Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 15, Episode 6 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen Danny was less than impressed with her team's newest member Hassan I need you to do this take a back seat not taking constructive criticism but you're not what to do is talk to me like that I said whatever the [ __ ] I really yeah really but the following morning in the holiday platter challenge screw the competition I'm going with these ladies Hassan scored big points for his new team with his Cinco DeMayo so pay it's all my favorite thing awesome welcome to the red team while the blue team weren't hurt by Allen solos compile which was no bueno I'm not too sure the authenticity of the Cinco de Mayo and Kevin's Mardi Gras inspired jambalaya the rice is undercooked is that whether the point these two misses by the blue team made it a lot easier for the red team to score a victory graduation red team and dinner service it was family night in and while the red team was a dysfunctional mess let's take off the mistake off the mistake nobody's on the same page over in the blue kitchen where are the scars Kevin was a problem child [ __ ] is going on in here and Chef Ramsay was not happy with just a timeout new arrangement off jetpack [ __ ] over and so in the middle of service Kevin was kicked out of Hell's Kitchen for good unfortunately 913 really recovered rule fish lazy get out get out embarrassing tonight in the door Ashley had Jackie's back I can't justify putting her up because of her girl from the past few days but in front of Chef Ramsay Ashley we can see it was more like a knife to the back Amanda and Jackie shot despite Ashley's preference the majority of the red team nominated command and Kristen and the blue team nominated talent along with Joe but it was Allen who said goodbye to his dream of becoming head chef at BLT Steak at Bally's in Las Vegas as for the red team Kristen was spared back at nine and manda who are now in the blue team was reassigned I'm just so happy to be on the blue team every single person I'll ever it seems batshit crazy get out of it [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen Ashlee definitely showed her true colors today to face and both phases is ugly so she's not really [ __ ] on that deal Ashlee why are you so full of [ __ ] [ __ ] if you said chef Ashley so weak except I would have sat there like with my mouth shut did you or did you not say that I was better than Kristen Amanda and a lot of people you are for to fake I do not give a [ __ ] like you feel obviously I just don't like two-faced fake-ass [ __ ] with fake ass titties who gives a [ __ ] if I have fake boobs you're fake you shut the [ __ ] up dude you know what I should be doing breaking your [ __ ] face right now you know you should have watched like how to cook videos we came here are you upset go firing your own little girlie just stop talking Jackie you could never run a kitchen honey never in a million [ __ ] years Oh scared ass [ __ ] Oh chef ramsay junkies the Whitaker's [ __ ] out of my face Dorn the signature dish I beat this [ __ ] I beat that [ __ ] I beat that [ __ ] I tied you fluffy headed ass we're not turning it to that you're blue now my prayers have been answered ain't no chance in hell you're getting me back on that team oh no [ __ ] donkeys over there ah [ __ ] donkeys yo nobody shouldn't you talk to you that way alright never [ __ ] disrespect somebody like that it's a competition we're not here to be friends but you can't talk to somebody like that go ahead and be a [ __ ] bully and [ __ ] but at the end of the day I'm gonna be here long after you I'm here for you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after a night of high drama hello I need everyone to get dressed and get outside an early morning wake-up call has the chefs off and running [Music] let's go guys let's go [Music] line up right good morning sometimes when I need inspiration I take a trip down to local market there's nothing more inspiring than fresh ingredients right yesterday's challenge I'm giving all of you the opportunity to cook with whatever fresh ingredients you want how good is that sound a chef's dream right yes as a team you'll be gathering ingredients but you will not be shopping in there you'll be shopping out here Marino boo boo yes chef boo buddy bar I'm the armoire baby boo buddy what we're waiting for Maria bring out the rest of the cast [Music] there's a lot of scramble the letters out there looks like alphabet soup in the [ __ ] parking lot of that grocery store today as a team you're all gonna be spelling out the names of ingredients that you wish to work with everybody on your team will be using the same ingredients for their individual dish your ten minutes starts now good luck in the first part of today's challenge each team's teamwork communication and judgment will be tested as they will have just ten minutes to correctly spell the six ingredients that they all must later use to create their own individual dishes [Music] right what are you guys get next we're dying for us we need to well let's just do while the red team seems to be s out of luck - is the guy off why the blue team seems to be having no problems getting the letters they need two more almost like a demolition derby moving on what are we doing le mo n to go I'm running my ass off almost passed out I sweated like three tit sizes down I'm like a b-cup now - one well done you sell ground applause well done Wow great array of ingredients however I would love you all to have some creative freedom when I say go you've all got 60 seconds to run into the grocery store and grab one amazing ingredient that will set your dish apart your one-minute starts now tomato my chef shoes are not really the best for a sprint but I immediately go for a bacon bacon makes everything better hurry up jack hurry up five four three two one time back at Hell's Kitchen each chef will have 30 minutes to create a unique dish using the six ingredients they spelled out as a team two minutes and Counting let's go plus the one special ingredient they selected to elevate and set their dish apart or board I'm just gonna keep it nice and simple still tomato salad with some fennel tomatoes really you have everything in the [ __ ] grocery store you go for tomatoes we're all kind of looking at Amanda like this is your time to shine and I'm already nervous you all using the same type of rice no no I got basmati down I'm doing black rice I'm gonna take a risk and go for the black rice even though I know it's a long cook time pairs really well with salmon I feel like I can make it work just over ten minutes to go coming out hurt hurt watch this halibut guys somebody who's halibut if it watch it mine Hoss this is like kind of burning right here you got to figure something out real fast I got to get out of a situation and I know I can fix it I know come back I think I'm gonna cut the end off you're at a point right now you got to make it the best you can Jackie come on you need to figure your [ __ ] out cuz you're obviously all over the [ __ ] place 60 seconds to go come on blue team guys how are we looking we should be plating bad I'm stopped well done guys I have a lot riding on this dish please let me feel like I need to prove myself to these guys okay listen Kathy today I'll be judging each dish on a scale of 1 to 5 clearly the team with the most points at the end wins the challenge let's begin with the blue team Chad bring your seminar describe the dish please poach salmon you've got the black rice finished with parsnip puree and then the grapefruit fennel mignonette on top of the salmon purees delicious chatter okay and the Salmons cooked perfectly rice it's undercooked I mean I feel like I'm getting Afghanistan with a mouthful of bullies I couldn't give you a free hi I'm just really disappointed stupid stupid mistake with Chad's misfire on the black rice all eyes are now on Eddie who will try and score big with his pan-seared salmon and white wine Swiss chard that Salmons cooked beautifully so that is a very strong for good job so happy I kind of wanted to give him a hug brother Thank You chef with a strong showing from Eddie Frank let's go it's Frank's turn to impress with his pan-seared salmon and brandy cream sauce Sam's caboose Lee however a bit too much cream there this is Trey Thank You Blue team so far ten now the pressure is on Jared with his salmon white rice and orange fennel salad someone's computer Thank You chef however rice is plain it's a three three out of five okay let's go your debut dish on the blue team what is that so I have a pan-seared salmon with a tomato fennel salad on top love the fennel and tomato salad that's a very solid four hell yeah we'll take this chick on our team good job Thank You chef I needed this little boost of confidence for myself and I need these girls over here to see what they just lost good job thank you so far the blue team have accumulated a respectable score but with one dish left to taste let's go Chuck the pressure is now on Joe to deliver for his team describe the dish please I have a pan-seared salmon with creamy leeks and char I mean it looks very simple but it delivers a delicious punch Joe that's a five yeah Joey that's how you're bringing a whole void in Joey yeah blue team 22 out of 30 some very very strong star red team you work cut out for you Jack let's go I'm confident on my dish I mean I know the fish did not come out the way I wanted but the way I plated it it looked beautiful that bit there it looks like a dog's chewed on it why is it like that what we done to it you know I like my dish is small I don't give a [ __ ] what you like where's your the piece of halibut I cut the end off I thought it was too big chef Jackie that looked like a halibut had been thrown on the road and seared with the grille of a car two out of five piss off after Jackie's poor showing Ariel is looking to make up ground with her pan-seared halibut and thinking back vinaigrette there's white wine to kinda add a sweet element to the dish that's five for five Ariel that's one of the most delicious dishes you've done so far this competition thank you so much chef Joe up next is Hassan with his halibut and andouille sausage hash the dish is missing one thing rosacea it's called a source this is at three out of five after Hassan's disappointing dish it's Kristen's turn to try and Wow Chef Ramsay with her almond and brown butter sauce beets a touch crunchy that's the only defect on that dish that's a solid four for Joseph pretty good job after a strong showing from Kristin Danny Danny Danny is up next with her halibut topped with apricot chutney just a tattoo sweet done a three out of five get back in line please sir last up Ashley let's go please as the last member of the red team Ashley must score a perfect five to tie the blue team describe to this place uh what I have for you is a pan-seared halibut with the sweet curry broth [Music] you know it's sweet and spicy but aromatics actually that's a five four five again good job brilliant really good job that's 22 to red 22 to the blue I'm gonna break the tie with the best dish overall so high school and the blue was Joe arrow and Ashley bring your dishes back please you got this brother Philly brethren Joey the City of Brotherly Love we come from the brotherly love is there oh boy you got this [Music] also so tough the dish of the day [Music] belongs to Ashley well done red team wins great job it's the best feeling there is waiting my entire life to hear him say those words I have thrown some twists and turns your way but today I am throwing in some loops and barrel rolls because all of you are going to be soaring through the air in an amazing stunt plane I'm very excited they don't let my people on stunt planes the experience is once-in-a-lifetime don't get changed because your ride is waiting Ashley well done yeah good job Blue team I am putting a unique Spanish twist on tomorrow night's service no Spanish night would be complete without an jug of tequila sangria thank you John so I want the ingredients prepared by hand all the apples peeled quarter diced and then those grapes as well not an easy task now piss off I might as well go beat my nuts against the door and see which punishment feels worse long to go up a limb clucking which stump wins while the blue team is grounded in Hell's Kitchen the victorious red team is about to take flight oh you can't smoke in here I could die at any second I don't want there to be any animosity Jackie and I look adorable I think Jackie and I have kind of buried the hatchet [Music] okay you got it new by forming a store build up some speed I didn't do anything for this give me a rule to the left on the count of three to one heart left Gallardo [Music] [Music] my stomach was in my throat my throat was in my ass I felt like I was gonna like cry if you can laugh all at the same time we were floating [Music] I really thought I first a teenager in that [ __ ] thing now how much I was clenching [Music] well the red team is having the thrill ride of their lives the blue team's punishment is the pits it's really blows I think Joe's getting out that a little bit of Rage that build-up from losing the competition yes these grapes are [ __ ] I just got splooge to the eyeball Chef Ramsay please just like don't do me like this hate creaks I hope someone out on the street asked me to peel them oh great maybe working with somebody in a bit got some grapes to do I'm gonna go burn the first vineyard I see the [ __ ] ground don't ever stop Marcus [ __ ] either after a day in which the Red Team sword and the blue team labored or so both teams are in the kitchen early to prep for dinner service how much cream are you putting in the beurre blanc I do about a cup and then you were just done it so a pint a half a pint I do a cup a pint or a half of thing I do it a cup where's the cup measure at all I do by eye a cup can't measure a couple of your eyes it's not my bowl that real can't measure out a cup with her eyes your girl your chef you should know what a cup sizes okay here's a recipe for a reason you are [ __ ] aggravating me right now Jackie when your best friend in this competition is starting to get annoyed with you then you know you have a serious problem so you need to make this [ __ ] beurre blanc right here you need to do this I'm not doing it by eye I follow recipes [Music] let's go aerial vocal leadership qualities yes yes yeah good our son yes chef cooking with confidence always chiming not getting backed up yes yes chef let's go guys let's go Jared yes sure attack service yes yeah sure stop boiling for the result oh good booyah teacher open Hell's Kitchen please let's go with us [Music] once again the restaurant is slowly books with anxious diners determined to experience everything Hell's Kitchen has to offer I'm pretty much sold in anything that says truffle in it one of each ticket time tonight in addition to the classic menu versa Chef Ramsay has added an octopus romesco special you want a nice connection s to it which will be served tableside by Kristen for the red team and Joe for the blue team here we go red team good luck I don't [ __ ] up 32 now I'm feeling very confident that I'm working the fish station I'm gonna [ __ ] rock it out just like I rock it out every day I'm not sweating it at all where's the [ __ ] Lobster come on hurry up second chef 15 seconds I'm sorry chef boss you look like you're melting into the lobster I guess it's a red team secret ingredient hey young man who's the chef you're switching it's lobster it's dripping I don't want a [ __ ] lobster covered in your sweat is it a bank diner or something please while Hassan sweats over a refire on his first appetizer the blue team starts on their first order of appetizers on order four covers table 22 what special tableside want carbonara two scallops yes chef a two minutes on those galaxies two minutes two minutes out why do we call back jog why do we call back shall we communicate so you know each other's time when I learned this system it was in French and when you're begging one more minute it was crucial we got one more minute you've got to talk yes oui what the hell is going on all this son Jared is speaking in French wait are they a really super hunk now so you lift them up there as well wait okay and that comes over there so you're there now wait there you go are you [ __ ] kidding me great I can sell the carbonara first we try to [ __ ] talk like that in Brooklyn you know what happened I would pick this [ __ ] thing up right I would pick this up and I would put over his [ __ ] head alright guys we're getting off to a great start keep it going we're not slowing down service please with Jared saying au revoir to the first order of the evening Hassan and Arielle okay are trying to bid adieu to their first appetizer perfect perfect always a sign of a great leader supporting the weakest then get them to the very top seriously these [ __ ] need to borrow my sweat and drink it'll make you a [ __ ] better line cook lobster tail chef [Music] delicious the risotto Oh got off to a good start keep it up now okay don't start sitting back yes if I want to impress Chef Ramsay I just have to be a [ __ ] beast I'm always a [ __ ] beast that was born to be either a and I will be a beast from here on out Arielle has her team off to a fierce start impressing not only Chef Ramsay buddy service please but the customers as well meanwhile Joe is struggling just to find his diners he's going wrong table Joe Doug what's going on three point three thirty day 23 yeah what do you need I've seen you know where the [ __ ] it is what's he doing there what's that [ __ ] fat little donkey doing out there hey I'll show you what's your language regardless of what's going on in my head or in the kitchen I'm a people person I'm always good with the people are you doing today hurry I could always turn on the charm romesco sauce tato sure yeah move your ass here you go enjoy Joe get your fast in here now my mom never yelled at me this much are you c'mere you yes yeah what's all this on here it's a brand new jacket it'd be like a sack of [ __ ] in a hot day you are dirty you're slow get the [ __ ] out of here get out get choice oh yeah I don't have another clean shot [ __ ] telling why I don't care find one you have to chop two New York Strip what do you need we need [ __ ] cut corn I would never figure talking back to Chef Ramsay [ __ ] it was like don't bro what the [ __ ] you want me to do about you want me to feed these tables or is this a [ __ ] fashion show while Joe gets on another chef jacket the red team is suiting up for entrees all right Donnie Jackie yes over to you now okay entre fini old trip to Wellington yes six minutes in a window all right red team we got this there's no room for error let's go where you at Jackie how long you need Jackie two strips two Wellington ya get ya walking with garnish how long done it I got strip right here for you son come on Donnie right now sub right behind Red Team yeah all of you come here York Strip Hey right yes visually what does that look like well done well done I'm not sending it I want you to semi miss nothing [ __ ] white Jackie you just completely screwed me I held on to my stake a little longer because garnish wasn't ready fire two more come on let's go fat pick it up pick it up well Danny refires her New York Strip back in the blue kitchen Frank on fish and Chad on meat are trying to push out entrees throughout the top two New York Strip how long we're going in three minutes cause we're out there West's heard that you're getting your garnish on now are you serious now let me get my Pam work Eddie's got no garnish in the [ __ ] pan garnish are you ready give me another 20 seconds hey the garnish gonna be a little late so just bear with it and we get it out hey young man I'm time - ah - charging York Strip how about I had an idea to wear all day Eddie are you ready 20 second telling so they're gonna be overcooked hey blue team overcooked char look at that [ __ ] bit of leather refire two arctic char two more New York Strip and that's quickly yes yep get your [ __ ] potato on yes up with Eddie's time management issues taking Frank back to square one over in the red kitchen Danny is trying to perfect her New York Strip always the window jinyo trip to Wellington yes do you need help if anybody's not busy coming out me what are you ladies please somebody help her right now she's overwhelmed overwhelmed we don't need your ego bro you just need to step aside and let someone come help you that's it three minutes it'll wind up with two strips let's do Wallington what two chefs and Wellington we strip new Wellington it's coming I need minutes minutes how many minutes that's not the kind of communication that we need in the [ __ ] kitchen go help her own garnish hurt what do you mean to strip to Wellington New York the fries are gone this is two orders cracks oh yes walking off right now I'm just getting my sauce together come on the shrimp [ __ ] out hey red team two New York Strip I got what our portion of fries Thai chef look at the way we're finishing half the garnishes listing there's no [ __ ] momentum sobbing cries sobbing cries with Jackie's garnish stalling the red team over in the blue kitchen Barna snowin Frank is ready with his refire of his arctic char please let him like it Blue team redemption to cover table 23 bar to chicken CSI Miami actor I don't [ __ ] this up yes chef because I'm really waiting for that I've worked in Michelin star restaurant so now the guys are looking at me is that as the go-to guy in the kitchen I'm gonna help lead us to victory slicing chicken barn just walk it right now [Music] chicken in the puss all of you come in what's wrong with that little under coach F you [ __ ] worked at a three-star Michelin restaurant cooked chicken right oh you take a seat [ __ ] get in there yeah get in there yeah I have some more bread starts out no room for the chicken get [ __ ] in there CSI stands for crime-scene investigator not your chicken sucks idiot three one three roll chicken nobody said nobody wants to eat raw chicken [Music] nobody chef so why are you making them to do it get a grip if you need one more [ __ ] minute I said [ __ ] one more minute I need one minute look at me shouts at me anymore woman I need one more minute no Duncan I need one more minute on the check I need one more minute on the chest go go near you I need one more minute on the chicken man I'm honestly surprised of Chef Ramsay didn't put a boot up his ass walking to the pass walking to the pass yeah let's go with chat now delivering unacceptable chicken that looks good both teams are pushing out the last of their entrees can we finish on a high can we get something together behind you hot behind you hot come to the pass step on your lap service please - buin dessert the rest you've cleared down [Music] both kitchens got off to the best start so far this competition phenomenal and then both kitchens nosedived and both kitchens lost tonight but there are two chefs one from each kitchen who did have a bloody good service area vocal assertive and in control from start to finish thank you Thank You Jared great confident strong performance thank you I want you both to get back to the dorms and have one-on-ones with each of your team mates and then decide which two chefs deserve to be nominated get out of here yes what [ __ ] I got all the power I call your name and you're on the patio you're a mid-year you're going up for elimination the way I look at this decision is if I was head chef at BLT Steak who had trust more on my line what happened tonight I mean garnish went down hard what may was just lack of communication I might have slacked on a few of the garnishes but I thought everything was pretty solid my biggest concern with you is that you've been struggling thus far know what dude go [ __ ] yourself Jared's making this personal because he's afraid of the competition don't put me up there that's petty and you know it I feel I've been getting better all right thanks I bet you know that I love you but I'm putting up for elimination why because just like when I heard hostage someone help Jackie she's overwhelmed and you said I'm not overwhelmed I'm a little bit it's not necessary you needed help you needed help all night we don't have room for your ego in the [ __ ] kitchen because that's how you do it it you're you shift your attention I'm not gonna cut your butter I don't want to have that kind of conversation you need to change your attitude you need to be held accountable for it every girl wants a little puppy dog just do what she says well that's not me [ __ ] I'm a bulldog I'm gonna [ __ ] Ram you right with my [ __ ] head tell me about tonight overall I think I [ __ ] did great that's it that's my opinion okay making a hard decision you want to sign up next person this is ridiculous Jared got hit with a little responsibility and now you know he's just acting like the [ __ ] golf father read you case no no I need to step it up during service a little bit more you've worked for me long enough now to know what I bring to the table okay you [ __ ] serious get a little dirty and I get a little frantic but not a reason to go home you're enjoying this a little too much - so what happened tonight all right well the mistake obviously was chicken goes out and it needed 30 more seconds in the pan dude you [ __ ] put up pink chicken but they bounce back you know that's where I stand all right this is hard oh this is hard Kristen I really like you even though we don't get along but I'm putting you a jockey out for elimination you went over to like help her with the French fries and that didn't it came out an order in half that was the french fries Jackie it dropped I literally just dropped them to me I'll come over there to help you got a double check you got a look I think as a leader it's a terrible decision Arielle is the last person that should be having any power in this house if you think I did something wrong like bring it to my attention you got power and you're making a bad decision based on how you personally feel I personally don't feel any type of way about anybody in this [ __ ] what are you talking about all you do is run around here with a [ __ ] crown on your head well thanks for noticing sweetheart I'm a strong black woman there's always a crown on my [ __ ] head don't do anything to take this [ __ ] team down not gonna change my mind [ __ ] ridiculous I think you're [ __ ] out of control [Music] after a dinner service where both teams lost Chef Ramsay singled out Arielle and Jared for their strong performances and instructed them to each nominate two members of their team for elimination Aaron red team's first nominee and why please chef my first nominee is Jacqui she has a bit of an ego and an attitude in the kitchen and there's no room for that during service second nominee and why my second nominee tonight is Kristen chef Kristen yeah chef Kristen when she came back into the kitchen to help there was a problem with the amount of french fries that went up and there was an excuse about that okay Jared's blue team's first nominee and why first nomination chef is Eddie and he failed on garnish today in high-pressure situations he seems to crumble second nominee and why second nomination is jo-jo he's a sloppy mess and he doesn't know what's going on in the kitchen it's recipe for disaster chef Jackie Kristen Joe and Eddie step forward please [Music] Eddie why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I have yet to show you everything I got you know there's three methods you could do lead follow or get the hell out of the way I haven't gotten out of the way now obviously I have to stand up and lead Joe why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I have much more to prove here chef not just to you or my team but to myself to see if I am as good as I think I am Jackie are you taking this competition serious yes I am chef I'm a natural leader I have a strong voice I have confidence I stay focused that's why I believe I should stay Kristen yes chef Bucky lie Thank You chef this is hot sure back in line yeah sure the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is [Music] Eddie take off your jacket your time is done young man six services in I can't wait any longer not a problem chef thank you very much I [Music] was here for a reason and that reason was the wind I guess I tried to must be a team player and help too many people besides myself just watch what happens to that blue team they're gonna crumble like guarantee you I remember that red team is the one who takes everything home story of my life nice guys finish last I was so encouraged by the start of service and I seriously thought that we were on a roll get out of there Aereo you [ __ ] up tonight with everybody's side stuff room they gave you the reigns and you made the worst decision good job it's starting to [ __ ] hairy out there man it's a dog-eat-dog kitchen the expectations are higher now than ever so I got to step up my game Ariel you did teach me a good lesson what doesn't kill us makes us stronger I'm falling back stronger and stronger Eddie couldn't lead and he certainly couldn't follow and so there was time to get the [ __ ] out the way next time Hell's Kitchen host an exclusive wedding reception and the pressure to impress it needs to be perfect if just much could it create a monster you want to speak to me you say right you've heard of bridezilla ready first comes love looks like the Bisons penis then comes marriage that's how you communicate then comes baby baby baby baby [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 394,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: kUCs-aCWJG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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