Nikka Whisky Distillery Tour in Yoichi, Japan

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I love that Oban. Very tasty.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pala4833 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so I am so excited today because we are in Hokkaido in yo Ichi which is the city about an hour from stop portal so out by car and you can also get here by public transportation or we opted to rent a car which is easier with kids but anyhow we are at a whiskey distillery it's the nick whiskey distillery which is home to the what it's where Japanese whiskey was for I feel so honored to be here today and I'm super excited about the tour we signed up online the tour is only offered in Japanese unfortunately so you can do the self-guided tour as well as they've got this audio guide app so you can just do the QR code and then listen to a guide with headphones the good thing about going on the guided tour is that you get to go inside places that you don't and just by yourself they do have the brochures in English and Japanese so that's nice and they give you a sticker in case you came here by car that says you've put it on the designated driver so we know that person will not be drinking and for all safe and these are your tour guide badges so you don't want suspicious is what I said okay let's go back towards starting on the tour you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at how Nica whiskey is made we start off with the ingredients only the best frames and then we move on to the old Coal Fired pot stills yes they're still using this very traditional method and this is exactly what adds the unique boldness and the toasty burnt flavors that only come out of this distillation process [Music] [Music] the tour also takes you to the former residence of the founders the tacit suitors [Music] the final stop on the tour is the whiskey museum we loved this place because not only does it cover the history of whiskey in Japan but there are also some hands-on exhibits which are always great for kids masataka takateru was the first Japanese who mastered whiskey making and he has now remembered as the father of Japanese whiskey in 1918 he left Japan with an ambition to make genuine whiskey and set off on a pilgrimage to Scotland to unveil the secret of whiskey making while in Scotland he met and married a Scottish woman Rita who later emigrated to Japan to support her husband's dream of making fine whiskey in Japan [Music] the museum dedicates a special section to the founder and his wife this is now a very popular destination as NHK recently produced a TV series based on the Tucket suitors the whiskey that is made at this distillery has since its beginning received numerous awards and continues to be a favorite among both Japanese and international connoisseurs [Music] after the tour were guided to the tasting Hall where you get to taste 2 types of mica whiskey and their apple wine [Music] so this is the one that we make with an alcohol content of 43% what's the like why is it super over-the-top insane and this one's an apple wine because back when mata Mata Casa Mata cos I'm sorry Japanese it's terrible started making whiskey was it against the Japanese were catching on very good [Music] making apple juice with Jam [Music] adhere to that [Music] let me smell oh yes fishes are you gonna put any ice cubes in them [Music] ooh that smells delicious your eat us yeah yeah the single malt [Music] [Applause] [Music] way to sample the drinks you can do like my fans it is that a new shirt yeah and the high ball is carbonated water - so you're gonna try it with ice no water just on the rise three samples and [Music] very anyway what a fun day not only do you get to learn about whisky and its history in Japan but you also get to see how whisky is made and then you even get to taste the final product [Music] [Music] so next time you find yourself in Japan be sure to head up north and check out the nikah whiskey distillery enjoy Chi [Music]
Channel: Doing Family
Views: 3,086
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Nikka whisky, whisky, Japan, Japanese whisky, distillery, Hokkaido, Yoichi, tour, Doing Family, family travel, Massan, NHK, single malt, Ellie, Rita, Taketsuru, Matakasa, pot stills, coal fired, whisky museum
Id: JypqBnHrMJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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