Robots Take Over Luggage Duties at Sheraton Los Angeles San Gabriel [Aethon TUG]

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Seeing that luggagebot get smacked with the door at the end says they still need to iron out a few bugs.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Nalortebi 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

These seem pretty dumb.

The guide one is too slow and kinda pointless. It seems like it'd be far easier to have it just show you a map or maybe a QR code you scan with your phone that launches an instant app with a map that'll guide you.

The room service one is way too big. Most people are only going to be ordering a meal or two at most. Shrink it down or maybe devide the compartment so it can deliver to multiple rooms at a time.

The luggage one seems decent, though not very user friendly. It'd be cool to have it stay out of the lobby completely. Load it at the car and it enters a small dedicated elevator from the outside and goes directly to the room. It'd help keep these things out from underfoot.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Avitas1027 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

it would be pretty great to have sex in that luggage robot.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Crispy_socks241 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
what's going on friends rich tomorrow here rich on tech I'm here at the brand-new Sheraton Los Angeles San Gabriel hotel and let me tell you this place has some amazing technology you've seen by the way this place is all brand new so you've seen this right you know what these are the luggage part well this pretty much steps it up a thousand notches because they have robots that take your luggage to your room robots that lead you around the hotel and robots that can deliver room service and maybe in the past you've seen those little room service robots that are kind of small they might fit like a bottle of soda in there no these are amazing you got to check them out so the first robot here at the hotel is this it's called a Wayfinder so you literally you know it's at the entrance to the hotel you say where you want to go let's go to their new steakhouse can I take you there now yes so this robot will lead me to the steak house and you can see this a pretty sizable robot so it says please stand clear five feet in front of me while I'm moving so if someone was to get in front of this robot it will definitely stop now here's the really cool part about this robot because you're following it not only is it gonna take you to the steak house it's also over here since I know where this is it's also going to open these doors wirelessly so here we go let's see if it sends the signal to the doors look at that so not only did it lead me to the steak house thanks robot now I can go right in and place looks pretty good so I'll have to check that out later all right let me show you the other robot over here this one is gonna deliver food to your room let's walk over it's a long walk see that's why they have robots to do this all right so fred is gonna open up this one this is a room service robot so you know normally you'd have someone come to your room bring you the food well this one watch this inside you've got spaces for your food and you just pull your food out when it'll call your room when it gets there pull your food out bring it into your room you can leave a tip inside if you want I don't know maybe the robot will take it and then you close it up and it will be on its merry way thanks Fred all right now these are these robots are called tug robots and of course your first instinct when you see one is to step write on it and take a ride and guess what that's why they have this sign right here although it can support you you're not supposed to stand on the thing and when the robots are sleeping they're just recharging right there so they'll find their way around by you know by themselves okay here's the coolest robot so this is the third type of robot they use here and this one is the luggage robot so here you go right here you've got what looks like a luggage cart that's kind of reconfigured to sit on that tug robot and we open the door you can put your luggage inside right there it can fit a bunch of suitcases it's all secured so you can see you've got the lock on the outside and when it comes to your room it will actually ring your phone tell you that the deliveries there and it'll give you a four digit code so that you can unlock this yourself so if anyone finds this in the hotel while it's making your way making its way up to your room you're not gonna be able to open it so that's nice and secure and of course if you happen to get locked inside which you shouldn't because you shouldn't be fooling around inside you can open it up from the inside now I know some parents are gonna request that their kids get taken up to the room inside this you cannot do that that is not an approved method for these robots yet although if I was suggesting that I'd say take them on the long route like up every single floor but we're not doing that okay so we closed that and now the robot you can see they have this cool they gave it like a personality and if you notice it does not have a name just yet so the sheraton is gonna do a contest to name this so keep an eye out in the comments I'll put the link if you want to i don't maybe win something by naming this guy and all these sensors are in here as well so let's fire them up and i'm oh we've got oh we've got we've got several robots passing here it's like it's like a airport runway so this guy is stopping and you can see when they come through they go really slow because these are heavy machinery you don't want to get in front of one of them but if you do i'll show you what happens doesn't it just feel high-tech in here with these robots i mean that's part of the fun of seeing this stuff yeah let's let's fire them up so now once you get all your luggage in there the front desk will key in your room number and it will make its way up all by itself so let's let's follow this guy now don't try this at home but I'm gonna step in front of the robot and see what happens okay so here we go whoo thank you for stopping all right so we'll let him get on his way and you can see once you get in front of him he's very cautious about his next move because these are very friendly robots and you see there's a lot of people moving so they have to be very they've got to be on their game with those sensors so here's what he does he makes his way over here they are the regular guest elevators this robot is gonna take a secondary bank of elevators that are around the corner here so he's gonna go that way and here's what the best part about these robots are the service people up front you know the the bail man all those people they will still walk you to your room but now they have the freedom to interact with you and chat with you while this guy is doing all the heavy lifting and all the hard work so less sweating for them and you know you still get that human interaction so I think this is really cool this is the first hotel in the nation to have these robots and so of course when people come to the hotel that's like a bonus it's like an add-on you get to take pictures with this thing I'm sure people will post maybe I'll take a selfie with him real quick if she doesn't mind here hey do you mind if I he have a name yet so I can't okay let me let me take a selfie okay and you see he's open the door so he's got work to do thanks so much for watching if you like this video go ahead and give it the thumbs up if you learned something from it share it with your friends on Facebook I love when you guys watch these videos and comment on them if you have any questions I'll try to answer them in the comments thanks so much for watching I'm rich tomorrow rich on tech TV look at that precision I'll see you next time you
Channel: Rich DeMuro
Views: 845,421
Rating: 4.7001343 out of 5
Keywords: robots, travel, aethon tug, sheraton san gabriel
Id: bsXRfZPo3Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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