Hen na Robot Hotel Japan Check-in and room tour

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But they can give it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Playerhater812 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] it's been a very long day I cannot wait to check in here we are at 10:00 in the hotel it's translated I looked at the Google Translate it's weird hotel yeah so let's see what's so weird about it well they have a little robot hello hello okay maybe not Oh little creepy don't touch their robots oh you gotta say nothing should we go with delay are you supposed to like sanitize your hands before you okay so that's it you know a community approach today I'm English oh you can in your passport case or the perfect rubber device that's again the standard passport yeah but we can also put our name in oh yeah thank you I think let me try here we go I guess this is sign okay and just like that are we checked in we did it on hotels.com oh yeah okay there we go we put it through hotels.com so we take credit card through hotels.com but I guess you could pay cash if you wanted a room like tonight right now here come the room T's well on here are your amenities the robots don't move from here room XO room 206 get a couple of includes breakfast at the Indian restaurant next door nice all that ya didn't know razors your hairbrush and cotton puff okay yeah Green Team maybe grab a couple extra one cube oh yeah very strange Oh 206 so we're right here I think 207 yeah 206 oh I just stumbled upon I was actually gonna go see the laundry rooms but you can see that later here we go yeah you think there's robot I thought they were gonna bring us our amenities I'm a little disappointed that I had to get them my son go through the walls no okay do you think they clean the floors with the little robots yeah okay so it smells very fresh okay so it's very basic kind of like the other business hotels that we'd stayed at in Japan it looks small but this is actually normal size for Tokyo central Tokyo yeah so they have the little the little safe thank you free and a little free taking a little fish darica yeah a mug kettle tissue remotes so they have AC at least an heater yeah oh you get a free smartphone that's really nice really Wow so maybe yeah and what's this get a free drink by giving us feedback your feedback oh we already have our green tea well yeah the nice TV what's this so yeah cuz I saw the chair but I didn't see the desk okay so there it is and you get PJ's like all Japanese hotel and USB yeah yeah see so it's not bad okay so this is the bathroom pretty basic one of those what do they call them system best unless you have your wash lit yeah when you come to Japan you got it so it looks nice you've got your shampoo conditioner so we have it's usually the bottles at hotels whistles and you've got your free pair of disposable slippers yeah and hangers a mirror so all your basic needs are a man is here but just for such a basic room I don't know if it's worth the price because after we check in with the robots with what else do we get here but let's see let's see the beds are comfortable well maybe that will be the deciding baby you know what honestly I think what it's gonna make it what it's the free breakfast that's right yeah that is nice right let me I mean that is pretty cool to look at right every time you come out of your room there they are smiling and blinking yeah so here it is head in a hotel let's go get some rest what I'm only gonna say we hope you enjoyed our video and if you would like the full review please check out our website and if you have any questions leave a comment below and we'll get back to you also as always please don't forget to hit that subscribe button
Channel: Doing Family
Views: 21,687
Rating: 4.7986579 out of 5
Keywords: robots, robot hotel, Japan, Henn na Hotel, weird hotel, strange hotel, hotel, Tokyo, Tokyo hotels, Doing Family, family travel, travel
Id: HiS_NPcz5rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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