Mafia 2 turned me into a mob boss

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Mafia 2 is one of those games I remember thinking about at school I couldn't wait to get home and soak in this world this music these characters and of course to collect all those pinup magazines I haven't played this thing in probably a decade so it's time to go back and see what made it so special this video is sponsored by instant gaming where you can buy just about any game you want on any platform for cheaper than just about anywhere else if you watch this and decide hey I want to play Saints Row you can grab the remastered Saints Row the Third for 73 off on Xbox that's a 40 game for 11 bucks instant gaming is running a special giveaway just for my champ click the link in the description enter the game you want to win and cross your fingers we're playing the classic version of this game because I heard the remaster is really uh there's their guy I don't remember your name what's your name is it that is veto veto skeleton yeah I was born in Sicily in 1925. it's fantastic already I know this is a pre-rendered cut scene but this doesn't look terrible never in my life that I seen anything as fantastic as Empire Bay it was beautiful and by a bay is beautiful that's where I met Joe over time Joe and I got to be best friends started a little business of our own the business of stealing police beat up this way throw me to bed throw me the bag [ __ ] the year was 1943 America was at War I was 18 and anything seemed better than jail oh we start this in World War II operation husky oh look it's this one okay here we go all right scaletta oh my God this feels so much better than I thought it would all right guys yeah let's go oh no go to the window grenade hey take this oh what a throw why did they need to remaster this game it looks really good but they could cover yay mafioso is without a doubt the most fun goofy accent no dude oh that was that was coming through the door I was like where are you shooting our countrymen private Williams let's go uh where are we shooting at oh I feel like I'm finally getting to a rhythm with this game whoa oh it's a Becca get inside oh here's the mg yeah oh my God this thing has unlimited ammo so I'm just I'm just gonna keep blasting whoa uh oh veto veto get out of there buddy I'm gonna be a future Mafia so you better not kill me ah an entire Garrison of troops surrendered that day because he told them to yeah we're back at Empire Bay a few years later the Nazis put a bullet at me then I got a month's leave so I could go home hey how'd you know I got my sauces I know you're riching to get home but first let's get a beer oh my God this guy's voice is amazing wow uh this game looks great I understand remastering games for like console because those versions kind of suck but on PC the classic Mafia this runs so good and it looks really good you screwed a couple of Sicilian broads and came home man Joe is a real a real dude the music in this game is so good but I can't play any of it because of copyright all right what's the good word my man I'm just back from the war soldier I'm doing good Phil I've been going out of my mother going to say hi to my mother hello yes hello Mrs uh well I don't remember you you still handsome in that uniform thank you old woman I don't remember uh he's a good old Italian neighborhood home sweet home they don't make America's like they're used to am I right oh oh my own go ahead say hi to my mother I'm back for you oh my God yeah Francesca made you a special dinner it's my mother and my sister I'm finally Frankie the voice acting in this game get some sleep it's insane it's so authentic like I I believe all these people are who they are I would talk to you sister but I'm really tired I beat from the wall and I go to bed right I gotta go to bed where's my bed it's the bathroom hey this is the front door I need some privacy I'll see you two in the morning this ain't gonna cut it I gotta find a place to stay yeah I got some DLC so I can dress up in a tuxedo stupid would that be high school outfit red jacket with shirt classic cowboy suits no long colored suit and shades biker clothes I'm gonna I'm gonna dress a suit and glasses I'm a big shot so you have to go actually oh my God it looks so dumb it's like I won't you want to get in trouble again Mama would you rather me go back and get shot again mama don't worry about the same you could talk to him work hard like you were your pop okay okay this game is such a pleasure you know when you play those games and it's like I love this I love everything about this that's what this is right now I don't give a dog what the hell's going on what's going on you'll mind your business [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah all right here we go to school junior junior scaring a woman huh please no making it even worse no no oh I'm getting my ass kicked all right come at me come at me stop please yes oh my God okay brutal move punch punch that's right oh my God okay I know I know stop it sister I gotta beat this guy up okay here we go teach this idiot a lesson your objective is to teach the idiot a lesson I can fight sister I was in the war yes brutal yeah sick yeah that's right get the [ __ ] out of here I'm sorry the both of you they're both you know what's that all about I'm sorry Vito we didn't want to bother you with this bother me with what come on tell me what's going on here Frankie right before he died Papa borrowed money a lot of money from a loan shark how much two thousand dollars [ __ ] I'll take care of this I promise I gotta change out of this suit it looks so bad look at the map oh yes a classic map I love it oh I'm sorry old lady I'm in a rush okay I'm stuck with the suit it's fine it's fine luckily I don't have a car but luckily Joe's place is right around the corner I know this stuff is like scripted but it's it's kind of insane how people like move and interact in this environment it really does feel real uh yes Joe lives in the Trattoria excuse me ma'am hi ma'am uh do you know what Joe Barbara lives Joe Barbara to the right of the stairs and tell him that racket last night if you don't like it he can find another place to live she sounds like the chocolate um Lady from SpongeBob [Music] come on in let's talk you disgusting Pig I picked up these broads on my way back from the store I've been waiting for you all right all right girls that's it for now I got business stop by tomorrow okay we'll pick up where we left get out of here why do we have to stop when we can all have fun the Fun's over baby hey get out of here catching up the dope that was that was a bare ass little Spanish broad is [ __ ] wild it's in Spanish bro the working man's a sucker that's for damn yeah I gotta introduce you to Giuseppe so we can pick up them discharge papers take the magazine oh it's a pin-up oh that's why I collected the Pinups yeah 16 year old me I know why I played this game whoa look at this bed oh that's a nice mirror look at the mirror quality I'm freaking out this video is going to be 50 the games dialogue 50 me making fun of the game's dialogue you think I could uh what Drive Vito all right here's the keys just be [ __ ] careful I'm gonna wreck Joe's car out of the way pedal over there on the right yeah that's funny hey the battles over there this game is a mix of perfect Nostalgia and also I'm surprised like a very pleasant surprise this actually makes me want to go back and play Mafia three I know it's different really just not the same but still get a load of that base that's a 42 Jefferson a 42 Jefferson oh we're just gonna steal the car hey this is Giuseppe the best safe cracker please peppers for you take your papers Vito just like that boom bam bam bam uh we need to set a lock picks too uh seven dollars for lactics I'll take them the Jefferson and who easy possible stolen vehicle no the police want to arrest you yeah no I got it why are you in slow motion I'm gonna blow right past him watch this once the game lets me play again what the hell's going on okay this is clearly a glitch oh no the whole game's in slow motion okay so it looks like the Slowdown bug is uh like a universal thing and it happens if uh your refresh rate is too high so I turned it down okay possible stolen vehicle step on it okay there we go we're gonna get the hell out of here good thing the cops back then suck and they're terrible at chasing you they're never gonna catch us see we already lost them how do you like the car not too bad not too bad they provide a kind of service oh okay here's the body shop park right here in front of the garage door what can I do you for pal oh change the plates for me oh I get to choose the oh my God I can choose the the stuff I was gonna do something clever for my license plate but I'm too lazy let's just do this let's do a nice blue yeah that's a modern color people it's a modern color and some basic tuning oh man look at my 42 Jefferson now it's a beautiful card introduce yourself to Mike brewski here I'll give you some of my lines hey is that a mirror in your pocket because I could see myself in your pics oh my God Joe oh my God if I could rearrange the alphabet I put you and I together oh Joe come on even in 1940 buddy that is lame terrible Joe is a real uh fugazi why don't we go back to my place and play house you be the door and I'll slam hey when you measure seven soft you don't have to be good with words oh I don't want to hear about my friend's penis it's not really my thing okay now make a right here all right almost there make a right up here thank you Joe thank you that's Mike's junkyard there just drive through the gate all right drive right through the game look who's here [Applause] I can wash your [ __ ] hands once again nice to meet you Vito Joe told you about our side business right damn it Mike you put your grubby mix okay there it is calm down or I'll stick them up your ass I need a Walter Coop today hi Peter come on let's go Indiana yeah if he don't take this just in case I always appreciate how these games give you a speed limiter because the speed limiter is like okay you're kind of trying hard I I get that but also it just makes the traffic flow better I also love how he get he literally gives you directions it's so cool oh what's their [ __ ] name oh my God okay I'm um I'm bad at driving a ravido I mean Joe whack a day you're breaking my balls before I'm just Windows stop breaking my balls oh oh okay there's gonna be a portion of people watching this video who are like yeah keep making annoying Italian noises and then there's gonna be a portion who are like I hate this guy it's that cream-colored baby over there baby good luck pal I see you back at Mike's we're gonna steal the coop and go through here uh hey how you doing say hi to your sister for me go through here hey what the [ __ ] are you doing all right all right oh my God oh my God boom boom that's great don't mess with Vito oh yeah I'm sure some really cool music would be playing right now it's a dying shame it's a dying shame you can't make a YouTube video about this game because of the really good music oh yes are you stunned you stunned yay now I'm gonna steal this guy oh you guys saw me hey what you doing [ __ ] I'm stealing your car oh so I do have to I gotta shoot these guys okay no don't shoot don't shoot this guy I'm stealing this you're ruining the car guys oh [ __ ] that was a hell of a shot by me you ruined the tires huh God boom it's got a flat tire I mean that is a real shame oh my God there's why is there a road here if there's no way to go what roads go into a building get the hell out of my way boom get out of the veto oh [ __ ] no how do we flip the car oh my god oh okay guess we're working at the factory ah okay now to not flip the car since they're not chasing me I'm gonna put on the speed limiter which I've learned actually saves you a lot of time thinking about the driving and the mafia games uh I've always enjoyed it definitely handles differently than other open world crime games cars just feel heavier and they slide a lot more but it feels good I'm into it mission complete hell yeah hey mission accomplished how'd it go yeah piece of cake stop by again okay we can do some more business yeah you bet Mike AC 300 bananas I'm taking my Cutters the middle man all right yay I'm exhausted I got 300 big ones let's go spend it on hookers and blow oh I mean you really do slide around on the ice one time we was at the track oh is there a safe place to park around here I don't want to leave this thing out cheers yeah the streets are full of criminals these days yeah the neighborhood ain't what it used to be huh I like how they talk about streets being full of criminals but they themselves are criminals but you can't trust anyone people are stealing cars just like we do you can't dress nobody I don't know why I'm leading Joe to his apartment but I'm leading Joe to his apartment why is his apartment say Danny Mangini or maybe this is not his apartment you're hungry there's some food in the refrigerator yeah oh I'm actually gonna go to the refrigerator whatever you want I'm gonna eat everything you own Joe oh I can actually pick what I want to eat I'm gonna go for the classical cheese sandwich this has turned into me just doing my best video game Donkey impression I'm also going to take a b man Joe you gotta clean around here this place is a dump crash on the kitchen couch to get some sleep oh hey who's calling it this hour huh Joe's pleasure Palace veto speaking you can find yourself a job hey told me to come by and see him today hopefully he's got no Mom I'm gonna be a criminal I'm gonna dress in some not ridiculous clothes because that was I felt dumb that whole time okay red jacket and shirt how does this look look in the mirror eh it's a little too flashy I'm just gonna go with what I'm supposed to be wearing right now which is the leather jacket and shirt it's a little boring but I don't know and games like these it just feels right are you oh hi there what's the matter nothing but on the radio mind your beeswax kid Another Day in Paradise am I right and buy a bait now what they could do with this game is give it the treatment that they gave the original Mafia I think I would actually play that but then again I don't think it's necessary I really I genuinely don't I think so many like remasters these game these days are just not why why it's kind of an annoying take at this point in my opinion to say that games are slept on but it does seem like as a whole the mafia franchise isn't as I think it really is incredible it certainly got very big fans but I would say the volume of fans is not where it should be I think there should be more people into Mafia okay I'm going down to the port to get an honest job oh I remember this place I think there's a pin up in here oh it's Mr papalano's making his food looking at the Playboys with his boys windy what do you want oh yeah I'm looking for a Mr popolato oh yeah why my name is Vito scaletta well you're in the right spot sunny boy Federico papayato At Your Service call me Derek so you need a job man well you're in luck we just got a new shipment to unload Steve will show you around now scram make steak's getting cold laughs get the hell out of here follow me I love how curmudgeoning everyone is in this game I guess that's what happens when you eat five pounds of cigarettes every day and swallow alcohol like it's water follow me low this pile of crates onto that truck when you're done you get 10 bucks something gets lost or broken you get nothing start now and don't take all day okay ah this is what they call the American dream so these guys definitely aren't on the up and up right the door is open leave when you've had enough okay so this is like where this is gonna be a lot of fun [ __ ] wants to move boxes around all goddamn day I'm pretty sure this game would let me fill the entire truck up or maybe not okay Toolbox isn't enough I've had enough I can't do this [ __ ] wait I actually want to go up there though and I want to see if there's a pinup magazine hey you missed the papalado I've had enough this is a fugazi job oh there's a magazine oh look it's a woman Playmate 18. fantastic I've had enough of this trip yeah I'm done and you can keep the 10 bucks when I said I needed a job I didn't mean slave labor whatever get the [ __ ] out of here I can make a hundred times more working for Barbaro Incorporated wait you said Barbara nobody who works with Joe with Gary crates for 10 bucks what the hell are you doing come with me okay so now we're gonna do the real business you guys could have just said something what now well this one don't like manual labor what the [ __ ] say he works with Joe Barbaro [ __ ] want a low crates if he works with Joe well my mother wanted me to come talk to you about an honest job damn women they were all the same right Steve sure Derek listen though you gotta understand a person in my positions gotta be careful yeah certainly so you won't mind if I give Joe a call right no go ahead now Where'd I put his number yeah oh no I thought he was gonna took me he might not be home that wouldn't be good that would not be good for you mister hi Joe hey this is Derek listen I got this guy here Vito I just wanted to check with you first the guys here at the Port are supposed to pay a monthly fee to the barber but half of them never cough up this guy's amazing someone okay I'm going to the Dock Workers and collecting the fees hey I need your fees I'm here to collect the fee for the barber what kind of game you're playing the kind where you pay what you want when you don't get hurt yeah you got a problem with that I got a problem with you now get out of here before I kick your ass no I'll kick your ass right here oh [ __ ] that's right fella yeah here's your [ __ ] money yeah glad you decided to reconsider yeah Derek needs you to pay the fee for the barber it's for the barber yeah see Vito is a reasonable guy Derek needs you to pay the fee for the barber sure here it is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this guy hey pal Derek needs you to pay the fee for the barber look [ __ ] I'm not in the mood what's that fat [ __ ] gonna do have me killed yes why don't you give it a try then [ __ ] oh Everyone's Watching I already laid this guy out okay this guy talked a really big game and he's just slow and bad yay oh you're gonna get back up you're gonna get back up back oh oh we're still fighting huh oh yay everyone needs to pay the fees anybody else got a [ __ ] problem with paying for the [ __ ] Barber they don't make games like this anymore they don't make games like this anymore here's the money boss man good job is he share I watch you take care of Bill Steve damn they got his ass kicked when he tried that right Steve yeah it was right Derek he's a bonus for sorting him out I say hello to your mother for me I'll see you later I almost forgot Joe called he wants you should meet him at Freddy's okay he wants me should meet him at Freddy's it doesn't make sense grammatically but it's fine ah this is the life I think yeah this this game convinced me that I want to be in the mafia isn't there a new mafia game in development I mean surely they they saw the success of the like definitive edition of the first game and thought yeah we should probably make more Mafia games even after Mafia 3 which I don't think was as bad as everyone said but it also just wasn't that great all right where Freddy's bear this is a nice establishment where the hell you been I came right over as soon as you called what's going on his name's Henry tamasino Henry Thomas we're done with the small time jobs it's time to make some real Scuttle somebody just got it up hey Henry how are you hi Joe you vouch for him absolutely Harry trust them with my life I need gas stamps they're worth a fortune now because of the gas shortage the stamps are kept in the safe at night but the keys are probably around it somewhere what do you say beautiful yeah sure I mean don't forget to take a piece with you you never know what's gonna happen better to be safe up if you kill anybody you cut drops to a third I got it okay I love how this restaurant just has sounds of people eating smacking the lips drinking smoking that's just how it is if my memory serves me right I'm pretty sure Maria is the broad we end up you know shacking up with yeah and and yellow oh no the audio is broken okay I'm just gonna skip okay so Maria is not the bread that we check up with not that there's anything wrong with a with an older abroad all right that is a terrible horse because I can listen to all the dialogue follow all of the story and it's almost all interesting I just love a game that does that you know and the voice actors that they hired to do these voices along with the writing it just it all all of it works really well and by a general all right kid drop me at the hospital right here yeah the office is across the street okay thanks for the ride kid thanks Maria I'll see you all right say hi to your mother for me to park my car real normal Lake nobody you'll suspect the thing all right stealthy veto okay uh looks like we can get up on these boxes so I'm gonna be a stealth Master oh there's an open window oh disable guards by pressing B hey director's office men the men's resta room okay this is the director's office this is where the key should be heck yeah close the door close the door all right here's the key now I gotta get to the safe okay let's get to this evening to steal the stamps close the door all right we're picking the lock nobody sees us nobody suspects a thing and we got the keys to the safe easy oh oh no no I'm not gonna damn okay I was trying to do this thing sneaky like but it feels like can we actually do this stealthily okay so there's an alarm on this thing how do I disable the alarm okay it looks like we're dealing with the alarm okay get the hell out run this is the Empire Bay Police Department okay I'm gonna do this thing okay I'm gonna do this thing right oh I could just take out everyone before I go she so if I take out all the guards and go back to that window I came true okay that guy's downstairs let's not worry about him now I just gotta where's the window I came in from oh it's just over here oh this is easy I got this i got this okay okay we're running we're running I'm running oh he's right there run veto Run Okay climb over get out of there veto hurry up they never even saw me I did it without killing a single person they call me the master of stealth because I'm a stealth Master oh what's going on over there why are there cops over there I wonder what's going on huh look at this I'm gonna park in front of this fire hydrant totally illegal because I'm a badass a pretty dummy I mean Joe things got out of hand there's nothing I could do about it we had an agreement remember what you only get a third oh is there something I could do these stamps you took have an expiration date and that date is tomorrow if you can get him to the gas station attendance by midnight they'll be able to stamp them and redeem them you better bring them to every gas station in town the faster you unload them the more money you get oh I like this it's like a time trial life ain't fair in the big city sell the stamps at gas stations okay take care before midnight hey uh I got some extra gas stamps interested yeah yeah sure I'm interested all right here you go here you go buddy listen I got these extra gas stamps yeah give me the money hey uh interested in buying some gas stamps sure hey buddy I got some extra gas stamps interested hey uh you in the market you want some stamps buddies all right we're at the last gas station interested in buying some gas stamps sure all right that's the last sweet hey Joey Boy I'm back let me swallow a beer real quick before bed has my grandma always say a one beer before bed something something all right guys I'm gonna go ahead and call it um Mafia 2 is a certified Banger I don't know what else to say it's so fun it definitely feels like a product of its time while also feeling very impressive to me like it holds up it aged really well and I know it's a cliche but they just don't make games like this anymore they just don't I have a soft spot for this franchise so if you want to see me play Mafia 3 uh let me know in the comments below but I hope you guys enjoyed if you did remember to hit that like button I'd appreciate it also subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and hit that Bell so you get notifications every time I upload thank you guys for watching and I'll talk to you on the next one
Channel: jayvee
Views: 347,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JV2017, JV2017gameplay, jayvee, mafia 2, mafia 2 review, mafia 2 definitive edition, mafia 2 remaster, mafia 2 remake, mafia 2 classic, mafia 2 in 2022, mafia 2 gameplay, mafia 2 trailer
Id: ojb80s5Iltk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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