HELP!! (for when you suck at Linux) // Linux for Hackers // EP3

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oh i need some help do you ever get that feeling when working with linux yeah all the time right now don't get me wrong linux is amazing but sometimes it's a bit of a beast isn't it like it's complex especially if you're just starting to use it all these commands you have to know all the different switches and ways you can use them help so that's what we're doing in this video when you're in the terminal when you're in the ceo line you're like i don't know what i'm doing how do you get help it's actually pretty cool and it's right there in the terminal i'll show you anyways yeah let's do it right now [Music] welcome to linux for hackers and everyone because everyone needs to learn linux right this is episode three and we're gonna cover quite a bit it's gonna be a fun one trust me there are three main things we're gonna cover in this video first i mean we're gonna get some help right i'll show you how to use a linux terminal to get help with any command you're using that way you don't feel so lost and stupid because i i feel that way all the time and this is a great way to kind of help that feeling it never really goes away but it does help it we're also going to take some time and get to know our linux terminal a bit better learn a bit more about them and third you know you know we're going to be learning some new commands today commands that will help us learn more about the linux system we're using yes are you ready like i've already had like 15 cups of coffee i'm ready how about you what are you drinking today i don't care get some coffee and let's do this now along with coffee to do this you'll also need some linux do you have linux let me give you some here's some free linux right now thanks to my sponsor hack the box academy you're getting access to a free linux lab right now to follow along and have fun while we're having fun yeah we're going to use their platform as a free linux playground just to go crazy so yeah click the link below get started and no time to waste coffee in hand linux launched let's do this right now now first as always we're going to spin up our free linux lab from hack the box academy i'm just going to search for that because i never remember the url but you got the link below so go ahead and click that and once you're logged in launch that lab and if you have no idea what i'm talking about that's okay go back to episode one i walk everyone through how to set this amazing lab up and once you're there watch episode two and then come back and watch episode three anyways let's keep going now first let's talk about mr terminal now we've gotten to know mr terminal pretty pretty well so far in the series we've used him a lot to do some cool things let's go ahead launch him he's the green almost yellow i'm not sure colorblind thing up here launch that so again you're no stranger you know him pretty well but you can always get to know someone better so let's do that a few things to know about mr terminal here real quick now first is that he's actually not a terminal he's a terminal emulator he's just pretending which begs the question what's a terminal what's this and it's kind of cool i want one i actually looked on ebay to go find some and i might get one this right here is an old-school terminal it's what you would use to interact with the computer the vt100 and when you see this and you think terminal i want you to think the keyboard the screen the monitor the physical things you're using to interact with the computer that's what that is and that's what they had to use back then right so now we don't have to use that thing goodness we have a terminal emulator a nice pretty gui window that pretends to be the physical keyboard and monitor now the terminal has one job to give us access to things like this our commands the things we use to interact with our operating system now that's a key point here and this is something that most people don't understand the commands and things we we use to interact with the computer that's not the terminal no no no that is the shell the shell is the user interface we use to interact with the operating system the linux kernel the terminal or the terminal emulator is what we use to interact with the shell again just kind of picturing the terminal emulator as being a physical device keyboard and monitor and the shell is our ui now there are different shells the one we're using right now is called bash you've probably heard of that right bash or born against shell it is by far the most common shell you'll see but real quick how do you know what shell you're using let's find out new command time are you ready came faster than you thought right let's do this now like everything there's more than one way to find out what shell you're using but the way we're going to find out right now is with the ps command ps stands for process status and it will simply list the processes running in your linux box and tell you what's up what's the status let's try it out ps is all you need enter boom right there we can see that one of our processes is indeed bash now others you might see will be zsh fish bat dog giraffe and i may have made a few of those up now one that you may not expect to be here right here in our phone box that blue icon go and click on that is that blue again i'm colorblind i'm not sure click on that this particular shell is powershell now why that's special is because powershell is windows microsoft what many might refer to as the opposite of linux which it's not really the case anymore but powershell runs on linux it's a shell it's a way of interacting with linux if i use that same command as before ps look at my process here instead of bash it's push pwsh which obviously stands for powershell now just a couple more get to know you things about mr terminal here now first what do you call mr terminal so you don't get made fun of in front of the other linux gurus well the answer is you can call them whatever you want people say the terminal bash the shell console even they use all these terms interchangeably when you launch this terminal emulator and you start typing away so feel free to use any of those but if you want to be super fancy and nerdy say actually sir this is the terminal emulator and we're using the bash shell so anyways if you want to be cool i'm not sure if that makes you cool in my book it does now last get to know your thing real quick when you launch the shell you'll notice that you already have some stuff there stuff you didn't put there what does all that mean this right here your user account who you are you'll normally see the ad symbol like we have here and then the host name of the linux server you're using or linux machine whatever it is and then you normally have right after that where you are in the file system what directory you're working in it tells you the same thing as if you typed in pwt or pwd to see where you are now you don't commonly see all this mess over here and it's not mess it's really cool i think that was custom from hack the box but right here is what you'll commonly see when you launch a shell a terminal bash i never know what to call it your username at the host name and where you are and then one more last thing you'll see right here before you start tapping in commands you have a dollar sign what the junk does that mean it means you are a user it means you're logged in as a user on the system and you may be thinking chuck isn't that always the case aren't you always logged in as a user yeah but sometimes you log in as the root user and with that he's always special right when your login is root it's going to have a pound sign there instead now you can't demonstrate that right now on the machine because you don't have rights to log in as you uh the root but i'll show you what it looks like real quick on one of my boxes here if i switch users to the root bam pound sign or hashtag however you want to look at it because it is important to know that you're logged in as the root whenever you're doing things it's a handy reminder because you do have godlike power at that point you got to be careful now i feel like you and mr terminal shell bash whatever you want to call them are getting along pretty well you know a lot about them now but the whole point of getting to know the shell is so you can really get to know the linux operating system so let's do that so here we go this is going to be quick get your coffee buckle your seat belts new command time new commands time we're gonna use a ton of them right now to get to know our os are you ready let's do this first can i see your id sir type in id id tells you all about you host name tells you the host name you name seemingly tells you almost nothing just says linux but it tells you a lot if you use other stuff with it it's cool ifconfig network stuff ip more network stuff and lots of options netstat the status of your network ss session stuff ps process stuff we already covered that who kind of the brother command of who am i but it tells you who else is logged into the system env environment variables we'll cover that later lsblk list blocks hard drive stuff lsusb are there any usbs plugged in no lsof this will list all the open files a lot okay did you get all that no of course you didn't i went too fast i went too fast because i want you to think i need help and right now i'm going to show you how to get that help so i quickly went through a lot of commands without really giving too much detail on those commands and let's be honest even if i gave you every detail about these commands you'd forget it all by next week right at least i would you're probably smarter than i am but anyways if you're like me you might need some help to remember all the stuff you have to remember which is almost impossible how do we do that to get help with pretty much any command out there we're going to consult the man the command is literally man oh man and then the command you're curious about let's say that you name command earlier we saw you name what the junk is that if we do that whoo we get a detailed manual of what the junk this command is uh description all these switches how to use it it's awesome right here built into linux i mean i can keep going here like it's just it's long and i'll hit q to jump out of there to quit so whenever you need help with any command just consult the man man ls man ip man ip anyways mature now there is another way to do this and it's it's a little bit cooler i think um let me clear my screen here with most commands you can do this and i'll use that same command as earlier you name if you're sitting here and you typed it out you're like huh what do i do now i forgot well you can ask for help right here you can either do dash h for help most commands will have that and if they don't have that they'll have dash dash help you can usually use either of those and when you do that you get some help now what's cool about this is it doesn't give you a full printed out novel right i mean sometimes you might want the novel to learn about it but sometimes you might just want to know hey what are the switches i can use for this command how do i use this and that's what this gives you now one more really super handy thing is what if you don't know what command you need to use like you have an idea of what you want to do but you don't remember the command there's a command for that just hopefully you don't forget this command because then you're you're screwed the command is apropos or a propos how i mentally construct that word every time i see it you simply type this in and you type in what you kind of want to do like maybe you're thinking man i really want to find out what's plugged into my computer usb i forgot what the command was to list that stuff let me just search for usb and my commands bam that's pretty cool right it'll do a keyword search through the commands and the documentation and say oh well here's all the usb stuff and right there at the top ls usb perfect let's say again like maybe i want to do some compression stuff i don't know so i'll do apropos i propose compress and i'll see what i can find and a bunch of stuff that will help me with file compression so i'm going to go ahead and stop the video right here i could go into more detail about these commands i showed you and everything but no no i want you to do that consult the man get into the man page the manual and find out about these commands yourself use the dash dash help dash h practice these commands and learn how to use them for yourself that's like really the biggest thing you learn in linux is how to learn for yourself you will always encounter tools or commands or whatever that you don't know how to use it's going to happen it'll happen less as you deal with linux more but it's still going to happen so you need to know how to get help so practice that right now that's your homework and also here on hack the box academy they're going to give you a nice fun quiz to test your knowledge and it's it's a toughy you're going to have to consult the man you're going to have to get some help so i'm going to jump in there and show you what it looks like real quick they'll give you more information about the commands we listed don't cheat though don't look at that it doesn't give you too much on it but scroll down to the bottom here and they got some questions if you get these questions right you'll earn back some cubes don't know what cubes are we'll go watch episode one i explained it there anyways see what you got and if you need help that's fine comment below we'll get you some help anyways give this a solid try and let me know what you think in the comments below anyways that's all i have today guys now i will still have a challenge a quiz for you to take extra above and beyond what you see here the first person who scores a 100 on that quiz i'll give you some free coffee you need it and again a huge massive super shout out to the sponsor of this video and this entire series hack the box academy you can sign up for the linux foundation's course for free right now link below and use that lab to follow along with this video series not to mention they have a ton just a ton of other stuff you can go through to prepare yourself for hacking this is their learn how to hack platform so you can graduate to their hack the box platform where you actually hack so show them some love get signed up and um speaking of hacking have you hacked the youtube algorithm today like have you make sure you like this video hit the subscribe button notification bell comment below let's hack youtube today ethically of course but yeah that's all i got i'll catch you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 326,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux for hackers, linux, learn linux, linux for hackers ep3, linux for everyone, linux tutorial, man page linux, linux help, linux terminal, linux commands, hackthebox, hack the box academy, hackthebox acadmey, hack the box academy linux fundamentals, hacking, kali linux, ethical hacker, linux tutorial for beginners, linux for hacking, how to hack, linux tutorials point, parrot os, ethical hacking, gnu/linux, linux course, free linux course
Id: Y17KTiJLcyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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