HELP! I can't pull a wall

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hi youtube today we're going to talk a little bit about problems that you have in a wall as you pull up from from the bottom there I took some notes last class on what I saw happening to my beginners um if you have other issues you know put them in the comment section and I'll try to answer them or you know I'll make another video so what are the major things I see is people making it too thin that's that's number one and that comes from you know squeezing the clay usually at the bottom and not moving unfortunately I want to keep showing demos on this piece I'll try to do that one last the other one is being wrinkled so I'm going to do just the top I'm going to wrinkle the top wrinkling happens for a few reasons most often it's that you do have a thin spot so if we make a thin spot here and we put a little pressure above it a little bit of pressure can start to cause that to wrinkle now one wrinkle is fixable it's not something that's a it's going to kill a pot to fix it you want to kind of throw through it try to get to a similar thickness and then you need to compress it it's wrinkling because it's kind of giving up its strength so if you compress it you can go back and then shape it so it's not a lost cause let's cut this one off so if see the top is messed up that's fixable to one you need to remove it now if you've got a lot of clay to remove I was just using your needle tool I'm going below it to a part that's clean again you want to point that needle tool towards noon but you want to be at the three o'clock point so I'm not pointing it through the side I'm using the side of the needle right at the point I'm letting it slide through level I'm going to touches my finger I lift up and do that again need a little bit more visible now put my finger on the inside so it's sliding against it push through until I touch my finger and lift up it's not the needle tool isn't moving a lot a lot of my students get scared that oh but I'm going to poke myself but it's moving very slowly you're not going to jam it in like that you're just going slow too you touched and you're even touching the side of your needle tool when you lift up that's to remove it if the top is on level well some things that can cause the top to be on level is that it wasn't centered in the beginning whether you opened it up on not in the if you open it up not in the middle so that that isn't something that you can usually fix in terms of when you throwing the wall it's something that you had to fix earlier on but you really shouldn't open up the piece or try to pull the wall if it's not Senator in the middle or if you are you know it's going to be practice and you don't have to worry so much about you know trying to save it and make it pretty I'm one of the other issues is people leaving it thick at the bottom so leaving it thick can be two reasons one is that you don't really open and flatten out the bottom if you flatten out the bottom of your piece is why do your sponge or just a little bit more you're going to be working with the clay that's it in an area that's a lot easier to pull if it's too narrow it's hard to pull it well because of the scale of your finger to the diameter of the piece itself doesn't like to work and vice versa if it's bigger than you know about a CD it's harder to pull as well the clay has a lot more time to go and back up and and get kind of Wiggly so if you have it about the size of the CD maybe a little bit smaller you're you're in the safe zone of being able to pull it a little bit thinner I'm going to start by squeezing at the bottom and pushing that clay into the inside hand if you don't push that clay into the inside hand but you're going to just pulling out the outside edge what you want is both the inside and outside to be pulling up and that will start to reduce your thickness also when you pull you want to release the pressure as you get to the top so that putting the most amount of force at the bottom where the pieces are usually thickest if you squeeze the same as you go through the top will get thin and unworkable and the bottom will still be thick we'll do it one more time get that bottom thinned out there we go so that'll help you make thinner pieces now the other issue that's you know that runs parallel for that is pieces being too thin and that usually happens from uneven poles so if you can look and I stopped the wheel here you can see that they're lines on the place are on the piece there that are about even and they're light they're not really thick lines so that they're even pull if you pull too quickly or you put too much pressure at the bottom they'll be a really deep thick push and that will cause a thin spot that actually is a spiral up through your piece and later on as you pull again it's going to continue to be pulled and it'll rip off at the bottom that usually happens about you know day number two with beginners when they start to get to form balls and they get really excited about making them bigger so we'll do that here so you can see it now there is not a real good fix for making it too thin at the bottom you can see that it's starting to torque down there one of the ways to save a piece after you start to get that is to kind of cone up or not going up collar in the top up here so that you apply less torque to the stuff below go back and try to thicken this by colouring in does it always say that no but you might be able to get a piece out of it one more time and then I would go on like it's not their most desperate document be able to save it as a piece so just like the top if it gets then you want to compress it and strengthen it up you can see that just doesn't doesn't quite want to do what I'm asking it to do but you get the idea it's a lot better to be able to practice that kind of stuff then then and those are the majority of the issues that I see when trying to pull up a regular cylinder next next video will be issues removing the pieces and the common ways people people attempt to do that
Channel: Timsee clay
Views: 379,643
Rating: 4.8795986 out of 5
Keywords: Tim, See, Timseeclay, pottery, wheel, throwing, lesson, diy, ceramics, crap, messed, up, and, it's, all, broken, what, do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2011
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