Pulling the wall of a cylinder and practicing directions

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all right hi Central Academy Potter's we've been working on learning how to throw a cylinder so far with the videos you've seen how to wedge your clay how to put a how to Center your clay how to put our Center fool in how to flatten your floor and now I'm going to go through all the steps and show you how to pull the walls I'm gonna go through the first few steps kind of quickly since there are other videos that show those skills right now I'm centering my clay you know your clay is centered when your hands and fingers aren't wobbling anymore so a good way to check is to do something like that I'm not quite centered you want to make sure that your clay is in an igloo shape but burbly with a 90 degree angle right here so now my fingers aren't wobbling I know I'm centered and can move on to the next step the next step is putting your center hole in so I'm stabilizing my left side my left hand my elbow is in my hip bone taking my right finger finding the center and pushing down if your finger gets a little dry you can slowly let loose put some water in there and continue Center hole is then I'm gonna put some water in there putting my fingertips back I'm kind of hooking them at 6 o'clock I'm gonna pull back towards my body to create that floor for this project while our practicing we want our floor to be about that white flattening out the floor making sure it's nice and smooth if your floor is not flat it will result in your hot cracking once it dries I'm also looking for a nice 90 degree angle right here you can do that by taking your fingertip and positioning it to get that nice angle now for throwing the wall you want to make sure that your entire pot is wet on the inside and outside I can do that as put just a little bit of water it doesn't have to be soaking but a little bit of water in your sponge and I rest this part of my hand just very gently on the rim of the clay and squeeze just a little light squeeze and you'll feel that the water is going on the inside and outside evenly at that point I'm gonna switch my anchor to my right side so now my right arm is anchored I'm gonna put my fingertips at 3 o'clock make sure that that elbow stays in your anchor and your left elbow is kind of in to your side it doesn't need to be into your hip bone but into your side so it's more stable at 3 o'clock I'm going to apply pressure on the inside and outside and slowly bring those fingertips up to the top when I reach the top I don't want to go off the top I want to come to the top slowly let go by bringing your fingertips out you're gonna repeat this three times so again I'm putting some water on my sponge this is important to make sure that you do before you pull the wall each time I mean my fingers applying pressure each time you do this step your pot should get taller you're going medium speed for this step remember the first three steps before this you're going full-speed now you're slowing your wheel down to medium speed so I have one more pool that I'm gonna do usually your pots are a little bit thicker at the bottom so I'm going to try to play a little bit more pressure here and a little less pressure here and again my goal is to make this pot taller each time I do this we're bringing it straight up to the ceiling we don't want to have any bowls at this point and have a nice cylinder shape so I've done my three pulls I'm going to squeeze my sponge out and they will be water sitting on the inside of your pot you want to get that water out we don't want any standing water in our pots squeeze that out and then clean up your pot just kind of get that extra slip off if you have extra slip down here on the wheel get that off get the slip off your hands and then while we're learning we're not gonna save any of these pots we're gonna clean it all off so it should look like this then you're gonna take your wire tool I kind of wrap it around my finger like so make sure it's nice and tight then I'm going to take this and cut it down the center wiggling it a little bit so it goes all the way down to the wheel head pulling it back towards my body and taking that half off now what we're looking for this allows us to kind of assess how we through what we're looking for here is that we have even walls and you can see I could have applied a little bit more pressure here to get this to be more even and we're also looking that we have this 90 degree angle what this step allows is for you to visually see where you need to make adjustments next time so next time I know I need to work on my 90 degree angle and apply a little bit more pressure on the bottom so I have nice even walls when you're done assessing that take your wire tool cut it off lay it up on the table take this wooden tool the wooden knife get rid of that clay at this point if you did a good job drying your pot off before you cut it in half this should all be clean and dry and your pan should be dry and then you can get your next ball of clay and try again it's really important while you're learning to throw that you only try to pull the walls three times and then move on and then move on a lot of times beginning students will just keep messing with it messing with it and messing with it and they spend 40 minutes trying to fix or mess around with one pot and that's really you're losing the opportunity and the time to just keep practicing and practicing so I want you to pull the wall three times clean it off cut it in half and start over so your goal within a class birdie period and 85 minute cost rate is to hopefully get through maybe five balls of just practicing and if you do it this way you will learn how to throw better and faster in a shorter amount of time so there you go practice throwing your cylinders remember to re-watch this video after you practice every time after you practice to really study all the different moves as you practice parts of this video will make more sense once you get your hands in the plate all right thanks guys
Channel: Dara Green
Views: 65,617
Rating: 4.9320002 out of 5
Keywords: throwing, pottery, central academy throwing, throwing a cylinder, pulling a wall of a pot
Id: FrEXf4U0tNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2015
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