Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 15, Episode 7 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen the chefs were tested not only on their ability to spell their ingredients they've got no ass on beans well let's just do beef but more importantly how creative they could be with them what are you making newest blue team member manda2010 our team but it was Joe who had the team's high score a suffice for the red team the shining stars were Ariel that's five for five good jump and Ashley Ashley that's a five for five ago java-- and with both teams accumulating the exact same total points Chef Ramsay gave the wind to the team with the best dish which belonged to Ashley well done red team wins great job at dinner service Jackie was overwhelmed on garnish mellow out and Hobson was feeling the heat on fish switches and lobster but one ship had a breakout performance and helped the red team finish service always a sign of a great leader supporting the weakest then get them to the very top that was boring a beat in the blue kitchen young man I'm time Eddie dragged on garnish all night garnish are you ready and Joe was disappointing in the dining room Joe Murr Joe ah my mom never yells pay this much but with Jarrod's leadership guys pull it together all right we're working together she completed all of the tickets service place with both teams struggling all night Chef Ramsay decided there would be no winning team but he did single out Aaron in control from start to finish and turn your best performance so far giving them each the power to choose two nominees what if I got all the power while Jared used his new status to get his team in line to each a case this is ridiculous he's just acting like who's the [ __ ] Gaul father you're enjoying this a little too much Ariel already had her mind made up I'm putting up for elimination got power and you're making a bad decision Ariel nominated Jacky and Kristen chef Jared nominated Eddie and Joe in the end it was Eddie who saw his dream of becoming the head chef at BLT Steak at Bally's Las Vegas go up in flames and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen get out of here and good night no Jeff Hot Diggity Dog I almost had a heart attack thank God I'm still here I mean if I could get voted it again Sharon's gonna eliminate me I thought me and you were going out I really did [Music] after another long and stressful day the chefs unwind with a few drinks on the patio down [ __ ] down I know that I'm gonna have the worst hangover in the world but I'd like to be loud I'd like to be active I like to have fun oh oh I might have really Bruce broke my ankle ma'am I bet hurts I'm a little bit worried about my foot I think my legs getting a little swollen here can you retract your foot back now push on my hand it hurts I can do it but hurt my guess is you pulled the tendons or ligaments go around the side of the muscle here the trick obviously stay off of it for six weeks this is not good I'm just gonna rest in and go to sleep so I'm ready to get into the kitchen tomorrow leaving this competition is not an option [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] good morning morning Jeff let's go all right I love weddings they're so much fun I hope it's a fabulous gay wedding like Neil Patrick Harris even though he's been married who cares rarely do I close Hell's Kitchen for a private wedding reception but tomorrow night this lovely bride and her new husband will be having their unique wedding reception here and let me tell you all it needs to be perfect because the bride is very special to me it's someone you might recognize ladies and gentlemen mr. and mrs. Bryce and Andy cuts Peck husband Bryce is a really good-looking guy good to see you buzzer relations you know chef andis been the sous chef here in Hell's Kitchen for over the last six years so this is a big event for me now I thought I'd give you all the honor to contribute to this unique menu tomorrow night and that is your next challenge each team must come up with six dishes to stunning seafood appetizers two phenomenal chicken entrees and two extraordinary beef entrees the bride and groom of course will be judging your dishes and their what's the kind of things that you're looking for I really want the dishes to be elevated that is you know my friends and family that are gonna be here first what about you I definitely want bigger portions nothing too dainty I'm big guy I've got a big family you know we like to eat so make it elegant but plentiful one last thing I don't normally do this but because this is so important I'm gonna tell you what the reward is before we begin cooking the winning team today will enjoy an incredible high-rollers day and night in Las Vegas Oh you've all got 45 minutes to come up with six stunning dishes bitching there's five of you in there six dishes work it out and your time starts now let's go in today's wedding reception menu challenge the teams must prepare two seafood appetizers two chicken entrees and two beef entrees who's doing what the winning dishes will be featured on tomorrow night's wedding reception menu do some prawns like a champagne I'm doing a off pan-fried chicken breast I'm doing a roasted chicken and then I don't really know I got a beautiful chicken friend chase we need one more chicken you want more chicken Joey can you do one more chicken what about a stuffed chicken with a little mozzarella and spinach and it's a big responsibility I'm making through dishes because there's only five of us so there's a lot of pressure right off the bat I want to take beef a Flay is fine you're gonna do filet I'll do the rib eye with a pork pomegranate gastrique I'm gonna do a veal chop I have no idea guys I need help right now like a holy [ __ ] like what am I gonna do what am I gonna do what am I gonna do I don't even know do ribeye okay what do you want to do with yours sorry I'm sorry sorry we could always do like like a little surf and turf to you can do a surf and turf absolutely oh my god I don't have time for this they're gonna be too close to the veal chop no oh man that doesn't have much experience and I don't trust that so I'm also making Steak Diane all right guys how we doing how are we looking looking pretty not bad pretty nothing just over 15 minutes together speed up guys you guys think I should leave my chicken hole since I'm roasting at home right like don't me a rose a whole chicken I like a whole leg Jackie yes don't really want to negotiate abode with chicken leg at a wedding reception yes chef life light quarters the best part of chicken got hard but whatever I got it I mean I could cook a chicken breast one unsub guys well done why is there seven plates up there I have two beef what is this Amanda yes how many dishes are in front there are seven dishes yes unbelievable what the [ __ ] is there seven up there for where's the extra dish coming from Frank you did chicken and beef yeah Amanda told us who's doing beef this is not good well if we got we got three beef chef and that's the best you can do for her can you just get your [ __ ] together this is embarrassing everybody knew I was doing this Roubaix let's do some math I just want to beef dishes come on we're keeping the Steak Diane and we'll keep that one right there that's it done I don't know Frank has a problem with me or females in general but what am i [ __ ] chopped liver let's begin with the hot seafood appetizers bring them up please Bryce and chef Andy will select one of the four appetizers to feature on their wedding reception menu thank you first up arrow let's start with your secret appetizer I did a grilled piece of squid stuffed with lobster claw Andy what do you think visually it's really opaque looking slightly phallic in terms of looks like the Bisons penis yeah anyone say that not the most attractive it's an aphrodisiac you didn't cook the squid enough still raw it's very chewy yeah Russ just kind of off-putting visually that's not good stuff next up is Kristen's shrimp tempura with leek puree how was that like really good it's really nice and light thanks chef the shrimp's cooked beautifully thank you good job for the blue team Chad hopes to impress with his handmade pasta and prawns how's that and the pastas cooked perfectly plentiful that was great dish very good last stop is Joe with his seafood chowder really nice flavors I love chowder so it came together very well thank you tough one it's really tough really like Kristen's because it's nice and light but I know that our families might go for something a little heavier what are you doing I think Chad how you put in the time to do the pasta yourself I think I'll deal with that thank you guys congratulations blue team good stop putting that first dish felt so good nice very nice right let's start off next with the beef entrees bring them for please let's go come on blue awesome describe the dish please what I have for you guys today is a porcini crusted ribeye a Yukon Gold puree with a little caviar on top there I think visually is a little bit lacking it yeah the caviar on the potatoes is a bit weird to me okay it's now up to Danny's filet with romesco to try to WoW the happy couple I think you did a great job the steak itself is great hmm yeah elegance now it's Jarrod's time to shine with this asian-inspired veal chop there's a bit disappointing when I tasted it needs a lot more salt and pepper okay definitely missing seasoning okay with Jared's dish coming up short it's now time for Frank's Steak Diane the dish that pushed Manda's dish to the sidelines I mean I think there's too much sauce going on looks like a marine boot stepped all over it we are all agreeing that the one standout dish is Danis well done Thank You chef I was trusting that Frank knew his dish was on point but I'm just disappointed that I didn't do what I need to do to get my team to listen to me it comes down to the chickens let's go with the score tied heading into the last round the chef whose chicken dish is selected will win the challenge and the Las Vegas reward for their team thank you checking first up is Jackie's pan-seared chicken breast with balsamic reduction I was like 1980s all the circles almost looks like you try to do a dessert in a way that Souls it's like cement sticks to your teeth that's taking on the running thank you looking to redeem himself after his unimpressive Steak Diane Frank presents his second dish in this challenge a chicken Francaise there's no flavor at all really there's no flavor yeah I agree there's not much going on Frank two dishes with Jackie and Frank's dishes out of the running it's now up to Joe or Ashley to win it for their team actually we describe the dish please what I have for you is a lightly pan-fried chicken breast on top of a roasted purple cauliflower house it's nice even though it looks like a hearty dish it's not really heavy I agree you know tastes refreshing thank you for the blue team Joe is presenting a stuffed chicken breast over pancetta Brussels sprouts I can hear the wedding bells chime and as they're tasting that chicken man mm-hmm-hmm I thought was very good very well-seasoned looks great I loved it how was that for you it was good is it Ashley's chicken dish or is it Joe's taking their team to Vegas [Music] we're gonna go with Joe's chicken dish Wow good job Joe Thank You chef thank you she challenged win man this was the second time it was down to me and Ashley I feel [ __ ] awesome please give up for our bride and groom you thank you today thank you very much Blue team all of you are going for a ride of your lives as you zipline through the skies of Las Vegas nearly 500 feet above the ground how many I don't do Heights very well at all if I were meant to be that high up in the air I'd be tired in five six once you calm down from those giddy heights you'll head to Caesar's Palace where you'll check in to your Presidential Suite your limos are waiting watch I'm glad we won but I'm pissed the [ __ ] off you just saw the first two I was kind of like pushed out and want my attention you say my name you want attention you say crap that's how you communicate you want to speak to me you say Frank Frank you got into that habit because I want somebody's attention you say their name [Music] hey [ __ ] crazy lady I can't I mean I'm I'm not only that but I won't I'm getting putting this position right here because I made a [ __ ] decision [Music] Red Team you will be here assisting the celebrity wedding advisor with all the finishing touches for the wedding reception once you've finished all that I want you to make the most difficult to pull off macaroons I think you've got over two days work and only a day to do it it would be really nice to be in Vegas right now but I don't really wanna go to Vegas with these people anyway these rewards are getting bigger and bigger since day one I'm so excited never done ziplining before ever super super stoked to get up there I've got a hand friend of my thighs she's digging her nails into my leg I don't like this at all just look at your feet Joe you know oh man I don't like this at all that's just annoying you want to get off I want off this thing right now [Music] I can't believe I almost chicken down I'm shaking like a leaf but I'm glad I don't let my fear stop me from that awesome experience while the blue team is enjoying the Las Vegas high life back at Hell's Kitchen alright you guys let's get started we'd have no time to waste here thank you celebrity wedding planner Kristin Banta has the chefs hard at work preparing for sous chef andis reception all right you guys make sure that they're polished she's like an angel wrapped in an angel stuffed in an angel served on top of a bed of angel feathers how's it looking over there every time I set one down I'm just more excited to grab another one mister I just love that attitude I would be her pool boy I would date her I would polish every piece of silver for every function she ever had I would do anything she needed such a creep all right you ladies can go up to end Hassan to the dorm for lunch I heard my for the night before but it wasn't that bad for like right now it's killing me [ __ ] oh god that's gross and get it x-rayed today I mean what can you do for a broken foot they're just gonna put her in a cast right you know if that happens you're out if I have to get surgery that's it but my foot hurts so bad I just want to know what's going on oh my god let's go let me go to Urgent Care find out what's going on so I can come back and continue with the competition so dramatic while Ariel departs Hell's Kitchen in pain back in Vegas the blue team arrives at their Presidential Suite pain-free [Applause] marble floors marble walls this is out of control unbelievable I am a single mom of three that's on food stamps this would never happen to me no one's ever made a big deal over me like that in my life it was nice to be spoiled a little bit while the blue team celebrates in the lap of luxury back in Hell's Kitchen where are we at what number are we out the red team is busy preparing a mountain of macaroons 40 [ __ ] 3o we only need 100 though right now we need 200 oh [ __ ] me what up guys why are you carrying crutches an eye on them because I don't [ __ ] need crutches man what did the doctor say I broke my last minute the phone matter our [ __ ] door your crutches and go upstairs yes I'm really concerned whether I like Ariel or not she's a strong cook on our team but with a broken foot tomorrow Ariel's gonna be a big handicap so we still need one more of these after an exhausting night of punishment the chef's get into the kitchen early to prepare for sous chef Andi and her husband Bryce's wedding reception yeah meanwhile the blue team has returned this morning from Vegas let me know when you're ready and we'll be in sync with each education but one chef is having some pre-dinner jitters I'm nervous nervous yeah I'm nervous know how to do this man this isn't just a dinner service this is chef andis wedding Chef Ramsay's right-hand person this is a big deal tonight lineup yes chef what's that your foot young lady this is a constrictor boot what happened I broke my fifth metatarsal but I'm good are you in pain please be careful yes yeah good evening yes tonight is a very important night for me and I want Andy and Bryce's wedding night to be flawless got it let's go all right let's grab some pots okay Maria yes chef are you ready for a very very important night yes sir let's go [Music] tonight Chef Ramsay is hosting a wedding reception for chef Andi his sous chef of six years and her husband Bryce the menu will include the winning dishes from yesterday's tasting challenge on the prawns the appetizers and entrees for the head table will be shared by the two kitchens and of course everything must go out at the same time ladies and gentlemen please welcome the bride and the groom mr. rice and Endicott speck [Music] she looked absolutely stunning and Bryce tell by look at his face he knew how lucky he is she's beautiful she's just absolutely gorgeous I mean miss Kristen she's so gorgeous [Music] okay off we go just comes to zalta to throw on fire yes yes how long Jackie six minutes six minutes let's go what's the problem Ashley the garlic is burnt she needs to start over really you're gonna tell chef Kristina what the [ __ ] Ashley did you really just move along move along Walter one zone up Bert behind chef hot hey hey you two come in come on Jackie that means now she's first Table two is I got one and a half portions chef we got it push up I don't want Jackie to ruin this for all of us again not for naught guys huh not tonight while there is unhappiness in the red kitchen due to Jackie subpar risotto in the dining room they're so happy both of them the unknowing guests are still enjoying the reception meanwhile in the blue kitchen blue here we go six top choose doctor - pour - Scott we need to stay ahead on this first push yeah two scallops two prawn two risotto Joe what do you need I need for I need for chef Andi it's been a crucial part of the Hell's Kitchen family for half six years so the pressures off where's the scallops where's the risotto first two risotto on to our new a know hey [ __ ] with how many times I'll show you everyone go all right yes sir result to where although risottos 32nd outweigh everything else out there walking hot sizzle hey it's no [ __ ] hugs first doctor steps are [Music] they're overcooked oh right income it yes chef just touch them they don't bite the so overcook is [ __ ] insane you can't do that to me yes sir alright that's all about the bounce-back I'm definitely disappointing myself let's go let's go you know but you have to bounce back you got to keep going alright says them both right here all right bro one minutes go yeah one minute one minute hurt hurt hurt Frank walk these cows please got Joe and Chad rebounding from their mistakes come on let's go both the blue team and the red team service please are now pushing out appetizers to the dining room the shrimp is excellent really really good uh no six double table ten twos up the too prone to scallops and right now the pressure is on Danny to deliver on the fish station yeah you letting up Donny yes yeah are you using a nonstick pan no I'm not using massive fin I went the role of the chef I didn't want to stay here do nothing chef as a nonstick pan by the side of you Dan though right in front of her face if they're any closer they burn her [ __ ] nose oh yeah coming daddy yeah sure this reason why I spend thousands of dollars on non-stick pans Oh [ __ ] hey everybody come here they're [ __ ] they're stuck to the pan like [ __ ] to a blanket we're late we're slow and look what I've got to serve they look violated those Scouts they should call nine-one-one on her hey Danny look at me seriously I am seriously I'm done there's a reason why we put these in a non-stick pan does anyone know why Danny doesn't know how to ask for help she ruined like a [ __ ] ton of scallops oh yes top table yes Joe with a little help from Chef Ramsay the blue team and the red team's appetizers go out to the head table Scouts wine Scouts fine and with both teams finding their rhythm chef two risotto the last of the appetizers are sent out often come here Jared come here terrible start five minutes fire the top tables entrees away one chicken three beef bread team away now blue team three chicken one beef go yes chef five minutes top table right behind you I'm firing the head table right now what do you say three it's three beef one chicken for the head table needs to be on five minutes okay that's our VIP table let's make sure that's tight reaching one big fellow behind behind I'm going five minutes out let's go yeah I know you know with everyone wanting to deliver for Chef Ramsay's right hand for six years chef Andi and her husband Bryce the spotlight now shifts to Jared who is working on entrees over in the red kitchen the spotlight is on Hassan how long do you need I got three minutes okay I can do three minutes per day thank you who is trying to make sure all the entrees go out at the same time Hassan is running around with like a chicken with his head cut off rather than like cooking the [ __ ] chicken yeah I got the chickens I'm basting them right now and we got some more in the oven as Hassan is determined to get his dish done in a timely manner over in the blue kitchen Jared one minute one minute I'm the chicken her is just about ready with his chef Andi and Bryce's table that's my number-one concern right now I'm praying to anyone that [ __ ] listen please let this first chicken be good please let this first chicken be good dear lord help me pink chicken all of you all of you all of you this is not hot for me I'm going home I'm done this is somebody's [ __ ] wedding game they're going to remember it my Rajic and for the rest of their lives you get one cooked I baste it you time it that's the one job that you need to nail that's job you can't give me the top table raw [ __ ] chicken yes chef while Jared refires his chicken over on the red side one second gone to the pad Hassan is hoping to complete the red side of the VIP tickets for cash stuff chickens roared the chickens raw come here you yes chef please start basing these I all of you honestly I swear to God one more mistake and I'm gonna kick you all out there both the chicken in there both on the side and then one undercooked they just need to regroup I can't get their heads together we hope so well the wedding planner tries to keep things moving over in the blue kitchen [ __ ] the times I need to make sure this chicken is done jared is being patient and cautious to ensure he won't make the same mistake twice guys I'm good to go on chicken I am not letting that [ __ ] happen again chicken right here stop nugget Josh with Jared's refire chicken passing the test Chef Ramsay has decided to serve half of the head table with the blue team's entrees and he's hoping the red team's will soon follow can we get it together yes toss it this way here takes up give her a decent car you go for rationing the dinner seriously you think the mother of the bride could get some food while Andy's mom snacks on a piece of someone else's entree the red team is hoping Hassan can finish off the head tables entrees listen [ __ ] with your [ __ ] cast there's nothing I can do I'm getting [ __ ] on chicken right now somebody [ __ ] throw me a bone chicken sauce set the pass chicken right here chef coming to the nails a conversation look yes chef [Music] chickens roll come in passing why can you not [ __ ] produce you're [ __ ] kidding me what is happening what happened the red team they're not in there anymore they're gone you cannot be serious sure who cooked the chicken I did chef what is going on I have another one backed up for the head table I can just need to flash it for a moment you know guys [ __ ] me [ __ ] you now put all the chicken in lemon is that one chicken dies coats there's a [ __ ] hurricane brewing in the kitchen and nobody can [ __ ] see me in the eye of the [ __ ] shitstorm where's the other chicken can someone tear off more chicken so I can face them right that clutter I took charge it just had to happen like I don't know what was going on in Hassan's head like you can't put out [ __ ] nine orders of chicken chicken chicken is coming right now Sebastian well Ariel takes charge of the chicken so this place the blue team is looking to chat on fish and Jared on meat shut this the hot pan to get their final entrees out to the dining room come here you I don't mind pink but I'm gonna stop it raw hey hey you're cooking the easiest entree yes how is that possible [ __ ] disgust me one minute Chad you've worked in Michelin rated restaurants what's so hard here cook your [ __ ] fish make sure it's [ __ ] coke to make sure the skin is crispy walk into the past [Music] with Chad delivering on his second attempt at the salmon pull it together right now three minutes to the past last table both teams are now closing in on completing all the tickets double 7's choppy chicken let's go come down throwing up right now we're all garnish send that one please finally got some Andres good I'm pleased [Applause] this was a wedding reception for a very loyal friend and you know what I couldn't even look Andy in the eyes I was that [ __ ] embarrassed there cannot be a winning team tonight both teams come up with two people that you'd be stronger with outs now piss off all of you yes chef [Music] this should have been a seamless dinner service tonight I missed an assay put out my vote is Danny in house for its protein miscommunication and fuck-ups I agree first of all as far as what the team can do burn out I thought that's [ __ ] to me this is the second time I'm fish with the Scalia green are they serious please I will never go home I will not go home tonight I'm not going home tomorrow I'm not go home next week my nominations will be for you house house you've been struggling here you haven't had a straight service I understand that I had a bad dinner service but I'm here on the team making the team better if I go home you guys are gonna be [ __ ] my vote is Danny and Hoss I say Danny on Hoss to everything she said I just said that was really quick huh I'm not going home tonight that's all I have to say they might want to start Chad obviously I'm gonna say you obviously you [ __ ] up one or two things I'm fish tonight hell yeah you know you you're your meat station you had to refire so I refire I had to perfect char ready to go and then now refire the ticket and it's just like a slippery slope I messed up I'll take the hit on that but Jarrod had the raw chicken he's the weakest cook tonight my nominees tonight are Jared Joe I seem to be the default answer for some reason the problem was apps weren't ready right I have something to say Joe made a hell of an effort tonight yeah yeah dishes come back but you're at raw chicken you know I really don't feel I deserve to to be up there tonight I finished strong and it will be a cold day in hell if I go for elimination [Music] [Music] ouch Kristen chef red team's first nominee and why parson for his lack of control with the chicken dish tonight second nominee second nominee is Danny chef we just had too many scallops going down Joe yes chef blue team's first nominee and why Chad because of his troubles on the fish station tonight blue team's second nominee and why our second nominee is our second nominee is uh Jared sending up raw chicken to the bride and groom's table was unacceptable for except for Danny hustling chat Jeff hustle why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen chef this competition means everything to me I mean I had a rough night but I don't think that the red team would be better without me and I thoroughly believe I'm a better chef than Danny he's dreaming if he thinks he's better than me I felt like I'm better than anyone else on my team chef I've been completely selfless in this competition if anything I've been doing what I can to make sure that every single team member gets across the line so if I need to step up I will step up chef I won't step aside chat why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I bring a level of professionalism organization and a skill set to the kitchen that I don't think would be there without me professionalism skill set you need to cook as well Yesha going forward now definitely didn't focus more on just the basics Josh chef I'm a strong cook I'm a strong leader I take this more serious than anyone else in this whole competition chef it's a tough one tonight my decision is awesome give me your jacket yes time is done tonight was your worst performance in this competition it's been nothing but a pleasure chef I really genuinely appreciate it [Music] that was the best person on the red team and I'm a team player and I'm a hard worker the future for the red team right now they're gonna fall apart again they're gonna hate each other they're gonna scream at each other and you know what I hope they do I don't really care I'm cheering for the blue team now tonight may have been the roughest service we've had you need to fight back with some [ __ ] passion but it better happen quickly but get lost the red team wants to get rid of me because I'm a threat but I'm not going anywhere and they know it too Danny is crazy if she thinks she's the best chef here the way that she's [ __ ] up scallops tonight she just proved that when dead wrong I'm meant to run BLT Steak in Vegas chef I know you believe in me and I know you see it in me I'm your guy I thought a move on the red team would give her son a chance to shine unfortunately they're only showing the light on his shortcomings [Music] next time on Hell's Kitchen things are about to heat up I can't watch this and we don't mean in the kitchen when one chef tries to use her powers of seduction to win over her teammates final and money we just felt like this it's not something I'm ashamed of will it backfire she's a sorry human being a perfect example why I can't stand working with women and get motivated right now Amanda she's pathetic and turn one of them against her no you really don't deserve to be here will it all ends with a walk of shame I think you should tell your apron off and go home find out next time Oh trying really hard to be but you struck on a heartbreaking episode I can't win right now top house kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 431,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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