 500 Q's up summer nights a lot more nights actually getting everything on the map that will be a full castle a digression from him it will be forecast live digression from him I don't think this is the worst idea in the world I just would have liked to have seen it faster he was kind of trying to make the push happen right so I mean but he was still adding in additional town centers you know on four count centers so I think like literally just going like one TC early castle age against uh MBL who's trying to add in a bunch of extra town centers on the very open map I think would have been better yeah it's tricky to judge right so many decisions to be made and to big push like do you think you can break him do you think you can hold and need to make something happen behind this obviously our camera mainly is at the X and not really at the boom that's happening behind there and his shrinking but he's done the way to impale aids while her he is keeping the night production up yep her has been getting definitely some nice work done with these raids definitely has a large military advantage over his opponent and even the light cab can help out against the monks which is nice but MBL's switching to halberdiers and halberdiers with some trebuchet xin the front doesn't sound like something hara can deal with all right you can't deal with the village us at the moment get some more rates and at the right hand side and suddenly Hara is ahead in villages here this is so weird well Hara on the 40 cc's of himself and getting a ton of villager kills here but again I just am really gonna be worried about that imp timing difference but that's a lot more nights coming in there's actually at five T sees even blooming so so heavily and maybe some more defensive cards would be really nice for MDL and yeah he's putting one in front of his main TC can maybe stop that with some trapping and still villagers getting ready everywhere yeah definitely this this I do like because you can still get that huge economy the Slavs behind this and just spamming Knights every which way even if your opponent gets to Imperial aged I think even trading against low numbers of pikemen would be really good if you have so many nights just prevent them from getting that you know massive halberdiers that you would need to defend against this but uh you know Hera's window is shrinking as MBL draws closer to Imperial aide Herod just queuing up him right now mm-hmm and that's not an over commit oh so yeah the time was timing and shrinking doing damage and cartilage but he he doesn't need to finish this game in cartilage here he allows himself to get some more raids in and just settle myself up in to Imperial aide the question is though army composition force laughs player what are you going for like trap Harbor dear hassle yep okay mixing in rams possibly yeah but that seems good I mean in a Hal battle slobs are gonna win that very comfortably once you go research Kushina yeah that's going to be a tough upgrade though and I think on five TVs yeah so like you you casa at the front we'll probably want to produce traps and yeah I would be surprised to be sued you see too early we have the champion tech now behind this interesting free supplies okay yeah saves what is it what is the food when I had gold or something fifty gold even I think another eight at the top Harrison getting so many kills in here that's crazy it was seventy two seventy killed and Sonny is 122 eighty it's getting so he's wrecking everywhere he's losing a lot of resources at the front he lost a lot this rate at the North is very good but however you were gonna be coming in soon I hope for EM be a little safe and then he should start pushing at the front and there is not a whole lot that hair is doing in terms of dealing with those how burgers does it takes a long freakin time to switch over into the swordsmen they need to stop start pushing first we are building more defensive castles and maybe squeezing out Regina could be a good option but for now he just continues with the rates I like the activity that Terra is putting on the field oh yeah I mean her is doing his best to keep MBL occupied keep MBL at home but now we but he started held up and canceled it okay now wait now he's doing a gun but that's a castle down for Hera and he doesn't have another one I believe okay he's getting one establish at home but there's already a trimmed nearby who actually the HUS are stable is gonna get sniped before the tech can finish that's ugly and that's something like that will really confuse you at one point you look on the on the resource and feel like oh one K food one point 4 K gold I will just produce and then three minutes later you were like first ago but no that's my story era instantly clicks asses again oh great reaction there from him I know I wouldn't have noticed that for quite a while but help is done for MBL the upgrades are terrible though it only helps us one attack so yeah it's getting closer here for Hera and NBL is only pushing forward very very slowly as well snapping another monk here are so active hallelujah what is he doing to MBL he is a pop 155 we thought he made the defense happen and I still feel like x-men plus how it is should be okay but Terra he's not the guy who wants to take fights do you want just to dwindle your economy down here yeah and I'm BL was just pushing so freaking slowly and yeah even his own army isn't all that great two-handed swords been now done champion on the way here for Hera and yeah he is he is looking at 144 bills for him right now with Slav farms pretty crazy that's what we said earlier laugh eco although it's 10% faster farms now still pretty damn scary and the torrents Hoffman tech soon to be a champion Zach even yeah Emil has a nominally larger army but I don't see it I guess it's just went to halberdiers running everywhere flooring Axman are now starting to be produced but Emil really needs some upgrades only having forging versus champions with +2 +2 yeah doesn't sound great yeah pretty brutal and well know we have to push at the right hand side MBL stood one or two percent and i said yeah it's fine if you have like 30 40 percent of the map you will have resources yeah but not endlessly not endlessly there is actually a neutral or a gold way and far right of the map which is nice that can supply MBL for quite a while another castle coming in for him and the one thing that is not going in Harrah's favor is he only has one castle and doesn't really have much siege because of it takes for arson plus for a second and I said Regina you want to have the traps out first and try to get the castle numbers down of your opponent so that will take some time to get it out first well yeah I mean the hair has just not been mining a lot of stone so yeah with only having one castle you kind of do you need that for trebuchet production at the very North controlling some more of the map and so active with the harbour do rates hassle rates over and over again oh boy oh yeah and now this is starting like a really grim for mb l3 is the magic number of trebuchet x' i always say because you cannot prepare against three trebuchet x' like in almost any situation and that castles that's not even being no even attempt at repairing it and honestly it looks like MBL kind of crumbling right now increasing population as well 180 but at the moment it's just sending Wahab ideas in a vehicle trying to protect yourself do you think that is the best thing action actually for MBL astera went for huge over 160 three villagers here that's a lot of villagers is way too many villagers I mean I know the the Slav army can be expensive but it's not that expensive and now there are a fair amount of tax men but they are missing just so many upgrades MBL is actually getting bearded axe right now elite I'm quite surprised as well entering the elite also gives you one more range melee armor okay so how about the defense continues one at 66 villagers and oh god Harris actually queuing up more villagers that Soviets Texan - oh no just not behind this and like with ve I feel like there is even less in excuse to over boom because you can just see how many villagers you have at any given time so here should you know realize wait a minute I have a hundred sixty-six villagers I should not heal anymore if she sees this how many should you delete what do you think I think it's lobs you only need one hundred twenty two hundred thirty okay so solid like forty deleted here what makes sense for you or you know trying to like take resources that are super far out and when I'm you know suicide missions okay uh Harris Bank is insane he is getting on injure usually afford siege ometer yeah seriously you'd hope with 167 villagers your economy would be good okay now we have Georgina tech indeed so champions will be a bit more efficient MBL he's just running away with his x-men some pressure on the Casa to the front and Frank's car so it's no masonry no hoardings no architecture there that's a lot yeah it's pretty painful now with auditors coming in those are going to be it so strong against the throwing ax men they do have elite now as well as a bearded axe but yeah we already have the siege on adjourn on the way gear for Hera that's just gonna be so powerful this map I believe does have a lot of gold on it overall compared to a normal map it's just spread out everywhere right mm-hmm I think so as well and yeah era school doing good job of controlling a lot of the extra resources moves out quite a bit now delete it like ten villagers as I said I wouldn't mind to see him lose forty villagers yeah I it's really not a big deal and for her Hara at this point to lose all those villagers and he needs to pop space and he needs it like right now is the thing because it's hard to push with you know less than fifty military yeah absolutely yes pretty strong one though no real counter I think if mal had like one two bomb but cannons that would be really good against this not really happening now he sends a hit squad of throwing ax men to the side nice ground check there x-men needs to walk around but still eating some hits of the oranges definitely still eating some monitor hits but one trebuchet has been taken down the others have gotten less done than I think Hera might have hoped for MBL's micro has been pretty good considering he's up against you know five plus auditors Castle is still alive Oh another Trevor say was Snipes there's only two left and one of them is Miss positions I think he's going for the wrong building there and okay now he is but now the army is just crushing through all it's just way enough pop 200 against 155 now the dive in everything is dying and suddenly MBL he doesn't have any military left anymore 20 yeah I mean all those throwing Axman died and you're only on what a couple capsules right now big great job as well nice move for Hera so active always yeah just really great play you can see how strong the mass cavalry in castle age and I think Cara just use that to perfection I think can be able tried to get into not cavalry too quickly before he could really have his base on lockdown Oh - - and MBL only 45 minutes time from what he said would it be in the rules if both players consent to reschedule finals are tomorrow right so you'd have to play it before the finals yeah we have to continue then let's let's pray that they're finishing so let's cross that bridge when we get there okay so her a big casa detect it gets so much done in the NBL I think Palmer canons a bit earlier could have been nice and yeah it's just an impossible map to wall everywhere so you always will get raided no push to the center to finish off the game yes and MBO who had 20 more villagers and Cass had like you know at least 5k less of every resource except stone mm-hmm just Hara really turning around slower Imperial aged who cares when you are just raiding your opponent like crazy and they don't for me yeah that was more close than I thought MB I'll also be completely forgot about that's the same game where five cross women did so much damage early castle there as well from a frame player yeah definitely I mean it was a it was a game where Hera just really brought it back with the power of rating and MBL did put himself in a good position I think this definitely been a very good series so far yeah I love everything about it talk to you soon you soon oh it's mirroring mr. Lou for a small moment in the last 10% price poof for not respecting tournament schedule what mattered what money do you want to get erased I don't know what MB l2 point in this but if he has to leave here sleep right players are not on time you lose 10% so what's your punishment now why do I need to get punished and this year some doubted some prize pool to lose as well says Leary in the semifinals they doubt only lost 13% first game went crazy long yeah second one like did what happened every game went to him right am i confusing something yeah oh I will get some sugar water and then we go into game number 5 now the whole map of MBL he picks two civilizations and on the other side we will have hara then deciding which of the two he wants to go for how did the schedule only four hours for best-of-seven that's sloppy okay they aren't in the next game yet Morris you can ask me some questions obviously during a coke house I can't really interact with a chat because I don't want to talk over here more want to like him ask me question why I answer something muted there on stream so I hope you understand that in between series we won't have a lot of time as well so that's why I'm muting him during the games and we can have some interaction there so by friendly we will wait probably yes I will have to ask them yeah obviously I don't want to delayed an hour there as well maybe they start Game one after half an hour or something you have long term goals and other specific ways we can help I want to stabilize the 900 subs it's basically the amount that I feel I need to live off streaming and yeah that that's if you're subscribed you did you work what is sugar water at the moment I'm drinking Pepsi Max sherry Casas can be resource drop-off no I'm helping you are doing your job indeed so next map will be Valley we have ads text against millions and MBL did offer the civilizations what did Terra go for did she go for ads text or did he go for Marion's what do you think's guys something so oh wait there's Nellie there's nearly indeed so we are here in game number five going on to Valley in a meso war in to you know if it surprised Tara is going for million see anomaly at sixth feel a bit better and such a hyper aggressive Napa would say but maybe I'm be all fields okay hair our fields that is defensive enough yeah I mean I feel like if the thing if it's a super aggressive map then both Sims are good but I favor Aztecs and it but if it's even like normal Arabia I pretty have a favor Mayans in most scenarios okay okay in the center so whatever is trying to achieve yeah not too sure on that am bo will have the extra four HP which is nice no no should have 38 behind I'm at 247 oh is the extra 247 ah okay okay then I was the idea so tell me something about MBL's cold positioning on low is by up okay okay it's it's on the far side of a a wood line his secondary goals are also very exposed and open I mean I guess the right side of his base is quite volatile but this is a map that is sufficiently bad where I think you try and go for the deer in the middle and then just try and go very aggressive mm-hmm yeah yeah absolutely milling the frond at sec look where he will build the milk we have seen MBL going for a lot of barracks before mill today I think this is not really the map where you want to do it and barracks before mill that's what I want to say yeah yeah definitely seems a little strange in this scenario looks like Hara will be milling his forage butchers Lions definitely going to be the much more defensive of the two civilizations thing for her though is his gold is still a little bit awkward it's on a hill to the left of his base but if he can secure that he should be set stone obviously very important for Mayans and it's on the right it's not super safe not super horrible but he has the stone in the back yeah and the back I think wasn't scouted by me although right he I think didn't have the best vision yeah yeah yeah assuming MBL has scouted anything yeah well he went quite early for the lame although he asked is lambing allowed and I said it will be the same rules for the full tournament although we had to change full aiming now in the last patch but it's still you are not allowed to the boss with your eagle yep as that was super overpowered on the previous patch but with some bug fixes it should be back to normal I believe and I guess Leeming will probably be allowed in future tournaments anyway we're just coming in for both players do you think we're gonna be seeing drush azure are we gonna go recommend I need to go for mandamus I think Josh just results into having the tiny bit of a weaker army at the 11 12 minute mark and MBL he can't afford that he has the doors to open he needs the powerhouses yeah and I think you would really want to be fully walled at that point and then you're just kind of giving your opponent all the space in the world take the middle and take those dear probably get a faster castle age because of it I totally agree I think going about as aggressive as possible is going to be your best bet okay so what are the next steps here barracks and Hera is playing with ad rush did collect 10 gold well this is pretty Russian to flush he's now adding a farm there's not only this is a slowed rush this was like a 7-minute barracks or something not a 630 barracks and the Ellis building and mining him to probably have his villagers being stuck in there would be so bad against the forwards questionable openings it's the good old mining camp with no barracks opening that's there will be some aggression here so palisaded for HP will be fine and healing no quick well there my hair are sloppy play now need to police villagers Eagle low HP though but that's not a lot of gold income for him at the moment I mean it doesn't really need gold income right now doesn't have anything to spend it on but I guess it will be less in the immediate future barracks so so delayed still not up here at 9:20 it only goes up yeah definitely for sure no definitely not okay instantly gets three other militias in his face oh boy and militias are so low as well that's horrible MBL Oh villager down and he's gonna be appreciating the faster creations feed on these militia but it's still just such an awkward position trying to build an archery range and uh hopefully the enemy militia that's not gonna be too effective and Oh get that archery range that will block him every time he wants to retreat from that goal I think Hera he should just maybe even add more minute arms and that's it now the villager down Oh God for a whole evening when do all the moisture have been cleaned up though but those militia of MBL's are still at pretty low HP and not even continuing to build the or three range right now I guess against the house that's really not pretty for him oh god oh god the house is well so much going wrong Hera by the way behind this all aggression misplaced this mining camp a bit but I think now we should easily get to archery ranges out and should be fine still no matted arm tech or gods this is a beautiful start for era that's a campaign mining camp if I've ever seen one I know you don't play the campaigns nilly but all the time they give you like lump camps and mining camps they're like one tile out of position okay and it's like the most tilting thing ever I get that off my chest Empire Wars has reasonable camps right um the show I have to show Matt yesterday between yoga and fire and both had terrible mining camps in an empire war game okay okay but nonetheless still activity double range for both players mine's gonna have cheaper archers Aztecs are gonna have the faster production but with that too villager lead of Hera that is just me feeling so good kara needs to go for quite some goats well she could just get slapped here lots of elitism George at the moment era also floating some resources no one really went for the food in the center and that's something we saw a lot of in na c3 like people just play this map like it was Arabia which kind of surprised me but guess it's what people felt comfortable with fletching now on the way for Hera not yet for MBL who doesn't even have a blacksmith as far as I can tell no it's not and this could be a little bit uncomfortable think you can't just pull vintage justified this yeah the biggest damage output archers are running around sniping the Eagle t1 eager interrupted summoned yeah Harris just running away MBL simply not with the damage output Sarah soon our village to say at the moment yeah Harris still in a perfectly fine physician the one thing that's nice for Aztecs year is you have the faster Eagle Warrior production which because they train so slowly is like ends up being like a nine second like creation speed advantage or something like that okay so hair is gonna be adding in these guys and much more slowly and hopefully for MBL sake he can take advantage of that that Herod looking so solid right now yeah absolutely it didn't take the losses it's still fetching against no fletching eagle to our to our two numbers pretty high and normally you can't punish arts as quite early on not - having dissent in MBL even goes for the plus one defense was Eagles before fletching that we had now clicks fletching okay thought better of that I guess he was thinking for a second that he had fletching already nope but makes sense you have nine skirmishers and three Eagle Scouts get the upgrade that affects the majority of your army whereas we do have scale mail coming in for Hera as well not just of Hera going to the site they're trying to sneak around they could be obviously super ugly here if Aris holding the fron maybe defensive tower could be an option and BL no defense there that could actually be the GG moment once MBL can't to the damage at the front and suddenly has six outs of the flashing in his goal line um yes but Mao was looking to do damage right now no villagers down just yet obviously skirmishers are very bad against filters but there's one down already there are several Eagle warriors here but of course we have to be looking at this wood line of MBL's that is soon gonna be in a very very unhappy state and looks like hara only lost one villager at home and MBL is going to be losing greater than one villagers mostly and so that's two down they even decided to fight what why would you ever fight this yeah you had 18 good villagers but that is not the greatest idea here and Tara was scared away there for a small second but he would get at least four villager kills Emil is having some nice control here at the front though sniped all of the Eagles of his opponent and still has a big old army alive here unfortunately he's not really gonna be able to deal with the archers to effectively at his base and any Eagle that comes out is just gonna be so good here for Hara also with the faster reinforcements yeah this is looking to be an absolute disaster game for MBL oh boy so six villager lead now for Hera he's even diving in through the center still three Eagles I don't know that's two Eagles one militia make it three goes in one militia I think Harris holding the squad nice T runs away with his archers he has to be happy how the last minutes went for him sources MBL at the limit harab some gold getting a little bit of gold he obviously has way too many villagers unbold I mean with the cheaper archers and you're not even spending gold on arch there's a lot of time you're making skirmishers and one barracks Eagle production just now adding the second probably could've gotten away with like five or six bills on gold yeah he wanted to go for more archers initially and obviously after this comes just which you could have pulled those away maybe blow the market there are some options but I think yep just going double barracks should solve your cold issue yes it should the one thing for her right now is that he got all but one of those archers that went for the counter tack cleaned up so could be a little bit of a tricky position defensively for him he is outnumbered militarily quite heavily but with some archers in the armies that are not skirmishers maybe those can get picked off but MBL not taking the worse whatever and to barracks they're still slow they still take 60 seconds to produce here now he tries to rush out the defensive tower yeah but that's this is definitely quite uncomfortable here for Hara remember when I said a big difference between the sadducees the fact that Eagles for Aztecs can produce that much faster yeah that is not the greatest still though Hera he's five bills ahead and he's not gonna die here he lost a Vil he is in a rough spot tactically but he's not gonna die and he's about to click up to Castle age yeah and on the other side MBL 100 food fifty gold still producing everything Castle age and once you have like six Eagles out of something you just wreck every few lobby oh yeah it's not especially close at that point MBL diving in here probably feels like he has to but this feels a little bit painful he knows okay you built the defensive tower and maybe he sees okay yeah that makes sense that you were up now I need to do the damage and well he did deliver some but yeah he can't get to kill no hair even with another reminding him Tara has twenty villagers mining gold right now that's a bit too crazy in my opinion I think you need to go for are just behind this but he's gone for skirmishes or third barracks now congratulations Tara you world your villagers in but again strange units that's the best shows ever not typically I mean I guess it helped against the to equal warriors but that's not really that great and this is a lot of idle time MBL is almost caught up in villagers but obviously that castle age discrepancy is super huge and yeah Hara even with the idle time still I think gonna be in a much better spot scrubs and archers so solo I think want to reach Castle age Hara should get to clear up quite easily there another text through the front thank Hera I wouldn't even mind him building a second defensive tower there he has enough gold just buy 100 stone yeah I think that would be totally fine um hair trying to wall behind this and the thing is MBL does have a really big army as a little under double the military of his opponent so I think that what Hera really needs to do is just keep the Eagle warriors alive because they trained so slowly and he needs to use the barracks time as soon as he hit this castle age you get the you know spires and warrior can do that I think he's fine today gets the third barracks now a bit late for my taste even he had the floating resources but better the late than never and now dives in just waits for consulates and then you get two plus three attacks on those Eagles and will just wreck whatever MBO has it is based there yeah that uh plus three attack that comes in for free for Eagle Scouts once they hit Castle age is so so huge and they're just going to completely annihilate all of these skirmishers and archers and pretty much everything count now evened out military count is even known as well let's take a look the quick ball there against the army the house and now that I was nice move there and tries to go for the trap behind it as well will lose one villager at least and I think now the trap is something you can stop my man the army stop walking away it's probably a little bit of overkill right there but it looks cool it look you get points for that right should but yeah Hera's like in an amazing position right now he has 16 military to 3 I mean I know Aztec production is good but yeah he's gonna need to buy a lot of time I think Hera could even go for five barracks here just produce Eagles right because he knows the goat spots are soap and you will always put pressure on your opponent maybe four barracks will MBL's on four barracks and these Aztecs so honestly I think five barracks is is kind of what you need otherwise you might actually get out produced because MBL is gonna be catching up in the military in not too long some eagles diving until the back villagers I don't think we can see enough quick waltz and even goes back there and even he gets into the gold oh no that is so ugly now two eagles in there three Eagle skirmish is still active and oh boy MBL if he loses all his gold he obviously loses the game um I see them be all walled in his gold I met 27:44 yeah some yields Dovan got two three villages and then the walls behind there okay I was looking at the Eagle fight on the left hand side yeah that's happened as well which MBL honestly did take a pretty good trade there and and he's only down two villagers and he's evened up the military out that is way better position than I thought he would be in here so did I upgrades one one for both players production behind this way longer for Gerardo so some of its resources still in the bank technically yeah they're not in units that are on the field right now but with the reinforcements being faster or the defender should be nice and fel it doesn't have it what what are those Eagles doing nothing just chilling here one fighting the others not fighting and oh boy that was Stanground no patrol there that was ugly for MVL and those are not running away you can't tell me that was a hotfix with the passing or any other day you would screw up there oh boy that cost was costly hi I don't even know what that was that was that was weird but we are just now coming in here for Hera upgrades are still the same so it's gonna be just down to numbers because the Eagles there's not a whole lot of micro involved and that is in favor of mr. Hera no shocker there and maybe hair should be able to snowball this one to victory well he's also rating in the fact that is so so good as well and I wouldn't be surprised if MBL has to tap this one out honestly the aggression is continuing the pressure on the gold is massive woodland has to be pulled this is looking incredibly good for Hera yeah definitely gold villagers just also expose it just you have to circle back to the map problem here for MBL honestly he was looking to be in an OK spot before that horrible fight against heroin equals you know a minute ago but with that coming in and you're doing the same thing as your opponent but like worse that's usually not a great sign GG Hera after being down to 1 now puts himself ahead in this serious hmm some stomm near this guy after this brutal gaming number one very open map both very open gold sports and O'Hara with the defensive tower maybe something MB I'll need it for his gold spots uh possibly uh maybe I don't know because he was already so far behind I think he needed the ball gold at the left hand sides what at MBL ever did he scout it I don't even know the late game he obviously did because the scammers chased the archers in that direction but yeah maybe there might have been a better choice and then try to wall the front I think you can a minimum wall the right-hand side because it's not much effort yeah that's sore that's so and that's where the archers came in and the yields to finish the game there as well exactly I think at a bare minimum you can do that hmm now a lot of pressure on MBL you need to come up with another map and two civilizations we cannot repeat any of the civilizations that we already use before though nope which is always nice to see and that includes the the random mirror serve right indeed yeah so yeah we'll have to see what is going to be next what else is there for MBL well there are still plenty of civilizations right how many did we have we had nine civilizations only taken away so 26 maps maps wise we have golden pit could be good MBR map we have a geranium would be bad and be--i'll map what else do we have we have hideout arena not his favorite Maps regicide could be something graveyards I think graveyards or golden pit should be the NBL maps now yeah I totally agree those maps say it seemed a lot more MBL esque than the other ones but I think Hera if he loses this can go to mehdi and i think that's gonna be not so great for MBO mm-hmm what civilizations to go fulfill Mehdi that's tricky as well that's true because persian japanese would be a pretty nice duo but yeah Oh tough matchup here yeah it's gonna be good type in Hera and then I see three games all of which have already happened I think Hera played some really good water yeah Irina is the only way to not allow the map to beat you but that's something so yeah Rinas I believe one of the most unlikely Maps honestly for MBL think don't pits feels right some like golden pits hands smeg yours yeah now that's like super crazy thinking about stuff like this think graveyard soda or golden pits could be good ideas and be I should wreck heroine arena why why I don't think so Mongols are still available right yes what are we preparing Mongols would like Mongols hunts on arena field sphere yeah thanks for the subscribe obviously have them silent for now honk Meister gifted SAP and brain fluence big pipe f5 tornado and blah thank you for your support guys humans vs. Turks in arena mmm take care of it just okay and we go into golden pit Turks against Bulgarians what did Hera pig did he pick Turks or did he pick Bulgarians here on golden pit what do you guys think interesting matchup for sure Aryans Turks for the memes Turks Turks Turks for super guarantee guarantee Aryans and we are jumping into it it will be Hara playing the Turks indeed so we can update Nui oh boy nearly oh boy Turks against Boyd Aryans that's where some I don't have on my list no but this is this is cool this is cool and this is fair safe step for you right we never saw this matchup probably ever in a competitive game I'm so happy that we see people coming up with like crazy things I'm excited once and your plated Turks against prokaryotes I don't remember it no probably never yeah it's it's definitely see every day this is something I think on paper would favor Turks okay why because Bulgarians with the lack of good archers are going to struggle against Janissaries and if this is usually a map rican wall and go for you know an FC of some kind you can see that Harrah's map is super comfortable golden stone at the back very safe and what do you do against Janissaries with your Bulgarians it's certainly historically that is exactly what Bulgarian struggled with game well alright that's completely uncontested Janissary if he wants to go for those honestly like this is such a perfect map he could go for cross we could go for CA so many options and EMBL honestly having a civilization that doesn't have crossbow if it's really bad or good fit crap posts are some certainly something to consider and they're gonna be really good at securing map control but Bulgarians don't really have a fantastic eco I like I really love playing the Civ I think it's a lot of fun to play Bulgarians but I just don't think they're that great especially after the connection er yeah agreed and even colleagues don't see them being too sexy against Janissaries or even have archers with the only the one pierce armor in castle age not ideal okay so like my Oh Hera not going with them for the best waltz the t he actually scouted the better ones what's happening there I think like half the screen further forward would have been so much better oh okay yeah yeah that makes more sense yeah that yeah you're totally right I'm not too sure why he would do that okay so pushing some more deer in here I think we pushed in to Hera is now going to scout five and half minute mark and it's warning the right-hand side as well no surprises there and yeah very cozy the question is will he try to open with Oh will it just be a straight FC not completely out of the question as well with this map yeah this this map is definitely I would say even a little bit more defensive than Gold Rush early on feel like you it more often have very Walla Balma but without the wolves in the middle definitely can go for early militia but I think given Harrah's map in particular that would not be great for MBL huh okay completely walled we don't see the barracks yet we don't see the mill yet that's just going to be straight FC fahara then we have to ask again Janissaries see a crossbow heron normally is the crossbow guy but well we rarely see him played with Turks right so Janissaries could be an option yeah ironically I feel like I've seen MBL play Turks a ton going for artillery bombard I've seen it a lot definitely okay like back on when especially Vivi and MBL were just grinding on Buble like all the time and today I think sorry start for interrupting you it just makes me so badly MBL's biggest weakness simply is discounting he again has no idea whatever feudal age strategy chooses which it doesn't what and we all just plays fast cars without walls here what sure why not that is really weird I mean if he assumes his opponent's going for straight fast castle which he is then yeah it's good it seems incredibly greedy but eventually hmm that's still like you you were open like you don't have loom and your opponent could have just rushed you have no idea I think he just did that figured Harrow wouldn't rush that is tournament life on it okay okay now mining camp in between the stone and the gold so indeed it will be Janissaries you can get a lot of map control with it and let's see how NB I was trying to play against this now since the force finish on gold that is so weird please please dropping without Lube no he squeezed in loom but so why do you send foreign gold I have no idea so maybe when he's gonna use one of the villagers to build a barracks or something futile edge times are almost identical yeah that's exactly what is doing so if you're the Bulgarian player here what wouldn't you you ready I would not offer this matchup I have no idea how Bulgarians to play this probably skirm defense or what that's not really like crap hosts everywhere probably and honestly that might be good because Janissaries aren't good against buildings and crap hosts with at least flushing will match their range okay just like say oh that's cool you Afghanistan's I'm just gonna drop how about how many do you need you need like four or something mmm doesn't make me too happy by the way Hera even that greedy that he played without loom here well he was fully walled like instantly no MBL has solid resources in the bank here as you can see I turned food 200 gold Hera yes to votes in the queue behind this and this looks like MBL wants to go across four men with five own gold what is this and we all know this the sieve doesn't have cross well I'm not sure if he does and it's hot uranus plex myth this guy guys let's let's shake maybe the last balance patch did that cross was to them no it didn't really ever true why you would be Bulgarians as your calves are true sip I have no idea right yeah and he's gone fortress ii archery range oh god MBL no we can set the archer what oh I think he realized wait a minute the sieve doesn't have crossbowmen do you think he realized yes outs running in deep into this you know yeah so it's going to be full CIA now and yeah for those who aren't familiar with Bulgarian characters they have everything except during archer armor so they have the same upgrades as say hun calves archers but obviously no bonus to help them out which is why this seems rather strange to us okay and Tara you will just randomly drop his defensive castle no worries there hmm hmm how will MB I'll play behind this obviously is boom could be really good doesn't need any more stone for extra to seize yep Bulgarians can add in for additional Town Center technically without adding anyone on stone but it's bulgarians kind of want to get the stone anyway just to make your posts or castles just scouting so much around there and have y'all 3hp on his scout won't too much either how many T seas do you want to see from each player behind their army I think the Turk player can get away with zero extra TCS and just go for a quick Imperial age like arena style okay against the sieve that doesn't have a great Janissary answer and in a map that so heavily favors you know mid control I think it's totally viable okay I mean I think you can add x40 sees to see Hera wanted to go for the snipe against the villager here seven and t-boned get it Spearman around now he needs set to hits even because the villager has effect respect to seven HP you who Harris snide was so so that's like on the field here that didn't happen definitely TC TC I'd in yet it is got the character play like I said yeah we saw that coming Ranjan see did you see at the back there toss at the front yeah one extra chief O'Hara so he doesn't play you're one to see play and then be honest dropping to a status yep I mean I think going for the extra T sees is totally fine as Turks I still think that getting the faster Imperial age would be really good though mmm-hmm so I think going fewer TCS than your opponent is probably your best bet yeah okay so we have fletching now nothing more how many Janissaries do you want to have before you move out so it takes how many Janissaries to one-shot characters let's say three without any upgrades for if we have the first difference update yeah so I probably move out with like six well I mean other than like there are two calves archers here then yeah you can totally deal with that okay okay oh god I need God got the kill everything on Janissary actually hit there that was pretty crazy oh baby a triple and yes if you're doing this play why not pick cars but guitar well stop that's you know partners you know the Forgotten Civ what you know the Pacific a varchar and the hill bonus yeah ah Dan that way you've forgotten safe okay yeah yeah because there wasn't really a forgotten safe no it wasn't it oh yeah yeah I haven't forgotten in the yeah yeah that was not forgotten yeah yeah yeah hair just not getting moving but I but I meant by that is that they can go for a pretty comfortable fast castle with the extra sheep and then you have good calves archers and you have the high ground bonus like if you're doing this if this is your game plan against jerks forgotten then I think markers would be better yeah I think so as well and in the long run could have been the good option for them now we have this siege workshop at the right here see going for manga notes behind this that feels weird against Messier um I don't hate it I think it's better than monks and if you want to add a auxilary castle age building I think that way auxiliary castle age building you know like Shakespeare again know that that word is just part of English okay definitely part just part of English but I like between a siege workshop University and monastery I like siege workshop the best okay yeah I think I thought you see is what I would have liked best he's now getting raided at the right hand side Janissaries not really getting the best job of chasey the army down it's getting some kills here quite surprisingly yes scorpion okay interesting interesting indeed I'm not too sure why that needs to be the case also I'm not sure again why on earth MBL is going for Bulgaria like what what is he doing with Bulgarians like what about this sieve is he utilizing effectively I don't know like if MBO was Spanish this would look exactly the same you'd have 100 less stone but as buildings would be up a bit faster yeah probably I guess like you know what I mean like if you you want to leverage what your sieve is good at right I think what Spanish she just went conks I mean yeah with Spanish you would just go cogs I mean in most scenarios I guess I just don't know what about Bulgarians is Mb old using okay well let's just focus on the game and what's happening because Hara is packing a lot of his villagers ten is the number that he's sending forward and he wants to make it for what cárcel happen how aggressively can he build this maybe even touching the Archie Rangers they're still an option at that was exactly what I was thinking just slam right down what he's gonna do what's he gonna do about it he has no stone access so Nexus indeed both of them super open Janissaries are now diving in not seeing any real anything really contesting that more Janissaries coming over I like the position for Hara here we can't build defensive towers and the Casa indeed way I wanted to see it perfect placement my opinion yes the one thing that has me a little bit concerned for era is that the Janissaries might not quite be enough now that bloodlines is here scorpions getting a lot of damage done here against ornamental coming in as well Oh God didn't only get one single scorpion down lost like three CI massive amount of HP behind us as well another good ground attack oh god they are so low now yeah and the skirmishers were all focusing a scorpion instead of the villagers oh no this castle going up yeah that's what sure is well way too many villagers just not really the unit that has the biggest damage output and another ground attack see a numbers dropping so heavily this looks really good in herre he just you just can't just camp and go in and now that each workshop even at the front yeah why not just mix in some Rams line it but why dontcha you have the protection of the castle just battery now in the archery ranges in the blacksmith Oh like if at the top active as well did scout some of the villagers moving over he can just send some of the Janissaries and punish those from moving out where's the other gold sport of MBL or website he's taking it comfortably yeah MBL he's not getting any stone so yeah should he make of Remco happen or what shouldn't really work right I don't think so but I still don't see how you're gonna deal with Imperial a jerks with bombard cannons being able to be produced instantly no way no way it's just like the only option is like you kill all the Janissaries now Farrah's not taking care but counter tech is not really an option Janissary production continues as well your front is getting attacked got the sensor is even getting away yeah but I guess I've just been confused by MBL's player game well it is kind of tricky right you're very deep in the match and you don't have like all your civilizations available anymore you kind of only want to play graveyards or golden pit because those are the maps where you feel most comfortable with and then you feel like okay those two civilizations are bad but you don't really think until the end like what are the armies Pro compositions going to be and that's the problem if you don't prepare like matchups and I think in this one you need to prepare at least at least three matchups if not even four because you might lose some of the matchups because of the civilizations from earlier yep I totally agree it in this is a tournament that favors that level of preparation and this is just something that doesn't make a lot of sense another blacksmith coming in because like I said the RAM came from here just took the blacksmith in the past was they played the letter games and talked civilizations they had in the letter games because they learned so much when they played them but obviously like they only played this week so probably not too many games there a lot of people who are tryharding so a lot of SIF picking as well because of the hidden cup qualifiers so maybe they didn't come up with more natural civilization matchups and or maybe MB I had a plan and just just go tonight yeah I I would be curious to know what he was thinking scale burning armor on the way I mean the Janissary numbers are getting a little bit lower I guess but MBL still has the numbers disadvantage doesn't even have a villager advantage for his opponent as Hara is still only on two no he's on three Town Center's two stables at the moment goes for a siege workshop they're at the front wants to ram down that castle it's going to be tricky though Hera he just needs one - Mangin olds builds another TC in the center it's going to be - scene number three and Janissary numbers are just rising and he's taking good fight off - good fight with this Janissaries the one thing that kind of surprises me is how far away Hera is from Imperial age like he's nowhere remotely close to Imperial age he's just there you think Janissaries out of two castles constantly right at mango nodes two seats workshops you you can get the resources on the map yeah yeah definitely but you know if MBL comes in here with a huge army of rams or some and that could be one of the ways you could possibly lose this game if you're Hera I'm not sure why is so far away with the tennis Ares let's copy and actually scouting a lot of exposed villages no new lumber camp there and look at that scorpion going wild just there in the center of the eco village so spotting this one down oh there it is I was like looking all over like looking for natural places to play in the center as well and Hera now sees what's up these nights with plaster defense and bloodlines sees this each workshop with the flag he knows that attack through the center's coming and now MBL is unleashing with only two manga notes that's not agree with the two ramps that's not a great choice he should be able to kill both Mangan Nels I don't know why the knight stop there and I mean like that's a lot of nights but it's two castles man it's gonna take a long time if you clears up one Janissaries so far of position here and not the greatest positioning there and villagers even going around if they can kill a single Ram that would be kind of fine for him but for now he's trying to attack the unit's close to that you see and scorpion coming over in can so do a lot against very clamped obscure misses here certainly and the case people don't know Janissaries do deal bonus damage against breath so they're not as bad as you would think in terms of taking them out from a distance okay and the Knights obviously can't leave the under the castle because they just died in the castle 2.8 K HP MBL he's completely you know he still has gold but is now going for like half and we have the repair Mangano's now taking the first hit here do we see the quick gauge for a quick wall for the manga no indeed the manga novel rewards and he will defend against that Ram so so nice Cove both the full cage even wanted to get to conquer the tender Saracen but not the most important thing and if the RAM style I think so does the attack that is indeed the case there were a lot of Janissaries that were killed there but everything from MBL died as well so it's kind of a moot point and with three castles you can get that Janissary production with quartz one on the way in the middle of the map Harris got all the gold in the world it's it's the Turkic dream absolutely and yeah he knows okay my opponent just wasted all his army he can't have much more go at the right to inside him being annoying there and yeah that was a beautiful whole pie mr. Harib beautiful vaults there the double castle there at the fraud impossible for MBL to advance here yeah this is looking like it might be the series and indeed it is solid solid player from Hera he will play in the finals tomorrow 17 GMT he will face leary over the Viper the series will start pretty soon after this one it should be already six minutes late Hera he was down to one and then won three games in a row do you think MBL could play his AV game I don't I think for the first three games MDL was playing inform and then the last three games kind of didn't feel like it was the same level I mean it's lost but I do feel like the losses were a bit more ok one sided then say a game to MBL says Gigi's I'm drunk already whatever that means I do not know but I do know is 106 kills 229 deaths is pretty good for her oh yeah let me take a look at the statistics as well maybe you want to jump into my jet and spam your social media stuff as well lots of people around our estimation work I think expression Marco caster might even have it here right yeah it may be okay so if you enjoyed honors knowledge drop by as his channel as well 106 to 29 or got no stone 22.8 case stone as well yeah like that that's crazy yeah
Channel: Nili_AoE - Age of Empires 2
Views: 23,535
Rating: 4.8202248 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game player, casting, expert, rts, nac3, theviper trush, daut, theviper
Id: VqI2GwRq7Ic
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Length: 235min 8sec (14108 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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