EVERYTHING you need to know before you play Nightingale

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hey guys welcome back to the channel and if you're new here let me be the first to say welcome to the darkness my name is Stevie and I have been lucky enough to be a part of multiple play tests for nightingale um over the past year and was also extra lucky to get early access to the Creator play test that happened last week so I recorded some footage for you guys it's going to be a very long video so buckle in if you want to learn everything I've learned about how to play this game from my previous experience stay tuned let's dive into the Realms and I'll see you guys on the flip side okay let's take a look at our map real quick I am currently on my abeyance realm so after you finish the tutorial you're going to get the choice between a forest a desert or a swamp biome and it's going to automatically make that biome an abeyance realm abeyance is basically your home base you're going to you you can build um anywhere any realm that you create you can build on but you want to for the purpose of like forwarding the story you want to build your base and put your estate can in your abeyance realm that is going to be where you progress the game by unlocking all of the different sites of power and it's also a safe-ish realm you still have mobs that'll attack you but it's a safe-ish realm for you to figure out the game start Gathering your resources and personally it's where I prefer to keep all of my cra cters that I need so I consider my abeyance realm home base you can move this at a later time so if you pick the desert and then you realize you don't want to deal with being overheated all the time you can just make a new abeyance card and a new biome card eventually once you have access to portals and move so there's no there it's not you don't have to stress about the decision early on when you're doing the tutorials because you can change it anytime and if you want to after you finished the sights of power you can scrap the abayance Realms all together and you can build your base on one of the most dangerous Realms that you can find so you can play this game however you want these are just my suggestions on how to progress the story in like the Least Complicated way possible okay so I zoomed in here you can see there's a lot going on close to here I decided to put my base next to what I knew would be the first sight of power just because there's an Essence Trader here there's um an NPC here that I need for a quest later in the game so I just figured it'd be easy to to start here um and then you can see I've already built some portals so those are showing up on the map as portals as well um any place that you put your estate K and set as a respit will show up on your map as your respit point you only have one respit point throughout all of the Realms so you can build builds a ton of estate canons but you can only have one as a respit point and this will be when you where you respawn when you die um the place that you gain Hope just by being near it so your respit is home base um if you sorry I'm trying to gather my thoughts here if you build an estate Ken on another realm and set that new estate Karen as your respit point you might lose access to anything that's on the realm that your previous K was built on if that makes sense so unless you have a direct portal to walk through to come back to this realm don't create a new respit point because you will lose everything on this realm I like to consider my respit point I I don't move it unless I'm fully ready to pack everything up and leave um I don't build multiple estate KS I just teleport back home to unload my inventory or to get you know refill my hope or rest I don't do that much building when I'm out across in other Realms I like to just have one home base and travel from there but that's personal preference play however you want to play on your abeyance realm you will as you level up and as you discover and uncover the realm you will discover the sights of power so I like to think of the sights of power basically as my my guiding my my guiding lay line throughout this game so the game starts you off leveling yourself up so that you can defeat the boss in the antiquarian sight of power and that unlocks you your recipe to be able to craft your own antiquarian cards you can go to an antiquarian realm and you can use one of the biome cards so you can go to a forest a swamp or a desert and you can use that with the antiquarian realm card hard to explore other Realms hold on am I getting attacked right now oh no that's just the shadow look how beautiful night is falling I have to say one thing I love about this game is just how Dynamic the entire world is like we can see the sun setting with just from the perspective of the Shadows of the things that were standing nearby that is so beautiful let's just take a second and appreciate how beautiful this game is okay anyways oh also by the way I'm turning the HUD on and off with F4 and switching between third person and first person with F5 just some little tips there okay what were we talking about we were looking at our map talking about the sights of power so I personally like to go in order that the game gives you with your quests basically so you start with the antiquarian card that you unlock at the antiquarian sight of power I personally like to visit all three of the biomes with that antiquarian realm card so that I can unlock all of the possible schematics and complete all of the Fay points of interests on those three Realms and then then I'll try to unlock the next site of power in in this case the herbarium would be the next sight of power in in order of the progress the game wants you to follow so I could go and mess around in the herbarium Realms but I want to finish uncovering everything in the antiquarian Realms first I found that that's just best for me because there are certain recipes that you need for progression that you won't find unless you visited all of these antiquarian Realms first so the essence traders that you'll find across the Realms kind of follow a specific progression throughout the game so if you skip ahead too quickly or if I go to the herbarium site of power or visit an herbarium realm to early I might not be able to do things until I've gone back and found a specific schematic or recipe from one of these antiquarian Essence Traders so let's make sure I've uncovered everything I think we still need to go back to a desert to finish so let's do that and I'll show you guys what I mean we're going to I think we have the portal built already let's see antiquarian swamp antiquarian desert okay let's open this realm card machine and reopen this portal another little side Pro tip if you hold e on the realm card machine you can rename it and that's how I've named it based on what cards I know are already in there so if you open the card machine it doesn't show you what you've already put in it that's why it's really important when you put the cards in to go take a second and name your portal so that you don't lose track of what portal goes where I'm the kind of person that likes to keep all of my portals up and active so I can access any of my Realms at least for the first like probably the the first few like levels of gam play I like to be able to go back so I have a thousand portals on my plot before I'm done with this game and so it's really important to keep them named and organized all right let's see this baby's going to open up soon beautiful let's go okay now before we exit the portal it does pop up and remind us where we are so we do get to see what cards have been played what realm we're about to enter it gives us a quick overview of what antiquarian means what desert means and then what factions are known to be present on this realm as you get deeper in the game you'll notice there are different groups of uh Fay and humans and other creatures that do have factions across the Realms so this is important when you get deeper into the lore and maybe start doing some quests that are in between you know interacting between the factions but in the beginning of the game that's not super important um the other information we get from this page is the realm power so you can see we played a card with a power of 20 and then a card with a power of zero and through the algorithm and math of this game that equals a realm power of seven so we know most of the creatures are going to be around level seven we have to be gear score of sevenish to be successful here so we're going to be kind of op I don't know if you remember but we're rocking like a level 40 right now so we'll be totally fine here um we spit out at an existing portal and now let's take a look at our map so this is these pois are uncovered and showing up on the map because I've already completed the Fay Tower but it looks like I haven't actually completed any of the best deals quite yet so we do still have a lot to do on this map um typically when I first load into a to a realm for the first time the only icons that you're going to see on this map are for the Fay Tower and then maybe for one of the fa um creatures so typically each realm will have one or more fabled creatures that drop like a special kind of loot that's kind of higher powerered so you'll be able to track them with this icon on the map but typically you'll see maybe that and then the Fay Tower the first thing you want to do when you go to any new realm is complete the Fay Tower so that you can uncover this map so in this case we've already done it so we can skip that let's go and talk about some of the different basal and how to solve them so first off we've got the basle of intellect this is one of my favorite things about this game it's a fay puzzle let's go to this one and solve it and I'll show you guys what I mean oh I guess I should tell you too you notice how I did that ping really quickly so that I could see where I'm going um anywhere that you right click on the map you can use a world Beacon which is something that you will will [Music] see um in front of you when you're running in the world see I can see that Top Hat over there now um there's also stamps that you can use I like to use these to Mark where um structures are th I honestly the one that I the only one I really use is the ore one if I see some ore that I want to come back to harvest later when my tools are upgraded I'll put an ore map stamp somewhere so I know to come back for some of the higher-end ore but that's just an aside don't forget that you can put beacons and pings and stamps down on Realms and this information these pings and these Stamps will be saved on this realm as long as it's open so if you leave if you have to go home and log out and come back in a couple of days as long as you still have access to this realm these stamps and these beacons will be here until you remove them okay we're coming up on this bastile of intellect so we can see we have this Essence core right here that is locked I can't do anything with this here it's protected by Fame magic but we have these mechanisms see that lighting up there now this is kind of a complicated one for me to be showing you first there's some in the earlier Realms that are way easier to understand but good let's let's talk about this complicated one ooh okay so we need to find all of the mechanisms and I see I see one right there I see one right here and we know we have the one at the front so we're going to listen to these sounds and see how many there are it just turned red so I know that that was the end of a sequence so there's one there's two there's three and then it turned red so it's only those three so this functions like a Simon says so I want to hear the pattern and then activate the mechanisms in order that they went off that one and then the one in the back is three perfect now if these were on the ground I could just walk up to them and activate the mechanism but since they're not I'm going to use my sling bow to activate them in the correct order and now that we've done that we should see the puzzle core unlocked and we can get this Essence bundle so there's a hope Echo here sometimes these will also unlock new recipes new schematics for you to do sometimes they will unlock um a favor that you can you that you'll be granted by the Fay um and sometimes it's just a ton of essence so in that case we got eight tier one Essence and look at this if we look on our map now it will show oh I'm too close to it okay let's walk away from it if we look on our map now it'll show that this best seal of intellect has been completed so I load into a world I complete the Fay Tower and then I just follow everything on the map and try to complete all of these basal so that I can get the most T1 Essence to go spend at the essence Trader before I move on to the next realm now there are other types of encounters on the maps besides just the Simon Says puzzles we also have um occupations so it's a similar thing let's run over to one of these and I'll show you how this works okay we're coming up on if we look at our map we can see the encounter that's right ahead of us here is an occupation counter and once we get within range we can see that the bound is spawning all we got to do here is kill these [Applause] boys no thoughts only slicing easy now it is a little bit more challenging you can see we're in the desert so we have this overheating debuff but that's good oh we killed them all anyways let's talk about this debuff real quick if I open my inventory I can Mouse over and see that I'm am scorching so being overheated in the desert my maximum stamina is reduced and I need to seek a more hospitable temperature so as you can see look at woo my Max stamina is usually in the 60s but because I'm overheated it's only 28 let's just I'm going to switch to my pickaxe and kill these mother truckers real quick I've noticed that specific enemies are vulnerable to [Applause] specific tools so I've noticed that the bugs the Scorpions The Bugs um anything made of metal weirdly is super susceptible to the mining pick So Pro tip when you're fighting the automatons in the sights of power bring a really beefy mining pick cuz that seems to do the most damage I've noticed okay anyways anyways now that we've killed all these bugs I still have this overheating debuff so I can either find natural shade in the world and you'll see my overheating will decrease and that middle line on the bar is when the debuff goes away so you can see once it reduced past that middle line the debuff went away and if I go back in the sun it starts gradually increasing and once it hits that that Middle Point that's when I'm going to get the debuff but if I can't find any natural shade in the desert um I can equip my umbrella and again remember if you watched the video about how to use the main hand and the offand the umbrella is equipped in my offhand and then I have to in my main hand make sure I'm equipping a one-handed weapon so I default to the knife for that okay so we finished that occupation let's release the Hope Echo and our prize is 8 T1 essence and our choice of one of these faay favors now there's the favor of power the favor of soaring and the favor of endurance my favorite is the favor of soaring so I'm just going to wait for it to cycle through to the favor of soaring again and then I'm going to collect it power and endurance are pretty self-explanatory at what you'll what you'll benefit but the favor of soaring that one might be pretty self-explanatory too we can jump and fly and we do not take fall damage as long as we have this favor active but as you can see I have that little icon here that says I have the favor of soaring this is going down I only have it for so much time and it will start to count down with a actual like numeric countdown where when you're getting close to the end so you know if you're midair when that thing counts down make sure you have an umbrella equipped to help you break your fall Okay so we've finished that occupation um let's see there's a ton of encounters over here so let's set a ping and I'll meet you guys over there just want to interrupt to say this is why I love the favor of soaring in the desert because I can just jump over mountains and you you can see here it's counting down I have about 25 seconds left of this uh favor so we were able to travel over this mountain range pretty quickly and perfect timing cuz we're here this is the cluster of encounters that I wanted to show you guys um so there's a bastial of agility now this is another one of my favorite kinds of Encounters in this game basically there's going to be either a structure that we need to climb up high or in this case we need to climb under the Earth to find the mechanism that once we get close enough to that mechanism that's it we unlocked that encounter and we can collect our reward so it's testing literally our agility how can we get to the mechanism but it seems like because there's a cluster of so many encounters here we're probably going to also have to fend off this occupation as well while we're down here oh and look at that we found some ore that I am not high enough level to farm yet so I'm just going to do myself a favor and put a little ore stamp here so that I remember to come back to this later all right let's go fight these guys and figure this out actually if we look at our our HUD before we delve too deep maybe we should build a bed and get some sleep let's make sure that we are well rested and can fight these guys without any issue oh they're coming I can hear him let's rest up let's eat something so that eating you can see increased our stamina and also filled our hunger bar and raised our Max health so you really want to be conscious of making sure that you're eating before you engage oh I think that's silver ore Sometimes the best deals of agility are as simple as just knowing what wall to chop down and it's really easy cuz you get close enough to it and you'll see a little mining pick yeah this was a really easy one but I'll take it just know when you see a bastial of agility sometimes you just need to look up look down look all over your surroundings all you have to do is find that mechanism all right let's see where this occupation is so we can clear these boys out too I hear them these cave systems with all of these encounters are fairly new in my experience of this game but I really like them can we jump down here maybe let's get our umbrella out oh we could have handled that fall all right let's get him oops accidentally paused my recording but as you can see we held No Quarter I'm going to hold e instead of having to pick everything up individually just hold e to pick everything up in the area and let's get our prize ooh a new realm card some infusions and a healing potion I'll take all of that another one of my little like life hacks in this game is to destroy every Fay chest because it breaks down into gilded Lumber and sometimes like some leather which gilded Lumber is just a pain in the butt to craft in my opinion because you have to put it through like three or four different crafting stations and this is later in the game I'm not even the point where I can use gilded lumber yet but that's just a little hack I like to destroy the Fay chests so that I can get all of that gilded Lumber um I think I can yep let's let's do some mining while we're here nice I'll take some copper okay so that was one occupation oh oh okay we just completed three occupations at once all right easy see if there's anything else down here and if not we'll move on we'll take that now this is not a chest I can destroy and you can see the the model of this chest is different this is a chest where if you're playing with your friends everyone will get this synchronous Lotus everyone will get access to this what's inside this chest the other chests are not unique if one person clears it out it's gone this one everyone can get their Lotus all right let's take our prize and get get out of here okay we've discussed the best deals of agility the best deals of intellect the occupations I want to go next to this basal of insight let's go take a look and see what this has in store for us okay we're coming up on this best deal of insight now these are these little face Sprites are so cute um I don't have a companion with me an NPC companion with me but for warned if you come up on one of these basals of insight with your NPC they will fight them um these little Fay sprinkles of light will not attack you but you can you can attack and kill them but typically what they'll do is they'll they'll take you on a little bit of a wild goose chase and land you on a glyph so we can see there's a glyph right here but before I examine this I just want to show you we've got the four corners of this containment structure and notice how some of the corners are kind of glowing like a little bit red let's see what happens when I uncover this glyph so did you see what happened over here this is a good way for you to know if you found all of the glyphs that you need to find to finish this puzzle so it looks like there are going to be four here cuz all four of these pillars are kind of glowing red I think I think so it looks like it so let's uncover this one obviously we'll know when we're done because the containment structure will open and give us the essence but these little things those little tricks in understanding how this works will help when you have some of the really complicated best deals of insight later game but yep that did it so it was only the three see how this yeah this pillar doesn't actually have anything on it so it was just the three pillars cool I think there's one more or there's two more encounters that I can show you um so we've got the aid and we've got defense let's go over here and we can talk about those two one thing to remember too just as I'm running across this map is all of the Realms are procedurally generated so nobody's Realms are going to be identical the environment will kind of look similar based on what cards you've played but the locations of the pois the locations of the mountains the structures and things like that will all be unique to your realm um and and you probably will never see two Realms duplicated in your entirety of playing this game that's one thing I really love about the span of this game I don't think people realize just how big this game is going to get right now we only have three biomes that's probably just possibly probably going to be changing in the future they're probably going to open this up to to other biomes and other um probably more factions in the future this is just me guessing I I don't have any information about whether that's the case but the potential of this game is infinite and I think some people are used to procedurally generated games in the past um feeling like the same flavor over and over again but there really is an infinite possibility of variety depending on what cards you're going to play because not only do we have the biomes and and the the major realm cards but we also have all of these other um minor realm cards that we can use to change our environment and I haven't even really messed with these yet but those not only change the physics of the world the stats of the world that you're in they also aesthetically change like the colors and maybe eventually even Seasons who knows but it's the potential is huge and I'm so excited to keep discovering uh what's possible in this game just to give you guys a little without without going into detail about my play test experience because I can't go into detail with that with you guys um but just to give you a little bit of an Insight I have over 200 hours in this game between all of the play tests and I still have things that I've Just Seen maybe 1% of that I know once I can actually in invest in a character in this game um and have it save over time cuz obviously with the play test that character is gone but you know all we have to start from scratch at the beginning um but there are some things I have seen glimpses of in 200 hours that I still haven't yet haven't yet experienced that I am so excited to get into so this game is huge is is what I'm trying to say this game's huge okay we are at our ping so let take it off the map let's look at the aid first because I'm going to be honest I'm not a fan of the defense uh pois so let's take a look at Aid first now this is how we get our NPC followers so we're going to talk to Amanda here uh she needs help completing a structure Let's help her complete the structure and get a reward okay uh we go up to her blueprint and see what we need here's another little aside too while we're here you can just tap e to automatically add the resources from your inventory but if you remember we have some higher end things that we've scavenged from chests we have carved wood we have gilded Lumber I don't want to accidentally put something higher tier in something like this so I personally am always in the habit holding e for more option and then just being able to select the resources from my inventory so luckily I don't think that there was anything we could have accidentally put in uh to this structure well you know what actually there is we have one piece of advanced bound uh fiber that uh spoiler alert you will need for a quest later and these are kind of hard to get you can't exactly like easily Farm These so if I had accidentally put this into this structure I would have been bummed about it but we can put our plant fiber and this bound bristle I feel like I get enough of that I can put that in but that's my little tip uh don't just automatically add resources always select them from your own inventory so that you don't accidentally use something that's really high tier all right now this one's going to be kind of a pain in the butt because she wants 38 wood bundles and uh bestie we're in a desert where are we going to get this wood so I'm going to putts around and see if I can complete this and I'll see you guys after the jump okay I'm not too far off from where that actual um Aid encounter is and I just wanted to show you guys real quick there might not be any trees around here but there are some structures do you see these crates here with the axe so I can destroy those for some wood bundles and make this oh hello oh maybe this isn't destructible I thought it was maybe just that other one was oh here we go so we've got 13 wood bundles already so we might we we'll be able to finish this it just it's going to take a little bit of uh creative thinking okay I'm nice and encumbered because I have 36 bundles of wood on me let's uh let's see if it's enough to finish the structure for Amanda here oh I think we'll have just enough nice step back to complete the structure and now you can see over her head it says recruitable and this magic chest unlocked here ooh thank you now these magic chests are really cool every player in your party can take from it so after y'all complete one of these um encounters together everyone gets their chance to take something from the magic chest um let's see if Amanda wants to help us with our uh with our questing here so we recruited her we can manage her inventory oh she's got a sick hat how come I can't see her hat now we could um swap clothes with her if we wanted to so could wear her clothes we could give her better gear um I think my gear is better though so I'm just going to I'm going to leave everything as it is and if we get better gear we can give her our old gear to beef her up a little bit but that's kind of cool druidic Bonnet oo I'm going to have to see if I can find one of those all right so we've got her help now what should we do next o let's go take a look at this what is this this magical tree over here is this an ore this is an ore okay two level 230 I don't think I'm going to be able to see this during this play test so we're just going to say wow that's pretty and move on let's head over to the next encounter I wanted to show y'all which is where are we this defense let's set a ping so we know where we're going so the defense encounters are to be honest not going to lie to you guys they're my least favorite ones I don't know if I'm even going to be able to complete this here with y'all um I have a really hard time with them but if you're in a party and you guys can defend really well they're not too bad but me doing these solo with just the NPCs I have a hard time personally so we'll see how it goes um so we see we have a couple of humans here we have The Druids we have Jess and we have Jane let's talk to Jane So a hope Echo is locked within a face structure survivors need your Aid in defending an extraction device that will unlock the Hope Echo protect the extraction device until all waves are defeated for a reward so we basically want to keep this device from being destroyed and there are going to be hordes of the bound coming to try to destroy it and we just need to like that we just need to kill all these mother truckers before they can destroy the device what like it's hard okay let's let's wait for the second wave what direction are they coming from oh here they woo try to get those head shot with the axe that's usually my favorite way to take these guys out all right not too bad I stepped in a trap there which was a little bit of an oopsie but we're okay this is also a trap the closer you get it lights up if you walk over it it explodes on you just so you know let's do a little example there worth it to show you guys but ouch yeah I I like to try and aim for oh no can we build it we can rebuild it okay okay so this is why I hate these as you can see the extraction device was destroyed which means we have to start over um yeah so like your weapons and the NPC weapons can damage the device so it's really easy to destroy it it's just I prefer doing it with a group of player characters um because I feel like we can lead the Bound Away from the device and it's just a little bit easier to complete um probably would have been easier for me to solo if I had actually spent the time to build these barricades to keep the bound from getting too close to the device but I think we'll be okay oh here comes a guy we are kind of overpowered for this realm so we're one-shotting them with the axe right now but I'm not going to complain about that oh Amanda all right well as you can see Amanda destroyed the the device because she was a little too close to it and I don't have the wood on me to fix to finish repairing it um the great thing about this game is if you don't like an encounter you don't have to do it uh so I'm going to tap out on this one like I said I don't mind doing those with a party of players with friends playing with me I'm not a fan of doing them with the NPCs but that's okay cuz I don't have to do them we can go do a different encounter and get our Essence that way um so but I just wanted to give it an attempt so I could show you how it worked and what to do uh but I'm I'm not going to sit here and do this again wow look how beautiful this statue is that's one thing I love so even though the worlds are procedurally generated there are handcrafted pois but there's so many that it really you really don't see too many repeats um there's just so much Variety in this world and I do really love that all right let's take a look at our map I think I've showed you all of the different types of encounters that you'll see across the Realms um they'll all be decorated differently but the mechanics of how they work is essentially the same um so let's see do we have enough Essence to go visit a Trader we have 72 we can do some shopping so let's look for the essence Trader which is this little ticket icon we're going to go visit him and see what we can buy to help us Advance the story along again just to repeat myself what I like to do oh see now you can hear the bound spawning in we're just going to run away what I like to do when I first visit a realm I unlock the Fay Tower try to do as many of those encounters as possible to get as much of the whatever tier Essence I'm looking for and then I try to clean out the essence Trader the essence Traders are basically how you get uh crafting recipes for workstations that you'll need to make better gear to move through the game so remember early when I said I like to visit all of the antiquarian Realms before I move on to the herbarium that's why I like to unlock all of the schematics for all of the crafting tables that I'm going to need so that I can build gear strong enough to help me get to the herbarium realm um so that's that's the gameplay Loop that I follow that's what I think people are going to find to be the easiest to uncover everything that you need to uncover in this game cuz there is so much to this game that it can seem a little overwhelming there's so many Realms that you have access to immediately um so I find that just sticking to the one major card sticking to the antiquarian Realms and then once you unlock the your barium just do as much as you can in all of the different combinations that you can before you move on to the next card um okay I'm going to pause the recording and get to that top hat and then I'll talk to you guys after the jump okay we have slept through the night we ran across the desert we are here at this Essence Trader I think I might have already cleaned this guy out actually yeah sure looks like I did but still that's what you want to do you want to clean out the the essence Trader before you leave the realm or just buy as many of the crafting recipes that you can because these things are what you need to get further in the game so if you ever feel like you're stuck and can't do something just visit all of the Realms that you already have access to and make sure that you have purchased everything from the essence Traders because that is going to be a guarantee every time I've been stuck in this game that is what has made me go oh I forgot to buy this crafting station cuz I didn't have the essence at the time so that's my biggest tip for you when you feel stuck go back and make sure that you've cleaned out the essence Traders so we can since we're done here I don't think there's another Essence Trader on the map sometimes there are more than one but I think I only saw one little ticket icon on this one so if we're done here for now what we can do is just travel to rest bit we can always come back here later CU we're going to keep that portal up on our abeyance realm we still have a portal to this realm so we're going to use our pocket watch to travel back home and then we can we can keep on searching as I'm waiting to be transported back to my uh respit realm I just want to say oh my gosh this game is so beautiful we just got to appreciate how gorgeous it is okay teleporting back home I think that's all I wanted to go over with for this video video it was a lot so if you have any other questions or need tips on anything else please feel free to let me know in the comments like I said I have been playing this game for a long time already and I'm going to be playing it for a lot longer still um so if you if you want to talk about it I am the person to come to I cannot shut up about this game it is so beautiful I love the lore behind it um I I don't know I'm just I'm just talking now to talk because I just can't shut up about this game so let me know in the comments what else you'd want to see from me about night Andale if you have any other questions about anything that we talked about in this video maybe do I need to go into something in more detail and make another video just about one specific aspect that we covered today let's talk about it in the comments how are you liking this game I want to hear everything good bad the ugly the beautiful let me know um thank you so much for watching if you've made it this far oh my God thank you so much for watching uh if you want to see more from me don't forget to subscribe like this video so you see more from me and I'll see you guys next time [Music] bye
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Keywords: nightingale game, new nightingale game release date, nightingale early access, nightingale gameplay, play nightingale, how do portals work nightingale, how to solve bastille of intellect, how to solve nightingale puzzle, how to unlock puzzle core nightingale, how to play nightingale, base building in nightingale, survival games 2024, nightingale preview, fae encounters nightingale, how to ping nightingale, nightingale steam, nightingale crafting, nightingale tips
Id: 5f73ZrdjxEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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