Help! I STILL can't pull a wall

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glass to do I did was pulling the wall and what can go wrong me pulling the wall and right after I did it I thought of a few more ways that that can go wrong so I'm going to do an additional video here for health I can't pull the wall I guess I see me more hope I can't pull a cylinder because these are how cylinders how good cylinder goes bad so this is all all the normal stuff so we're gonna go to sprint through this here [Music] so we've got the start of our wall it's it's a short little wall now the things that other things that can go wrong we talked about it getting thin down here or too thick getting a thin spot at the top and kind of folding over another major one is people pulling and going all the way through the top it was it was supposed to go worse so I got thinner hung all the way through the top and getting that this is really common now I've looked at this in super slow-mo from a from a student actually doing it and it happens because as the wall is upright the clay is squeezed and could no longer keep a circle because there's not enough below it or there's not enough above it or around it to keep it circular the clay starts to back up behind the finger and then it folds underneath it it kind of has to to get by the finger has to fold up and go underneath to stop yourself from doing that you just got to release the pressure easy to get to the top so when I say squeeze from the bottom pull up and as you pull up move towards the middle energy move up you slowly release the pressure and let go you do need to slowly release the pressure and let go before you get to the top if you pull through the top that'll happen the fix for that it's just like being a fix for messing getting the top messed up you know is this cutting below where it's messed up and lifting up last time I showed with just a needle tool I'm gonna show with a wire tool as well where tool works if you're trying to cut a thicker piece if you're trying to cut like the little lip off top of a bottleneck this isn't gonna work it only work for thicker things but you get a small section between your thumbs you put your left thumb on the inside you put your right thumb on the outside at about 2:30 3 o'clock I'm gonna push through and you push through you stop where you you know or when you're low enough and you let the wheel spin around a few times and then you lift up if you lift up too quickly you'll get an uneven cut throughout thing if you just go down and up you're gonna cut off part of it I might as well do those right because they're fun to watch so you're scared you're scared you're scared you go down and go up then you go home I'm gonna cut up one side that isn't gonna help so what you want to do is you want to go below it you want to hold it for a few times than that lift up and that will leave you a nice clean top again literally be done on thicker pieces okay so do the piece wrinkled at the top that's one way it gets my stuff next way it gets my stuff is you've got your hand on the inside your hand on the outside and you pull like this so that's not a cylinder you've made a bowl and I that matter an ugly wall so you need to fix it so the next the next skill to learn is called colouring in or choking colouring in you wrap your hands around as much of it as possible and I don't like to just move my hands up if I can help it what I want to do more often than not is just kind of squeeze my hands up right so if you've got a really big piece I had to kind of make a funnel but if I got a smaller piece if it's just this big I just want to roll my hands in that will prevent the spirals from forming in the clay if you go up like that you put all that pressure and you'll get a spiral vehicles through the clay and it'll cause unevenness later so we've collared it back into the middle next way that it can get my stuff okay well let's talk about this there's a few ways that it turns into a bowl and that's that's a pretty common thing in the beginning one way is that you're that you're physically moving out in a bowl shape you need to make sure you pull up and towards the middle pull on a bowl shape you'll get a ball second is that the fingers on the inside are below the fingers that are on the outside so the last thing to push will do that one now is the finger on the outer on the inside and that'll look like this so you'll see the the the clay there get pushed out from behind and that I'll start to push your piece out again this collar it in so we've got moving out we got pushing from below um heavy we don't go too fast we'll do it so we'll do that one later um the the finger on the inside is pushing more than the finger on the outside so this one is harder to show but when I push harder it makes it makes more clay go around in the circle rather than go up so for the clay to compensate it gets wider this way that's it's not kind of really so when you squeeze the clay the clay has to go somewhere what you want to claim to do is go up when you're squeezing wrong like putting pressure in a way that is making is giving the clay a chance to move this way rather than this way it it'll spread out bigger maybe you need to do a video on how clay moves but if you find you're doing everything else right and the clay is still getting lighter and you don't know why it's because you're you're squeezing wrong you want to squeeze almost with like a channel so the clay has to go up I don't know how to show that yep I'm stumped I'll figure it out so the next thing is that you're pulling and the clay is just going way too fast for what you need so you're pulling it like ah yeah so again you you you've wrecked the cylinder and this is an unsinkable state now if we were people into or Monday night sky so you would just wrinkle it all up oh look it looks like a flower from above and you'd save it and put it on the shelf don't do that you're just wasting your time so that's it um I will go back to our regular scheduled programming I think the next one is how to remove a pop from the wheel click any of these and they will take you to the related videos don't we click now
Channel: Timsee clay
Views: 98,655
Rating: 4.9115734 out of 5
Keywords: Pottery, wheel, throwing, ceramics, wall, timseeclay, tim, see
Id: p-nv1gIS1Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2011
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