I Gave $200,000 To People Who Lost Their Jobs (Corona Virus)

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I'm going to give random people hundreds of thousands of dollars it's just for real what it's here's how this is me and I'm pretending to be a news reporter and I emailed a bunch of random people asking if my news station could interview them little do they know this interview isn't real and I'm gonna give them tons of money we don't have graphics so enjoy this psych hello and welcome to NBS MD news this is my co-anchor Chris and we just wanted interview about the you know recent pandemic and see how you're doing right as the economy started tanking like my jaws laid off a third of the company in like one day and it was out of nowhere Wow we were about to close on our first houses of families everything in our future became like immediately uncertain okay that's a lot today again we are just trying to help people and make their lives a little better so we'd like to give you $10,000 to make everything going on a little bit easier for you what yeah yeah actually our news viewership has gone up and we've been pretty fortunate so we wanted to get back to some people I need em B and C I'm sorry yeah no it's fine you know maybe times are hard maybe you had to go pick up a Java ambiens yes thank you so much guys that's super super helpful like for real genuinely thank you yeah we'll get you the money after the interview thanks for calling in oh my gosh thank you so much guys no problem later and now it's time for the next interview how's it going fine good so we're WM SMB did you tell us how like you know the global pandemic going on has affected you I never thought that the whole world would just stop I mean I live in New York City so you know the beginning I've kind of was essential at my job and at the end I wasn't you've been laid off recently yeah my last day of work was the 20th it hurts to hear all this so here at W SMB we want to give you $10,000 to try to make your life a little bit easier that's crazy that's insane oh you're about to make me cry okay trying to make a decision whether to take a job you might get sick hopefully the $10,000 makes over you don't have to pick you know a job that could potentially get you sick rap will be paid maybe I could get a good night's sleep tonight and I could pay it forward like you guys did to me oh I'm glad M DWS end has been able to help you pase I have no problem I'll see you later fight all right Jimmy I think it's time for our next interview all right next one he's waiting in the lobby I'm gonna admit him and start the interview this is my co-anchor Chris and we just wanted an interview about the you know recent pandemic and see how you doing it was scary for me I got hit hard financially because like I was in the hospital for four days and not working right now you actually got the virus I got the virus yeah so you were four load from your job you then got the virus and now you're stuck with medical bills 15 grand is what I've heard so far just obviously like not working and living in San Francisco like I'm like where am I gonna find that yeah yeah hold up planes that breakaway my second was there I got to okay so we here at NBS NBC gdb y news would like to give you $15,000 to cover your hospital bills oh so I'm not a real news anchor this is fake everything is fake here we just like get away with it you guys helping like this means a lot : thank you guys so much I really appreciate it thank you I hope you have a good day man how do you get off with your day after great news like I hope you guys have been enjoying the news today now before we get into our next interview my anchor Chandler has a full staff there are more fake flamingos in the world than there are real what a shame all right let's jump right into the next interview hello and welcome to WMDs DMDC news how you do it sir I'm doing all right as best as can be in these crazy times but making the best of it I suppose we've got some Intel that you've fallen on rough times could you tell us a little bit about what's going on in your life which school all year was two weeks away from my skateboard license about to get a job and all of this happened so school debt no money coming in no impossible job opportunity blew through all my savings it sounds like a lot has not been going your way recently and would you say if we were to you know give you $10,000 that would make your life a little bit better well yes that would make a lot easier right now and like this huge smile on my face I don't even know what's actually not even the real news station I'm just an idiot I'm not but the money is real though this is the most amazing thing I've heard thank you for coming out to this interview I'm glad we can help you I mean you guys really thank you so much that's it's epic that's its life-changing movement about no problem thank you for coming out we appreciate you here at WMDs C & D news in this video we are giving away tons of money so before we go any further I need to tell you about honey because they were gracious enough to help us online shopping is easy but not always affordable which is where honey comes into play honey is a free browser add-on that automatically applies coupon codes when you checkout online here's how you install it click the link in description are good to join honey calm / mr. B's you hit Add to Chrome you hit add extension boom two clicks and it's installed that took two seconds this backpack costs five hundred and ninety five dollars that's a lot for a backpack let's see if honey can save us some money scanning the Internet honey found a 30 percent off coupon code and took the price from five hundred ninety five dollars down to four hundred and sixteen you would have saved a hundred and seventy eight dollars if you just installed honey honey works on Papa John's so save money next time you eat pizza honey works at Kohl's so save money next time you buy clothes it works at Gamestop save money when you buy games it literally works on thousands of website it has literally saved you guys over seven million dollars money and that's why they have over 100,000 five-star reviews easy to install and over your life could save you thousands of dollars so there's no reason not to install it so please go to join honey comm slash mr. beast that's join honey calm slash mr. beast and install it today no let's get back to give you away money we are now college professors our College Blache university is doing a comprehensive in-depth study to see how the pandemic is affecting people and also giving away a bunch of money how's the recent pandemic affected ooh I am at work as soon as they heard about it we were shut down so I rely on mostly family how does that make University feel all right so we here at blaster University want to help you out how does $5,000 sound do you think that would help alleviate some stress from your life $5,000 you had no idea what was going on so here's the thing this woman right here Sarah is Chris's sister and Chris's sister helps train other teachers so she teaches teachers how to be teachers and we got Sarah's permission to jump in one of her calls and give all the teachers she's teaching today money hello everybody can you guys hear us hey what's it like for you guys with all this pandemic oh I know I still go be in every day and tried to make some contact with students but it's just been deep breath we appreciate what you guys are doing so we wanted to give each one of you $1,000 hello everything going good going okay awesome we're professors at blast University and we're just doing a study real quick so Chris I'll let you take it away we just wanted to see how the recent events have affected people how have you been finding yourself with all these things going on my second job is closed my full-time job I was all like reduced babe I had to go online with so what you're working two jobs and going to school at the same time yes we're here at flash University would like to give you $5,000 to help make things a little bit easier on you you make things a lot easier on me and I really do appreciate it well kind of speechless well thank you first participating will take care of singing of the money and I'll talk to you later thank you no problem bye that went very well we should be actual college professors alright next set I now work for a real estate company so your construction oh I work for a construction company and this construction company is building lots of homes so we're curious if people are still gonna buy it and we also want to give away money hey how's it going good sorry um I'm a CEO and founder of a construction company CRA ll we just build buildings and stuff like that for real estate do you have time for a quick survey yeah financially and everything thing's been good or has a pandemic affect you negatively I got oh you got laid off pick a number twenty one and ten nine do you think nine thousands of dollars will help they kill I said it yeah I think nine thousand dollars would be amazing well then right after this call I'm gonna wire you 9 grand try to make things a little less stressful for you thank you yeah actually I'm not actually a real estate owner I make dumb youtube videos that blows my cover since you know who we are I might as well just cut to the chase yeah we're not actually a construction company we're actually just giving people money oh wait actually we jumped ahead I need to ask how's the traffic affected your email we're out lead to mimic today I think Mia March is a lot what's 2 times 4 8 is that right 8000 there we go oh my god I'm speechless right now I'm really okay like I follow you guys thank you we're gonna let you go thank you for coming us all right thank you okay well thank gosh that was great we called her in between that clip you just watching this one me and Chris went to law school we are now practicing lawyers you look like you want to sell me a cure to something I don't have even though we're lawyers now things are still the same we're giving away money good would you say you like money I love my perfect all right here supplement has been figured out five thousand dollars I know this is very confusing but we're gonna send you five thousand dollars because we here at Bailey Bailey feel like no one should ever get laid off wait uh I have a 17 month or something I'll take you really about oh my gosh no little kinky youth maybe he's gonna get everything oh that's really the gist of it we just wanted to give you some money Jimmy and Bailey from Barry and Bailey yes yes thank you we need to take this next client very serious okay very very severe I'll put my files away my name is Jimmy and this is my partner his name is also Jimmy we we work at JJ law firm could you tell us you know in the last few months how you've been affected financially well I haven't worked since March didn't team just laid off I think that's a wrong do settlement I think she should settle for around $5,000 yeah but instead the company we should just pay it okay cuz that's logical okay um we want to give you $5,000 is this for real yeah I think that's real okay like jokes aside after this call we're gonna wire you $5,000 to make your life better I haven't had a car since last August I think I'm like here to buy me a car really is this for real yeah it is I promise thank y'all there's a problem backs up to thank you thank you me and Chris are now chefs pizza pasta what's our restaurant McDonald's or that's actually a restaurant um welcome to Slammys what's your order up we're joining we joined the call by hitting the DES hello can you hear us sir yes sir how's it going it's going well how about yourself this pandemic affected you financially yes yes and what what besides a food a little bit of food every now and again hey am i right getting to the problem I mean here let me meet with my colleague cool what do you think slimey should give them I think so anyways sir I'll cut right to the chase we want to give you $5,000 to help make your life better oh man that was great man for real yeah just I hope you have a good day man I'm greatly appreciate you brother I fired the other chef and this is my new companion hello don't drop everything in case you're wondering the mess is still on the floor alright this is kind of hard so we're just gonna give you money you what five thousand dollars oh stop oh my god are you joking we do want to help you right now I'm not receiving any financial assistance for school I'm without a job because I was let go last August yeah and that's why we're doing this did you think we were chefs yeah I mean when when he ate the raw pasta I was like I don't know yeah chef alright thanks for coming out man I'll catch you later - thank you I thought you guys were chefs until you ate the raw pasta yeah I figured that would give it away [Music] these next few people think we're talking to them for our documentary we're making on the pandemic but we're just gonna give them money this is my partner here Chandler we're currently working on a documentary and we're just interviewing some people for it what's one of the first things you want to ask them well how is the pandemic affected you it's really stressful not working not working - did you get laid off I love stage 4 liver cirrhosis oh how about this if we give you $10,000 do you think that would take some stress out of your life all right let's do it we're not actually filming a documentary I'm just a youtuber that gives away money this is a $2.00 shirt just give the money to you though cuz it does seem like you need it and thank you thank you for coming on oh gosh that was a lot we cut off our camera hisses go on oh my god she's fallen that last clip was for Chandler's documentary now what's your documentary about the man with two fedoras i watch and now one fedora I'm gonna pick that up real quick oh we're gonna join I'm gonna let you take the lead it's your documentary all right hello how's it going oh hi what do you recognize us yeah you're mr. Bies yeah do you know my name someone told me that you don't have a card and that you got laid off right yeah we can't have that at the moment we're not currently mr. B's we're actually a documentary crew and Chris is filming a documentary and I don't feel like going along with this bit you know what how about this you want $10,000 actually how about I digress a little bit we've spent almost $200,000 mm-hmm but I want to give her more money okay how about $15,000 whatever you owe the word actually I get my film that station and I have to worry about my thank you for coming on thank you for meeting and there you have it guys we gave away a lot of money thank you so much honey for sponsoring this video I appreciate it if you're not already please hit that subscribe button this is just the beginning of what I want to do over the next few years I want to help thousands of people and by subscribing you helped me do that let's all do some good and there's a video right here over Chris's head tap on it it makes me really happy I'll see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 27,792,301
Rating: 4.961205 out of 5
Id: 5Hg_QSIJm8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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