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hello everyone and welcome back to another video today I'm going to be going over some quality of life tools to make your life just that little bit easier on your journey in aoia you may have been looking around and you may have even found some of these websites and tools already but without further Ado let's Jump Right In so the first tool SL website I'm going to show you guys is this Final Fantasy 14 Wiki you've almost certainly like if you've ever searched for anything about the game stumbled onto this website before I use it all the time um so I used to have this thing where I used to like to know how far I was through the msq so I'd come here and I'd go oh okay I'm on Promises to Keep I have this long to go sort of thing and I just sort of like to get an idea of how far through I was without scrolling to the bottom and spoiling myself but I find it's it's useful for a lot of things so one thing it's also really good for is if you're doing your blue quests or I'd say it happens more in the blue quests and say for example you wanted to unlock your Chocobo saddle bag and you were somewhere in the quest line maybe you picked it up and you dropped it along the way and or you're running around and you can't see the blue Quest even though it's saying that it's do set and it's in the sou shoud why don't I have the blue symbol this Quest um this website shows you what previous Quest you need to have done and what the next Quest is so say for example you can't find my feisty little truer bow then you can click previous Quest and see what the previous Quest was and go and do that one and you you can keep going until you get to the point that you left off at or right at the beginning where you might not have um gone and started and began the whole chain of quests but I just think it's a really useful website um and it has loads of guys as well I thought that this was cool it has like acronyms abbreviations and common terms so you'll see people speaking in like Final Fantasy talk and you might not understand what on Earth they're talking about so if someone said something and you're like what the hell does that mean um so like what's an and you can come here and go the animal weapons um are a series of weapons introducing Heaven ORD and then you can sort of click here and find out more about it um and it goes all the way from a to zed and it's got every acronym you can possibly think of um here to help so this website is really good and you should definitely keep it in your bookmarks or wherever you have your handy links um kept and refer back to it if you ever need to um know where you are in a quest line or have a guide on like a job that you're doing or just anything honestly it's like an encyclopedia for F14 and you should 100% use it my next tool is Lulu's tools now there's quite a few tools here the main one I use this for is ocean fishing so I'm a big um ff14 Fisher I love fishing in the game and this website changed my life so when I first start ocean fishing I had no idea what I was doing I had no idea what bait to use I was always that one in the chat going what bait do we use here cuz I had no idea and then I discovered this website and it's essentially it tells you when each ocean fishing is um so it runs on an even number I think it's every 2 hours I think um and it gives you the root so there's Indigo and Ruby and it tells you when the next ocean fishing is what the objectives are going to be and here you can filter so say for example you you were doing the challenge where you had to catch a bunch of crabs you could go here what did the crabs do and you can see what bait that you'll need to catch the crabs so if you were in this area in the ocean of fishing you would need Krill you would need Krill or rag here um if it has the sort of like glow on the bottom I think that means it's during the spectral and this is just during normal fishing and you can see and it will even tell you if you know there's no that there's none of that fish in the area sort of thing so it's really good and you should definitely use it there's also um has all the different areas here day night Sunset and if you come over here and click fish you can see what fish you can catch in the different destinations and what weather um and what bait you need for each fish what kind of Target will be um how many points you'll get honestly it's amazing and you can scroll through here and you can see you know so if you're fishing for a specific fish for whatever reason you think oh you know could could I get that fish during ocean fishing you can come here and see what route you'd need to be on and everything that you'd need to be able to catch it um last is the bonuses tabs you can see all the different bonuses you can get um from ocean fishing and how much points it would calculate into so it's the last couple days of the MOG event so if you're here and you're still trying to get your 8K points this calculator could really help you uh get your bonuses to be able to get that 8K and get those extra um points so this one is amazing this tool right here and it also has a light mode if you live your live your life that way um it also has a chalk Cabo calculator so if you're dying your chocolate bow and you know you've got all different dyes and you're not sure what it would look like it tells you the names of the dyes when you hover over them which is super useful and you can see um what color your chocolate Bo would come out and you'll calculate it and tell you what you'll need and will order to feed them in uh in order to get your chocob bow to change colors just super cool um the mini cpot one is also super good so if you're trying to you know get the closest amount of MGP you possibly can from your oh god I've put five twice uh in the in the mini cpot every day you can come and you can use this tool it is cheating um I don't really use this cuz I like to just do it myself but it tells you which row to click on to get like the highest value um on the scratch card um and it's super cool uh so say for example I went like this it would tell me to select this one to get the expected value of 20090 so it's a super cool tool if you want to you know utilize the best um outcome on your mini catp um you can also do a name generator for a character there's a wondrous Trails calculator here um and all other wondrous things that you can use to improve your quality of life while playing Final Fantasy 14 if you need any help uh using these you can also message Lulu who is the creator of the tools cuz it's Lulu's tools or this person I think that's a Discord ID of any questions and comments you might have so yeah super useful the next tool in my arsenal of improve your life while playing an MMO um is this Market Board website so here's a pancake octopus I thought this name was was adorable for an octopus to be honest with you um and you can come on here and see the price of a pancake octopus on each server so I'm on light Lich so if I come over here I can select light and see where it's for sale in each light server because you can travel between all of the data centers within your region so I'm in light so I can go to LIT zodiac Tain Alpha Shiva and but apparently the cheapest is in Lich and that's where I am right now and Mr Matthew here is selling it um he's selling 40 no he's selling one of them for 48 Gil so go and get yourself a pancake octopus before you end up paying 10,000 Gil um from this person here um and it's just a really useful tool like if you're you know especially if you're crafting and you really need like something and you just want to buy it off the market board um another search I did was for a pastry fish I don't know why it was just the first thing that came to my head and you can see what the different prices are uh in the servers and what the price is on your server um Odin you can look at all the individual ones and compare and travel to that data center and go and buy it for the cheapest price and save yourself some Gil you don't have to spend £10,000 on a pastry fish when you can spend 175 um and it's just amazing um and I was so happy when I found this cuz it made my life so much easier when I was trying to do my culinarian uh job the next oh I hate it when it makes that noise but I can't seem to make it stop I was hoping I'd click this and it would mute but it doesn't it just play plays this annoying coin sound um one time I left this open in like a field of tabs and I kept hearing the sound and thought I was going crazy uh so this is a golden saucer gate timer so if you're a golden saucer uh Adventure you can see when the next gate is in this handy timer and you can see the time left on the current gate and it's literally as simple as that so if you're just you know hanging around and maybe you want to go and do something else in the game and before you go and run into your next gate you can just keep this open in a tab and see when the next gate is if you're grinding them out for whatever reason and it's just a handy tool instead of you know waiting around outside the gate for it to um pop open so you can go and run in uh super useful tool and will definitely improve your quality of life while playing the game this one I used for my Beast tribe so this is kind of similar to the wiki here there's loads of information and it even has all different MMOs so not even just 14 lost AR New World um Diablo last Epoch which is a new game so I'm impressed that they got that on there cuz pretty sure that came out like last last week or something um but yeah Final Fantasy 14 is the game we're playing today and I mainly use this website for my Beast tribes so um I was grinding out my not myself my Pixie Beast tribes um and um I wanted to know how to get the little porxy Mount and next up I'm going to be doing the sils so you can come and you can click uh the the tribe quest guide for the specific tribe that you want to do you can get an overview um the different quests names the different reputations that you can have with the the tribes and you can come to the bottom here and see the different rewards depending on what reputation you have with them I really want to get this minion because it is adorable and it looks like a little Teletubby um and it looks like it's mainly kind of dyes for the S but you can also get minions as well which are super cute and a little goo Mount um now I know this gobby Mount is controversial because it's a reskin so the the Easter event that's coming up I'm going to do my next video on that probably next week when the event drops um is basically a reskin of this Mount and people aren't very happy about it but I will talk more about that in my next video so yeah you can come over here and you can see what different rewards you can get for reaching a certain reputation in that Beast tribe and I just really like the way that this website does it it's really simple you you know it separates them between all the different expansions and Which tribes um are in the different expansions so if you want to do all the shadowbringers ones you can see all the shadowbringers tribes so as I said I was doing the Pixies and it was really easy to just scroll through um and see you know which reputation I needed to be to unlock which thing and eventually I got my porxy Mount and I had to grind out to sworn reputation to get there but I did it eventually and this guide was super helpful in doing that and I would have found it a lot harder without it so shout out to icy vines.com uh the last thing I wanted to mention was in my last video I mentioned this um this website for your unlocks and it does only go to level 50 so um this was definitely more for new players which is what my previous video was about it was tips for new players if you're been playing the game a little bit longer and you're not necessarily super new on this Wiki website they also have a Content unlock where you can come over here and it goes all the way up to 90 um so if youve you know you're well past level 50 or in the' 60s 7s even maybe the ' 80s and '90s and there's things that you still haven't unlocked later on dungeons or trials or raids and you're trying to work out how about how you go about unlocking those things you can come over here and you you can see the quest you need um the location and any information um that they think was relevant they've put next to it in this little table and again amazing tool for just you know a quick reference if you're looking to go and unlock something and you're lost for how to work out how to get there or what to do this is amazing once you get past that level 50 stage or you can just you know it starts from the beginning so all the way from level one um but I found this one to be nice and simple to start off with cuz it's nice and big and the writing is bold and it goes through everything right up until Level 50 and then you can come over here and use this one so I guess they're both really good and it's just I guess down to preference um but I definitely recommend checking out all of these tools and using them whilst you're ocean fishing or doing your Gates or using the market board or doing your Beast tribes these little tools will definitely help you um if there's any tool tools that you use that I haven't mentioned in this video please let me know in the comments because I'm always looking for more things like this to make that MMO grind just a little bit easier um I'd really appreciate it I really hope you found this video useful thank you so much for watching don't forget to like And subscribe thank you so much for 100 subscribers by the way that is crazy I have posted like two videos we're already at 100 my goal is 500 by the end of the year so we'll see if we get there but thank you so much guys and I'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: Minikin
Views: 8,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4AoRMzwUENw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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