Double Your House For Half The Money Season 3 Episode 1 Great Badow, Essex

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this year the average cost of hops in the UK has risen to a jaw-dropping two thousand pounds per square meter the following ways sometimes my always a bigger than my wallet that's the only problem pricing millions of us out of the market for more spacious homes it's just really depressing living here we have to open the cupboard like this all of this needs to be dug away and then properly rebuilt that's kind of scary but some people have the vision to see beyond cramps and ugly spaces so that looks like a sauna from the 1970s we come in the front door and have a glorious view of the throne in this series I meet families who are refusing to let a lack of cash deny them their dream home so how much do you have 25 so reaching for the stars you've got up the dream almost two hundred thousand households applied for planning permission last year for most of us these bills are our once-in-a-lifetime projects we've never extended a property before I have seen some horrendous mistakes with no guarantee of success sorry the worst night's sleep we've had since we started to build everybody I think is just about how do you know it's all gonna come crashing down like a hideous earthquake of horror but get it right there and the home of your dreams so fantastic all this glass could be right on your doorstep hazy look at this shiny me I'm excited I'm like a kid at Christmas did you ever think that you would live in a home but that's never Wow we're done with house prices rising faster than any years since 2007 and demand far outweighing supply it's never made more sense to take a less exciting house and transform it this week I'm with two families desperate for a massive injection of square footage in Leicestershire Paul and Mimi live in a picturesque village of period properties the trouble is the only house they could afford looks like this properties that were adjacent to we feel sorry for them that they have to look back at our Oakley house so they're hoping to transform their 250 grand I saw into an eye-catching home that matches its pretty setting do you like it yes but first I'm off to great banner in Essex where secretary Claire wood and civil servant Ian Jeffries have lived in their four-bed 90s detached for two years Ian and I and come from separate marriages what you doing Ian's got two children I've got two children we got together and we became the Brady Bunch already a tight squeeze for six but now with the arrival of grandparents reg and Gwen the full bed house is full to bursting clear seeing how ages we are yourself Harry probably on our last legs very generously decided that we would sell our house and move in there joining the 1 million British properties that are home to three or more generations the trouble with this one is it's just not big enough for a family of eight can we watch Downton Abbey after this with so many of us living here it just seems one continue miss and when it comes to deciding how to extend the property there's a lot of people having their say we've definitely got to change that configuration we've got too many people around really and too many opinions well the time stone leaving the children are chipping in why do we need an island I mean you have a table you won't have a table here as you go into the dining room reg and Glen's friends are also offering advice that you Hitchin met watching that's all why'd you get your people in jail we can't do so I know that you design all right we need some day to help designers I can't visualize names very well for I am because I can't visualize what you're saying for this family the bills can't start soon enough if money were no object they would still choose to say living in the village with its good schools proximity to transferred and ferried range of housing stock hi hello I'm Sara I'm Claire not it's just they'd be living in somewhere more like this a nearby family home with tons of space that suits their multi-generational needs perfectly you've got Commendation on the first floor which would be absolutely ideal for us but it's also got a lot of ground floor accommodation for Claire's parents however a house like this is likely to cost you about nine hundred thousand pounds and your house at the moment is worth about three hundred and twenty thousand yes so you'd need to find another five hundred eighty thousand pounds yeah and and what do you have a boom you've got a budget of a hundred thousand a uns dream house is almost three times the value of their current property their home would fetch about three hundred and twenty thousand pounds leaving them short by over half a million pounds they have a fraction of that okay so some building let me see your head Salinas grandparents Regin Gwen are raiding their savings to fund the hundred thousand pound project it's a budget that we'll have to work hard paying for an extension on a home where space is hard to find this house was actually only built about ten years ago and and they were building really tight on the plot at that time so there isn't really that many directions you can extend it in there's no loan to extend at the front while the back is heavily overlooked and boxed in by neighboring buildings the ground floor has a kitchen lounge and conservatory the first floor has a master bedroom with ensuite one bedroom and family bathroom and the top floor has a further two more rooms for the kids who's winning very early in the game because we have quite got there so how are you finding or well at all eight of you sharing this kitchen we find that dinner times is a real problematic time because I'm trying to we're trying to cook we're having to move the table out something Graham everyone round we want our own space and what you're they do luckily there are plans afoot for an extension that goes up and up a massive three floors the ground floor will have a family kitchen dining room and Gwen and registered remand sitting room the first floor will be Ian and Claire's domain with a master bedroom and a room for guests large lounge and family bathroom and the top floor will have three rooms for all the kids these plans may look good on paper but reg and Gwen aren't totally convinced I'm a little bit apprehensive as to how much space indeed I'm going to every master German Hey yes the problem is how to divide up their area the bigger their bathroom the smaller the lounge we heard a large shower room at home now I'm quite happy to have a smaller one but no reg wants a bigger one it's hardly a shark reg and Gwen have high expectations after all their stamping up the hunter grand budget so you've got the money for the bills yes and if it goes over that money we're saving to get married so we might have to dip into the wedding savings like just very quickly the two of you let's hope they're still laughing in six months time because I do have some concerns like their communal family area which lacks natural light I think I would be tempted to keep the ceiling in the dining area right up underneath the rafters perhaps instead of having two roof windows in perhaps you could have three and have them just slightly bigger there and there's one size issue that just won't go away so this is the shower room is the heiress's that's not all that big if look at the size of that now just did quite large oh I'm not convinced there's a lot of people living here in a small space and loads of decisions to make and there's a wedding at stake it's going to be a difficult journey while the family continue their discussions I'm off to Leicestershire where Paul and Mimi Baris settled with their two-year-old daughter Pearl in the wake of the London riots job the rioters came up our road there was cars lit on fire there's a warehouse it on fire and that was the moment that we thought okay we don't want to be here where they did want to be was in the pretty village of great Bowden but their dream home was beyond their budget so they bought the best they could afford and for a photographer and fashion stylist looks at everything it's like one of the ugliest houses in this village I hit the outside I hit the shutters I hate the brick those guys must have been on drugs when making work that architecture it was the 60s after all their plan is to turn an ugly duckling of a house into a swan they just can't decide how we do like modern we do like traditional we find it hard to make decisions be good to make it traditionally reading changing the stairs and we're not changing this says render it or not Mimi works in fashion and she changes the mind every three months the problem is we like quite a few things I definitely know where the front doors gonna be by buying and great bode and the couple have joined a pretty exclusive club as the village has just a thousand residents most of whom live in stylish period properties hi hello lovely to meet you and it's that period feel that Paul and meanly long for we love the space the size we love it that it's a family home open plan kitchen dining living a big open space so a house like this would be worth about four hundred ten thousand and your house is worth about two hundred fifty thousand so you need another hundred and sixty thousand to be able to come and buy it exactly do you know if we don't have how much do you have about 70 grand actually their dream house is worth over four hundred thousand pounds far more than their current property to make the step up they'd need a hundred and sixty thousand pounds and they have less than half of that Paul and Mimi's house couldn't look more different their rural dream it's fake exterior shutters and faux Georgian style symmetry were big in 1960s architecture what you could do with this is trick it up change it and if you can make it look more like a period house it would make it an awful lot more desirable the home is currently made up of a small kitchen dining room and living room while upstairs there are three bedrooms and a family bathroom it's ugly on the outside and a bizarre layout means it's ugly on the inside you come in the front door and have a glorious view of the throne which is well welcoming yes you don't you toss where the loo is you know and the staircase doesn't work either really I guess you'd expect the stairs to be rising up away from you but you're a long way around which is very this part we know what we want to change it smoothly change it to you could keep the stairs in the direction that they are and trick them up as much older the other ways to put a new set of stairs the other way around and so that they rise up from the entrance hall here yeah Paul and Mimi have big ideas for their property including a two-story rear extension the ground-floor will comprise of a sitting room playroom and utility with the extension becoming an open-plan kitchen on the first floor there'll be a master bedroom with ensuite and three further bedrooms and up says there's a further reason to change the outside of this house you've clearly got a condensation problem you've got an insulation problem the one that I think you should perhaps consider is insulating the house itself because it isn't well insulated one way of doing that is to clad the outside it lots of the cladding you can now get comes with insulation on the inside yeah you know we desperately do want to change the outside of that yes Joe this house in this location could be a really exciting project but there's a lot of decisions that meaningful haven't yet tied down and with quite a small budget that could be a very big problem we're totally aware it's crunch time and we have to make these decisions I think we'll have to retire the pub have a pint and seriously think about it the average costs of climbing the property ladder from a three bedroom to a four bedroom house in this country is a hundred and forty thousand pounds I'm with two families who are trying to get that next rung up without paying a king's ransom in Essex the only way is up for ian's and Clair they aim to build a monster three floor extension on a tight plot to accommodate three generations when finished they'll join the fastest growing trend in UK housing multi-generational living that's increased 30 percent in the last decade two weeks into a six-month build and the old conservatory has been flattened which means even less house for the family to live in to lose the the useable space of this conservatory has affected us quite a bit we used it as a dining room used it as a second lounge and it was just a really really useful room these cramped and crowded conditions are affecting the family's ability to make decisions the kitchen design is still causing concerns but I think there may be a solution to ensure everyone is committed to the plans in front of us is going to be the dining area so I thought this might help to be able to really envisage how it's going to be but it is going to be quite long and thin and there's doors at the end the far end which is a long way away and then a window behind us yeah so instead of having a flat ceiling yes if you vault it look at a much greater sense of space and it won't have that tunnel feeling it's changed the whole aspects of the room with the light and the air space it just makes it grow is that a resounding even sticking job don't Bogart the office with a key decision made it's not long before the build is in full swing but in Leicestershire it's a different story with nearly a month gone Paul and Mimi still haven't finalized their design in fact they haven't even put two builder but they have been busy booking something else we're off on holiday for a couple of weeks to Cuba should we take your sunglasses it's quite fluid what we want to do quickly in a way and because we still haven't cemented definitively what we're going to do it's just taking a little bit longer with such a tight budget off to the airport we go I'm concerned Paul and Mimi's casual approach could end in disaster achieving a big build for a small price tag needs careful forward planning personal recommendations are great for finding good builders but websites like rated people or my builder can also help source trades people across the UK to ensure a competitive rate always get more than one quote sites like building sheriff and check your price include reasonable costs for trades and jobs and once you've settled on a price get it in writing it's a good idea to download a JCT contract it's an industry standard and you can fill it out yourself saving on legal fees and having peace of mind for more information about extending your house or increasing your floor space check out my scrapbooker channel for calm /pe in essex the bills has entered week five block work is up and the builders are laying brick work till chris it's been left to retch and gwen to not only fund the work but manage the project as well you want me to hand it up could give you a long stroll but as the walls go up Gwen gets a better idea of her new living space and it's a lot smaller than she's used to and I was told by my better half but the floor area would be as long as the one on my left and there is no way that floor area is going to be as large as the one I left exactly the same that we don't you can't allow for that on sweetie concerts now you can see where the ensuite is gonna be so it will be down here like this so that quite a big room in itself and then you've got all this fear I can't quite picture in my mind to be honest you'll live to regret this a few weeks later and I'm keen to find out who won the Battle of the bathroom now there's been great debates about the bathroom and and how to get it just right so you've ended up stealing a little bit of the space from the bedroom and made it a bit smaller wee bit yes everyone's compromise a bit is what it's so you've got to haven't you I'll live with it come what may but I'm still not sure Gwen's convinced her sitting room will be big enough blow-up furniture may not be everyone's idea of cutting-edge design but it's a great way to get a feel for a run so with a rubber ring doubling for a coffee table and my personal favorite a palm tree as a pot plant now Gwen can see how her space will work Oh so if you have it this way round when you're sitting there you see after that Adams a garden wiki situation see television yes I couldn't visualize how it was going to fit in everything it looked too small but having brought these now I can see how it's going to work out problem cells hopefully my inflatable furniture has stopped future blow ups and more good news over and Leicestershire photographer Paul and stylist Mimi have returned from Cuba with a lot resolve they finally put two builder and it's all systems go today is d-day bigger day it's right we don't agree hey we got you pearl but one swallow doesn't make a summer there you got the old indecision is rife where'd you want to dig oh right in the thing is I mean we're still changing our mind about some of the decisions and things but once you've got to build it and it's actually starting I don't suppose we can have lots of time to think about these decisions Paul is project managing this build and as the Foundation's are dug questions come thick and fast such as how to join their new patio with the garden yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it yeah you know daywear probably only in the record not really sure what sir they've been planning this belt for a year yet they seem to be making it up as they go along despite their indecision three weeks into Paul and Mimi's build and the extension is flying up as well as project managing Paul is helping where he can to squeeze every penny from their 70,000 pounds I'm hoping that we can make sure the savings aren't wasted by costly failures to plan ahead that's wrong the way isn't it yeah are you making decisions or are you just bumbling along with the decisions as they come up yes for the latter it's very hard to run a site with indecision because everything has a knock-on effect so I think there I said the wrong decision is probably better than no decision decision yeah up until now there's been one key design feature the couple have failed to agree on I'm hoping for their sake this isn't still the case have you decided what to do about the stairs one of the big decisions that needed to be raised well we definitely turn them around you are really it's great it's a start but they really need to make a plan for the outside why don't you last we talked about changing the look of your house and there's all sorts of cladding you can get which basically comes like this so you screw the insulation to the outside of the house and then you put this very thin layer of cladding to the outside so looks like a brick house but actually you've got that key layer of insulation to do the front of the house would be five six thousand pounds but to have a warm house that looks completely different how it does at the moment I think would be a good thing we want that we want the whole lot we want the cladding we want the chicken pot see what news you only want the new windows Worldport Ortman we want it all updating an unfashionable facade can add thousands to the value of the house so Paula Mimi have got the right idea but they need to stop changing their minds because if they don't they could be making an ugly house and uglier in Essex eleven weeks into their build and tensions are fraying I suppose we've thought of it all right yeah but their new beats bound to happen from time to time and with so many opinions build around is getting frustrated usually you've only got two people involved in it but here you've got four which does make it a lot more difficult but one thing that has met with universal approval is the idea to vault the ceiling in the new dining room in fact it's such a hit that runs been inspired I was thinking it might be a much better idea to put the kitchen in the extension you've got the vaulted ceiling in here and you've got the French doors at the back it will agree on for once a lot of adults are going to be sharing this home and they've all got lean dynamic characters so inevitably there's a lot of compromises that are going to have to be made they are working their way through them but I fear that there's a lot more on their way I'm with two households who are building the home of their dreams because they can't afford to buy them in Leicestershire Paul and Mimi want their bland 60s has two rival they're pretty period neighbors here after that it's week nine of a seventy thousand pound build and the extension is rising fast and the diddlers are beginning to make decisions and stick to them for me it was a no-brainer to turn the stairs round especially what Sara said as well to get her approval for it makes you think you're doing the right thing really unfortunately for Paul making one decision means he now has to make a whole load more with the position of the stairs agreed he now needs to choose the type of staircase and the possibilities are endless now these are obviously matches to show the detail you can have so this is um showing the string on the side this is what ties the staircase together so you can either have an open string right there so that you can see through it or you have one block of wood up the side which is I checked that that's a closed string there so from the side you see the steps or you don't this is much more traditional having an open string I prefer that look anyway I busy you say wait my egg like poop front so then it's a custom the detailing you see if you have a quite a refined handrail like this and an open string on the side you have a really elegant staircase which you'll give there has a lot greater sense of grandeur than it currently has yeah a classic design will unite the inside of the house to its new look exterior but if you don't want traditional when it comes to stairs the sky's the limit a floating or cantilever staircase with its unobstructed view adds the illusion of space and light spiral staircases are a stylish option but contrary to what you might think they actually take up more square footage while a clever under stairs design can turn dead space into valuable storage for more information about extending your house or increasing your floor space check out my scrapbooker channel for calm for word slash beanie twas the week before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring save reg and his spouse it's better than looking at breezeblocks was new they festooned gold tinsel on gray breeze block walls then finished with cherish designer baubles not the Harrods ball oh god you have done that now that's enough at least things are sturdier upstairs it's build week 12 and the builders have reached the children's space at the top of the house gosh this is really taking shape icing is there it's so much bigger than I ever imagined but this huge extension isn't the only thing rising fast in the run-up to Christmas little things needed to be done with the build that have added to the cost we haven't spent any of our money yet from the wedding but I'm wondering whether we go have to dip into this point there's the wedding getting further and further away it's gonna happen yes but how many people will be attending certainly line in Leicestershire Paula Mimi's rear extension is really coming together I could be gorgeous at the front they decided to go ahead with checking up the outside with a period feel how I look I'm just pulling down this porch so we can start to get our new porch put up traditional slates are also going up on the roof there's even a chimney rising from the eaves Hey but the big question for the outside I'm bit done is declared or not too glad we took quite a while making a decision about what to do with the front because we did think about doing it in the brick cladding but we decided to go for the render render won't provide the insulation of cladding but it's in keeping with the old style frontage thereafter and at least it's a decision we want you enjoy mind again now so decided that's it done the scared I'm just gonna be it's gonna look lovely so but three weeks later oh I love it all bets are off I might use my mind again I might go for a painted brick look what's-his-face indecision could undermine their good work on the rest of the property and trusting a job as vital as this to a photographers DIY skills may not end up with a picture of rural Beattie oh yeah that obvious turn in a weekend good night over an Essex and with just a few weeks to go Ian eclairs bills should be nearly finished the actual kitchen doesn't fit into the plan right with project managers reg and Gwen away on holiday the sides descended into chaos the worktop is one issue the extractor won't fit with the units and have been delivered cut the doors that we've not asked for and a cupboard that we haven't asked for and a cupboard that we haven't got measurements that don't work here by looking at the plan or don't look very good everyone's had enough now everybody I think is just about had enough and things are about to get even worse without the kitchen on line so we've just arrived now to collect the old kitchen we thought the new kitchen would be installed by now but unfortunately so it's bye-bye old kitchen hello sandwiches and cupcakes it's been 18 weeks since Paul and Mimi finally picked a builder and started work on their Leicestershire home untold decisions u-turns and rethinks later and their mission to turn an ugly duckling into a swan is almost complete this project was plagued with indecision Paula Mimi took a big risk changing their plans for the exterior I'm just hoping they haven't made the building worse than it was before four months ago this house was an unwelcome example of unfashionable 60s architecture now it's a vision in oak slate and pristine white with tasteful period styling and lot of fake shutter insight hi Sarah you're right what a transformation I mean that is completely unrecognizable you pleased with it more than pleased so thrilled looks like it's been there for ages as well really so you didn't clad it in the end to tape it I was drawn to the painted houses and I thought for 80 quid and a bit of hard work and a weekend I just got there and I did it just painted it probably doesn't quite take the insulation box in the same way but it's a secret you can't knock it don't see a sight yes previously you enter this house to an eyeful of WC and rear end of those bizarre stairs now the Welcome is a beautiful bespoke staircase tying in the interior with its new country cottage facade it's absolutely sensational I love the staircase it'd be my little indulgence really one of the reasons why I didn't render because he spent so much time in one or the other it's your fault you turn me into a stair geek take me satifactory I'm so glad it's a traditional staircase because actually this is timeless really in it will it'll look great now and in 10 years time 20 years time now instead of seeing the loo you've got this fantastic view through here and what a view it is this stunning wraparound extension is a light stylish open-plan living space mimi dreamed of look at that a big bank of glass so you can really make the most the garden that looks so great stunning aesthetically and to use completely practical and for a family this is my dream space are you impressed with what Paul's achieved here because he's really running this isn't he all Paul has been here every day six days a week working on this project I'm so proud of what Paul's achieved for us as a family this build has been more than a facelift more than an increase in space Paul and Mimi now have a house that stands proud in the village and a home painstakingly created for their family's needs at the beginning this house is worth two hundred and fifty thousand pounds and you were going to spend seventy thousand hands on it what did you end up spending probably about 100 a hundred so where did you find the extra thirty thousand phone already unfortunately it became for a little while but we'll enjoy after that event without with a really really fabulous house for three hundred fifty thousand pounds Paul and Mimi's dream house was worth four hundred and ten thousand pounds 160,000 pounds more than the house they could afford but they've created their perfect home for a hundred thousand pounds sixty thousand pounds less than it would have cost them to buy it well the good news is is that I think it would be quite reasonable to expect to get at least four hundred thousand pounds for it now that's a good fifty thousand hands of equity that you've now got sitting in the house well that's all your hard work yes my wages so one successful project done and dusted but for Ian and Claire their nightmare continues let's kick if it's good a bit and with no end in sight the family's patience is stretched to breaking point everybody I think can just about have enough living in chaos in essex iain and claire has struggled through a two-week kitchen nightmare their six months finish date has come and gone but replacement parts of arrived for the new kitchen and their dream of a home catering for eight members of the family is within reach we're heading now into the realms have been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and we're getting more enthusiastic now about the the end result when finished their kitchen like the rest of the home must cater for lots of different people's needs one of the best ways of achieving this is to clever lighting this state-of-the-art building uses zonal lighting to enhance different areas within a multifunctional space it's the University it's a college and it's a library the lighting is actually quite soft for a commercial building and it's been thought through it's got to work for lots of people have lots of different ages now up here there's lots and lots of things that are going on so the light needs to do lots of jobs this area here has task lighting so this is where the students can work and it's really bright light now there's Larry over there with pendant lights which are actually more traditional light bulbs which would be great for relaxing and then over here there's these floats which is a really good way of lighting a space without it feeling like it's lit so of course is the library here which is much calmer and it's not just the type of fitting that's important so is the type of bulb choosing one that gives up a warm or cool white can also have a big impact on a rim so in the kitchen what would you recommend personally I'd have warm white because I like the color it shows off but perhaps under the unit's on the wall you could perhaps have a cooler light so it it gave the effect of daylight different spaces work best with specific temperatures of white to give rooms like bedrooms and lounges that inviting intimate atmosphere you need to opt for a warmer more yellow white bathrooms and kitchens should be neat clean and efficient areas and so often people prefer a cooler white bulb it's been eight challenging months for the wood family but after getting eight people to finally reach one decision the Battle of the arm sweet Christmas and a building site and a two-week kitchen nightmare that dream of an extension that caters for all members of the family is almost a reality door looks serene on the front but all the action is going on behind that this narrow 90's has posed a big fat problem how do you magic up over a thousand square feet of new living space on a plot this tight the answer like things gone is the old glass conservatory replaced by a towering three-story extension tailor-made for three generations that does look fantastic the woodsfamily were trying to fit an awful lot of building on a very small plot and it looks pretty impressive from here and hoping it works as well on the inside previously the kitchen was impractical and far too tight for kids parents and grandparents now it's a bigger better designed modern kitchen bathed in natural light from the vaulted ceiling above what a fantastic height in here this is brilliant to think this ceiling would have been a flat ceiling this would have in a very long thing room with a tiny bit of light at one end tiny bit at the other end actually it would have been a bit like a tunnel it is much bigger than I imagined it to be it's fantastic really pleased and our inspirational lighting visit pay dividends lots of variation in lighting that I see that's brilliant so you've got all sorts of different lights fitting so it's creating a different effect well the LED is a dimmable which can create these sort of different moods is fantastic but with everything on and everything turned up it's just like daylight the communal kitchen looks fabulous but what about those individual living spaces before three generations were squashed into a single modest reception room now they have space to burn with living rooms on every level including the most spacious of all Ian and Claire's on the first story this is fantastic is that what a big room I love it do you I really do each generation has now got their own floor haven't you said this is all yours did you dip into the wedding money just a barely spent at all well enough for a canopy yeah he's still getting married we still get buried yes for changing venues so we're saving quashes substantial amount of money by doing that and yes we have dipped quite a bit into the bridge decisis again in order to replace the money that's been spent upstairs the pokey cluttered locked rooms are a thing of the past replaced with spacious sleeping quarters and a story of living space for a growing younger generation while Dan says Gretchen Gwen have ended up with a stunning self-contained living suite a restful bedroom and a good-sized bathroom leads to a stylish sitting room with clean lines calming decor and ample space is this how you imagined the room to be loved it's really no thought it would be originally so this is the wall that cause quite a lot of debate isn't it because it's now a wet room in there yyyyyes ledge wanted it a larger one and I said no it would make the sitting room too small and he agreed in yes we have got a really nice sitting yes and that would have been true did into that quite early a little quite a bit this project is more than bricks and mortar it's a unique chance to draw Claire's parents into the family fold in their retirement and it's fantastic design provides intimacy and independence in equal measure when you set out on this journey this has worth back 320,000 you're going to spend a hundred thousand but you ended up spending more than that yes dipping into the wedding budget and more she went up spending one hundred and twenty thousand years country with it yeah so the whole investment is about four hundred and forty thousand pounds their dream house has worked nine hundred thousand pounds five hundred and eighty thousand more than their original property but Ian Claire reg and Gwen have managed to create their ideal home for a hundred and twenty thousand pounds four hundred and sixty thousand less than it would have cost to buy it I t's a difficult house to value because it's very specifically laid out here your requirements but I think you might be lucky and get five hundred fifty thousand which would mean made a one hundred and ten thousand pound profit on the project yes that is gratifying to hear but it's like having an old antique it's a lot and dreamers selling it absolutely and over your dosh thank you has really goes to show that if you get the space working the right way multi-generational living can be a real success story next time a family rely on the wonders of the Internet to manage a build 250 miles away we're gonna lose signal you and two bickering boys you tend to be a little bit inflexible about things as you tend to be a bit cheap battered by storms and cuffs going through the roof and that's at the same time eight o'clock next Wednesday Martin does the right thing but there are strings attached the mimic continues tonight at 10:00 before that when babies are like buses wait forever then they all come at once Syd one born every minute next you
Channel: Junko Cherish
Views: 33,827
Rating: 4.4222221 out of 5
Keywords: Essex, Essex online, Double Your House For Half The Money episode 1, Great Badow, watch Double Your House For Half The Money episodes, Double Your House For Half The Money, Double Your House For Half The Money tv show, watch Double Your House For Half The Money, watch Double Your House For Half The Money free, watch Double Your House For Half The Money free online, Double Your House For Half The Money full episodes
Id: mQ8xXhwV5LE
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Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2015
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